OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, March 23, 1916, LAST EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1916-03-23/ed-1/seq-11/

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lines out what she would stand for:
Take your pick of 19th ward can
didates. Jimmy Bowler, Democrat,
says he's going to be elected again,
his record is good and the working
class of the 19th ward should vote
for him because he's their man.
Bowler can be seen almost any day
in the aldermanic lobbies of the City
Hall assigning the jobs of public util
ities. He takes care 6f hundreds of
workers every week in this way.
Or voters can ballot for Ellen Gates
Starr, Socialist candidate in the 19th
Wte. J0L jjv
ward. She says she won't be elected,
though if the working class was wise
it would vote her into office as a
woman who knows what the work
ing class of the 19th ward wants.
There are two sides to Miss Starr.
She's an aristocrat with lots of
money and New England blue blood,
if you like that in your candidate.
Or she's a democrat and has been ar
rested by Chicago police more than
once the past two years on charges
of "disorderly conduct" and "resist
ing an officer." This happened on
labor strike picket lines.
Miss Starr lives at Hull House. She
helped Jane Addams start the place
0 years ago, This, is the way she 1
"I am asked to say what my policy ,
would be were I a aiember of the city r
council. Simply a Socialist policy.
Any Socialist is bound to vote as
Kennedy and Rodriguez have voted
in every instance. A Socialist may
be more or less brilliant, more or less .
a leader, more or less constructive; -it
is 'up to' each ward to nominate
the best candidate it can find. But
on none of the questions on which,
our two admirable council members ,
have led their splendid fights could .
there conceivably have been any dif- .
ference of opinion among Socialists,
These are the principal points:
"Not ratifying appointments with-,
out knowledge of fitness of ap
pointes. "Not allowing men with no train
ing to take the places of street car ,
men for the purpose of breaking the
"Protection of clothing strikers
against brutality of police and slug
ging 'guards.'
"Rights of teachers, as of all oth
ers, to organize.
"Prevention of sale of city's rights
in automatic telephone without city's
consent, thus delivering the city over
to the extortion of one private com
pany. "Against illegal sub-basement of
Mandel Bros.
"For fenders on auto trucks, td
save lives of children.
"Prevention of innocent persona
and those charged with minor of
fenses being thrown into jail and put;
under extortionate bonds.
"Attack upon graft In the adminis-'
"On none of these points could
there be any possible difference of
opinion among Socialists. Every So
cialist alderman in the council means
another vote on the side of the pea-,
pie's interests. Every organized reg
ister of protest against corrupt poli

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