El Paso, April 11. U. S. cavalry
reported today to have crossed into
Durango state after Villa. Far in ad
vance of them, Villa is said to have
reached Tepehuanez, on the state
road to Durango City: -
Arrivals from Chihuahua City to
day brought new version of Villa's
injury at Guerrero, March 30. They
said Adreas Rehaza, Mexican, shot
Villa through the leg after Rehaza's
daughter had been outraged. Villa's
men caught Rehaza, and Villa per
sonally, while still suffering acutely
from the wound, killed Rehaza.
Chihuahua passengers also added
Leon Bari, French merchant of Guer
rero ; four Arab peddlers and a num
ber of Mexicans to three Americans
and two other foreigners reported
killed by Villa's men at Minaca.
Americans killed were again said to
be Dr. A. T. Stell, Frank Woods, Her
man Blankenburg and Donald Mac
Gregor. How Carranzistas in Durango City
will treat Villa was question upper
most in minds of El Paso officials to
day. Portion of Durango garrison
under Arrieta brothers reported to
have declared itself against Ameri
can invasion of Mexico. This is un
confirmed. Other reports that Arrie
tas are Villa's personal enemies and
are entrenched at Durango City.
Villa's Men a Day Ahead of U. S.
Washington, April 11. Duplication
of Dodd's dash which routed Villa's
band at Guerrero will be necessary if
bandit chief is to be overtaken by
American pursuers, army men said
today. All reports agree that Villa's
men are a day at least ahead of Gen.
Pershing's riders.
Dispatch of Twenty-fourth (col
ored) regiment to Columbus has
solved in part question of protecting
tortuous auto trail to Chihuahua.
Sen. Fall's report that Villa is not
wounded found no credence in war
department for Pershing had report
ed again that Villa is injured in. knee.
Washington, April 11. 30,000
troops are now engaged in Mexican
service, leaving only 2,000 stationed
throughout remainder of country.
About 12,000 troops are in Mexico.
Largest part of this force is guard
ing Gen. Pershing's line of communi
cation. About 18,500 are on border
patrol. 2,000 are scattered in little
groups at Spokane, Vancouver bar
racks, San Diego, Alaska, Kansas,
lake district and northeast
War department has referred to
white house inquiries as to advisabil
ity of drawing from state militia any
additional forces that may be need
ed to maintain Doraer patrol. te
cruits gathered in past few weeks
will not be fit for active service un
til they have at least three months'
Columbus, N. M., April 11 (Cen?
sored). Request for militia from
Silver City, which was not honored,
resulted from baseless rumors which
caused great uneasiness last night
Presence of Carranza troops near the
border ostensibly to flank Villa gave
rise to alarming stories of imminent
attacks on base camp here.
Oswego, N. Y., April 11. Thomas
Hagadon almost killed his house
keeper, Violet Crane, yesterday, be
cause she sold a rooster for 75 cents.
Today Violet appealed to police for
her assailant's liberty that she might
marry him. She only had 75 cents,
however, and a license costs $1. City
officials concluded that Hagadon was
better off in jaiL
o o
If we could build up a solid column
of ice from the earth to the sun two
miles and a half in diameter, span
ning the intervening distance of 93,
000,000 miles, and if the sun. should
concentrate its entire power upon it,
it would dissolve in a single second,
according to Prof. Young.
o o
Jane Addams too .ill to vot.