OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, September 12, 1916, LAST EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1916-09-12/ed-1/seq-5/

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Newspaper advertising must cost
political candidates a barrel of
money. How will they get it back?
Mr. Sullivan's Tammany butted
right into a hornets' nest when it got
back of Brinton.
A stiff jolt in the jaw might help
some of the Tammany leaders to do
a little thinking how and then. So
far they have played punk politics.
It won't take much of that kind of
politics to turn Cook county, over to
th,e Republicans.
It takes more than organization to
win in politics. Some brains are
As both sides say they are satis
fied with the Maine result, let's call
it a draw. Anyhow, it isn't any in
dication of strength or weakness of
either Wilson or Hughes.
Unless it be that the bulk of the
Progressives went-' back to the
G. O. P.
Strike Breaker Waddell seems, to
haye gone up against a tough job in
trying to put N. Y. street railway
unions out of business. And he may
not find New York as easy as Calu
met. '
Barratt O'Hara's record isn't per
fect, but his batting average is good.
In any event, he's worth a dozen
Huttmans who vote with, Jake
If the Sullivan outfit wins with
Brinton and Huttmann they're liable
to lose their local candidates.
Northup and Miller have given the
public many good reasons for keep
ing Mac Hoyne on the job as state's
Two of the most forceful argu
ments,, in favor of Hoyne are North
up and Miller.
Even the pure and holy get in
trouble when they break into politics.
That fight tietween Jim Mann and
Doc Boynton has divided, the polit
ical parsons into hostile groups and
split the Anti-Saloon league up the
b.ack. What a jutyjl
As the choice is between two re
actionaries, it's safer to pick the non
clerical one that's Mann.
The Trib threw a fit of joy over
Maine this morning. Spread it out
thin, Maje, and make it last, until
When Roger picked up that Brin
ton gun he didn't know it was loaded.
Guess he knows Know, though.
o o
Att'y Jas. Ward, the fellow who is
said to hold $2,000,000 worth of Old
Man Morrison's loop .property, took
a severe grilling from Judge K. M.
Landis yesterday in a hearing of the
Morrison case on the appointment of
a receiver. ,
Judge Landis intimated that he
didn't believe some of the stories-told
by Ward of Morrison transactions.
United States marine recruiting
station at 628 S. State st has start
ed issuing advertising folders that
say this about the cost of living:
"Very few men in any large city,
who receive a salary of $75 a-month,
have as much as $15 clear at the
end of the month, after paying board
bills, room rent, doctors' bills, shoe
bills, street car fares, deductions for
lost time on account of sickness or
lack of work, and the payment of
insurance policies, as a careful man
must do, as a necessary provision
against old age needs."
W. C. Collier, the candy store man
who tempted eleven small girls and
then mistreated them, if their stories
are correct, was taken into court
again yesterday. He was Identified
by a number of the children, as the
one ,wbo lured them into the back
room of his store at 2839 N. Camp
bell av.
His case comes-upagaia-toIayj
--- --z-mlihmJflm

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