OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, November 09, 1916, EXTRA, Image 21

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1916-11-09/ed-1/seq-21/

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Ithe daybooki
Telenhotiefi Editorial. Monroe 333
cago. so cents a Month. By Mail.
United States and Canada, J3.00 a
Year .
Entered as second-class matter Apill
21. 1914, at the poitofflce at Chicago.
111., under the Act of March 8. 187?.
Against this time let us build a
fleet of airships and a school of sub
marines so numerous and wonderful
as to stay the imagination of the
most militant; let us build great
dreadnoughts to sail the ocean; let
us establish conscription and train
our men to march, to maneuver and
to .kill; let us tax our people to the
utmost limit for all the cost of this
preparation;, and yet, alas! we are
not defended!
For the enemy that Is certain to
betray us will not come across the
sea in ships, or attack our merchant
- marine with torpedoes, nor yet will It
drop bombB upon ub from above. It
will come from our Innermost ranks.
We shall find It among those who
have not comprehended the spirit of
Americanism and who are not loyal
to the highest and best our govern
. ment represents.
There Is no nation in Europe which
does not possess representatives
enough in this country to make it
certain that in case of war every dty
and state could be honeycombed with
its spies. v
So long as our political parties "
upon occasion wink at the purchase 1
and manipulation of votes, there will
be many men, both foreign and native-born,
who will welcome bribery.
Where then is our protection?
Shall we find it in air craft and sub-'
marines? Since we live in barbaric '
times, such forms of preparedness as
barbarians can understand are un
doubtedly necessary, but if we make
this kind of preparation only we shall
There are two other preparations
which must be made if America is to
establish the kind of defense which
will defend.
One will place the ballot in the
hands of women and thus make them. '
responsible citizenB. They, and they
'alone, can train in the souls of the
young of our couiitry the kind of
patriotism and honor that will guard
our nation in time of "peril.
The other line of safety lies in a
bold, well-defined, courageous cam
paign for world peace, led by our own
nation;, while yet there is time.
Waco, Tex. '
I desire to protest
against the modern 1
hotel Bed vyitb. it's
' stiff spiral springs-fiat
sink into one's anatorrr
througha thin mat- T
tress. Undoubtedly
.you have experienced
it's wakeful torture. ,
Answer. Yes, but u isn t ioss of '
rest we care about it's this thing of -getting
up in the morning looking.
like a waffle. 1
By Carrie Chapman Catt
Let us imagine our own country
at war. It is not difficult to do, with
all the horrors of the cataclysm
across the ocean daily spread before
our view.

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