GUNS NEEDED IF SHIPS SAIL, SAYS AMERICAN LINE Washington, Feb. 23. If the navy department will furnish defensive guns and gun crews, the American Line will keep its ships running on regular schedule through all the bar fe red zones on the seas, submarines or no submarines. This, in effect, it be came known today, was what P. A. S. Franklin, president of the American Line, told Sec'y Daniels during their conference yesterday. It was learned at the navy depart ment today that President Franklin told Daniels he had tried to get ar mament from private corporations and had failed. Franklin also told Daniels that even had he been unable to get any one who could shoot them, unless the navy department came to his rescue. There was every indication today , that this government has no inten tion, immediately, at least, of com plying with the American Line re quest New York, Feb. 23. The Italian liner Gieuseppe Verdi, delayed since last Tuesday, sailed from New York today for Naples and Genoa. She had aboard a general cargo and in addi tion 500 horses for the Italian gov ernment. Two hundred steerage passengers and about twenty cabin " are making the trip to Italy on board her. , SEEK SAFEBLOWER IN MURDER ON HAMMOND ROAD Chicago police today continued their search for Harry Stead, police character and alleged safeblower, hoping he might shed some light on the identity of the young man found murdered on the Hammond road Tuesday. Crooks who make their hunting ground the cabarets on West Madison st are also sought Louis Archambault, a tailor, 2254 Madison, identified the clothing as a guit pressed by him last week; Police believe the dead man may have been Harry Garbutt, a West Side chauf feur. A picture of the dead man is said to bear resemblance to Clarence Strubel, alias Jack Lillington, friend of Stead, who is also missing. o o U-BOAT BLOCKADE ENDANGERS CAUSE OF THE ALLIES London, Feb. 23. "Gravest meas ures are necessary, otherwise there will be disaster," Premier Lloyd George declared in commons today, discussing shortage of British ton nage. The premier asserted that enor mous sacrifices will be required from the British people to achieve a vic tory. Such sacrifices, he held, would test the national grit. "We must find ships to bear iron ore at all costs," premier asserted. Continuing Lloyd-George proposed to dispense with all non-essential imports, including timber. In addition to timber, Lloyd George announced that importation of tomatoes and fruits would be pro hibited. Lloyd-George announced a mini mum wage of 25 shillings weekly to agricultural laborers. The premier also declared that a guarantee of certain minimum prices, to be in force for some years, must be made to farmers. Tokio. Japanese government has decided to arm all merchantmen des tined for both American and Euro pean ports. Paris. Spain likely to formally protest to Berlin against use of her territorial waters as submarine bases. Number of bouys said to have been discovered in harbor of Cartagena to which were attached submarine parts and supplies. Collapsible boat marked "U-19" discovered off coast Halifax. Frederick VIII. lying at railway pier here, having been moved down harbor from Bedford basin Object seems to be examination ol ship's cargo, i aJjjJjTiix'V m-U ' - -&.