States, Great BVitain and France will join in guarding trans-Atlantic ship lanes against German U-boats, if present government plans material ize. - .. Administration expected to begin today the work of informally negoti ating with these nations. With its proposed big fleet of pa trol and chaser boats, plus larger navy vessels, the United States will be in a position to offer protection to commerce off American coast, while Great Britain and France will be ex pected to reciprocate in barred zone. Navy men believe that submarine menace may be brought directly home; that feats such as the U-53 performed off Nantucket last sum her will be repeated. The navy bears brunt of work, but under surface the army has shaped, plans whereby it can again call out national guard and also provide sufficient officers for training of half a million men. New York navy yard began work today on 40 submarine chasers, hast ily ordered, while tomorrow bids will be opened for 200 or more 110-foot speed boats, available' for coast-patrols and submarine chasers. Nothing will be permitted to stand in the way of hastening navy pre paredness. The 8&our law has been cast aside, and if commandeering is needed it will be Undertaken. Mobilization of Atlantic fleet and of the naval militia has been con sidered for two weeks or more, and it may be necessary to accomplish ..v.his before long. o o- NOW SHOPMEN AND OTHERS WANT 8-HOUR DAY - Now comes "the 80 per- cent" of railroad workers, the shopmen and other workers not affiliated with the Big Four brotherhoods. They say it's their turn next for an eight-hour day drive. The railroad department of the American Federation of Labor open ed a conference in Kansas City yes May. Officers of all railroad shop men's unions are attending. They expect to stay through the - week threshing out plans aimed to attack the enormous war profits of the rail roads andx divert a part o f those profits into an eight-hour day and a higher overtime rate. "The train and enginemen have shown what can be done through so lidarity," said a shopmen's official. "They are getting a wage raise total ing $60,000,000 a year. vThey are to get $13,000,000 back pay uader the basic eight-hour day forced from the railroad companies. "The shopmen are sis important in railroad operation as the train and enginemen. Machinists, boilermak ers, car repair men, blacksmiths andx trackmen are just as important for the running of a railroad as firemen, engineers or brakemen and conduct ors. "If we can show the same solidar ity among' the 2,000,000 shopmen and trackmen that has been shown thepast week year among the 400, 000 train and enginemen, we will win the eight-hour day hands down. "The American Federation of La bor is with us. We are directly affil iated with the A. F. of L. Support for our movement will come more heartily from organized labor in gen eral than was given the brotherhoods because we have always been in a close line-up with the A. F. of L." Chicago lines will pay out an ad ditional $15,000;000 a year under the eight-hour day provisions of Adam son law, it is estimated. Back time pay will run about $4,000,000. Questions has risen whether em ployes not members of the Big Four brotherhoods will be able to draw any of the back pay. Railroad heads say they are not -clear on thfs point New York. Chas. J. Vopicka, American minister to Balkans, says Rumania entered war on belief she would help shorten it and liberate countrymen held, prisoners, but was unprepared-