"If I could spend $66,000 a year for
advertising, I think I might expect
the newspapers to treat me a little
better than they otherwise might
"Of course, if I could make the
people pay over half of the cost of
this advertising and I had the same
outlook on life that some of our
financiers have, I would charge it to
an account that would subtract it
from the 55 per cent which goes to
the people for use of the city streets.
"But I don't think they will get
away with this."'
The report of City Comptroller
Pike was forwarded to the transpor
tation committee at Aid. Kennedy's
request. Here it will be considered.
The list handed the council by
Pike follows:
Lord & Thomas Adv. Agy. $35,454.88
(For all loop papers.)
Chicago Daily News $ 521.41
Calumet Index - 300.00
The Suburban 120.00
Chicago Eagle ,. 200.00
Abendpost 1 1,470.00
III. Staats Zeitung . 1,470.00
Das Wochenblatt 980.00
Am. Ass'n Foreign Lang. . 15,283.60
Nels. Lambert, Treas. 500.00
Chi. Nat Lg. Ball Club.. 150.00
Chicagp Post, SpcL Acc't. 6.50
J. Manz Engr. Co 2,250.00
Thos. Cusack Co . 2,304.17
Preparedness Committee . 19.40
Moody Manual 770.00
White Sox Goncess. Co. . . 50.00
Chicago Tribune 12.25
Cent Pr. & Eng. Co 245.00
Allied Bazaar 1.T00.00
(Advertising and tickets.)
Economist Pub. Co 200.00
,Chi. Real Estate Index... 25.00
o o-
Claire So you have forgiven your
husband. Did he offer you an ample
; Katheryn He apologized a whole
' set of furs more than 'I expected.
o o
,; Democracy is coming back.
Some idea of the influence the Chi
cago Tribune and the Chicago Daily
News sway whenever the city's
transportation or their little pet loop
is affected was gained by spectators
at the meeting of the local transppr
tation committee Tuesday.
The Tribune and News are unfair
to the best interests of the city in or
der that they may -help the loop,
where the big advertisers are locat
ed, it was charged. Walter Fisher,
traction expert for the city, was la
beled as "Man Friday to the Trib and
Edward Nockles, sec'y of the C. F.
of L., appeared before the committee
and asked that Walter Fisher be re
moved as the city's representative.
YHe represents the interest 'of the
traction barons instead of that of the
city," said Nockles.
"Fjsher assisted in putting over the
1907 ordinance," said Nockles, "and
behold what you got! Fisher gets
good pay from the city and plays Man
Friday to the Tribune and News.
. - "You are told that by this 30-20
year measure you'll get city owner
ship of the carlines, eventually, and
that the purchase can be made by
the amortization fund the city will
collect during the franchise period.
"You were told the same thing in
1907, practically. Then you were led
to believe that the 55 per cent of
profits wheih the company was to
pay the city would buy the lines for
the city in 1927. You know now this
can't be possible. You'll find in 1947
or 1967 that the city will still be far
away from owning its carlines, un
less you stop this scheme now."
'.'What's the matter with organized
labor," broke in Walter Fisher. "It's
been following for 20 years, knock
ing continually, but never making a
real suggestion. It hollers for publiq