OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, March 21, 1917, NOON EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1917-03-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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Sunrise, 5:52; sunset, 6:03.
George Wharton, 5619 Broadway,
dead. Police investigating. Found
injured at Broadway and Ridge av.,
Sunday morning.
W. J. Campion, 803 Tower hldg.,
lost $34 to pickpocket working in
-. 0 loop.
Six hundred engineers attended
convention of American Railway
Engineers' Ass'n at Congress hotel,
f , Jos. Strauss,' butcher, 874 E. 63d
st, held up and robbed o.f $100 as he
closed shop and started home.
'Att'y Chas. Erbstein asked that
subornation of perjury case be taken
from Judge Pam.
Frank Ondrowicz, Leo Zevnik and
Jos. Jurkas, La Salle, DL, fined $50
and given day in jail for fraud in
getting citizenship papers.
David Davidson, 2648 N. Rockwell,
had $19 stolen from him by pick
pocket while in loop.
Laundry Owners' ass'n elected
. officers at Hotel Sherman today.
Albert Brasius and John McGow
an arrested in loop as short change
1 Chief of Police Schuettler and
Capt. Morgan Collins in Springfield
lobbying for increases in police pen
sions. .
Charles Edberg suicided with gun
in Florence hotel, 11111 Forrestville
av. Despondent over injury in acci
dent Eli Stephens and brother, Brooks,
of Buffalo lost $250 to holdup men
at stockyards.
Mrs. Helen Lash, 2511 Southport
av., sued Att'y Win.. Burns for $10,-
000, charging attack in courtroom.
Leak at West Taylor st and river
threatened to fiU Illinois tunnel sys
tem. Stopped.
' Mrs. Bertha Schon, 1452 E. 63d,
fined $25 and costs for selling liquor
in candy store.
Douglas McKenzie', pres. McKenzie
Furnace Co., denied cruelty charges
of wife in divorce hearing yesterday.
Mrs. Margaret Dahlman, asking di
vorce, charges that her hubby had
habit of drinking too much and de
serting her.
Henry Landwirth, 1046 N. Cali
fornia av., in morals court because
of his ideas on love and marriage.
Hearing set for March 27.
Mayor R. O. Johnson, with chief of
police and two other Gary officials
left for Indianapolis, where they will
be tried for election frauds.
Mrs. Ethel Erickson, 641 Dale av.,
asked that wedding to Kenneth be
annulled. She was 14 when they
were married.
Stephen Zoro, 2316 Wentworth av.,
freed on charge of kidnapping Min
nie Mitrovic when Judge Fisher
heard they were happily married.
West Park Policeman James Far
rell, 2909 Floutnoy, dead. Injured
self week ago when he fell.
Don Bronenkamp, 45, 2655 Fulton,
electrocuted while fixing wires of
Public Service Co. of Northern Illi
nois itt Maywood.
Mrs. Hattie Lindner sued for writ
to get child, held by relatives of hus
band at 1918 S. Ashland av.
John Best, 6328 Drexel av., burned
when he started fire in stove with
Grand jury investigation of bribery
charges against State's Att'y James
Welch of Waukegan started.
Work again begun on Union sta
tion after lapse since July because of
union labor difficulties.
Mrs. Sarah Gregg, Chicago, suicid
ed in Decatur,. Ind. Gas. No reason
Judge Landis. may run Kohlsaat
restaurants unless he gets a better
bid than $25,000 for them.
Ira Doolittle, Libertyville, tried to
die by gas. Then shot himself.
Phillip Furria, 2, 1235 Sinnott pL,
dead. Clothes ignited by kitchen
Axel Jensen, 7 W. Division, arrest
ed in loop for flirting. Mrs. Amelia

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