OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, March 23, 1917, NOON EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1917-03-23/ed-1/seq-3/

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cago's development, more especially
as it relates to the vast outlying ter
ritory. "The attorney we are employing
to represent us is well known to
every alderman in the city council
and we are sure he will command
your respect. We informed the local
transportation committee that we
will appear and introduce him at the
Saturday 10:30 a. m. hearing.
"As an alderman of the city we
think you should be present and give
us a fair show to have the legal ar
gument we will make a chance to be
heard by the entire council, which
we think very necessary. Very sin
cerely. Greater Chicago Federation,
Tomaz F. Deuther, Secretary."
o o
Washington, March 23. Ger
many's latest affront in the torpedo
ing without warning of the American
tanker Healdton will be answered by
continued speeding up of all prepora
tions for actual hostilities wjuch are
now regarded as inevitable.
Pres." Wilson and Sec'y Lansing
are convinced that Germany's pres
ent course is merely hastening a
clash. The president and his pre
mier are known from highest and
most authoritative sources- to have
held firm conviction even before
sinking of Healdton that kaiser's
government is determined on -forcing
a declaration of war from this coun
try. Pres. Wilson met with the cabinet
today to consider developments in
international situation and to discuss
progress made by all departments in
preparing for hostilities.
There is indication today that the
president after congress has defined
the status between Germany and the
United States will augment his cab
inet by one br more posts to cover
work of transportation and possibly
a portfolio to handle munitions mak-
This, however, is entirely tenta
tive. More likely course is believed
to be continuance of National De
fense Council as special advisory
body in preparing for war.
Sec'y Baker as chairman of the
National Defense Council, is perpar
ing to meet heads of great industrial
concerns to discuss what work is
necessary to complete tentative
plans to place country on a war foot
ing. Sec'y Daniels is directing his ef
forts to stimulate recruiting and
hurry warship construction.
Beneath surface activities, official
attention turned today to a confer
ence reported under way at imperial
German war headquarters, which
will b eattended by kaiser, Von Hin
denburg and Chancellor von Beth-mann-Hollwek,
ostensibly to- plan
more aggresisve land and sea war
moves by Teuton forces.
o o
Lorfdon, March 23. At least a
score perished in unwarned sinking
by German submarine of Standard
Oil tanker Healdton. .Ship was tor
pedoed five miles north of Terschel
ling, Holland, in middle of what was
heretofore been announced by Ger
many as one of "safety zones" in
barred area. Thirteen survivors
have been landed at Ymuiden, Hol
land, of total of more than 40 on
board vessel.
Ex-Chief Healey, to whom indict
ments are quite common affairs, may
be indicted again today on a charge
of accepting graft from police ser
geants for promoting them to lieu
tenants. It is said he is among the
18 hit by the grand jury yesterday.
. o o
Washington. Democratic mem
bers of house have appealed to six
Democratic members to support
them in their fight for control of that
body on ground of patriotism.

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