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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, March 23, 1917, LAST EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1917-03-23/ed-2/seq-3/

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Washington, March 23. Ger
many's latest affronfin the torpedo
ing without warning of the American
tanker Healdton will be answered by
9 continued speeding up of all prepara
tions for actual hostilities which are
now regarded as inevitable.
Pres. Wilson and Sec'y Lansing
are convinced that Germany's pres
ent course is merely hastening a
clash. The president and his pre
mier are known from highest and
most authoritative sources to have
held firm conviction even before
sinking of Healdton that kaiser's
government is determined on forcing
a declaration of, war from this coun
try. Pres. Wilson met with the cabinet
today to consider developments in
international situation and to discuss
progress made by all departments in
preparing for hostilities.
There is indication today that the
president after congress has defined
the status between Germany and the
United States will augment his cab
inet by one or more posts to cover
work of transportation and possibly
. a portfolio to handle munitions mak
ing. This, however, is entirely tenta
tive. More likely course is believed
to be continuance of National De
fense Council as special advisory
body in preparing for war.
Sec'y Baker as chairman of the
National Defense Council is prepar-
t ing to meet heads of great industrial
concerns to discuss what work is
necessary to complete tentative
9 plans to place country on a war foot
ing. Sec'y Daniels is directing his ef
forts to stimulate recruiting and
hurry warship construction.
Beneath surface activities, official
attention turned today to a confer
ence reported under way at imperial
German war headquarters, which
yrill be attended by kaiser, Von Hin-
denburg and Chancellor von Beth-mann-Hollweg,
ostensibly to plan
more aggressive land and sea war
moves by Teuton forces.
The navy has recalled into active
service large numbers of the retired
officers, Sec'y Daniels announced to
day. ,
Utter inadequacy of the officers'
personnel resulted in this order,
which follows closely the order for
the advancing graduation of two
classes of the Annapolis naval acad
emy. In an effort to virtually cut in half
the time required for constructing
naval destroyers, and to mobilize all
available shipbuilding resources for
the construction of these vessels, a
conference of American shipbuild
ers will be held at the navy depart
ment tomorrow. -
Immediate increase of the de
stroyer fleet is the first desire of the
navy department, Daniels announced
today. Bids for 15 authorized de
stroyers will be opened tomorrow. In
addition, a hornet fleet of between
200-and 300 fast motorboats, sub
marine chasers, "and as many more
as we can get constructed," will at
once be ordered.
London, March 23. At least a
score perished in unwarned sinking
by German submarine of Standard
Oil tanker Healdton. Ship was tor
pedoed five miles north of Terschel
ling,. Holland, in middle of what was
heretofore been announced by Ger
many as one of "safety zones" in
barred area. Thirteen survivors
have been landed at Ymuiden, Hol
land, of total of more than 40 on
board vessel.
o o
Burglars early this morning stole
nickels from electric piano in Green
Tree inn, 7500 Stony Island av., after
breaking piano. Also got small
amount of change from cash register

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