OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, April 03, 1917, NOON EDITION, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1917-04-03/ed-1/seq-12/

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raise them to healthy manhood and
womanhood. But the argument fell
on ears stuffed with the cotton of ig
norant greed. If war will open their
eyes and ears so they will know that
a nation must conserve " its men,
women and children, then war will
be worth while.
Billy Sunday has gone about the
country for years preaching the old
fashioned hell and damnation gospel,
telling the poor that if they meekly
take what their masters- give them
here on earth then they shall inherit
the kingdom of heaven. And if they
don't, then they'll go to a regular
honest-to-goodness hell and be tor
tured by hellsfire through all eter
nity. And it is because Billy
preaches this slaves-obey-your-mas-ters
rot that the masters pour the
shekels into Billyh outstretched hat.
That's one of he curses of ignorance
that has come with a piffling peace.
But with war staring them in the
face, the masters don't want a na
tion of superstitious slaves, afraid of
the mythical fires of hell. What they
want now is real men, red-blooded
men, fearless, heroic, fighting men,
who are not afraid of the de,vil or of
any hostile foreigner who invades
our country with a bayoneted gun in
his hands. And if war puts the Billy
Sundays out of business, then war
will be worth while.
When you look at England's won
derful transformation in less than
three years of war when you see
how the stupid nobility of that old
country has discovered and recog
nized the nobility of labor when
you see what wonderful strides have
been made in co-operation and in the
democratization of industry and even
of social life itself when you see
the truly wonderful progress toward
self-government of labor and the
consequent benefit to the nation as a
whole then you may compare the
regenerating work of war with all
professedly civilizing influences of
the last 2,000 years and wonder
what peace and all of the many 1
creeds, cults, isms and osophies of
peace have really done to bring about
the brotherhood of man.
When the first arguments for pre
paredness were advanced, I said to
Labor: This is YOUR opportunity,
and explained how and why. Now
that we face WAR, I say to Labor:
This is YOUR opportunity, for .
MANHOOD will be at a premium, P
and the velvet-tongued heroes of
peace will have to turn to knitting
socks for soldiers.
The news every day now is won
derful. We have a Council for Na
tional Defense. Capital and Labor
are working together to organize the
industry of the country. Doctors are
organizing jne medical resources of
the country. Scientific farmers are
organizing our agricultural resources
our, food supply. Engineers, in
ventors, scientists, manufacturers,
transportation experts, captains of
finance and industry, captains of
labor all classes are organizing for
a common purpose. With the or
ganization of the parts of our social
and industrial system wjll come the
organization of the whole.
The great mass of labor will be
with the president and the country.
And the president and the country
will be with labor. A regeneration
of the real manhood of this republic
is on.
Dr. C. O. Schneid-er lectures on
"Yosemite Vallev and San Diesrn" at
Stanford park, Union av. and 14th
pi., p. m.
Miscellaneous Hotel-and Restau
rant Employes' union, local 874,
meets at 115 W. Madison, 8 p. m.
13th Ward Brarich Girls' First Aid -'
class at John Marshall high school,
2:30 p. m.
o o
During the last ten years the gross
revenue of the Bell telephone system
has increased from $128,500,000 to

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