Newspaper Page Text
B3i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH RAIUIOADS. jJHt UHiON HICinC STBTSr s jfpll Tie Only Line Carrying theUnlted Stales Orerland Hall '' :K &(iinV H Ulrrct Conncrttoiu bttrrcen All I'otnts 'orth uI East. 2 9bBl J!JBJ stew rmim caud, jujjT so, moo. UIHX T7tli Ceiitfiil lilxtrlet. SHaH AESENGECTUAIN3 LEAVE i AUEIVE AT SALT LAKE CITT DAILT.aa follow f'xBP From trie Aorfli. Clolna; -tortlx. JHh Atlantic 'ut iIaJL..............."L" san. Atlantic Exrreaa. Allaauc rut "jBlKb itdea. frKlr and Uuk mIailaaaUlaa&NorttcrcLocal..s.lBaaa. ' iHSfc Nortaera Local and raetfic Local Lxprraa......................L30 pan. 6" BnB hxsre1 .................... la aaa. rart Orr, Ioruand and Unite ' eBlnTX: Auaaaie and laeafle KxTfe".... 12 J nan. riraiH..M..WH. ...IXOilb. ''- 'taBHIi 1-arxUae aad Btte Tut Mail.... U9 pan. I-ariac Exp reaa lad Tut Matl......T.3 par. flR rrona ttieSMraUa. Golnx laoatrj. "- vBSI naterd iiprri ........ lUla j Jain Krpreaa.. ...........-MO a-m. : aBErEB Lent, ITro, Jgtb, I ronton. Eriier LecL IToro. Jnali. Ironton, SBrcr jH tjttir and harei-a Knrea.. 4 ft a. ' I lly and Egret Kxpreae ....4.U pan. .. 9BR TTtuli .St IVovxtUn. DI-ti-Iot. mnMl HH LK4TE SILT UK. lABirEATCriEUl LEAVE OlKMEtD. i AMKlTCiLT UKE. iJBBS! l'l.a t:a.m, I II 44 a.m. ta)p nu K HB H.4ta.aa. -1:30 p-m- 33' pm. Z' xBBXE UHp-M. laMp-in. :lSp.m. tp-m. P-BBB Um. I3Jji.pi. .1 O p m. A"I.B. iJBBWB "".4 p. au x 3) p. m. llip.Ek Sao p. nu BBK 1'Hn.aL 4.)p.n. 5 11p.m. ( IBWn 4 4 p. m. 1 J p. m. p. m. . p. nu jB .4u.m. casp.a-. ; BaBrt -: p. nu : p. na. 9 .- p. nu BflfE T-asjuaa. t ttp-m. jflgH lalT.el-.t MwlaranlTneidar. tiiarfj-. except Sunday. " MHF s- ,v kccixs, c r. ke-e(.cie, B Ceo. I'a. Agt. (Jciil. jtana-rrr. K TOicgrjAXK'i.s vrrm the crcs-tArnr or the ccurmr. vrso. nnrirn HK riccn valuasle crroEiiAncK rBcu a sruor or tics kap or fm THE GHiGr.88, TvOGK !SL5MD PACIFIC R&ILWAY, 51 Inshxclne ruuc lirrs. n-3Jic5a And jxtenica5 &st end TVest of too 1K? M!tou.-i Rivor. The clrect Eouto a cpS roit CI1ICS470, Jollct. Ouawa, al Vjrla, La SrJi. Uo!b, Boclr Ipad. m ILIJKOIS Dan-nport. AluscaUnp, gjfe,.: ixtumva, OAt.ofoooa, Pea Uois9,Vlutrrse4:t Audubon. I!&riinrnd Crancll Kh AnJEa. in 10VZ.KinnPAjoU3 anJ bt. Past), in UlNNBSOTA WoMTtO'Xn :J9S3 3d Slous 'U1e. In DAKOTA Caocroc, St. JoscpS, nad Knnsaa Clt r. tn S! IrtSC .IIS3CURI-OlsJia.ralrbuiT.oiidr:n3,ln JKBKASIIA Horton-Topcka, ItSS Htocilnaoa. fidii, BeUdviU, ADUi-no, CaZ-TB-rtL tn KAi:3AS-Iond J fflEi JretOi, KinZrOaUvr. Fort Beep. In tco IN'UI.VH TKESl'"OHV and Colorado ' SK dariagv. Donver, ruoblo. In COLORAUO. TrarerMMsnovrtuidTanareaAol ' BJ rfsii larmtns and frrnnc Jasda, aSorvUnt; Uin best fclIIUpa or tctrrcco- WSlKa wunlcatlon to oklnr Stares and to all cotras and cixoh wst, ucrtawcat, and : PS! 40tahwet from Chicago, and raciac and traae-oceanlc Seaports. mm MACN1FSCEKT VEST'CULE EXPRE5S TRAINS, ': Sw UtaMas all competitors in J.e-Car rt ea'jInntEnt (cool. xceK vcr.UlatJ, 'j Stc3 oeirofnelustlniniixTjr-.rsm'cdbyatcainrromtriCiccociotlvaln'wtnten, Kff? liAlliY bmnicii Cblcaa cad Des SSo'.nca and council SluSa rwltb throuph S &i iCoepor tD dnancl ocd C&lcstxo and Colorado SOTirs, Denver and Pueblo 3 D a3 "i Ut. Josoph. Kaiui3 tst. or Ttspolta rjpsant Dv Coaches, Sleepinc i E-S.'i Jans and M3tor aUsaonrl rlr.-j Dinimr Cers, Itn UlEK liccllffinCtalr I&y3! Usn between Chican and? o-tbn.'Uto.Nco . iaOraaiia,CblcA4ToandCaJd- i Elfr4f cicll via K-n Cltyrdf'iiciroand Dnvor Colorado Springs and lu 'jffiraii lolo. TbroutrriPalace&lcepkroHndzroniWlcliitmlnfaa. splendid Olntntr nsaHl fiDCeii west of Ht. Joc! and Kan?as Cltr. C&'ifomla excurtona fladv. :!IOSt3 Kith CHOICE OP no vT.: to and lroa Salt Lok, Portland, Ios Aciruloa alSKj? wid Saa Fraucl!co TLc is 11SCT LUIS to and from rite's Pat. Itanium, -31 Pea Sardcnot tlioGods, ton floltarlumia and Scenic Grandcrrs of Colorado. fVIA THE ALSERT LEA IiOUTSs . jogd icpxa Train dsFr b"ttr Jn Cnlraim end Minneapolis and St Paul, j JPBW-' rttn THKOUGH Bwlimns' Cncir Cera if MSB) to and rrora tboso rolnts and ", KsaaaoCttv. Throavt "hair Car anl Seeper bcvrtui Frona, Spirit Lake, fjra jodSioin Kaiu, vLillfK t "od. Tne rivori Lino to Pipestone, Wator- lBTi, ioau. Sioas FaDi. ecu U. oommcr nesorta and IlunUce and Flardng mrVl'ii Jrottndaaf ttoHorthweitc. fMlifs rRB SaOBT LINK VIA flBNtlc .WD IliNKAKEE offers fulUtles to Jrei? asTel between Clndnnslt, Indian -polli, LaKyle, and Council BIoSm, St 'KIL a 'oecpfa. Atchison. I "aen-t?ortn, iiansas CitT.Iinneapolia, and St. Paul. iK)I For Ticketa, ilapo. Pelders. or desired Information, eppl to any Ticket WyRS- DSce In tfae UcHea biatoa or Canada, or address WK E. ST. JOHN. JOHN SEBASTIAN, :g Geatgjy-i-rstr. CHICAGO. II.I QTTitki4 4Pu. igti: 1 RIO GRANDE WESTERN RY. K3 CUHHE.ST TIME TABLE. 'Eg . - s- :M El-Mtmni Trmim. AUinue AUaatic 51 Mart. Kxpre! itQiS Lt. Ujeea line s.lp.m lUttcJ sr. !: Late......... nil ajj. cjs rem -Kli LT- 6h Late....... Ilwam, T.Mp.a lEPg Ar. ITen.. ..... ltJJpjn. LaSfVC Lt ' ISJap-ai- 'p-m hk ar. tiraea Ktvr.... 4Jta.m 'BifT Lt. lireaa KKer...... 4 J an 4KN .r. PaWe......... us i. -no u 'Hj? Jr- !.. .... T.UP.S. T.uaja jjife.'l Na.L Ko.1 !fiSf Kett-B n Trou. l-aeate Ilrtfce JKg-f Hart. Ezpret Hpi Lt. I)MRrHmHHH, tuflpja OHM Ar. Greea Ktrer"!!!! IMS a-m. lLts p.m X! -T. Oraaa Kitet...... 11 M a-m. I2.U p.a Uf-.l Ar. IYt. ........ (LUpja. :.Ul 'jBmif Lt. 114 .......... Mlu K At. J)t Lake .... laiua. KUa.m iSkS It. salt Lac.. a.lipjn. .3n Kg Ar. 4gdn..... ltalpja. M.Ha.Bi dBStl IXKXtL TRMSS TO 4K.UEN. -K4 l4amalc Lake U)ul IJ0p.ui afO 4 41p.m. 3BBK Arrive Jg4ea .st M.44 am. J.44 W$H& iflf Zaeol TnmmitMjmm rf HWrtL Kit IRS; I l.i.lkKtulllpa JJSti& JVtlatelijla.4l Ar.iMH Laae I j iSffl ' ll.O. VUDSE, J. H. BrNSElT. fT uoaeral Muir'r. OenFrllI-iMrt jt' OTICH. Kl I.L rKKSUNS ARK UKRKBV HK iVimm aa4er Ike ptaaltr pnnided S F wraiaaacr, km to rewovc lae bo4r 4 Ha aajr la4 awauL or ol. or ail rl anr SKi amn4Mia. vcSKHit ar4 aorifviaff lac HF-s Catr eeawacer. vaa will mac dirceUoe HK, --4 tvrHadKfwuL V 1LU VM SHOVTEU, Cf. CJarSeeaeer, Kooa . (Mj HalL Jf,4 , Aailllj It" dtf :M ta, SM.ouis& Chicago, J '!' White Lead ! I s " o j T-B SOCTIIEUX tVlIITE LE.VD IS t Pi. -- lanraelared eaurelr from tie beat ; ft tefced 11 Lea J, aad u crosnd la rare ' z Lieed Od, and a the CompaeT masn g , fKtaro ealf STEIOTLT rCEE, patUea S ' baflar Wane Lead branded "Sentaera 8 " Otar"areaVaelalely aareaf oVUItOif WL". a rmniEciLr i-cue aktiole. 1H FsfSaie feyAH DealErs inWiiite LeJ ffifer goz FQRg If aB jUtah Central Railway. Time Card In EftcTjDSE 21, 1890 Passenger Trains Iave and Arrive at alt Uike City, and Park City, Dally, as Kollovrs: SALT LAKE CITY. Trunlleatei'-lliSoBlhAlIainSt. TJOam 3 m m M M Sjoop.m SlrriTea" hMui ""' TOSrvn PARK CITY. Tram I arrivet I'ark City .........)4UO a.m " " " . .... 7JB p m t leaTeo ......... TJ a-m - t - - ......... XW p.a FREIGHT TRAINS' Leaie ah late at n Arrlre - " 3 U p.m larerarL4ilyat .. 11-ooa.m AmTe - 4-oap.m e l'aMeacen cam-d on Jrei jht Traiaa. PASSENGER RATES Between Salt Laae CKy sad rark City. lnIe Earr, ?i,00. Itonna Trip, $3 J.ILTOUNO, T.J.MACKLVrOSII. Maaacer. Gen. rn. A Pan. Asl Deeds .and Morfg.iges. Conformablo to latest Territorial Statute for salo at tho RS- Hcseret Xetcn Offlc- !CHEAP COAL! Hock Sprina3, - . 85.50 Pleasant Vall87, - 55 Weber, .... 5.25 Red Canyon, - - 4.50 nock Springs Nut - 4.50 HfcB Slack, - - 3.50 Bsllrtred to Any Part of tne Cltj J. 0. & II. WATSON. rie;b33e Ko. 10. 11 9 B. Slain Bl PLEASE KEjLE3IBER 1 TauwoullOrryaCoizpleu Line of Disstons' Celebrated Saws I cossian-io rr rT or 1 C5l".,,,F,.,, n,", rprlchi. " ". ttlp. Ianel. Tenon. I rnnli.c. loiun. Ilutrbrr, I tool, lirynolr. I.le alao, !Ci;rJhi..::iJ.a!:5lrr::iI:ii: and "TRIUJLPH," rorF. Iliac Treei with, and aroSeUtijc , LOiVER PniCES THAX EVER; , aim a rru, rrocx or rnata , Renowned Raspt aVFileaaloajioahaad Zi. 3. 3VX. X. 'CHICAGO SCALE 1GHCT. all mil or scauu tz as. Salt - and - Blueing - Depot qUILDISG H0CKTrV15Ir?f ILL KIEDS OF PAY WAITED 1 Dealer la Cedar Peata, Pelea aaa . "X 47ar Lota. Eta. Ici;p Can, Kaxaa. Two Villi. Oat Itoao Bam, M, oi Iroa Bum. JSB rtek Prtia, tsc; ifMftiri iuo tia. I IDAHO STORE, ftfl AX OLD CTAIDS SOLILOQUY. To U.c or t t Uk t If, tf tb qarttSfle Wbrt2ktT 11 1 brttor t cad tMff rftTtUr taTTT A f i4t4rT-rTtBf tbc ssllc U taoce wt woaVS lauit TT.-I Urk ef Trt cstud oy leT nt tr tajaJi ti i.toci4r- tor -4rt . . . ABJ m toy T mm fcrtfbt at tIs-V 1 bxtl3 la ttx baorUl focat UeLNQ eCx.t I a tub la FVrt-l4" prxrfml BS(rv ItcAbaTr lieanl trr t3rn4 klatrr. MT inao Thai rood eu Ir. rimr r-Tortu tfcn M ooU tftsc bjwfc color to Ui4fjctnk KaTttaSr KB traUta f DC WbO faU9 WO)14 1 To nJ brrMU or 4d tb ptvia bc fcrU. Tl3 ftfornBid rpmftrr tnok the rrtnedr aixl forttiwtlh took a bmitMiiicl also, fcars&r trrmlonl brr braltii and boominir breutr. Tbou4tiv2j of women owe tbrtr tivsh. ooalajT maatrntactm to tbf rrvtoraurii n.rcu ct Dr. IVrce'" rarorite Hrwcrip Uon. It It a prusiiirp cure lor ttw most raorbcatrd and olvti&ato caar of tru corTbea. cxcts1t fiowxiir. patcfol vxn etniation, unnatorm suxrrrvatocs. rroksn nu. or TiTlinr ot too womb, weak back, "female wtmkneiML" anterrrfioo. rrtro rrrfion. bcannr-down KtisatioaiL cnrotiie enzsmtioa, irnlimmiTton ant uicrrmlioa of the tromb. DR. FIEBCE'S PELLETS rra-ulate and rleanae the tiivr, rtamaeh and lowrla. Tbry are purely TeretaMe anJ rerfertly barmlrM. One a Doc 14 ty drufxuta. S rcau a vlaL "BROKEN OUT f W&& is) ITott often ilo we wo tlifct on the facta of cliiUrtn ami. ala. of n''o mIio nlliernw ara litoltliv? Vlat cau-oit? Ila.l 1HL Tlie tlioupiit is terrible: llie trouUo i4ore. No onhnary lieln can renioie it. It re-4juin-4 iVimetliint; unuttaL Do nit take clieap iaiaicirilia tMr IJonit Kiri fifrs. You mn-t liavo hOiiiethtrK; that liaa proven its iiwerin l.tth Europe ami Anierica. Oeueral AYIieatcrufc Nelon, 4f Iaitultin. rays : My ex perience in tlie Ensliali'army. as vrrll as in America, convino-s ne tlat twthimj hi throtiRhly trifies the laooj.tirailtlslii tlie liealth. Tigoraml life, as Dr. Acker's Engli-h Wt"l Elmr.-1 Tins Rrarnl Elixir is nW hy tlrug-pi-U in all parts f Anienra. It is .t pxl. iKirv, imneat ineiliciDC. Try it totlay. VK AUVIbK OUIt KK1KMJS WH NEED A.WTIIINO IN- THk. 4JSMhicc line to call upon Ka.toa A Oo,ll)uuM.att laey mil Earf a well elected atock or aaec'a and boTa" aaila orerala, beta, capa, ahirta. ete at Tery low pneca. Thia irm la reliable aa4 will trea jourifhl. air . DR.STASLEYU zta CLAWSOS, SC2 S. JIAIX, vtlOitSX' Salt UVe City, TJEWTIST. WM. N. ANDERSON & CO., IRON and BRASS FOUNDERS C'aMlu: or All Kind. Locomotiie anil Car Work a Specially roUNIIBT No. Ill and Hi Weal, I'lflh south Street. Sail Lake City CHEAP HOMES IIS' JTEXICO. "ptOS VEST SEJIBABLE LAXDS, " Both Arriraltural aad Granai. la Vorthera CLlhuahBa, aear Ccsoay Diax. For fall yarllcuUri. apply to Ubiexx! Vxwt OSre, or TT. Derby Jotnaia. Jr. Oolony Diax, CatWn Caleaaa. Caikeaksa. Uaiiro. d aiwt M CraoKer Factey, xlannrarlnrrra of The Silitr Brand orSnoBOaie Sodas ITiISE C.V1CES. Picked in 1 and S round ltoirs for I'ic-nlc 1-artlcsTrarelcrs & FamHIr u So!dty All Ifroccrt. r GOLD gEDAL,rKU lS7a. S IV. B.UCEIt .t CO.'S Brettst Cocoa Wr99 " ' ffl7KTy 27b Chemicals liil II !. lr u r"Vrr ban If J I II til ll ACa-Cmwwri4 1111 I Mrti cc-Ws"-:itmiAnfcw Mil . I 3 Ull ' CxntK " " Wj I I H f ll ll U Ajc, i-riiMm ud Will 11 1 1 Sin-T' Eamlt rKivnn. W.BASEE 6 CODorcEStcr. Hast cWLWTSCVihlaS: BRANDS HIGH PATE.NT. BAKER'S No. I. 5UPRFINE WHOLE WHEA1 FLOUR. ilSSEST GAS3 PEICE PUD HE BfEUT. Mill Telephone JTL U3c Teiep'toat n7. ELTAS MORRIS. Supt, O B " OESERET EYENINGjiEWS. Tbnraday. Ansnat II, 10. COLONEL YEASEY Choen at Commindcr-In-Culef of tbe 0. A. R. To Succeed fiw. Alrrr. CONVENTION OF LETTER CAR RIERS IN BOSTON. Death of Solon Hanlioelon. Jllnln; In China. Anxiety In Wall Street. By Ttlerrxrh to the Nxarti tii r. 4i. a. u. c cm pji c r. Mallallou Cotoael trawy or Can neclicnl Eleeled fomni.niler. In-ltiler. IIOSTON, Aur. 11 At the after noon msion cjlllcers were elected, tlie princxl iwrtlons going to the Kaat, in iirtuancr, as it is claimed by tome, of the plan to Rive the en campment to the Vtt three sucrv9 xive years, Detroit In 1S9I, Tojwka in 1S! and Chicago In 1S93. The roll was called nnd the repre ecntatlviwof each bjtatc had au op. iortunily to name their choice for Commauder-in-Chlcf. California presented Colonel ifmedburg, a re tired officer of the regular army; Connecticut nominated General Whcelock G. Vea-y and Maine Mrconded the nomination; Indiana and Ohio gave their tumort to General Alvin 8. Iluvry. Montana supported Smedburg and Minneso ta, Idaho and Iowa expieal a preference for I lovey. New Vortt, I'entwylvaula, Itliode Island, Ten-mst-e, Texas and Vermont fur lorted Colonel Veajey. Utah, Virginia and Abeka wauted Col. rimedburg, and Illinois was the last atate to rrrjioud for Col. Veuey. As tlie roll-call ended Colonel Smedburg and General llovey withdrew tiielrnames. This action was greeted with great npiUu-c lly a unanimous vote Col. S'earey was declared elected as commander-in-chief. Col. Vcofcy accepted the honor in a brief epeecll. Next in order was the selection of a caDdldato for eenlor vlcc-com-mandet-!u-chief, and lt U-Ing con sidered an cfllco which, cut of courtesy, belonged to Ma.achu;.tts, the matter was left w Ith the dele-u-ites from that State. Tbe name of Itliltard T. Toblu was presented as their unanimous choice. George I. Creamer of Ilaltimore was unanimously elected Junior vice-commander. Tho remnluder of the oflleeis will Lu tlected tomor row. General Alger temporarily sur rendered tlie cltalr to lion. Warner Miller, who In brief remarks moved that the next encampment he In Id at Detroit. The motion prevailed by unanimous vote. COLONEL VEASirV Isoneof the Intrratate Commbcion ers. He Is a native of New Hauip hlre aud lias jut lasietl IiL oOUl year. He graduated from lUrt moutli College with honors, aud is oueof tlieprucnt board of trustee, lie also graduated from tho Albany Uv ScIkoI, and taking up his resi dence at Itutland, VL, was admitted to the bar of Vermont in 1SS0. Unti tlie breaking out of the war he en listed as a private, and iu 1S62 1 caaic colonel of the Sixth Vermont regiment. He served with great distinction throughout the war and won credit for his gallaut flghtiug un many fields. (Jinn tlie mustering out of bis ri glmetit Judge Veasey returned to the practice ufhUprofeMion, being associated In business for a while with 1'roctor, now rkcretary of War. He w as for ten years J udge of the Supremo Court uf Vermont and resigned that iosltlon when apjointed Interstate Commerce CommlMioutr. He has been a member of the Grand Army for a number of years and his electlou Is well recilved. THERE WAS A CAJlfKlKE lu Meclianics Hall to-night, attend ed by all the nouible -opIe here. General Alger spoke and was fol lowed by General Sherman. In re Imsc to loud calls for General Itutler, he came forward aud spoke at considerable letiptli. General Itutler began with the (tatiment that, unlike those who had spoken, he liad no desire thai tlie citizens should be generous to the soldiers, although they had lcn liU-ral in the post, but he wanted the country to ay its hon est debt, It liaviug Qid its soldiers In depreciated currency, which they had accepted, although rejected by the bond-holders. He urged the men to light together for tho pay ment of this dibt, and urged that united action of the Grand Army would force any IegiIalion of tlie kind they wished, because all poli ticians North and South, would do anything to gain their vote. Major McKInley of Ohio, the next speaker, dlllered from General Itutler, who has just said that In a money point of view, the soldiers made a tad bargain when they fought for $6 a month In depreciated currency. He said no more honor able obligation was ever entered Into titan that in I So I, to save tlie tlxg ami preserve to mankind the bt-t and freest government on the face of God's earth, whereat Gen. Itutler exclaimed, '-and the most unjust," amid considerable excite ment. Major McKInley then con tinued. Major William Warner and General rlckler were the last sivakefx. WOMAN'S KELIEV (JUKI'S. ltOSTON, Au;. 13. The eighth annual convention of the National Woman's Itelief Corps was orcned In Tremotit Temple tills morning with Mrs. Annie Wltteiimeyer. na tional president, in the chair. .Mrs. Wittenmeyer, in her annual address stated that the membership of tlie corjs was now nearly WO.uOO; that in-M.rvefundof 123,0-M is in the Itauds of treasurers of local cor, 31k1 that the iharity work of the J-ar amounted toover$10i),VK. In the absence or Mrs. Charity Itusk Craig, past national president, the gold badge voted her by the en caniinent, was pn-etiled to her father. Secretary Husk, for her. In reply Sccrrtary Itu-k said that the prosperity of the G. A. 15. large ly dt landed upon the efforts of the Woman's lit lief Corps. Mrs. Logan, who is a member of the National Tension Committee, W. It. l, gave an Interesting ao ccunt of the nurtes LIU now pend ing In Congress. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Alger for co-oreration w ith her hus laud in aiding W. It. C. work. teller 4arrlerron4enllon. ItoSTo.v, Aug. IX The first annual convention of the National AtHi.-lsltnri etf l.ffefn..Im f lt.a L' States began here today. Gem nil Superintendent of Dchv iry Itatet, of Washington, spoke in regard to the deiurtment and its employes and promised to use his Influence for tlie mutual welfare of the two bodies. Anilely In Wall Street. New York, Aug. 1.1. The action of tlie Secretary of the Treasury was looked for anxiously lu Wall Street today, as It was thought the ollcy of tho government would be outlined by the developments of to day. It was ascertained that oflers in the neighborhood of $1.13 were accepted, and those at $1.1 4 were rejected. Solon Ilnnllnilon Illea. New YoBtr, Aug. 13 Solon Huntington died at Oneonta, N. Y., Monday. He was Urn elder and only brotlierof Collis P. Hunting ton, tlie railroad president, and was over seventy years old. He was born in Harrington, Connecticut, where be received a cowl common school education. He began his business experience early in life as a commercial traveler and later em barked In carriage building and general merchandise at Oaeonta, wheie subscquenUy Collis P. Hunt ington was associated with him un til the breaking out of the Califor nia gold excitement In IS, when he Joined the stream of gold hunt ers and lea his brother in sole pce seMlon of tho carriage factory. About four years ago, while traveling In Kentucky in company with his son, Huntington received severe injuries In a railroad col iUIon, barely escaping with his life from a burning csr. From these Injuries ho never thoroughly re covired. There are surviving him his wife and two sons Thomas, Huntington of Cincinnati, general manager of the Kentucky Central Ilailroad. and V. V. Huntington of San Francisco and two daughters. Jtlnln? In ITilna. Chicago, Aug.13. After months of diplomatic work several China men have succeeded in obtalng the consent nf tlie royal viceroy to estab ILsh a stamp mill at aijuartx mine In Sang Tong, China. Chicago will supply J 130,000 worth of machinery lor the enterprise, the first of Its character to bo attemi-ted In tlie Ce lestial empire. Tons Sing Kow an J Tom Ping Cbcw have been in the city for some time engaged In com pleting arrangements for tlie trans portation of tlie machlnrry. They will take with them a Chicago engi neer to superintend the works. It was known that valuable ijuartx de posits existed In Sang Tong. but the i:niieror refused to allow tlie mines to be worked. Two hundred and twenty-eight years ago, during the reign of KaDg HI, an Immense luantlty of gold was tiken from the rock by the primitive means at hand. He Kow, who lias secured a good Knglislt education, organ lied a stock company and presented his prusiieclus to the Kniiieror nt I'exlu. The ou.r of a tenth of the profit of the concern Induced tbe Kniivror to give his consent. Chi nese miners will Itsve for SargTong lu a few days. T rapepay. This Is what you ought to liave. la fact, you mu-t hive it. to fully enjoy life. Tl.ousandsareM-archtiig tor lt daily, and mourning because tbey find H not. Thousands upon thouiands of dollars are spent annu ally by our people in the horn that they may attain till boon. And yet It may be had by alL We guarantee that Klectrie Hitters, If used accoriltc to dlrectkin and the use !erzitcd In, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and Install Instead Ku- S-ey. Wo recommend l.Ioctric liters for Dyspepsia anu ah dlseaxsof Liver, stoiuach ami Kid neys. Sold at SMs. aud JI.W per Dotllo at A. C Suiltn i. Co.'i Drue BJor. 1 Serat or Paper Nave Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrip wrapping er, It It saved hti life. Saewasin the last sUtgea o) i-onsuniplloii, told by physicians llmt she wa4 In -urabje and could live only a short time; she weighed Ym than seventy laxinds. Un a piece uf wrapping Idlvr she read ol l)r. King's New ltfexieiy, and got a simple lot lie; It hehwi her, -he bought a large bottle, it helpetl fcel more, liought anotiier ami gie w bet ter, cuntluuel lis ui-e aud Is now strung, lie.illliy, rosy, phiniwtigli ingal.julHJ pound. For further particulars send stamp to W. 11. Cole, Drusgl-t, Foil Smith. Trial Hollies of tills wonderful Discovery Free at A. C. SmiUii Co.'s Drug Store. i William-. .tu.trall. Itrtbt'llla. If uuu are Yellow, lillllous, con stljated withHtatiache. lad breath druwsy, no aptite, hut cut you I.iveriscutof ordi-r. One lx iI there Pills will ifrir all the trm:U. away and tnsVen ne-v being of you. Price 23 rents. Zlon Co-op Mecr. lust Drug DepL,, Agent dis Happy Tlerllnc or Two I"rlenl. John M. Allen, of Cbarlotte, N. V., said to Ills friend, "Parsons, I am about dead with the 'gravel, and cannot And helu" Mr. Parsons Induced Mr. Allen to give Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Reme dy, of Rondout, N. Y., a ttiiL Weeks went by and the friend' met. Mr. Allen said, "Dr. David Kenne dy's Favorite Remedy has saved my life. It l u cure for gravel and the only cure." d Ur.J.r. Tlie Celeiikate Specialist and OitTiioiTjite Sctuinu;:, of Indian apoIL, Indiana, is now at the St. James Hotel, Salt I.ake City, and will remain until Setember 1st, only. Tlie doctor has had a large business in Utah for nnny y4ir, and will l glad to see former atlenU and alllirted lrtles who desire to routilt him in regard to his New Methods of Treatment. All form, uf flimnl ntul Stitrr-lr-tl DIseaManddefonuitIesuccesfuily treated. Sitvial attention given to the treatiutnt of diseases peculiar to female. All aflilctrd should call early during the Doctor's stay in city. dim Vlhy II . l-opnlar. Ilecauso it ha proven iU nlnaolute merit over and over again, la-cau4 it has an unequalled record of cure, Iwcaus-; its business Is conduited in a thoroughly honest manurr, aud Ux-aU'e it conillnii economy ami strength, lieing the only mediiineof which "Il Doses One Dollar" is true these strung points havo made IIool'sSaraioriil.i tlie most success ful medicine of tlie day. 6 Families not already supplied should lose no time In procuring a bottle or Cliamherialli'sCoI!-. Choi era and Diarrlnea Remedy. It is the only remedy that can always ! ilepeuilevl v pon for towel complaint in all Its form. Twenty-tire and fifty cent bottlra forsaie by Z. C. M. I. Drug Drp u Bnekleai-a Aralrn laatve. Tiib Hct Salve In the world for Cuts, RrulM's, Son's, Uicera. Salt Itheum. Feer Sore, Ttter, Chap, pet! hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Kruptious and positively cures IIIit, or no rny required, ll is guaranteed to give i-riVct satis faction, or momy refunded. Price SS cents per box. For sale by A. C Smith A. Co. TUe rnml ami riet Articles known to medical science are used in jrraring Hind's Sarsa parllla. I.verylngmlUnt is ue fully seleeteil, (ersonallv examiueil, and only the best ntained. The medicine is prrjared under the supervision or UiorouRhly comctent JiarmacI!.s and 4. very step In the process or mtnufzeture Is carefully waUhtd with a view to securing In Hood's Sateaiarilla the best lib!e nsulL 1 A Box otSafet, Mitehea Free to Santera ol How I Saved aiy Life. I waiukeakkwhilestlhe diaaer table with tembledutreiamair tomich-llclnrc thta I bad been bearty and atroii. For fourteen daja I kept retnac worse, deaptte the efloru of two doctors. I sot furty Kunda. and was aaua fled chat I eoald live lafewdaya. My trouble waa stomach and Mnr Complaint, roulunr Is aa attarx of bilioea rolie. At this Ume 1 aaw lir. Hand Keancdy'a I avor ito Kenedy, of Uondoot-N. Y adTerllaed. and aeat for a Louie. 1 alao sent for my pbysKiaa, aad told Mm that I was four to try tbe Faronte Ueeey. He examined It aad tokl me to use U three daya aad let hlra know the rraulL In the three aaya I walked tour miles, lir. Kennedy' Faronto Heme dr aaa aired my life. W & timer, slate Villa, Itoaa lu, uhw. Dr.Kennedy'sFaYoriteRemedy Mada at Ito.MiolT. .V. V 51,8 for 13. For Sale b Z. C. I. I. Prux DepL CHICHESTER'S ENCUSH PENNYROYAL P.LLS f:o cuott oumod an-no A rJZT - w ?2 ffSat ! yian, Ht (Mxtdal , (t T5 Wt -UalaWf tWL.l. a-V4r 1 tw.r MaJJ. Mr JaxVaaaaax? Ucxxfl Ca.X.Ca4-I tf.rUa.4f. Horse Owners, Attention! Hxli.. rtlST-VtUbf. 'to S or Slhssr wht dri,.a. . T II XT S J itw asawtrsts th. tnaitira part of i.liof,oxu.ia,Loklww and -turba. AVOID THEM. CSJt OHLV The Putnam Nail, ! WWth It HOT FOftGED from held ta polat. 'foni ha best Swedha Iroa. asa eaanat iDlit orslrrsr In any msaaer and BE SAFE. p5r ..dlouaputisai Nail Co.. Nrpo.aet,ri.a.J.M,f.aia-x. Tot aalo by SB. O- 3VE. X. " braaeaaa. CREATE A STUPENDOUS SALE Tho eotalac two weeks will tell a tale of a (re) mutably aneeeaifnl Ttataro-aiM-peadoaaoSerindeedtooowhiehwitleauaea 'a-aiaonrapaeloaaeatabllahmoaL ETory ranneatoroar ealeneuod IIK1II AKT AM flMot MlHEaoUlojr.aa well aa orery dollar'a worth of Ctothlar that la exhibited oa either of tho threo floors, la aabmiued to atupeadona redueltoaa on ntnal prieca. Ilere and Ihero aro aeparata atarka of autta, liaht OTereoau aad Irouaera. Intended for an Immediate At. for tho ahort and tho anna built rain -. the extreme atom or the lean ladrndual. aa well as our regular l-uuroitnoxil. iitti.i 4-LorilI.Mlaranudeot tho rareat maierlala and flaeat of inmmlafa. maaafaetared by tu for oar trado exelualTely. For the next two weeks wo eater 10 etery dollar to be latcaled In Clothuir. and Ihtrtfore propoao to oser Ike foUowlns: DOLLAKSl 8M,F,lf, BOLLABS Trpolaa-eaioUihAtAWpr-ioalratlirM.llSJ5).cd Ili.t50.mide of all-wool m&terul. beaaUfal lizht r lrk. iUerii. boae-t tnmmlaK,a&3 well made op. A. taoroaf Mr reliaWe surmcat ta CTrry tvca nf tbe word. FOR THE HECHAK1C AND THE WAGE WORKER. i,LABSnM 20-' n iBOUiBS Wit: aerar a nobby Baa iseaa or Prea Suit, quoted preTVua la Ihle day at insaaadfxian. Ahprtai:orsummerarrarellhallor.k and tKa nobby. either aaeh or Inxk aljle arti-tieally eut aad DaUhetl. reliable fabric. and surely ihepretlleal aad moat xenteol patlerna aad deatrca produrcil anywhere. Juat the anit FOR A BUSINESS MAN OR BANKER Dollars 22.s5r25.r27.50 Dollars AH we ait fir thte tetatf a! Vxttot m ad drr-t isll. whkh retail arro the L'ontl. sent at JM. SILtw aal Jiaw. 3tale rxelairer br Uilon and rat hy jloro ratten oalf. U e oe tt-r thi et of jrrnenu moUr ln.rortf-lwd iariHj- tbe flacit ofdonw tie -altiap-. We hare e ta ak. 1. 3, ao4 4 battun CttUwaj-, Pnnre Albert or lr-ee Clurlrx," ljte. ruber toal w raw dire ami rolled front. In fact a better jcanneot ibaa tbe one j otr uir will male op tor extra charge, tupeclailj adij-tcU for an 1m meuteCt FORTHE MOST FASHIONABLE OF DRESSERS. Dollars 30.00, 30.00, 30.00Dollars WillbsjMC.eflie de la CrmeM nf ear welMnown toek of tlieh ArtClotbic?."" AD-'-rT a taaw-ertnetil. beretbatfoeh a carmeal tanaot ba dBieaird f nr Lai e or U"BrT to ary Hotblfc ii.uc in oorTiriBlire o mailer wtutir.eeyoarmercbaat tsiui dit rbwe yoQfurfctlWvteaBiioiiapcre1e tbe AaeoartAitoria the I t tarnt ootmirriw bcs ar lv tier matrr.alra aperior bittBCirarscBt tban wcrt-HifeeUne ia-wia in ofc 4xaa,2i.t frai "0 1 JaO' joa are ohpr-t to py . LcaiScial tint FOR THE HIGH ART DRESSER. 15 TO 25 FER CErfT OFF 15 TO 25 PER CENT OFF BOYS' aad CHILDRES'S CLOTHING. ' TROUSERS. The Largest m0MM of thc Retailers fZA Hcrihwest xMjtr? tfr-K-rtQ E. C. COFFTN PEOGEESS - BUILD T2XG We are now ready to promptly at tend to the wants of all who are needing Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Etc. Our prices are sure to suit. Our goods are sure to please, and if you will pay us a visit it will afford us pleasure to meet you whether you buy or not, and you may see just what you have been looking for a long time. inOFIIEAOTAM N. DUNCAN M. McALLlSTKU & CO.. I .- -WAIX ST., Salt Lake City. V ? 5 N. Wholesale, and Retail. jr L ' o S 5 STilTIONERY, H I J! BOOKS J ; -S H TOYS AND NOVELTIES. ?-"' a i? S":i nnitaril "Works. VerloiIIcal-iS. 2. i" P yacluml Hooks. IlraUh PttMicatloiiot " Supylcs for OJIlocs and Architects. N DAVID JiSsW Pluml)ers, Gas and hm Pliimblnu Material, Pumps, Pipa anr, c wm Heatlnt? Supplies. Tin and Iron 2 RtUnS. IB vxnlz.d Iron Cornlc, CuttcS!?"-.! GABDEJJ HOSE axU UW.v s '' mP No. 67 S. MAIN STrEEtB spffiiiG' mejSthbR Warwick High Grade Safety Bicycle - IV ' Safoty Bicycles, SI35.00. S115.00. S7Sr 540.00, S35.00. $25 OO. Si I Tricycles and Voloclpedos. H Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition IS Pocket Cutlery, Razors. Strops, Biitchn- aKBt Horso and Toilet Clippers. r Kr,B Fishing Tacklo, Tents, Baso Ball Coons. W-M Agent for Caligraph Writing Machine r H Ribbons and Papor. ' "aic- Dog Collirs. Playing Cards, Poker Check- - afl LiVBGEST JSXOCICaii4lx.O"V: ;,T j" J M SHOTGTJNSRTC0ST. xVlt nepalrlnc ! All Itraiiebe. BB M.E.EVAHS, "iSilrrl DEALERS. C05SOLT YODR IHTEREST BY GETTI5G i) H TO, I SvyiAa S? -' ,? X ?C in r y l If AKWwwSw JA A VUiLa NMQ.F yyf 03 I CWfR6aZE00fU Buy the CHARTER OAK, VTItii tio W1US GA?: Ovc. Zcc. Z.O. M. 1.. t?oh; AsTi-uts !n s--ih 1 -:-. ntj MAKGETTS ; W(.. nilOLESALK Al rjl STATIOITSES. Toyn, Fancy Gowlm, Jtooks, Xovrttie;.. Oticc and School Snjijilics. Text Ilim.v, JLarycsl Line of Tab'r". An Jilcyant Line of I.tttliit.' S'tlrftrfs and l'ockct Jiok.i Jitt Arrir.l, Fine Jfjs. .s. etc., at Lmresl I'tu CALL! 76 S. Main St., Salt LaLe Ci- MARGBTTS::BROS. reisxcTum o II. Taj lor, (.eo Poawr, oii--. v.- ..t Armilronr. H. J Itonacy. Ulf n T s .V. V. ArmstroBp- 1 t l - t - LumberYard & SteamPlaninpii TAYLOR, ROiVWEY, ARJVlSTROiNG CO, One Ulncli Khm ,,1 f. I. II II ) " TEAS PEL'S. New Goods! Spring Arrivals ! IN ALL, THE ATTRACTIONS OF NEW STYLES DRESS G-OOV& LADIES1 STEAW HAE j IPa-aK.nSO'XjS, lLOTVriiJItX, ETC.. ETC ALSO A FULL LINE OF BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Men's ami Youtlis' Hals, Caps, Bfc GENUINE BARGAINS! Fair Dealing and Good Goods FOB LOW - PRICES, At TEASDEL'S.