Newspaper Page Text
DESERET EVENING ' NEWS. jj JtlSs-St W TJRUTH AND LIBERTY. II :Xly v ' '"'' F1UDAY EVENING, AUGUST lo, 1890. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAII TERRITORY. VOL XXIII. 9 T B"" ::5H - LMwning Tower. U Gc't Report, Arj. 17, 1SS9. c Powder ' $B ABSQUJWt F2JRE 1 b-B- S ' - BUI OF IJTAH7 "H "" vt citt. lecl8. EijB c.Piu - rsoo,ooo. 'MaB -v vice raunt. 1 - -B ULLS.auUtrl L. aaaK i Jn j-. . -roans. H it. n. Bonoc I l r.- T.ylw. I Snn'l .aaaaaax ,T 'a-wria, rr-JaBr -"oV" i I WiH X 0 aWd. I Vt sTaBaaaai veaavewarnT. I fit faaaaan pmau. i H ' derooo. ' --aaaaH '" -"ertx. aaaaan Hj 1 trath St., V fl m: city '4 B - yj Sj v.vtce-nwt. n aK ".cuNe v all oB4 f jB r-W Hwn. '".A SHfi '-once HXaataee, flf" "oa,ow.w. TAIH!Bj-. ting Bisiiess. 0riH H F ' Interest Paid jB 3 Deposits. 2; Qfll Le-o- " li'l JC-stiito. "fl p3 B AM.CuMer. fpfes BAIffi M TTJ-T COMPANY, !fl 1 TFHTLK ST. tfl 3 Icrjrlel f'iiyfl JH M TOKJfc H rr. Preat W :m mm. jE Z .eratM&ariaca a, K a.itLMratMe 7 P '" zv'i i ' ,f"iial Bank, Citj ' m, UTAH. SMI ..-.-3250.060 I 1253,000 I :oBHs r 4l ' XX I-ca-ftaaeUtt, iuirr UQR 'ill Pn lil , ! i " i tCMkltb I J Lxrlaaaaaj n Sn I te'etse, Cbfeaatro, ! ' I ' !'ida.u alt Mm i J -.-.cuttM (.U1S. ' . c it. ataolstdr tr : au m jo re -I" ..!! TKDK. 1 e-- or J ' J" vaxChimneys J - Jar-. Altered Se 1 1. . jtar tilobCMaaad ::j lit irmf aswiti & soxs, ! ' t or c j's Ware, J ' - 'jubh, rie. I 1 ' T3DURGH, PA. j -H ' c S - s ; j skWS - :- o Li. ""iel , w - . z a & 3 - - - : k "" ! la, -- ' n fS'tdi'33rSBl3ilS rc ihed or Blutd. ly Z.r u 1 1, Iry are Uie K.l H ' " J ninauM S ' I HfCttOB. 1 H a loafer 1ab bt B v ' ,vi'ro-111- 1 jB -- "HIIICXI AID CHICAGO TK.I)K. cTfebM Natioosl Folding Bsd Maaafartared Iiy ibe wg? i I.MT-4vrr InrmUre G. HICAOO Lirxe VnetT r-r S l 3. R.MARKS & CCS CipMllr Trxilltlr. C WOLr MFG. CO. FINE - BATKaooia - OUTFITS. Natlllnrjr .irIllit- Rati. TnJ. Iji rAlftrlNt. II atrr 1imcI. It T Urt. uk. IvttiHHtrjrTnln. tlieUtekt taatriuaiiJ artaej,j.l s It!o'Tf mrt CrrrUt FWrmiaaM .EVio- u i,t. ju in Wrt tjc sxntoir If.raicrMk9iT 7 ItoarcorB m rAi..iui u III w Kate sc. a! Lrr II A Iltfjac reoBC4 t altoa M Cliicnso, 2J1. 41) DOWK WITH HIGH P3ICES." IHU 0. ,, nln:Urli.iir Ks m I IH( lb. rintlnrtn sif . .. 13.IHI liSJiiroitliur) u.m 4 2Tn Inon Snil. Hl.fHI VMti(ti:iM'lliirl . . 10 no IMlmi llnrzr llamr ... T W llntb SnMiiAXBlnlfunus'aIr a.H til. IriuIIj orMnrrOralr. . l.t.u 55T"t nd l..r atal uc l low rtr at Ixwtt I'ricc.. CHICAGO SCALE CO.. Chicago, III. TIII3 nrmenuj SEiHtartinn' uc FJiSTEST S3PICE5 iXO Flavoring Sxtracts, KOWN TO TI1E TUV1IE. XorieUV T Uk Fatnnt: ttne4 ff 0,32.3i,56.3S,40 So. V.'jler SI., OEICAOO. 4 V MlKSlTAKKIte. KaTAiiijisiiEs liloa JOSEPH eTtAYLOR. Pimeer UMerlater f Dtai tf tcialctzrw t4 tMUer ia a . Jit r- COFFINS and CASKiTTS. rnll llarof Cflt rtV ri'R-'VISIIItJ. fcrpt roc.iiAnllj en xiand. reHjteu t T!--- r Ordl I'riMirtJ' 8J&J rtf-M in itt- staral Csai: Ol'ES O.V ys.7413 HIOKT r8i5.1 c?'4 W'"""' " :'3 l "-'-l " ' - - "-' t.-'. if ii 7r tc-5 "t' . -E.-l - .... I I . 1... . ,t ,. JOS. W1LLIAMTAYL05 UNDERTAXER&EMBALMEB COFFiMS, CASKETS And ';Jrtl'-r' OsaJj Is SJ'th, vaosjtv 179 sara.iL, at ! rmrttV B"tCfi) rZK'JX taw tta irare er aVrri i ! BS" IS Orfcrs CUM S rr m aat la ibi I 9I7ICC m ITASCSOOIU ITCTSX CLOTED ! 21 1s4 23 WET TEMPtF STT.ctT J NKW YOKIC TIIAIIK. , EMPinE I Tiw ami Window Skadks, I HASH HIDE, SPKJXCr HOLLEltS, 1 rr llii- llri. tor Sale hr All Dealtre 4 US. H. KTEB. THOSAf r J. TT"tX J. B. HYEIl & CO., laqurttrf aad liarafaclBrrn vt ULMIOLSTERY GOODS, Lace Curtaitu twi CarlalH Salrrlel! OorrfKUlau.i.t. fits 1I1. I'ir-i Mill, l-bila, !. frrrmtrHiA C.Lltr. d HLRZ?JD FOTATBEE. G u li i owderl BlHtflnr. KniHrky nir-. IIr- lano, UurU. tJtK-irn oc 1m3 mx - as ia ibe T-m' r. i bj b F,.1e .)i rt-J W. SlUU A CO.. . l?HE FISGHER-LEAFCOMPT KAXCrACTCRUM OT Itnrbrllznt Iron nn.I Milr U VNTCLS ""'jf'Vgr STOVES and Stono - Wall RANGES. JToprittora at the Celebrated Breckw DaapiDgS Folding Grates. O III re anil Salesroom, iLtioisoxsiljOiJiSilLLE, XI. ASEXTI IX tlLTUICE CITT IJUnorrt. nalwn Urol, IV. J I Tniljf-nbara, CUIlaloig JU1 II-"1. I re C" ' ON THEN. Y. CENTRAL TStrre U iirr .some Tnopfrt or the Tmalilf ItMcliia; An tni. THREATENED STRIKE OF CHICA' CO IRON MOULDERS. Tile Lalrer llinirnllio in Dizlaml Mow oi-n r "-llVniTut. CHOLERA EPIDEMIC IN JAPAN SPREADING. iwlK-r CarH-iilrr' Mrike in (hi- ram. 1Y9m-I .National I Rltrr.itr In N. V. Till, it tll.lloin ntirttl LTi. Malrr.IVrr".nmii Vall.llrU V.llti Tttlus Ikoul Ira lurk. Nl-I VoRK. AllR It IjOcalAr K-mbl I7.C, KulgltLi of 1-ul.ur, of IKjvir ri4l-, tltnlril tujaj tin. truth of the r-wrt that the a nillj haul lA-eattlrnuU toJai Umt t-vititlihij; wairogrcv.ii)ia'. Warlorili anil tin imn utrcas tie. ttrrniineil a ivir. Tin-yanl iiK-n uho u tut out on the frtnfcv oil the IMauare A Hui" ii at tlifc. villi Iiave rcturueil to work. TIh rmliHil ratifietl that Uitirm-j.kum tlu.t the I). A. It. i. kuoHiirKly liaixiling CViitral fleight uauiOu-UHiiJ. M-TJ Wl.HK.MAN lit. cbitua to lie iriUi the cun-.lllr-ll vt tilling In Niu orL ami tliisv.fiiiity. lie Mhl the Central roail is having a hard time in the endeavor to ralM.- the freight Ukx V.-adeate-t Alltn. Hie Mrik. r-got hoM of tin-nun who came from t'liiozuaml lhton jeterdaj, uilhilu- u-ultthat tliU utoriihig lortj-to fxtrleuctd m crlrru railroail nan, u ho u ire to he mtat work at Wert Allan, n-fu-dtogo to work. In tvnvera kin it itli half a dozen men u ho cjine ou from llikitgo, it ua learned lhjt iiiani men had It-en iindir coiitrMt uitli the Central for Miilj, Inforctlie Mtlke was de dared. Itll I tUlKMLIITsul UltiK. i:t n-AUi,.ug. II The Knlfiht. of IjU- In. 1,1 a M-kill hrru tlilc aflirn vii aifi rUte that hi lomor row noon tlie ctutral wiirriuJoal llmttltf 4rike is not over. Tin widboflho Central dn-wt K-ar a lo. of frehK nude igibs hilullar to thoe tliAt aijcared the night hrfure the 4rike. A getRral lueeti-ig u calleil for tonight. II INT IKI.ITKATIOS. Ditboit, Aug 14 The ixtcu Uie hoard of tlie Kniglihtof l-ihoi t-uddeuly ri-roln-d toilaj lo fiiiili their lal-oni In New jrk and -tar:-t-l fortiiat city luuishL In a n-ech before an aMaeiuUlage of Ktiights ol I.alrthi- evening, 1'ondetlj falu that he ail J lib (vHuradtxireregolug lo New ork tudemanJ arbitration in tlie inaUer of the Ni Vork Central and llutl-on Iliier Itallrnd i-trike. HNuilillr. Iron Mnnl.lrr. Ctilfiiio, Au'. II. A strike among lire iron mouklen ii thrra! tued in Chicago and nu nearly I reci4tated y. Menial hj a flmi re-i-eiving and easting a n for a iuir.a mill ou an ordtr from-au i rancl-x-o. rvtretari Heali of the Trade ami habjr A-embly ami a me .I'ajr 4 the Moulder' L'u'oa Ktidtuda; tlnta4rikeiroiikl lueii UMi nult Hire :liefniii'likf tose 1 1 orders from "--in l'raiic!co, as a rike i! in greH) thefe. I.-.I. or Trouble-. In Inslmi I. Jjum-oa, Au. 1 1. The ftorkmeu in the i-arnvlt quarrin, at Wiikkiiv iMVeKruck. Tlie tinker a'tni-ki-l tlie rrsiUenee of Samutl MeAIMer. Mr. l'rinieil Jon man, ami frisht "d t. MeAIMer a Unl rile i now liingdaiiffifnii'ly 111. I'.irmll thrtatei- t" i!tic the iuarries if tin li-4uibjiH-ei-ontinui. The irfo-ie. t of a termlnitioti of the strike in Wales M-enit .i dl-tant x ever. TraJe t-oiilinuea J-aralyzed throUi,lHwt tlie t-oal vales of ('la uiurgaiixiiire and Moumouthhlie. while frt h Mi-ivuioii" of work an daili ro-irJed in fie Itlioadla dj IrirL r-j rrr-olute are tlie colliery in tlie sUnd tlni hare taken in miji lrt of themeu that not a kK-omstin luu. been nt tlirough for a week, riic re4dent- are reaving, anJ tvtri erHK-eivsbft! lellklc tlllt mil h. u-ed ax a convey au.T I Hit iitKlir r.iUititiju. On the Uliiin ik3 line m-ar Canlil! tiii morning tiin-c rignal loxrf were rtt on lire anJ tmrmd. The rite raided great exeittmeut and additkHial wlite have been called for. (Imlrra in Ja;in Si. Fiuinsu Aug. II. The tinnieiiip CWy uf l'tlxn arrived to Ja with JajiKe alvietg. The iliulera ej Idemie i rj.ijy gainiig ground. Three hundred awl thn-e i-aresaud 174 death-, hale lieture ,ttiil in Nogakili n. Clrolera i l re-orn-d at Yokohama and cthtr Janee eitie". At llontliaiu, a luniH twy ran aniuek, killing light -.cruHM. and mortally wounding four more, lo -ld- injuring M.-.t-ral uthtn. lie wiib finally killed. IVathlliatuit Jolllti.. Wi54iiN(,ni., Au,j. H. Thetll ret lor of lle mint xkl thiiafti tikkjii that iH-ixiKctiTl tourihi-e"KH,ikkJ ouiHts-of t-iliir toiiHtrrow and tx ed afc to i a tntle more tliau the lMidou market rate for It. He defended the rjn-y of nfurlug lo mike iiMlc the ixart price the Ihr latrtnieiit y for filver. TIil price-) ild for rilver have never ien made -ibh hentofore, jhj then? was no new i5etarture iu the ruattir. lie continued: "Then, will be no attempt on the anoCthe Trea-urj lh-inttnunt to imy hlierilutip, or to lear down I rut. The govt ruineiit will ay ihefullmaikil prhe and will liuj I ii uoMouuceaa mouth if it is to !iehad.Tlieailiuliii;.lnitkmiU.ircto ee the price of idlveradvame, anJ linn will l no attempt iu the exe cuting of the lew law to throw ol lHcIe iu thi w ay " I'l IUvINS toiay reported fivoraldy to the Jlou-ca bill tu iliange the IwunJar les cf tin L neoiupahgre HeMrrva tiou. The 1 mllan atTairs committee ajsthe bill lies Ueu prtjared to meit fieohjeitions reirte.l by the I'ntidtut, wIki letoed tile Senate till, ami In Us opinion is rea-ouable and fair (o all. -MimNATIONS. Aliraru I'arkir, Xew Vork, asi taut altoruii-gintral, an provliUd bynctofJuly I1.15W. Samuel V. AlMough, porfmalert White Sul lliurpriusg, Montana. snlrldr. Itosios, Aug. U. Iu A. Hern- yt?iu of San KraucJsco was found cad In Ills room at the United Stale HotU thi rtflernoon from an verdeMi tf rnorrhine, taken, It Is lsurtt-d, with suicidal Intent. Carprnlrrt Mrikr In t'litrn;o Chicago, Aug. H. At a mttlliig of the carpenters toulght nsolution-i were adoj ted retting forth thaLas1 the bo's call-enters had broken their agn-emmt to advance pay after Au gu'tltt, the tarpenlirsof Chicago would strike rtttmber In. The t-tnkeiiill Involve H carpenter, and will nece--5ltate the ldleiicts of alout as many more employed in other trades. Tnnit -4llllon for a Iilimllj. Xiai VoitrT, Aug. H The 7Vio uno tomorrow will my tliere U a movement on Coot that, if carried out, will give New Vork au institu tion without a rival luthia country Tlie otiulMimrut of A nationol uulierslty In this city with all en dowment it Uie outrtt of twtnty million dollars is proposed. From a friend of I'n-Ident Itockefrller, of tlie Standard Oil Tni-t, aud Iter. McArthur, It wns learned that Dr. McArthur'sdream of a great lla4Ist uuiierity Iu tills tlty set ms about to be realKed. In Anlrrlran tiner' Haprrlriire. ToMtSTU.NH Arit, Aug. II. Shentr Slaughter today receiied a letter from Mag-Zalena, Sonora, Mexico, dated August 7th, and written by Asa Turner of Iowir Sulphur bpriti--. Turner rajs that he went toMadaleiia lo gain Mflon cf his team, which was reized bi Mexican cu-totn house ufllciab rome tin.c lefore whtn he went to hU mining claim, ami was thrown into prison. His core has K-eu rrfem-d to the judge at (iuaj mas and it may be rt vt ral mouths Itfore it Is decided. He asks the sheriir to loll him out. "-heriir Slailghtir linmediati ly rent a dejaitj to Magdalena w itli iulructious to gorccuilty for Tur ner. Consul Wilbird at (iiiaynia lias I evil aktl lo intercede Iu 111 Ulialf The t.rntinn tunprrnr. Km, Aug. U. The SroAaisufr Icrn, with Kmiror William mi l-oard, snik-d tonight for Ituwia. Miirilrrrtl I Mr Irani Hume. Ntli Vokk, August 1 1. Word w-as n-ctived iu this city Jelerdai of the deaths of K. M. liates, ll Kinginaii aud John 1'.. Jakn-uM, i'n-bj terian uiLiouarii- In the "soudau. Tliei wen-murdtreil bi A ralis, tut no details W-yond the simple aiiuouuct ui-nt of tilt ir trak end have readied Anwriea. ( itt aud lih frifinK all from NewJen-i , ttametuNeu Vork and met their brother mi lonarh-, all louud for the -oiidaii. Among tile party wen- Kliuuian. John I- Jadirimist, Itic, tloddlugtuit. Warnau ". HarrL-, K. I. Uate.,Mrs. 1. King man. Ml" Jennie Ditk aiMl James i 'rice. All tittle mi kinarn.-s were jouugaud full oft nttrj.rise. riie suew that no Christian tenchtrliau evtr niurued from thesouiian, Ihii Ihej felt a spetial call logo and labor tin n. lhey vnrr not rent out by any church or misakMiarj sjcitt. lrarr:illn ol i-Arllsnirul. I-u.MrjN, Aug. H. l'arli:.m-nt w ill be i rorugueit ou Moudu i next. Ilie South tiislrallan Mlnlslr,. Al)i:i.llM-, S.A.. Aug. II A resolution txpiestdiig irautof cnufi-deut-e iu the mlni-try wa adoj ted iu thcaKsemlny tod i by a tiujotity of lin voles'. .Iiiiiioii l.rM- rop. N Ifi oo, I II., Aug. 1 1 Thegn-at fruit crop of IStM In -Nsiivoo con-l-ts ofgni-es. The ruduct will exceed tliatotanj jearlien-tofore. A nun ls:r of new acres a ill come into bearing this season for the flr-ttime, aud hrgf iuautitles of the fruit w ill le ship-! to tolnls north and west. Airangem:iits are t-elug made to mauufatture wine .tiiiMvi'y. sp-aiiug the viumwilli arsenical lubins to pn-vtnt rot lifts been a gn-at success. a.n.kln Hjln-r. l.M"j., Aug. 1 1. John Itti-VIn, the famous litttrateur, is raidli siuklug. He is almost eontlnu uly delirious, and twice made an nt tem til-on hisllf. All Run Down rna the UTakrainj; efrrts et rnXHrhv: tteatbrr. 17 hard miL or fram a h-as IBBe. )ia tired a Etwd toale aad Hn.I iraer like Host a sarsaparlluu It jri-a luie Drier tried IkH fCT-dlar atedtrnte. dt so bow. it mill die -rota Mrraclh and aflTWr. hhUt ait.1 truBir jt,r Maod. "I kaie WeM la r Beank for teieral fears. MfJrrtsc nhh wt4lar4twi. rtstlesa. ttes In the btitM. aad ia lb laerrri; vobM rtt at' wrih a irrr Tired Feeling. Afirrukltic eol-r a -ran f the am tiile 6t limb's stanaparUlA I rouM rest -celt an ateM and erl rrlrrshrd naea I me". Bn. 1 BHr4 say that 1 l.s.l s rap-illa It aM It Is ireisameridea 10 1-.' Mas. II. IX LVAis. a L. Jlisntt -C Jarkwo. Vlktu -I luie esed ItouTs SarsaiarUla ai a hW J tstriarr and am -nil I4raed HJi K, it Isttir, In my f,4nra tke -nprr awinclae far Ibe i-q-i'-r " w x ; Wcemth. or piM M Mary s Omrrli. Iirlml Mtrh. "My dAaEbirr rrteiird morb braeit Irnro Ilcl 9 SarMparllla as a n-nK- ailer a rndrarlnl attark f isicurwsiU.- Hkx I. II Aiiam Nr- HarlferH t- Hood's Sarsaparilla SMdl-ydracat-tt. ft lifnrr lTp.rrJfcr Ul IKHItlA t-(t Atbrrar!ci.lrU.'4afl. iOO Doses One- Dollar Fani'lies not already Ri;.;llt-d sliouM lose no time iu procuring a bottle of Chaml-erhin's Colic, Cliol era and Dbrrlura Ilemedy. It is the only nrnedy that can always 1 depended v poti for lowrl complaint in all iLs forms. Tweutillvuand fifty cent Ituttles for sale bj Z. C. M. I. Drug Dnp d HnsuanJ. IlVTii Tt.n mTlj ll. 1 had riifftred for J ears with a complaint tlie id-jsiiHlis called gnvtl. and they had given up the attempt lo help me. My wife heard of Dr. Divid Kennedy's Favorite Kcmedy, of KondouL N. 1 and sjokD as above. To pleaso her I got a 1-ottle. Used that ami two or tluee nion, and tm-jeutly the trou ble vanished ntvtr to r.-tuni. Washington Monroe, Ca'skill, Y.Y S.1111U j ears ago ire. were vcrj much mtsjts-t to severe 8ells of cholera morUis; aud now w lien w e feel any of the symptoms that uu ally precede that ailment, such as sickness at Uie stomach, illarrlnea, itcwe become Mary. We have found Chamberlain's Itemedy tne very thing to straighten one out In such raMandalwaiskecpitabouL It is somewhat similar to the nusl cholera cures but stems tocoitiiu ingredients thai render It more pleaont to Lake, and that do tluir work more quickly. SherlfT Dcver eaux tells us that he is sulject to chol era morbus, and recently felt a sill coming on, when he obtained a isjt tle of ChamlfrL-iln's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrho-a Itemedy, and two dost-s made him all right. We are not writing this for a jay testimo nial, but to let our readers know what is a good thing lo keep handy In U10 bouse. Trry Kan.) Cfaef. For tale by Z. C. M. I. Drug Dep- 1 Go to Srn-N-cn-. Bivater &. Co.. oiijiosite City Hall, for Tin Hoofing, Guttering, SpouUng, Btovra and Tiawanp, etc. I JHJSY POLITICIANS. TUe Tariff Kill and Olhtr ol.jrrl llnnigltt Itrnire Hip cnalr. O.S SHIPPERS VICTORIOUS OVER THE RAILROADS. An Important ltrpnbllran fnilorIat Cducns Iltld at tVasliingtda Uit Mglil. JOHN RUSKIN'S LIFE FAST EO DINC AWAY. IUilr Crimliul Calendar! An i:i- Major as a Drfanllcn I Mnr Timrs Marrlrd Krpr.ualr. By Tctecnpti ia Ike M. 1 t-sri ltl Y-N ! TI. TlieTarlrr IHII an I lr.l' Itnrnil. mrnl Tlirrrto. WAsiti.N(m)S. Aug. 1 1. In the Senate the tarlT bill itas laltiti u. the .uding iiiestion tieing 011 Vest's amimlmeiit to nsluci: the dutj on tin late. al dnieed theiseiiate In dtfeuseof the high pmtettite sjsttmas a vlicj to whit h the rei4iblicaiiaity standi, commute. lie all cumi iu detail, ami gtutrallj Iu It mis of, the bill as It lolled bj' the finance com mlltee, qualifjing his comiiu ml.i tlon, lion evtr, tin llieru gar question, ard tipreselm; the upluloii that the pa-Ii-ioiis of the ili.un bill on that l)Iut were psfcrabfe to those n cunmit iidtil bj the finance conimlt ttv. I'luiiih gaie notice of an amtud meut w hlch lie w ould olft r to strike out the 1 roil-km imiurii)!: a dulr on tin jiiate. and a-hliuga pruviskui to oj- to the manufacturers of tin date ma le in the United Stales a ImuiiIj ol I -rcenl ivrpuliml. He expn-sMil ol the protritkiti of the Finance Commltte.-. He douMtilierj Iniuh that it woul I inrinatitntly Intmduiv into this country the manufactiircuf tin plati-t iuquantitieisunick-iit for domttk ttiiMitii4iu. He had no doult that In time, if the Illlliilht t ure of tin (daUi w en enlensl iini In this iviiidr.v, one uf the rwults woiiM le t Hi.IH 1 1: Till I ItK'R liut lie did ih.I rind ill Uie n-rnt Mtuation anj grouiiil for a nxi -ablt piesunr.tkiii that tliere wmiM leluoue j tar. r rive Jeai, or Hit j ear', enotii;h tin (date made iu the United Mate tomtit the kx-al de mand. He was willing to teg uir, and to a.l. those linn wltowrre ieu paring to uiinu fatturetiti 4ale nut In ix leBfthe sm r ilikli lli j 11 Kit iu the Aiium-au Congn-ss,au I not Li fri-e au it cn-a-td dulj on a 1 tinnarc 11-tsl iu the countrj-, on tierj tin cup, ou tvtrj tin u and cwlii p 1, and on f i o jai lof tin roofing III tin Cuius Ktatt; and, Instead of au iiKreaed dutj", to take a Usuntj- of one cent rr ruif I. or tw7 ctii's if iKeewiry. Iflhej-were rea oinldc men tln-y ouxlil to Is. willing to tki that. After CJieiarrtlth dilutt a lote was ta' 111 and "e-t"s aiu-ielmeiit n .1 r jo.Ketl. riunili tin-11 1 the amemliinriit uf which helm i giitn notife tistnat out tht ckiue lilli-s!iigailu!yof i: eeab. r .imJ 011 tin pUte, test ri iiig llle oUitr pirt of the nitioli as to n Ihth ti, Lut finallj witlitlna it audutkred aithrr, making the dull on tin pbtte I tt'ut cr uund, aLtl i-r.i.'idlitgahouutj of I centisr p iiud 011 tin plate iiiantifACtured In the United --'uti-s WitlioutaiUonouliieanH.'iidmttit the Senate adjourned. The shlirri Wrlurj. CmoitKi, Aug. H The hint. r thruuglKMit tla tuitel SliteM liait gainetl n vk totv ov-r the railroads In rectiilng .1 modlfliutton of the uuifonii bill of la ling. Hie eon ce-skiii made bj tlie carrier eon.-1-Ls in striking out the wonl- "not m gotillde" against Uie thief coin plilnt wa" iiiaile. At a mrttiiig of a joint ctMiimlttre of the Trunk Line and Central Traffic A ssoi ra tions and nprt-setititliti of the lake and railroad Huts which was held Iu this t lty to!ay, the sutjit I was fullj dK-il-s"l In the light ol the oljettloUa of the coninunial orgatiiutkilii of the cojntrj. Seme nuils thruittueJ lo drcoutiiiiie the u.of the imw bill of kniintr unk-se it was ailopte.1 by all the lliif, as the slupp-rs wtrenon discrimiiuit lug in lavor of the (i'rand Tniiik. Walavh and four lake limn that liad n fu-tii to adopt it in the-rt-eiit form. CltainiMii lliamliard of the Cen tral Trafll. A-otlntkm strongly recommt inltvi that the nonls"iiol urgotiab't-" it strkktli out. Tlie rtiommtui'atkin was unonliiotih coiHtirreti in, nuil thusainendeJ the bill of lading was adojitiil, to Like t fleet Seimbir l-t. The ropre sentativts of llielirand rrutik and Waltuh arce4etlit 111 Its 111 w form, as aim dhl all the lake lines. o act Ion was laktn In regard to tho otlurol Jiitiolls that hale been urged against the bill of lading, lilt the commltttt! on uui fonu bill of lading was Imtruittil Iu make Hit Ir at the IKialbk- daj. riiis irActiaIlj set tle.! Uit fight ovi r Ihu umfunuldll uf lading. Tlie amendment makes Um-gottahn'paiitr, and the ImiLers will no liugir r.fu-e to advance money cult. 11 ii t mitit-rcits. ! l-Hs)ori sherlnse. I ( rim Inn! IVn lla Umt Siln. nlirs. St lofis Aug. II I)istatrlies from Dexler, Mo., aiicnunci the diappearauce of Gorge N". Ilrutigh Inn, es-mayoranda iiromiiieut citi zen of that place, nwi a!-o state that llnughlou is probably short Iu hi accounts witii onu t harlt-s I). MaUiens to the aaiMint of $1 l,is'. A Mt)IllJl III lK llEAUIt. D JI111.MS, Ian Aug. 1 1. F. M O. Halstotiaftur Martin was ar reted hire today by a t-peciil ten sion txamiiiir 011 a charge ot de frauding A. M. out of bis tti-loti money at I'ortlantl, Orrgnu, some J tars ago. Mcl-aw was some what dtmeiitttl aud it ajiienrs that litl-tou hid tutu co!ifim-U ItiaCali forula almhou-e, from ivhkh he was afterward reuuvtsl by rela tives. HitktoadrewMclan'atU' sion moaej by frauduleut reetlts ami ued the money. There are other tharges against hln, aud lie apiearstol a confidence otrator. Among his personal elfetts tlieolll cers found letters cf recommenda tion purrortiiig to be signed hj-ex-President Hayes, Geutnl ilose crans. Colonel Dan Imont and oUitrs. Tbetlilctrshavu been on hi-track two j ears. Hie mm has been the husband of at least nine wives, one of whom mysteriously disappeared. Ho will be taken to Portland, Or., for trial. X TRE.ISUREK'i SlIOKTAUr. Texuie Hactk, Ind., Aug. H. In connection with an cxposuru cf tho shortage of ex-Citj Treasurer Fitzpatritk, the iyireit tomorrotr will say; The finance committee of the citj- countll cngageil in going over the books of City Tre, surer Fitzpat rlck for his last term of two years lias found a rltortage of $91 W, and a suit will be Immetllately hnjuht against the bondsmen to recovrr tile nmount- A resolution will be liitr. Uuced at the next council meeting to investigate his first term, as In tormition now warrants the btllrf tliat there ruaj- be a like amount short. A Will: ML'KIIEItl'K. I.IM-JLN, XeK, Aug. 11. At orth I'katte this evening Kd.Nen nian fatally sliot his wife and then suicided. The only cause known is that tlie woman 11 ent to a slio w the night prerioui against the wishes of her husband. ln 1 1 ri r . ji Trt its. Itriuilitlrmi Srnalorlal tjntrtu nl llnshlitxioii Knsl.XUIil. W.isillNtJTCJf, Aug. II Tht re publican senatorial caucas tonight was the most im'artant ytt hekl, and was a very liibsimonrous meet iug. uay and Camtrutl both made sist-chea and strongly present ed the imlitleal inexiedleiKy of do lug anj thing with the federal t lec tion bill at the ircstnt, aud urged the necessity of au earlj a Ijourn tmiit from a urtj standuIuL Altlrlth was alsj on the skip of those who dcslr-J to adjourn, and was SOkesman for tlsuse rennto" who i lew the tmburrassment ami delay over the tarilf lull as out wtlghitigall other cuifideratidtis in deckling thepidityto Ikj 4irsucd. I'lumb aL-o skeand, it Is under stood, oppostd the elcttkni bill out uihI out. For the friends of the Mil winch has cRUsetl tlitrc numerous caucus-i--. Hoar and -'puoiur wire the tliaiiqiions. The Latttr male a strong s-li, whit h some demxul nattsl "trading the rkit art." He warnetl the Senator that they must mist Uie Issue squarrltr. The ricctkill bill must be qunsheti now at this stsrioll or not at all. It W011M In futile lo fro before the country with anj statement that this hill would Uvedat the short se 'kin. It was of U reive im onance tltat it should tvrcdat oiict. His remarks Imiught out harp notts Irum seitral oppon ent uf the hill. Thedku-eioii showed that there was a gnater uumlier of r-eualors than had Itvn geutrallj supstil who, for one rraMiii aisl aiiuthir, are willing to ailjuuru without the l.lectkiii Nil lielng voted llm. The iiumls r of tlK-se .ssenalors Y idaiatl at liflet n. Finallj-. about half a-t ten. jii adjouniiiHUt was pnostd and finallj- lorctsl bj-a minority vot-. I-KWji K.ITK I'MtMl. CiiI.-Mi:i.I, S. C , Aug. II. In the th-lil nmieutwii this morning a n lulioii -a as adopted, iletkuintr tliat the ik-U of -south Carolina it m nn'iud as a sillk- olthgatk n ( riurarj i iipjr Uure. A in-w ci n-tltot j ido4ed ami a Atn id" priuiarj tlet tkm at this y.-ai's ek-nloli fr tlek gjtesto the State nomluallirg COn leiitkm was dtfcitted. l'm this actkiu the delegati- from ItlchmoiHl, Lhark-stoii, lleetiHirt ami Sumter, com;slng the au'l-Dilmanltcs, withdrew, Inrmetl a new enliven tHin, eletteti Hon. (ieorxe I.arub hunt chairman, cliose an executive fommltteu to prejsire an a drt-s to the people airi took a rt txs. In the regular coutiulkiti the old txetutive rvnmiilti I was deawej ami J. I.. Meirlj of Ijiurins w elet ttsl 1 Imlnimu Tkt coiirelitkiu th. 11 u.ij.sirmd me Ac. Bhl I L't K IN "N t-vriu-v. Sit'RWRMO, (".I, Aug. H Th niubliran riiTcnriH ibis moruliig n-jnitmttsJ Conrvman J I. DellAtei', tf llumluhil, ao-i-ia'e jtirt'ce 1 f the supreme court for the sitort lef in. The ranvriiliou nomiitltsl for Secretarv of Stitv F . Waile, of Alameda, for r'dalt Comj4roiler K. '. Colgau. svoiioma. Tlie cuiiVMitkni adjoutiied 4 the afttr theiKHnlnathiiiof W. W. Morrow ami J. C. Camisiell for Congressmen at large. TlKUK IIKHlKM. WlHIMTt, August l The n iHiblk-au congressional committee compktctl tltat organlaatkHi this atttnmon. Thomas H. Carttr of Montana iris elected secntarj- of the louimlttif, and kdwanl C. O'llruii of New Vork treaMinr fttr the fir of Seiitemlier next James A. Claiksoii of Iowa will partk lte artivtly 111 the manage ment of the catiitgn as a rereren lative of the natkinal committee. Ktis will I taken to have tlie subject of "tariff reAinii" tllscusstsl at various fairs in New Vork s-fa!e tliere It I iXtted thtre will he Joint ilicureklt3 with n-prcM ntalives of the free trade league. 11 11 11 1 ik irfil I.K.N..K- OMIIII, Allilst II Tin? State democralk conn titkni tonight nom inated JanMs 1. Ikijtl uf Omaha fur goiernor. 31.MI. scntnuri.K. loUwrux K Ike ifklsMe rt arr.tal AM raanatraOIaus at Salt ijleOly lVsl usee. Nwwnr St. n-. "" , I. 1 ae. KaMerri. tta tt I' Rr ....1 im ajesvaa a.m Kaatera. Til R. II M iso5 aa .m WrMera ! arsm saa lraacaro t - -a l-ttsrb) j " ladra !!. laUlu imlea... JI (sables pm tiptra Up. octk aad MIM .... uM f m fart CHr Ilaavp.m lai I Hr SJOa m -sMussrn... ua oaadLMam soalheraelaeaat Mtack 1 allHWd, Iran a4( NiM a-mtsP.m brytsad, ) 1 Ur.lJer.MB. I saaal Tvoele iaty... .- 1 II r.aaT Isara I1U aa.1 IVa-alrk Ja a p.m llai.pjr Ilretlnsor tan I'rl'nits. John M. Alltn, of Clmrlotte. N. V., paid to lih friend, "IVtrxin', 1 am alssattlead with .tie 'gravel, aud cannot find help." Mr. Parsons Indut-tsl Mr. Allen to give Dr. David Kenneilj's Favorite Ileme tlr, of rtoudout, N. V., a triiL Weeks wt ul l.j- and the frit imI- met. .Mr. Alk-n snkl, "Dr. David Kenne dy's Favorite Itemed J has sated my hie. It Is a cure fr gravel an I the only cure." d .lollrr lo Our 1'alrttni Not having anj Tt It-phone, our customers will pk-st-c lenveordrrs at Mamtts' ItruV. Itook Store, or at Phillip Jlaretlts' Wine IXit for Margetb.' Ale and Porter, aUo for MaltantI Hoy. E3TATK OK It. B. MAIVII.1TS. aa!ronBrwrfiJ Urals Uie Rj, yUSf5 Kritores tLe tWXV. SCasrs ofTastr itfiaaamfiVSil and imdl. gfsyvjj Try tie Cere. Unr-FE.VER A particle la applied iato each roatiu an la arrrrable. lnce SO cents at IrraxxlJit ttr mail, reentered (Orta. ELY SU9TUEES.M ITarrea EUXewTork. WESTEIJN' NEWS .NOTE-'. Ilcan Ciillrd I'roai a Variety of sourcy. CVlUllLIISI. The Itigt) tirimle road Iia liad diflicuitj- Iu securing "l's for tlie mi'slug links above Grand Junc tion. Forty tltousand were teeiiretl aboie Del Norte anl with much dif ficulty Iloattii to tliat point where tliey are lieing hudetl on cars enl around via Puebki to the jioiut where they are needt-tl. The sear-cilj-of cars ditaj-s their shipment and many are sttll uaititig trawr- tatSotl. Kvirj-s-iloon keeftr in Guntireoii County has been indltttil bj tlie grand Jury for -ellinB liquor In vio lation ot the Sla'e Sumlaj-cluing fciw. The liquor tlealtrs are lihthlj indignant, au-l sJ they will fight tlie matter 10 a finish. Thewieiese tf the ."-tate an 1 1 tor it km III clo-iiMt saloolisln Denver ami the imVli nienlof viohttors is beliwetl to W the motire tliat romptetl the war fare on the ihim here. The kiw has bttn held up by the supreme court. Wetlnt-aday morning, alwut 5 o'tkxk, as Mr. VaiMlegrift, tht efficient ojitiatorwlto haiadk-s the pv report, was going home h 11a Iktil in the iHKtltWrstt rn sky a uri lirge nieteo., wliHi, eonlrarj to "the ordinary habit of -itch htaveulj Italics, was mo nig at a skill rale of ssl. IlestotlaiHl kt.ktsl at It for sol 1 ml seconds uuUI It i!isipfans! 111 thehotlion. From tlie extraordinary siav of tin .raugr visitor and the vtrj- slow raieiti s)stsl at wlii.h It ivus traieliug. it was uiHiouMtilly a renntrkauk botly. Uraxit JtmtlntH Mar. A company lias j n t U-en forme.1 by P. W. lireene, J. M. Curry anal .1. P. Ailams,f Ca-tle ltck, ami W. I" Ak-sander of Denver, to furnish the town of Ca-tk I!otk n itli a water si-stem. At present a gain; of sunej'ors aisl t mclim r are luily etigatsi III going over the ground through w hi. h the H- w ill lie rakl frt 111 a dam iu l'luni Cr-k, alsytit a mile from Use Ion ti, aud tlimuh coirsltk-raide prrlj in tlie vk-imli- ufCastle I tot k which will ab Is. Irrrgatnl fnmi trie reser loir. Tlie ,ck of the rom nuj is -list ISM and It is the iuten tkm'to Isiikl irngating ditrhes U sltles sumJj ing tltet Hia-nsof C J4h I lock, ni-reirfitiir will tuier .111 an-i of .l4it thirtj acres, llj tlie aid uf imgallmc tlitt lies a twei k-r-able anu-inttif htiatl will lie uore pruHtal-k- awl the farm n thr. uth nlio-el lid the tiltt-h will run are all heartily In of the i omplllj'.s jartjett farT Ac r. A woman with a full grown Iir lunl ami two chiklreii htthouht 'n-rselfof t vtry shnw 1 gatue lo work tin Use t'larily org-iurxatljii. -he ka-fced her ol I man in the rwim tiny weleotiiiijingaml ntnt down to the l.alieV ItilitlMcKlyaiellit on a dok-fiil face aud palmed lit im It otr -as a whlow. Ml" Jatial s furnWi e.1 In r gri rles aiel liasl asked the tnuntj- to hrlpiitr, whin H was discoit nil tliat lierliusuanil was an able-bodied stone 1 utter w ill. an au tiinthy to work. Thi- w as different. Jim JaeolM went to s e the euunlj boanl ami advi-nl them lo tio noth ing fur them. Her righteous wrath wae aroit-eU and -die gale tin ss peu-.k-a sltong ami salutarj talk, .-he told lite in 111 to g.t up ami ni-tk. aisl not alk his wife to pLiy tikks on folks w Ik Ittrtl erHigh I do to kjk .sat for tlie reaily laeljiless.. Hie fellow looked -heepisii and j romiwl totrj, ami the keen reprjof lrmi the tharilabk laily w lata will not If Inqiostil iin may cliaiige the whole current of lu lift. I'-jmrts gallKml tedaj-slaow tlial WitliHdsj'-st.rm widi-.iitid ami very dkAst(vu. The tianaage in gnattr or k-er annamU is rejrteil from Triu! lad on the south to -hej -enue on the north, ami from Issi-vilk-auJ ithrrt3wnontiieiii.Hii taiiisamIonthti4aiu. Tht hctii t-t li sees are on the Midland aud I'iu Giantle roal-. rhe latt-rwa. wasiKtl axit laaali a fe nilh-s i-ici. side of Colorado Spilnps; aiW U twaspn P.ael.ltaii'l Canyon Citj-, Hit the tratk waiul'Hj r.ainsl. rise Midland lost -SO feet id " le-twt-eu an I Itelh-vue. 01 the outli Park, ami the Miseoun Paeifie lots Last .1 jwrtion o'its tin k near Fowlnk. It b Is-lievetl it will take sei rial days t reioir the t'am ageon the Mt.ll.111d, Uit thetilliti Impe to tieruiimiigaeuoiil toiinr mw. Slonus are reiteal t ulai in the suile localities !u the moaiiiUiias t'n iou Paeifk trains northward Iiave not betn !nlerru4ed. Iltnri N-etehatl Jwmlt Tlnnias arreetctl'Li-tuinliJ evening on the charge of a i"ery, aisl ihen the case caiiK. Is-fole the Jii-tni- of liar snre hi day a strange lir- w. toU. Niece iys lie lias laren hi ing with her nine mouths. He left her three iiMiulhs igo. since whin she has been making trouble fur him by th-clailng to his friends tliat she is lib b-wftil wife. He -ays she makes irehases at stores, lis accmint-. 1 liargeil t him, au 1 he is detcrm lueil to -hake her. V. lien infoniieil that bj-lib confe km af living iu .idulltiy with her lie wn liable to ninety days' im. rbonment hl countenance tlnqsjul. Ikit he (.leaded guilty an I was part under Is!hIs for ajeoraiH'e SattinLay. Mm. Thomas ajs lie UsiruV.1 a Ilia her in iueMo, t-w Very atlt utile ami pr.qaaseti marriag. lait she ra fusetl him. She laow keeus a lanair.l ing hou-e here ami soj's Nhwe humlkates her by can-dug lerr arrest because she w out mirry him. She Mcadid IH.t giiihj- ami was also lieM for trial iMlunJiij. milio. II. J. Mniime has been ailiiteil rectlverof Ihe I S land ollh-e at I.en Ls'011, Iu iice of C. M. Torree. It Is claimed tltat several 4Iv.r mines in the southern part of Idaho, which have bten lylnf klle for year on account el tlie law .rirt of Silver, will rliorllj- I irudutiiag again. On Montlaj forenoon the ltouse of Mrs.IJ. Mi-1'heis..n, on Three Mile creek, was liurut lotlicgniund. Tlie fire caught from Uie stove pl It K relted tlrat Ihe House w s 111 sumIlur5l,iW ItlukuDrte 7Ve Mr. C. l. ltayard, si-eeial I'l'ilan agent, b ou tlie prairie for Uie ur pose of taking tt-tuu my in the 1 11 diau dimslalion claims. Pti, le who wire losers Iu thewarof s77 are juMLtnt at tlie pntl f re it Ivmg a just rtmuneralkxi. Frjm Indian Agtnt W. It, Ikit bln, of the Nez Perce agent-, wt learn that tliere are flflieu ti tis of fniglit at I.ewitii, comalsting of kIiooI reaL-, furniture, cooking ap paratus, tt.-, bcloiiging to the agent J at Iaaywai, and that the school will open Octol er l-t Willi " pupib In atteudanct also th at thi re will Im 123 scholars iuattenuanceat what Is known as tho llvudrd Sthool, a ftw miles from ln ageiici-. Agent ItotAlns is taking stesi to have Uie (nities at Asotin City arrested and convicted f r tell ing whisky to the Indians untlerhis charge. Onu of the rnallles in fllcted when an Indian is found drunk is ta tut his ear ofT. This l.rln,. lilm to tlm-i. In a-ldition I a a fine of S) aad up. Lntuntu -t Journal. Rio. proper!- f!J R jgSh. Rss KI 5? r&5Sr4p I fl blended and is M O Simll 1 K SB conceded by all, ll-g jj ' Blj JS S KlSlSivW rW coTl ir." the p li pi h wiji4s33ip m land. A Geauti- $J M RS 13 MwlSS1 jamr ',bH irsirs ?oMBmrYT ffl 5S Mi OF mocha & mo. tizsti jfl everjwlire.Aik Tr00T.n,' ctjtpti rn "- ffl yourGrccerfor WOOiiiJil JalUi CO., Holds i20 One Ifl IL KAKSA3 CITY. MO. TOLEDO. O. lb. packafiOS. "B ixj,ir::xi: ifl EPHOS-FERRONEE I n nuiit.iir .r j Z.C. M.I. Drug Store. 1 ltiT siattl 11 I M:iin iti-eet. fl XERVE, JJLOOD AXI) BRAIN TONIC. ' t"8 77 f'hiMivn'it JteM Xante pi t .iilalmlrui. and Plaospaiates. Dees Hot eon-4f(intt. 'jlj Dt'liciitf Wunfii JH It btls-ntatad iiotnrabbloIronTinKinti-. ril Fur XIrrrlmntst ami JeftH..s Jfcu SmM It b t'ikti:n; to an overworked brawn and nervouysltru. Cures fwJ !eejk-ssiitt ami headaches in the morning. I M PntjctHtfanul 2leit mui StmTeHtst jm Will liu I Phor-Frrroneof betaellt in tCfitUI WMfc. Jtbuikb up the : sfl whole sy-ltm. SS Xltr l!erilcx ami aVfrrwii J J9 Will be Mintbtalat the relief thb dcli$J.tful drink alrsrd'. ' M The Fksl Soia Ffliala Drink in tlio iVorld. 5 cent1 nnr r.tasa M F. AfflSiCI & Bid. ;j Salt x-elie City, Utah. II rJ Extensive Aikiitio:s to Our Store Necessitate the Removal H 9 of tho wcst wall, aittl im.y compel us to clojse our storo tf j M for some time during A fust. To avoitl carrying over any . -j 9 Summer Goods we Announce a M tj rrrl r i . i rt i i nTTTTff . Gleapina . Sale I i Every Article we effer is sure to go if selling desirable goods AT COST and BELOW COST w.Ii mako them go. I Never to carry Good" to next season If reductions will di-pose of them this season, has saved us thousands of . j dollars, and .riven us the Leading position in tho DRY J GOODS TRADE. Dry Goods, unlike good wine, do not im- ,." prove age, therefor.-, wo Quote tho LOWEST - PRICES KVKK KTrtTON fN THIS CIT1". Black ft3 Graia Silk at 6r3 ; vi; li 85c. 1 fl a ll 11 tr; . a fJJaj. , " ' " " 7ic!; " SLK). ,1 Coterad Silk at 75c, Gc ani ?U0 are tfeo Biggest Bargains jt oiferod IMs seasoc -f A line oi Smaraer Silk, ssaaliy sold at 50c, ECc. ani 75c; 'j iBSTkefl dowa to 35c J 20 pieces of Kack Baatug at 15c, 2Sc. and 22!c; worth 20c, m 25c aad 3Cc. ' I Jot of Kaia B3rk Oraadics at 8 c; worth 20c ,. Hot of Figarad Duea lawns at 10c; worth 25c ' Hot of Dress Linens at 25c. 1 3vt af ifiih Liwus, M yds. for SI, 12 jis. for SI & 10 yds. for SI. eRRJs I22siis al JOc , worth 15c ; aad 12' c, worth 20c Extra fine Sit: Suipe Tenais F'auaels at 35c; v;orth 60c ; i 1 t of Priaied ?sol Chatties at 12 c; worth 25c , ; 1 let of rjaaies' Esafcrcidercd 3rtS3 Patterns, SLOO and S1.50; ono-cviartcr la coat, i lot sf Bya' Low Cat Sho- s si Sl-25; worth S3.00. I lot ci Set's Low Cat Shoes, ska 5 ia7 alS3.G0. These goods wore said frr S3.00. ' ! 1 lot of La Jies' Clotb To? Lid Butios Shoes at S1.56; worth S2.50. 'T llolof J4is33i' aad taU-lre-t's Cloth fop.Xid Ei.iin Shoes at SL25 and 35.2".; w .rih 2.00 and 83.60. All of our Ciildrea's, Sifscs' ft Ladiss.' Tan Colored Shoes at cost Laofos'asd Ciiio'rea's Straw Eat. at iOc, !5e., 25c. 4Cc, 50o atd75c; ttcse are half prfoe. ! UD'.ES' OUriMG CL07U B103SS3. I ': - SSSt "rth SL Chiklitits Guib ia Dresst-s Sr - "'V F11"- BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Children's Outing CWn fuits in lw.; lea-e. al "-; worth 5t.5. ' Srtrsucker ami Cheviot Kilt Skirt, at 5 v ; worth StM. lloys' Cottoliade Sils a sV , wi tlh I i". JerMj- ICikouils at ?.'K, Aortlt. ", aad SL-T., worth SI 00. Ono Prica to All. Wa arc Never Undersold. ESTABLISHED 1364. t , f. AMU & Bin. I THE PEOPLE HAVE BQ USE :, For Slioes Hi&t of Split Leather, with Caavis or Paste Board loner Sol) Solomon Bros.' Boots and Shoes! h YihU-lt are are MadcofSoIM Matrrial am! are known tiilfNireandlliiralile J Call and Examine the Varioui Style of Our O vu JIa"to and Impoited. I Honest Goods ! Fair Prices ! ilsajs Reliable! Hone Better la tiia tariet All Kinds or Dreshlng Sold 'or I.lack ( r Tan CoWrd Shots. fl Don't forget the ZLTJSSET Drming for Gr.t Ladlea', M SI or Children' Shoes, w hlch A!:kes them Look Like New. , V BjBajjjaaaaaaaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaaaBlBaiBaaBiiiiiiaiaBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiaiidfl