Newspaper Page Text
' ' "" """ fe .KH 9 ' 9 KEWXFEREXCES S For (tuirtfrlr Confer- 9 -ieHiiurJiy and Suu- 9 J f r ista and Mill, ISM; H - lj.y3ndfci.iiJy, January 9 " - aai t'JU StalMfeini 9 , 'j nJa ' OOolier 19th and ft ' ' n-j auulay aud Mon- 9 , ir To-jele and Oneida 9 ' ,5-anJMopday, Oelo- - ' j fiU, 1SS3, and San , ": "a&i January tStb and - i -Saturday air-. v tti ." lit and ttjd, ijfj-diy ami eunclay ! ., aJ'Vbruary 4t, . - tejuday aud ilon- ,T: 1 mi Vcl, 1S,K "lt3 M aoaj.rebruary a'a-iiaj ana t jt -Ui ami Vtlii ! -u ji nj and Sunday, " .aanJ" 1C"I- t t I ni r aa J Ubitalt iy 3 1 Monday, 2io- s t ---. andSuii- av i-e'rusry Sib. aud -i Situnlay and toe- Iitii andlS'.h, s -i aria "in I San Jay, , ." , j.-JUUi 1S9I. l ij and llannucl. j, ..,.. aa' MnudajTi Xo- j anJ lflli, 1S9J; and " t ' jjsy, February 13tli ".. ,jj ijiie &atunlay and , cm cr 2nd end 3nl, " -a Ia and Sunday, -a..- aal:ad, 1SB1. 'j J n.-I r PUVre San 1 a November 23rd I j ! t anl -juday and F - . ry i.nd and 23rd, j- j and SnawflaLe 3-jnXi aud Monday, Xo- auJ IrtulitrrUt,lfaOO, J. -i caJ Morula, March 1st 1 e liui ay and Sun- -lb .. "lainl 7th, 1MW; - ji -w t '.a, March , '3J i Jjfcn fcjltc Sun j, ss. "I -.iaj Uoueiuocr Tlh 'i j I a'ld uuday and j -larUi Shi anl 9Ui, IfcM. Mi-atl and St. Joseph . -sanaa and Monday, Dec ic .J) aa ' I Ji, 1S9J; and Sun at z M aJay March l$lh and 1 j. Tau Heaver and Maricopa i.a 'uniay end Monday, lec .r inJ2inJ l'-OnnJ SJn-j-su U niay, March 22nd and HM-1I lRlt.HAHD6, .-: ii I- Smith. FRG3SE3,fS. b. '" XL tonight. i t icrj Tnlfl, vhargtU r- - r 1 i - oj hunJax at "- . i ) oe tried on ! " I -i irraiiied K-rurw -es - Iki u wife, of the -r .arJ .' ihH city, Kit lat a, Di.t i.uGraatleWVteni ' i J - expiating to l jcJ j li nijntl. ITje -s a w'u JiKtacouj'leof -c suua'nsan oversiilrt i!id tr-.r t litar of tlicin ly -n? t illire Thej wtre -' JJircrpjr. of IneiiU, "aEfr j of Fatliw William r Jrs the we'l known Teteran and ia'. -4a .y sciiuol nurkrr, will ?r ia-o t ut lie ia prostrated u Lu.e Id tin: Twentieth Ward, iiiaa'U of pneumonia. iv t- i Ii i court todaj, Justice J" cj-ied upon in rot no "J oiution Xu tontluue t u -a cue fur a woifc to -Ute his d- f t i ( a s t long m H-" f in.ur -i3es. They J -n u3 cljck this inurniiii; ' i3 r h ' or eileextend- ' -: i ie - t axatlnganop. j "Jj i l iir ha tickets fur the f iU Kir'r't n.'iutv Tbeho-j-e f ' t'i 'tn.t ven at a J - n nuti fir years. V u' n. r in? we recelTed a -f i .i'l froai "tr Ii-Inap, of i '". " '" " eIevaton, "?' "e or xrH came ",", l ' iKuitr.ona L U1U..J ,. Dr. J. M. U-Ins Mr. . - w-U;.- "-law ii- e Mt 1c rn f the death. r fe A the little girl I - irajl s .r John Itroun, N i -'i su.ter Ilrown II. run horn to her, : w a- it one left. The be- '" J have the ympalhy ' fiends. ," ' aclhs uill, ou : ' - i October lSth, deliver a 5- lie Silt lake Tlieatre. - i wiill"rtahfr7ilSI7 ' ' ie of it- leading oiject" pr re Uiat Uie ry of ills iip-t the "Mormons" is " 'iUiooi aud subterfuge. Uie alley Hne lias " ' lian is of a Mr. II jr a" m- time fines a Mr ' , J ha I a watch ctolen m lie detnaudeil re- " " frj-u Mr. Djw uhich ' i iav Mr I9wh np- tine fur an order a) r l le to u Mr. Djw, c-auted " --i i thiUtfr of Alex "" a jrk C'ty a fetr eek '. "rounni this mrnimrln IJ - rid Coar formurd"r. t w Ira ef it guilt,. t n appeareil lurhim 1 . 'ocution ha I agreed -h finis at was coli'Iei n to bail Afttr tome $") was rixcJ uiiou, uiid '- firuWied. ,. r mg, in the Third I)is- 'u J I Ila -Alius moved . 'uto the tnr of Daniel l. ' Tue court appointed '-slia Let'ianl .N'orrell t- x to examine the appli . ' t undertooI that the - - in.ui.1 Kuhjeel the appli- 'i"t examination, and v -ni l.mtion It open court Irrc t lu a-m. tonior- " would make the S-kool Tans. ' c-oruing, in the Tiiird U'- i i, Williams, in tae vbool banrJ, fiird a y an alternative writ of ".( mpelliDgL G. Hardy, L ' t r, to pay to J. Ii. i-, reasuvr or the lard, k ileeied by him In t fjrueriy the several '-J , " "cu "f hi - Mr. fc., 'Xn I tV.t Mr. Hardy i i -y rer the miney le-- !) u jctriain as to his Si, to Hi. tlielsgalqjeu t , " J with this rabject, t ' la niiu lamas was !! ' Kfnted, returnable '" O a the hearing It ! tt i l l,.,',e '?i! aipecU of . 'ail ImparUnt matter "T airej, and that the sill rent -s solution THE DEEP CREEK R. R. Petitions for Municipal Aid in its B0D RtsOLUTIOXS TiSSEl). Ordinance I'aocd Krtnlrici; Pnhlic ilork lo ke Done by Contrxrt. At the request of Slayor Scott, tboofllre of tho clly marshal lur nithedaman to light a fire in the City Coancll chamber last cvcninij. There was a quorum In attendance at the timeel nieellng, ani hence there Wis uo -delay of tS businets of t,e mctting on that account, A lire uumber ef bj3inc men i were present, ho were interested In the potion, relative to the IX-ep Creci railroad project. The first petition read was upjn that ul.jt, ani was from J". H. Ilaooii. It recited Out he had rtv cntly nerotlatej, In the cast, the kVouf hands for iMlIJlBg the road, aud its ojnstructlon to the Xe vads line within eilil wu ruonlh. is assured, p-uH'od thl ;ty v.lllfur niali .-f.vj terminal rioIHHrs Ind franchises over certsln ttreets. The If-ltioi. ekej for the latttr, and frrlhe tjij tort sq-jire for depot purpiises. Acc-jiiiianying tills was the Mutiny To tit Han. ! V. Set, .V-.- u.1 'Vy Council: lndemen.-l hro ttt Einor to submit to roa ttri i-ubjomad pnumbls anl resolstioas, whica wereunanim. ocsly adopted by risin; vole at the funeral inecticg cf toe KCt I.ako Caamber of Commerce and citizens In tho I'mlml courtroom MoniUr entoA Oct, h, 18D0, at which Uuio and place, by resolution. I was in structed, as secretary of tho meetin?, to present to yonr honorable bod r the resolutions reer-wl to, as fol lows. -Where, There will be a Ullou prorsted to tbe city councl tomor row creninj; by James H. it icon, a resident of this cay, asking lor a right of way over certain streets ol tbiscitv fora standard paiage railroad, also" ninetv-nlnn wirm imn rA- .a plat A, of this city, and whereas said lucon and hW asxocUtes agree to Con Mnict entl iaip a rallnuul fro-n said block to Deep Crefc, at orucaribe earahne of 2eT2da, within elzbtcen fionths from the granting of tbe praverof said petitioner, and "Whereas. Tae citizens and mein liers cf the chamber of comraem hero assembled, fully belio e that said rail road is for Ihobest Interests and w.I faro of tbUcitv; that it is a lii!al en terprise and wholly controlled bv 5alt take iople. Therefore b it " 'Ite-olied, That -Teas members of tho chsinberof commerce and taxpay ers of iMlt IJkoCilydo hereby mot earnestly and heartily nrge an I ro quet the honorable marorand city council of this city to grant tbe prayer of said petition nnquitiSedly, also nasoljed, Tirs; It is thoseno of this Inwlirg and we most respectfully up5 apou tho mayor and councd the importance of said eoterpiim and prompt action npon said peUlIon. Also Ilesolve.l, Thit the secreUrv be and he is heicby instructed to delirer to tho miyor and the members of the city council a copy of these riHoinlions tomorrow evening." Itespectfnlly submhtrtl, FR.UCK K. GlLIX-riC The following upon tbe same sub ject was also ubaiitted. U th call mceUng of the Silt Lake real cta'e exchange, held in the ex change rooms on second South Street on Tuesday morning, Ojtolr 7. at 10 3J o'clock, the following resolution nasoueredandnnaniQoulvaionted. to wit: " By Mr. Meloy Whereas. There will be a petition presented lo the city council tans evening by James II. Uacoa. a resident of this city, asking fora ngbtof way oer -eruIn streets of this city for a standard gutge rail road, alo a ninety-nine years' leave for Meek 3, plat V of th.s city. And whereas, Sil.I Iticon and his associates agree to contnict and equip a railroail from said block to Ieop t're- k. at or near tlie cat Una of Kevada within eighteen months from the granting of the prayer of such pcti tiun, and hereas. The baiUIn-of sskl raid wiil redound to the advancement of tbe material inters: or Salt takeCKv, therefore be it ltolvlt That the real et'nto ex change of Silt Lake City respectfully nrge tho city coaneil to grant the pravcror tbe ssld peti'louer at the earliest possible moment. lie It fur ther resolved, thst the secretary pre pare a copy of these resolutions for Ihe signatures of the President and secretary or Iho exchange and present the same ti the council in their meet ing tills evening " The signatures of all the mem bers of the exchange wtre appended to the above. A petition asking lhat Mr.Iiacon's prajer be granted, signed by lc twven ") and '00 citizens was also presented. Tliat portion of this subject hlch related to the Old Fot fquare was referre-1 to tbe committee on jmbllc grounds and the remainder to the commitUeon streets, with Instruc tions to rriiort rtxt week. Jo'inU. H'iboii .ikeJ fur a lease on tlie Dfseret V,"tjlleu Mills lni erty. Ite'erreU to committee on public ground". The Telephone Company asked leave to iut tlieir iwles ou Second Ka-t Street to Eighth Stiutl-. and thence to tbe eastern limit of the city. Referred to committee on UneU with pom it to acL Tiir Itipid Transit Company asked that the grade on First ilast street be established, itefcrred to commitlec on streets. Several applications for fnn mer chandise licences Here referred to that committee. W. S. S'nrp a'ked to l made a policeman. Referreii to the mayor. An invitation from the chamber of ommcrcv cf Grand Juuct'on, CVlora Jo, for the mayor and council to attend the celebration there, was accepted with tbanK. The attorn-y reported a resolution providing lor the- ls.-ue of boads. Several quarterly report" by nty o'iceri ew referre I to np4iraprlatc committees. Treasurer Walden represented tint his cilice needed a net- and Lirrxafe. He an I the mis or were authorized to enchase- one. The city engineer reported tht a proposition from propety owners ou First Kast Street and the Kagle Gate to oica up a new street had bsnmtde, which brings to liaml tlie ultimate need of widening First East north to the Eag'e Gtte. This can he done ctira;-r at this time th in beu tbe new street H opened, and he raommended immediate action. Referred to com nittec on streets. The same officer re-omaicnded thita style ani matcrisl 1 fixed upon fur water corducU on Main street, si that property owners could J trowed to iut in irmanent ones WfcrreJ to co"nmitte-5 on streets. The same oflicer represented that he had Bni-beJ placing the stone monuments at tho intersection of streets, aud was preiareJ to proe-ced w.tii the ofllcial survey of the city. Ha represented that in nwlr all , cases, lines of streets and blocks hail bon varied from, and ashed Instruc tions for m.king tbe survey. Re ferred to committee on streets. Thebiard ot public works retorted tlie bonds aud sureties for the con tract' for improving Commercial Street. Appro veil. The sanitary comm'ttcs r.portcJ tint the Rio Grande Western would haul garbage, etc, to Revere Switch for $ a car, and that '. Wood would take charge of the work on a saliry. The mayor wasautlzJ to make the uecemary contracts. The committee on police rqortrd that the charges againt ofllcer Sul livan had not been prosecuted, and reccmmendesl that the case bu dis missed; ani that In the future no such complaints lie entertained un less made in wilting. The committee on water works recommended a number o' exten sions of the mains. Adopted. The same committee recommend ed that the supeiintendent of water wcrtshe authorized to fence Jnstct SWWsMab Sumter of eases trirt.. . OU Hoe. eoUer,i' " Ur05 M sMUeailectel!....".':;""s t n Total ..r.'l " Caih oa has "wrtr jr"nj oj ' !S7 si Tout. - Mr-ai-cd. Thudsarfba beoOOInnumberofSlOMtach rv. able at the of the IrVreV twentyyear. from ciatc, rreeiiiTble however, at tho option or u if, i any tl?0 sfUi!n tea vrs im ? n,lf?. of flT, cr nat P" annum, payable semiannually Vt tholml salt Lake City. SalJ iK.uda ta be empt from all municipal UxaUon. Hie sum of $s,r3 or M mu0,J thercotr as mayb- dc. rtid uec. sry, to lo approprlatol for thu niv. mcnsofthofnterttit thereof, ani it the expiration or ten jean $.53,003 to bo appropriated anpually for the payment of the inclpil. which fund shall co tisUluteailuklug fund. An ordinance supplementary u an ordinance providing what the uu, In or the board of public works ahall be, then came up. It provides taat in future all work or excavating and filling upon "ewer and wate main trenches, grading streets, etc, thall be let by contract to the lowest responsible bldJer. Provided that tills ordinance sliall not snply to the ordinary repairs or streets. It was rea 1 tlie third time and pausd. Mr. I'Ar-ons introduced a resolu tion Instructing the city tuglnecr to establish Uie street gradvn around the capiUl grounds. Tills was passed. A letter fram Governor Thomas requesting tills action was read. Tho follow 1ns appropriations were ordered: Mrel . . JM.OM oo J. .tLdi aja J. S Slane Jt lo ............ ...... lc-1 13 llo'y Cross lio.IUl .. 7a n 1 Taai Allots.... ..... .. 50 M J Je"ften....H.....-..........H. 37 sa sherKt Ilart......... ...... sooj alerrta .... Itiu A..V Hut.. , sj j. Total 133 13 Adjourned for one week. FIILST D1STHICT COUUT. Arthur CampbH Stnlcnced. Oilier lac. Tlie court al I'itjvd tUumesI ses sion at l:ii o'clock p. in. on Monday aftTiiion. Tho attorneys in the case or the IVop'e vs. Arthur Camibell, a lultcry, argued the case and the jury returned a venlht of guilty aflcr lielug ocli a short time. The defendant was serdeucei to el'ilceu inauUia' imprisonment. An order was made approv ing thu accounts rf assistant United States Attorney 1). Evaas. Charles W. Rawlinson was sen tenced to one mouth's imprisonment and to pay a tine of $ii aud co.ts of cou rt for u ulan ful cohabitation. W. H. Groesbecls entered a plea to the charge of adultery. Sen-tem-o was set for tlctobcr 27 til. The case of the People vs. George Gailsrlt, Usoriso Krcanbreck, James Kn-aubnek and James ISurri-on, wascallnl and a jury summoned. The defendints are cliarged w.tii stealing and uiUbr-uiIiug sheep be loiiihg to F. M. Wilson. F. M. Wilson, Charles Wil-on and others h-il led that sbeeis ileutilledaslielongingto the Wil siu herd, had Ix-en found in the ik-M-s-Kin of tlie itefen lant witli the original ear marks and brands de faced by cuttiug or by covering, r lart'ally t-onil with a hand raiid- Ihi defense claime-I tint the xhisrp in questloii had Uill Iur el.Bseil from various ortit. A cumber of witnesses testified that they bad sold them sheep. I'eter Oklob-rry, p'leas-r El war Is, Charles I'irtrldge and others testified t t e good tharaitcr of tlie defenda iiis. Court a.ljourne.i until Tuesday moraine; at 10 o'clock. n-K:t MoitMU. Mr. lkth aeetl that the order forfeiting J. Dilwortli's lauds be set aside Mr. Dilnorlh was now in court, ready ti p'ead to Die indict ment. The lnuis were ordered to bo set aside, Mr. Diluorth piying tho costs. He was then arrai-ned on a charge oi adultery ami plead not guilt. Thecaso aset for Octo ber H. The of tho Teople vs. Gar bet ct al. u as continued. G. A. Garfield was called by tlie defeat" ani tesUneil that lie had seen bet een 73 and 10) dead sheep belonging to the Wilson herd lying on the range between tlie 1st and loth of March. William Krcanlreck, the rather of two of the defendants, lestlfed tliat he owned the Erottibrcck slice) ; that they numbered Si: head last fall; in the latter end of March, the sheep had lull moved up the caujon; In could account for every bIhi p In his herd. Girbct, Rurrisouauil Georg" Kr .anhreck. three of the defen lints, declared tliat they had not stolen or ruimndesl autheep, nor did llicy know anything about &uy one hav ing done so. Court took a rec-s until 1.34 o'clock. A "en Keparlnre. i'rubably tlie greatest resolv e that Charles Hoyt ever made was his determination to break away from farce comedy writing and enter a higher plane of dramatic cumpo. Milan. The result was "A Mid night Bell" which will be produced at the Salt Lake Tlieatre Thursd.y evening with the original Xen York cat. The succcsi of "A Jlid ulght B-H"eviuced Dm wisdom of Mr. Hoyl'a new deiarture 'ahii h Is an a'aulute divorce from tlie broad farce comeuy which lias m-cie this clever play n right so iwjsilar. 'A MUniglit Kell" Is said lo diller from his previous works because it Is not boisterous and because there are several characterizations which, though cxagcratcd, arc recognizaole and cleverly done. Sams of the dialogue is said lo lw uuabstrusive ly excellent and Mr. Hoyt has written so many bright and witty things, hence "A Mid--night Relt" Is something or a revelation. Tbe scene Is laid In XewEngland. Tue title Is derived from a rural church bell which,, lielug tolled by Uie deacon n ho U imprisoned in the belfry, scares a thief who has come to L-sfce his concealed booty from tho church ani leal to tlie vinilcaliou of au inuacent man. Tlie scenes are said to be new to camejy an J made wouderfully realistic by thrnid-of elaborate scenery, w hich is carried by tlie company. The coasting slide, the ixamlnatlun of tho country school nal tlie belfry tower In the village church are some of the scenes which comitent critics nave praitd very highly- Thecatis the same which originally produced thUpIcce In New YoiV: and includes a num ber of old-time favorite, among them Eugene Canfield. the original "Rats" in "A T'u Soldier," and George Richards, who created the runny character of "The btranger" In "A Uolo lu the Ground." j Last Performance. The phenomenal run of Hazel Kitke cla tonlghtMr. Couldcck leaving for Xew York tomorrow. The fourth night' periornance on Tuesday drew nearly $1009, which Is something unknown Jnllie hitory of the Theatre. SELF-DESTROYED. Charity Tins EaJs II U Ure In a HI of Dcsponirnsr. Alalwut seven o'clock thla morn ing Mrs. CW. King, ansgedlady, who a-dlci at tbe earner of Third Sooth ani Sixth East streets, Into the front yard to get themjrnlnsinper.and beheld "the corpse of her sou Chalice Jylng there. Tho poor wuruan gave the alarm, but Ui shc-s; uttcViy pros trated her. Her husband and two other sons were at home, and they, with a refatlve who was notified, conveyed the remains Into the house. A pistol wound In Uie si Jo of the head, and a revolver under Uie dead body, told the story. Coronerllarris was notlfled and this forenoon an inquest was held. The only witnesses eximlilvl were the fallifrnad his two sons. The former tesUried air about 2 a.m., as nearly as heoulj tell, lie was lortlally aroused from sleep by a souud llko tin report of a re volrer, but he pail no attention to it, and dropped off to sleep again. All the wltnessrs testified Uiatthe deceased nail been subject to httacks of profound despondency fur several years, aud t!m coroner. Jury found a verdict to thee fleet that the de ceased came to hlsdcath by hi own hand during onn of those spells. Tho deceased was a collector for the firm of George M. Scott tc Co., and had been In their employ ever slcce he was a mere boy. He was aged about 27 years, and was of steady habits. Territorial V. S. A. I'omeiiHon. The excculive session of Uie Ter ritorial Women's Sullrage Associa tion was htlif Friday morning, October J, at iO o'clock, In the As sembly Hail in tills city. Tim hall Was handsomely decorated by the ladles wIUi flowers; and the national stars and s'ripes were artistically draped about the stands. Mrs. I'hebe Y. Ileatle, chairman execu Uve committee, presided. IuvovuUonbyMra.I!.W. Smith. President S.M. Kimball expressed her pleasure lu seeing so many rep resentaUvea of tlie auxlllarv branciu-a, auddrairod their co-operation in the selection of officers and in the transaction of business. The 'exiiedit-riry of rhangiug the time of slfldlhg Uio Territorial convention was discussed, aud a motion was Anally maiu and carried that Uio time ba changed from Jauuarv to O-tnber. Utah County n ported by Joanna Pattou of Provo; WlllanI County by JIr. M. A. Y. Greenhalgh; .Mrs. Ilayer represented the Springvillc Lranch or Utah County. The otU-c-rs or the Territorial baard were rt-e!ected for the year, It, Presi dent, S trail M. Kimball; first vice president, Emily S. Richard-: sec ond vice-president, Ann D. Grocs beck; third vice-president, Caroline C. Dye; secretary, Ada Croxall; cot rusjundiugsecreury, Julia t. Tay lor; treasurer, Margie Dwyer; chair, man of executive committee, I'hebe Y. Beattle; members, Xellle UlUe, Margaret Mitchell. President Kimball explained thai each auxiliary president v. a, by virtue of hcrofilcc-, a member or tho Territorial executive board, and ex pected to share In the labors, delib erations and responsibilities or that committee. The follouiug were elected e 1'a'ilishlug commltlee fur the ensu n y can Mt lattes E. R. Wells, L. G Richards and R. I!. Pratt, M O. Tsornlnatlons were m uie fur dele gates, oUier suljects discuseil, and an adjournment taken until the anernoon. Tlie regular annual convention of th j Woman SuflVage Association of Utah was held In the afternoon ol Octotier a, commencing at 2 I'ri-sluent S. M. Kimball in the ciistr. Prajcru as offered by Mrs. M. I. Untie Minutes of the previous conventiou were read and approved. Tlie treasurer r. udered her reivtt, nhicli was accepted. The Terri torial ofllcvrs were -sustaii-ed by the convention for the ensuing ear President Kimball made an ap propriate address aud welcomed thorn avscmbled. Mrs. K. J. McFarlanc aldresseil Uie assembly upon the "Political Rights of Women." Mrs. Susie Y. Gates, of Provo, spake upon the "Higher Education or WontinanJ its Auvaiitagrs." I Ion. F. S. Rlchirds spoke e fleet. vely. In his de-id eIIy clear and platsmt manner, on the "Past, Present and Future of Woman." Mrs. Emily S. Riclunls read a Iiorm written by Mr. E. II. Wood natisce, "Simple Justice." whicli was quite in keeping uitb the sub Ject or the m-ctlng, and the style of the reading was cloqucut and graceful. Mrs. lioyer from Spritigville made a brilliant speech, talie-rtfem-d to Wyomin4' coming into the-Union with a woman sutiragc platform equal rights for men aud women. She also spoke of Queen Victoria's successful reign. Mrs. Grt-entialgh made a telling speech uiin human rights; said she hi 1 advocated woman's sullrage for fcrty-six years; iHieveil It to tsj every woman's duty to becom- wbe anl learned and attain to a knowl edge of laws and governments and the prinUplcs underlying them. Couvctlon adjourned until April 1331. Adheres lo His I'osition. There were several applicants for admission to citizenship Uiis morn ing b-fore Julge Zinc, ills honor propounded the questions himself, and subjected rich applicant to a thorough examination. Each can dldatc.w as admitted, but the-spe-cti-tors of Uie proceeding were left in the dark a'to n hcther they were "Mormons." They were askeI if Uiey believed in polygamy, ami re plied In the negative, but no ques t!ou was ut, nor reply elicited, which disclosed whether or not they were members of tho Church or Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Judge Zano maintained the posi tion defined by him yesterday, aBj the Indications are thai church nirmt-r&hip will not bo specially Inquired Into hereafter, in conncc ti an with applications, for citizenship in his court. All tho candi dates thl morning were asked Ifthev were willing to obey the Iiws of Uie United States relating to pily gamy and they answered affirm atively. Some were from Cache County, ami It Is bcllevnl were "Mormins." A Narrow Escape. A serious accident might have oc curred this morning at the clock corner.' An el Icrly gentleman he gave his ago as S2 Intending to go to the Fair, wished to board a street car, when a man stepped In front of him and got up. He then turned in order to board the car in Uie rear, but on reselling the rear step he saw another genUcman come ani endeavor to get up. This man, however, did not succeed, as Uie car now had started to move. In stead he was burled oil the step and struck with his body the old genUe man who was vloIenUy felled to the ground right In front of a tossing team. Rut for his presence or mind he would certainly have been over run aud seriously Injured. Rut as he rolled hlmseir over several times, ho came out of the reach of the horses' hoofs and the wagon wheels and came from the accident with only a sprained ankle and some slight bruises. ao 33 as. rx acx is Baowx-Ia tils dty. Oct. .of scarlet frrr. treat diartater et Joha arel EUm Brown, ot tae Mala Wtxa. ronexil fro a) fisHy rrildrae ; p -a-, "ft, , ire. FIXE LIVE STOCK, iyjne of tbe Samples at lit' Fair.- .Vole. A. Ii. Burnbam or Rouctiful shows a Very fine rcrchtron stallion and filly. Wm. P. Dowcn and Bros, of Spanish Fork, make a magnificent showing of French coach and Percheron horse. Them gentlemen lost a ttdcndld specimen of the French coach horse yesterday, and a recent Importation; the purchase price of which was $2609. The cause of Uie fatality was a change of water. It is claimed Uiat this was the finest horse but one, of the kind in the Territory. Sexton, Warren and Oflltrd, Im porters of English horses and red tolled cattle, exhibit three magni ficent Shires and several Clvdesdaie stallions, tho htravlt-st of which weighs 2010 pound". Ex-Marshall Dyer has eight head of Cleveland Hays and Shires, some or which are very (lur. Ilex and Hasbrotich exhibit the only English hackney horse In the Territory. This breed of horse arc celebrated far their great sjwed and endurance. They also show a Cleveland Bay stallbn.whlch, they feel certain, will take first prize. Burton A. Winder again have on exhibition their celebrated Cleve land Bay stallion, "Iio-d Barton," together with three of his colts. This horse took first prize last year, aud will doubUr-s carry oft" the prize again. Titos. Matthews has six head of fine carriage horn-, two of which are by Uie famous L, C. Irc, and make a flue showing. B. C. Harvey has a number of standard bred horses, some of which have good records. ramllh Bros., or Logan, exhibit two very finesfalllons, one an Eng lish Shire and the other a French coach hone Rasmus Xeilun of Spanish Fork has twenty head fit standard bred hom-s or various breeds, most or whicli are ery good. This Is the largest number ot horses entered by any one man. it. G. Hardy makes a good show ing of stanihinl bred hones. W. Price has on exhibition a number of fine Shetland ponies. CUTTI.E. F. A. Mitchell, of the Jordan Stock Farm, has several head each of Durham and Holsteius. Home of these hnvo been exhibited far the third time. "Jacob Wit's Bar dolih,"Uie famous Holsteln bull, ntiii asfluenu atilutsl as can ueil be found, neighs uithln n very llltle or 3,003 pounds, ills record la well known. Or thu cows, "cjiieeu Alia" and "Kroiif" are the finest. ''.jHcen AltaV milk records is as follows: tot pounds in one day and 23S0 pounds and 14 ounces In one month. "Krone" has a milk record or 92 pronds In one day and 2171 pounds lu a month This makes her one ef the heaviest milkers in Uie United States. "Utah Girl" has a milk record of 05 pounds in one day. ' Serai ta" has a milk record or ()1 uuds In onu day. Or the Durham breed, "Cyprrs Duke the Third," Is Uie most note--sorthy. This animal was shown last year and weighs 2100 ounJs. Faut A. Sons sho-v liftee n Iiend or very line Hobtelns. Tlie bull "Augustine" is a richly bred butter bull, sired by "Neptune" of the celebrated Aaggie family. "Itdy Vinkic"an imported cow, i shown ny llieni has a milk record of ninety -one louaes in onu day. "Iidy Raker Third," a two-year-old, is from Baker u ho brat the wnrll'it record for butter last vctar, v.i:h r.l bounces In cue nJ iking. They aim have two cows from tlie racibus prize winner "Iniogene" I.ady liuogene" and "lraugene Third." Alo to hcifirs from the cele brated bull "Harrington,'' Imth of which are beauties. Arthur ltrowii show nine herd of Shurthora", all i f w hlch are as tine as can lie desired. Most of them haw been shown If fore. "Grovcr Cleveland," his famous bull, has taken the prize fur tbe let! brei' iTeetl at every fair at ulilcli be has been exhibited. L. G. Hardy shows nine head of GiHo-tsys tntl four Jerseys; all of them arc standard bred and flue animal. J James P. Freeze again shows his I splendid red polled lull, "Magls- j Irate." He lias taken two silver I mid one gold medal. With iiiui j Uiirteenotliersof tlieeame tMredare! slion n, and ulistegeod. j Ben R. Eldredge, of Provo, agaiu j shows his Deson Lull "Itirming-' ham" with several m re of tbe same I breed. Without dwU Utcy are the; choicest lot of Do vuns In tlie West. TherearemaiivoUieriiiieinlmaUi that might has e honorable nieidii, but w hlch we are obliged to omit without at y desire to discriminate. lsut.TK. The poultry liow tiudcuhtedly I the llue-t exhibit or tho kind tPat liaseerUcn made in this Terri tory. The kinds are numerou, and the breeds the best. The chickens and turkeys arce-sicliily fine, -.unit. The throng or orlo at tie Fair today was greatly in excr-s of tlie two forroerdays. Tliofiitday, Uie numtser of visitors was Ix thousand; yesterday It was niuo thousanJ. Up to noon today there had been more tliau five Uiouaud. Yesterday atlerncein, as announ ced, the lby show took place at the fair. There werethlrty four eutries and all Uie babies were rat, chubby aud pretty. The brains or the Judge were set III "v whirl when the awarding of prizes u as commenced, and after Utah's famcus crop had been as carefully and nrll surveyed as cireuuiftanccri wculd I null the fo'lawing rsVclved prlx s: Master Brtie Young, of I Salt Lake City, aged seen mouth, i first prize; George Pack, tiltioaud n half mouths old. e.f Sugar House Ward, eramJ; Giliiert R. Savage, niuu montiis old, city, third, ami Peter I-arren, of Lch', ?veu an 1 a half mouths old, fourth. I among the intrrestlug features of the clamber of commerce mineral exlilbit is a loltle cr floe, bright lUcergoId from the Henry -Moon tains in sj'ith e-strrn C'lah on the Colundo River, Utah's new an I promising gokl fields, exhibited by I Frank K. Glllc-ple. AuoUier fine sample of placer goii Is liist f.-uit I Uie Big Hole Placer, Montana. Allhcugli It I locateti In Montana this property is tributary to Silt Lake City, beiugoaruesi iiy tho fol lowing fcalt Iikc-s: Geo. A. Meears, Joshua Mldclry W. S. Van Horn, Wm. Fuller, D.. Ii WIIoit, aUian Scsia ni-' o hers. Tlie following la the sy the vote tood for the most iio(eiIar man In Utah at the close of the voting Tuesday night. Darin; the rrraalu iDgdayaof the Fair votes will otily be counted for the six lending can-dldate-s uhlch stand as follows: George Q. Csnnou, tti; Johu M. Youug, -lil; HrtsT M. Wrll, its; Sam I-evy, -IIS; Grorce M rjcott, il6; WillonI WoodrufT, -112. Four other popular men veeres. rryclast: F. 8. IHihan!, W; A. 1. Thom?, itw; E. A. hniith. i0; W. X. Dusenberry. -102. We for the most loimlar man In Utah; gokl siwanled. jtcitunrs iMiiriirv KKW TOSC STOCKS Set Tor. Ore. S. b RitSllTer rorl OMti .... ', Moner........ tSMnirathm .. I coupons........ ni rraueoounrsii '. w KicespoBi Paelte ll2il. PttHori. ...... II Cock lUl d... 7TS Central rsaac. ZO SLlenisAi ta Tr xj Bnaiuucloo...... S-J -CI"aoIACdji rs Ba .nnee... ITU Tssas I'utsr. . i:, ortfcern l"cicc a . icaos t .cin. 1! rrtlerrel .... 71 rare ta-prea 41 I NOTtawesicrs. - wst-rUina i stoctl lUsnisl. tea i. CHicaoo MAkiorr caicaso. Oct. ", I up-s. Wheil-Wi; caas, sj; Uee. Irj',-; Corn-Uieid)-; eb. M; Ivee tO",;!!, StY. one ftdr: rub. ax: Her- gj Miy.rt'. ssSsSsSsSS saBCSBj JJSMBBtsnaBS3i SPECLVLi.NOIItKS. eitrorrniis. Great reduction rale for fcur days, co-nmenclns; Wcdntsday, Octor SUt and continuing Thursday, Fri day aud Saturday. Oct. 0, 10 and 11. 2o cents less ou tbe dollar ou all trimmel goods during this sale. Hals and Bonnets trimmed from $1 o-) to $J5 City of lMrl, 33 East, First Scut d3 Tuusm-rc ui.Mi or rrau Has a cash capiUl of $o00,000. It commenced business May C, 1S90. It Is having a steady and healthy growth. It transacts a banking business In all Ita branches. Itrnys careful attention to the wants of Its customers. It solicits accounts cf firms and individuals. It Invites correspondence. The State Bank of Utah has a savings deiartment where it receives deposits In any sum from a dollar upward; where farmers, teachera, clerks, children, mechanics, laborers, trustees, and all who with to lay up their surplus earnings and Idle funds may be aured Utcy are safe aud I ringing in a satUfactcry income; where minors and married women may make deposits In their o-vn names, payable only to their order; where deposits get 3 per cent ier annum Interest, com pounded every three month". The otate Bank of Utah is conducted by the following named officers: Heber J. Grant, prrstdeut; William B. Preston, vIcss.rre,Mcnt; Heber M. Wells, cashier; Joseph F. Smith, William II. Rowe, Abrli.m K. Caution, Spencer Clan son, Ellas Morris, Charles S. Burton, Ne phi W. Clayton, Frank Y.Taylor, Phllo T. Farn"wortli, Richard W. Young, Henry A. Woolley, director. Tlie bis. to Bank of Utah Is located at No. 60 Main btreet, Salt I jke City. (.id tolheSiuitbcrg Furniture Co. 1S W., South Temple St., and ex amiuu the New rjofa Red. Best In the market. Dr. J. Thomas, Dentist, Herall Block, corner west and 1st South sL, S. I. City. Vitalized all adminlstervel. d rinrklrn-o Srnlm snlve. Tbe Best Salve In tho world for Cuts, llrube-y, Soros, Ulcers. Salt Ith-ttm, Fever, Sorts, Tetter, Clmppeel Hands, Chilblain., Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give irrcct Kitisfaclion, or money refunded. Priii- Si cent js?r box. For sale by A. C S uiUi .V Co. Vllllsin-seustrall. u llrrti fills. If eoil are Yellow, Itlllious, con tUja'rd with Headache, tad breath drowsy, no appetite, luot oil you L!cr is out of onler. One Ux ot the-tc Pills will tinresll the ttouM. away and iiiakeu tie. lieingof you Price 2 cents Zion Co-op Mrcr lnt. Drug IVpt., Agent dis ti cnsrrnrM r. isitk: s t ittita to. Old l.lnbe si mil. SI Jlalii SI On account of w.r gnat rush of Ini'Ines during tVnferenev and I air, we liav ci i .-tl to pitcli n taru teuton Couusii HoueCumtr, nlirre our ltrons ran lie screed nith Tea, OfTee, Cakes, Runs, Fruit, Summer Blinks, etc, aud every claw of Light Refreshments. NuTl. The tame courtesy ami at tention will lie give nuur patrons, as they are in the iialiit of receiving at cur establishment. irjT Ornamented WoiJIng Cakes shipped to all arts of Uie Territory. Rndam's Microle Killer cures diseases by removing the caue-. It Ls i-rrcctly iiann!e. (.Hi r customers all speak highly in prai-e of SL Patrick's PHI. They are Uiol-t. Bfukv Bkos., Carroll, Vebraska. For sale by Z. C. M. I Drag Departn.ent. H. DINWOODCY IS READY FOR BUSINESS AGAIN. And will bo picr.sotl to havo tho public generally and all his old customers call and see htm at Caldor's Music Palaco, (the Caldcr Estate having kindly allow od him to uso part of their stora), whero ho has opened out a New and Beautiful Stock of Carpets and Parlor Furnl-j turc. All orders will receive most careful attention. Ho still has tho 6 5 omploycs with him roady to execute any order. i Glvo him a Call. .Sollce lo flnr IMIron I Not having any Teleihone, cur cu-tomcrs will ihfp lesvr on! rs at Margcth.' Bro's. Rk Store, or at I Phillip MargrtL' Wire Dcpnt for Margclls'.Ale- and Porter, also for Malt ami Hop". I raJTATE OF R. B. SlAKOrTTS. ' JsV" i All dUea-srSthSiJare the result of . Microbes caa lb cured ly us ng Microbe Killer. dim If ycu want to bo Healthy, Wealthy and Wise deposit your money In the Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, 22 and 24 E, First HouUt Street, and get 6 per cent Interest per annum, com pounded four Umea a year. Capi tal 3W,000, Surplus 520 000. For all kinds of fevers use Rrd am's Microbe Killer; It will not frll to give sntnfactlcB. UM0" PACIFIC MisrUI, 3I0US- T.U.VDIiIM0.Y. On owl atcrMmJay, Srpt. 15rt, l-f-0, Trains betmrn Salt Jstteaml UarelJ MeacAnitl ran tu (oUorK Leaie Arnie Leave Arrieeat Salt LJic.AlcirCeM. cirCcid. t-Salt Lace S 10 a-eiT'OSS a ou 1 tipn J-eOrsia. I esaan. .Iiaviam. .I-i.pan. ( sua pan. t ctpaa. 3 130 pan. Is 10p.m. 1 ajipn. Sunday excepted. Tickets fnrSale In Wasatch Build ing. 201 Main Street, and -.t Depot, Fare for too round trip, 50 cent. S. W. Foci ra, G. P. A., Salt Lake. Ti Pitint Sift 111 t ?an berg's Furniture Co., is as fine Par lor Sofa as can lie found. Come and see It. 10S W., Siitit Templcr Get a wire door Mat at Z. C. M. I WE HAVE MOVED BACK TO Tho Constitution Building, No. 36 MAIN ST. JOHN C. CUTLER &. BRO. Agents, Provo Woolen Mills, Provo, and Deseret Woolen Mills, Salt Lake City. A Full Stock of HOV,E-HADE WOOLEN GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. EST Call and sco us. Trimmest llls mm Kris lork. I haveju-t received Uiolatetai.d best styles In ladies and children's trimmed hats, bouusts, tcques.cai. turtans Ac, also haudsome birds, wings, ostrich feathers, and a full line of millinery trimmings. MKS.M. J. Bi'bkows, la Main St. .UTII1.I Tbe dividends ol 10 ircent.on Capita! Stock,and 8 per cent, on Re bate for thei&st six months are esy able at once at the Stores In Mrr cl 1 and be or in Cash, on or after the 20tli of October. All receipts pre sented nill be considered cash and introua will receive rebab on same. Our goods are ail reduced o as to enable our patrons to take advantage of three low prices during our divi dend time. Poopler's Equitable Co-op, 7 st 9 Main street. Fortunate Inttirr unit s;0ii. "I am as cettaln as I now live,' says C K. Bartholomew, of Kal kaska, MIch.,"Uiat Dr. David Kcn nedy'ii Favorite Remedy, of Rond outjN.Y, saved ny life when I was a victim of that terrible renal disorder Rligbt'H Disease. My sou liad a fever sore 011 his leg. He, too, usrd Favorite Remedy, and I now well. But for this medicine I am sure both rather and son would have lie-eu six feet under the sod." Minilanl oml.lnntion relies- (o. Oftlco I0S W. South Temple Street. Opposite v. alley nnu'e. enveusN call. Fence and Prices will give satisfaction. R.W. DKH.C.S. Jr., Secri tary P. P. PitATT, .Manager. dsw2 (unrerenrf- I'rstplr. turn tnnt J. S. J essts, the practical Watch maker and Jcweltr. rxtemls invi tation lo Conference visitors to call and InsiAft his stock of New Goods, cotiibtlii cf Diamonds, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. Don't for get the 1 lace.22E. Fin South. dlr s,nllee lis stres-t tnr Scsifipsny ! Please lnturm your Conduttors to watch cut for leaK-engera wlicn jjs sing We-lili ,fc Fcveryear's Bakery, 57 r. Mtii Street. 1nL On Sunday nisht, on State Road ltes"ti Gorton's and Francklyn I)riot, a Lundle containing pfcish coat. etc. Return to Midgley i Son. 1 "7 E-. Second South. o3 l $ll. Media 7Pa7) Military Acad emy, lys. Brook Hall; girls. Cir culars free. The New Sofa Bed Is th lt U r OP.lces and Physicians. Kuy your orugs ui the tKy," Joliusan, Prut: & Co. -IS Main st. Wante.1 one ton Bee-swax, Jonssus-. PlIATT & Co. Go to M:.LUM!l,s for Hue Pliotugrap1! C aUnels, J3 per dczu. l2 South Main. Take elevator. Thu Mnut.talu Ice and Cold Storage Co. take pleasure in an nouncing to Hi- public tliat their Ice ins nufacturlng plant 1 now In suc cessful oiieraUon, and lhat tiny are prepared lo furnlfh distilled rt"ian water ice in auy quantity desired. Tlie absolute purity of the ice l u-iranteed. The public- are cordially invited lo visit the works of tlie Co. at No. -) S. Third West Street. Inquiries raw be made at the i lown ollli-e-, No. 51 lauJ. Second South Street. dtf I) . ' .heria Uiat t rrlWi-coureels tho result 1 f Microbes. Radam's Microbe Killer will destroy the MlsroV. " " "" ft i ! FURNITURE, . I CARPETS, jpl IN NEW STYLES AND GREAT VARIETY. L H WALL PAPER, SJT. fM As,D g I j H lilllll HOBEE flillilllii,- M p.wIatjsen , I FURNITURE STORE, j3i Jt Ho. Si and 53 East. FIRST SOUTH STREET. , tH MIK'MEI, Illtlliii i -rSs.4;5SSE1S-aSd' l lM )& H! Warwick High Grade Safoty Bicycle. S1S5.00. r H Safoty Bicycles, S135.0O. S1I5.GO. S75.0O, SGO.OO, H $40.00, S35.00, S25 OO. 1 H Tricycles and Volccipedes. a H Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition. f , H Pockot Cutlory, Razors. Strops, Butcher Knlvos. i M Horso and Toilet Clippers. ; H Fishing Tackle, Tents, Baso Ball Goods. M Agent for Caligraph Writing Machino, Carbone, . M Ribbons and Paper. M' H Dcg Collars. Playing Cards, Pokor Checks, Etc. H L.U1GE&T HTOCIC mid LOW KST yitlCE-J , i H SHOT GUNS AT COST. ' M E7npplrlnc In All IVrnithM. s.11 MT? TTTAiATC! 22-24 . SeoomI Soalli Strw . JEW. ii V AeeN V, SfiLT LAKB CITY, UTAH. . -".sfl DEALERS. C05S0LT TOUR IHTEREST 57 GETTIKG U PRICES! r M Uannfaclnrers, Importers, 7IiolesaIe and Retail Dealers in jH SPORTIXG GOODS. pRr "' H BROWNING BROS. I 1.5.3 S. IMain St., Salt Taiilcc City, Vtalu H It yoa aat Cans, RiHes, AEffisaitiao, Fisbicg Tackle, B-is i H Ball Supplies, Bicycles or anything in tiie Sporting Goois hue, ca H and see ns, vre are yonr fr.ends, asd can sate yoa soaj aoacy. Wa H toj larger ant sell more go ds .San aay otaer house Iz tlie tonntry, i M because se bay and se'i closer. H Wo caution ou aK.Vnst cloa ers ho advertise to sell H Guns at cost, nd invito you to Exa. Ine Our Stock, Com- H pare Our Pricos, and satisfv yourself lhat WE are selling H Guns. Etc.. Lower than what tries i parties call, their cost. H We sell the Highest Grade Bicycles far S125.QQ, and a Good Wheel H vritd Bali Eeanngs all round for SGO.CO. H DltOP IX AXD GET A CATAIaOGDE. H S.RMARKS4Ca I Opposite South of Temple. H CHEAPEST PLACE FN UTAH. " 1 parnitae. Carpet I TT iii rrir ZflljL7n7rr jjjjj M Awl WALL PAPEK. H 2S7- iioon: -v.t s.isssxz rs:icat3: - H ick ctt:rAts.-, 91.00 rKtt r.n: ami ui'WAitus.- Bl i'akloi: i.riTs, r--.o(i tvir, M rii.Miii:i: briTSs. 2.-011 4 bVir. M Z3cS "Wc iti-c IS'evcr XJn:leis-soll": H UTAH STOVE AID HARDWARE CO I CORNER COMMERCIAL AND FIRST SOUTH STREETS. H 1 1 inM!)DsjoREAso:i "Early Breakfast" I so yAJiiJ-'?rrrs?sL ftSiC'S that stoves which for ov H fVval4siwN5iVti' HALF A CFNTUBY h . jH "WZJvZr S.l&!Ci SOfSV been tha Ackrov.IeetKcet u c . . j-.n. 1 M -J;ipj!Pr: Leaders, must have somi jfm-f -,t jH SsrXfeaSSisyfisay; nro the' best value for Ui feLtt!sS '2 4 "- -!2ssL Y ONE MILLION IN USB! $HS t I SUPERIOR HOT AIR FURNACES. W"""5 il O fflaJK, --5 Ibo.e rut rrnrrsenls our "K.VKIA Hi:e.lKKATw nHfc Sis Hules smtr H "" Sft31fsja3EP' c' I'orlablc EaanieleJ CiiRter Kcrnrtr. JH sSS"?'Pisia ' S Wo Invito the Tradot and Conforeneo Trado to In-" H oa WSQrMsSSrlsig, spect our Stock of H I P I ' SHELF HARDWARES "' I m mmSSS F HOUSEHOLD -'FURNISHINGS "'1 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii S