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; M " - . fim KgTBO GET YOUB TIX NIITiCE? fM w I ggn'f Pay City Taxes in Forest Dale. J 1 TflE SALT LAKE RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY M . mp'e ed Its track to our addition Tho 'f 9 rasue Electric Company is ilnde. contract to 9 the electric motive power wi h which to ! srato he Imo to Forest Dalo ready for uso by iff ., 4-n Shortly after that dato ! pLECTRIC .'. CARS I litBJKlH EQUIPPED AS AHY IH IHE WES1 I connect our Addition with tho heart of bait Lake Cty. Our Property i ?EAKS FOR ITSELF ! ,-i v o prefer to sell to thoso only who, having - r-s so' cted a favored spot possessing unsur- ; - c J natural surroundings, abundant water of I t quality, and cheap, rapid communication i ir business thoroughfares, wish In.addi- iie o advar.tagos a community ;of do- l . i j r. Wo aro anxious that you should ,E WEAT 1 IATE J o vite al' w shlng to buy homes to t ice. Wo havo Convoyancos that f . , jouio Forest Dalo at your convonlonco. ' suit ail. Paymonts Easy. Time Given j rie of interest. i- i- GORGE M. CANNON & L. G. HARDY, j 65 MAIN ST, SALT LAKE CITY. j flHUB M. Cfflll'S Real Estate, Loan and Collection Agency. ; II ESTATE For Sale! best xar tzzxj r&ivniiUT. 1L j ri n i n 1 1 i 'ni HONEY to LOAJNT ON rilSST CL.VSS SKCtJItlTY. an "Our Familiarity with Prices enables us to CQake Safe Iioans And wo Mako a Specialty of Loaning cilv upon proporty having PERFECT. TITLE. C&SFUL ATTENTION PAID TO COLLECTION OP INTEREST AND RENTS BI0O HAVE MONEY TO LOAN OR WISH TO BORROW CAXX, A.T 55 Main St., .Salt Lake City. WwlBwtfnr . Oel.her s, tsao. I OIK M.E.VT IlEKT TO hUtML.' S;SW l"P' that ra!,e utilitarian ,rj egalm tiie, Invest in fura n.ieUx. aettlim. peoplouae tiie tetebhotie, the tele grai li, tl.eiKtlric light rileuu the i ettrccn,aaJ,.iKli for further i-1 plications of ekclrleil v lu tiits uraSn and u- of everyday life lUtihcv nevtrtbinl. of Oilvaaitod liU fru. i leg", ra!.e out cftUs world all ilia! studied for the pun; love or it his ilum, and the itabiLiblr glolw would bo lu jut the tUleof unclvllintlou that t emral Atria I, todaj . bclelice dea uot irtate la. bor, nor the Industries flawing' frm, it. tin tli van hand. MJeuce I tbe tros.cliyiif the Industrial atu, uu me outer, ui tne experiences and liercrj tiou tint gr.ului.Uv attach themselieatotlieeiira. lnutrml labor iioaeuf tho parents, mut set enceii theciilld; but, as MeLfiru seelu theooiutceriial vrurlJ, Uicou becooit-s richrr than the father, auU raUca hb jKnitlou. Jlau U the wi-nl of fcleucr, au i from hla in-c.illH-jt tpno Uio li.-tiui-trUI nrt, tiie mok. cjn mlue auJ tuuurl under the ground, the tailor LirJ rati cu; the lisliiiifros can thru out a Hue ami tuiithal nature givts him. the bcavrr cau plastrr hi hwi.-t, the epliier -au spin uJ uiavr; Uit utither lu lil lumiftorfeetliM luau the UtiUfit ueii twiri. ta iu mukt (M-i'viut In unl.r Vj live. JIo have tins i.rU recelvnl their great juij-uIm-s from science? In tlietvirO Bisttie rau uiiUrrUI at luuJ iwi ti lUlnUustnal apjthcHttjii; and la'rr on the etun tO iss iiij; Um r;.u inatcinl U canie iniBrexi with tin- iharaitir of itslndustrlea. ThetnouudUiiht ere of America became CJjirrruitli. because they found native evtr which tbey cotuidertfl a aruty of btoiiL, uuJ thi)il and hamniirwi Itiutu toolk witnout -uowiog huu to f trge it hot. fiarat(v liiug uul of the region of tuti l m nrnbi became workiniuttoui, Hint, horn, bone, or f.hell. An i viliialion advanced and cotu minv becnnitt UlIHn-d, Hie were ljt ion of raw mattrlaU m not the only condition of linki'try. i'ia'&M of wliat tin V cocslJered oud v.ejj ti? larkiniuj iiatimii. broke thrjJgli th lurrien that hhut them from Uu. outside world. While ihe Thratlai s were fell pi wj their euemliT-, nud tjwuding much tiun a UMooiuR tmir uud i, tl.ilr itihlwr-, tiie 1'iieiikUDJ, railing the iltdiu mneaii i.x the Tyiaui Hud done betbre them f.Jlld tin ir ray out Into the AUaitUt, and In lire to the linti-h i-lw- The natives of Uie-e !!, dre-ed In ski H5, and with their boJIea daubed over with jellow other or wood, were living and fighting over rulr.i oftiu and oilier tuiiierfc. that Hun kt-eu- not of. The J'heiiu iaus fuond niLti", tec I. Iak tin and other nilneraU niih tlitni, aikit Ubluibed meUllurgic industries. Fhe wtre acting uuder the guid ance of an infant seicme. An iutelllgLnce roe in the llrit .sli !!, and an initiatory scieuce a drvekitied fro it ir ul'g, the i-oj le n j iuner sold th-ir ran mineral material to di-liul n Uou, lit ut inufjtcbired it fur them -elve. jjnaf the growing in iellrseueeof a nation ei latt ores ml? Uwt uf any ntUhWin.; na lion, Ht iroiierit U iiire. Ttie moment any nitron allius the in tellectual elenient of rodu tinn to fall btiait that of in ueihbcr, a mere loral i iviuttge no longer iu-ire-i Mj.eriority. htinci and I com 01 en o haviiii o,ued uji Jwtlm i rnl 1 lutcrvaimuuttJUoaaruJud I liiccLnrt-, the cot of rtrryi ; ran I urrterialia !iiH?il; and git en nn intellectually luitrijr iitli n with raw material, the inte.irt.tual j uierIorlty of another nat i farl lutha'aucts tiie iix-esiin of Oiat j raw material. Inttlleit l the ..real factor in commercial sue 'rr, whetii er of individuals rr naliocK. "Take tii-e oi of the t-ki'.ed brick layer and of tiie lijd firrier; Ihe r1rt I usius'-ralin in lui work, the wcond is ulug brule f jrce Whtu hegonuptheladderwi'h hs licl of bri ks, lit ha? ta carj al-o his own weight thus aefully ex pending force Some one notice this, and tubetitutes for tiie lrutc force of the hjoian that of the horse; then the lior- U dwpli -ed by tiie mechanical force of a eteain engine, which tai do the work of fifteen men or of rjro ho e ia Hie same time. Coil converted into heat is doing all the work. The coal mined each ycariii the L'Dited jUUs reynstnU in actual work morollian tht sum of the force of the total u!atIon of the ztobe, a&uinilug all to be trou? men. riius the substitution of a natural force for human poTer v.'ly in creanw ths proiuetlve capi.y of the liuman rac. Guided by an In tellect taligbt li scienoe.Hii' natnral forces on do iu a ftw Iiojh whit the unaided labor of m my men cnuld not do in a lifetimi. It was no priihecy, but a IUhi of genius, tlit drew trom btepheii son the a".-riion that It is the sun that drives the locomotive engine, by beina !i r rate-J from the coii in which It ii been stored for fcges. Hutmaucaa ntlUitr ireate forte nor endow anything Willi proportios; all that lie cau 'o U to iKiivert unit combine them into utllitieA The uan that does U.U with knowledge It nrnrcd tlio dlnnl failure of ig narauct, lut he that tries to aw towers uithoul undiritandlmjtheni laluevitaul) punWiedfor lib rali presumption. It 1 tlii preumilrr that causes tiie mortality and iUhu that follow lu the wake.of iitllfta lion. Xaturai law. lilo Ihe civil, never aJmits iguorauce a an cx- In" this country three tilentirl have rtfVolutionireJ commetce Oer.ied,tf Copenhagen, and rtra di and W I catstone, of Iimten.'It wasof Taradai hat JIuxI-y Ktld, melToct, lint any natou would dj well to FjerKl j- ,000 in diMverilii turhamin, and an tqjal amount in educating and ntlliig liiut to work K ssmcr tudiiiRaway at steel, ins revolutiolilled Milp build lug Dr. Joule's studies In the me chanical njulval-nt of heat pro duceJ the comjound engine, by which tlir necewwry amount of cool for carrying t given cargo lui Nxn, reducl more llian forl time; tlat is. a Meini'Iiip tint in 1S5J carried a cargo at an exptnditueor 1 4,593 . if coal to a ton, now dot a the wme work by burning about 850 II. Joule's studies in heal liave made it possible for a cube of coal that will pass through a ring the file of a iS cent piece to drive ono ton of cargo for two miles In one of the mo-!. Im proved teamJiljs. In lbSOtln. rate on eraln from New Vo'k to J,lvci puol waid; in ISsCit wa Id. a buliel 1 he rrductliu was primari ly due to the scientist Joule. Ever time e strike a match we are indcb'ed to the men tiiat hate studied science for the mere love of IL TIio men that worked nway at coal tar jut to see what wa in it" made the whole world their debtors by dicoverlng alUarin, the coloring principle of madder. Ami to thej men the world i indebted alsj for anilioe, antipyrine, and more than a hundred other coal tar roduet. BcientiUS wondering what tts In crude petroleum, found laraMn and TSeice. l'ajteur wondered what caused fermentation; hefounJ out, ind brought n new era U uine making. The singing an 1 dancing nf a tea kettle attracted IheaUeu tion of a brain, and wc have as a Mtaenuence all theaHdicaUonsof "'rr'swinginjora chandelier In SSllS cathedral before the eits S?roun(: OiUleo wa tiie l-eglunlng "f J f?Tln of thoughts that r-ulteu liSffiUon of the l-nJ-ruw. 1 i ihmieli it to Uie perfrctli g ef fhndwrea" ut of Umi; and thus Hom?lu"omlc oUelv3Uon.,a..d to scientific "ouguj, knoun one Instance, can never if K'Sev'er' xran new WlX devil b flndlng nb chief for Idle hardj to iio,rc!c cc I eVrnally at work finding m-'h'n? eful for litem to do. l' p i rutlly, but to long a I here la an vcrlli, o long at there it a humau ra-v, sudso loug it Ihere rtniiin onrrttaled one ec-cr t of m ir, 'a r u I lie Um K'lelltL-t s o iim. f rt! o ure Jove f inrntiaik.ij audui oivriingalutratt truth thai s'i' leuetithtiiiunU. ll tac world shall ever U. at prace 1 1 a I r tlieihood of maukiud that pacn Kill owe It cilMi'iicc to the a tut tf nature the mJciiIW. rfilelH-eiiknoloJgr; artltklll in u-ingit. A principle uf tcience 1j a r ii k! In art. Ait may make mis takes tj aroosly aj.lj lug or lit ig iarngthe tnitli,f hIciAv. lUII !, ocean Meaniships, all the ute of Um-d an J eljclncilv, km, our h-ftebuitiinpi, our maaufactorie. and all that ad Is to our uiiterjal crnjlirf, are due tn the pfa-tlral a, ptiml ii of Kieutlfic principle. l7atuyo Jhrctia rrrfotlsn JIuvIclju A remarkable joung niutlcal uoudtr litsjut been lneu,iit I the notice ef the. mud -kjvlng txibtic f f!ptgo She N littls KKa Jl-eklt, Ihe lltt-ycaroid daughUraf Jiiliti ISretJt, of S510 CottagoJrovt Ave Hue, a jeweler tud watiiimaer. Her mother cay that heu Jit a. t wo years old the child began W ting airs ilia: anyone -uijUt be placing ou the piano. When the little girl grew laiger, she utl to climb up ou Uie piano sawl and tlrike the key a if t-lic had Itt-u ta i'it liowao eo it a Iju; time ago She im Mediately iearncJ to piaj chords, ami before she was three jeirs tf au cnil I carry jtrt of airteoireiLIt Ilaif a i ear UU r Mie f fJlSFS Um meotstn tlie vmhn. attii m ih lh was a iutle mure man four r-r old she l-gau toconijV erltipro- Her niiilhirM!-- "Oaeiday there was a territle rain ad UtutKier Mnnu, aud lieu it Mn.,rtr, I-.l-a vtebt to thu iaUJ uudtpbjttl the wlliict-iMirt ot au air, tint aim t tuiiAtit Uie sior n and its ujoi 'aek to me. die w ill gt u-i oil Hi .inoMool audU-),luMiiguig.,rii. some nieamre or klrali tiiat hav come into litr head, mm idler hum mingitutcrsevtral limes the pljy-. it. That Is the way liu ouuit herie-ts. If I te) eutim ! rtl ot lively mutlc,it attetuheri-trauirelj, in fact, we caunnt Ajy nlt irj- h the tears conie to her eri and she is mueii agitated.. .)e en jos herself mucli as other ciiikireu do, lait if he hears the sound l music kite illan J lbtenlni;, with mouth, ejes and ttr iieoii Vu ordinal j cousitlwi she nil Ij ai'U'Klalmaluftl correct all. Iiatiiic tieard it once " The fattier an J mother of the little girl have becu uuujlliug to have heridiUIn nvtnrlety, ltut.-otne music teachers who know of the Hull-one's l,euiu have told others stout her l.iU Ijehmanu, U'Vllrart, an I m M of tne local iiiutioal wurll hati heard the child lday. D'AUel wants her to go to his Ikmik in Germany, and recelvt a th rough musical tucatkn. When ho uasl here, JIUi layetl fur hi in. Tne great ruy.ician declsreil that her geuiut was wunlerfjl. The otlur day slic playej torn party of critics Urst she gavB a "Iectlon fronl "mui u ma ii ii. Tne execution aj pnmounceil mrvtIous ami afhr tlieehildliiilflulrheil with an im-l provides hule ineiiHly of htsr on n, th went lu'o an ecstasy of J raiic. Uneoftlte Irrtl tblusi "a I tuJlvost pjeiii' AveJIarle." eltbciigh it liad luxn wetks icc rhciiad tourh d the Hi "lOwmil cnmKvltlun, tin Mve it.uliotit nilittiugai't pt Hnniuiiig a fake oae. .V i Sun Ylir THE LtSERET NtW3 3H0UU QE SUBSCRIBCO FOR III PREFERENCE TO ANY OTHER PAPEH. L It u as Orfxa of Lbs Cbsrcb t Jtrut Vr.l of Urwr (Uj Saiau. J tae tolbor -i awnaui uunedi nhkhtscTiciri wtih t kU a nKUoai of tts tAorch A tin as eifrefc4, ssd jtT u ill iittf t- It mj tlitjt be rtlle-t cpaa -t tin "", fMHhsg U. rtl!l i -I terj proper for psUle )) tat J. Jt l CnHtd to u utertsu ot 1st """" swu, ul fca, rroa iu let p . tAltasur dffeaeit the stgtu ass 4jcurtiketiaTl4et a tiblia ttej U lK ae4 Jltxf lalltr Alj SiUl ihoold arefer let! o)tr cUlnaov, ta A. i. rt ta kalaaax la taxuta it. I I. u col pablnkcd tat tpeeu'iUoa. tad ""' Ie tat for tie rood which It la i-mI ot aecaBtlj,aia(, me tt ( a iraaj una Ik l-rlKl froo It, ieT . (tctoted I BM" atere of a'a-ocu, t atitlBr Ue eonmsallr a. I la dotax lu Btawtt to eitaUIth'aaaii i. 'satra-i, aatMt Ktleh art r?r a.Ua. yp foaaSis. aureo'rplai uu Uectro t;piaz-traaele et..ti7 ta at drttlop. at aatf lietxaiJetite of tsa eaaaoaltj at wtica, dartat ttelr lafaaej ,L. 1, UU Terrltci tarj hare aot jet puatl), cat aalr b rarrled oo at a paeoxiary lata, f Taarclaaadaaxcrot aajaatacrlWru a:Vtra (aieajr Jo fe al be itUnla 'r Urocfb tU.cta at 111 taaueaa tad t a-reaitoa or Ut pabucatlua-a eoaiaiat -ttelt la r eaa of hiBdrtdj of aawtpap-t raataraa atatr Jttr. 21 U a prlad U-ta;&aat U ta a readatla rp-. to Uut area tta tjtt tea parcaa l: anlaaat dlSealra or (Uaftr tl acircjta jhe 1 ltUrrttna.atioaaUa adrtrUM B1'i ao that ao parcat naad fear tlat bU taitdna UI kati Utlr la4 eorrapted oa Bitiaa aeeaia ta It, la fact, tt.rcru J-aiul. r lolttre worlS at Us Utt pay lax adfcrUataMata aaaaall;. beaaatatt K Irraud ta tae awral aad a pintail inttreau f lu reader lat.ets'ot taraltlaxtala a, taftr atpcaaa. lu lose U aet rtraliled tj pabtia iplatac Bar UeLopa at (alaiif toUal'jtr ar adreruaetuau. tt adtocatet that wale, . I'lkt aad eatutauaa taat tach la arrvai tsanilna of rttalu saaaetal or otrerwu IS It arter aaaaettet lu nadus bj pais mt aa colaaaa c aalf pralae for cetr llacee IL TaeXvspra-UeaaaadaetpUoa aac "rtt ta ao aabttrfuf ta tu tadxea an ale ta aabaenlx, Lai. oa tit o atrarr arerera to ataad apoa lu ova taerlta, aa tl. aecpie't et,paatr. wa a proaaiaa oalj u na aiwl to fur lit pairoaa uie fi lualUiautj-ti ut atlcl r i.t eadetrerrd U fa.thaL lee? r t taae "S lBraelea,tf a tamer-tax 'atat eat aWa to teaaabc for alj one paper, tha lr tboafcl ie the PtiiJKT N ta , aad a awe tin os, lie cm aaoald istaruMi the ftrat ittaicairrios aarai ITr. Ua m. It- "". (rLCO UM (U0 $U. tanfssiLt, a.w eTJ uo linati WxaaLr, Uo Ii Adrrtt all eacamaalcaUoaa ta Vila. IIUEKCT NEWS CXL, 'iittanurr ru, TIliflHSTORIClLRECORD. CUMI UTE IN ruUIt OLUllES lu f-nlher lllnillnr;..............(t3.oo InttulU .... 4 SO r For "a1 at ts DrtLarr M:w LUMBER im?, Y Wat Kbuxe. rrett. JoniSiuiJowirTr'e rrete s f CzoISCCKLCSeeT.Jt Treat. I u rou. -apex -a . i 1 Za y All Kinds of Lumber, S rrames, Doors, Sash and S Honldinas on Hini efi X3 f. Fourih Souih Builders' Hardware. Xt s I -y . Immporattd JaicA, IWl C. -V A& $ Buildings Erected. Telephone No. 502 s Contracts Given. Steam "y r Mill Work a Specialty. yC ,o Satisfaction Guaranteed. at- S? X t (.M.Urc Jaa-U-alicnaus-t. j. IT tV nireetoralr.I. fotx. J.war Uaaar VPLilMC MILL CORTICELL1 SPOOL SILK, ' Vagh, Emtir-oiilaifg $, rops giH; AND KNITTING SILK ARE I'SETtf. LED IJllO 1B78 Florence -Silk Underwear, ' - FILOSELLE, HOSIERY AND KNITTING SILK APE SuTERB CORTICELLI SILK MILL3 (Foaaded SO 3 tara axoO THE GREATEST IM THE WOtLD CalnrMta;5a.40l t. Srtaia-sr. '8LU1I1. cn.siarsoy,irtat. ff '"' NONOTUCK SILK CO. Kmaloaa S Casta In Harnpa for IIIaalxalKf ' -JCaa-llo Walk." Godbe-Pitts Drug Comp'y 1THOIIa.ix 1fD RETAII. mUGGISTS Ii IBECTOKS : I. S.U01f, IL Dlairoader. DatHJaae. W. If. Bheamaa, J.D.rarloir . . OUR .'. MOTTO Courtesy, - Fair Dealing, - Pure Goods. PORE WINES AND LIQUORS, ALES AND PORTERS, ron jicDiciVAi. aid 1 1MI1.T rsc SFesial Atlontion gWen to All Order by Mail or Expreu. FhyticUne' Prescription! Accurately Filled by Djy or NTght. AODBE-PITTS DRUG COMPANY, "& Calder's Music Palace. il XSEtrC VTVTiXSXTTTP IOOO. I I J H ATTiriTTl'Triri TrTflTmATt n Are Cordinlly Invltod to Call and Inspect cur Fine Stock of Pianos and i" I !l lN HUU HNlU lI V ITllK Organs Wohavo a Lino or tho Most Elcgantand Finest to select from. g 3 ,H UUlirijuJjIIUij llullUllU and PWcos that will Suit All. Our Motto Is -One Triee, an! that An Honest One!" 1 ' . 'H pmos. " 1 . oHOflfis. !;( Steinway & Sons, Geo. Steele & Co., j Mason & Hamlin, W. W. Kimball & Co., j P M Behr Brothers, Hardman,Peck&Co. I And Others, All Standard. f jj H ptssSo?m I Sold On Easy Payments. 1 0rgirirom ' I I 45 & 47 W. First South St. The OldEsliatle Pioneer Music Store. 1 ' ' I ILII.nODJ.. ajfAOQOAnrrro vrrra THECE(riArrrrorTHScoujrTi:r.7isa.o3TACt uncn tauasix nrronriAricrr rscu a stuot or this kp or - A- J J T --t-."r?a-.- '. " IIIllHl(fiSrl I THE GHIGJIQO, ROGK ISLfihB t mm BfiiLWaY,' ncludlntr oars 1 nx. erst i tz. 1 U Yczt T- t tsd " -3t or tto it.tsourl Iuvor. 1nol?lrect Roca io ncc" t-otn Ctlc t Joi t. Ottawa, aorta. Ias&u,, Itoclclslu 3. la I'-l-lOIS e't escort, ttwnar.n", ttucTa.Oolriloaja.DtaltMras.V lulHrset, Auda03.Hria--i,iil Council JIuflJ. to lOWZiUnaeanc!!. r s Paul In MlKfTK30TA-VVBtrtoxTi tad Sioux Fall-, la DAKOTA Coneo. m Jo-p!, unci tCannas t'ltr. In Ue3CLIU -Om t fiarrj rr,ardr;!ini,tnIIElKAriILn. Ucrtnn Tocota JutctUnoa. 7mblut, IMUuVUi, 4bl n, Cr,it7J 'n K " 3" Pcnti Jnsoi, Klnjnahor, Port llano, tn tne ' DtAI. la3t&r"OKa -ana Co'ontdc ipnmn, Denver, Pueblo, In COJ.ORAOJ rrHTa.-ct vaivi nrns oi fell tamtni; and frrazuur uuxls. aCorcLcc U-t Dent rrcirlUoa of l.-.f-rcoiii uunlcationtooldarStac. aaa ltonUtoim andcumt9t,nortnnvst,Bnd outnnewt from CeJcaso, uul Psclac na i aaSB-ocetD J boaports. MACNIFICENT VSTIDULE EXPRESS TRAINS, jeadla? all caspeUto-K tn alensot cf rrinlfrscrt i-ocL T-.r ventilate I Joo irom dean In eumroc-, warmed by e-oarn f-orn tne locomotii o In i:er JAI1.X" bottreen Clcturo and D jIjluo-)fn:l cotmtii BleDsi-llbtbrontrj: eooper o Oroabal and Cnlcavo ana coiumdo SDrvaKt, unrer and lueolu ta fat. Joseph, tjtnsaa cit or Top-a ejecant Dr cjactioj, ileeptrr ;ar and (east or illiiotrri rtisrt ll rt'rr Cara.-oltc H1HE IIccBninir; Jam between Ctttcnso Kid N o nh Plait ."Joo j Mo O-nasa. Chicago and (X'd jrcU via ICanaan Cttyi-ndC ni' Tid De- e- Ccia-ado Sprinsa c-id Pc jolo TnrousruPalbcoBleoptrtOHndfroci Wl-tl Kansas. pKttd!d Tjmira, I lotalawest of at. Josopb cd Xanea "Itr Ct- "oerua riir-re cua dtJl-. ltb CHOICE OP ItilUTKM to and t-oinSalt Lflke. Fotuns, 3 A. vnar l fid SenFrancUco 1J3 V KECT IMtF to and itnFibc Puak.liu,! lardcaot tbo Gods, tto fia&Uarlum,raia Ssccc Omnc'c'rflo'Coionit. . VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE. tolld TTalns daily botwoei Catcato onI UinseapollA and Sc Faoi antn TUROUQH Rocllnlnir Cneir C&ra cPlUfSI ta ont from laaae rolnt-t iud iiina.t Cl:y. Tarour "TalrCaraTnlSlopt-litweon Irc.-ia, Spia UtLe cd Sioux Falls, via liixk ud. 1te 5 tvei-e Una to Pipeetono, V. ctrr 5n, Sloax Fan esd u otunHr Seaotu at X flaU.ic and Fletuac ! Iraanda of tbo North ' niE SHORT tlirE VIA SESTet'at. AKD K UtltACtlS oj fitr-atlca tt a-avet bctwoon Cincinnati. Indian rotlJ, Lalltesa, end Council BlnOa bl oscpn. Atchison. laxweuwortb, rr.naaj C1ly,TJtnneapon, ani SC Paul. " ForTlcke.MarrolCAB',crdtrodlnairairOt, appl to tcy TlcLc jSlco ta tbo TJctteU ttaua or Cociwt, or address . ST. JOHN, JOHN SE3.STAN, OoeralKi;t;tr. CinCACItJ. U.l. 0irk.tePia. ijtr. ' I - - COOPFUBMiTUBECO. DEALERS IN flllTil, CARPETS 0 . UPHOLSTERY. HAIi. STREET, - SALT LAKE CITY. DAVID JAMES & CO., Pluialjers, Gas and Steam Fitters, OeaLXKi IN Plimblnaj Material, Pumps, Plpo and Flttlncs. Steam Heatins Supplies, Tin And Iron Roofing, Gal vanized Iron Cornlca, GuUorinc. Etc GaaJKIJElV HOSE niatl ZVAVIS' iST?XZI?iIUL.J2TX.'4 No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. ITraser & Ch.alin.ers. MINING MACHINERY, IC.Tnr.."ST, QEV WtSTEUV M AVaOER. No. 7 W. tECOtD SOUTH STREET 8 LT LAKE CnT. Buildcri, As Dcnlcrx In till JCtti'l. ofjlticliltier.y rLTJCTRIC IaTGHT l'liAMS, ENGINES, zr BOILERS, 1 SAW MILLS, qnarry Drillt, Well Ilorinj jlacliint-i, Diamond CoreDrillt, WATER WHEELS. LOCOMOTIVES STEAM MOTORS Bolo Western Agents tor Tyere Iron WorLi Double Crirorml Mining Cloth lItteaaefe.ToomSJ.ertaaau,NauoaalBia IlolMlar. so. I N MalaSt.belcaa rTIXUAU Wm, JOS. I- nrTTTOOO. JOHV U. wrrtTK rrctldett. Secntarr, Trcatarar. WHITE & SONS CO., PROPRIETOHS Pembroke JVIeat Vlafket Tho Choicest Moats tho market affords aro fur nished from our Rofrlgerator. Family trado solicited. Prompt.deUvery and satisfaction guaranteed. Our Prices aro as Cheap as tho ChoapesL Homo-cured HAMS and PURE UTAH LARD a Specialty. wiiomsAi.c i-iticr.v llrat Qoalitr Uaaf, la KJaa, at Te. 8oaa tfsality Beef ia nalea. Iron e to , Beef br the Quarter f ra H to fc Slattoa Carcaa..atI3j. Telepbona 3S3. J W. rlrat Hid lb Street. JOHN H. WHITE, - - - Manager. aH ' H IM ' I Inasmuch as the statement f H has been made by a certain H I-' al semi-weekly newspaper pub- -k H lished in this city that its cir- i f H culation, which FOR l PAR- 7WCLAR week js quoted I I at.10,752 copies(which would H toe 5376 copies per issue,) is H greater than that of any other H paper in the West, it becomes " " H the duty of the NEWS to say that I IHE STATEMENT IS FALSI. ,' I I The NEWS is not in the habit of boasting of its merits I i Hj as a newspaper or advertising H medium, preferring to allow f ''H its patrons to judge for them- H selves; and under no circum- H stances has'it ever resorted to t I H the despicable practice in- H dulged in by some of its com- H petitors of seeking to buiid H itself up by tearing others H down. It has no disposition B to do so now, but by way of correcting the false impres- H sion sought to be made by the H statement referred to, it may H be said truthfully (and affi" H davits substantiating it can be H furnished if necessary) that H DURING EVERY WEEK I FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS THE CIRCULATION OF THE DESERET SEMI- I WEEKLY NEWS HAS ! I BEEN FAR LARGER P THAN THAT QUOTED BY Jj j. ITS BOASTFUL COTEM- f PORARY. j I THE PEOPLE HAYEKOUSE An I For Shots Mads of Split Leilier, mh CiQTas or Paste Boird Inner Soles Solomon Bros.' Boots and Shoes! f! m lTlncharc arc3IaJ8orSoliJMaltriatanaarel.iioniilobeMceanJDunibIo i ' i ij H Call and Examine the Various Stylo of Oar Own Slate and Importci. ' j j , H Honest Goods I Fair Prices I Always Reliable I Bona Better In tnslartet jP H All Kinds of Dressing Sold for Black or Tan Colored Shoes. rf H Don't forgot tho XtVETSSrEPT Dreaiing for Genta. Ladlea', Mlnaa4 or Children'! Shoes, which Makes them Look Una New. I H