Newspaper Page Text
JDESEJEVENING NEWS. " M ' ' " TRUTH AXD LIBERTY. ' , " flfl mjl-' '-"SPlVY EVENING, OCTOBElt 1-j, 1890. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERBlTOItY. Y0L- XXI11 ' ..efiaLareninsPoTO-. U.S Gov't Report, Ar- i7l ,. Ijaaa0 Rwdep 9 ASseiWEiypiB V jtr ionic tk-vde. IB -s.233 Btl'?oT" Shades, m --l:' !- 'VG ROLLERS, 11 '- - ibe Best. J KYER & CO., jl;5i'L$TERYr GOODS, H -31-3 cl OcrUInlTaScriiAs. iH ' J"liCl Kre York. fl " r Mrxu.rhsia-.Fa. M-riOH BROS. & KIKG, ffclXiD CEKE1TTS, '.U' -e. New YorL, iH , j j. ;-j, tk. Corondolet St. fH - jisaun,totliul'apcr. ,- j ca Cedents called raze II - d" ji.!2AED POWDER jiff f,C3P3cSt3:cwTorJu 9J Tc -3i xplese stock otitis fl7 731 ,aiur celebrated IjunpoTrder 1 I -v. , H -ninety map. Fair-M.cEn..IJrc-tric Fnao. -tLittvt x. eud retail by an the WBC , uo Temiory, and b7 m, " WT. tisssu a Co.. K:: bros. & do; I riiarxTXjxa I ,r -fsu rfrrsr.ntfi, iu. ;,;all,kI0p,, stLouis A. Chlcojro, -'White Lead -t rmrzi white lead is 1 1 4 c-c t froa the best - -.-, arj . ff-oon3 za rcr rzi cj ie Company pirn i , ST! T-T rCEE, part " -5 Lca3 branded "Sonlhen ' ' -" - -tcj tare of cbUielai "i t rms -iCTICLE. I.CBlgslBWBeLeJ X:e-LEAKOMff r "7-rr2Lxaj or "-"ifj Iron and SlaJo XS ami GRATES. ' OToVJisJ and ' - V7allRAXGES. " " ' .e Celelrtel i ; ' -J-;l2SFoIdIng Grates. t OffireandSMnroom, J 2rrta. 'K-.toa BrM, TT.X. j : v""-11! More noJ JT , & SE IIE3rE3IBER L-eo: ,r " ""O TAET OF 5 t'ltl'Z?'!,'.'" n,n- Cnrlrht, W..-1'1' 1'anel. Tenon. ' " "TRIUMPH," ,, 5 7 c" J, el are SeUiac u PRICES TIU EVEU; hj.,2, "" SI,CK or TIIZIB 1M Ps 4 files Uiraji on taJ SlXOKSTETRfCSJ l)-r3 l I-hatt iviU. COM 1 j M -Hh llUutnca. Ijmltrt namberot trt . .t""""'"iut nilntliebot I j-U . ..rpin- ulatrn. ddre J ailotpjjii. djwclm t 60U)gn)AL,rSI31il j "7. n,uant & cos I I SH& J " Ir and I fi'O KbCItemical3 Br. itn. Wttdl"krt"'i . L rais. tin, iKDttt sT- ""icTOUioat. I iFP t Cro2iiieryhcr. I -ftCO.DochesSr.Maa, IHLL' CHICAGO TEADE. I 1VOLPP 3IFG. CO. HKE - BATHEOOia - OUTFITS. iSK I V",rr ciM'.llirben 3iil I-"narr rntx. jui u iU detisM ana mo.t modera CeTKeiT crcttt. orncrs- sj Wot t St. 1-iciotir, a:ii7WeLaiefcu Cliioggo, t. SCHULTZ&HIRSCH, WnOLt?LK tKXZXZM 13 FEATHERS FEATHER PILLOWS, Kascricmaja ay C0MFO3TEKS AND HATTRcSsES jooBrcs ni ' CnrIJ nlr.3Io. Woal. fcWw Tow.TlrUtnr. Uc MA ia;S.Denlalne SLCHilcoeo crimed National Folding Bed lltnnrietareJ by ifce So?? Btersdorf FnrniJcre Co ClIICiGO. A Lerjre Variety Ter : at S. R.MARKS &COS Cppomli Temple. d ' '"DOWN WITH fflGH PBICE3." AHOOlb. I-Iall.rra Srmlc... . 1. 8I25 OtlTo KlICffT... Cl.oa A 2Tan WflftiH SniKw..M. 40.60 1 v siu.oo no.i rrt..... io.iki . Al1(loi!nri,rr T3 AlolbAMpAItittrirmSiIe XfMl " A t lb lumll) orSUrf Sfiilr... l.oo EaS- "Send for Catalogue oi 1000 Article, t ioweat Ifiee. CHICAGO SCALE CO.. Chicago, 111. f Star Horse M A Poliihed or Blued, jj Hare been aold by Z. C. M. I. for -"j oxer M yean. Ttey are tie ant J 'li n!e, aal (aarxatced te 4 pretbe beat of (atlafaetisa. YTK bdi a Shoe oa Isaxer taaa anj Si o'Jiez. lusiBrni MOMRSElfAILCO., 'j Chicago, HL e saasca aroaxa. i aportera asa MTinfactarera of the EUJtfTSSO? SEICBS Flavoring Extracts, E2.0WX TO THE TEADE. rro; rietora of the ramoca Brand of HSU CHOSS Zik'l!. 30,32.34,36,38,40 So. Wzter SL, CHICAOO. d IWDKRTAKKns. USTAnLISIICD ISC. JOSEPH ITtAYLOR Pioneer Undertaker of Utah, fal Caaefartcrcr and Dealer In AQ Klstfa vt Helallic, 1Vok1 and CIolU Corfred COFFINS AND CASKETS, mil iinofcorri.v rcrtMsmscs hept conatnnlly on band. Telephone aslTelerraph Ordera rromptiy FUled. Bollea rreaeTe! their Xataral Condi tion, trithont extra charge. OXJ33T 33V-1T unit WIGHT ' Factory and Warennrasi ?Si One and a half biocka Eaat of TheaUe. Trxtrnojt No. T8- JOS.WILLIAMTAYLOR CTAn S LEADISG UMRTffiR&EMM I 1 1EET THE IAECE5T XJ JCOST covrLETE rrucc ov COFFINS, CASKETS And Undertaker' GoodainUtah, iniOUU CUD EETXU, XT Immcntedf 11EDEUED I'mCES, Lover than were CTer offered ta Utah. LOTS a GRAYES cemeryta the City. All Ordera Killed Day or Xieht in the fahorteft PoiaibleTime. orncc and wuiEitooiia ete cxoep. 21 and 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. P.aBorSM. Telephone 351. riTTsnunGU tilade. flHlTsFCMHiH fcafcmwirji to Evans A - Annealed Climax Chimneys Bnr. Squat an! Speao 'Jara. MreredEe croon leader tnaraTed and Decorated c1?"ey.oSrG.obea,nd Deeorasora of lenna skadea. Kit k 'S-b: SkS Sir, SI ir5 Jariii Sirt, x.n. nsntr j. e. bctcas. GEO. DUNCAN & SON'S, MAtCTACITKECS OF rxvn CCTSTAL na cownEi) ! Glass Table Ware, I Bar Coorti, Jar. UniPS Kle. I lOthEUSA PITTSBURGH. PA. ForSale by Z. C.JI. t, and dealer senerally. d ! liebig COMPANY'S EXTRACT of BEEF riaett and Cbeapeat Meat naTOrlnit Stock for Soopa, llada Diabea and Sancra. Ai Beef Tea, -a a laTalaahle tenia Annsar tale t.tK.Qn ar. OrwJn only wllh fae limits ol "umi Ton Lleblsfa tcnatnr' In b acrtMi label. 1 trSU)-5ictsera.A Grocera DrrirUa cmcsExrEAOT or BEEr co. x.i" lesdos, dMrirn JUSTICE S.F.MILLEH "" ptJ Auar Ap?anUr mth. ontl'alc; Iamllr Ma Friend, UaUitiied Itannd liitd. CONFUCTIHC REPORTS FROM THE ZAMBESI RIVER.1 tabor Or-rinizilloai la London Con- sldfr tbe OaMIon or Em. plorInr rorkl3-nKi. THE PORTUGUESE INDIGNANT THE KING CARICATURED. The Soclallals Consider the Mlstfon or Socialise to be to liberate Sufferinr,HnninHJ-.' By Telesrarh to the N etts.1 JrsriCS Jltl.l.EK DEAD. IIP raued Oir xirnssle or rain. JUUcrUhsdnt right mlnutra of 11 o'clock, trilhoat a ttrugglo and ap parently wrthoat pala. A text minutes before ho died tho nhl'-ftm In bit throct artmniTJlaUrd na.l his rranie quivenni. It was evident that the cud was fast approichlng and the members of his family who tveru not iu tho -j-lcroo-u wens hastily summoned to hLs bcdj'e. Bes-ldes JTr. iraier and her son Irving, there were rtont Dr. Coootr. J. v uvw.1. . ! friend of Justice Miller, who had Juit nrrired from Omaha, ami tho family berrauu, and Chief Ckr-: Jlcivlnney, of tho Supreme Court. fcoon after death the face of the Jutice, uhich liad become jorai what drawn during the lat Uay'a lilnerf, changed t rerfoctlv natural conJiUon ami he looied at ir in a quiet ale?-. aiTausrenrenU for the funeral will lie made until tomorrow, but it Is ct-rtaln that his remains will be removed to his home at Ke-cev Iowa, where they wii- be interred in the family l-ur !ng grou ud. Tomorrow the Suprema Court will raoet as uuai, and after the announcement of the deaUl of As mciate Justice sillier by Chief Jus Uce Fuller, tho court will adjourn. . .tr-. Touin arid ML-s Cork lijll, daugiiter and jnanddauchter of the Ju slice, will reach "A aHiin? ton tomorrow afternoon. SAHCEI, rRKOI&S VttLKB was born in Richmond, Ky., April 5, 1S16. Ho rS3 gmdusted at the medical depnrtmentof Transylvania LuiverMlyin lvts, jiracUced for a short tirce and aftern ards became a lawyer. He was strongly wi favor of emancipation, and did much to further that cause, aid, altoough he took no part In politics, th CKurte of public ailairs indui-cl him to re move In 1530 from Kentucky to Iowa, where he became the leader of Uie republican laity. He was oflVruil ami declined numerousState and local offices and devoted liim self to his profession, in wlildi he took high rank. I n IW12 he was ap pointed by .'resident Lincoln asso ciate justice of Uie United Slates Supreme Court, whicli office he held up to the time of ltis death. He was the orator at tire constitu tional centennial cerebration at raila-Jeli-hia ouSeiteicberlo.lSST. ni:m.r tiii: coiuksls. A Scene In -Cnrmen. ot Inlendr.1 for the Audience. jIaltimokb, Oct. IK There was a scene on the stage of the Iloilidav street Theater sturuny night dm Ing the xerforniance of -Carmen" whicli Uie spectators before the cur tain wire not given an opportunit v to witness and yet it would havciil tcrested them more than any other feature c f the show. It occurred during one of the waits and the prin'ijiai figures iu the talleau were Coriune, the star, young Kingsicy. one of the actors and Mr. Jennie Kimlal), manager of the troupe and the adojited mother of Corinnc. Kingsley is a sn of Six nor Jlroocollni, Uie baritone, and is very much smitten with Curinne and tbe young star is said to recip rocate, though Uils is denied by Mir. Kimball. It was while overlooking matters on the stage that the man ager caiue atiddeniy on King-'-y and her fair daughter and caught them hugging and kissing each other. "What do you moan by this be havior?" demanded the irate wo man of Kingsley. For want of a better answer the young actor blurted out, "Ob, I am dolns this ju't far fun." Mrs. Kimball wa; angry before, but this reply made her boiling mad. Without anoUier word she landed on his head with hert-trong arm, and then ordered the young lutn to leave the com pany fbrtuwitu. ixNM.icnu ncrortrs. A l'orfajrnre A?ar hhlp hnlil fo Jlnte llcen nnlc. liisiwix, Oct. 13. Conflicting re ports are received regardingUiesitu aUon of alTairs at the mouth of the Zambesi river. One report alleges that one of the Ilritisu teniwhtel gunboats attempted to para up the river, to prevent which a IIlu of Portuguese gunboats had been an chored across the msuth of the river, wiUt instructions to passively resist the passage of the Untied vie sels, and that she ran down and sank one of tbe Portuguese war ships. Anotherreporj: says the Eriti'h gun boats hare not et started from Zan zibar. LoSDON. Oct, 13. Tlie Gflieia at Uie Admiralty and Foreign Office discredit the report that a British gunboat ran into and sunk a Portu guese gunboat at Uie mouth of tbe Zambesi river. i.noit oiu. tMzvrio In Iiniloti Dlsenit Nome Qnrallont or VI ml Importance. London'. Oct. 13. At a confer ence of delegates and members of the trade and labor organizitiont in I.ondou to consider the present con dition of labor and to di-cuss meas ures for tberellif of tnc unemployed during the coming winter, it was stated that Uie number of unem ployed was greater than generally supposed, and that dl'trers would bo very severe during Uie winter rconths unless something practical in the way of relief should bo ac complished. Apprehension wa, also expressed lestthodUtress might be taken advantage or by tho "So cialists for the purple f riot ond disorder. To prevent this, a work men' committee was aprcinted to organUo'Uio unemployed to cp nrcach the local government board ontne subject or commencing pub He works And to dksuadomen out of wortfrom yielding to the ad vances of unprincipled agitators. Madrid. Oct. 1S.-U is announced tliattbo Spanish government will uestthe1UnIted States to admit theproJuctsor the SpanUh r slons in the West Indies, especially litacco and sugar. ithout the re centSlmpowd Urill r-l10,0?- ? Se event of refuslug. Sfaln will ex dude American rwlci specially brraJftuf niiiOLCTioxinr rccLi-iu tlttnaldi ltlat la rarln-rali The Kin itldlrnlcd. XoSDO.f, Oct 19. Advices from Iiiibou ftate that the revoluUonarjr reeling there is running bleb. The King is caricatiired id a mort out. ragtous manner f n the prei and s;oL'crfof asplafn "Carlos Simon,' and as tho financial agent of .Lord Salisbury who has sold his country fir a llftUsh loau. The King is in bitter health and Is giving his per sonal attenUon to the pollUcal situa tion. In reply to a telegram from her mother, the Countess of Pari, a-king her to 'leave Portusal and Join her in Knglanl until ailalrs in Portugal are in a mo'ecettled con dition. Queen Amelle declares her intention to stay by her husband. A SOCIALIST U1TIIEUIM. Ilerr Hlncer tiaa an Idea Conerrn Inz; abo IJberatlon or Ilamaally. 1ULIA-, Oct. 13. At today's ses sion of the Socialist Congress Herr Snigermadean address, in which he join ted out that Uie attendance at the Congress of Delegates from Paris. London, Copenhagen, Gene va, Warsaw, Vienna, Uie Hague and Stockholm, carried out the pre dicUon of Marx to tho elTect that the tirolc&riabs or all thoco"ntt!t would eventually Unite ta rulflli the mbIons or Socialism and cirect tho liberation of sulTering humanity. Letters expressive of sympathy with the objects of tho Congress Were read from American, Austrian, Sniss, Italian, French and English Socialist societies for the promotion or Uie workmen's education. An address from Uie Italian Socialists was also read. limn r.rjiEL, reported the solidarity of the party greaUy increacd since the socialist congress held in Paris. The party now owned 101 trade organs, which had W,0iW subev.rJl.-or-. There wai a. stormy discussion oVer tho rural socialist propaganda. Herr Bernard declared that the lkrlin socialists were opposed to the measures favosed by Uie extremists. Griiitnbergtr denounced Werner as a "business socialist," and mtd lie was preiored to prove that Werner wsi disloyal to the ratty. Lieb knechtacd ltascl denounced anarch ism and violence. Singer Justified the moderate course adopted in the demonstrations on last May day, and defended his action iu voting with Uio liberal. A majority of Uie speakers supported the party leaders against the Berlin opposition. Theatlendancc nt today's region wan en-rants. The generalopinion !a that the op'ttsition has been finally routed. TRIII. ItCsfJII 11. Tbe Crown Irutecnlor Itanl on tbeallonallilv Dl'iiun, Oct. 13; T!ie case against Dib'cn sail D'Urien and ten other dsTendants was n-umed at Tipperary today. Joiin Edgar O'.Mahoney, oneof die defendants, is ill. Medical evidence was sub mitted, showing Uiat it n ill be im possible for him to attend tbe trial for some days. It was also shoun Uiat his condition will be such when able to appear in court that he will be subject to a recurrence of the sicknetd through tho excitement of trial. Tlie Crewn PJoecutor Itonau, clo-eiy que?Uoncd the doctor re garding the nature or O'Maboney's illness. L. V. It. Dillon, or tlie counsel for the defense, protested against llonan'squesUon1). which Iu- char acterized as horrible. David Sheeny, oneof the accused, denounced as barbarous the manner in Which the Crown was conducting Uiu prosecution. ISomn a'ked an adjournment un til tomorrow, wheu tlie Crown , would suggest a course that would enable the court to proceed in spite of the absence of O'Mahonty. Dillon ol jected to Uie shortues or the adjournment, supfiorted by his fellow counsel, J. L. Itedmond. The Bench acceded to Itotian's request. IiniEF TELEliUAJIS. .Spokane Falls, Wash., Oct. 13. Congressman Wilson, who returned from Washington a few days ago, reports the hna of his pockt-tbook, containing 10,004, some time fcat urday. Concordia, Kani., Oct. 13. Stale Senator K. K. Swearenger com mitted suicide today 'by rbooUng himself Uirougii the Heart. 1 1 is be lieved his mind was umelUcd ly financial diOicuiUe. Lonlon, Oit. IX The Paris cor resiwndcut or tlie Oironfele sajs private telegramt state Uiat Dillon and O'Brien landed on the roast or Itrittauy and are Journeying to Paris. The Hague, Oct. 13. Tho nhyslc iaus attending the King or Holland had a consultation today with two cabinet ministers, when it was de cided that thecoudiUon or tbeKing rendered him unfit to reign., Xew Vork, Oct 13. The Am-ri-can ship Magellan, which sailed from Boston for Valparaiso, May luUi last, Is believed to bo lost with her crew of twenti men. The Ger man "bark J'ara reports tassing wreckage, undoulteily from the Magellan. Dublin, Oct. 13. A procession numbering 20,000 people marched through tbe streets today In honor of tbe memory of Father Matthew, tho apostle of temperance. The lord mayor, members or tbe corporation and various trade and temiierance societies w ere juuic prvctsiuu. London, Oct 13. Mrs. O'Con- nor, wire or Arthur O'Connor, mem ber or the House or Commons, who was found yesteruay unconsciou, with her thigh broken, received her injuries in an attempt to commit suicide. She is Insane r.ow and in ' an asylum. Her condition is crit ical. Madego, Oct 13. An official dis patch from the expedition sent by tbe Spanish government to Ponapc to punish the natives for tho mas sacre of Spanish, says tbe Spaniards earned everything be fore them. Their loss was seven killed and nineteen wounded. The unlives lost 150. Sydney, Oct 13. Great excite ment was caused today by the ar rival of a large party of non-union men,wbo landed from a steamer, In tending to go to work at the Coal Clifle mines. Tho unionists took possession or the mines and refused to allow Uie non-unionists to go to work. Many scuffles took place be tween them. Trouble Is feared, and the police and military are held In readiness. Newport, Jt. I., Oct 13. The United States dynamite cruller I'ciuriua completed her trial today. She 'went outside and performed maneuvers at a speed of twelve and fourteen .knots, and at full speed with natural and with forced draughts. Tbe result is not com puted. Her tactical diameter is probably greater than some of the other cruisers. Tbe Japanese Carry their tooth pfchi la their back hair and alwaya tuo tbea after ealisa anythlaa They taao rare of their teeth, and tn leeia tah car of their aloraaeha. c toothflcaa freely, clean vtth SUZODOVT, and 'Jd teeth and treilca inU I acarce. JPRESIDENTHARRISOX Continues Illi Tranl and Addrrtsfs Eotan'Iastic L'rorrdt la Variant Places; tie HAS TRAVELED MORE THAN 3,000 ritE)i lit Hold That ill Sbaolil "Lire anil Let Live" In This Coanlrr. tZVTtttOUS OUTBREAK AMONG ENGLfSH TROOPS. SI. PanP vijhedral Had Tj lie Parsed 0a .Vccunnt o( SilWlO CoramiCrd Therein. By Tctesanh to Uui Mnra.1 tiii: piti.Mncvr IlaaTrMteled 3ooi Jilln In lUght Iay . J-iD.tEr, O., Oct 13. The sptrtn train bearing 1'rcsldent Harrisou and party lulled out of Indianapolis on their return to Washington this I The President spent last night aboard bis car, and as lie arose this i morning appeared rddcli. refrrslied 1 from the day's ret oiiorded hint i yesterday at Indiana-whs Ail felt Uiat today was to be the trying ordeal of the trip. Tho States ot Indiana and Ohio were to l crossed, and the schedule provided for a dozen brier stops to give old friends an opportunity to greet the President Trie speeches that these occasions wotijd necessitate would be tery try! tig r.nd require VA 'It most physical exertion. An Immense crowd assembled at Anderson, Ind. The President made a brief speech, referring to tbe rapid development of this region since the discovery and litlliSaliori crtUtun-i gft& lie ricEt: cl tl; pre-ence of school children and took occasion to speak a good word for the !ib!l school. He counseled putting brawny men in factories, but sending the children to school. lie pointed out the advantages of learning and told the boys there was nothing to whicli they might not aspire In this country. When UVJ city e.r Mancle Wits reached an luoieusc assembly con gregate I. Tlie President spoke at some length in regard to tlie growth ot tbe country since natural gas was discovered, and said: "The sun light will not more surely shed its beams upon us tnis morning than this great tide of prosperity which hftaictln through this go. What does it ah mean? It means em ployment for men; it means happy anil COMFORTABLE II Oil 155 for an increasing tnpulatlon; it menus an Increased homo market fur the products of your farms; it means that Uie farmer will have a choice of croio and will have con sumers fur the perishnb!" product of his farm at Ills very dcor. -i "I do not forget Uiat jour good country sent to the war for llieUnlon In tbe gallant regiments that went from this gtiiant State a multitude or brave men to stand by tbe Hag. Xow, let that love of Uie liar be silll ujifermot in your hearts. Clothing lias pleased me more at I ineU through some of the Western Mtates than to see that the school children everywhere had the starry Hag in their hand". Prolonged cheers. Let it be so here and ever where; let them learn to love it, to know its beauty, in order tint w lien Uio time or jwril comes they may be ready to defend It" Prolonged appkuse. One of Uie greatest demonstra tions of Uie day took place at Win chester, where several thousand iwople assembled. Kven Uietele grwdi poles were adorned with the stars and stripes. Tlie President midc a brief speech. "It is an -senUal exUt euce of a country like 0'irs that thought and Jpescli Uiotild be free, and free thought means differing thought". It means that in tbe in dividual txercire of tbe faculties God lias given us, we will reach on public questions different conclu sions, but, as I remarked the other day to another audience, as long as our diHerences stand like opposing buttresses of a great anh confront ing cacti other, but united above in LOVE nU THE OO.NSTITtmOX and Hag, wo have nothing to fear.'' He spoke to thcchtldreu assembled, touched ujon tho value or the pub lic school, and counseled love for the Hag. llBT.LnrOXTAlNF, O., Oct 13. Brief stops were also made at Union City, Ind., Sidney, Ohio, DeGroll and Bellefoutaine, at which places the President made brief speeches touching on the en larged view willed ills trip through the West had given him or Uie greatness or this country and its sturdy manhood. CiiBsTLiM, O.. Oct IX Short stops were made at Laltue, Agota and Marion, but the President mere! bowed to the chccrlngmui tltudes from the rear end or the platform and made no speeches. Cresllno was reached at 1215. A brier stop was made. The President received a message here saying that Justice Miller was sinking and could live but a few hours. The schedule 1 so shortened that Pitts burg will be reached at 5:50 p.ra., two bouts earlier than originally Intended. Vauington uiil be readied tomorrow morning. Canton, OOctlS At Mansfield another large crond was assembled and tbe President spoke briefly, thanking them for their klndncs and sn ing Uiat ho was glad to be permitted to stop at Uie homo of their distinguished Senator and bit friend Sherman. "I am sure." said he, "however you may differ from him Iu political opinion, tbe people of Mansfield mi J Ohio are proud of the eminence which he has attained in the COUNSELS OF THE JfATIOJf and tho distinguished service he lias been able to render his country, not only In Congress but in the Preav ury Department Cheers. He Is a twin iu greatne, with that mili tary brother, who led somo of you. as he did me, in some of the great campaigns ot the war, and they have together rendered conspicuous service to this country, which we ail love with devoted affection." At Wooter the students of the university joined Uieir college cry to Uie cheers of the citizens. This was the first point in Congressman McKlnley's district at which the President spoke. The President spokobut briefly, as Uie time was short and many other stops re mained to be made. A large crowd was assembled at Krieville, but there was not Ume for a speech. AT JtASSlMO.v , tlicro wai a great crowd or Grand Army veterans, school- children and citizens, headed by Uie mayor. As tho train entered the city the operatives from Uie manufacturing establishments near Uie road gath ered at the track and cheered the President as he sped by. In his ad dress, referring to the industries of the city. Uie President said: "ltis well Uiat your Interchs.DsInsJ'"111?: tries and -pursuits lean upon and help each other. Increasing and making possible the great prosperity which you enjoy. 1 hope It Is frne here that everybody is getting a fair return for hit labor. We can not afford in America to have any discontented classes and If fair wages are paid for fair work we will have none. I am not one of those who believe Uiat cheapness is the highest good. Cheers. I am not one or these who believe it can be to my interest or to yours to pur chare In tbe marketany thing telow a price that rajs to tbe men who make it talf ItTlng wages. Great applause. Wo held that Ml should LIVE AXD LET LIVE. in thit country. Our strength, our P'omise for the future, our security for social happinca.4, Is contained in tho great masses) who tolL This kindly Intercourse and relationship betvrecri capital and labor, each liav Ing Its interest laes-cb, shall find the ."'-htt good for the eirrVt)it, and tbeempiujer W"I everywhere ex tend to thosa wn, wortc for human rights kindly conilocraUon, with compensating wages." When the indn rolled into Canton over live tbousiild ioplt were as-rnibk-d to greet tbe chief execuUvc. The (!. A. It, and other organiza tions were out In full force. The President spoke in response to ad dresses CT Ttekt'tnc. saying, in part, "I run glad to be rtl lire ircmro or one with whom I was associated In Con gjv.a for a number of ears, .ind who, in ail personal relations with me, at I believe rhh you, his neigh bors, lias won admiration', n I am suru he has won yours cheers), end iiti'oiiany regard .to what maybe thought of thMcKinIey bill, I am sure here today you ire, nil good neighbors and friends of Sir. Sic Klnley. Applause. Kind hearted and generous as he seemed to me, I am sure he lias not failed in those relations, whatever judgment you may have ol his inlitical opinion, in maMnc the mapM.s of the people proud of him ai inet- li-tlntpilshed sou. AHrlause.J IlTTSucno, Oct 13. At Aliisote another large crowd greeted tbe presidential party, and Uie President made hli THiinrrrji rcrcif or the day. He told the people List he had begun bilking before break fast aud had scarcely had time for lunch, but so long as his voice was lett he could not rail to recognize theo hearty greetings. "Tills re spect is not withheld by my political Opponent, and it is plca-snt to know Ibnt' tail tt'lngs that affect the in ter iiy ahd hotter ntM prosperity or o jr government, we ftfe nWrrfc pftrfy considerations. There lsnotniuat a President can do to shape the pol icy of the government, for, after all, the policy of our law s Isdirected by Congress. The President may veto, I but lie rxnnit frame ri bllL" I After leaving Alliance, n rnld run was made to this city, where the train was at once transferred to the second section of tlie eastern train. The President was seen for but n few -minutes, and remained seated In ills car, observed only ly a few curious trainmen, it not bell g generally known Uiat he was t ) pesa through the city. At 7:30 the train lulled out for Washington. On the G&bie train wn rjeoator Ouay, who bad been in PittsbJrg all dsr in conference with the republlcari local leader. Tlie President has so far been gone eight days on tlie tlip, and in that tin'e has traveled a distance or over MM0 m!!ei J'urint- tljcfc eight da s he made forty speechei. tiio'i is (.ill if is conn. lie Sincalit About llaironr anil lt-e Irish. New Vomr. Oct 13. Thomas Patrick Gill, the first of the; five representative Irih nationalist arty who expect to plead Ireland's cau-e in America. landed from the Guion line steamer .Waiter, which arrived from(ucenstown yesterday. He proceeded to the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where he subsequently spoke freely regarding the Irib situation and particularly regarding the ac tion of Uie Irish leaders, William O'Brien and John Dillon. "I am, I may ray, the first Intali ment of tbe Irish parliamentary party who are coming to this coun try to represent the Irish cause," began Mr. Glib "Originally it was Intended that THE KXTIBB I'ARTV rhould come on tho Teutonic on Oc tober 1st The arrest ot Dillon and O'Brien prevented Uiat and so we were obliged to take dlflerentsteam ers. As it Is TimoUiy Harrington and T. D. Sullivan will follow Dillon and O'L'rien. I cannot say positively when any of them will arrive. It seemed probable that Dillon and O'Brien lea Dublin on a yacht belonging to William Mur phy, an Irl'h member of Parlia ment, with the Intention of catch ing the French steamer la Hour gognc at Havre. This, I am afraid, they failed to do, but, they will come on some other steamer. It was expected that Uie trials of Dillon and O'Brien would end last week, or at the very latest this week. The plau was wheu the trial ended, to appeal It, not with any hope of lighter sentences, but to gain time. Pending a decision of this appeal, which could not possibly be beard under two weeks, it was their In-1 tectlon . I TO COME TO AHERICA and fill their engagements here. "On last Friday week, however, II was learned by T. M. Healy, that Balfour's intenUon was to delay Uie trial as long as possible, and probably until after Christmas. Tbo counsel for the defence urged a speedy trial, and opposed adjournment iu vain. There were no less than 200 sum mons served during this struggle. "It was then discovered that the Crown's IntenUon was to finally sentence the prisoners under the act of King Kdwnrd III., which would preclude the possibility of an appeal an! throw Dillon and O'Brien into prison for an indefinite period. "The truth was, Balfour was making every effort to prevent the American visit Tlie Irish leaders decided to checkmate this, and they havo simply carried out a plan whicli will enable them to fill their engagements in America, and then return and sufHar Imprisonment It Is ail folderol to refer to Dillon and O'Brien as running away. They aredoingnotbingortheklnd. They know very well that the moment they set foot on English soil they Willi arrested. Their only object is to thwart Balfour and carry out their mission here." Another Jtntlny. London-, Oct 13. There has been another mutinous outbreak among the English troops, this time in the ranks of Uie East Surrey regiment stationed ou the bland of Guernsey. The trouble arose from a detachment of the regiment being ordered to India. Tbe men refused to prepare for their departure, totally disre garding the commands of the offi cers. As things were assuming a threatening aspect the recalcitrants were disarmed. Finally, however, ail embarked, but in a very sulky and menacing mood. Sit. Pant's Pnrxcd. , Losroosr I Oct IX Tbe Bishop or London today performed a special reconieeration service in St. Paul's Cathedral to purge the edifice from the ilefllemenl caused bv tlie sul- cide which occurred lnthehlstoricsl building September 27tn. Accon -ing to old traditions the shedding of human blood in a place dedicated to God deprives tbe building of tbe sacred character, which can only be restored by a new consecration. STAKE CONFERENCES. Appointments For Quarterly Cemfer enres Until April 1S9I. Juab Stake Saturday and Sun day, October ISth and 19th, 1S90; and Saturday and Sunday, January I7Ui and ISth, 1S31. WeU-r and Cassia Stakes-Sunday and Monday, October 19th and 20th, 1S90; and rjunday and Mon day, January ISth and 19th, ISM. Box Eider, Tooele and Oneida Stakes Sunday and Monday, Octo ber 2Gth and 7th, 1SOT; and Sun day and Monday, January C2th and Sotti, 1681. Wasatch Stoke. Saturday and Sunday, Xovember 1st and 2nd, ISSOj and Saturday nn-l Sunday January 31st and Fttbroary 1st, 1QOI . Cache Stake Sunday and Mon day, November 2nd and 3rd, 1S90 and Sjnday and Ajonday, February Island 2nd, 1S31. rjummlt Stake. Saturday and Sunday, ITorember Sth and Sth, lsW; an! Saturday and Sunday, FAruary 7th and SUi, ISM. Bear Lake, Emery and Uintah Stakes. Sunday and Monday, No vember 9Ui and 10th, 1S30; and Sun day 2nd Monday, February Sth and Oth, 1S01. Sanpete SLike. Saturday and Sunday, November loth and lGtb, 1390; and Saturday and SJnday, February 14th and loth. 1591. San Lui, Morgan and Bannock Sac7jurHay and Monday, No vember !tftti nnd 17th, 1S90 and Sunday and Monday, February 15th and 16th, 1S91. Pan Juan Slake Saturday and Sunday, itrtemb-r 22nd and 23rd, 1S90; and Saturday nnd Sunday, February 21st and 22nd, 1S71. Millard and Sevier Stakes Sun day and Monday, November 23rd and 21th, 1590; and Sunday and Monday, February 22nd and 23rd, ISil. L'tali, Parrgvitch and Snowflake States Sunday and Monday, No vember SOUl aud December 1st, 1S90, and Sunday and Monday, March 1st r.n.Sn.l lent ljvia Stake Saturday and Sun day, Deccr-T 6th and 7lh, 1S90; aud Saturday and rjunday, March 7th and Sth, IS91. ICnnau and St John Stake S'un day and Monday, December '7th and SUi, 1S90; and Sunday and Monday, Mirth Sth and Oth, 1S91. Su George, MaUd and St. Jonepb SLikes Sundtyand Monday, Deo-era-rl4t!i aud 15th, 1S90; and Sun day nhVI ?Iondy, March 13th and lhlh, 1S9I. Parowan, Beaver and Maricopa Stakes Sunday and Monday, Dec ember 21st aud 22nd, lbfKrjand Sun diy and Monday, March 22nd and 3rd, 1391. FKASKl.iM D. IUCHABDS, JOSEI'H F. SMflff. IIInlsTbat are Better tban Cold If you have bad breath, sluggish bowels, pain in the small of your back, nervousness or giddiness, your vital organs are sadly out of condition. A mere "dote of physic" will not help you. Voar onlv wise course Is to take Dr. David Kenne dy's Favorite Jteniedy. of Itortdout N. V., and cleanse your system of tho impurities. It regulates the Lli er nnd Kidneys. Eallanl's Morrtioand Syrnn. We guarantee to be the leti Vbvgh Sjrvp manufactured in Uie wide world. This Ls saying a great leal, Isit It is Irut. for tbnnrorp 'jon, (Xughi, Ooldt.Scre tlrual, Sure J.ctl, I'Mumonia, JlronchtlU, AUh ma, tVoup, H"Aoortn7 tfcuA, and all diseases of the 774roaf and Lxmgt we jonrirety guarantee Ballard's Here bound Syrup to be without any equal on Uie whole face of Uie globe. In support of Uiis statement we re fer to every individual who has ever used It, and to every druggist who has ever sold it Such evidence it Indisputable. Sold by Z. C. M. T. 4 Happy llooslera.- Wm. Timmons. Postmaster of Iilavilie, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kid ney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to lie tbe best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me reel likea new man." J. W. Gardner, hard ware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is Just the thing for a man who Is all run down and dont care whether be lives or dies; he found new strength, good appe tite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle, at A.CSmth &Co.'sDrugStore. 2a Italians' Sinow XAnlmect. This wonderful Liniment Is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Lakes to the Guir. It is the most penetrating Liniment In the world. ItwIIIcure nhcumatlsm. Neuralgia. Sprains, Bruises. Cuts. Wounds. Old Sores, Burns, Sciatica, Sore Throat. Sore Chest and all inflammation, afterall others hive failed. It will cure Barbed Wire Cuts and heal all wounds where proud fitsh has set In. It is equally efficient for ani mals. Try it and you win net be without it Price 50 cents. Sold by Z. C. M. I. WRAPPING PAPER For Sale at this office. THE CRY OF MILLIONS -? Oil, MY BACK! Af. STOP IT J.OW, 7f SOOX IT WILL BE TOO LATE. yl I haro been tronhled taaay fl U years wltadlaease. of lb kidney f'J I and hare tried many tUffarect KJ&. I rcmedlta and hare tonefct aid Lit I rromdiaerentpbyilaaaasnthonl III relief. About en Uth ot AprU I l I was affenaa- rrora a very violent sis. attack that almost prostrated me in anch a manner that I was beat over, w fcea I aat dosrn it sraa altaoat lsaposstbl for o u ret np alone, or to pot oatsy clothes, when tiad IToTldeaee seat Dr IKpley. with the OBEGOI MUETTEA. to ray hotel I Immedlally com 15S mencedasUta:thotea Itnadaa rips almost miraen'ons effect, and. lo Ut the astonishment of all the Lj rneats ai ih hotel, la a few 1 days. I am happy to stale, that I F Q1 waa a near man Iwillreeom- jy y mesdlhetealoallaaicted aa IjrV t3 have been. I 1 J c-A-Tcrrai. I 7TJ rropriator Occidental JIotaL Jj0 Santa Bosa, CaL "" NO MORE BACKACHE. XO- Ecid Wholes al and EttaO by Johatos, JTattACo. A - f 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, 1 1 ' f H Washington, D. C. ! P H Sj an analysis of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder I find j " H It carefully compounded, and I regard it as thobet H baking powder in tho market In every' reelect i H PETEIt JOLLIER, I H Lau Casalit : th Ccttad Stales Decutnenl J . I H of Axrtsolsira- ' r H MARGETTS BROS:, I V-r-yX (DWYI.'S OLD STAND), Ajy H .XVHOLESALE AMD RETAILS ' ?' dl-t ,.: i I H awnssBaa.X I Compassea, jP j jH CartlelUoda, V HfttfaaC4n T0IOinH Drasmr Eneas. M rsodl Sharps.,. V"US! Nil! IK AotspoaUoaUooa M S"t' LJUliUllijI ULilJlVnX E.rci-Bocla. M - Lsajrcndfc. H TsUru, X V ITapoa, H sjsTOVS S. FAjT-ICV GOODS.Xss I Drawing Instruments and Papers. X IH 7e S. Main Street, - - Salt Lake City jjf tM ty ! ! .C0H1 BS0S. ' , I Dross HiiMUe? Fries! ' I We offer about 200 Dress Patterns consist- j H ing of 9 yds. 3S-inch fancy Striped j fl Wool Suiting with 1 yd. plain i fl Silk Velvet Trimming ' fl .T S3.25 A. PTTERlsr. I 45-kcIi flnt qiality Colore 1 HritU5, at fide, per yarJ; Oar H regalar 75c. qaslily. I 40-in. very tota Striped Ffscl SaitiBs, at 45c, north 65. 36-inch Illuminated Tricots, at 2o.; tats is exceptional nine, as tliis clota is actually worth ids. H 34-inca Htnristtas at 13 2-3c.; esr r-alar 2cc. qwlity. 9 54-inca Fancy Ciwi as4 Striped GMb Siilia, at 65 cts.; Korta i 9 51.00. M EMncn Yerj Cna isporUd Brtt&rtta, at $1.03. Goods is jfl positiiely rortIi $1.60. H 19-lnch Silk Ycliets is aii colors "at lk. sells at $1 e.ery- 9 fliers. 9 CLOAKS AND WRAPS. 1 All Wool Jersey hihls, at $3.75, $4.50 and 5.0-3. Beaatifnl j 9 Walling Jackets in a Tiriety c. Us FasrueaiSte Ctetas, at $5.00 6.00, S 7.60, 8.60 10.00 and upwards. j 9 Seal Plash Jackets, Reefers, Fitting asd Test Fronts at $(5.00, 9 16.00, 17.50, iS.50, 21.00 and upwards. ' 9 Alaska Seal Jackets at $110.00, 115.00. 135.00, 165.00 & 200.00. 9 Flash Sacqaes at $17.50 and 23.00; ?orth $25.00 and 40.00. 9 Great Bargains in Misses' and C'sildrw's Ctels; sizes 4 to 12, t M at $3.60 to $6.00. . f 9 Hisses NeTmarkets In Great Variety. fl Hisses' Reefer Jackets v;ill be a Great featsra tMs season. Ws 19 are shoiino a large assortnent at isry lei ptlces. fl ' Far Sboalder Capes in Russian Ea'r, Fenian Lann, Beaier and WM Fine Hint. H This line is offered at very attractire pris. ll 1 &EEAT H0SIEET BAESAIFS. . We offer a Great Bargain in abont 200 den Hisses' and Boys' ; k 9 best qnality Colored C. G. French Rfobed SEd Eiglish Cashmere Hose, i I i MM in sizes 6 to 9, at 30:., 35c. anl W. a pair. Tee prices quoted are In PSB jast f i m OIS'E-TIVLIT ACTUAL VALUE. j 9 100 dozen Hen's Colored Wool Socks at 25c. a pair. Regalir ; ' 9 price 40c. ' s9 Hen's Katnril Wool and Fancy Colored Shirts and Drawers at ; SB 75c, $f. $1.25, $i CO, $1.75 and $2 a-pfece; th. siola Uns is much ' fflM uder re lalir prices j, 19 Handsoae lot of Silk Scotch Plaid Wisds! Ties at 23c. eica. a9 9 HANDKERCHiEF BARGAINS Mil le m offeiiog ssieral hundred dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs at L tiM lit Him. Tils lot tobraces erery nrialj is Hhits and colore ' I iM bordered HiaitercM;fj, end are redncel from 40 and SO;. , i ) H t, ' H