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5 Si -" - ! 'B Tr""- -. 9 -7tifiiEsrs. iSM ,- i .. rarctlng tomor- s" at"-"JP-m H r '" ""r,Itj10 Choral Scchay f vtfi- " tf Salt late has 71 '-se to the American 12 r-"i' J - ""'.. , ic a meeting of the " -j AsocIatkuat7 W -T . ' i.e Fifteentti WarU 'I rf JCi v u re()ortf in tho 'i. " , - aui southeast of - - ,J ' , : fcive fallen In ! a - six Xt'tt S jcir marriaso licenses r v -ay: Itobert Gib- : ' "' a, C. W. Thorp to c aona to Msry J jfl i M, at Y- Jn-i t 'he " t " - t' r- will be a stnek- $ . -T.jgcftaeDeicru Silt f :,. 'u.-ilanJ Mam-Tartur- II . t , ttitlie machinery of ! ' . Le 1-isht, I'oa-rc and fl ' r, i any cau'-ej a tsisjiea- S J ' fCrcetiiehUlattnighL H "-' ti-cj i"as will be reqnrroJ f " r' jijwseJythetroubUfc Rf , "e is cxpeSd os the ' , M- Ellis' lecture in the M ',.' evenlnjr. He "i''i sjameful falsity of " SI Tmon" disloyalty f jSn . .a so often made. ffl v, a . who umj to preside ' - ..."3 desk In Z. CM. 5. pflj - j ajJlia-ilwareile-art-jfH ' 1 rZ Ejae time slnco re- I'B 'i s c!J Ii-mden trade, is S aaix"ssfi'l bakery. B - r. "3 of cGnntetfeitquar- e " 'Ken i-bina -su in j .r'zr uie last "Tew days, -fl -ed quite astir. The H juw fine imlt'-iion of U : tiai;Ii a trfcle smaller. M rs. J.WJ tli it has a good Xj 'i a r jcUccd ear can de- U aicansj its fraudulent BJ 4B ' iat night a young man M i tn th- -vicinity of the. S J tk, fJunJ, so it i said. -r to a beer saloon iucorsjAsy 9 t an L-..r man, acd tcskher (- arriving thro, there was 9 e eteeu the two, which rc- j .Qtei Vs jumping from ( t -y ijiie fruuad, shaking tr - i raM ' -vnJinaviso t-oliUcal club , t in the Fourteenth yard li -u "Kas weli attended by jtloflsiuc to both rraiitical I -. oeeilieavrere made by J.M. 1 V. W. WinbtTK and C. SL It , v.l.o'ttenjrtsceivoi'hithap- ... the "SoTiva" band ai- i ,".j try ?ood tHtfslc Another .WswjjI belaid next Monday. j -.. -s-,ie Beci;ek, of the, I Ward, died thia motnlafe I . i--S4 Ut'iihty. Dp-ring her fc t liiafesluJ rcimrkable h i--r-i t t STrf ability. Sbo r.j el r t34irant for ser- 1 r!- Ne- Brighton, on the '-x K.-rtr. The funeral will be j - at - r 'dock tomorrow at r vui ffii VarJ Meeting House. Orct' committee of the City us'ii meeting lat evening g. t a huria; to parties intur. - i -3 t-i Deep Creek railroad ate. inJ t'K rnpositioa for the v i js j1 t donate I'teacer j-i it. a large number of . uemej ic crested attended tne - ' : -ud several argument: . cauc t to lace favorable ac- -i ' 7 xtx T Atsz '- -. 'j, j -ts-ed excitement 1-jre ia -u'im rer an sH'du f cf r-Tj rinhin. Tile girl oi-I g t u 'y "icd names are' i --, j. a? aan charged with 'he t-ne in Ogden. SheritT orelipJ 1 :h'ra are lursuing j en ia'o C -a Ja where it is said -r ficX fiiu unfortunate girl, - 'yiTev. vers of age, claims j? mr. vrae cammi'tod a week I xr' j i ij" s s de out buggy riding J) the mn. Sirs'er, . the ngr hac-i of Justice lan7 as i.c sKa in the judgment ki m me"-1 conspicuously on his "w ' t ane lookinf, calcaroufc -j "- -" has a history. The . "" fcnner owner is a peddler wno - today arndgued in the police -in on a charge of eddI!Rg 'iaii-. etc., without a license. He t.lej -J iruilty an J promised to take o- a u i oie, at iich sentence was ki-, a-ei. He then began to plead rt y. aEd trMiclied the symjn-io- niturjs of the court, clerk sr r t utiag attorney that each ". raiiarter and the dog was rr- ra.w fur. ve-inesday evening, while i-vrL'e'f W. H. Kenner, ilauti, 'av-epunag supper, she laid her ""c nuntas eid iabyon the floor a few m nutes. as she supposed tv fa- from the fire in the grate to at aii ininred by it. Stepping into itnximf r a few moments a scream -ox Ui child called herback,whcn bf found that it had rolled from the Wt where the had left it and was raJerthe fire. Its faceim! right -red were badly burned and the Ifc't hand had also ueen injured. We p'essed to learn that the little sufferer j doing as well as can be tx.-l although a few moments m-- niizht have resulted fatally. ittf.i. FiRk WarJ Bishopric, "j Sunday evening last, October lh. Counselors Joseph E. Taylor aw . w. Penrose, or the Presi iiy of this Stoke of Zion, met Sjj the Saints or the Fifth Ward, ttfc cty, and reorganized the Buhprn of Ui&t wanl by selling iri as First Counselor to Ilisbop M. T. SedJon, Brother Samuel Htury Harrow, and ordaining as a Hi'i Priest aod setting apart as -ta'i CnunKlor to Bbhopaeddon, oroer William A. Cowan. Tlie Utah Hamane Socit3-. 'disorganization, of which lira- (- 1- Allen is president, and J. W. I "eu:nan, United States commis- j ttWoner, is ecretary,!ias issued tlie ' kllon-ins drcuter: 'Tue Isiature of Utah Terri t9ry! at its ivgular session ia the Jr I--s. enacted a late- for the pre atin of cruelty to animals. See Tfl. ii CominM lows, page C5S. " Tue lawaulborizesthe formation w u-tiesSorita enforcement and to Ifvate interest in the rights .of tamli animal. For this jwrpose the Utah nnmioe Society was organized ly 14th, 18SS. By the vigilance fc members, officers and agent?, "x accomplMied much ia tlie VF of correcting acta of downright Toeny. , "It endeavors to teach tho observ- of th common dictates of aumtoUy, and the rights of the al creation. But few of our citizens have a active interest In the work, y the society has len unable to """npli that degree of success eoafampiauxi. t 'Meiag few in numbers, we tan ? eomannd the vigilance whicli "eailj necessary to make the law 'The payment cf 553 entitles ?r lrson to a life membership in ""f society. "A11 money received from life "ous constitutes a permanent H. oT which the Interest only is "fa Hr current espenses. 'Anoul dues for men, $5.09: for '"wnen, SI.0U. Believiag that a full understand thh matter is all that Is r"8 to enlist your sympathy w aid, we cordially and eamefctiy '0tyour attention and co-opera-Uok; Will you join us? AppIlcaUons for membership, fMuttancesof dues and repsrts of ?w of cruelty should be made to we secretary, Koom 3, Wasatch ''j fie r arl of Directors, J. W. Gn.Kisnt.vN, Secretary." BHBmHnaCKai-aiMaHMaaKBi A CURIOUS IXDUSTRY. ' The Ofa-ti-taliUim of SLIns And Fnrs. frobably not Winy bl our citi zens know that there Is an extensive rstAKSbment In this city in which the manufacture of fur goods, and the business of the taxidermist, are carried on. But such Is tho fact We refer to the establishment of iTehesy tlie furrier,-, ?20i-oct ' Main Street. A visr.'tc the place Isouite icefcsUng. In tho Etore ia nn immense stock of fur goods, manufactured on the premises! Including a great variety of articles fronia cheap rug or lap robo to the nnetalt!,intacquo. Inlblroar pf tho storo is the KrW.shon, and here a force cf tasSus are employed, tViKU- Toremcnslilp of Gustavo tie rft, n skillful manltilatjr of ten and tklns. Herea dcer head will bo mounted, a coyote skin made Into a rug with the head of the animal attached, or an elegant -.eal skin sacque will be made and fitted to order. The celUr under the slore ieminds onoofwmeofDort'B-pictures. Sus pended from thelowtaaro tho kins of bears, n oivr. Ioxes and all sorts !5"'?5 "nlmals, to the- num berpniuutlnals, and a viewof them Inlhedcnsogloomofthepiaeo pro duces a peculiar sensation. From this establishment fureoods ed States. 5rr. ilelresy Htelr made a tour cf the njrth and wcs,t an hU to the castatidsoctii.thb two covering theenUre Unksaand taking ordcrS In fee store is a black and Ian dw Kubh.-d at a distance of ?aV feet, S??e "trtngoiK-te-d anne large ls fctufTe-t and tUnds iu a per recur Mtutal attitude, without fastening. Mr. Mahesy collects and deals In curias of all kinds. Ho lately sold to one man f 2lj worth or articles of this kind, In one lot, whow only value, in most cases, was the curi osity attaching to them. OgJen Hems. Sunday afternoon ft rosun ac costed an oiEcf-rcJi tSio rireit and interaeil bim that her husband bad been brutally beaten and kfcbjd by a man named Stcriecsou. The olficer atsconu-alod the woman to the t-J& station, where she swora rat a warrant for the arrest of W. J. Stephenson, charging Islai "lik' disturbing the ieies. -fiio woman gave her nat m Maxwell, and said that JVtrick Maxwell, the in JureJ man, was her husband. The rfneer went Iq the scene of the trouble, somewhere near tfte Ozden brewery, on WaAIngton Avenue, and discovered a man with r- bra gash In his face, TrorA -vS-idi the blood was ow"?3 Iti a stream. Dr. Saoiierb was summoned and Stitched the wound up. Maxwell b an employe of tlie Central Pacific Itailway Company, and it is stated had threatened to chastise one of Stephenson's children. The Cither took up the quarrel with the results stated. Stephenson was subee rjuently arrested, and paid a line of $5 and costs in the polic court yesterday. X4el Friday evening Dr. Sau nders was ra-nsnoncd to attend a young man who had been burned by the explosion of a quantity of powder, l he doctor wai ta ken to the scene of the accident, about five miles west of this city, and found a young man somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty years of age, suSeriug from a terribly burned hand and face. The doctor dressed theinjury, and after Making the patient comfortable, learned tnat he was engaged in load ing shot gun cartridges it hen the ex plosion occurred. Tho man had about five pounds of black powder in a box in front cf him, and was engaged In patting the required amount in each shell when he acci dentally dropped his cigarette into the explosive. Quickertlianthought the looe powder ignited,and burned him as described. A party who was standing over, watching tlie operation of loading the cartridges was thrown s distance of six feet by the force of the explosion. The unfortunate man will recover, as no injury of a serious nature was inllict-d. The injunction case, wherein tlie Ogden City Street Jtailway Com pany prays for a permanent injunc tion against H. 11. Henderson, Jos. Brinker, A. S. Garretson and Uie City of Ogden, enjoining the former from filing their bond of $25,009 with City Recorder McXuU, and the latter from acceptins, on 1-eludf of the city, said bond, has at last been cecidcd, that is, so far as this the Firat District Court, b con cerned. The matter was submitted by the at jjtniya fur both sides list Saturday and taken under ad vfce ment yesterday morning. Jude Miner gave as his ojJnion that there was not sufficient ground tor action, and therefore or dercd Uie case dismissed. 2fo no tice of appeal was made in open court but Judge Maginms, one of the Ogden City Rail way Company's attorneys said that the case would be taken to the Supreme Court of tlie Territory, and tlie Supreme Court of the United States If neces sary. The lapers of appeal have all been made out, and as the court sets in about two weeks an immedi ate hearing is assured, lawyer Hiles was seen alter the decision and asked when the bond would be filed. He said that as Mr. Hender son was absent in Iowa, the bond would not bs filed until his return, but lie thought it would .lw attended to im mediately upQn his arrival in Ogden. When he would Xt back tie did not know., Thbdecis sion, of course, settles the business as far as tlie First District . Court goes, and unless giveu an injunction by tlie Supreme Court of the Terri tory, the Osden City company will have to wait at least two years for a decision, unless the case Is put ahead by special request, and that seems hardly probable, as much more important casts liave had to follow the regular callendar, and thb one may have to take tho same course. Until an injunction is granted, temporary or otherwise, the bond can be filed and tracklay Ing proceeded with. Standard. Third District Conrt. The People vs. Woolf Goldberg and Harry Friedman; application for reduction of bail o! defendant Goldberg.overruJed. E. I. Ellison vs. James IT. Lln-fortb-Judgment for defendant al lowed and twenty days stay of pro ceedings granted. Margaret M. Morrow v. m. A. "Morrow; demurrer to complaint sus tained; exceptlou taken. United States vr. J.M.lvrogh, ndultery and unlawful cohabitation, defendant arraigned ?l$?t ferred until tomorrow; ball forfeiture cidirane vs. C. A. Bus.he; motion to dissolve attachment set forSaturday, tholSth inst. George Harrison vt. D.& .- Rail wayompany; argued and sub mitted. " Modified 'Proposal. J. H. Bacon, Esq., who last week petitioned the city council to donale Pioneer Square to tho Deep Creek railroad, learning of the great amount or opposition which cxUts among citizens to that propP. has modified It, and now only asks for a right of wayr.00 teet wide, ex tending diagonally across it. This would cut the square In two in manner that would make two itrl nngJes. These Mr. Bacon proposes Uiplirk and improve, and to spend StOOO per annum In so uolng. and in having them cared for. "?,-, derstood the amended 1 proposal will be presented to the city council to night. Petitions to tho city council were placed in several puM'c- places yesterday, for citizens to sign, en dorsing the new proposition. FIRST DISTRICT COUBT. The court at rroTO rcsaaeJ . Thae2c0ffMBrJa The case of the People vs. Chaj. Anderson and John ItUclu ,, Sla-Tvassub-alUedu, thejurr A. special venlrcof allroS'Ss Ihomas Beley. Mr. Clsti , gtowy, HJ. MalbcD;F.F: i-d. Messrs. Beesley, Chuk.ral ben and Reei were ezen-S e ny lrPdtUUr ImmeJiate aUenUon. A motion far a new trial was arpiej"- Divine. Themyjonwasovcr-aled andthederendautsenleoeea to two .years' Iraprisonment In tnc penlten- The Jury In the csn cr Ui Iccp!o vs. Vharfe Anj&on and JohnMIt Cf '..VU:Kar-r' feturned a verdict guilty a, cl-arc-d in the iSlS Thojury In the caw or Uie United S5ji2VI,i'? " Krcwl u rack to the Jury rporo. for nhcther hour with IraUdctWto agree. Charles Anderson aud John Mil chell were brought forward and sen tenced to three years'Imprisonmeat The Juryjnw the Baker caso re turned ami Itlrted Uiat thev could iia.- ngree upon a verdict. Tliey were discharged from Uie further consideration of the case. Court was adjourned unUl Monday morning at 10 o'clock. MOSBAV JIOKSCta. Albert Sbilien, Jamen C. Mat thews, D. C. JoUason, ani J. J. Pettlgrew, all oT Springvlllp, wen. examined and sworn as petit Ju- Thefci3of the United States vs. Cha. WiiHams et al was prdert'l ibmled on motion or the crosecut Itiir altorney. The cae or the People vs. Henry Crane, ITank Hill and Andrew CJoud, burgbry, was called and a jury empaneled. Mr. Zano praeecuted the ca and Mr. HouU appered for the de- .J"i1fSfiT! a ca,leJ- H- ;i - "W " UlES?eman on the uaj 4 valise was mb-oj rrom the baggage room; it was a telescope valise; it came off from No. ; train, which arrived at fcl5 p. m.; tho valise was mtoeJ Monday morning at about 10 o'clock; it came in on aiarday night; the Ingipgc hxi'a was not broken ltitoj It cotlid luve been tat en out In the day tune. Mr. Rartlett, the owner or Uio valise, was calkd. but did not amwrr. An attachment was ordered to He b-ued for him. Thomas Fowler testified I saw derenduib on Uie 17th day or June of thb yir, south of the depot; they were lyimr around In thethade witn others; Hill had a bundle or overalls, MilrU, etc., lying by Ids side In the gras; Mr. Cloud had on a pair of pants that were described as havrnc. been last; Mr. Hill said Uiese Uniigs came (rem a railway car at the detot" don't reniember wuetberCiouJ laid beaid anything for Uie pants or not; he cud he had got Uhho. ffim Hill. Alexander Wilkin, an offljtr in Proo City, arrested Crane while he Was running ocidm the street: he gave lib name as Edwards lie liad some ovcralb which he taiu he hid been trying to Fell; he wat an es caped city urboner; found Uie valise eat of the Z.C. M.I. warehouse among some weeds. J. A. Brown AMeI in arrest inz C'tood and Hill on the JTtli day of June; Mr. Hill was lying on tlie grass trxing to cover ome overalb and shirb; Hill said lie had apt the goods out of a box car; found a pair of ants on Cloud which had been described to me as having been stoleu. The case was continued until S o'clock ii. mi., awaiting the arrival of Mr. RarUett. The (smi or the People v. Cliarles h. DuBcis; assault with a deadly weapon Willi Intent to do Indily In jury, was called ami a Jury empan eled. Mr Kellogg appeared for the defense. Theasraultb purported to have lieen committed at Santaquiu o;i Alexander Evans. v Alexander Kvans lest I Bed thai on the 29tk day of September the defendant liad met him at Santa quiii and liad threatened to usua pistol ou him. On the aotli Uie tn o had again met and DuRob had dmwu a pistol aud fired at hot at the ivitues. Mr. Evans demed having u-d any threatening re marks or of following aim on horse back. He litd turned hb horse tonjrJs the defendant at the time the shot was fired and liad fired two shots in return aud had started for .home. The defendant fired a second shot from behind the tr.c. Mrs. Halliday corroboiated tab testimony. John C. Holman hid licard the first shot fired and had seen DuRob fire the suooiid shot, whereupon Evans had fired two shots and Marted ofl. DuBoia aaln firtd as Evans rode o3. Mrs. ButterfleM had seen tlieni ehooUng. She had turned her back and heard three or four shots. Court took a recess unUl - o'clock. Released. BroUier William RoUn-ou, of Beaver, was released from tho penitentiary today, liaving served a term of one year for adultery, alleged to have been eonimHtad witii hb wife. There was no fine in lib case. Polite Court. John J. Finegau, Wm. Bradley, Wm. McKay, Hu;h Miller and Adolph Pattsyer were Uie $5 drunks Uib morninc. Ciias. Denize and Chas. Grant aro held ou a charge or vagrancy. A'tdrew Anderson was Uib after noon was arraigned ou a charge of using abtutveaiid profane language, but, on motion of Uie prosecution, Uie COM3 was dh-mteeed. DkCkU Atbermiincc. HI , l'itlh Wett MiC Oaober lIUi. ISM, Anolt. wife at r. II. Dekrr, sad daaatosr ot Gaerze and K iae Astibrack. bars im llaaehcttcr. Kaftutf. HMWUS4adt-rain. Tfie liHnl win Ufco rUcait io'oVoet p. m-, m Wedsaxltr (lesarrow) at the Fifteeata Ward mteumic hoax, nitwit are lat-ttcii. Kihiuli Ia rimK-i Wrt, Ortaber IU, las. Morf taaa, itsafMer ol Lorenio 11. cJ Dora S. KhabaJt, bora Jasaarr " tew. Knoeril at randeace Irw, We4 netCij, at S jvm. Frtaa In riled. CAItKUT- AMI STOCILS. REW TOSE STOCSJ. 2"ear Vork. Oct. II, noon. CarSHrer........ lortoeaual . H llootr.. ........ al xaTicta ...... S, I cauosa....... an toMMamnmtaVU g i woouDoes...... PacUSo Xmi1.... Mh raaaeVaT.... U eoct IiUiO. TU Ceairal 1-aeise.. S ScUmtou rr. sa BarliMio-i 91. .rauixtaata X 5Sgm-hJ IT rxaIaec.... IJN Sirtbmi taafle K'. Ot-arae-se. ... . jSanrMWra s3VMKra Colon.. M. toc- dot4 gan. ttreag. cuisaoo jtanxsT. Caieaso. Oct. 1 1, 1.1J p. ru Wattt-Sleadr; eua. . s; Uec ASeJS caib. ui. ue. X; i!?I1S2. ' J"- , iiaj.s-a- Tunrs will be a stockholders Housc.atSpm.O t HEAVr RAINFALL. Cansbg Gnat Damage and .Safprnd- In? Trjnj: Otcr a IVIde Jtrra. EFFECTS ON.SCCURITICS QV THE TnouatEs n portTOQAt. A Soclill.t Kcjo!3t!o3. Adjonrn- rarnt orthe United Males Supreme Conrll 0 Te tiraph ta tfie Sin. Moral In tlralnla. PiTTSECEo, Oct. U-Tlie storm in West VirglnU Mondtj nliht did -treat dan3ga to the crop", buildings and railroads, particular ly atnou J tho Monoagahela River and tributaries. Krar ClalUburg Ub ModUirit drenched the coun try. All small stirams Ivcamo rushing tonents Immediately. Tho traffl c ou tho Baltimore A Ohio le tween PitUburgaud Whieliog was closed unUl the morning. Commun ication with upper MonougabeU has been euUreiy sus(ndcd. Only one hfe b lest by the storm so far. Crtl tloud. Wuo:Lto, W. Va., OcL H. Di-patches from the interior, from Weston, Gralton, Phllippl and other poln'.xon the tributaries of Wjjo ay that tho storm reported Sunday night extended over aui Jo area. Everywhere the heaviest fall or rain ever known occurred, amounting to waterspout. All stream arc swollen aud trafllcb enUreiy suspended. Great damage b done. Weston- Is flooded. The loss runs Into thousand!. rtiriM--i AT 1VOIIK. nlpo-Inor Infant nod lOloti In Ttitlr t"rrel. PrrreiiCiia.Oet. 10. The revUJon cemmlti--o ot Uie PrpfbyterUm diurch will adjourn linsliy taniliL The revision of Uiccliatiter on lore ordlnatiou in- finally fluished yes terday, and thoush it b not ready for public lusjcctlon, Cliatruian Roberts vouchsafed Uie Information that there were some radical changes made. The tenth chapter, referring to Uie final dbpwitiuu of infanta and idiots b uudur consideration tc-day. the nwEitvi. oi-jiils. uoont. The Oceanian lrtadeOnaorairral Ilrciunmlrallon In iUtntlaiu liONDON, Oct. H. The funeral of Mrs. Catherine RooUi, wife cf General Roctli, who wpj kuewn as Uiu "Mother nf the Salvation Army,'' took place today and was made the occasion of a great demon stration by that organizition. The weather was exceedingly db greeable. A misty fog en ".eloped the city. Rat despite thb thousands of persona were assembled in Uie streets to wit ness the fuueral proctftion. The route from IheTbames embankment, where the army mustered, to Abuey Park Cemetery, where Uie remains were interred, by through the densely populated district of Stoke r-Jcwiustou. TI.U ESTtnn BOCTK was lined witii dense crowds. .The windows of bouses were Uinsnged. All railways enter ing London ran excursion trains. The throng in U.e city was augmented by immense numbers of '3ilvatibn!ta" and friends from Uie provinces. There was also a large attendance rrom foreign countries. Tho army waa attired in uniform, wearing while badges or mourning. Rverywhere the con spicuous crowd surpa-ged In number- those which gathered to wit ness the show ou the Lord Mayor's day. Tlie demonstratioii b a convinc ing proof Unit tlie'-Salvation Army" wields a powerful influence through out Uie country. ThePrniitrul at Ilo-np. Vasi!Iciton, Oct. H. Tlie President and I arty returned to Washington Uib morning at 9: 45. The part' returned to the capital was well pleated Ith Uie hospitali ty which they liad everywhere re ceived. As soon as the i'resldent had breakfasted lie and Mrs. Harri son aid a visit of condolence to the family of Uie late Justice Miller. The President also ordered the flag on the White House at hair-mast. nllilnc Hrrinllr. Pauis, Oi- 14. Tempt, com menting on the Berlin JW state ment that European governments are conferring about the McKiniey tarifT, declares that such confer ences amount merely to an ex changcor ideas, but that no precise propoab have been tormulated. To RrMnre the old Tarla. Maiibid, Oct. H. The commb slcn appointed by the cortes to con sider Spain's commercial relation", have advivd the government, at the cXplraUou of the treaties iu 1SS2, to restore Uie old protection tarifT of 1S77. I'roirnlln.tcalnst Ibe EaslUh.' RishoX, Oct. 14. Tlie governor of Mozambique iu a dispatch dated UiellUi intu, confirms the reports of the entry of the British gunboats into the Rambisl lUver. The Portuguese protested cgalnst the a& vauce of the British fleet. Drctln- In Seenrllle. LOSDOX, Oct. 14. The pro'pects of political ooniplicatious growing out or the difficulty between Eng. Hnd and Portugal, caused a decline In London this morning iu all sorts of securities and Uie American! suffered with the rest. It is rumored that a large outside house bin trouble. Extra Semftlan. CoLCMi-r-s, Ohio., Oct, 14 The legislature convened In extra ses sion Uib morning. After reading the call, a joint committee waited upon the governor who submitted lil message which was read and re ferred to the judiciary committee. A recess was taken UII Uie after noon. Tho message nets forth that Uie tession was called because cr Uie deplorable condition or the pub lie service at Cincinnati and for tho purpose or securing necessary legblatlon to .give Uie people an op Iortunity to select rncnibire or cer tain boards at the Xoember elec Uon. It says It b unnecessary to cunumerate Uie charges Ot crooked ness which liave been made and ooncerulngwhlchthey are informed that tho Urno has come to adopt a new charter for ClacinnaU as al ready propred. The -MM-lalltU Cewilntlau HAUR Oct. 14. At today's ses sion the Socialist congress adopted a resolution declaring that Uie So cialists should seek to obtain their obccts"only through the enactment or laws by parliament. Tlio Snnrenia Conrl Adjourned. Washington', Oct, 14. When the United States Supreme Court met today, tho Chief Ju-Uce an nounced Uie death of Associate JusUcc Miller, and tho court Imme dbtcly adjourned to Monday. Ktopplnc Pajmrnl. IjOSDOX, Oct. 14. Tlie bank ruptcy court has Issued an order stopping Uie payment on a draft of JC71W0 drawn on an American Rank by James H. Field i. Co., Iiondon Bankers, who recently failed. mmlr!. DDDLIN, Oct. 14. Ronan, prose cutor for tho crown, has dismissed Uie case against O'Maboney, wboec Illness prevrnb hb attending court. Moral On.iliB Ijikm. DErnorr, Oct. 14. The worst storm of the season Is reported from up the lakes Uib morning. At Os aula many vesseb have taken refuge In tho harbor, dragging anchors and .. In Imminent danger of going ashore. At l"ort Arthur the wind b blowing l'ttrrol'e4in':',ar AronsUr.-ab'e, portion of Uio new tieakwuUr ic gone. Men working ou Uie break water wero rescued thb morning with difficulty. At Alpine a baru was blown ashore and went to (Jrce. A schooner went ashorn in WhltoFUhBay. An Immense has taken shelter In the Pigeon Ray, Lato Eric. Prtilorotlle C-bndyion jmrat Itaurhmeu. Fargo. X. D, Oct. 15. T. S. Sanderhlll, one of the railroad corn mlMiouers, forUi Dakota, resides (ft Antelope. JUssouri river, ilefepoits a deplorable condition or aflAlrs among the ranchmen in lib district,resultant rrom the recent almost unprecedented prairie fires between Hart and Cannonbalb riv ers and on tho valleys or both, the destruction has been almost com oletc, while about Kill Deer Moun tain and cast of there there Is noth Iut left for stoat to Jfe upon. At rti--cra!e randl, t U.'e inouUl cf Initio Hart River, five hundred tons of hay and 300 head of cattle were burned. At Pariln's ranch on Cannonball River, Uie loss was heaiiett. Wlcle's randl lost everything ex cept Uie buildings. In all the set ttemenb tind the --alleys cf Hart, Cahbohball cii-l i-nlfo River the lo- has Peeh heavy. The lire is traveling Te such fury as tri go completely Uirotigh tha vlUagc. in almoflevtrV Initancaln the valleys small farmers liavo lost their crops and feed for tho winter. Drigltam Voting Academy. Tlie sreond hair or the first term of Uie Brlgham Young Academy, at l'rovo, will begin next Monday. The Institution is In a IhriviDg condition. Tfc Leclnre Toiootro-r. The lecture to bs dc!l"erd tctoor row night la tho Theatre should be largely attended. Mr. Ellb will ex Pfo5e the Oft-repeated fal-eiinod afat iJ!orttln, dlilovalty. The dtiors will be open at lislf-uist seven, lecture to bvglu at eight. ' Probate Coart. The following wasiloncyeslerday: Kstate or Julius A. Turrit); ac count or executor approved. Estate of Mitilda J. (J.MeGn-gor; conUnued to Get. 14, ISM. Estate and guardianship or Augu-ta Simpson and Edna Slmp sou;,Sigrrled A. Henderson appolut ol guardian upon tiling a baud iu the sum of $200 to each or the minors and taking Uie oaUi pre scribed by law. Estate of Ellla K. V. Empcy; continued io Tuesday, Oct. 14. Estate of Mry Ann Murphy, con Unued to Oct. 1 1. Oat of Priori. This morulng wo wero pleased to receive a call rrom our old friend BroUier Henry W. XaitUtt, of the Twentieth Ward. He emirged foom Uie penitentiary on Sunday last, afler servlui a sir months' sentence under the Idinund Act. riie community are aware of the terrible ordeal through which lie lately (assed In the death of Uireeof bb children. Tlie blow las shaken him greatly, but he bears up under It with all Uie faith and pliltosophy he can muster. He feels grateful for tho many expressions of sympa thy exhibited toward himseir and family on every baud. The Ilailroad in Sanpete. Mr. Bibcock, tlw right of way agent for the R. O. W., was In Manll on Tuesday on business per taining to the road. In a conver sation hekl with a few of thu lead ing men ot the city Mr. Rabeock statu! that most or Uie grade was finished as tar as Fairvbw, and con sklcrably completed as far at Spring City. Teams are working night aOil day at the summit above Fair view so that the rond may be C-onl-pkted as" soon as possible. The company have obtained the right or way as for souUi as the northern boundary or Epbraini precinct, and it was hoped that tlie balance or the route would be obtained In a few alautl will be the terminus for the present. Just how Ijng It will be before the roud i- m-hcd further south Mr. Bibcock was unable to say. He wi-heil to obtain depot grounds and b water for Uie en gines at Mautl, and the com mittee were left to form their own judgment where they should have the depot. It is expected that Uie road will bo completed by the mid dle or December and trains in or-rat!on by the 1st or January. Wiien completed it Is the Inten tion, if tho tralllc will justify, to run separate paMeihrerand rrelght trains. H the com puny sees that the business is not suftlcleut to war rant It, then they will bo compelled to run mixed trains. It is protosed to run a pas-cnger train leaving Mauti nlwut d In tho morning and traveling at the rate of about twenty miles per hour, reach ing Salt Lake at noon. The train would leave Salt Lake City about 3 o'clock p. m. and reach Manll about midnight. ' Such an arrangement would l ot great convenience to Uie peoplo here as Uuy could tlim pay a visit to the capital and return the same day, giving them about llvo hours iu the middle of tbo day to tranvict busi ness. Tlie arrangement would also be of special Importance to Mantl, and the comjany would then be compelled to bulIJ cnglccshcds and the various other accom'aolmcnb 02 a niiiwsj ieitui.ius, .iwiau-i. With a road at ManU which would bring goods direct from Uie cast at prices but little more than Uiat charged for delivering goods at Salt Lake City, all cf the trade from south eastern Utah now conducted at Juab and Ncp"il would como to ManU, while as a matter of course the Sanpete Valley would lolronize Uie "litUe giant." Tho road at present will be a narrow guage, but the hope b given that before long the road will be made to the standard guage. Mcmli Sadtntl. LEGAL NOTICE. ta Ue rraWti Onrt at tho Coactrof Silt Late, Temtorr ot Utah. lalbeninerof the-outs it Uliua SaUI, dsca-rt. Order ta thaw caste wh j anler af aaie at real estate ibaaM &at te made. JOHN WALMl AM SAItAII SWIFT. UK almlalttntM-a at Ua ettala at l!t SUi.dni!. hlair aid thclr penuaa terelo.Jstr vtrtf.,nj' tut an anleraralcararirtef Ihe raruw ot fasl ilrrlsat.tar the vanatei thereia set ratia It if taercfMe onUrM bj- tte Jadm at last casrt. that all ptnoca Interettsd la the etat ef tatd dKeaisd. apaear IX tar te ast I-raata Ooalt an llaa tar. the ITUi car at oTcialr. lo at tea o'efcKl: la Lta forraaaa af tail day. at the Coart Itaam af aaM rro baia Court, at the Conntr Court lloaf s. ia tte cite aad rannt-- ot aait Laie. Vian Trr ntarT. ta aha- eaoja war an arcr staoM aat ta rnatsttta th past oil aa nneli at the real ef tale ef tha tald Ua. ccaio. at private al aa haU he Beefturr. antf taatacoprat thu crdr ha paMUhsd at lsatfaorurelToweeain tha Ires. exit Ete-iixo Nr,r-,a aewipaper rrtntei aa-1 paUuhed In mhI Wir asd easntf. ijiud Oetabtr li le. tEO. W. BAUrcIf. rnb-le JtHIire. $500 Reward T Wa will piT the abara twranl for atr cm ot liirt Complaint. Ufiprpoi. hut Headache, lndettloa, Canfirpatla ar CaiUTesen w eaynct care mUi "Tfa lierttaWa Liter 1-Xa. when the elrertiaaa art tretlTee-cplled with. Thr art pare It tn-etahle. and never tut to irl-e aalU taruan. Saaar Coated. Lam Ixiaea coa talaiscSOlllU.Srcsia. Uevaraef conn larfeUa and InllaUaea. Tha rrnaiae raunfaetsrr.1 aaly hr THE JOHN C. Sola Ijt Jonsov, rrirr Jt Co, Dixr. Sttla, tail Late CUT. STK.VYED T7Ku jit rsxiiisEs in s. secon-o i Weil, a bar Hare, Tcirt eld. transst J an llxht ahonlder Warti.-wlhItr TihenLaU The nCT wi!l he .sl-aMT re. wanscl 5 JO!sES. SPEL1 NlTtCK. Conference l'eopls. li'cnilaai J.S. JEsif:?, iSy pracUcal Watch maker and Jeweler, iil-j-"!? fnVI tation to Conference visitors to call aod Inspect lib -lock of Xew Goods, con;UUng of Dbmonds, Watches, Clocks aud Silverware. Don't for get thu place-SEFimSouUi. di H. DINWOODEY IS READY FOR BUSJKE33 AGAIN, And will bo pleased to hdVa tho public generally and all his otd custorrfers call and seo him at Caldor's Mtislc Palaco, (Uio Caldor Estate havlnrr kindly allowed him to uso part of their storo), whoro ho has oponod out a Now and Boautiful Stock of Carpets and Parlor Furnl turo. AH ordors will rocolvo mdSt Careful ationUon, Ho stilt has tho 6 5 orrtployfJs Vt'ith him ready to cxecuto any order. GIvo him a Call. For alt kinds of fevtra use Rod ara's MIcrcbo Killer; It will not fall to give HU.-3ct!sr-. Waatol-one ton Beeswax, J(fLSijy, Pratt & Co. Go to NtWCOMC'S for Cue Photograph Cabinets, $3 per dozen. tCS SouUi Main. TaLo elevator. ' The Mountain Ice and Cold Storage Co. take pleasure In an nouncing to the public Uiat their ice manufacturing plant b now in suc cessful operation, and Uiat Uiey are prepared to funilh distilled artlaii water Ice in any quantity desired. The absolute purity or the ice is quir-tntecd. The public are cordially Invited to visit the works or Uie Co. at No. S60S. Third West 8treet. Inquiries mav bo made at ths tip town office, 'o. 51 East, Scctrnl South SireeL dlf Diphtltlria. Uiat terriWe,wourge b. the rrsuit Of MkrilM: Radam's Microbe Killer will deairbj tbet MIcrote. Cabinet riata at .VrassuV S3 per dozen. 1S2 South Main. Take levator. Ua-ia.m'3 Microbe Killer cures diseases by removing the cause. It b perfectly harmless. Laillr.: Tho best Tiireail for Hand or Ma chine ue is Cbrk's "Jllle End.' White thread wound on Uickspoob For sale by S. Ki-llsek. New Dry Goods Store, 205 and 07 S Main Htni-t. thr&rat Satin So Car lrin Xot having any TelepBoae, our customers wUI pteate Ieaveordcrs at Margvtts' Bro's. Book Store, or at Phillip MargttU' Wine Depot for Margetb' Ale and Porter, also for Malt and Hois. Estate op R. B. Mabcltts. -lOTI fE! Thedividenibot 10J per cent, on Capital Stock,and o per cent, on Re late for thejxt six month arepny 3beat once at the Stores In Mer iliandl'eorln Caini, on or after the 20th of October. All receipts pre tei.'td will bs con-IJernl cosh and latrons will receive n-bateonsame. Our goods are all reduced to as to enable our patrons to take advantage of these low prices during our divi dend time. Peoplea Equitable Cc-op., 7 i 9 Main Street. (1 j to Uie Saudbcrg r'urnltnru Co. K W., South Temple St., and ex amine Uie X-w hof.i Red. Rest In the market. -Vullrc la Mrrel Cur Corapanr ! Pbate Intormyour Conductors to watch out for passengers when js slng Webb iS Keveryear's Bakery, 57 s. Main Street. Tlie Xen Soti Red U the best for Ofllccs and I'liyttefanii. Dr. J. Thomas, Dentist, Herald Block, comer west and 1st SouUi St., S. Iu City. Vitalised air administered. d MUTAMlT (JltOVE .VsHEPAIlU, Xa a.-opg'r;r"i.s . Rmw, o aal M Watatra naildtac. Salt lake litr. Also, Aathoay, Ktnaaa am MuKorce. Indun Terrrfer. All diseases that are the result or Microbes can bo cured by using iUcrobe Killer. "m ir you want to be Htalthy, Wealthy and Wfco deposit your rnoaty Sit the Utah Commercial and Savings Bent, 23 and 24 E, First South Street, nad tret 8 per cent Interest per auon-jr, coal rounded four Umes a year. Cajf tal a,000, Surplus J,000. Buy your drugs of '"the boys," Johnson, Pratt A Co.. 43 Main st. U5I0X PACIFIC ST.STE1I, M0UX- TAIS DITLSI0X. CM aaJaflrrMmdav.Stpt.litA, 1SS0, Jratstrtrtrn ball Zoic ami Gatjltld itoeAa-iU run oJ faint; "Lore I Arrtre I Lsata fifrtteat a!tlale. ItOarte!.)! Carfeld. Salt LaaC jWaafasiam. 1 lip-to. "" ruld. iijoam. "1-jlp.m. tapp.m. 1 15 pjn. ' 1 .10p.m. 1 3 10p.m. IJlpn. Sunday excepted. Tickets forSale In Wasatch Build Inc. H1 Main Street, and at Depot. Faro for Uw round trip, 50 cents. B. W. Eocus, G. 1. A.. Salt lJke. The Pitent Ssfi Red at Sp here's Furniture Co., b as fine Par lor Sofi as can be found. Come indseo it. 105 W SouUi Templer Get a wire door Mat at Z. C. M. I. WE HAVE MOVED BACK TO Tho Constitution Building-, No. 36 MAIN S"T. JOHN C. CUTLER &. BRO. Agents, Provo Woolbn Mills, Provo, and Dosorot Woolen Mills, Salt Lako City. A Full Slock of HOME-MADE WOOLEN GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SnT Call and seo us. Trimmed Itata from Hew Terk. I haveju-t received the Utestand bast styles In ladies and children's L-imtn-1 Iratr, bonnets, toques, caps, tutbatc Ac, al-o handsome birds, wl nff, ostrich feathers, and a foil lino or millinery trlmmlnss. Mrs. M. J. Burrow a, la Main St. WANTED. " acTlM l-ETEVr SCHOOL A ."J, j laar ptUerrM. Arpl J to J. T ". leM. r.nttlon. -t,1,r A good ctw. ron HOtf9BWOBK IN a email lambr. Lnqnlra at ttea OSca. GOOD I.IKL TO DO (.ESEKAl. hoasrararl-. AriplTataU"g- ACOOD 1-LA1V COOK -VND SECONII prl. Ooodwigtapaid. Apptjatja K street. Olh Ward. . 7IOALlIIM:U- WANTrll AT .CAJTLC U OlTK and SCOriKIJJ. AfP'T S5et or b rteaaaat 1 alley U- Co-. Booa I. SW.I-Autrbld- Ilocl-, Salt Late City. . C" AUl'EXTElb AND T1L1CK MESf OX the CUh lertrd KaUaay. od vacrapaid. Apply : tho DepotoratOBce appaatte teate Pile. AI-.OV TO CAnBT Till OC!B0 NR. AprlrloTnoS.S.IllblU, at.NE-ej Pace. " LOST. C SCNDAT, OCrOBLU STH. IT. OS ) State Kaad. toward Mill Creek, ana bundle roauinlar Ijidj'a Ilaill CcaU lleau brlaiC to Tcudst'a More and be re watdsiL "- SBXSDAT. A III1MOND CUK-CT Uroack nn, bevneea roaitn Wet asJ Mala -trceu riaa-i irtn please leate at the reaideare ef ThaaiM ijsett. s w, eecead Sooth strert, anJ get reaKed. -tlerrhunts Collection Company, Incorporated.1 - TAKES A brEClALTT OF C0LLSCT xl l? Dt'l. Natra. Aeeoaeu ot looe tt'Odiac've byrtsKieBt dehun, or these m afS4atBK S-atea. Ckimi awderats 1 pir ecntaze on actaal caliecuaa AAKOV S. roST. Waaner. Km Q,A aaatch Dmii IM n..sTI ADIICETU AIUTItaUU. !. vinuici Sootano sucr shaaM always t rd ror ehHdrea leeth tar. ltsooUKa!aeeWM.heiutheiranM. al&ys alt pale, nirea wind cotlr. and la the best rresrrty for dimtan. Twenty-ite naill buttta. deod wly WE ADVISE OUIt FRIENDS lirilO fcW ASTTHISO IN T11K V C!oUasuae to call npoa Barton A txk. Jt Maia Sv, where they will Had a well telectsJ tiica ot wea'a and bora iciu oerali,hats.ecpj. fhirta,e!cat Terr low pneei. ThiamUreUah:eandwuft-at yourisht. tt. Sanaiacturcrs, In-parlers, molesalo and Retail Dealer3 in SPOPT-rrSTG- G-OODS. BROWNING BROS. 155 S. IVlaiu St., Salt Lal;e City, Utab. . If you want Geds, Rifles, Ammunition, Fishing Tartle, Basa Ball Sapplies, Bicycles or anything in the Spsrting Goods line, come and see n;, n are yoar friends, and can sets yoa some money. We buy larger ani sell mow goods than any other hanse in the tonntry, frjcasse wc bay and sell cloftr. Wo caution vou apalnst doa'crs who advcrtlso to sell Guns at cost, and invito you to Examine Our Stock, Corn paro Our Prlcos, and satisfy yourself that WE aro selling Guns. Etc., Lower than whatthess partios call, their cost. Wa sell tha Egliest Gratia Bicycles for S!25.00,and a Good Wheel with Ball Bearings all round for $60.00. DROP XX AND GET A CATALOGS. UTAH STOVE AID CORNER COMMERCIAL AND M H STAMPS to BBASOH yiSjlTJPc t,,at stovcs wh,cr ,or cvor jJbTTO(feJS Xj!CJ5VC Laiadors. must havo soma VSn fcTTOraiSfl ACORN STOVES wort J fXX&SPjcZ are tho best valuo tortl.o V$tiStrfS rnoneyovorofforod.Alwaya ys?t&f VaT'SaO'O' want a Stovo. buy an VV?&KV.H liCVV ACORN.andyouwIIlalways "ZvZlTrS praise It. ONE MILLION IN USB! SUPERIOR HOT AIR FURNACES. 'iliiiil (m ' ill COST NOTHING. jF ' s j llfl The"brcEj"3ii!oIofadietraa; eoau cockier. Darafierday prmter! ink pro- , . I M dareiaititioriwhichwecapaadreaaBi-chlocaaaierat. Aer a earefot study - 1 I jj H we and thaterery dealer carnn ifc -lajge-. Soett al dieapest isoek ia the cry." Vhy VI j, M such tool -adi" are iuaeda morethaa we eaaexplriB. Wbfle we axe not contesting ? 1 rL ' aH nprcmaey ia tie rants of lie krgett Cwhmg Buabtaaaraenu from NevrYorktoSaa iff 1 Fnadsco. yet we clmn the tale of Fn3asOoaberi" of the eoctmcat, and beyond f . H qaestuntieUrrestintieNoniseat. ' H Verepmenttie leadaj Danatittiirtn of aar prodaetiTe eooatry on tie face of the. j ( 1 B r'obe enjoy their diryct ageaoej; all a 19 osrowa n-aa-uactare. GoWsmta.Co. f H 'H"tb Art Ootiins ManaixtoietJ," Baltnaore. Md.. stasda seeead to none ia America H i H at present. i i ! laai CHAS. MiGIT0SH&G0.Hk j I For whom we represest tie celebrated Macmtosu Wi'erproof Coat in tie Territory j ( of Uta.Sst.-!nstotaIhrect!ytbe crcmeof ha prodacuoot. and we t&jAiyaa eatea- . H life BnS at any t-aje of tie seuoa. 31 , CARTWRMWARNER'Eiar' jl ' I SoeAentstcruieircekbrateda!klwc-d-rcacflrcexIUadc--'randiIo.ery. None j Mmm better cbtaed far lore cor money asywbere. j jH .3 I DR.WARNER'SHealtIi Uiiflerwear, i I Made eiduiTcIy for tie, delicate, oct of CuaeTs Hair only. We are tie only . antiorucd areus tor ti3 cTeat discovery, which is raputly sacuijr tax. Send for M crrular. If M "HI(HARTCL0THIM"FS1S. i, I Comprises not aloes tie choice of Saifasj ajxt materials frox both tie Hemispheres J t . 1 H bat the ltjln and fuhiona. We can interest you ia a display of ha-iitenir paltcrss, such ' i as your eyes nercr before beheld. , I - r B HERE IS WHAT'S KBW. I FROM ABROAD. PROM AMERICA. H CtJ'J iJjtgUih) Wonttdi, Amrrftan Catrnmtrtf, H Knghtk Corlucmi, .ttamotM 3mtaguts, H Jruh Vines. tMrrxwit AVraeya. ' i !t iiiiifl Scotch Cimot, .Ipxrttwt JTtUont. j H JVrarA 7Vico.. .tutrntam IrramUlttht, H JJUtaiut TUtfcrtj. -Is-meem "aey Ilbr(frfa. jB "THE STYLES." I I.'mglC'K IUtx (Sit Coal, I U't'twtorrUimf, I GUuntter. H rnnet Albtrt, I JViarr laW. I Onr-auttan J-Yoti, i B Stem King Ottrcoats, j Jtu&otr-tnnU OerrroaU, Qtfr OtmaU. I B StsgU and DiuUt-Breatttd IVotkt, iXff ani DtuNt-llrcfHtcd Sack. j V I H " Goldsniitli & Go, m?m- ' I j M S.RMARKSiCCV I Opposite South of Temple. H CHEAPEST PLACE Ifl UTAH. I jl I . I 1l ' MIJJ r TT'--iTff M papnitape, Carpet I 1 1 i . i i i'i i . i i .in"i i i i i i i i i ; ; r 9 Aud WALL PAPER. H ---ir- iioon: at tjxhsb r,xiccES: --3 H l.ce cunrAi.NS, s 1.00 i-ei: r.Mrt and upwards. H IPAKLOK SUIT?, .To.00 " rt'IT, M C1IA3IUEU SUITS, 23.0O " SUIT, 1 EST We are jN'o-v-cx- Uiiaevsold ! H HARDWARE CO, I FIRST SOUTH STREETS. M "Ea.rly Breakfast" fJs3Ba-Bg-?agir HP BvAVJ FOR COAL. OR WOOD. M Abote rat rrpmrntt oar faEARLT BREASFXSr nilh Six Hol an-1 H Tollable Eoamelc! Copper BcserToIr. H M Wo Invito tho Trades and Conference Tfadoto In- H spect our Stock of j ' i H oSHELF HARDWARES ' -AND M HOUSEHOLD-FURNISHINGS I ( i .v'