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' I i-,n'ck High Crado Safety Bicycle. SIS5.O0. f I c fcS- E orclos. S135.00. SH5.00, S75.00. SGO.OO, j I 540.00. S3S.OO, S25 OO. m "rcclss and Velocipedes. f c-ortrff Goods, Guns and Ammunition. I Po'-'cat Cutlery, Razors. Strops, Butcher Knives.' m " jrcr j and Tollot Clippors. H FT h r Tackle, Tents, Base Bali Ccods. I Zi'for Callgraph Writing Machine, Carbone, MR " Ribbons and Paper. V Dcs Collars, Playlns Card3, Poker Chocks, Eta 9 jjGESX STOCK unci I.OWSS'aV'l?IwICE9 S SHOT GUSS AT COST. S p-K?'rfnc la " Bnefce. Tiff? TSVAWS 22-21 W. Second Sona Slree!, I 1 IrJ.J.SYiNa, sm,T LAKE CITY, UTAH. iXEES. C05SDLT I0DB IHTESEST BY GETIIKG HY PRICES! 1 Godbe-Pitts Drug Comp'y jfl TnroLrsAEE axd ketail I DRUGGISTS X IXiECTOHS : trZ ILrimrotdcr. DsTHJoam, W.U.EatArain, J. D. Farlor. OUR , MOTTO . I Courtesy, - Fair Dealing, - Pure Goods. ; sSE WINES AKD LIQUORS; ALES AND PORTERS, ' roc StEOICIAI. AMJ TAJIILT VSV. I c j 'L.ntion given to AH Orders by Mail nor Express. Physicians' Prcscriplisns Accurately Filled by Day or fflgat. 60BBE-PITTS DRUG COMPANF, ? JiF.c' r I ' About tRelfcashe ofSeaJ: I f J. rCey crd5d intSfcKeln.esc"Sur?fx?5 jj j Where ckops and osfc"j are sweeiysj 1 Tkl? tSFsfca.'iLranfc keepeijgii&yeb K '. . j His traafcisiiow TRorc atnc&3Sog? "His cock cooks dlbcSusetRexrSrise- Has on a V'reiSSuze Doori .' I 2S5 TTCTT "W-iJISri5 rrTTH 3EST ' 3vy theCHATSK OAK, 1WCi t.3 w -i ,V? Oa.'OrH: Ores. I3ssr. S'OS, S-A-XjIH SIT Z.C. 31. 1., Sole Agents in Salt Lake Cily : M'i flllS, AOIIffiM LMim iffl WI6GS! GEO. A. LOWE, Salt Late City, Ogden and Logan, TJtafc. SUPERIOR PRESS GRAIN DRILLS LEABER GRAIN DEILLS. Ha'J s Potato Digger, Carden City Clipper Plows, Bradley's E-jare Comer and Solid Comfort Sulky Plows, BIssell C .lied Piows, Railroad Plcws. Solo Agency for tlo Planet Junior Horse Hoes, Garden Cultivators and Seeders, Baker Patent Steol Barb Wire, Farm and Spring Schuttler Wagons, and a Full Line of Columbus and Standard Buggies, Phaetons, Surry Wagons Road Carts and Spring Wagons I and Buckboards. I HARNESS, v TENTS, v WAGON v COVERS. Reapers, blowers, Binders and Headers. SAW MILLS, STEAM ENGINES, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, SHINGLE MILLS, FLOUR MILLS and MACHINES. LEFFEL TURBINE WHEELS, KHOWLES' STEAM POMP. j DAVID JAMES & CO., Plumbers, 6as and Steam fitters, DEXIXEJ K Pltmblng Material, Pumps, PIpo and Fittings. Stoam Heating Suppllos, Tin and Iron Roofing. Gal vanized Iron Cornice, Guttering, Etc. No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. EAIAM WHITE. JOS. I. HETWOOD, H VIL WHITE ITttaittt. Eccretarr. Treaiartr. I WHITE & SOUS CO., PROPRIETORS Pembroke peat Jttstfket Tno Choicest Moats the market affords aro fur nished from our Refrigerator. Family trade solicited. Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. Our Prices aro as ChGap astho Cheapest Home-cured HAMS and PURE UTAH LARD a Specialty. wholes ile rnicrs. . ri Qailiij Beef. a tua, at ;. Seeoad QnaUir B: ta Si&a,trca Se ta W EcctliihcQairter from SeloSe. MuUon Creaee. t I8i Trtepltenc 2SI. 2S M". Flrt Sontb Ktrrtt. JOHN H. WHITE, - - - Manager. WESTERN NEWS1TEMS7 Attempt to Bora a Mil!, and Tfcea SticISe. CUHELU BEATEX ASD KOUBED. V noriD? aill K0n i,7 Meanj Ihht; Oil For Feci. MONTAXA. BoiPman.Oct. lIAt 2 o'clock 0rSinB IItrnn SchulU,lesfte or tho piomas mill. aUemrted to burn e!-oa Story'g mni. hb ascended to Uie third atory, carrrinc o canf coal oil, which ho Is u pottdtohaveicattcrwl about over Lhtt aS?T- o then et tho mill on m Th.0?'' iwovedto bo tiSino oil ouU bumt-I ilowly. MRht miller Paysou caught Sehultz in the act an J the menmgagwl iuascunte, Sehultz endeavoring to throw I'ay wn In the liamrs. Uoth el! down stair?, seismttn- In ths Jail. Scbultr immediately made hb t cape. The fire was then cxtln CuiEhed with llllte damase. This morning 8hu!lz was found banking by the iMtk ajpiiust a fnight car. lie had tied a handkerchief arounJ his r.ifk and tUfjjeaOed liim.-!f from the ladder of Uie rar. He was dead when found. The coroner' Jury I now Fitting cu bis Ixxly. SeLultiM xirpoM! was evidently to itirn the null In order to destroy co.ti petition. It Is suppcMtl that Sehcltz ostended the car and foil off, fiacturing his Mjs Inttead of breaking his neck. He thin drag ged hinifelf to the ladder, wuere he Mta found iuwging, with both hand and bneeson the ground. lie hud registered at the hotel n town tq,avert suspicion Ifehad$300 in his pocket. Another theory is that Sehultz fell from the fire ladder out tlaa the mill, fracturing his liijn, tlien from the foot cf tho laddtr drogcd Uctself to tho car, )rhtre bosulcided. In the (druggie I'ay son was mjured, remaining Jnunii ble forsomu time. Tt Are was ttt whilo tho mill hands wim ni lunch. Jldenajuitrttal. IDAHO. PocJtdk) had a snow stonn last WedneHlay morning. Xo snow in ItcxbuigasyiL llullsn, Idaho, Ort 11. A rail road laborer named Johnson at Mc Ieau & Jamie's cauip, about three miles rest of ilullsn, near LLo liltter Hoot Mountains. last night attempt ed to commit suicide by means of a cap ued in exploding giant jowilcr and exjilcdiog it. lie placed tho camp betwein his teeth and struck it with a f mall hammer. Tile at tempt waf not entire success. It had the cfTc.t, however, of com pletcly Kliattering the in'Mcof the man's niouth, nut tho full extent of the injury could not at the time be ascertained. Br. F. K. 3Iattcw rendeivd promjil and eriiclent ser vice, aud after doing what ho could to relievo the inturnl man's suffer. ing, orderad hisi sent to Uio Sacred Heart Hospital. It mm. that Johnson, who Is n married man and has a family living near Cheney, Wah., Ins been working on the railroad for the part t'ght month, bad saved up about whirn lie lutended to send to his family for tlum to liveon this winter. MuUanJdaho, Oct. 11. The lough and noted hurrah railroad tonn of 1'otUvllle, four miles above Muliau on Uie construction of the Northern Pacific, nas again lat night the scene of a robl.lng affray which came near resulting fatally to a poor tallroad lalwrer who was a straugtr In the campand was not accustomed to their ways. Daring the night he was perrustteti to take a hand In a poker panic. After jAtylnjr for awhile lie was Hjcctrtful and won about S-5. Ordering the drinks he left the saloon. When passing a !ark alley, and only about 1(f) fast from the place, he was struct oer the head Kith a club and knocked sensekte. To make sure he was harmless the footpads mutt Iiave dealt him a number of blows from the appearance of his hal. They robbed him of his money, amounting to nearly $., and left the fellow for dead lying in Uie alley. Fortunately apa6crb with a lantern noticed him lying In the alley, picked him upandoaniedhlm into a louging houw, where, after partially regain ing his senses, hb head was bound up by a iihyslcian, and today he is barely able to sit up In bod. Tho doeton apprehend a jiossibillty of Uie mea being ioaaue. Daircr Xtri. MTiMUXO. Tlie lender Uourii-g mill Is run by steam, using Uie native oil for fuil.. The oil is stored in barrels and conducted In a pipe to the lire box. The stream of oil Is a little larger than a lead penciland upon fuUinc from Uie pipe is struck by a jet of steam and scattered all around Uio fire box in tho form or a spray, which, burning, makes the hottest kind of a fire. The beauty of the arraurtGnt J that the fire requires no altentluu whatever, as the oil may bo turned on in tl.o morning and left to burn all day. Thiro U no shoveling of coal or carrying out ahes, and the saving of ciptufo is also considerable. The result at Uio mill has so far been found to be very fistisfactorv. Ilo'j.ncrang. Cheyenne, Wyo , Oct 11. Acting Governor Meldrum has received a letter from thelntenor Department asking about the whereabout and safety of a herd of seventy buflaloes that escaped from tho Yellowstone National t'ark several weeks ago. The missing licnl has been-setu sevcra! Umta lately In the Big Horn re-lou, and is now thought to be ranging In the Ked Desert, between Ilawlins and the Shoshone Indian reservaUon. A big party of butters went out to attempt their capture last week. ThcStateonJceraepect to organize, under the direction of the Interior department, an expe dition to rouud up tho herd and drive it hack to the Park reserva Uon. W. II. -Ttoot of laramio will if this is done have charge of tho expedition, as it will afford magnifi cent sport, as the route over which tho heri must bo driven io the res ervaUon isUircugh Uio Wc Horn and Wind rivers valley and acna two mountain range, through a country lm;iarble except to riding and packauliuab. Wyoming laws prohibit tho killing of buffiilo under heavy peualUes, but it is feared that the herd may bo disco vcred by some of Uio roving hunting rank of Indlaus who will bae no scrufles ntout killing all they can. This herd is said to contain the only bison in the United States In a wild condiUon. Oenrtr .At n. EflleJ or r-iag the Telcpkoau, At Uio mtetin? of the American Otalogical Society In Washington, Dr. Clarence J. Blake, of Bo-ton, read a paper on the Iniluonce of the use of tho telephone on hearing power. He Uiinks that this inllu eaco must be injurlou-, because Uio extremely low lnteni'j, a demon strated by experiment, of thosounJs to be eiujht from tho telephone compelled a strain of the- ear which KufaUsuedit,!md IJesiccI Sly liable u injury by the JI HeuUl sounds of comparatively hleli ifpntltr whlcli wero constantly teb to be Iieard. Dr. C. U. Bur- whossldtho u o anj,iUB worse. Science. aTaM the t oung lcr, ..I would take out a wntofa. A Xeir Mccplng Car. Tho latest InvcnUon In railroad cars, tho Harris Palatial Car com pany's "Jcanetle," left Epringfleld Uio ether day for Boston. Tho dis UncUve feature of tho new car, and it has many new features, Is Its combination of parlor and sleeping car arrangements, which provides for its running in the day time as a drawing-room car, and in tho night time as the most comfortable and safe sleeping car yet devised. One wonders, In entering In Uie day time the roomy nnd elegant draw ing room car, where the berths can be, as Uiero is absolutely nothing In the Interior which gives a clew as to where they ore kept. They are. In fact, below tne floor, and, in order to allow of their storage, tho sides of Uie car drop just fourteen Inches be tween tho trucks. These pockets, as lhee spaces are called, are always In ifec, for, as soon as the berths have been raised and put In position, Uie chairs (for the car Is provided with moveable ones) and baggage Imme diately take their places'. But tho one feature of Uio car. In which railroad men arc mot inter otcd, is the. raising and lowering of the- berths. Tho process is briefly as follows: A section of Uie floor six feet long is raised up, on end resting on hinges, thus forming a partition between two secUons. From under neath this door another door is rated up endwise In Uie opinslte direction, forming a portion next to Uie secUou of LLc other end. Then a steel crank pin la Inserted Into a brass socket in the berth Just under Uie lower door, which socket Is aliened, by a most marvelous and ingenious comblnaUon of worm aud gearing apparatus,!) rods whose ends contain kejs and cogged wheels, at tho end of the berths. A crank is then placed upon tho pin and revoWed. WIUi each frao Uon of a revolution both bertlvs move at both ends evenly, equally and correspond ingly, for each turn of tho crank turns the rod which turns the wheels on their tracks, which have teeth corresponding to Uio cogs on tho wheel. This regu lar and uniform rise is preserved by the key at tho end of the rod fitting into a grooved slot, which holds the bcths in place and recnts the movement in any but tho upward or downward direction by even Uie smallest part of an inch. Both of the berths are supplied with spring bed and roattrESsra In fact, all of the le-dclotbing Is here at hand. As be fcr3 stated, in the spite under the lower berth arcstored tbejtwo chairs ot the sectlpn. A guard door con ci a!s this open space, J Sotton Tott. The Care or a Watch. There is no other personal belong ing to which good care Is more es sential than a watch, and hardly any other that Is more recfclers'ly 111 ured. The baby iIays wlUi It, Uio housewife lays ilirKy fingers upon Iiritislelt open at ni0-Qt for con venience, or subjected to alterations of heat and cold by being hung against the chimney Hue. There Is the highest authority for saying that tho best place for a watch Is Its owner's pocket. Tho pocket should bo a clean one, and Uio watch be further protected by a chamois tag. 1 1 should te wound up with even, steady motion, not ?oo fast or too slow, and a near as posslblust the same hour of Uio day. Morn lug is tho lvt time for it. and if it Is done while Uio watch has still an hour or two to run, there wUl lie much less wear and tear of the mainspring. In fact, paradox ical as It sound", a watch will wear out twice asfoou by running one day In ten as It wouU If kept run ning all the time. Ixt It lie Ilat as little as possible. When nit in Uio poskst Keep it hanging by its ring In a case ortomo soft, Uilck Out!, preferably of wool or silk. Never leave Uie case open the night through. If you need to do it for even an hour be careful to w Ipe tho dust from the cry-tal before clo-ing. No case ever yet made is du-t proof. If sueh were possible tho watch, mender's occupation would be well nigh gone since it is the dust sift ing in that not merely clogs the wheels and turns Uio oil on Uie pivots to gum, but acts as emery would, and w ears away the works utterly fill to keep time. Avoid Jarring cuf watch, under pain of naving it stop, and stopuntll it grows worthless ps a Unieplece. 1)3 not pin your faith too closely on its accuracy, either. With tho viry best of movements, variations will sometimes occur. Heat, cold, ruc tion, vibration, location, any or all, may make your watch fast or slow One reason that ladles' watches arc usually such bad timekeepers is that they are so Irregularly worn hence have about three days out ot seven a widely tlitTennt environ ment. Never use clialk, whIUng or any sortofjiowder to brighten a case. Never rub hard, and use only a clean chamois or bit of soft silk. Br ware of even a suspicion of moisture. A watch had nearly as well fall upon n rock as Into water. If, by chance, such a thing happens, put Uie watch at onco into alcohol whhkiy will not do and leave It until J ou can hand it over to Uie watchmaker. Ladu' J fume Journal. The Whale's Eat mlr. A shark was seen near tho mouth of Uie harbor, between Uie break water and LighUiouso point, Thurs day morning, and it was believed Uiat several of them wero running about there. A thrasher about four teen feet long was seen outside tho breakwater a few days ago. The latter llih isof the sword f!u variety, and Isscldomobservcdlnthesound, frequenting waters where the whale isfojnd. TricswordfMiand thrasher aro natural enemies of Uie whale, and their combined attack is suro death tqz tho monster of Uie seas. The tlinuher Is alio known as the fox shark and as the seal fox. It is very much liko the shark, liut is larger. In attacking a whale the swordflsh stajs underneath, and with hU sword prevents the whaje from obtaining refuge at tho bottom oftLesca, while the thraMier jumps put of Uie water and strikes with great force on lop of the enemy. .Vew JIarcn ((XmH.)i:epJcr. A ijjaclons Servant. At dinner tho major askeJthe servant: "John, how manybotUes of this fine wlno have we In the cellar?" "Three your honor." After dlancrJobn ce,s a ST00"1 dressing down, with tho command always when there is company to give n belter account of the, contents of the wlno cellar. Shortly after cauio more guot, and the mijor, suro of hi ground, again puts the question "John, how miny bottles of this flaet wine have we yet in tho cel lar?" to which John, certain that ne Is right this time, prompUy an swers: 'Ten thousand botUrr, your honor". Er. "Vi V DDHHAH Y-Trylt.2ozfor5ct. CXCELSIOR BAKERY, No. 10, EaatTompIo St. FRESH BREAD, BUNS, CAKES, And CRACKERS, WL CIHDIES, GROCERIES, fc Bolkico? Crackers a Spstfilifyi ZDWARD SCRACE, PitarUitt DESERET SEWS' AGESB The following are Uio authorized Agents for the Deserkt Nrus in their rcspecUve towns: JtABm....CccXlai, Anaieairatlt, Jfa Antrim Tori Co-cp.....lmtrtam Foil milca GTat...............tani4Mn Tori Il.S.Lnrt.......A2iM.CaHa O. Idol O. A. Wcrd......... JlTC, Curia Co.. IdaXt C y. S nia.......... ............ .CocSrC IT. JVT... ......... ...... Ctzturs, Mel Jon Jiintoa... ........IUdmt J. ci,............. ....... AotiSprtxjt A. JU Oert... Star TtCrf. ris-'fit Ox. KV J. L. PczcKt................,ttrti2r KSStcm ertm2................SFnrH1l SfOdtk Fart Co-tf ...... ....SpajX Fori II. n. Cmlf. SfractrrOU, Apecit CaArU Jcl. iltilU... Swtextdi Ha. 0tTafjcj...... ............ ......Scaa L SnlfU...... ....... Soda Sntnas. JieXo A. iVrnf Saford, Arisvua Cop. S!ori........ ........ Sotih JerdcM Cb-fp. Storr.... Sdrlo Wm.lT.AEnt ....... ..S. Osrla liaia c n. 5o...... ........ L. ilortoutn Saxfyrd, Ctttmdj Joaci Etat.....,....,..3caaria, Idaia Biu rcHry C?... ...... ..SI. Jo'i, VU& TalrfX Cmir ............St.JoJUu.Artzvmi J. MtOu.St. Dcrlit, CaciUt Co ArUtna A. T.ltrj.. Saltm Saxteqmim 0.......,...........5anl. T. J. rarmley............3coXt!d, Zmny Co Cm. A. traerx sarftU J. JT. Srul................SeKtelx.JrUon3 ri)T.&sTACS...f....... Sprbiflelt A. CCOdUfC... . 5SCKT1U CforTcafenrfca...... ........ ........StfHifs Awdt it. PrrVfy , i Swwmt Join HcLm.........St. JotipKArUaa E.U3ln.....................FrinCltr JcueiLCcicr ....Tri,iia Jma atU....... .Taylor, Ariton. fita. fVfiiyt ,,,, n Trttidtili I. iT. ri....7nCT- 0.,BoxEUcr C O. n. StritjlaM Tktrltr Toodt Co-op .............TootU JO.IU SI fit. Willow Cmt. Faalt Esxt,ldaM J. B. JordiMt....TmUoa, CoOi Cot, IV. Jsl Lest Tb7n-rS.e J. trri-al ltt. T Haldktr, Ariioma Oarta Vomtj -drin refer Gvtttrdrm rmtOlm A.J. Kortmcx. rirjinOlj J. C Slutrp...... .......... Ttrum W. CnwL. HViulis KcUirilU Co-rp nUnZc IT. Ctf. ircrf Jordot IT.B.i ..Tr.1 ........ Wclhlymrj J. F. Mcvt..... WooOcwd, Smnoit Co CiaX Crxr'ord.... ITuimstm T. K Ertrtricm..... ....... ..........lrOard A K. ZiAm.. roodrxf, Eldk Co. VUX J. K. Ccef.H........... ...Watn -. w"nmi.,n.. jfnra, juomc j xl coii..... ............. ....lrtdrntezi Cm. Xtaril.... ................ Kiffonl, JdcXc A. ilanX. Atpiu CXal. Hoof-.... ....AIM. Ktln Co.. cut Jama Amu .......... ..4, JTiotiimj S.r.nrrnoa..dtpai,ApacUCo.,Arlma C C CartUt!....... ....... I mid, CUlok Co -V. ran Lemm.............,.Amroni Briikm CUCWi...... ...... .BnfWmCV, W. tti&)............BtoowlMfto,liMLO Btar Cmr iytp...........Btar Cirer fV C. Luxltr.JM vdtrTU.And D. S. BnAlou . , ,fiHu!om T. tri, .,,,.,......., Sfluon Cartr Oo? Jim C C AiTT........... BnrrSSt TU. rt CmntflJ Uil J!rdd.Jmm.........: BtafCVf CAmnOmdu Cro,dtm Sa JoSmcn.""...CawiariU, Ctrtttd Co R. IT. aetbomt... Ctdcr CVt Jcoha.UsUr..Cttnl, anion Co Arlx Jot. XirkXem. .......Orrtar loUtf trtSiam Jorftr C ldtrm......,..,..,..C-aU Du Wm- Lc. .......GuBt Gel, n.x.n&,3. avton,idco CtarUtlon Qt-ep ........... .......Oartafet S. JKJmtt Comm'. Couia Co Halt L.D. Moma.....CiixlrrL, . Co Ira DTjrcmtun,am!d, Ciaflan Co. Jdakj Joaet Jmom............,. ...ttroptr iro.JSextox.jM Oua Jhxi JnSsa Zmnfr................WT,, IXctMnUrj.EagU KoctJUMiiomi Coldaio FarltT...Fii, CinjXam Co., nx Jama A. 71-vm............. Je B. fTicUt. jfjjj Jmxu Sitva....jrmitm, ir,tilj C . Xrmf.... Fraitmt, Amma S. Somicn.......... fUlmort C P. AEtx. FKaSoMtt Eptoaux Cm?...... ZpXrcim P. Fanuuttn....Epkrmlm, Orvjol Co Colo D. It. iron. Elba. Ccsrit Co 1UX ir. Taylor,? Ftrrca,SmtTwConX j ik. Omrida IfertamtEt Vmiou..FraKltlm, tiaXo tl. W. Smlmso... Falnicv W. J. Cadrrmd.FoirritK, Ontvda Co Id R. K. mjra.... .......SWataia Orm It. Stdtr JvlrfeU, ri Co JAs CarQeleTKB....,............Fatat L. JX. CtcjrJ.. ...... .....jramito F. r. )'rj..... Fraumt, Pule Co J. Sloct- . .Fi tram OmatUoa C-7H....H....H.......CKiiriMt ". alcndalt A.nrppirr... Clflixvwt C W. rttt....CcIUe roltej, Onrida Co Id C I. Coot ...... ........CreKCia . Johxcn..... ........ ........... .CoiXtn T. KU!icmi.,.....m.,.m......CraU-Wt Coot Ciot. 4 JL'cCamk... Garden CW, IT. A. Low CargttOK it. .- ..........rdr Ct'r A.tlatA Co nAtrCUi IT. tr.itavdma Itocptr Cttt J. O. CVcr............ .....Vnrimm OarUt Fmlttplrr. ......llenlinsUm .'ana A. XoJi........... ,.n, i, Fcrl C Wtod. Uoldim B.a. Wan .........Zeat7nr Jaatt truwrfA..H...H.aaH.H.a..i,jrvn Setoff Jnn....... Er-Ktfa Ftttr cto-...... IlarriniSi W.D.Foct.............. Ilormmj ir.FlX. nUriEi t.s. rrjy.... nam n siTtu rsrmnr XT. Sctfay .................... lndvncU Jolm OorriZr...........H....H...H;Ka4fj03 G. A itcrdocl Jo$rpknr F.X.Slmuon Aw ilaieo Jot. L. CwtJU ..Xasal tmiarA kiSq rq. A. C Grips.... Kamam PetirX Oljm-.... .......... ....,.Koa3uxrtm T.E.XM3 .lu.irrf,. . XalaaU XamotX Jot. irarr. kamal S. J. AUn...............,.........Lcuvtom instan r;ti..............iai CtOTCt VcrHwn...... Xmatafam on-k. irm ...............Lahton E. X. AllM LOtrtl, Btar Lakt Co., Idaka. CB. EcltiMi. Loan S. Strrru erti tyjtn J. IT. Ea........................XcrtX Ogdn C A. Jkorti .VortX, S. L. Conlt Xcmuo ZtronSWrtojo, ApotXt CoArttoo Cta. Fimltrton.............. ....... Oak Crttl XtoMi CkamSefXrfx... . OrrttrriSU B.P. Jarduu. LemUrlSt, Biatkem Co tr.F. IToUrr. la frU.IdoXo S.r.Jona....LeXI, Jorloyo Co.,Arima Itm. irlU......................i;azcoi. Cot JoJm riwj , i m i n i i i TPrff A..V. Momlam JUii Crttl Ed, Dvrfry. itntprlttr, Idaio F. C Jna........... ilalad, Idaio D. Von Kootnen.....................Itidieaj J.C.A. nVUjff Vault UtndtnCop ....iicndtm J.n. Stott. itoromt LcarlttLmnon ........... ....VotrUsan W.Jt. sua. ...i'Kjt O it IVlxcr. (7tti rlr,, Idaio JJCln(rtutm....m...aau, CMorai J it. irUama.......................itrIflU Caiptr CtXtfunje..jriMnr, r.mrrt Com!, W.A.rerct..........lto, XturrCnrafl IT. A". SltrtsM ...itmcM, JMojIm, c. IdaM S. fti....... -JUnuv J. Tuittl Mono, Cauta Co H'U J. V. SirpiTd,.............lM B. X. Uifll:...............ttt4 C. Croatiaw.............wJirford, Idaio Joorpi lIaE.....,, .............Ocdrn St Am dr$o.....m. ..........OgJn J X. End... ...........OmftHZ r. if. Lnn ..........0Ua CUj. Idaio Ooittt Co-op. OtUrt, Idaho H. it. Tajlor..OUo, Jtio ArritaO., X. i, J. W. Cnuir. . Ortrloa, UmeoU Co Xrrada Panacea, Xtrax o. n.Flemu-. rvrlnrill, C E. Brtti..... Met. Xottra Co 11 a J H.l tlaO.. Pita, CrsOat Co, Arizona rem Co-rp.... ............ rarU, Idaio Jama SpHmtam. PotattBo J.F. ilndduom.... .frCTidnct Ida Coentt... Patmn J.CHarftr. ......rmn J. IT Stix.. .................. .........jyon rerarau Co-op ......... ........rrvm Co ep. Xrf...... ... M.H..fcrfMMl W.n.iltciMa........ ...... fori raStf nieoat Groto Co-cp.......Fltaoaot Orm Jaott If. Ucsx.....riimn . Box Xtdtr Co C. D. CXS.......... w... - ,.rnttl HiSum Cniia.............riiU Of,- YT. C raTtuuon.............rraton, Idea J.H. to-riJCTi.......... ................ i"Wt J.A. JLfarrlTn.',......... B. B. Gainer. ............. JSna Tallri C i..f.t.. .....-.......i'rl CU, Cm. A. Cordri..............Eifit,Jdaio Jaata Koelt........Btrtrdalt, Ootid Co Id B. a.JoSt..........Banek P. O Xamt Co Jet. B. i!orrixm...,........EUUit T.Citboaj.., M...........H.oeSpor M H". UtniS, Jr.... .......... .Eiclno. ItcXtmmon. ...................r.'tn4olpl J. M Ztdndt, OaUrJttll, Blnciam Co.,ld JeknJcrdtiK....................CUrLtto .CDncrj ...... .CciUxiton ant IxxryrBU t J.ron-ia...........m......c.-o-ra IT. J. XcCuarmfi........Gartdd CojXte, C. B. E. AUrtd...................CJU,, Adaau ,f Sons.... . ...... Oarto mOutm Wood.un......-m..RKmtWt W. J. Joar. jn Canat P C Jesttm. ..jralH Xtpit cudua. .....M...ara. B. FT7.....,,...3loroam, CUt Join Jferxta........ja. Oral, 5. X. On,, Jn Taylor........itarjm!t, PuU t XT. C. Hanin. vd A X.d&nia,.......ilMtCTttt. Idaio J.H.Barhr .......M......Vac JF'-toiiuoa...tpU,itarlapaCo.tAtt2aaa Jcknitt........... Ccrt. Salt 11, Co L. AJ:aUtr..... ........Vy.. SPRINTING KINK.X tho Druret Setri Co. tiavlnx rai-rd ti Aa-wicy tor (hUtTnt. rn Brslaa or the Celebrated -Printing -Inks, J.aTTiCTCUI BT T31 JJDn Ciy printing Da (Jo, or Cincinnati, Ohio, Ars prepared to fcralth ttert sarae In any and alt grades, from 'the Stindsnl News Ink tmide ipeclsliy ortlils ollmit ta Uio Very Flnet of Book and Job IWSS. tt tfct-.- HsUfflfeclDBis'-CaljIopB-PiIceSj ITUa SpcctU Dltcousu ea Luji OrJcra. Fall Stock Constantly on Harfi 1 to i4.rcT rzox. ORDERS BY HM-JiAja Ciii eras oa Aoiiists The Desca-fct News Co., ; 2-cj TXTti I I.OTICK. ALL PEES0X8 AKE UCEEBT rased. cndr tbe jissaltr proiWeJ ry ortlliulice, not to irmoTe tne todj ol 1 ssy deaa arfmil. or of&l. or din or anj i daenpuoa. wnaoat lint noUTrtnc tie Olr Searenstr. who will ttiae direcUon, or its di. pout. WI1XIAM SnOWELL. City 5aTeajrer. Coosa t, cay Hsu. April i:th lsw dl( Lj ii-?s8iS ISS 3- a or ty -2 lis s. DESERET HEWS OFFICE, PI0I4 EEI Of the crjesfc. ESTABLISHED I8SO. Bookbinding & Paper RnliDg a ill. ITS XBX3C3XX. ABSTRACTS, COUNTY WORK, . BLANK BOOKS, ex, irzcuuus. couriTV:- ijitnyis.- rrn rirci. rcsauuED ca xrruexnot DAVEV TAR BCt(.D and Eost Grade or Materials Ustxl to make o(.r Work Ouracls. AH "Work Ocorasreod r Inasmuch as the statement has been made by a certain semi-weekly newspaper pub lished in this city that its cir culation, which FOR l PAR. 7WZLAR week s quoted at 10,752 copies(which would be 5376 copies per is'sue,) is greater than that of any other paper m the West, it becomes the duty of the NEWS to say that HE Mil? E FALSE. The NEWS is not in the habit of boasting of its merits as a newspaper or advertising medium, preferring to allow its patrons to judge for them selves; and under no circum stances has it ever resorted to the despicable practice in dulged in by some of its com petitors of seeking to build itself up by tearing others down. It has no disposition to do so now, but by way of correcting the false impression-sought to be made by the statement referred to, it may be said truthfully (and affi davits substantiating it can be furnished if necessary) that DURING EVERY WEEK FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS THE CIRCULATION OF THE DESERET SEfVSI WEEKLJY NEWS HAS BEEN FAR LARGER THAN THAT .QUOTED BY ITS BOASTFUL COTEM-PORARY. J i I taaaaa. RAILROADS. I il f If H , fatfi ''issH grraCQo'AuiTijr tots the croonarnT or the countst. 7iLt. odtaci jta B , v M HUGH V-VLUABLB nmwt,-trB rHSil A STOUT Or TXHS MAP Or lj . I f M t-'SST- III I hie ghigio.0, nocK isufis & mm railway, 3 . . I nclncino; man. Imeev trerc. a and extenstora F33t and "West or tho - Klasouri Rl nr. taa Drect J -a e to und foo Ch ceo, Joltec. Ottawa, fH "eorto, LaS3n.Mollne.Rockl)fu.4 rrt 'LXJNOI3 reoport.lIuscatliie. ' I H T.UJin we, Oalcatocfa. Des lloui'jf , V.'lctoruot, AtnTuSon.Harltin, e-nd Council fafH jmtDi, In IOWA-3Unaraolas tin Si. Paul, In HINNESOTA-Watertown ; , . ' aaaaaa. md SUnrsfaUs. In, UAKaiA Cneroc. St Joscpti, and i:acea3 City, in i aaaaaal atasCUEI-OtmJtm t alraur". ajt -elson.ln WEtHt. SK rw Horton, Totygn, i . laaaaal tlutcmnson. Wictit-s, Be'ievllie, AbUene, Ca.1 eu. In KT.SAS Pond f WM Jreci.K:ngashe-, For ficq, la tae IVtit AN TKBRl"ORT ana Colorado l ' M Spruurs. Donvcr, Paeolo, sCOuOItUO. Traverses now and vast areas ol , H Icli mrinlns aad Rraziiifr lanHs, eTb-iJn tn.i best feduties or lntercoa- 1 I aT.aaaal UticIcaUoatoolda-b'UkteAarttOBatowns and clt 23 vs, northwest, and s , ' I H outnweat rroa Ctlcajro, and itvetae and rrens-occaalc Soaporia. v ) jH MACNiriCENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, M H ueadistr all compcMto-s la splcctiOT of oaulsment (cool, welt ventilated, ( i H on-orai!utta3unUo-,W3-n. c by stct.mrrorntcelocotEOUvotnv.-lnter), .-it H DAILY between CLicaaoonrt Doo Mo;:i3 ac'l Cornell Blots twltli ttirousri JM a-eepar to Orawlii nntiCb. jairo and Colorado SnrtnTS. Denver and Puebia .H -lo St. Josjph, K- ij Cltr or TTplra. erecar Dar Coacaee. 2leepln? . H an? and (eostor JmksoutI stiver! rJtatnir Ca..wltlt FitEB KecllnlxiRCzalr - t .afH 7ardbetwecnCli.cairoandMo-thPiatte Neo.)-rlaOtn&ha.Cnlc!-coandCald -k .IhH crcll via Kansas city raid Cnlcapo and Denver Colorado Sprlnirs and Pu- 1 &H (bio. Through TaU.c Slcepervj a-dtlrom Wichita, Hansaa. bplendid Olnlng .fH goteteweat oISu Joaoj and Ka&pas City California excurcona dally. ' afH jcim CHOICE OP ItOUTKS ro and n-oza Salt Latce. Portland, Los Anselcn , oaaaaa. ind Sen Prsnctsco. Tao DIBKrT LINE to ana rrcm Pike's Peat, Uanltou, H Sardon ot tho Usds, the Sanltanais, and Scenic Grandeurs or Colorado. H VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, 4 M 3oHd Bxpr-93 Traliu dail y between Chlcaro and Minn apon3 and St. Pan, H frith THROUGH Recucic? Chair Cars (FREE) to ad trom thoeo volna and aaH Sazua3Clv. Throucf OialrCaraadSleooei- between Peoria, Spirit Lotto. aH ndSloaxPaUa.viaUV. "nd. ThaFavor"e Lino to Pipestone. Water- JaaaM xrxzi, Sioux ttJU on u. oummer Re aorta and Hunting and Flahlng , aaaafl U ! THE SHORT LHTB VIA 8BMal. AND KANKAKEE offers toointlea to aBBaaa! javei between Cincinnati. Inuutn potto, Laferrrte. and Cotmcll Btnas, St, aaBaaal 'oocph, Atchison. VaTesworth, Kanaae City, lCnneapone, and St.PauL aaBaal For Ticket' J.iptf,Foldore,crUelrodInJbrnmtlon, oppl to co.y Ttclcot bbbbbb! OSco In tho United States or Canada, or address fM . ST. JOHN, JOHN SE3AST1AN, H Ce2eralZaaa?-& CHICAGO, II.l 0TTicict&rio. AgKll J i H jMoiiHoncsMiii. I iilTbOalyLInaCarrylsgtaeDsltsdStatesOYerlandHiil r M wOo 3 a "'rect Conncdloas btltrrea All I'otnt, orth and East. M 353, J.JJVV 'jl1 1 .tm cjnjeus. ocrr. oti., isoo. H fASSEh 1S TRAILS LEA E A AE5IVE AT SALT LAKE CITY DAILT. as folloiri M lrczn the ZtorfU. Gotnff KortZu AUintlerus 3IU....... AStMJM. 1 AUaatie Knw.AU3BUe FMt aaaafl (VJ, i ur aw Utah x Molaa4Uuk&:rtaeraLea!...a.n. .aH Sortbera Lceal aad rric Ltcai ExvrcH umpja. . alH Krtnm 1&30X.M. FarkCtty. 1-orUaml aad Bane aaaaB ttlaatle aad Vnotto fclrea.... tUa Bja. ) laieiii .... A0p.n. aaaaaV o rtlaad aaJ Bmto Fm Mail ... 7J pju I PaeMe Ripwx aad Fart Mil......T4g p.a. M rrera tlirSaalh Colnz Kentik H trntord Exarew- slb JmeKxpMM lreataa.Ereka.lTe. . aaaaaa! Jaxh. tToro, tekl, Iraaloa. SUrar Naaal. d iattraMouua aohua 7aa.ia. 1 afal CtT and Bareaa ataa .. CH MHtrd timna . t an pja. ( H TJtalt A; IN'ovadn Di.-ti-ict. H TKALSS BETWEEN SALT LAKE ASP 6AKF1BLD I1BACII KUS A3 FOLLOtVS: , M miHTMin. Mnirnrminnm lottva oaMiaen 1 iMlmiLTUKr. j H rTTeaTnu , 9A a-ak 1 W p. ak tap a aal HOa-a. II a. w. I X-ap.m. latfta. LH illpa ' Ii.av. I p,.m I M aaaajr exeaalad. M TICKETS (or u!ela Wasatek BanMatc 3N Mala btreec , U c. r. KEttxnriT, s. ir. eccles, t H GeaI.SaBgr. (.'en. l'a. A;t. M 1 M r. S. Itlclinrdt. Thoa. C. TTrbbrr. J.C.Jenton, aLL l'raldcnt. t let.Vrtnt. Strj, and Treaa H THE SECURITY ABSTRACT CO.', Capital, (lECORI'On.lTEU. $73,000.00. M Otrna Compteto Abstract KeconU sbowius tho Title to M ALL LOTS, LANDS AND SUBDIVISIONS, H In X.nlce Couiitj-. M 'M We pride ourselves on accurate troik and reasooablo rates. H Call and place your order with u?, or Telephone to 2?o. SI. 0frr,?fJoB3I,, i. C JEKSE5, Manner. DTJIsTPODSI Tie are (inilB cmr Entire Moclt or H iRuss6f Sijoes Siipperss I AT ACTUAi COST. H All Boots, Shoes & Slippers Recced to Bed Rock Prices. H SOLE AGfcNT FOR COUGUSS' S3.00 SHOE. H DUNFORD'S, SALT MSS m M leaser & OlaaJxiaers, H MINING MACHINERY, H L.C.Tnn.Vr.CEK. WESTEH.VlIAVGEn,.Na T IV. SECOND SOUTH STREET -H salt lace crrr. H BuiltlcrH fc TJcnlcrH In nil JCiiitlx or3XacliIuer,y M EliECTKIC MGIIT PJoAJSTS, H ENGINES, T BOILERS, n SAW MILLS, Qoarrr Drills Well IUiriinr HacIiiBe, Diamend Core SrilU, JH WATER WHEELS, LOCOMOTIVES, STEAM MOTOnS H Sole Wettcrn Agents foe Tyera Iron Works Doable Crimped Jlinlng Cloth H UdcsaoaVe.'BaomS.MenaaaU'NaUoaalEuk Duilthnc. So. t, S Mila St. Udena H THE PEOPLE HAVE NO USE I For Sbos Hade o Split Leather, litu Caa7is or Pasta Board loner Soles M IKS- Txxxrsr .Xjx. xxrpTTXxrx2 ron. -a H Solomon Bros.' Boots and Shoes? Tflitcliare areaadeorSalidJIatcrlalandarekDonm tobcMccandllarabla , JM Call and Examine the Various Styles of Our Own Atako and-Importc-i. p H Honest Goods! Pair Prices I AirajsReliaMe! Hohs Better in to aariet ; M All Kinds or Drcsdn; Sold for Black or Tan Colored Shoes. f jH Don't forget the X3.TTS3Xra7 Dreulng for Gent', Ladles', MIiiu j or Children's Shoes, nhlchMaLes then Look Uke New. ' LbbbbbI SaTcCTiticaljitT;ainpWoiliarSc ' H CriLsteofibreactejvcbifffimy ' I tButjJhlotKowTQtc j 1. -eretheYireGauzeD6orT ' 'I, GithealnTinrtiie!ovenfuIIrpby?' ' ' Buy the CHAKTHR OAK, '' I 'i I Z. C. M. I., Sole Ascufe is. Sslt Lato City r ; llH