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subscribe inowrrl-'r;-; T TT i t J THE DESERET WMLf.- flJLniM . tV I ,' il . . --. -- 'fig;' J r'; - WhateYer You Sell During tlie Holidays. j ' i Hi The -BesTtfnd'by far theCheapest Magazine in the Country As ffiutfept History 1 f """ 1 0f the Church and the Inter-Mountain Region it has naJrival, andasg Work 'of 1 .- T SS2i 1 i 1 I Rpference it is invaluable. Just think of getting 856 pages (the siStte present-1 C- grT1 I ' "A7"IIj-Lj -E-A- JL . Jl53 J d ft' j 10 aH ,mhime) for $1.50,- orTwo Volumesduring the year of ttiatsize for SffiOj ' ' " " vil ' . 4 i Jo B' cbcl " 4 v. -tsnxz?ssJb tv i H i - v - " i " nl It jvj i'"'; x-Jajtvj -iiijJc.- ! 1 J -H - Z ,.'''' -- Wswm'..'l-. 'a !-ia';'ll i"i; ' i 1 M j j s ' ,.,- ..a --Jtf-S . -JC!-..!? , . t - f ja8 Ms- ', T"! - t j.-' -'sir .-t MLi. Tit! 'ev-- l - If) 3 ' 'ir.-. - iiJ t- -!-- - 111 JTi i H v. . .-i . . -. .rt'l. l , i . """ : r A I 'liiiioif tax- sale: , M a Lale Conatj, for tie UH leu 1890. B MXETECSIII WS1BICT. OD 4 35 V C.V , 5 So A lM'ctctzICourtland, 1740 I) B T ' 4S k , .Otoipnj C 4 SO bal T-EtSi 7540 a nJBsL'S-' it bai ' W&iZ&i 'Freacnck 1595 1 IflPHcicze! Dennett, 16 96 1 xiHt-?. Jc 33 oa bal SBj, ma A IS t5 Ri3,K-tc, "guardian" 15 70 bal H " N 9 5 . . .r,IlT b 70 bal HtUn so 30 -iT 9 75 bal IdnlHS Ape. E 32 25 bal lUllKPv.E 1650 U John H S6 23 bal Bl -a 4Si 40 HB' Oi or unknown BBf 14 50 BBIat 4350 Sflhn -v s 90 .JB-s,Gecrgina 14 23 bal lilTBBM-TU z5 & bal wlBBHsah 1740 J.U. 13 05 jH,:chnell 1 S5 BBJkr U B IS 70 bal SHf-SomlJ 1S02 I1T-H1U A 17 40 'IBB-BB 7' 25 BBJ-u 2 90 3BB 0J 2 9 bal K,H nryj S 20 bal gHH Aca 5 So ASHi-MrsC 4712 IlllPff'10 '75 I I lStffir&t brabam 743 S5 i Ulfl-.i. 1 45 IBeS-LC -21 96 jflr ui, Hennetta 26 10 BBl HLA S'2 BflljL lE 2 90 SHtsrUtn 2 IS HflCi.F II Roberts iS 63 bal rnasHS Gto F X. Co iS S5 TB H 19 19 ent d'A N U 113 10 "abri MHfiiel, a I 45 1 US wBfcE M 9 bal iHt-s Danl 2 90 I'"PE, M S and W J SJrs; 7 25 L as sua. Morton J iS 75 b!ct Emma 2 90 PI I KEnC i 45 bal UIBBI iu'm 203 nLc is B1i,vt 2 90 Rii,M Howard 7 55 KarJ i 2 90 E x 290 MBUs,Chas 10 15 rt!K':3M-1. ' 3 77 bal S COillMKa, Ebenezer 9 37 bal jgrr 'jlin iS 12 (5c Ett H S. H P Si so kHAp log Pa"UEh Jig" BBSan,FS 13 7S f h F J32 39 -aeB -ri'rcl. a go. TT. ft,Hc-r 1 N!l!ntBBI'rS-H Faolme f 1S.45 '"'"J White, &11 oBia' ' '! J5 37 bal "'-0-r 696 ork (V: f" LU,Sa " "IS1"1 tK-rs 27 53 aenBM- H--ah 15 00 bal ..f'"CC 13 50 bal BBKJC3" II 66 K F L T 30 00 t . filU - 11 60 bal BBS'TC? Sz ' v. JB i u : 52 20 !- bb-K- - 2 90 -bW1", t 31 St bal rnx-BMi' -7 25 E 1 42 05 bal ten, "b-b-R j 15 57 ..BF 6670 sbadoMHKc, ;s 2 90 bal XBBfUM J45 . orta KobtC 2 90 f - H M 290 f ao--BJi!j:jB 24 65 Ej? 21 75 sbei !? ""S'' 'J 2030 r- 3045 'aic 14 50 b"SB-Bi S7 00 rrieBMpJJ1 C 50 75 t willMW,Jlf r 31 40 H- 7 ' 45 aa-K"1- 2 17 IE' 21 73 bal MItih "32 BBn- " 29 00 e" oB-BM-'-JI S 25 bal '&. Is BEihu s' baI 1 3 toMBM- t ' 2 9 MHK- " 2 17 J op'SBI'3 7 3 dSOcSMji;.. 4 12 BBE 1?2 ' eoBJBBbl 5 1. , JbBHEit 3 10 bal BOeSBKS. ' , 10 61 bal sx'mBBm 73 5 S-bBBVkv 2 IS K-I,P 1305 Sbbb- SbbbbbK sR 9 .BBBRJ ' 45 NVBH 58a J lBBBM: 2S. sbbbbI " dlBwV MilIard,:Ed V ' 1" alstcdt, Gust 10 15 New man S J &. Wm J 17 40 Keil Wm C 34 12 bal Newton. Qarence W 1 45 Oiiatt. ED 4 35 Otts, John i 60 Pierce, Frank 1 45 Peterson, Ethrard 1 45 , Inss'e). Jr- Fhil 23 20, Wm H 64 50 bal Pascoe, F A 25 37 Price, Wm.,- ,,.- 1290 PwnbroVe, Jlerbert,- "SS 45 Palmer, Frederick, 3S 43 , Perkins, G C 15 07 Pusle, P. 1S4 92 bal Pullet, Martha 65 25 bal Putnam. Trustee, KF 2 90 Plaer,JusH 13 65 bal Pettit, Ethan A i 43 bal Pnce, Herbert 24 96 bal Pettit, Edu-in 30 45 Preece, Abel M 15 75 Pap orth, Richard 21 75 Partridge, Harriet A 16 40 bal Pr ce, E-ter 9 05 bal Perkins. MR&C 2 90 Parsons, Daniel F 4 35 Piatt. Parley 17 40 Phillips, John 2 90 Raw 'ins Emil) S 84 10 Reese, EM 50 03 Ridd, Wm 51 75 Rassej , Alctpli et al 3 90 bal Raleigh. A II 2SS 39 bal Rvan, E F 2 90 bal Rich, Mr-. Eliza H 150 bo Rislej.Mary 31 17 Robsen, W C 6 52 Roberts. Wm 5 oS Rohde, Jens I 50 Ranstrum, et al Ca'ohne, 34 bo Reese. Hennetta 157 17 Reah, IIH S 70 Sha,JasEst 3625 Stokes, Christopher 31 9b bcbofield, TJ 2 90 Shaw, Jos Est 34 37 Spicer, Wm 95 73 bal Stewart, Wm M 6 37 bal Salt Lake Glass Co. 7S 30 Stac,Jas 15 22 Schenck, I b 70 bal SchofTerJohn P 2 S2 bal Sears S. Co, Jeremy 5S 00 Sandbersr. J C 2 90 Slater, Eliza 6 52 Spenctr. Dan'l II 2 90 S'iarke,FE 15 22 Sampson, W T 2 90 Schneegast, Otto 2 90 SiU erwood, et al C E 3 62 Sell";, W H 43 5 Schofield.Jolm 13 77 bal Starbuck, II 26 10 Schofier, Eliza, 10 15 Savage, Geo I. 9 00 Simondi, AL 2 2S TaIor, Jno W 10 15 Thomas, Thomas P 24 60 .Thompson Et E 102 22 Thompson, Ezra 17 4 . Taj lor, emma L -il 65 Tajlor, MU . 10 S7 Taj lor, Ezra A 7 25 Taj lor, Sarah C --v.. 5S 00 Tajlor, Elizabeth C t So roller, l- H 1 45 Tnpp, fi A St 34 Trescott. Caslina, 36,25 Underhill .Mary , jSSi 1 Utah Miniujj Co 2 90 Vance, S E 2 90 Van, Den e al, Jno 44 22 Walmnallj.J 5 oS Williams fr ranas 11 60 White, Rose M, et al 1 45 Williams et al, AL 10 95 bal Wilkinson et al, C 72 50 bal Wilson, Henry 14 5o Woods, Zerrubabbel 19 So bal White, Wm . 27 55 Wicht, J J II 90 Wilding, Geo 23 20 Winegar, Akin J 6 75 bal Winegar, Est Alvin J 10 13 bal White, Hattie 1 45 Walmalj.J 5 So Whitecar, Martha 24 65 Williams, Jonathan 1 45 hite, D F 8 70 Wlgren, N 11 60 Wallace, Geo E 14 50 Wilkinson, et al, C G 55 10 WiuppIe.JR 2465 Whipparoan, Albert J 2 90 Wilson, A R 1 45 Winton, llurton G 50 02 Wantlaod, C E --103 6S Whitmore, R B S. Busbj, John E 17 40 , Young, Bryant 9 42 Zane, J M S So 1 II no&sttoPctjonIlof ChipIerXLorihe Uwi of the Trrniorx ol Utah, paed t tbe twenty- ninth .ession or the Lcp.Utire senibl7, the-ander.ine theooluctorof ihe eoanij of -U Lake, remlory; mtore Bxi 1, hervby firca- nutlce I-f pubucaUon, that tbe aUr naie4 I ergons are deltn qoentto he parmentof Tcmtonal.jhool. coontror secXal district school I". In said connty lor the year IO0. 10 thc4riDoiint et nppof Ue their resjiectiTe nama. The umc vrill be for i4le -at the froDtdaorof ah Cooatf -ixnirt Moae,an rail Lake lily, on the Qnd Mondar In December. ISO, at Ilocloet noon, and tie ale will be continued from day to day nnul the delinquent list la exhausted i.(. in.i:ni. . Collcetor.Salt Late County, Utah. J V" " ' T. SUMMONS; In the nutnet Court n and tor tit ThtrJJwhcini District of Vlah Jrr nfory, Omnty of Salt iMic Lizzie nnuiax, IiainUff, ) ra. Summaots. MacKf.TCttJUlefdnt.'i ) . rhe People of the rem lory of Utah send Greeting To 51 ack S-Tnnoan, nefendaut. YOU. AUL- UKIttnr KEQCIHEK TO appearic an action tiron bt arainal Bm by the abo-ns naned plalnllS In the ismctCoortol tbe Ihird Judicial District of the Tcmtor of 0uh,andtoanurcrihe coirplalnt Sled thf rem vuhin icn days (ex clusire of the day of terrier) alter the pernce on you or Una nsomonsri aerred wilhinlhU county, or ir aen-e.1 (kit of this couoty, but In tula district, within twenty days, olherwue within forty days orjad; ment by default win no taken afnitut you arrordinjt to the prtjrr of aaid complalnL TbeaaidacUon la brougrnt to haveade cree of his C-urt dissolnns; the bonds of matrimony- existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such oticr and further relief in the premises as may be Ju.t and equitable -ibore relief ju-ayed on the ETounds that for more thao three years last past defendant has fallad to proride tor plaintiff the comrion necessanea of life not bavins contributed at all to her sup port during thai lime , ana t bat plaintiff and defendant hare not hied together aa bus band and wife for more than three years Andyou are hereby notified that if jcu fail to appear and answer toe aal 1 com LlalM as aWe required, the-iald plaintiff w 11 apply to the Court for the telle de manded there n . .. itnesa the lion. Cnarles a. Zane. Judge, and the Seal of the Iwstnet Court of the Third Judicial Iiistriet. in and for me Territory of Luh.thu. 1 Ith day of N orembei-Jn tne year of our Lord one thousand eight nun dred and ninety . l.Wt.) UE5Kr5 MCMlLLAV.t BybEO D LOOMH. doawSt Deputy Oerk WRAPPING PAPER For Sale-at-oe. PESERET EVENIHG, HEWS Tttur94sti-t lrrelntFr-l.'l3in THE POTATQ'S MiTpESsUIU Albert Meyer, the chemist, 'of SUIlK-ater, was In 8L Paul yester dayjtandin the course of a conver sation on tlm potato crop anJ tbe good pricoto farmers gave an in teresting talk of a new tuberlferous plant thit he thought would bu in-troduced-inJlinuesota and become as much of a staple, as the potato. "Will it flourish In thU toll nud climate?" , 1 Undoubtedly. I will tell 30U aUmt It. A few years ago tt Nrien tl iliscuvered in Japan a plant re sembling the potato, and sent mmjlesoritto iterlin aud Parts to be txperimented on. Ftiese ex IverimeuU have been favorable mcteje8, and the nev potato Iiai been exteu-irely iutroducctl in Berlin anil Paris, especially in hotels and restaurauU. A numlier of farmers in our vicinity, with whom I converged on the t, are willing to exiieriruent on the plaut next tx-ason. The Itoyal I'lu.-slan Society of Ilerlin haj takeu palm to make ext riinents with the jilanL The wleluiHe name of tilts plain is atachjs tuberlfen,' but as to their form they might be cuneu pinui-oucs. 'atacujs alllnls' is another name, an I lately th-y bae given it the name 'atachjs Sieboldil.' Tlie cultivation is he wraoai the old potato, and there have been found overlUO knolls in one hillr some uy as miny as 300 Dut tins is (irotably exaggerated. They are, of course, not as Urge tu our common otato. Aurding to the Garden Flvra, the organ of the rociety, theanmljsisof the fruit is. Water ,- 7SJJ lroleln ........... ........ . ...... ...... LM Urboubydtate InciiVsiiacUnV.V.Tl J7 leliuiose .. ......., a.71 Ashes..,. ,. j03 "Thire Is DLllber starch nor sugar, but gnhiLtaii, a suUetanc. Ivtween both, stachjs aulnis df tuberlfen Is an ugreeatile-la-tltg VHgrUi.le when lollej To salt water ana t-erved wltfrbatier and jrarvley sauce, ume people like them teethed In oil.liut that is ninely a in titer of-ruac I'repared like Iiinmes dc tirni fritr' (iwUtoeo cut In tmalltlk-ta aud fried ill bat tfctj, tbej are- claim t-U to be a de licious Ui-h. Tile taste is at Orvt like that of a sweet Jwtatoe. but one rtiUbOon ft-cra very Hue piiiuant taste. Tiiej do not need to be ejed, out ore truly washed clean in water, whi li is auutner ble-bltiK to the housekw.jT. Tiny are kept in the grounJ us late as possible, aud preserved packed in sand In the cillar during tbe wiuter months. "iixpo-H to Uio air they will shrink and lje their nice, white tnotiier of pearl like color. Thi plaut N winter hardy, aud tliriver in any twil. Frottloes not hurt them, aud to have them alwayi fresh they are left in the ground aud dug as wanted, luourilimate it is Lehtto keep them in a ditch or in saud in the -cellar. Wr Perrinr;, infiiector of the Itsyal Botanical Garden in Berlin, informs me that the 1 reduction ia very large, anil ttiait there are mauj enthusiast!, In favor of the new plant iu that city, which propbesle the plant agfeal future. The expectations of liigh prices and Urge yields will induce a'good many farmers to inAe a trial Willi the new plant. I have already quite a nuniher of orders for&eed.'-. J'aulUtobe. THAT l'HAT03I Cm. AN ALASIvA JIISEK t HO "iSSBTS THAT IT JS A KEALITV. Thestoryof the phantom city in Alaska Is again being revived. A yeara,ro the report of the discovery of such a city among the- Icy sttfpes, whettTer-realora mirage, attracted wprld-wlde-attention: George H Kerehon, an oil California miner -Who had arrived of Tacoma from the frozen north after a two-years sojourn, givesa rorresiundentof the at Ixmls I'epubhc a graj hie story of his exiicrienie in its vicinity. fJlilrg via Juursu fUC the regular ealtKr heanSfrve txrmranions-liuill a &O0P alfd " prOi'ecBCd-' Uf the VuU'ii. About (K) mlUfl us, Kvr idtim engaged tw u Indiana andean Indian cauoe. and iroceeded up a fork he u&s anxious to explore. Several we.ks passed br, and, snow 4-onuug.pti, JCcnbou determined bi -cam(t for t!tu.,water. Jjooklug-. for game one day won afteru iro'bi proceeded on foot up the frozen river. Climbing into the foothills of a broad plateau and thence to-a high mountain to, look for t-heep be had a wondcrful-vlew. "But the strangest thing," said, he, "wain city in one of the valleyB below. It was a city, sure enough, an I. determining to fee more of it, I commenced to work downward, rfie J ndian w ho was with me taw it aim, but- was not afraid, faying that lie had seen it UJ fore. .After -everal hours ol hard work Treaclied tlie outskirts of the'mysterloug city, and found that it-was laid out in regular stnets, with buildings re-Ft-mbllng towns and mcg0es. Tn city ap-ieared entirely of ice, and thebuildings glistened like.beeaU ful silver temples. A few "blows with a hatchet, however, destroyed tbe illusion, for Uie aiscovery was then made that the bulldiues were of wood and only sheeted with Ice. "An awful stillness reigned about. There was not the slightest Bound anyw here, and the clljr seemed Jiku a great graveyard, .In places huge blocks, of ice almost Impeded progress. It was'a large cftr, and I amlnlrressedwIUltbe belief that it was not so many jr ago In habited. After spring bad broke 1 In nugget gcldnear theXiopr-BlJ nnallyi worfieil my way down the river to Vokim again. rTha. vtM-tne last of "" " 1 ' ' " i . "; .i.ul H'c -rt August. In ,ta. tntli S Juneah, and tlu-n I s.t- uv. w,n3, accounts of the mirage at iluir glacier. Ialld not theti- -make, tny allusions to my'-'owat-atritnge ex perience, kuowlnfttople would Im; slow to believe tniy txil X; am. posi tive that thu-Muirglaeletmlrage U the reflection bfixjisdllfrizten cilji found try me." dt iat mxs , " 11 u -j1' The JUgby9rsr:i 'Say, you let 4t!?oT-t4flllv shouted the driver. "Don't you tryto-ruiv-ifter mt!" retorted the iedesmili7 Tliecouvenatlon'tmt.Iace at a muddy crowing on Wrn-!ru aVenui yt-s-terday mornlisotiroifi'tlio redf whiskered driver i-afqjaj'Iclellvery wagon and a ra w'-Sovtr-Oanaii tvlth a Itisket on his -xiM. tfjae latter, to avoid Iieing run asaVQaowalzcd the lfcirse bj" the bridhiB.I Wjn-d the anlnril with a aiadtrna&s that nearly tlirew the drivcrol! his se-it. "Keep out of tlie --a-,lIkyiju don't want to get run over''" yelled the red whl-kered Jeh'u. V pji.- "My friend," aoiTBUMl, Ihe mau on the crowing, ftM .IraljJIng the liorse by the bits, tfdon't ,li fcnow tjiat this cnln-?'-IVfjni'1r to the kple of C'iiicagr.fiCTto.'l-' "Von let go of thrrUiorn-!" "Now Iks rea-onablgiiuy dear sir. Thii crowing l"inerely a cuu tlnuatlon of the rSrVtrShV. ItU longs to the pcle-trkiiS. J have the right of way ainl Uiv "It you don't IcJmy-jf.tbJt I'll" "Hold on a mojnciaC'TJjii't get excited, my frlfjTkCatttie'.law l perfeetly clear on, Ufli 116I11U Tlie courts have decldeilstjIuj)cTtll agalu that a person uhu Js.cai astrest eroding " ,f'rx "Vou let gooClhafTlfckeorl'Il bretk your head!"! u "Be calm, my frjiir, "rjc-terve TOUre-quIllbrium. 7lUreJcae of Varncr vs. Nebcrafj; Midi III page" .rVt i. 'Take thai!" roan-cnli-?infurIaled driver, striking aOiflo xvlttt hi whip. " X "Ouce more I ai-K yOUJlot to get exclte-l," answereitt.Ur tp'tfl on the 1 mIng. dodging thettlrtp. "Vm will flnd I y referring Uf the well known ca'es of aheanVj Djckrush, llilll.liasel " a ,Whack' - "-" 'Tlie red whtskercM dvv landt-d hts w hip this time srjuKdy 'jiu the shouldcri of the argumi-titarUt citiz-.ii. 'Now will y (iu3.ttrig4 f thqt horse?" he fiercclj,Tle-aatUlo. "CertiInly,"watrM-ui.wer. "If you ha e no rtsjtct for me-di uts und won't ll-ten to' trier laV-In. tire, cafe, I shall have to trymfee other kind orargument.'v-o' lc t Tbe next insUut II. iflery hued driver found himi-t-If JetkiJ' out of the wagon and mllli.,, 11. 1 i inl over In tbe street. lie was dragged through a mud puddle on his back, turned over and tldUlYftShrUigh tt again on hts face, and when lie was permitted to get uphIsmo-t Intimate creditor would not have known him. His features hal dhnpjieared auduls once maVnifXTny lured h'alr and beard h-wl InafltSfi n sober but sticky slate color. "You may climb In aud drive on again, my friend," o'-ferveil the raw-boned citizen, picking up Ills basket and lru JrHir' pi in T" "Vou lont look imlteV) Ji uiusiue as you did, butyou knoji jLj deal mole aloutthe Hw UijiS j-fu 1-ver knew before" CIticuyo is-sssJaw o Place lo Mure To. There live outituDfi fannoti's dt trict in Illinlfl-jJ Ml farmer who is a zealous llijiiilitaC, one of the red hot panl'ii( J?.. When lie heard of CanrtraVdMaToe said to his wife, who is oneoftho--e w omen who obey their lord aud master blindly: X A "ilary, pick un ivfcjyiing. I'm going to move." "Why?" aked Miry. ''Becrni'M Joe Cannon is beat and I won't live In a Democratic1 district." . YBIW? ? "Very well," said Jlrry; with a little re-Igncd slab Then the old niatiwenf tc town bieelf his farm. TlrtjJir. heard all the election n- Bg ,relurneil bonie.andeijterJngllLeii.u', safik. "5Iry, you rin JCat jjckfng tip, Inlh'la going to tiKif . "Why?" Itiijulred Mary. "lima," II) replied sally, "there's no place to move to." Watliinrjton Mirror. i'olllics. '-WfcUtlsWeJruiiJr.liasfVeliot-jeil myself Iioarte have (pent ruy money, got my haln-shs-d" In, and have no place b elii andrjUI jdti arlcountnfJheLeleqtjoir.fcf a man wiQia I have AeTi-x M-crip-J knbw n4thingooutsltifjvfanger In Uie city." Aim&tfoumd. 'osni-oo. Jrjartxtojl 3. Dr. Mary Walker'jafHJPq is much improved. -vJsw'WvS Xomjo-, iSc? isi-i-Tlre Anchor Line steamer.. "EtbJLwU," New Vbik for flla.-ii,, JnccrnIrjg whcsafety-AxiMjlJKsibe-n fejt, being several days overdue, tia.-ed Tory Jslaud illi9outips with or Shalt brokenQ J JS " Passaic, N. J , Dec. X The Hit-, tetibouse manufacturing mills have railed, with liabilities at $500,000 TOe assets are something lets. The falldre was brought aaWut by the embarrasement of utherikqu-s and tbe low prices prevailBi In the wool market. S2: St. Petersburg, Dec Advices from Orenburg, Kattern Jtu-ia, state that the mercuatsuddenly fell from three degrees -Mr-warmth to. thirty degrees of cold. --xrour cara vans of hones, sheep apLeattle,and thirty Kirgbete who re riding across Ibe bteppes, were frozen lo death. 11 London, Dec 3 Hr Jo-ph Lester, In. i; speech apKlntls Col letwpnhltvSRlirn frorWJerliu, nn--omiBced Slthln t) -nonth the - II I " Il world would tajBtoTU- Jtw illiovtrici. lie iitl KocliV con LFXTiut InvoKtU tue core humpKeoptt-, - r-j ol Ihe moft and prHventlmTWtw. Brunor ttrj UrrUdtf contagioub dUeaMr. lvOLl had practically ronciudc-d the wutk of dltcovtry, but feiri-d to make ftinht5ruts. ir- ...t -, -.- . ' rHB ADVISK OWt FR1KMS lirno seep asJtiiig' IV lilt lY Clothitirlinolo-JI upoa l'zton A Co., 4. MUa bU wterc thej will twS well xJectetl atock of ae&'i and bor- vtt ntnlsbacf,capa. thirVsetewai t7 low pneft. Thi firm ia reliable and will treat roanrbu m tit LEGAL NOTICE. Id the Di-lrict Court in and for the Third Jadicial Uutrrct or Uub Tcmiory, Umotjr of -an La&c IUZAIIETH ILUM1U, GtOU.L M li llamirc. Jaic JI InjnrniT Mtza U:U H. UJcb. Jjlwartl M Ingram. mej K.JtinaIre. lnccot IL lnsmlrr. Lellair lsnirc. Kich lu?mirr, Jon1haii I- rug taue Lanlon LL tngmit oI Jimw 1 1'unue. wlor-Ncj h. lnsmlrc. jntir duavf lDC-nt I., i-ct oy ra mtrrvRih lajrnire, Jwoathan C I ncaire. Lsia-Jon 1C llifftnlreaB"! Jataeai: rnjrmire. niDora, ilarta N.I'Uffm'Tr.Gniw K. lajr; rein ant Carrie lnsirc; minors, Maria N lajnnlrr taarUtaa oC ( race L ftljrmlre ana Cirno rujuilr, nttaor , Ilepry lnjnnirr ilium N I-o7mire, hlicn N Keetcn.Thoraaa rnfftnlr. luna S rnsmlre, liantl N asm.r and Nora N nrKiie. minor , Caroline lnmire Ouir ilian of Uatid h ruffmire and Nora N. ln tnirc. minora. IIclrr9 t'amtrc, lucbard a lnmire and Uorooi I'ujrtnire. minors. Marj & l"cffmire. jntnlUn or He terek. lujcnire Uiciurd b lusmtre and 3Ioroal liipnur, minora, fla ntlfli, ra arzn 1 lTry. Jvr b IL rnxmire. LUaietti ITior .furmerlv tJixalWth Jo-ri b) and Hannah lsoren. ucorjre M lnzmirc. Jamea JI I"njrmire and ho ward i luj nire a admmiwtratora of tbe eatal of Jonathan I'Si-nolre Jrdc4ed, amacl J Klcb and iLdward al. lusraire aa dln airilor of tbe ctteit intent M In7mtre de ceaf-cd. Henry Hinwoodey aa nrcator or the lfet will and tct?tncnt of Jonathan Iajrinite. tr- drceaxl, Ir(en 1 anta. Tbe i ronle of tb- Tetriuirr of l ub aend Grreitnjr To arab- Itiley. Joetrpb II l"unmrr, hliubetb Tarvr formirly bltzaieih JOfepb) and lun nab Iloren. UeCrn il luRtntre. -Jamea JI ibzmire.and Kdward M ln?mirci a adaiaiirair of tbe eaUte ol Jonathan lnrmlre. Junior, dccra.el. bamael J Urbaod Ivlward at. lurmlre.iia a Itala mraior f tbe e3ite or lucent M InK mire, deceased, llcrry Iinwdcy,a ee rotor of tbe lat will ard ttufrt of JonaJian rngmire, aenlor, dccvaefl( te fenJanta. A a are hereby required lo pear nan aetiun I roofibt ajralntt you by tte above named plaintiffs in tbe Iiutr et i oart of tbe Third Jndicul trirtrtrtuf tbe Territory of Liab, an I t antwrr the romrlaint tiled thrrtin wittun tea daya (earJatlve of tbe day of snrie ) alter the anr ico on jo ol thM mmouatr it-ncl wuLln th Fnn tT.or.if Mrrre1outof tbl ruilnty. bat in (his dwinct, willimwenty d3a,ttbenriw rtlhin forty Oayj or Jalfitntnt J default will be taLca fjriin-l yon, accord n to tbe prayer of aat loom lalnt 1 bU aeib n m brotKht to Hare a decree of thiicrarlTtqnirJnir ths dectidnu ui ael fortn the nature of tbeir ciaiioa and drier miiR alt the advert claim of thettc fendanU, lt that ceruln iere nnrceif land situated in tbe city atwl cooutjr ui fralt Lako, tub Territrj . boundfl an I de scribed fo Iowa, to wit HVcinnintf- at the nortbwett cwrnr Af Ixt Ulock-0. Ilat A, a!t LaLe Vitr enrrcy, rnpnin tbcccecooUi fi rod. tbne eauTS rod, thence north 6 rod, v ence w cat 7 tv" to he place of bennpinp, acjadanjc Uut the defendant hve no cute r lotereit whatercr in or to said premi-s. or any part thereof, and tba tbe tiilet U e plaintiff tbrrrio u pool and Tald . and de Larriop the defendanu aiwl each of Ibem fnmaruneany elajtn whateTer In or to Mid land and iremles adrerae to tbe lain ttff, and for anch other and further relief attotberonrtahallrem meet a d enit able and for co?t of smu Vnd ya are hereby notifie! that If yon fail to appear and answer the eaid rvm plaict a above required, the aaid tlatntiff wl'l aiplf to tbe Coart for the relief de mandril therein. . , Urtnrsn, the lion Cbartea1 Zane.Jadffe. and the U of the Uitnct l-oorv of tbe Tntnl Judicial Iitnct.iuanJ IortbeTr ntoryof Ltah. thi ludayof October. In the year of oar J-ord one thoasaad eigit ban ired ncd ntnetT lacau IIlAKTG 3IcMILL-N. Clerk. Itr GEO I. LOOMI. Iepnty Ciett. UNDKUTAKKIt, ESTABLISIIEn 1HC2. JOSEPH 17TAYLOR Pioneer Undertaker of Utah, r ' Matrnfaetartr ana Dealer In All Klndi ot JlcJaUic, Vfooi and tloth Cuttrtsl COFFINS AND CASKETS. ran iineor con i rcnMHiiiM.s krpl rnlnlly on lin.l. rilephoneaimTeVcrapliOnltra ."romfUj 1-Uled. Holies rresetvt"! )a their Natural Conai lioa, witbaat eatra cbarse. OXIV JJAY asaacX WIGHIT pa anil a hsif iiocas Ea4 ot Theatre. (Teczrnosx So n. JOS. WILLIAM TAYLOR UTAH S-LrillLVG UPERMER&EMBALMER I CASXT THE LARCCST JLD HOST coMriXTi tik:k or COFFINS, CASKETS And Undertakers-' Goods in Utah, WllOLESei E1ID BET1IL, XT hnmenKly JtUiUUhD Mi JOBS, Lower than wer erer offered In Clan. I'hTC Jo PP1VC5 fornished in anj LUiO U UltAJCj Cemeterx In the cut. AliOrdtrs rilled ijst or Niahtln the Shortest ro-sihleTime. prncx xd wjatraooxs teres CLosto. 21 and 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. 1'. O. Box SSi. Tele ihone X.L. CHEAP HOMES FOE TKST asttXABU LAXTM, Both Agrlettltural sad Sraauf. ta Xarthars. Chlhuhu. near Oolanj Dlaa. Tot mn jarUenlar. spplj-U Ousmsf laws Oat. r W. Darby Johnson, Jr. Ooloaj Dlaa, Oaat. ftaJtaaa. Chanakaa, m B. sl Cf-1 dSstWt ' . I. a -y -r l -ar5ir iiiixM TrWl or Oaraald Ceae!l."L. -- - -I I B I I DailT Exees nrdKiNliUREr CARPETS, IN NEW STYLES AND GREAT VARIETY. WALL PAPER, - Ss5S-?-j AND liiim iiiit miiiiiii, p.w1a15sen FURNITURE STORE, i ' Ho. 51 and 53 East, FIRST SOOTH STR5M. i i COALTEB&SNELGROVE, TIIE SVLT IaAKE 31USIC DILVIiERS, Desire to sly n all truth that they hare ca Largest Stock of Musical Goods 1 urAin utsruci'SG ttje fjbocj ALSO CEXEBAZ, TTESTEIUI AGETTS rOB THE ESTEY ORffMS-235 ,000 in use We have tbo Best and Largest Assortment of MUSICAL GOODS vitMn 700 Shies of Salt Lake City. Goalter & Snelgrove, OGDEN COLLEGE, Wm. A- Obkncuaix, A. M., Pbesidbht. Dear Sib: I am more than pleased with my "Howe" j Ventilating Stove, and cannot say too much in its praise. In the first place, It is the only j base burner I have ever seen that is eon- structed on correct principles, while in j heating capacity and economy of fuel It Is j . all thai you claim for it. In the fresh air which it warms and diffuses throughout t0 j house there is a balmlncss of temperature . wlilch Ihave never found in the heat of any ther stove; not even when sitting close to the " stove is there any sense of oppressiveness. Very truly yours, J Wm. A. Obenchaut, PresL j i The "Howe" Ventilator stands today the most remarkable discovery in heating stove construction. We will j cheerfully refund the price of any stove not proving Perfectly Satisfactery. i E.C.CoffiOardwareCo. ; Beaten t Hniians fortiBHOME.MINE.MILL, MECHAEH PROGRESS BUHsBINO. fi-iSti. ..aSaSanBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaHBalBaBl 1DIKJ.CTOU Geo. ttomney. Manager te! r. It Tajlor. (.eo Uoanr. teo. It. Tajlor. AssUtant Jlanater Y" 1 AnUl:,-",r"r Ceo. tamnercjd Treasurer. - t ba&u.,. -i - TO hafflPlanmgMil) i LumberYardlSit"' . ' TAYLOR, ROMNEYtUH V I ARMSTR0NG CO., ' t bB One TtlocU Enxt i U. P. 15. TJ. Depot. K H DAVID JAMES & CO., ' 1 Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, ' : : DZALSSt IM 'I Plumbing Material, Pumps, Pipe and Flttlntjs. Stm fl Heating Supplies, Tin And Iron Roofing:, Cal- "" W VAnlzad Iron Cornlca, Gutterinj, Etc ' 2jl OAJUCN HOSE tanclXATTIS &VTtXVrKT.V.lxai . fl No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. X ' M 7U5T'H0VY TO COOK A ROASTQUITEIwELLv, lJ H pTHATll'WHATALLDONOT.KNOW!, ,H S& B THE FIRST THINGllS'TOTGET YOUR MEAT , j H V- AND THENiTHEJFIREIMUST'GLOVvV. i'H DOMT SPOIL aTHElMEATAND.WASTE'THEieRE ' ' - BurjHAVE.AWlRE.GAUZEDoOrl' ' l PITTON YOUR-RANGE AND'ROASJSWILLTAiTE ' BETTER THAN' E'ER BEFORE! v H T& H'OTJT 7vruISTC' THE 3EST .H Buy the CHARTER OAK, , JF0 6, 3 n t . S BY H 6.,.M. l Sih A !'- H it i !-. nty H M T!OQaAlIlTED WITH THEGr JRAPIIT Or TIIECOnXTRT. wnu. OE7ASI M KOCH VALUABLE ETTORJIAVIKf TZCIZ A STUDT OT THIS MAP Or ' B rHE GHIGfiGO, R3CJ! "iC.2 '- iiSlF.G RSILWaY, I ndualne ranrc lines, n-anxics and 'lJ&LS? M rtu.ft.irt piw Th IMree Bcuiai a una f-cra Cric3ffo, Jollet; Ottawa, h UuiU. in lOWiV-MinacrtDOls ta at. "aril, m ,,SPKJ'ri?riS saaaaaal ijLhwcs; from C1l ag-- - " w -1C aIK! B4,a 'canlu ani"- H WACN.FICENT VCSTI2ULE EXPRESS TRAINS, ' k H cooper loCmatml Bid 'Li - c 01 nao ocijc. iS"c!ie3 aeopln? by! '.a tjt. 3oph, Iansna - r Topics .t'SSElScianlrcSlr bI CiSvto. Kansas pty ;not - viak ISerfdlSotnine ) B solo TlirouiraPiJaaTocfleen.rtjadfitacJjgoix; ons ttoily. ' H VIA THt ALBERT LEA ROUTE, M WnlErp-sa Trains dally woenlc-aneaPjuI, rttaT!IrtoUOHKecllriCMtrtr9i?IoaMiromva utut j H iansasCltv. Tcroust Chair Cnrana B!ojp Jgj&e e. Water- A B rarelltwemcjclnnatIndian PiSeopoUs.anISt.Paul. JT M 'ZIT" OHH SE8AST!AN, MM "-2S!i. oiiiOAO..n.u oia.iia- I tf M