Newspaper Page Text
1 1' I "1 DESERET EVEHIHG NEWS H It? M j it rot 0 ctcrt H L Mtrtu ti& cuia tr ',"" THE DESERET HEWS CO jV I w lr-matr. tfiran. I 1 lU MomUr, Jon.r It, IHJI. H ml f r.M.Mit.s or at oiii. I ( tlH! 1 T"F """" f "'" J,'CW V'1' J'a" BB mB k "'"' j:sPre" ought, arconlliiK la lil H Mi I trotcMlon, la I th moit lanib-llli W l Individual In the United Hlntti, H ii; f Uilglug from hie prufrnlom of H , C 1 Ictjr. 11 flthi out freeli itiobi. , Hon from tho lllhle Hi Intorval B fc aticlnlacnilliein a moloea uver lli J ,.? heal of III iner. Thl culltlly !. haibnn fretiuenttr commented tim t lijr tlmirrMtif tho country, the itato , mentilu relation to It Ulna;, In moat BB J h Instance, fr from comlluinhlary. M J ,C Thereeeonfortlnvwa t 1 Ti fiat been that the content nf the .Uitf B tj urn! rril tin not nlf (Rire B , j , wild the Christian entlnieiit em fl j , -'J (willed In Ihe rtlitunti'nttlont, '!J ThUill.rlljrlii Hid duality of Iti H 'J content llM been ttrlklnRly' Illustrate! P 1 I Lraserleaof ull-"Mormon" nrllcln M ! ' Hut li uow In cwirae of mlillrtlon M lv In ihe.iaif unf Jjf,rli column. In M 'railing the article the reader 1 In M ' I ttluctlvely directed, mentally, to the t 1 tlmlofClirUtlanllyKhlrliprerallrllti H 1 j the rnld lie age, when Iheiiuorthwloa H I .f were ittvrd and tieUhI, according to B 11 .''If the tale or humor of the jitou aoul of B 8 I. IIiomi llmm, who look mich lierolo Bli I ' '''tli Ji'ani of I'roJucliiit convcrtlona or M J , ill TbeM article ronlaln the olil aii'l BbJ a all mouldy antl-'OIormoii" ftrlcatlon BrJ 8 lt&-'J)t that have been rrruleil limn without BrJ U V WKI numoer. ThtUlntliurailt wouM bVJ'-S iv'n Untworkofurtrui(allou to guurtr BrJ C 'i' 'JflU "' ""''' ""' ,,"n)"'11 "'"'" "H"'11' BrJ h BbS!I' The lumuirultlM that aro exhlUlol BrJ n JfflKtjj. when deduction ale ilrawu from I lie BrJ H nSrfiSu ftlw premium are tlrlkliigly nUmihl. BrJ $1 V3 I """ ' " lu,Uu ,u I"'1"1- Tutt BrJ ffiif I writer M: BrJ SK ttri ' I"ulirainy I not an ettriitUl iwrt of BrJ M slevJl lcrmotll4ln.,' BrJ 1 'v9J Kurthtronliatny lutuUlituralliat bfJ Kr " u"'' lM 'x111"1 ' u uion BrJ't ,y i while ihe Mortuoii" are In the ma. BrJ ir'4 Jorlty, "the nreiwnt maiiHratu would Bh V( w 14 ,l9 doubt be reverted by a uew revela Mv S4' "on- bVJt m 1 T'16 "'"cln Ihrouiliout favor ill H ' uK, I rranclilieniriit of the liatleMliy HalnU BVjf 4SU lcaue of their relliilou Ullet, and It H f 1 ,V' j9 ' mot eitrtordlnary poalllou for H4 1 ji rvumvd!j InUtlllKvnt tneu to lake In Bli 1 I 'ge r j tbl freu country that wple aliould be BrJ t t' 'i-l robbwl ofthelr political rUhl, not on H IibBiL accuunt of anjtblnu they are now BVB U1 i'JSu t dolnic, but on account of wlutt It 1 BrM Vmi a'-VT aupioeil they may ila u udera future BrJW'SjttA'i t' condition. Hg TlfTj 0 ItMimtlniearKHnirathatmenaccuted BrJ ' ' A "' 1'UKa " taken hold of by mob BrJ II 'biftc "1' uramll,"Jr executed, and UiU BrJ '' Yftv ' pfoceedlngl fullowM by an Iwjulrjr BrJ ul 'Hnly Into the tfullt or Innocence of theun. BrJ tl iiti fortunate ilecranod. It aonuillmr BrJ V jHBfjf bapiwnstliatnorroof exUUof hlirullt BrJ VI A'ttP HucliinennaUie writer of the. Uilf unit BrJ M i rir r J-prctt anl."Mormoii" lerlat Roea t"" 7 Tr)!' ' abradofthatburlrUaou good orJfr ' '' ' and Juitlce. They adjudge the "V ' I "Mormon" gulliy, Ufure Ihe oUeiuu ' 'A , la committed, and would IIUfally M .rt aaianlnato tbem rn an nutlclpatory H A '',.', hyithrU. H J J To thow tlll further the Infemil M I i iliaracterofthecoiiplratluiialcruade BrJ ur' agatntt the majority of the olo of H , Jm Utah, we have but to iUot the tut tx. H ! T?" imulou vf the iwtli'ular article uuder H ' J romlderatlon. Jlcreltl: B 1 ''TlicnTdre we My, rtwtaHe to (A R ) Mormon inonkttr to IA u'rntA," H 1 The Itallca are not our they belong H ' i 1 ' to Ihe Jcitf md 7;n, It will U I, t M-eiithattherttriidlUniblaiiothlui i( be thau a ravcneu wolf. To t coniltti-iit he ahould dlaard the . actlturl motor with which ha hat H i rt beenaixMatomedtoomWIIItlilibiiiapir H ' and make U'leclloiia from the mylnica H ''A of the lluulau lilhllUla aud the luilx B & .lihedenunclatlou of Anurlcau au B ft . trrhlat. H W, i, DwUleMaome of our reiidcra are H 'f aware of Ihe fict that thrro have H ': emini(lntobilnKalmulUuioulyiulte H ,' I a varltly of AotL'-Mormon" H-rll ' urtlclea. Wo have probably uil the B 'l word variety aomewhat lmprorly,aa H f k all the article hav u the am purort M ' and Intent, ulthoiiKh varloualy iiin H 1 ; ttmcted, Thry have irl In a H I number of newtiprra all at once. M i K ' Tbl fact auiwet autaldlilnir for an H f oljwt. Till Idea I atrrnKihriied by H (' the fait that all the arllcln, without H exception, of till character, that we have teen amrll ttroiuly of the Halt M Uakehbrlcatloii auioomplraey ihoi. I Tliry oonlit of old aut."Moriuiiu" H aoup hvntrd up with tho atiam of H t i 1 luttualfled otllclal liunKer. The clt. H , h coctloulaaoured with age aud eintilt. H f tered by the Kail of rellglou Intolrr. i ' auce. B i1 UEuiiuri.iniuii: uiMiiutT. iB 'i ,K GoonoK llAMiioiT, the liUtorlau, la H ,f dead. AtasDa. m. on Haturday, tlm H I lOthlnataut, theventraUe oil Amerb H h u acholar departwl thla life. wu I""" " Umiln Wornakr, Jlaa., OctoUrSrd, ( ltO), lleuMKuduated at Harvard t I" '"IT. Jle then unit lotJeriiiany . ( whereto itildled the language of tier- I 7 many, France, luly and Arabia. He f p. adetclultlldla of Hie clanlca of I Ori-w,e aud Itonie, aui look n courae In J I llibrew and Hcrllur Intvrprnatloii I i1 under Kiel. born. IJ In Ibid llancrcft rm-lvcllliti ilrgnt JBJ jj , of Mi, U. from Ihe unhrralty of Ud H . tlngen. In I1 hu rtrtumed to tin H . -J UulUdbtati.-iaudbn.amo a urofwwr I' 'vJ- aL ''AL of Greek In Harvard. InlSSIhepub llhedavoIiimoofncm. HepubllabeJ "rolltlca of Ancient llr'ccce" In 1SII. Ill oration of 1S9 wa one which at traded great attention. It waa on universal aulTrage, the foundation of ttjeKlatennd the power of the whole people. The work by which he I beat known toilie world and by lie will be kuown topoatully I li'a "IIMoryor the United 8l.te." The flrl volume oflhl great woik vrai publlihed In Dot ton In 1B3I riiomooiid becom- Itted threo year later. In I'rMMinl I'dlk'a cabinet llliierofl waiSaoretaryof Hie Navy, II wa he wlitmtiUlahed Iho naval actlvmjrat Annip.ll ibirlnj hi aeerctatyahlp. lleactedalMaHecretiryof War for oneniinth. It wai by lilt order the flrl occupation of Trxx by the UnlUil Htatr look place. rrom IDMIollO Mr. Ilincroflwa mlulitcrto l:nglind. In If"? he waa appointed mlnliter to I'm!.; I'l 18I.S bilhe North Herman Confederation; andlnlS71 to Ihellermiti implm. He took an active put In i;urOeaunlltlcs duriug hi retllcuce In Kuropo at Atnerlcau mlntater. Of hi work (Joorg Hlpley aaye: "Mr. lUncroft It eminently a phllo aoililo hlatorlaii. He brlriR the wmlth ol n lut varle-l learning In ejatvim of thought and In the irllllcal aud moral hltory of mnklnd to Hint. Irate tho early txperlrnci- of hi country. Ho catalogue event In a manner which ahoaa the initiation of Idea, and not only drwrlbet pofHilir mavemtnta plcturoipiely, but &lo analjrwl tbeni and reveal their apt til. iialaiiitfl nation. Mr. Ilitvrofi wa prialtent cf the Auvrlcnu llhtorlcal Aocl1tlon. At Ihe opening if the thirl intetlng if thl aaaoclallou lie dt llvcrnl nil addrrt AtrllST, 1480. Thl, If not hi l't HUraiy wnik, It onoof hi In-t. In W2 Mr. lUncroft, lu writing ton friend, aaj at "I waalnlneilto look iin life here at a aravm for labor. Itclng muo tbin fourscore cart oil, I kniwthellnio for my release will aoon romr. I'oii. acini of btliiE licar tho aboro of elernlty, I nwalt without lntiatlenci and wltliiut ilrrad Hit bckoulng of Hie baud wtiloti will tummoli me to it.t " Tluugli Hino word were written nine i an ago, jit the wilttr lived until HatiitJuy morning, tbelClli Inalant, when In Id Vltt year the grraletl American liltbirlan of hi golf (.ration ) ru-d t.ulelly awy. TIIKnIMFIt IIH.U Hcl.vcn lan mgroMlng lorlo Rtli by the pulJloand by Oongnna. Tho United rJtalr Heiuto haajutl panned u b.llprotdlnfor Hie frx, coinage of liver. Thai bill la now In tho liauda f the Houto oumraltten on coinage. Whether it emorgv from that com mllteo In the tamo form It entered It, orwhtther It will emerge wltlKlauaea providing for the prottttlon of .mill allvcr, r for the ixdualou of foreign allvrr are the Uetlon uow ngltallng Ihe inluda of financial phllueopher. Tbrre can be uo doubt but tin', parly opluton 1 eoniewhat mlxetl on thl alb ver queatlou. It ha aUi a acvtlonal upixarauce. Tho Wot aud Hoiitli are dimandlng fnu loluage, while the j:t la lu'ire or Ke opiKl to IL III alwatatod that the Trcaaury and the Admlnbtratlon are liotli opiocl to freocolnaguof allver. Tho l'armtra AUIanco I demanding free coinage moat vehemently. The allvcr bill of hut year doet not prove tatltfactory. Thatbllllhutttthocoluagnof allver to a cerlalu amount r month. Hut It I Aid that It hi not antwered the pur wea dmlrvd. The New York llurif, eja'aklng of the preeeut Htuate allvcr bill, aaya: The preienl Congrcv ha already place-1 the inaltcr of allver colnitgo upon a Wc and very dangerou liaal. It lm pncd a law whlrti many of the inot cArnc-ht tpionunl4of vlhvr cotntgo at tho preent rUd of valiiMtlon regard a dot tluctly wore lliau frto oilnaje. Many men, both In and nut of Congre, Who liave colUtrntly npiMited ttu tl.).grallt dollar Unju oonvlctlin of li dinger to the country' proirlly, now f ivor Hie adoption of a free ootnjge Uwa Utter than the law we have, and are prt pared toatdtlie allver advocate la Mecurtng u, h aVhange, In lliJii4iKmetit nf IbiiMiman Hie ex Ullug law due alt Hie harm that free olu.tgtt can and aoiiHothe r harm lieaklw. It i-)inU tho (low mint-nt bi puriliau the whole allver prodin I whrther thi re I adrrannil for coinage to that amount or not. Vreecotnag wnilld leate trie d" mand free to rtrulata the matter without oomiHitaUm. The prwnt liw lutio.lueeil Into our legllatloil tbefjlaeand dangfr out theory that It lathe hualiic of the (lowrnment Ul tnalntaln the price if a coinmotllly by oompnlaory purrbaae of It a theory which lm alrealy l-)riie fruit lu a Nerfeiif wild aureboiueprot-. al of a nocliIUttc eort. Tree coinage alctr clear of all ellch tbeorle an.1 mere ly require the govermutnt mint tn ooln the metal for lu owneruMiii demand a It doe w lib gold, a thing agtlntt wblih there could be no jotbto objection ail) wharelf the pre'rlbel amount of bul lion In a dollar were actually worth a dollar. Dually the exlatlng law make the Oorumnt the direct inlntawr of apeoutator lu alher, a tbtng ao maiilfdet ly wrongnlunvwinlyuUi be ailuallv aeaiidaloiia. r lielweeu auli a law ami a fre-coln-age inoaailre many w III t hooMt free uotu agewlei would never otheiwiMi fati tbut pulley, rhoargumeulafor and nlntt frra liver colnige are volurulnJui. One argument intalnat It I tint foreign aiheruoull Ui brought hero and In a abort time gold would be dltpliccil I tin Burlut"Ul ituuMoj.i aaya, .'J f,t -ii t et-. More than ltd, wo are driving directly to thi end which free coinage would bring, un If r the allver pun ln law ma on llic atalille Inok. (Jin tl"o I.Miilf doubt alK)iit It? I.'t anV one n lc the cbarn-tcroftbeiiioncytlluit dt lit da oom Into bl Man I Mllvcr alrealy largalv ,n d, mtnulc over any other r..rm liilirayenrlv Itaii., or im.OOJ,. ommoro of Mllrr. bow long litforelt will be tlm i hior or only r.rm an I theUov ernuiMil, re jiving only allver In pay. tnentnf I eiloral taxe-, I able to payout only allvcr and rtlaem It ourreney I. tie only In allvir? year, er liap. but Ihe en 1 1 ln It able. Uiitheuthir hand It li urged that liropcan countrlal havo no allver bullion, nud they require what allvcr th7 havo for circulation at borne, A writer In IheSprlngflell .'eiuo'lcKtof a recent datoconteiiItlut free ooln kge la a trap to cntcli democrat and ilifinttheiu In IS'J.. Here It what lieeayt: " n, Nanatort rtircunttng the ellver inlm-i time kllleil tin torre bill and bate brought up tho free colnaguact. 'f tie He publican lealara bate not b.t all Ibrlr eente,aud having l-eii Waked up b) lining mbl nut, they have now aH a trap for tho Hemocrat. Tltey might bae " JMI lo taking a vole on Hie fieo coin ag bill an 1 tbi?-J II, but a Ibcy alne wrty iiorm more than Hie welfare of Ihocoiinlry, an rar at one my judge by their vole, thev f.lU-l In object to a ! ill the frto iwliiage bill In order lolenl the Ih inoerata lino a Iraji, If the lh imwratla rly eb..t to walk Into Hie parlor act by the lb pul.ll-an apldtl. the Ib-publJoaiiaMillim oljc-l. Thn llepub lb-au ho e know ,r ly wull that miiella tHelr larlrf b- dlaglVcd their iiwll CHI Itilf ul. aui tniich a the ale dletrule I by the iitor aagaeioli manv Wroft'i,iir own irty, mtny of their continuant if anare that there might 1 Nonietb'ng worae thin b mtlntaln a ltnailill un n"cn Ini.'V rr the prcwit. 1le. kit w very well that irthe Hmo. i rat commit Hicuitolve again to the ficc ,.iug.orllter iiinler the present tn. dltfonanf tbo country, the Hfiuorratle party lu ght u well Ihruw up Ihe nuge. It carat Ihe eaatern and inbbtle btfttrv, whlib are acctittll to etieevw In the lieal I'realdtntlal elntlnu, If itiu- ml tad tt the free cututge wt. Yet the lloiooerabi ajiiieer to lie rely to vote iimii fnio citiuge, and ace apjwirfntly about to ciimoiiL ibe eilttomary bluniler wllk b til but e e immltled many tlinvt, wilfully bringing iheir party lo grief Jut at the time n hen thoy tulaht ukn ounlnd of lh govarmueiit an 1 hold It fir a very long .erlod. "If thl- mi atom It carried 11 will be comeevlilcntlhat neither part) con lie IriHIcd. Tso anmo meaatmt mual than lie lakeu tbal wcte taken lu IK II to organ. Ian the freanl tbirlv. Thlawttl not la. will moro than Jn.llfy tbe auilou of the mug.wump for tbo lat fuurorftieypar. The new parly mual 1m at. noth tbe ntbera at tbo freo-notl parly did, and while working to that end with out any expeotatlon of ever fleeting It na u raudldale, It iuay form both jwutlea to change their tattle an I til dlree.lcgl. latlou en a to proinile th" general wel fans of the whole country rather than to aubordlnate the general welfare to mere lirty tnece, an 1 lo the demand of tho etaalor and reprp-.oitatlre who rcprc m nt alher mine and who d not rupre in nt any body of vour that would carry any couatderablo Inllueneo extopt for their control of Kate that have no right bicxUtatHUIe-." llO)ll.. IIDCIOIII. I. A nv doctor wrrc,not vi ry long ago, object of much ridicule amoug tbo aiblla and not a llltlo coutcui t among tbo medical prufcaalon. Kurgoona weru lArlkiilarly acoriilul In ajKnklngoflhe ft male atudeiits of anatomy and h t a. ology. Hut now Icuruid and gntduat cd ladlce are In great dimaud tn Amcr lea, and other counlrlra are throwing aalde their prtjudlcea and offirlng In duccment to fcmlnluu prai.tltlouerii. New Zealand, for Inalance, w ant them tiadly, A naval ofllcer aettle.1 In that colony Inform Hie London tVueiii that he ha written Dr. H. Jrx.lllake, HrunUrield Loilge, lMlubtirgh, Hcol. laud, naklng w lirlher It would lw o. bletoget the benefit of A doctor to at t tlcln Ida iielghlxirliuod. lleroncludta thua; ' shonl I Hit meet the eye nf a lady doctor, in doubt whither to go, the I In tiled to inmmunhut wllh tbo nbne niuiod lady. 1 may ail I that thn jiojiuU. Hon, wbb ll would be cnmcnlentty at tended tu by a doctor here, la ulj or TOO, aulrjoettn a rapid Increase, through Ihe diitrlo mititi.fnbioid Induatfy, and Ihaoircr I made through MluJei-tlbike, M. H., would Mwuro a wallniaaiireil jkmU Hon for any "qualified medical wtuuati acceillng 11 " Kortbetienefltof Hime uuaciiualnt. cil with Hie llrltlah colony or Noir Zealand, and who find Ihv almve ex. trail of Inlercat, II I elated that the country la one of Ihe lu the world, an I thu cIIiiixIh Jeitua nbto lutely nothing lo be dialrvd. At a general thing Hie ivndltloris of cxM. onto and aectulug a compttcuce aru uot no trying at they are In thl conn, try, and the pathway of ordinary every day life In that fardlttvit Ittaiid la not trodden ao hurriedly aa wllh ua. TIIK aUIDiniV AI.IIINCC Tuoan who aru liiti'ro.tiil In lliu nlmt and objnla of llm rarmera'Alllamo ought lo cutout the following aiiuimnry of thtru, a formulated by thn I lev. I)r (Iladden. Anoccaatonal rcfvrencai tolhe fiolnt, at devtlopmenU roctl,w 111 enable the oltervcr more Intelllgeully lu compri hetid the o eratlou of thu Alllaut'i likh la now one nf Ihe moat Important tulllbiit organlttlona In America, It holda tho lutlance of (miwer, aa demon tttatcd nt the Lite t Icctluut. I II. a 111 i I lekl will,, Tlie iiminii k 'n miivil i.iirtj tbej wain beau niuiut uheruwith to bat their - a l. -A- debt. They are, therefore, In favor eif'C Ibe fire coinage rf allveri but IhcV inaltt tbal even thl would tMintl Incflae tial rcnu-ly, alni-e only about IVtli a year, at the ntmoti, could thu he .ilde i totbecitrreniyof the countrv,and thi amoiini, they think, would be rldb utotit ly Inadertunte, 2. The Rtib tretaury plan, en catlcl, by which wnrehouaoiarotnbebulltlnotcrv eotinly where tbcyarc demanded where In the famine maydepoalt cotton, whal, eoin,,oala,orlobai', receiving In return a trrttury nott for H per cent of tho talue of Ibe prulutt no dcpntltrd, al tb current market prbj. Tneae Iraatury notea are tn j, legal lender for dM and f tcetvablo for cuatvin. X Tbeoiencrahlp by Hie flovcrninent tl alltho rallroit, telcrrnih, anl tele pbone h another plank In the platform nf Hie Alliance. 4. The prohibition of gambling In elnik and that of alien owneclllp ol A. The abolition of national lank) and the llbatllutlon of legal-leildar ttcatiir) note frr nateinabbank Ingea. i. 'lliu adoption of a Conatltutloiaal amendment napiirlng Ihe ehol,i of Hulled Mlatm Nenalor by Ihe -wile aeein tolia pipulnrmeaureainong the member ur tbe Alliance In thl limy will bo able to rally aatrong aupitort. A (.'HICAtiu jtiptr aaya: "Judging from the rrportt of aoclal lilgb tlfo In Washington, tbo bulk of the work or tliororcl-n dlptonutt conalata In at U tiding pink iuinlieoii and lavender tea, from thl one can uuderalaud that the Utk of lliu nm'n.avbr and the i livoy and tbomlnlaterl anything liutAjokn. The Jub of alien Hug an tillramarlnn blue Ijucheoii at A oVlrck nnd n inarooti iipa.rat(l followed ly n yellowtog-colored bnnrpict at 7, may Hut lo violently Intellniiinl, but moat men would prefer netklng death by cruder and t'Xdllloiii way." Willi K the Indian Irmibla wu at It height Hecretary I'roclor'a intlt wa burdened with Mien front crank iiiaklugauggtallonaaato thu couJuct nf the Indian catnpttgu. Uno corn mdent propoacd to exterminate Hie intlreHloux nation or a large rt of ItbyiwUbllthlugau electric: 1 laid at I'lne Itldge am ttretchlng wire nrouud the boatlle camp. Tlitu, turn ing on tho current, thn I ndlana were lo he driven down to the wire, which wa tu tar iliavtu cloacr aud iloner until contact Willi the wlrecauaid whoh-aalodcatructloii. Another writer Miggealcd that all ierou going out Into thn In Han region make llieni aolvi lecuro agalnat Icing acalped by ahavlni their beada and wearing cloe- lllllng wool cap. I'robably crank iiiimUrtwo waaHwonl cip mxnufac turtr. H.ta the New VorkifWtune: "Ilf teen month ago ' aaya a man who baa Juat la-en there, "there were not n dozen people In Mlddlolioroiiglt, ICy, Now It baa n pou!liou of OOXM. An ajiidlcatn worth $M,000,(XW la building tho town. They have ajivut J.-J),CK) lu alralghtcnlng a creek lhat ran through It, and bare enclrtlvd II with a H!Vvritcennille dummy line. They have put up rlectrlo cara and ibclrlo light and have about com. pliteil ae ven furnace, llualneaabulld. lug coaling lea than $IU,A are not allowed to twtiullt and Iota are aelllng for a much aa 3 Up a front foot. The bondaoflbu circular dummy line bavu bren gobbled upatjle. TheayndleAte own KW.i J aire lu and around thu placo, and ha already realized a mil Holland a half dollar on the InveaU ment. Mr. Arthur, thu manager of thutjndlcate, get $13,000 a year for Ida eervlce, nnj tut Chrlatmii they made him a preaent of $5), oral. Mind I havu't told you half of what I know About Hill flfteen.monlha old town. IiKttki. mom "riiinxix." A MilttoCliloi.M, ami What tut .Seen and Heard There. oorreaponibinrt or tb lixtaaxr zaa I reached the biuy mctroIU of llll. noltafewdaja ago, but Ilia not my purna to attempt a lengthy ili-norlp-Hon, U-cniiaet many of lla lending at tratttoiiH, aulaleithu dark pbaaca of lit society, have often been Krtraytil luyour ivdumn. llvllevlng tu the maxim of "laitlmaa lieforu pleuture," I madenn early vlalt to eeveral com merc!iilhouti',aud It waa ipilte grail rylngtooliaertuthat Utah and lla fo ploaru becoming la-tter underatood. Tho manager of a leading Imaluna houae In Chicago who did uot know till later on thatu '"Mormon" waa jrvaent when nferrliiglatheWealern Iradvv blaerved that he waa "very much aur I rlaud wllh rcganl lo Utah." The . I le there had mel their obligation, he. aid, iiioru promptly thau thou of any other Wtetcru Mtate or Territory. "It muat l nrt of lliu "Mormon" creed to pay your dtbtt." ThU atateme nt enmefromu gentlouuu who hat ex tctialvo Uialneia couneitloti In the Wot, and It corroborated by every Itadlng bualuee houae lu thu Kaat. Moreover, It I evident Hint ere lung Utah will above the cloud of calumny nnl vlcloti mlireareaenta. Hon and apwar whtt the truly It Hie "ijuceiiofthu Witt" Chicago today I doing honor to the grcaUat explorer of the age, and extending an onthuilaatlo greeting to Hit utcrun African traveler and luro, Henry M. Htatiley. The writer hau wld reciiltectlou of Htanley Vvlalt tu Uuihiatir, many ytor ago. when be lUirnl mi "How I round Living .lone." p'roui that lime ho ha been an ardent admin rufrlbinlcy'a Indomitable will uud courage. The bture Inat ivenlng wai dellven-J In the Audito rium, a building of which ('Mingo . Justly proud, and which la tinwiuifleit on llil continent The attett frontage I 710 feet, uud tho height of tuewilu ., u , - ' Kiv,J 0 ill line oonbtlnlng leu at.ri. . ' ritV t-wer with i Ight lloVelVonialll bulldlLR 1, and the. lantern tower ntxite u'lhlr. feet, thu giving a total height nf SI ftct. The exlirlur or Ihu building nf granllo nud lleilforu alone The Interior lt-l-gtnlly dicnraled and fiimlaheil, ntid all that art tan aiconi 1 llah, wild wetlth lavlahly btalowo ha evldeully been attained. The , Vlaltor filler a verlbiblo alarc, I can only exclaim "Magiilttcenl" Ihnaeatlng canailly la eatliimtcl al, JOW, And rltauley apia-nrnl liefore n locked houae. All clams crowded loi hear hi ttory. Wllh hlau.intly i.ulel I manner he pictured vividly hi Inat 1 African nilatlon and II object, the relltf of I.niin Paalm. The, cutranco, to and travel up Ihu Congo, Irnveralng f nuknown regluna, lack ol Inf.rinatlmi, the hottlllly or the nalltea, tho trench ery of hi people, Hie meeting with l'.mln, hi tickle dliltlon, nnd the dlaatteranf tho nar column were nil faithfully tortrnyed. Thoae who !.' Unel atleullvely received A fund nt vahiibleliifirmallon, aud your cormt liiident liecamn a more enlhiialaatli admirer than ever of thn valiant ami Indcfatlgnbln cxplori r Chicago, llkeevety other part of the country, haa I li atlVitcd ly theile- fitcaalonnr thn money matket. Kovtrai irgoatidlniirlaulhouaclinve"gnue under"ahdbualniialinaUeu verydtill, though merchant! diclaru tbal a better tMde ricord baa been inailu during tb at ymr than ever In-fore. Haiti and anow duriug the prut fttv daja have caused a niah far umbrella and rubier. It wa !ii I lc amualug today tu hear Utah dlatied at the dliimr ttble. Citizen of Chlcngo alvo calett Hlatebooit for Utah, tail deidorcd thenindlllonnf tho people, and were ahecked at ljgmy: et II la a fait that lu one atreet of thl great city there cxlat more vice aud corruption lhan In All Utah Territory. The dr. Inlng Immorality In fourth Avenue It a mailer or bllc imlorlely. The (hurclitanra doing very little toaarda c-ninteraclliig tho Inlluiiicenf utloon an 1 b.igcilo. llouaea or rvallttillon are nearly ft tiuraerou a larva of wolablpj yet, forwoth, aelf-rlghteou (Tdctgoau will lament Utah' unfit Ilea for Kbitchood. Tho Walfa' Mlaalou, engaged III the noble vi otk of retelling little ihlllten from hunger, wretchedneae and vice, rent that during the ntl tlx moulba ltl,o frrti inula haw lcn given lo tlirae liomeleKt and buugry one ' Almit 4M gnrmctita havo Ut n dlatll luted lo cover the nakdl ami prolci 1 1 Iheiii from cold. Nearly ionu free beds aro provldeil, and yi I Ihetnauagament ' alaleathat for lick nf fuiel they havn been unal le toilo oncleidh rl of I he gnoj thai might haw been accum pllahed In that lime. (hliago ha no tnltalonnrlcato fpartt nnd tan afford not dug to'ianl Ihu "regeneration" of Utah. W cnii ap roprlalely eibolt the l-o le thua; "Caal out the U-aiti from thine own eye, then ahall thou aeu t'harly toillc,ut thu inoUi from thy brothel' eye." L'litt.xix." A Hint In Cormpoiiu'tuli. We received KatnrJay afternoon All Intercatlng report of a meeting of thu m.udciili'Hpclrty cf the Uavl r)Ul.o' Academy, The evnnt too placai laat Tueaday avenlug, but a Ihu ac count of Ihu pnaccdlug baa not Ihu reached ut until four dati afterward, wo aro reluctantly obliged to lay it .itldo aa too tula for publication. The rolunina ol thn Xrvtaarealwayaopeufor audi oom niunlratlona when aent to lit linme dlntilv; but In couoiueucu of Ilia lieg lect of corrtioudeiiu lo otwcrvv tbl rule, woaruolleniiulcr the neccailty of declining their manuacrlt. I.oll.i li t'omlns. Till (Monday) evening, Itta, the Inlmllable ipieen of comedleiiue, w III coinincnco aaeaaonor Ibrco night' t rformanci at tlm Theater. Theoenlng piece will be Maradm'a Uomedy.Drama, "Muette. Tuowlay evening "In," n tuuilcal comedy, arrangoiltxpreaily for IrttU by A. K. rultou, r. will li pro. clued. Thl pltco la aald to t the dla. tlugtllaheil conieilleniio'a greateat euc cea. lu thl play Iiotta naaumi a varli ly of charaitera; flrtt, that of a atreet linger, next that of an old woman, a ogc, a waiter, and A drummer boy lively. Kerb character I clear and dlallnit, And the transformation fromonu to another aj akllfullyexe. cute I a to Ixt really wondirful. The atatvn will terminate on Wo I neadjy night w llh the pleating au I in. ptilar "fawn Ticket L'lu." turklsn' Arnlea Nalte. The Inthe worlj for Cut. Ilrulaei, Hone, Ulier. Halt lllieiini, Kever, Hiirra. Titter, Chaptaal llan la, Chilblain, Corn, and all Hklu l.rup. Hon, and prxltlvrly curia I'll, ur no pay required. In rive ierf, 1 1 sellable Hon, or money riruuded, l'rlt c Hi cent tier liox. For ulo by A. C.Hmlth.v; Co. (.let a w Iredoor Mat at '. 0 JI, I, Catarrh ' I u the bead I A cetitlltutlotinl l)lwie, nnd rviulrca A conatlliitlonal remtily I.lku Honel'a riiraaieirlllii, Wlililipurlllia the blood, Makea Hie w i ak strong. lleatore health. Try II now; j FOLDING DCDS. A most comploto lino at Dlnwootloy's. hlierl Vloellorn I eoiil.leaouin l'r, Oneday I wa taken with I'.rjliala if Hie lliwelt. Thu alomach nnd other organ lest all power of aitlou, Allhougti opais, to iiroi rletary mod. Iclui. I trlial Dr. Ilivld Kenedy' Kavorlto Iloiucdy, of Itondoiil. N. Y. To make ii lung tlory aboil it amed my life. Ill the beat IlledlClno lu the world for dlllliulllt of Ihukllneva, liver and bowel. A. J. Ullfrrd? I.uw ell, Mas, rullnril's anon I liilinenl. TlilawonderAii 'nlment It known from the All i Ihu Pacific and from lliu Lai, Cltalf. lilnliu most mlralli,L .luieut In the world, It will emu llheumatUm. Neuralgia. Kprali., Ilrulaen, Cut, WounUi, Old rluns, Iiuriir, Sciatica, Horn riirovt, Hire Chtst and all In. llammatloii.allir nil othnrihave billed. It will Hire IlarleelWIro (hit and heal till woumU whtro proud lleali Ins t!u. Itliiiiallyili,i,t tor nn. "l.A- ?! Il "'"' "" wl11 '" I without It, I'rlcn 60 ceula, tuld u,v Z, C, M I s uOseretttnaTtti SALT MIK CIT1-, UTAH. Paid Up Capital $230,000 eturplul 4200,000 nun norm Jon Pllltr, Trtlii'ni, Moaat TnATCUZA, llrl rtnVftai, tr. w. nrttn, j.'.ai, J.T ijrtLa, J. V, t'crum Jisll Hilar, liaaav luwooBir, li H.l'itar, I' W.JttllMll. I'toxoKtioMxcr, I. Mllltl, CmAlef. II ., totto, .lo). Oilier. RecdKi Dipcslts Pijibls on Dtmaad. Butt ef 5l'fj AseAM ea Jin Tel, i Jrsaefieo, (AleCf, VI. Zest, OsertAa, f-ew nt ell Ua Wril OxnieaMI (llttl. aP" laf Herein utl.kllllT Vet I sle a4 In root. ml. tl te M rr r I Wiironnwooimrrr, U. II liuaruia, frrtutft. Jul. Ciuliir. Zion'g paviijjp Ban Jrust 5ompar)y, Not. I end 3 Ealt Temple Blroot. giiun4 tm n ifrrtii tilt. iiinrtTiinai ten roau ivoobacrr, rvetf tiioaoa q. Cixto, U rrtil, Joearu r. eaitu, Aauit U.C'aaaiK, luKeiHSKO ll, Jmta Jtci, utoxoa Itxtaotna, T 0, VVxuax. Oiatler, II, ll Cuwao DOES ACEHERALBAHKIKGBUS1HESS pax Paya 5 Per Cent Interoat on , Saving Depoalta. ' ivraoiviiinr toiIiOaw lla AliirolH aeorltla '- Hate " ""Z 1, .IDIIN .tl, l.WMI.N, ' ATTottxgV T 1-VlV. ilgllt aTUIIT. iio.te a h r if tiael u , Carload of Clin- Urn ' I'lano Juit j ree el v ial at Viiullg llr.itli.ra. :H Main HI. I "zT"o. UTAH Cosisr&ialwikiiipH a- A 34 G. Flrat South St., SALT LAICM OITY. I IriTll I20o.ettt hiiii'MH r. Auvuir.oMO, rmt., V W.MAIllgK, IV trut, U.K.CVXllfSO'!, OuAler, niumoiiii r Arrilr)c, I'. W Italaaa, Kalivarlbisttis, T vr trtiut,.!, 1lia VV Ja!a, flteraM Oaaat, Df. Jaa. 9. Kiakarta, O. U Hi dr, M K,Cammtatt. (Jcijeral BaoHQ5 Busirjess Jll Vr CVaf. ItUnrut iVnd on IU. -, flepewil CkM;OMnfl 4 2mtt i, ) , THE STATE BANK OPlm! SALT f.AMC CUT, ' 0ptt.l. 1100,Ooq, nrnrn J imwr. ttfWtmt. M n I'KMTim. Vim rriM.i )lrtiti:Al.U-ti.Lj,ti-,:,tf DZiincroitMi Jttph r rn lib, nurtut, Un. II lliw( Nfphl W, (itttoat. Abr-rn H tanno, rrnk T Ti)or rWf CawivoB, ttiioT rrittr i LliM Morn. Riehtril Yt, otnt lltarTA. Uoollff ntrmt t)nwHi t,7tl!-.n dmatl ltit imrtnrf on pr-ied irft-a ticli.titif o ll principal plu l'f I r cnt. Tinf tirp iu Otm'scut.. uiatttt UrOB quaritrlff lt4 -iu yur UitltMi SliWLTIili SEWING UACrilRE -W TAll Tiftxftv,ii niyrwawtl atMC5rltl,,,,,rt', WKM tZ; Wjn?af HWsrVl'IflktttSIWtWaktM t WiJ. rmNvik,it IialVl MlklIretltr1VMlMN JjftleVIM rvrc-M4LUt4 TmW, DiNWOODEY Is now proparoti to wait upon customers In his Now Store; ho has a mngnlflcont lino of Furnlturo, Carpoto nnd Wall Pa nor. Call nnd on him. tlltlltlio SIOTIIIHOt. Mm. vmH.-iw wxitMiiu rikur tt ,4 ? I f tUiihtn Irfibiiff KMilir4ththlt1.Airvlr fi mil) t, Mia, i-ort- wt-d f Hi ."! l th li raj!, i luf ilurtliorA iwtaiy flcral Loillf eOrJLo -JL During tlio Holiidays wo 'havo Sold More Goods ancl at Lower Prices than any other store in tho ' city, and wo aro still 'offering Supo. Stocks of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, -rrr 3 Clothing & Gents' Furnisliing Goods, Carpets, Curtains & Rugs, Groceries, Hardware, Glassware & Tinware, Stoves & Ranges. : -. -5 " an. WtiJJBItll.X-- M.. '" rf-, -