Newspaper Page Text
1 "If j I I c DrsCTrr jrvByncn yiny-St ttetcstsdat, .lAstTAnr 28, isni. LH TODAY AND VEgTEftPAV. (ft t Irr i M DYa hy ilara air rrlbryeaxit IV I TLm cam lad to. or, iail, aooirtiov 7, ' W AaTlnMhltcliaDzrarUiit, aaltfTodaf Kiakf Unitni rltitlfijr whra rraut ht with r.n WMS V prrfKt larmoaWi an I rmllA II bran MB In wi thfirt nwiriMit-iX II YntMar. W' Lj 14 rf rwitljr lha Jof nr twin lay flfc fc ItUlathflMff dMTIIulBtttllU1Kllltirfc B Ba, wb iba rtrt chord of fit vrbrai m X and qulw arctl lh mufitt biH of I ala n l. Orl.fitacy.Miro.iilrtcnad.l.riialb. wl II Ah4lltn, hiijtttit vrhtnf,f .Irala 1A II Of taatan a ovatantld ninth's alalia tw 114, u I 1 Tba troubled water of Ufa boon llAtainaln. f ill I -Cbinlf i JourhAl A li-lli-u. lio,'. rtatort. mJjkII Hi Conftreuiuia While, nn old (-railti fljfn tof Knoi college, iati "Tha rrtnliiU- Krarr II cence of tlm Itov. Dr. Jonathan Ullrich Irani! ' feCAlIs to mi another ccno tu Hull! whMi 1 im Mllnni l)r, Woiichanl (Bm m lecturing to tho tudnt ono night. HH Hb remark were never brlct On till B yH particular ormlnir ho mrr-ieil longer '""XI wlndM than uiunl Wo II IjrelM Miotit j mut Mlfhcd ireuenllr or tlio" end, PS Tlierv wero twu door leiulinir out of 'AH tho lecture room, one on eneh iklo of S3 the platform on which the doctor ,Pk itood If the doom tmd lic-r-n nt tha bSta rvar wi would luivo allppc-1 out, hut to l'S pet awajrltwa necewary tuwillc ill- VflB recti toward and then pat thoilw Hf tor- l-fllk "At IcUf-th ono ot tlia older ttu Irntt lln could alt It no lonip r. Ho gut up, tip- IWnt turd toii( with hU IimiI hoviod down M "nJ M '" '"''l hi front of him Tim vfff doctor Hopped Id illnc-oure iliort oil wUI and looked at tha npprotchlng hVuro. Uj The itudent kept ou. Jut a tha tu Hjl ' dent u about to w the platform MM Uie doctor ralaed hi long dniicr and Ur i thumlered, "loinip; man, the way out jjl j of tluit duor leadi to hell " Tlioitii .11 ' dent itopped quirk, heiltatrd a mo- H' J Inent, and than mid In the tnlldett Ji 1 tonai "i)oc. lit Then I II tako the ti other door." And lie did." 81. LouU IWl Uloba-Deuiocrat. jflDI A MaHintftth aprlnf. Kb T"" largeit and mot wonderful Sj 1 1 iprltut ot frcih water In the worl 1 It on Jjl B the (lull coait of Ilorlda, In Ilirnando aj) county. The Wckowechc river, a liff fi tream large imougli to float n iniall tj itenmer, h made entirely of atir Sin (pouted from thligleantlillintnml well, fill which la CO feet In diameter and about ytm "0 or 80 feet deep. ClieiulaU who have film tnalyted the water any that there la not aaxM A trace of organlo matt r In Ite ooiiiim- MI (Itlon, and tint It la lira inwt pure and I Bill (reh of any aprlag In Atnerlea. A BJBji dime tore Into the aprlm? can be eeen gl lylna; on the bottom aa plainly aa It WyM ooulj In a a'4 of common well water. lluM The ateainer which toakee nvnlar i- Lmt cunlok trlpa up and down the YVko- ln wechee la often floated Into the eailty On D' the ipruuf, bnt cannot be ronde to MfS 'toy In the rent r, aa the force of the H, 1 rltlnn water forty It to the aide of the KB bails. The . rliu and 2,000 acrai of vM land adjoining belong to too Chicago HI eipItaJ.iU.-Ht. Inila ltepublth ffdi trorrflua alula. C llfl Pome rw to mf Ihnt n lUUle eati lie fijki fed chi-ixT Uian it liorae, but they are -"J not floated on tha aubject. A hone 9 ;Si will eel inorscmln tluin'. a inule.ihut j II the Uttor will deroiirtHlcen much B if) bay, and will need It, too, ta keep tin B 1(1 In iironereondltlon. A luuly can atand if I ft) ( moreianlihlpiliaii a Ur(,' but morn 8 Iff workmidbetleraerTlMWIII berendeml I W ' byahoreelhanainiile. A mule rarely P If beoomea oTeiheatnl to rich nn eittnt l(i ni to fill, or whan bo flnili hhnielf be. SIJ eomuia; nueoiikfortably warm he will KW i poke along, and all the whipping you W ; con do will not Induce him to mi ml Ida ifi ( l"""' A nmla will itand more neglect fit, i than a hone, and etill bo abla to do W n aomoworki but U properly cured for S 5 nd tended aa lis ahntild lie he will out M I trery cent aa much a a bono, and rw Pvm Ar no mom clfeoUte aendce, Inter- tSM View In tit, Isrula Ololie-Ui uioctat. tWm, Te f-.b lllillaillr, H mm A ytrj good way to begin the atody W cf onitory by ono'a ael I U to rhome aev lH erol very diDlrult wordi, and, dMdlng fF tliom Into ayllablca, fironounco fach ,B ayllable clearly and with the distinct , Ei uu'id of each letter Intended ta bo i IS beanl. Pninoiineo ru If with the lip VB alone. Thla will bring the tonea to the i Wm runt of Hie mouth an 1 aid In focudn' fwt ' "" eoundauf the voleu oomwtly for fc ivll ' rich ruxl mnalcal apeoeh, hiwldva which ruff U ratablMi tho habit, If practiced y,T long enough, ot glrlng tho full olue1 iM and, a a eoiucipicnco, the full taean- I lng of each word awUll to thoear ot a Uituuer.-Jiuueu lllllir aUgaiuio. I ,J V llipptned a.. , : li1 ' A HUaourl farmer t n trap on tho . u edgeof a pond torn muvkrat. A goom fyjfl J (tot U fuot In it, and llieii un cogle drop- (WV Id down and aelied the gioMi and iil,' oouldn't carry her away. Tlw man wa lis) near by, of coune, and all lio had to do . (Ijj " o grab the imlo and run him Into ..Uj ooiii and ell him or ill, Uetrolt ifcft rM l'rei. WRkI il. Melle, I romlnent m nn Inicntor flf of eraokclwa mder, by mtnnaof a Kaj delicate prnoea ot rc(,l.triitlon llmla Ifm tluittlie preniirea ut the liiuimut of I IB1 burning the powder do not ahiil them If M "I" unlfr mil over the gun through- .Jfl: out Ita length, but that n ware of ') rreuuro atari nt the Hut ot tho pou Vm dtr arid traimiilta Itu If. VA ''oltokrowlngeipcrlinentalnrrunoo 11 how that the i nip from whole eed li fio bout (k) lglit P" miv more than fXl tht from cut beed, all iwlng for the ttm dhlertnce In weight lntKivu the two ?jH One of the Uit known nllet. for n atthiua. and nt tho mm. time n im 1 one, I to aonk bluttliui i r In Unuig , ilffl aJtptn water auJ bum It hi tho roum 1 Inj at nltbt, IWM (jL In I Mr. or nrubtilng KH " lX 15 Jrarilif age ahoulJ lio JR 1 h ' "ere ot land In Michlgiiu, and hli guardian ihoul 1 currr It with hick (J "T trie, tho liioonw of the boy, when Vkffi hocauio to bo 30 ywire ol I, woulllw 2Vm '""u "W toll,0U0tl,i,ncnUolI hit Yj W "'" '""" " 'n " aouth, and the Ff f """ were pecan, hi Ineouie would be j? , third uiore Uvtrolt I reo l'rtu. at aiaUaiaaW -' nnl lnitrrtee4 Prenrh. A tall, well built young man lounged Into tho Colonrutilo horlier hop ri day or two of o, clowly followed by a eleek, Intelligent Italian preyhnund Tin man took hi jilaoo hi rt chair and the dog quietly reclined on tin floor neat by Tlio Inrl-r atopticd to pat the rracefnl erratum and Jnoularly Pall, 'Tli'tapnvtli malirnln to yrr, Itoter The dog cocked hi ear and Icmkeil Inquiringly at hi mnaltr. Tlio loltef olirrrrcil "Ze ilnggl do not peak Angle, llo sl'nrWaii Then lie looked nt hi iv t and continued, "Hon lour, llr ll.t." The greylionnd ery entliulatleally whacked hl tall nKm the floor and re plied to hi Mauler' talutallon by a low, throat like gurglo of fcitWaet Ion I ' Can he do any thrlckr nikcl lbi"j liarl r, imlog In hi work, "Certainly," replied the yomiii rrenchmaii, Hill peaklng In broken FnglKh ' Tell bhu In roll wer ' Tlie barber dl 1 an, but tlio dogmero ly reraalneil quid, nrd n worried, am lou otproMlon pread nir til fuce Then bi mruterrepeitnlthn command In lYrnili, add thegmcefitl iet, with n lmrl liark of plenum-, nt once rolled ortr and nter. The harlicr told him to tit up, to charge, to thako hind, ela, but dog gie could not nndmland until blowie r repfaleil the uj getlom In lila nit tlvo tongui A both left theihop the Imrbrr thook lilt liend doubtfully. ' .Ncit," hocallel out, and then added In nn umlert'Kie, "If mellf a mmt goto I'nree. Hunt It' n quare town whero nren Ihedolia tphnke IYInch M I'l lla.lclphla 1'nta. im.b.l,,, I'ow.l.r, Tho rmi kelma iovIr, when nellng properly, proiluee higher velocities, while the prmnre I not too high, nn I, Indeed glre In aome cam lower prce lire, tlian tlio bnt black jiowdir. Ilelng nude chiefly ot high eiploiltea, they iieceaaarily hao iwulMhtlm of In liability of character. Uneciiitiof but eel rrgnnllng them ai onn wool I In ward a captured Hen or tlgir, which may halo been apparently tamed tiuhjeet to control unhr ordlnur clr cumiUncei, the natural ferocity of the benat remain latent At auy Imlant It may break forth and dcitroy thotainer, who, the moment before, opjx arcd to bo It matter Onllnnry guuinndrr nloue npienra U be worthy ot full confl leneii It U now uted otlvantageouiily In it com pn-iew-il onn In (null artn nminiiiil tlou, gltliig velocltlrtn high a lJ feet i r aecoml Rufllrlent lia bit n occompllihi-d with amokelCKi fxiwdir to Indicate that they may be n-l hi kinall urma hi future wart tarlleular ly will thli UnluitJM wlu m the nmi bataut aituiue tliat n war of long duration I nut of the queatlcu, unit that i rlou deterlnmllrni In f, rn nu U nt y hlt NniojMjH pari ItVi ire v4v lio'-)r. iiol.jU-., di )i l'fr IiifiitlV tlutu.1. Tho uolxi I Minirwliot dll7rent troiu that of black owdir. being cm it ilgli.r Uyi tmtt l(ari 1 liennl quite ndltlnctly and a fir a win n the latter I titol.rth Ameri can Itetlow Vl.n tl..'M,w, Arterb, Uaiirlc Ayllng, u nelor, ray There are two ihncmakrr In llilirouulry who might fairly call thcnmlira ai ton' out gear aupjilliTi. One 1 In Chicago and tlio other In Ht. Ix,u!, and 1 believe the two of them time at lcot BOO act or, If the honey eipre-elon limy bo pardoned It lihard ta rayuhlili I the Ik Id r man of the two, or 1 th nra well nigh perfeit In their work mil both know how to charge Hut tin r arn tow calling more aertro nn tliufct than tho actor a, nnj u Hot rlou arth lo liaa to be ltad at any cmt. Tho men I am rpwtklng oil could tell you the Ite and ahajHiof man) a "alara foot If they wanted to, for they keep the mea'unmcitt and litini band and lietir mako rt mistake Vhcu our com pauy wa In Hu IiicIeo lat four of tho lio; a eent to Ht U,ul for new Iuki ami got them by cipmu. 1' I loh to odd they came C O D , allowing con cluoltrly that the ahoemaker li aagooil a Ju Igo of an nclor'e llnauelnl itiii.llii,! ai ho 1 of Irnther and alylft bt. lxmli Olobe-DcmoirHt, Nerwcaltn -lulii." " Tie Jiorwciilaii mantif icluren ot matcheanre tery Jealouaof thoaecrrt of producing their article, and It U with tlio iitinrht reluetnnco thit hey can bo preiidh-il upon to din hwi nny ot tho ditatli, cetH-tUilly to Xmcrleau, a the irwrghni tjy that after Inn ing galnol A Inenithe market for llielr inatche In thl country they were u l denly tluit out about 111 e j eon ago by tho tariff on tho (tacking buxu of tlio inatchca. Wlh tha ou-eptlon ot n few hulgulncant trial ihlj monta In l?Ml .Nor way Inii aliice then not i rK,rtrd any uiatiheitotho Vnlleil State, but lw hi riimiHtltlou with Swiilm nnlrier iiiauy, had n tegular nutlet for lur matrhr In India, Auttmlln an 1 1 hlna. Jfatche urn made In .Vnrwuy of tho amxl i f tho aep, or xphir tree mi 1 with maclilncry lutentol hi Hnnhu mid patwiiM Ih -ni a well luliithU eiiuutr; Iho coinprwltlou of thedlf ferent luiitehee enmun lw glit-u their iham I thu ragulirH ai dlli one, nlwnt t I -J luchr 1 mn all nwllr piekeil In II it wm I iiibixi wh 'i r li vnuide In him icry The t t r ifMl url liu immt in w tilth ! mm u fattureni are ten nteent Tie II lug prim are quoted nt aleiut lid l"J3 wit) ft grow fur piimptmrtmi matt hi indiipto 1 Cd 30 i-euta) pir grow foraufet) inatche. Ilia nnnnil out put tin Imvh eitliimletl at 10 000 m, well oao containing llfty (.ou bote. Uietou Commercial llulletlu Pho-Hinjtho hn worm frlindi, hotnthel He Will, ho had, but ho borrowed money from tlirm 1hy are pntly hot now, Uuntey t WVkly, DAY, Day Ilia strong youth, acton tU IbmboU With biJ upna tb twiraltt opca tte-ir, AlJ Mil bchla4 Kim rn from mora 14 eiere I ill t. in I tb mtirmnr of the UVirlaf Un it . Ilbththirollfonniwltblablihiietli. That light iheccnci.el Itceln la the hor rtlK4h arlrt!tliheroru4lerwir fnytjm rrb-f Ibnezb b nn)iMei thu trtM ThathoMihemnVrtrnlaibnteer 10.1 lb earth M akci, li lb- dW oeeo nnly he llttti a aXltbt er Wee with dtrlneM doe. IIMJtb r Ufe h weary it M bltlht Tbctl Intf thai hlhh-eUlbthlnlebe, ID I Ibcre h tie new Ihng beneath th ma." -A K.I1CVC. Olrll lvtie Make l-eor !. 1 neier oennictteil wiiiiitc1 girl who I yielded lo In every whim by ervatit ond "irrnti that I do not nigh with Intyfor the man who will emtio day lo her hmlvin I II I the wor rhlpetl diughtir, viho lini lieen taught that In r whim and w Wic are itijrcuio In a boti'ehold, who inakea fnarringw rt failure all her life, Hhe ha hail her way In thing gmit and Miinll and wlieiihodemtl dreM penunor Joiimevi whl'lt wcro beyon 1 the family puree the tarried tho day with ti an or iilk or .ilng a it martyr Pie par intit NierilV tl and aufT retl for hir roHe hilng finally to om her Well married They earefnlly hide hrr f inlt fromtier 1 MiltiirKhoteekhirhund,aiidtholctcr reud) with miiltnmlnllurementlo win the heart of men, and theaterago man I in Mln I to tho fault nt n pretty girl aa n newly hatched blrdl Mini to the worm upon the tree about hltn. Ho ! think her little pcttUh uayi are nicm glrh'ti iiioinI but when alio be ciiini hit wlfo and reveal her lelfhli and cruel riatum holagrievrtl and hurt tn think tale ha been ki tinkln I to blm IllaMieelerWllcoi In Ud e' Homo Journal llcp l-rctilng. rorm'iuy)eari actcntlit hatolicen perplcirdtiirr the phenomenon of a ccfialn well nt lakutik, Siberia, A long ago a lf.'-l 11 llutilun inerebnnt bi-gan to link thl n tcl wi II, nndafti r working on it fur throe jenre gavo It up a a b.i I Job, hat lln; t that time nunk It ton 1I1 1 til of thirty feet without get ting Ihrougli the froirn ground He communicated theaofaet to the Hue ilau Acaltnn of Heleneei, who eent 1111 11 to take charge of the digging op eration nt the won Urful well Tlieaearltntlllogi ntlrmi n tolled away nt thtlr work or ruwrat tear, but at ln-t aban lonetl It win n 1 depth of fci feet hn 1 btiu reachcil, with tha earth illll frooii nt hard n 11 rink In 1811 tin acadttiiy lnd thu (unjn ratiire ol tin mil at tho bldea of tho wi II taken nt larluu ilf tin. l'niuitho data tluu obtalneil they came to the atartllng eonclution thatthe grountl waa fnin In A depth i lceitllng C00 fttt Ht, lxiul Ilepul lln. 11.. III. or nrabeliian. 1 will tr) to tell ni ul II111 life, work and wop of tha railroad I rnki man on the 1'milla matt lint, a goutl hrnke moil cannot lw ttuitla from v t ly )iiung man. 1 Ic 11111.1 bat e nat I ml liking (or the liiitluin, laitoUraud quick wilful, a hit of tluu thu lltiaut hi fellow imilojetand tho iompnaprotty wre In hi hand In thri itiontry lm will git from br to tlOO on Irelnht and from tott)iiniimengf.rtrahi. HI work on freight tndn la-glu ima hniir before he Irate the ttntjon He lintgot-tngn otir hi train to miiptu upthuhoMi, pmiiilcil tho train I fur 11I.I1M with nulomaltn air braki-a, an I lrurj.-ot the'trnlulugiiitral, lont-tlmt tho car un- all in hioil running unit r. Jlot eviiy day )ou hear ( n brike mail falling mm n train an 1 lielng run mcr, or 11 train Jumping the trni k, nnd 1 nglne, r an I fireman lielng klllnl r malmetl I would ndilie all lm) a or young mm to hut railroading alone, n they will find more hnnl work and dinger Hum In anynlherclwint workt andlieildee you hate nn home, reguhr ini-nl or aeib I can aaytheabore wltlitnithfulueni, a I hatnairtnl a brakemnn nnd conductor on wctcru rti-id for ntuiret ten )con. and would glailly leave It If I ivnl 1 tlud nny other work that I eonld da Cor lKtrolt IVee Vrce. A I altvr Uaraplarlr. Till I n hot 30 Inche hlijli, JO Incheawll.ianlllldeop, madeof bliek walnut or of white winkI ttaluitl nnd tnrilihnl. I'lfteiii Inche truin tho bottom imtnahrlt to lit the tot Kr. fi-ctl, IncloM) tho front and fit n drnwer tlurcby, making a nveptAclo for dnt rliilht, bruihei, etc Aliote thla place a rack hat ing four comjiart menta for inudo or two thelici, for book. A curt dn fulling hi front of Iho lxxki anlmuile I an luiroio uient Cor ew ork l'n-M. w wr r M.tii T 1 ,.,!, B Htlr one tchlvpnonfiil nt lm'llng water Into one cup of iviwdentl augur, ad I 1 11a tabli tpnonful of lemon or t range Juice, or roan wall r mil rpread over the enko while warm Home pn ftrtaullla in tluit eae lino one mil one-half tnr.Wmonful of Willing water and tine-half tnbleapnonful of tnnlllv Hien 1 wlh to make ihocolnto cake I tliuply milt a much clmolito ai I want Niy one third of a bar, nnl pour Into tleifrmtlng that I hnte llatontl with vanilla. I want etery liouvkecp. er to try thl Ifthiy da nut any It I tha cale.t and liet rocliw they hato oiuul then I am ml.takiii. hlttlo U. Hani) In llouiwwlfe. 1I.O..I.IH-, or lloe.1 Talbcr. It b 11 rnecc-iiry that one alioul I Ijo Imrn 11 1 nlii 1 1 become n good orator, I ut It li that grout attention lie iwtd 1 1 tho rule of nnleul itlon, to tlmi In nn I 1 , an j to quick thinking when on une'i feet to liiinrn clenruw of tjioock nnd eontlnc lug logic nt nil tlmeaund Mtuon. JtunoavIllli r Magazine. Tim fartliMt point northward iter reached b retlo eiplorcn thu tar I Milan. X inin, which wa touched by member of thu Orody party In lbf-S A the jiolo I 00 degree from tho equator, tho licnion who rcoclie It will but e logo 0 dejn. sSmIn ,artmr north than any point jet touched. DOOMATI3T8 TO tltE END, Owe a K.ljdll ta IUtjill.1, and Blila Aleara'l. There la on eropot early autumn that grow ou tree which drvwi't vary much, and that I the kalydld China! lo Infliienee an) fatorahle to Hit growth of thl Irult, It I niingnlir thing that on tha lame treca where forty yean ago, a little clm, there chanting Iniect lived, they now tay They are never known to change roro one trco to another There may bo eetcral elm of equal fire on ono etreet, lint two tree will moat likely boll all tho katydid, an t from the flnt ehoen greenery they netcr budge. The eaino way ono yard will lnv It nnmber, or ono Iren In n ynrdi th net icnoii' gronm!, althaitgh Jujt a I cool and ahvlnl, will have none. Tho), iln tho aim tree or yard hato good j manncrMiovtr Interrupting each other, 1 bjt ILtciiIng Intently for their turn lo eiprem their Mlcf a to whether Katy I did or dldn t. The outildo world, after lltlenlng for yean to debate. It divided . ai to opinion Jtiitlhoaamo nionmoro Imiwrtaut nbjccts It Judge In neconl ntico with the bentlincnt of Ita own co!incloiinci. Iheao httlo green chanter never chnngo their ornlon. They belong to the did or didn't, and by no tnlttnk alter their a)lng. On may tramp around tha tret where they lite, may alt lieneath tliem, talk, laugh or Indulge In any noI an I hnty chant nn In undlttiirlietl monologue, but hy a band, over ro lightly, tho Inrk of a tree, one laya who ha tried it, and tlit Ir note oro Initantly hudicd, remaining quiet iintll the band I re mot eiL In darkneu, when one creep wifely up to an elm tree where, aboto In tho brnnche, , taking placo n lo qniclou dlilogue. nn I gently ret the ilnit of the Lin 1 again! tho bark, the alienee li painfully aiidden There wa uncoil man t li'tlng Uhode Itlanl whuoe ambition wa to powet tome elm tree and In Hum He had the elm for tlio kat)did. but no katydid for the elm. Ho be cam from lil dUlnnl hum and gtue lon of one, w hk It ho carried Iwck nnd put well up In the trciniery 0( tj ,au Then bo waltitb Tho katy wot a dumb a a aealcd, fnilt Jar and woul ln't ay a wi nl II wmUi back to Inquire why tho thing wouldn't open It mouth rind alng Hewn Informed, tint, that the thing dibit Mnt th eenteneo with any inouth, bntwlthltalegii aecoti I, that although divorce law wcro often brlt tlo inough to mmr knot tle.1 by mliiUten, atlll he need not ciect any garrnlou hilarity from one kl).lll enratml w-om It mate and alone In a trange IJinb Then another wn put hi the tree, and In truo marital ttjlo one laid haty did on I got contra llcted In about a coonj They't kept It up n r ilnco; UitlitUlo Courlrr-JuuninL II.elllHllr llolHltllllW There iifmanyMVntrlo ieople In thl. witVI J uhuniirUrln parading their eecmtrlfitlc tlio, aimoyaneo and anmcllme; hululllalliai of other. In nipropriali Oetmloho, too. r frv q icntly embracv.1 vto render laor odlou thl unleerrtitl Inllletlon A llrot klyn ather ha lott eercrnl chll drcn by death, airl although ho ha n llttlo famllv of tmldlcn abinit him nl Iow.n.)fi,lidoruloii like Cliriitmai to pa w IthtHit rcini inhering tho dead. Ilnch 1 f the decinitci! oINprlng give to the mother cr amuonlallve. Ihroush Iho futhir, aome tiken of nITectlon, 'I hli o.l 1 1, illun woul I noier have 00 cnalonetl iiiiiimiit among hi friend bntnirliltlllcouilJcrrdacleciloii 0 n wcdJtiigAanvihlcl for reteallng bit Knuigo cnitom to hi nelghbon. A a a remit a )oung HrtM.l.lyn brldo I much tri ! jed otcr two ml I preient which ho reciliitl. wllh cant nttnrhc.1, an which were written the mime of two of the deatl children. Ono of the pma 1111 wot a thermometer, tho otlnr a f.dil Jtow Vork Blur tor Uatlt. Tor tho Itmefil of tlm lidle alTlctit wllh luulennd wart I wo I tlie follow Ing-fortholittiriHilyi Tuko a lump of wathlng aodt the aire of an egg, put It In n bowl with a q iirt of ruin water, when dloltd tllp the ban I. ortnolt en thu face when trr the wart I local eil, half n dojcu time dally, allowing It todry mi tho wart. I hat tried thl frequently, on I founl that tho wart dlnppear Tho mole are qultonnnthtr mattir ni t an ordinary rtrmct nee, l,ut n fungu growth Hitter leaio them ah lie, bnt If too tlj figuring n aur.con'i tharji knife lathaiunwt nnd .ifot way Moha aro n iu)itery, howovtr, nottr lery will undinloud I hato atm ""'u ri e I by tlon procoea chem lenla, lionwlwlr, etc and a enncer would tako llitlr placo Krchinso. lr. Tobln-t utbr li.J. John Tobln. a poor lohoftr of Long Maul City, wa chopping up an old oaken chitt for firewood, when thoro ilniprtsl out n mull tin bo. Inilontl In which wot n rhnmoli bag containing Iwt nty two imnll diamond. Tobln lia 1 bought tho chttt at a accond hand hop In I.011 Ion two yean befor. Uy adil of a hw)r h madeallldavlt to Iho acta, and a Jeweler gate lilm f500 for the Hone. I'lilladflpbU Ledger. lorcillalatM. Young Wle (couiplalnlngly) Tou haunt brought in a boa 0 candy ilncewawtroiinrrieiL oungIIu.lmnd-Tliaf.qneer Come to think, yott haven't remarked that youaoenjojid the upoUe 0 a good cigar lino wo wire married Good How Naiutt At. s.curad. Tlio nnmct of ronio of tho countle hi the tate ot Washington Aro hkaglt, Suohoinlih, Klickitat, Uklma, Hkama tiki, Chohnll, Wahklknm, hlltclnand Abotln. 1hcoiiameoroiiiadobyth a ;nplo proi i of alialln nlv ,ttw, ot 10 alplialHt:nn.ick and emptying thimoutoa tho floor -Cldcago TOb- nil gCv UfUalT "oufw",rM lwJ'Oii':now UU Jr'vH " llfrl I lllttnena Yonnronere. rTrfw-IW oui WhyT Yott cough In th n t" V rmirnlng Do yon renllro th Yi' an caiuol Your nppcllla I poor fa, LV V"-. ft II i 'W lul makes It bol' Yoiirccm Illll e'AVOifllI lllo arliangitl pcnioti toyonr it waIj i frlentl-I)o you know what li rr f II10 nuteT,rir hna thochango JK Tyrpf v lieen ro gradual it ha cecoitj I vW your notice? UynU'nr - Villi O YowhavoCon.nmpHonl raUTf lUC It TUUS WedonotmythlitorrigMcU you, hit It 1 trno Tliete are tlio ure eymplom of Hill terrible tliieiuc, Tlicre 1 ono thing which will check It and tint I Dr. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY It li mMmtliS t tin Ut rlrMaVM la tnp tA4 Aswrk. t r!, ftt )! ! fp ntlt. W. H. HOOKER A CO.. 40 West Broadway, Now, York. For h1 hy 7 U. M. I. Drug Dtpartmtnu HENRY DINW00DE7 Ia Now Located In Illfl. .- IsTE"W" MAMMOTH STORE (Hlx Slot-tea and Two TAcvttlor) And In In Excollont Condition to Show Customora tho ITIIS'ISST STOCK OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, Wall Paper, Linoleums and ourtains, In tho TorrltorloH. No Troublo lo Show this Immenso and Elegant Stock. BEST GOODS TRICES In tho Market 1 Cannot bo Boaton I H, DINWOODEY! 37 to 43 W. Erst South. Street. flip IDpnnlp mi m m 111 III I I li lor Shoe Mtd of Spill Leither 1 111 1 JJ J lJ with Caavi or Put Board laatr Sol, THEY ALL INQUIRE TOR Solomon Bros.' Boots $ Shoes Which ir Mid of Solid Material nd in knotin lo ba Nice and Duribl. Call and lUamirx the Variout SlyUt cf Our Own Malt and lmporlti. Honest Goods! Fair PrlcesI Always fallible I Kone Belter fa tbe Huketl "AII Kind of Oreiilog Sold for Blick or Tn Colored ShonJ .. .r?0B'J 'O'B'I " RUSSET Dreitlaq for OtaU". Lidln.' MIiki1 and Chlldran's Sho.t which Milt, th.m Look Uk Nw. DAVID JAMES & CO. 1 Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters JX uw a. 1,11 it a m kA numbing Material, Pamjn, Pipe and titlingt, Sttam i x lltaUng StxppUa, Tin and Iron Hoofing, Gotan- fctii Iron ComUt, Guttering, Etc. , tj GARDEN H0SC AND LAWN SPfJINKLCRS S I No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. A "Warning To Horse-Ownnro , Tn. Split xtll In thl, W, ,"GrS' anird IUjhor..froini,1lcl1 tI!22?lr lrlikiilii Morcctttr, .Ma., t?!Iw"i oftb sill ram out In thi nlf ' Wit for rlenrlilnir. ad n d5.TT,t'. Iv rnint wiii la th direction hrt. i"" llluatrMlon, iirrta Ik "A J"J tt tk.foot cillrd tit anlk,"rro1i t L. bom itu a,a utnt Lru, ki two neck. "" w.j . Tiuuiiot aaiiiitlaui. . U, .'.KM ,l.rTT,, i?.;.'? "S The Putnam Nail canso r sri.iT, m on nnn, ttUlhfonlyltol.fnmaJ.odll.n, I'olntM Niil In , ifcVwgn ina lo by ina. Iilarrr In Pr-.l ,y. " rnian.ra tb ..Id fttblonM h,S JJJ Th Unltfd Mtn flDTCTTinwal frct lb. rre. of manoractur. IhS Mtnita, an I Mhar Ann who n,,ij aiti.ntwaltoruwlioii Will a hir. rrltiod, aro buIIiv of Infrlntoumn ,7, A9 YOU VALUE YOUn HOMt linl.t an your Ulark.inlth inin, J. 1-UT.NAM; llialimull7n7' a Ytir Ml hj all itail.r la Hat inhn v,i . aampl In 1 r nail MiHimuiift rntnaniHillCo.lK!poD!il1Bo;t03,n THE ELECTRIC LIGHT (0, N kM tlirlr w irilin t ( itc., lilT llilllTINO ia tall nitil inh-r. in I mil foiokU ratml t, lunro if ihn Mrttr liitrm. Tba ttrttf tha haiu U aa alreadf fonilmfi,4 nbilai'lv la Iha aj ot piltlai la Um, ljilm of Habitat I'tilln 0il, tt IllMcar or lacr ot t nil.lli Hut - at a rcKontlilo pne it oula cm ot u, HOLDING ELKCTKIC CO, 05 W. First South St, t Profitable 1 Employmetl FORLADIM I'fblklDbtlltV fMl lUfeMU riTih..fwu.iMH JKKsOHOtviTrt, JiCkiCft, Mck. THU CUV OF MU.MONS foil. 51 Y 3IACICI BTOf IT MJWT. OOX IT WML 1.C TOO UTt t tttj I.. trouW1 mnpHi wilb iIimm ( f II hltltifa in4 hi infd mnr iiflcr(nt rair4iM ui h? aid frori 4 Itnil thrtiuii wiihoat rtiirf awm tnt IHh M Arnl I wh tw tntn k vrrx fiotual uttivh tbtl wm iirirfiiatM ir ta ch nukir ihtl I nw bc&t ovtr. vrciIni (tAwall wit klmotttmrwMdtiUfor in to pt If RlaN or 19 pal inr rtwtftti. bf kit Croritli'tifa itt Dr. HioUr, ati rt. tut OKluux MlAir 7v ir howl 1 immtrdutftlr rm II1 nivared aljr th lr U M4 a S klatoat inirtuilini rlttrl, I In lh 1 fulonlibmrntntftDthiirutiUftttL C (! kow), in a taw dtr. 1 hl PT w A V rtvimmil tii ta to all 4fflctvi.rln 0 A. Tl ITMt. I l j Troppftor (VriJcntit ItoU), I JzJ 9aau lioia.l'tt. V NO MOllC UACICAGIIG PKT I oM W boll Kid ItctiU If Mua l-nilACO, rsTJUtiutrp, net Ploneor Undertakor 0! Utah. Vatirtirrr mi Dmlir I Aa KM' lit, llIM CMS Cmml COri'IN'S AND CABKETi lull I In ot Collin -tirnlilll hil reualiiHlly ou nan ilipboo J Ttlt"r"rJinl'romn:; 11 Crtin J-rrirrrril I Itlr .1tnl ( artfhabl rrrr rla'pf. oi'KN uyvir rictxT. Factory and Warcrooms u'." On aadi Itilt IIIiko mi nt Tlltn. rtrrwoMJa. ;n. Jos. William Taylor, -CTI1 I UHPIM UNDERTAKER AND ESIBALHES. Carrr l Urmit Moil CoKI l" C0FFINS.CASKETS And Und.rlakert' Good In Ula. iraufcial 4 rrtUI el lannHlfrl''rtrnt Lvietr rtaa Mr rrrr ainJ I I-'" LOTS AliD OPAVETr.K,r..!A All Urdu lillen liar or Mrbl la IM nt leiilUI liai -crnca io wairaoou t" 21 AND J3 WEST TCMPLt STJ"'' l,0 UolVS XllcpboalM 2gMi.r. , "1B