Newspaper Page Text
(J 5 J DESiflnrr r.vr.yTxo yinvsi wr.nxKsnAv, .taxuatiy 28, ism. if : DESERET EVENING NEWS IfRa B vciaitis fitir imiTi itflima, CrB itntitacti JmIt rum it d to rrttiivtn at m THE DESERET NEWS CO. IfllM ciiahlts w I m Hour, KPirca. jjH, Jii.r.o. nil. ivhi'lt Aimm to itJiiitr. BHI Wr hid ill I not nifttlitiiMIlf Inn tr whoendiavort'il loruakolnonry by llll Um uiraDtat klml of mUret rrsrulatlou, flllR BrouMltjrtortartr tho trront: tliey lisil : JUH wrought, wlitu thrlr frlliljr ?HK imkxI. Tbtrrtora wo who not dl- Dt KluUU trlitn tliB llhittratnl (l V Ir that falttl jr attribute! Uio author. m ship of certain arlllaliinut inll-"Mor. flH man" article to an oil 'Mormon," H kJilrvl futtlivr untrutli to II" original IB) elsCrrtlon. One falsi, ttrp li likely to IM l.aj to more, ami It usually takes tllier lUK falaehooela to r)orer up it wilful depart B urn from thtt truth. Th r referred to Inform IU m rraltrsthat It hu Ivrn sulji-cted to l "threats frjruthet Mrmoni," ami Ita U editors state llielr wlllliighrM In : S "meaaiiro IU strength against th. M Mormon Church." They furthers)! w "OuroITenctitiHems to be our dlatiellef I B that tho iraallreof lolyjraniy I'' l"' I B abandoned hy tho Mormons." !' Jj Tho "Hormone" liar main no I threats aalnit tho gretily an J untruth f ful publlhrra,auilthnl)rjLiiTNrws, I 1 which li jfially rnenltoiifil, haul mo I1 nothing hut tor away tho thin "Mor- 1 Dion" dlfgiileei with which they clothed bl their dummy, stunVd with niit.".tor. ft mou" tables and iilsgtarlama. Their Ij aisururtlon of l.rTry la the. la'Jeat Ui kin 1 of biinosni'j?, aul I of the aamo Fj aorl of cheap valor eahlulted by hoait. ij ful sectarian preaehert, who roino to I. Ulabto"utrJllie Hon In hli den," II knowing that they aro not In tho fl I slightest danger and will haro nothing WB toflKhtaluit hut total IniilllVrcnio. h Tho "Mormon" Chun li paya no moro fjjj attention to tho llluitrated Jifr that llU! wanUto"meaurrltaitrnijtli," than BfljJ if It dona U tho "penny dmatllul" iturlee 11' which romancing odltora auJ acrub Bi ' liulplteara inako their chlof atock-ln BK& trade. Italmplyleta them alono and BKf . goea on Ita way, whtlotho great bly BlJt , of Ita inemlxm aro olllvloua of their Uji if oilatcnco. Noeraiuor paper ehpuld tjBKJ ft lai ronfouinloj with tho "Mormon" BJjl Church. 4 KW Tlieoo publlahera of faluhood for EBI gain knew Tory well that their "of. IKlRb fence" waa not tiiolr liellcC In re'er- 9lkp encn to polygamy among tliu "Mor Bb) Tu nnna." Wo iar nothing for what they JBjIjH Ullaru, wo liaTullUlo regard focwhat uBUjl J Ituiy f f atouV It. Tho uCenco con. fl?9 j J altte.1 of fatiwly atitlng lha I their meaa Bjl j of antl."Morinonw rubblab, tulnglul BV a with a few facta gleaned from old pub- iHr ' I J llcatlona, waa written by "tho oldeat H It Mormon In tbo Kooky Mouutalna," BR :( thna glTtnglta flctltloui Talue In tho BV t eye of tho unlufuroieJ public, and B9 'HI making It apar that tbo lnfamou HB ft tbhigtcirgelagalruttho"Mormou" B llr people woro ooufewHid to Imj facta by Bh H ono of their number. I II Tha truth la, tbo odltora of that RB In magatlnoruadonptlilalnfaraiiuallolii B ;1 order to aoll their paper. That I the wV 'i plain truth bluntly told. They at- BB tempt now to glvo rcaaoua wlij Bl ft they liaro aawrted that tho practice I of polygamy la atlll contl nuwl In Utah. H ax In doing title they eipovo their uwn H & rfldy. They furgit that In the SB S artlcloe romplalueU of they irelend H ' It It not Arj who make till" auertlon, BBk S : but an old "Mormon." And, wo rc HBFjJT : puat,tbla li the aolo grleranco com BRK . plained of. Wo do not doubt thtlr n S legal right, If tlioy rhooM, to gather up Bf U "tale aoraai of autl"Mormo n" garbage Ht g and cull from booka lutti faot and Ho- BVI ! "on, add oplutona of their own and K tl publllh tha mlituro whororor they BK f u can for coin. Othera ban dona till" IB .Iff before them. Wo morely denounce BrtJK their deception In palming It off aa a BvyVr "Mormon" production, thereby awlu- v I dllngthojiublioandlujiirlng tho poo- Bf m plo whom wo repreeent Bl U Thla, which hat been tho aolo laauo jBJljal I UlweenthemanlthoDiJiKRCT Nif, BJI they an careful now not to touch. BJ l They ondeator todlrert attention from Bj ; BK It by aprlnglng an Mitlrely dlOVrent BJ ; iHf laiue and polutlog that out u the jB "W raUM of controreray. It will not do. v fjilj Vocaroiiotaenapfortlielroluloii at ifS tothoalncerlty of "Mormon" action i M on tho vlygauiy iuillon. The Ig. 'ifj noranoo they dlalay a to facta I Ki known to everybody ut all familiar I jjj with i-urrvnt "Muriuon" aftalra inakw tt(, their Tlowi of noforcoor alue. J or cf3? InaUnce, they aaji "Tho Utah Com. i It mbalon which la tho but ilbluau ( K thorlty on tho aul J net, ,' S thatthomtnlfratolapurn butk'onibe." 'tf. Patting by the notion thatthvCouf I" minion la "lha U at potilble authority, 'i II wo u 111 Inform thoao novlcia on tho A 1 ".Mormon" ij leatlon that tho Commit- J i alou haa not gleen auy opinion on thai FX declaration. IU rr it waa flli-J Uf.iri lA tbemaiilhiloniKWenlaiidlte(priv ! JM ej lln. on vlcll in tint no euihullrlal IjJB utleiaocu woul I ho in ide, Wunould JB8 "11 Infirm them tint Ju lg Ztne, to Wl whim t'uy referat another Mtthorltj, B JSlj haa i 111 Ully recognized Ibu dwlara j, jljl tloii and the n tli n of the "Mormon" 1 Iffl, Lhuriliatalmtrnatil blnllug. !.l Wo do nit meullon tin to hi II known IfflEI fact" by w ty ot controversy with thee mt edltora, but to eh iw them that they are JL'aj i ,M ln "' dark on mittira of 11 the commonest understanding among )jj Ioplo at all fumlllar with "Stormon" Jt 1 aUalra. We thouht at lint that tr. RJ j' U" Ibo edltora an l j iib,llahera of the TO I rmgailue had bteu niiiied upon VW . I . ow we aro thoroughly convinced IM VI "' they have wilfully lent them, 1 lelvtatotho fraud atUuipt.d on tho American public, and that their iu Id Ity la only t-iualeil by their Ignorance oflhoeiljecl of which they aroeu dearorlng to make mcichandlte. Tli foregoing was crowded out of yealenlay'a paper. I,aa( evening, na will bo aocn In our renrt of City Council proceedings, tho municipal authorities took onlolat nctlon In re gard to tho libellous articles which wu haveeipoMKl. Perhaps the publlahera will think It wlto to notice this action nnd draw ln their horns. I'cr. hap not. Aa llioy do not ecem to know muoh about tho aflalri of this Territory on which they have been deacantlng, It will he well enough to Inform them that tha Halt Irtke City Council la comprt d of ' liberals " That It la not In auy aenao a "Mor mon" body, nor on It be said that It Is unler "Mormon" control. It la not out of any regard for the'.Morinoi" Church or any aynipathy with "tr min" doctrines tint tho "Liberal" City Council baa taken elepa agalnat thodetlra couravof tho IS'ow Vork publlthera referred to, but nolely fir the good of Hill City mil Territory which threo llbela aro likely to Injure. Wo leant that a complete refutation nf the Itlsehoola contained In the a llclea we have noticed, haa been forwarded hi tho pibllshera an I will npianrlu the uiigiilne at an early dtae It It from ft "Mormiu" aiwri-e, howeTtr, an I may meet with almllir treatment to that which haa latin given ti other remonalrancra. It will lie reproduced In tho I)i tnikr Nl us mil our reader" will hire nn oppnrtunlty ofponialngp,wh- li r It apcarsliilhi llluatrateil nitgaxlne nr not. Till: JUMIIfS ANM'AI, 1IL1-0IIT. Till' annual ripurt ol Mayor Hrott, giving an eihllit cf the tiialneseof this illy for lbOO, apprnra lu tlila Imie. It la an Instructive document, well worthy the perusal of trery cltljcn-" eareclally these belonging to the tax paylug portion of the o ulatloti. It Is pointed to with intended "irlJe" by the clly "I.IUral" urgan, aaovl dencenf tbebturflta accruing fiom tho lulu or that tarty. Whllothai.iHlf congratulation emanatta from n Jtur nal wbldi haa accuard the "MKrnl" city government ot "luonlelsm," em bexxlement and brllier, alt honest an I straightforward membcra of Ihu party will recoil from tho ixblblt "with horror." We know that tho present administration haa lrilrcd a largo liwtr of thouchlful "Liberal"" with thamn and ill-i,iitt. Hut former chargea hurlnl against theclty otllclala by Ibo newaar rcfirred Ifillliow changed hi alcklj .ainlles of nwiunied approvnl', fbr a i urpore. It will be olairrve.1 thai tho ruvenuo furllioyi-arw$nl7,!'lJ, nhllo during tho ear revlou, uudir the, benign andhoneat rule of the iople, It waa, In round Itgurt e, (SD9,0iM. Th'a. bilti r amount Included a large auni derived from tlio aale of landa, which aa Uiercfore obtained In way that had no Impoverishing effect upon tlietai. payern. Thus nn.lir "Liberal" rule the revenue has been double. Tlio working people v. ho own their homes havo reaaon to know tho procesa by which this mouoy was aijucexeil out of their hard earnings. Bpenklog of this trimendous swell In the revenue, the Major n marks, with refreshing frauVina, which la only etiualed by tbo mllJmet of tho cx rw lou, "fli'a luorerue leims largo," "rSetima, Madaml Nay, It 1" " The Inatrucllou Imparted by tlila In formation to the efTrct that the revenue waa marly a inlllljii lu lbK), la heightens.) by the consideration of the fact that, according to tho Major 'a showing, when the "Liberal" govtm nient nseuiued the rtlna of rule, on February lCthoflut year, there wu balance In thetreaaury of IIM.'S' 72. IMace thla atalement lu conjunction with that whlih occurs In tho rvixirt to thoelTett that there waa on hand January 1st, 1801. all that waa luft of tho tOIT,(llS-tho sum of $17,843 73,and It liecomuo Intorettlng. It wlllal-o Ihi In place to recall a remark lately made In the Clly Council, by tho Mayor, to the effect that the city flnauceaare getting Into mill a condition that It may beoonie ueoeaaary to sell the Warm Hi rlnga proia rty. May jrHcotl'a comfort Is of a doubt ful character, having a somewhat doleful sound. To prove this point It la only needful to allude to that por tion of lil report In libh he promises anlncnyoot thoctty revenue wLtch meant reaching down further Into tho lockrta ot tho people and an "lu creiWof the tlly'aexudlturte. Ho let the beneflclarliaof thlsbtnlguaut atato of aUalrs the tax a) era lift up their voices and rejolcu at the reaaons vtlstlug for "Liberal" a.'lf cougutula Hon. We defy any man or body of men, titer a tarrful exa ulnatlon ol Ihu lm roveiueuta uulu In this ilt during iat Jiar, to Intelligently and Justly atiow that the tinriuou" mouiita exjiendiil hao Uvn irnwrly and Juillclnutly disbursed. iVe might comlsleiitly u a much troiiger uud hartlier turm. We ui4y lawellaty that we question the lion .sly of the admlultlratlon at a whole, in I In title losltlou we aro alrutigl eu.talued by statemiula that havofru (pteutlybitu mala by the Halt Iako Wmiio. Under the lit ail of "irmDmnt lui (iroMinenta," tiX)ii which largesums hae been expended, the M)or llnU to one lu particular tho Joint city nnd county bulldlug. The nllualoti to thla noble atruiture Is ipilto entertaining On thla monument of "Littoral" rro greaa there haa Uiu expeuded of tho BBBBBBBBBBBBBH w lo'a money the anug mmof $1(1, Sintl, l'trhapa will u the taxatyera nail thla Item of expenditure, a com mittee of them will act out cm a still hunt to find that "iermaneut Im provement," which only exlttslu tho "nilnd'a eye" of the Mayor. A hole In tho ground coiling neatly tll,0on la n remarkal ly economic "permanent Imi roM'intnl." It will 1 relit the taxpayer to note aomeof theixpendlturea, audi for In tancoai 111,71'iSO fur croitltiga and sidewalk cu ono street alone South Temj It; Capitol 11111 rt-crvolr, tll.iwj Lmlgralltm Canyon ple lino to con vey water, $3.1,000; waterworks, $IJJ, nwsi, exptndlturea In tho watir nntter'" deutment, J0,7Stl 10, Thla latter outlay relate" to Irrigation only. And eo It goea. Wo commend tho report to the calm, Ultpaetlonate perusal of an alllclvd public aa n fair bail on which to found a proper eatl male of "Liberal" rule lu Hilt Lake Clly. Tho Increase of crime has mndo a'rldea In kieplng with other iecul!ar Itleaof the prternt goverumeut. On thla point Mr, Hcott aup Ilea some ug geatlvu figure". In 111)) tho police made .tin arrests. The retort admits that this Is double tho number nude In ISS'I If the olleinwo committed, ant which wcru notoriously known to tho aibllc lecause of thtlr aggravated character Including mur derIn which the wrjetrator escaped, were aided to this exhibit, It would tell a moat woful tale of pro grettlve criminality. Uirlng thoytnr 0 II pco.ile wore, for various caue, detained In Jail. Tho report stat-i that thla number la three times aa largo aa IhttoflMO. It la probablo, however, that tho Mtyor did not admit the full Ulllereiico llodld not glTethe flgurea for tho )trr picvlout. Tho 7riiune gave them on the Sind Inst , w lull It atatctl that tho detentions In Jail lu ISW numbered 103. Thla makea tho uunitrr more than elx times greater lu IstOlhan In the year preceding. We hare not tho time nor trace to refer furlhtrat pruent to the dllclal exhibit of tho first ear's butlueM un der "Liberal" inlnile. Hut, aa wu hare before remarked, It slioull bo cart fully acrutlnlied and weighed by every Intelligent citizen. If tlila It done, tho conclusion ruutt Inevitably hethalthetiocktUcf the ele have Ut ndej leteil and thtlr money blunder ed away and rutndered with ar Killing rtcklnuncsa, uhlla tho morality of n ouce exemplary city haalieen frightfully Impaired. Till! DOiiM-llL 01' INU.III.S. TltK defeat ot Ingalla la a heavy blow to the Ilepublliuu party. Ho was lint, last, au I In every way an In tense tarllMii. Able, alert, a atrong writer, a j uugfint i.tkor, inerclleta to an b)ponent, Unacruputoua aa to methods, hla political doctrine tiling (utnineduplnthoalaug "phnw, "get there," he lias lieeu a jaiwor for 111" pjtty luauJout of tho Henale, Ilia downfall la that of A pil Ittcal giant an 1 tho lo to the Itepubllcant lu the tjenato w HI bo great. The proapcebt for A change lu the conatltullou of the upier llousoaru bright. A few years will bring a mighty difference. Home of thuatal warlawhoare raJIcil paittiiut will hacegone the wayof all ilceli. Dlhera m III havojotned the ICtntM politician In a voyage upStltltlver. DtmoiraU will lake tli" placet of a few cf tho Itepubllcant, and whllo rha Ihero may not be au accn lion of talent there may bo au- lucreato of falrueaa, iolltl cal morality an 1 genuine patrlotltm. When a uitnllke Iugall can bo do nod, nlbtreltMS vigorous aad with leaa prttlgo aud fewer tactlca may well beware. Kautat has shaken ou tho hold Un It of a placemin of extraor dinary tenacity, and thla la a warning eerve-l un ether ra Ileal pmtluns, that Htatea nnd tho Nation want ttatisiuenrathirthau politicians and intrlota I luteal of facllonltta. We hou that I'felltr will prove worthy of hlatrutU A fiTOItl Ol' Sl till SIUMC. IlL'imiJiTM Itoneof the most his torlocltleaon the broa.1 flowing Dan ube. It la alwut 110 miles southeast of Vienna. It hottta of some of tho i roud est noblemen lu Auatro-IIungvy, lu autlacoofonoof their arltlocrata tho opening aceuo of a aad domestlo drama wu presented A few yeara ago. Tho deuQiiment of tho aimo drama la being enacted In New Vork City at the I ruunt time. Tho la Ibatof Count H:lrmay, a name which figures largtly lu Hun garian hi. lory. ThuCouut at onetime In Id a high pitltlon lu the Court of tho I mperor. About IbSJ lilt wife lelt home under cloudy clrcumttaucesaud tubtt)uently Uletl, There wat ono daughter, aged 10, named Vlrglnh. ThuCiuiitpUcel (hit daughter under the ili-trge of a houi.ckeeitr, und to dlalute hit grlif sought Irasuro In Iravuland In revelry. At lluchareft he met a woman nam ed 1'olnka. Hlio waa an adVenturees of the wont klu 1. Hhehad traeled tho a orld, aud knew tho men of fashion lu allthoiapitaliof l.urope, and even In Asia, J'heCouut became Infatuated ultlili.r. Hu brought her to Hilda. piMI an I eatablUlied htr aa nil. treat of lihipalace. llewoullhavemtrrlel her, but the hw a t overnlng ml. ten ratio lu ir. rlagea lu Austro.Iluugary, ubaolutely forbade It. Meanwhile the woiuaiiob taluwl supreme control of tlieyouug Cuuuteaa Vtrglult, aud could tuunago lurm the lit im.iI, In the tarly uut of 19 the Count tired of hit mUtreMjtho woman l'olaka, aud dlamlated her, Madleueil with rago and Jealousy, sht sworn that alio would have revenge. Hlio Imluced tho young Counlea lo lly with her to America. Iltit liefnm leaving l!uro, many of Ita gay capitals were vltltcJ, and the joung Virginia was gradually Initiated In vice. On the steamship .liu-cmiVi liolli tailed for New Votk, ar rltlug there on July Id, ISW. Ou board Ihle ship the Countess betAme acjualubid with a Herman Hoclalitt named August Wunlah. Hhe aaaocl aled with him Intimately for meat i.f the voyage, and for a few daya In New Vork, then he diverted her. The woman l'olaka mutt Alto havo de serted her, for tick And heartbroken, the young girl waa taken to Ward's Island, the emigrant refuge. After leaving tint place she took to the User life of New Votk. Uradually tho fell ttep by step, until In the low concert halls the rnrtic I for herself the sou briquet of "Hungary Jennie." Meanwhile her father, the Count, waa Marching l.uroi for her, and ad- a reward ol '') florins for htr recovery. He fodnd no trace In Lurut., and sought her In America, tin January ilrd, 1(91, he landed lu Now Vorkfrom lhesteamhlplo7icnihi. With tho all of the Austrian couaul and tho po Ice, the long tort daughter wai found. Hut whin the unfortunate father It anied that hie aeventeeu.ycar old girl was one of the lowest creatuna Ilu theslurtaof Now Vork, he had not tho heart to eco her. Ho sent her A letter A-klitg her to abandon her life of tliaini, saying that ho would gladly lake her lo hit bosoru and still call htr daughter. The Utter she thrust ulde, and said to tho ofllcor who brought It u2ot my mother w at bad before inc. Can I bu otherwise? It It of no Use going back now. It Ittoo late," The aged father received Ihlrmea Mgu with a heavy heart and embarked for i:urow. llefaro leavlug ho saw tho woman who was Hits Immediate cause of all tho trouble. Hho w at married to a tailor lu New Vork. The Interview, It It said, waa a storm) one. Hho had stronger reproaches for the Count than ho had for her. Vuung "Jennie," It Is MtJ, Is now steeped lu vice. A young man pro ajaed marrying her aomo time latt year. Hho woilil not marry, confess, lug that tho waa too vllo for marriage. Thetitwspatrs, the illce, nnd the general public are making much stir Alwut thla sit I case, simply heeauae tho unfortunate girl la n tiorn Counteia. The atory laasalone, lutruth. It thoull tench a liaison lu morality and In duty to all parents. Virtue lu a cabin It as golden at lttuo In a alace. Quo dreerves commcuJallon and rcipilrca protection aa much as tho other, Tho hononil lo joor man fecla dltgrnce aa much aa tho rich one. Tlio Count may bo broken hoarliel, his prlJo humbled, hla family uacutch en solle.1, his home wrecked, an I hla life A misery. Hut can ho Jut-Illy him self or abut lilt tyee to the )ait lie layed In thtt drama of sin and thamn? Wat he not the cause of tho efleet that have been developed When Iroublo came tiion him he sought lu drawn It In the wine cup nnd looked for solaro lu the arms of vice, luateadofmnetlugtrltlllkoaninu and turiilug for help to a Dlvluo source. Ho exposed Ida Innocent daughter to Uio Inllucnco which oh oneel her soul and led her astray, and her rultilt part of hli rttrlbullon. Ills UUIIU.UU. Tin: fiery Ingallt hat, nt latt, met 'hla Waterloo, lly an ovorwhtlmltig majority tho Kanaii legislature rtjecl rd him aa Its rrprteeiitatlvu In the United Hlatet Heiiato. He fought vlg. oroutlyfora fourth ttnu. Ho letup- lanted by n geulleman named t'felfi r, a member of tho Kiruwrt' Alllaute of Kautat, and editor of tho Kansas itriiicr, lngtlls delUereil A tieech In the Beuate alwut two weeka ago, which at tract! d much nttetitlon. It wat said to lie n bid for the Alliance Note, and a ahrewd bit of diplomacy to enlist In lilt behalf the farmers and wagework era of the country. One paragrah from that speech will llluttrato tho tenor of the whole. Here It la. "Tlio ovll, Mr. 1'rcsl lent, the second to which I a ItertM aa tltroa enlng tho aafe t If It iloot not ondtnger tho eilttenco of the npiibtle, It the tyranny of eoinblnoJ, conoentrateJ, eentralliej and luoorjiornt cdcaltal. Aul tho opla aro contl ler lug thla great i roblem now, Tho coa m lenco of the nalon It ahocknl at tho hijuttlre of mo-lorn aoolety. The moral aonthnsutof minkliil hat been arouainl atlhounft'piildlttrlbutlon of wealth, at tho unoqitt dlrfltlon ol bur lens, the livnotlla and tho privileges ofsorlely. At tlio beginning of our aetviQ 1 century the Aiufirlctn ieople have become rofoun 1 lyooqattotia that the billot la not tho punirni (or all tli evlla that anil.t hililiaulty, that It hla not abollaUed poMrty nor prcTcntel Injuttlee. Ttiey havo dlaeovered tint polltleul tiulll does not retuli hi aojlal fraiernltyi tint tinder a domMrocy tha enuetntrailoti of greattifpiilhletl pawer In fewer hands, the aeciini ilatlon ant aggregation rr grauter am tunta of tteahh hilnlhidualt la more poatlble Ibtn tin lev nmu irohy, anltbatlhsrelaalyrantij lil hla more fatal than the Itraiin) of kings," ThlalaaNlvUpkture of tho exist IngtKlal aud lulu. trial condltlui if the Unite Ml itei. It lit I no tile ton the Kautat ftrm-rs, Itllcntly Ihut donotb.llojlu Mr Iiiilltap,litl cal rejenoritor lu a apeech lu the Benito a ah rt tlnm li-fuo, ho said that the golJeu rub au I tho iloja logue did not boljii 1 1 A u in politic, mil to li pe thtt ihu would was only niilrlJunon'. ill an ComvoiitliK on tlirto speechea, the InllanaiolU AVici ex Itaelf at follows. riietfinroitahncM, Ihe tc th nouiM Intf. thnnrk row irort rati tig ower nf tti roulitlInii wrouslit nl tlio h.1Ii lit llin iMtelntloti.wiu icrlup not rrtillrol ln 1I Itirtlintnnlll lite orli (fHnilor !i'KltjUtk. Tlio wav In wlili hlio rMir-l lilmolfnulIiaiaUonf (ha IVopIo n INirlljr; 11m way In which hw canto 1 iho way In which ho totlllM ihftt the thing ho on lutoJ nowhelorri, an 1'iho thlnjti he onr lotrtl now he bate, hM hr W bn ri l)wl lnro the conrrrMton of S..iit of Tar-ni, which, It mIU be remoinbireil, mine with audi punM to nukp Mm blind. InffaUi, bffajre whom purity wltlnnvl ilw re wither lumephUlc eporj whonuorI t virtue m the utiifTo-l doll orsenielcfi Iti) Ihltisf of a rlillJUh j w lui hrU th iu enintv or tmblla morUty at tho objin-t cf Utter Kthe nj ainart phrow maklngt thUlngnlLi now woulj poa m nhi aplrttl proj litt who luvl never tjiwel tho knretQlUilforwhohndprAyililatly with hU rice to tho oau hiiiM n wlllfitUna Ierrrrw ffenorellotia Hrrr Mct roaU nut rniv uptlnn the malJa'tico of mane. Hrnry Ooorso coM iiul'ileinnii lrut tho Injii'ilca if Ibo yntm that mAkceprogtvMtitiil n),trty, with n real nture j-tforUil nnd a M nccr Hy pftlnn the iofunniinre of Ingalla. U la one of the inont Mlnury eUhU that ha been prcMoutiHl In n Ion at tlrnt. llerewnatt man wlw entrenched ln I mz pubtJo wt IcehAleloTttod It to autlnn, llh Riiprtmacy nfempd to him ao absolute, hi fniWery no complete, that ho wai not other men were, lie mo mod to bo come NHval of tho uplrlt of Hero! whom uo title cuuH auiriMUte with Ita BreiU.f. Ila iw-.tJ beforo tho cuuutr lu plcturi-, aul laxt, anrvnliiif at lhy virtue of the i tmnij llnj: ou t n moral wmnJirtN uf cUlllfitlon, making opuit of lu belled im iupirtlileju, iho et plolotij of whhh woro Una known ti Htiliorlorixlnlikohlmttil en 1 Iwhold he hut wlthf nil at touch.' It ii not guutrally known llmt Mr.In Italia waa, lu 1&0J, tho nonilnm for LIruUuant Uorrrlior of Kiiitni, of what wae then i ailed tho nutl'Llncoln l-nrty. The chalriuaa of tlio rouvrn lion which nomluatoil IiitfulU Mldt 'Llncolu hat lUiuagthl the country and orrldd n Uwiuul the CootLltutlon. The (lovi rutumt ti fiUIuvf to piece from lu herotitlntbcclllty,'1 Tlio Itepubllcan Htito Central (m njlttclut-J an oJJn-M tu tho loal vuUra of KaiiA to iaueo and thltik hoforo vollnjf forThatrher, IuRalUiuid ZcUiocau(ltdatwof the copperhead bolteri. Whtaatransi rovolutloii ln A life time. Inpilli waatheti a dMojull.t, i.ovhodtpenJaon tho O. A, H. for an 1 1 tort, an J ho la the riming lou of tho tohller and Uio nlonc.I SALT LAKE THEATKB. tut, t, IK mux, lti&oxa. Tbo Comcdf Event o! Years 1 1 1 Wediissilay s Thursday, Jan.28 5 29. Mr. Wm. Glllottej'a (now) MITEnETAR. "DO YOU KNOW?" tan if wit bolt ncarnoM, He Funniest and Best Written Play, WITH COM Bill li HCNOa AM) IKriHCaT, kti.k rnopccrD. nu r xcru r comi-asv and m feta( rHacti, uatlr dirKlloit ot .Mr. Cliut!iM X"io1iiiihii. 1U lelUU rua ir.UJ 9oaiiTa al UaUalUAB 8tiTbtit,w1oik. IMF im rlra Hale of Nenlt be aliiai TuUr, UTAH S3 ti 24 E. Plrtt South St , SALT LAKE CUTY. ll'ITAr. ,100 000 00 "litl'l la oo r AntiTitova, rmt, v vr utiiarv, rutrnii, aLCClMHIvas, CsiMtr. unite niiiiii r. ArniilrsBi, 1. MaJtra, llolmr Itobtrlt, T W. rtlrrUrk, That. W.Jsnslsit, Usorss VI, taaafla, br.Jaa.. lltcharJa, O It. llndy, U. CCdairalBft. (Jerjeral Barjlijij Business fve lr Cnl. Jultml TWif oa .tiriajl lKil, tXupounJnt 4 JWl aim Ullb STATE BAHK OF UTAH, I I saw Uht. nxr, ', - onoo,ooo. ,I,.,.":.I'.J.",1N'', I'rttMt.l, WAI II IKtaTOV ir. IT.ald.B1 iiauanu iiLU,V.ZJ iitiao.Fonni J".t li I Smut, On a tlarlos. IV in llltows, r.traiW.elaSrta, Atranll esonoa, track Y Tatlar. "ran .rolaitioB, ehiior ratatorlli 1 aa alarm, I'Khanl w, ioodi . Iltsrr A. ttoollsr, llweltst J.fu.iu pirtllt oa dsmaad Lbt liinatr on a rotd laeurllr, l art ftp rci,i.oaiaTio(ttitp mi V " mi.iert istraoa luarltrlrj altaaujiiitlu.lBni ' " Qoong Chong Wing, !trL Omnmenlal mid gh Vancu aood J2 -"tltivsp altar ,,. NiiJ " UmltmUtfa Orwi- fcja., M,r ,ii Ml A7,(j nt VKT It! KnulU St. 4 Ro.Bti. r'l..-i'iS'tP,, '"''i'. tin iimriDiiiiiimirrn BARTON & COT AICE3 SBLXirtTO THEIR STOCK OF CLOTHING! Etc., Damagod by FIRE nnt! WATEn. ut o, 30 Wusft Fir$ oui p eet. COME AND OUT COODS AT oOWE-THIRD THEIR VALUE iiiTiiinnitmrrniTmiiiTTiT.' r "a" c. m. i During tho Holidays wo havo Sold Moro Goods and at Lower Prices than any other store in tho city, and we are still offering Suporb Stocks of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing & Gents' Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Curtains & Rugs, Groceries, Hardware, Glassware & Tinware, Stoves & Ranges, sjtseaatgas,- .r-.- - .-, . 1 -J