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m li 0 DKSKHHT J-JVUXINO) Jfj-WSi WUDXTJgiWV, JAXTJA.IY "8. 1 ',. I DKSERET EVENING HEWS. flwC I MrdtifMHtnj, Jinunvj 3. ll. , Rjfll t1f7 for A4rt!Mranti U hit trtlli"" f Kir kt" ' 1 ! m- ' lnft CiST'CaW fvr 4frtijru But tv. mi 0) ' 1IIA0MKXTS. . Hf j Till lita bn an orovrntftil day In tie) f. git rmimlMioncr' omirt. W HLnoniMi partltv hare hod an enjoy- 91 ill llm today In aud around Hi city. Bf9 OKarconntof llio Homo Mlaatonarlea' Int meeting binlghl, Ilia meeting r.r Ilia High ) Jl L'ounoll la jaiaipmrd till tomorrow even- ra A TELrartArino tllapalch drain Waab- IB tngton Mate Itial lli appointment t.r R Ahtaandrr C. Ill.hup a totl jilde n U Weber County lua limn confirmed. Mfi Tu "Lyceum lira'tnatle Ctub will S-JM prtaont tlio nlar of "rather end IWi daughter" In Ihu lllglileelilli Ward il tehoolkouao on lTlday- evening, Feb. JB 'stb' ' Ml Till evening tho M. I. A. of Hi Scwnd SIR nl 'riilnl Vrit Kill have conjoint IB tircllag In II. Thlnl Ward inmllnj IsA aoua. A goodpmgrammohaebrcnpru- IJI rcd. Allara fnvhrtl. 4Ma ToiioiiRow(TLurJy) evening, et?:30, E:ar Wm. M. Valnur wllldellrnfe ire in Hiolhlrd Ward meetine hnJ), eforotbe M, i.a.i auhject, 'Tli Uatiie IV lf Infidelity." Tho Ronertl publlo mo 9 Invited. ' 1 li Tin morning t 4 o'clock, Annie, ih I M llltlo tUiiglitor of llczcklah and Kirati I W Mllcliell, of tho Hcrtmd Ward, illul from I , 9 that dreadful tllioaa diphtheria. Til , ii funeral will lake place from Hi family I' m Vctldonco tomorrow. I'll i Snprome CouiL ml f Tho caoo of JWI It. f) U Mary Ann Jack, mentioned In yiUr- ilay'a Nkws, wm uLmllUU nt tho Bij rloaoof Ibo nrirnmenta liy rounael In IT tho Hupremo Court yesterday itfler- rl A noon. H S In Hi ca of W. II. Vlte, rranonJ- I.!1; rnt, v. J. II. Vim Horn, ni)lant, Kl u tliu motion to nlnkUlo aiaiil w&a orar mi'i ' lulot, tho rourt liolillng that llioitb- 71 r ttract fllnl um no nlatmit. yi V Th row of Cook va. Cramlall w 'III rontlnueUliy oontvut, rnjlnj npoaal 'Ji I lil aettlement. ' 1 1 Tli mailer of Daniel Humor va. C. (IH V. llralnard, luroltlng 1 500, v,m 1 V.i Vpirtl anil lubmllletl. H Iv't Hurt Whllo SltlSliln. ftH'v. yesterday afternoon tho wlf ana (' laughter of Captain Ilalley met with r ,' an uufoitunalomliliap wlillo wit for WUi i' llel(h ilrlre. When panlng near KX J M Third Houth and Hecond Ka.t atreeU Bjl I Hi homo took frlitht and went oft at a KV ' link.nrk incn. On reachlug tho Ha I ;ilfl Houm ilra. Ilalley, anliiK Iho M V! ilaiiRer, cauitht hold of licr daughter, n9 BiV nml theylumrard from thn ilelKh to- Hj u i Kethnr. Tho loruior received naovero M H 1 Injury t th hcad.and nock, nnillwaa Km ii'V? mionduJ.liy Iir. Iiyona, at that Kentlo MB li(ll luan' iifllee', whencq alia waa carried. MM IV;,'- Hit wouiiUi werUroattid ami alio waa HfBf-il" Hon nfusrwanla roniorud homo. M1m UF "J,1 Ilalley racaprd Willi uotulng moru H 1 luauaaoTorealiailnir. V b Kfstlj Nalitieil. Hh , i, Thla aftemoon about I o'clock To' H llcnOUlcera DouoTon and Talker nr. H , realod two young rami In front of tho HB ) Walker Houio, on fuiplclon. They SM ' "o taken to police lieodiuarter mm and warched. A conip!Ui kl of liurglar'a loola waa found In r iu tlinlr inearaalon. They gavn their Wl ( naiuia at Charlea Hill and Charlra H Vlalr,agcdlOaud!!t yi-ara reajwctlvily, H Ilotharo recent arrlvala In till clly. They mid that Ibey weroatoppliiK nt li Ihu rit. Ktmo Jlotul, occupy! iik room Jt M. A NKwnrt'iKirlorTUUt'J Iho hotel I III oniuimny with olllcer Duiiiivau in ahortlynfur tho arreat. Inuulry rt- u i ! vvaled tho fact that thero Kern nu L ; naiiuia on llm hotel rrglater tn in- I ' rifpoud with Ihuea the prlaonera KH' laK . atthnCltyllall. They were plj.-cd In M ' thrcltyjallnudwlllhavsuhearlugto- j tuorrow, LaVt 1 Probata Conrl. Hv The following mailer i-aoin Uforo Kr, R Ihla court jtnlerday aficrnoou: H N lut and gunrdianaulp of idlllm HJJ.jtR Howard eta!,, inlirrn; potltlou for Knf'.W letter of guardUnahlp; Iaao llmck- Kv6T lnllk ""' 1'iancli McDouald wem Bli'jli eworu and vxnmlncd and cao taken Wll under iullauient. Mi IJtateof J. ll.Tlcknell; annual ac- I : caunlotetecutoraciiiiieiiprorhtarliix; Ml J1, notice apiiroTnl aud taw continued to llli m? January ill. J ' T( ' V w' J'1"'"; appralwra uji- 9 - kil pointed. S I 5j ' Hanmti llurkr; order mad H HC& flalngHatiirday, 1'ibrunry 7, M llm j9 Unl to hwr return nftnl of real rauto. , IJl , Of MarllnJ. Kkker, bonduf Allirt . iH "' 'kkrt adinlnlirntor, apiiravvd. ,.vt. ;W llil8.;riOKeyJtmduf.iiie)liiJ. Sl , IfiS Tlui(ey,aJmltiltralrl, appruvod. .MB ;ild Of Mary Vu; order Ilaliig rtatur- $8l ,Sfl !Jyi I'ebruiiry ,H, 1801, u. nm to .flB Js hear jietlllou for ielter of uJrulnUlra- B IjkI '"" AB MUM OfUairlet 11. Itiiriihani; order Ula- I l ehargtng aJiululalrator und rrleuliig BJ iff.V. hlaeuMlw. BE !?! Of Hour Hmklni;iUU.)u for order BE 'MM, oflealeiUtoiiruntvil. S 1; l'ullre I'onrl. H '.T In Hi rollco Court, today, tho fo. 'M l lawlug l'riui guilty to tho ' AS fliarijo of Irmpiiw M) () yt"i 1'ord, Oorgo Mi-Coy, Vat. . jIV Huden, Jntim Mcl.ear, (.'. O. Fred. II Jlcka-n mid Hurry l'.vana. Hontiiuo 3j wualolK, ImjioMd llila nfteruoon at I ' i,)"!"f 'WM I under tirrwt for , oljtnlulitK nieuN by fal. iiroUnxw P n. ..xhlblllmt .leijiy 'w,Su"7S I tUvi'"' " h""' '""""tuw at ten I W ,iJf !iU?m aUll8an ","1 WHIUiii Cum. S l"WdtlDgU;Mlgoinelt, t .,'"" Mwneyaiid w. (I, Honmau E "l''fl,'lilidliUirUlug'tliiiii. ; Tbryoocli left JlUiiadcurltyfor their I l'Jmnf.l,,olrtUlti"Kl kard labor for druukonneii. " 'aBBBiJHBHaaaak... LAST NIGHT'S CITY COUNCIL Illustrated Aiierlcw" Anll-"l!or-Don" Slanders To Be Berated. tiii: jiAvoit's imsT ui:xmaui: The I'allee I'trrc llnnla nn Itirrfine of Hilary. At a regular meatlng of tho Clly Council lait nlhtth following mem bcrl wcro prejenti Councilman Oiliu, ALdcraon, I.jim, Hall, IVmbroku, Vondlefiii, Arm a'.rong, K'Ailo, Jnnm, Karrlck mil I'araonn. Jlayor Hcoll prealdid. Alter sonin (in-llnilnatlia tho following Llial nva waa transac'.rdi I'lnnioxa. Vttlllnii of Abrabitn JclTV, anklnr tlm City Cojncll to tell lilm a pleco of prorty altuatol In lot il, block 00. CouimHtoo on publlo ground. IVtlllonof J, J, Vnu Hlreclir,akltig tlin City Coiluvll UiUki action on n former petition In whloh ho naked for tho aul t him of certain pmiiily In block II, C. CommlUranii public grounda. Vetltlon of tho Utah Nurrery Cin. pany aaklnglhn duncl! Iu adl Hi em n pleco of pro petty In Hugar 1 touio Ward. Coiumlttro of Jordan and Halt Uiko canil. IVtltlou of Halt Ink City Urewlug Comiiny aakliij to In nlluwrd touou nert a thrrti Inch pli with the city water main. Coinnillteo on water worka. l'rlltloiiof Krel Trlmmnr protecting oilint tho roniuvliig of grnvcl In Clly Creek canyon. Cianteil. Vetltlon or the Itipld Com pany anklng for u lemlailoll of tlio tij of 1 mill on each faro collected, up to l)etniilmrfll,on the urounl that Iho road waa .carroly paying m-iik;. Commutes on licemi-, IIKI-OIIT Or TUB CITV ATTOItSKV. I II Iho matter of tho Hllllou of tho fifteenth KitImIuIIcM Ward, niklng n remla.lon of tnte, amounllng to C42.UJ, tho clly attorney recommended that Iho prayer of tho lltlonera bo granted. Thu anmo ofllcer recommended Iho payment to the clerk of the Third 1)1 irlctComtof the rum of $37 for coat Incurred In committing (Veen, Due, Itoy Oruiidll, Thmuaa Illandell, Haniuel Itrown and limit Avenou to the Iteform Kchool, Tlio nnw ofllcer atao rubmlttnl a leaiu(lndiipllcato)to be eiecutel by the City Council to Henry llarnea and Kdward llyruefur the WarmHprlnga irotrty, The report waa adopted. Vetltlon of W. W. Oeu nailing thai li l appointed Vollceilaglalrato waa read. Clly Attorney Merrill Tlio oDIre referml to la not vacant, aj thai abould aetlle tk matter. Tlitltlon waa Liblcdon pnllou of Councilman Colm. inr.ii Kti.v.n coju' The following comuiuulcatlon from Kred. JCealar waa teadi To llin llon-rabl Mayor and MollllicM of Iho UilyUotlnillt Your irtlUouer rrclfully reprc-nta toyouriiunorablo boUr iliat ho la a Jua Ikvnf ibo peace, duly eluded ami ipiall. rleil, litanil for tbu uilh l'leehut of fait 1iko city, and aa oul,t ju.ll, of I ho peaeo li I a juirt of Itio JudU'UI -iu er of Ul clly i.iirxiant to Anlelo II of llm nnuiniloil charter of paid clly unproved March , IIN( and thai a uch jiiuul mnivr It la Ida duty loatt aaaconmenu tornf Ibo peauv, aniltocvamliionltciiiea arUlng by lb viotatlon nf aitv orillnanco iirliyTawcf tbla illy, and thai under aalil charier bo la eonielll toil.. o, und under too Unitvil htaiea -rco Hill' uuilu by n act of CiHigru-a Iu relation to tlm Territory of I'mh, appro) od Juno a, lH, liolarntlllMltalkoeo In M.iid ruebllllneerUIn erlmtnul ca.ia to tie laid bv tlio elty orH.ilt ltke, and bv rea-Kill n( llwart oriour biiuoiablulxiily heretofore l.lkei) In llxlltg and appmpil allnir aalary of ltJ lr yoar to bo iiaid to II. H. liincy ntiiiiier jintii-o of tho )H..iilulveleiiiKt aul rjuaUrle.! In und forth lint Vrn'moi or mid clly. Your petit loner nuttier rrpiont ihat bo baa bWuvtliotlydtpiited of mid feoa In forty iwe, mure or loaa, tried bofnre lilm aa audi Juatteoof lb u. nlneu lb Kill day of Januarj, li. Your imiltloiier InaMa Hut by tbo oi-ta of your honorable body In ollOKlngaal I aW) ir year In tho Mid II, H. bjanoy.uaaiirh liulb-enfilie peiro. your tltl.iner and all iitlur jiwlej of Uu.lulbl clly bale iMellMbollr ueprlieil of all Ick-ul fc for cu.i buirii and tried by llieui upon complaint iua,) rorvlolatlniiaorajllcllyunlluulina, and )imr I'lllloner leaiaHlrully IliaUla Ibo act In llalng aald aulirr of flNJ) in one luatlce, In llio Hilar eaeluloii er nil Juatliau, I wholly linauthorliMl, HUrfd and wltlioutM-arrant of Uw. Wliervlure vniir IMilllloiier praya Dial tho auld lllllim riilprmlirnraliig audi uitaulliorul aalary b.) illwviithiueil, n, Ibat eei'ti of aiM jiiailcei may riwalto tbilr luwrul ftea. Jlefcrrwl to Iho clly atlorney. Voile Jiiatlc Ioney ''Tli Xiltrml that Mr. ICoaler tioa ImtoiI deprUial of Ida fi fur euw irliil lw fore Idol during mi abNeueo la Inooriect. 1 luluruniriiliii plainly t-eftru my ilaiairliir iin-1 Hiu..a my arrhal IImi bu ra mui4. bo r.inh eoiuliiir at the nut regular laiymviilof ailary." Mr. Kilr Your Honor, would you llko to bear the other aide of the alory? Major KcoltYou will boalloawl to make your etatemeiit before thu ivm itilltt, Mr. Kctler. i'Aitl.i:Y'a nun; uo.viiuit. Tlio city engineer prcwuto'l a rofllt of llii and Kctloii of maaonry and riii'liilt to lie conatruclcd tlieniui to oriM-y water from Varlry'a Creek hi IhUelty. 'Iheennloeer n-wrtl that Umlluewaau cJe nppruiluiatliiu to Iho location, and waa iho foundation of hla i)tlmalij uf coal. Thu conduit atrtlona were iteatgiied to carry .Voo., ihkJ gallon lu twi iity-four houriaud to be iullt of li COIubluMlotl Of rolHTllo and brick mamiuiy. He reeoiuiucinl eil that thn woik be ndopleil In time to Ni cf awvlce durlug thu oiuulng auui nicr. Tliiiiugliiier wo ordered tu iiiaku rpoclllcatlona. HTUULTOUUIimEH'al IIUIIJIIT. Tlm committee oil alrret reiurleit aa folio.: Thai tho petition of K. Kella and olhera to have Twelfth Hint Htn-et griliil be gmntedi that the elllloii of the Carcy-tiomtaui! Comiauy for u-r uiMon to ait In n an lull fromthilr junl Iw granted. Iu tlio matter of u aldciralk ou rjccuud riouth rjtn-ct, the ' 1 ' cnmmlllce rcirtcd that a Hag walk Would be too expensive, and n clieaper walk would anawcr all requirement. They Intendeil Ui reort further on llili ubjeel later. The committee recom mended that the petition of J. 11. Mel lon, for pormlaalon tocut Ircou 'lnlh Wealftreet, Ivnotgrant-d; In regard to the ruturau ideation or W. Ii. Vlek nrd nnd other relative to tie condition of Third Houth HtrtU Met, the com lultlen repotted that the rdlrnvl com uny had rati-jfacbirlly uifUlmd Hie matt' r, and they recommended Ihu ) tltlon be not granted. Adojdeil. TltK JllNT ll'U.IC III II.II1NO, The cooimltteo on ImprovementJi aiitunllted a oontrart to he entered Into wllh Architect Kittling for the re vlalou of the Apnyl t.Uns for flin clly and cr.unty bulldlug and uer vlilng llin election of llie building. Tlicitinlractprovldra thai Mr. Klet llnghalltvp'ild$9Ml to tcvlao the plana o na toenail to a atfc, dur.iide and MJttabltbu!ldltig-,tli:it,irititlif Judgment id the cvinmllli It la thouzlit advl ..blc, the revlM'-l plana ahallle tout to Vrof. Ware for appmrtl, the anhlUKt to iy ) lowanla the eipenM of the etamlualloii.anil the revhlou tif the pliin to 1 computed by April lt next; tho Peat orthe building ! not to 1h) morn than Imi.tym, cxclualvu cl tliotnwer; tucive the luweet bid fur noiMtrut ting tho building exiteda JUii.'Xio, then the nrchltiit la to change the nlana au 111 to reduce the net tn the niniunt named; Ibat the architect ahall lurnUh n buntl In the ium of fnn,iMfi: that the itimia-tintloii riftheaicliltet't ahall ta-11 )r cent of lliei'.! i.ftlie bullJlliir, cxilutlve or Iho work alteaily tluuc; that the archi tect ahall furnlali the clly and remitt al Ith a complete eel of plana. A llor ooiWdcratJ ll,e contract wni appruviHt, The city altort.ey aim rubmllleil n leaae to be entnlnl by Iho illy to H-nry lluiiea ond i: Iwanl llyine for the l arm Hprlug properly. Adopt I. tl.AXIIKIlOl'aAltTICI.KaiUIlEltFtUTKl) Coiiiiclliimii l'eiiibnili I lo rail tho attention of tho Clly Council to n mm Ira of article that have recently apienrrd In the JUanlrulal .Uncrtcan entitled I'.xtirmliiallon of the Mor inona,' In which It la alleged that tho 'Mormon' want war. Kuch alull la all Web. Tho 'Mormon' are la-ace-ahly Inclined nud l.nvolho Imildlng up or tho city nnd county at heart, the rameu oilier clllaena have. Thepub llc.illon of tbiau lllxloila fiiischood ahould Ihi Mut-lrheil. Councilman Hall I hare real Ibo artlclea refenul lo with a great deal of dlgut and nui of tho opinion lliey wIlTliiJuie Die clly. Councilman Vembroko Ihoneflared the following resolution, which waa unaiilnioutlyadoptedl "Wboreaa, tho Imprcailon tibtaln-al by railing llie arllclo Iwarlng llm the Mormon iint-atlou publl'lied In In -f' uted -tinenerui la am It lo utiaellltf Ilia eatliru plildlo eumlJenru In Ihoaoiind. Iioaaor Ilia couiiucielal Intcrnta or thla clly, Ihi It 'ItoIie.l, that oominlllro of thla Loiiucil Im apimliited lo olll dally refute, by telegram or ullier lie, tho Uatoeiclila cuntaliie-l In the Ileeeinlwr S7lh Il.ueof Iho yfuatru(nl jlnenca, to the dunl Hut Utah U about lo luaku war ujien Ibo Uullnl retca:and In It filtthor roaalvnl that the cominllte.) lie rioiue.lod In eblalu Hi co-operation or III Territorial oniuert aud lb Hilt lik finambcr or Online roe lu Ihli rtf.iuiloii, an I Hut thoaamolM i.iuwl lo Iw publialud lu tbo JHmtrulcJ .llarri"Crtu.M Couiicllmeu Hall, ICarrlclt and l'cni broke wero appointed a lomialllee to rifuto the charge rtfetted to. .I'.AVIMJ IIKUINANGK. .An ordlnaucu providing for the levy and colluctlouofa laving audcurblng Ux for I'lt.t i;j,l tjln-et came up. It provide that Ibo tax may tie paid In yearly ln-Ulnianla, alio Ing ten yiar lluio to llipildate. City Attorney Merrltt aald that It would l iiece-uary to lieu bund, which mutt not Iw aotd li low par. Afler wiuiu frullleM dlacuaalou tho ordlnauiai iabac-i. WANT Tlll'.lll BAl.AllII IIAD-CI), The cummlttie un aillce reartnl lu favorer liicreaalng tlio aalarle or the l-ollee fore. The re5tt waa referred lulk to the commttteu on police. AI'I'IIOI'IIIATIOMI. The following appropriation were then midet Waller luin! .............. I Inn 1.11. lUMkladu Iw3 00 n. ii. li. )i iu; n , laalaiaa Uroa. ...... Ivl M Talal ..IJ.XIl allllXAVUH'UIJIgAUC. Tin rojiorta of all of the city nrtlcrr audtheiiuuuil uiewage ol the Mai or were thou lubmlttril, after Mlllch the Council adjourned until Krlday even lug nut. l'rum Slar Valley. IO-irrioaaeaee Dataaar Na-va. The Auburn Ward of llie ll-r Like HUike ol Zlon la tlluaied lu Iho north we.t i-uitlou of Htar Valley, ou the "Old l.atnlor" trail, iindonntulinnhy. tbnu Mtuul aoltlen, mojlly huida of f.imlllea, each of whom claim not leaa Hun lin acrca uf lund. The ntMixed viihiatlou of Ihelr li'rajnal ptoierly liul trnr (ut a low mtliuat) iiiiiouiili.l Uioviril'i.lUi, and the facilitlea f,u lin-riutal pruaerliy nro aluiuit limit Ii. A large, ell-prui.rtiuij.l rwk mietliig-hoiue atuuJa ou the jubllu iuiie, aanui'iuumeiilof their unity, which la proverbial. ().i the Kill iinI Hlh of the prexeiit moiilli it ounreroucc if Iho V. M. M. I. A. .W.oUtlontof Slar nu I Halt Itlver valley waa held lliereln. The Hiukn I'reaideucy wtro rwei.t. At thu time apiulntrd for tho meet lligatheliollae waafllleil to lu uliiiotl eating eapaolty with n-unawutniifr from tho vnrlmu wardi. (lu HilurJay aliunoun laoturea were delivrrial by A iiaoii V. Call unJ Hiuli .Mi ri;an, the former nu The Vuture nf lo.i," and Jailer on ''fli l.uruul Vrltat- hotel." (lu Sunday the time wt taken up lu dlKcuuma by the vldllng iMhren, luinely, William Itymtr, John Hagley, audJulinOeuond. Tluy laid bef.r.' the vile llio ttutli of the (lofel wllh Job phluiieea that llio ri.ilnlt turn male gUJ and felt well repaid for trav. ehng long dlttaiue to iurtlclate In tlilathoilr-tooiucrciicetif thu Young Men' Mutual Improvement Awocl.i tlonaoftliiauv.itleta. CIIAU1.M IviNuarox, AmI.U ul; Secretary, I XJ AT- xc a . Wircuru ladall Uka City, Jaaeary , ivjl.of tllpfallirrla, Auole, daii'tatar an oalr tshiia ut llatih and eiraa Uluiiilll acid 3 real), II inoaibi a ail t iltj,, loaeral tetw uilllaita thapareau'ratl. dtaee, t..i hi, im, Muli, (,rt , Mij en Taular,t!oiiruiBi rriauda riipact. (ally milled loallesd. WEARY OF WAITING!""" Tie Fate ot the "Yarletj" License Hangs In the Halicce. no imi.ixii ox ir yct uivkx. An Aipcal l.i tho cao or tlio OgJni Mrecl Ilallroltta Another day ha come and i.e.itly gone, ond etlll tbu general public, re main In the dark aa to the outcome of tho dcllbeiallona of tho Kuprcmo Court Juilgttlu reference to the ' Variety" Theatre liquor llt-oneo. A during tlio two preceding days thero wa again llila morning, upon the ataembllng of tho court, qullo a troug mualcr cf me inter of the Uu, nmong lh'e more particularly lutertttei In tlio lm cod ing nnd alMiii' ruling tatlng Clly Attorney Meiiltt and United Btalc DhtM, t Attorney JuJgo I'onerannd liiaoanorlalt In the Frank lin Avouuo Ihiaire ease (Attorney Dlcktyin) wire on thla occlon con eplcuouaby their uhaemc. When the four JuJgc took Ibelr plarca oil tho bench Chief Juatliti Ztne mid Aaaodalc Juatlco Miner each hav Ing ii roll of paper In 1,1 hand, atrougly auggnilvuof a written legal P(.lnloii expectation wa on lip toe, and It teemed to bo the prevailing te ller that the fale if the "Variety" llcili would I natality mailekliow n. llutdltarpnlnttnentwai once mere In (tore. Clerk Ilache vienttlirjugh the naiial formallly of reallug Ihu Court lecord of the provlouaday'a duluga, the JuJgia attached Ihelr tlgnatuiea there to, and then Judge X.ane railed thu Hut cne on Wmliieelny'a docket. Thla acitlcd all anility al-out tho looked-fur tleidilon for one niuiu Hay, and tho tjitctatoi lu the court-room rapidly filed off. OlIIIKN arilKCT ItAll.llOAll liiai'UTK. 11.11. Heiitlcraou, A. H. (larrtUuu nudJo-eph llrlnker, plalntllfa nnd re riaiiidenbVjVa.tlioOgiieiiCitj Ittllway Couiiitny, a coriairalluii, Jarvlt-Conk-ling MongnguTruit Company, defend nnta nndaiiiRilliiiilt. Judge Elinor Hid not rulJuJIcato In llila rnao. Tlm appeal waa from an orJer grant ing a teiuraiy InJuiictlou niadouon thu hearing of nu order to allow came uhyan Injunttiou ahould notl-aue. Tho heating wo had upon tho (tin. plaint and aniwcr, and the tntlniony or wltneaM awtiriioiithu part orthe plallillir, ilefeudlilila nirerllig no lull mony, Tlio complaint allege that the di fend tnt railroad cou)tny la a coritorn Hon urgaulicd under tbu law of Utah, aud that the deretidant Jarvla-Conklln Mortgagu Truit Coiutuny 1 a cerium. tlou organlaed under tbu law nf .MIi aourl; thai the railway comany latl.e owner nt aitrcet railway on Twenty filth Htreet, Wtmlilii.ilon Avinue, and certain ilncta In the city of Ogdiu, oiwratedby aleani and borne nter: that on Ike Hull or Heptembvr, ItlM, tho city or Ogden, by ordinance, gave to llie plalulllla a frau chlre to roiiatruit nud ofornlo a aliiglo or douUe track electrlo atreet railway ou all or any or the elictta of the ilty, upon uertaln trrma and con illllona, oue of the taller Mug Ihat they given laind lu the iienal Mini of J'Jo.ok). ivudlUoiital that lliey ahould, In gooil r.tllti, comiuema- thucnuatnic Hon of tho railway lu ninety daj thereafter. On eraUiuttlie let nf -No-veiiiUr,IS3l,i UIiitlrnay,tlicy In good fallli Wgaii tl.u work, foil vsi-jiulcd thi reou tbo um of about tt:,'l), were now jiroMiulliig the laying or the Uni on Tivcnty-llfili Htretl, Wanhlngtou Avenue, and oilier Hut I., and had laid tail and broken ground for and r.reiwred to mile or roadbed on WhhiglonaiidJcll'ernAvenuend Titeuty-lirih Hlnvt, and laid down track over a ixiialderable portion or the tame, riilnllir. hal nlw broken ground for nidi track north of Ojilen I II vi r, n dlilnme of aonietwoiullea. Dfeudantaclalmeil an exclualve rran chlae for alntt lallwaya on aald atrial by rt aaon of an ordinance nf the City Council pnaed Augiut 7th, I Mi; but plalulllla urge Ibat the acta of de fendant! are uolin nrtaervjtloii of ant right, legal or Itpiltable, which lliey urelllierof tbeni have, but nrceole'v to "hararaand uuimy" the id.iltitlifa ml pravent Ihetii from puiaulng their Work. Tneyaet forth Ihat thla tr.-apaa. la continuing and that defendant tluealen to, and would iiuIcm ro trained, do "great and Irrepirabl In Jury aud vtade" iiiiii pliilnllil'. proeily, "and uoidlnuo to aiproprluto their a ild roadhiil and jlaio ulntriic-llonaHieiiou;"tlitllled.tniuge,lhtre-rurettillld Hot betticllMlelyeatltnatl, That the ilefindaiit Oglen City Itall wayCemiiany I. lutolveiit aud that Jirvla-Cunkllii Mori gnge Trual ColllMliy la the lllorlgjgtai orullthepruariy or the llt.l naiut.l ooni;uny, lloncu tliei tiililut praya fir permanent and Imiuor-iry liiluuc tlona und ror general reller. The defeinUnt noiiiLinlca' antarr to lliucumplallit ii I lull that tho Ogdril Clly IUlU'uyCimiiiny la tho owner oftlititlmt ullway on THeiity-tlfth itnat, Wutliiiigtou Avenue, nud oilier thubMighraria, but deulea that the city aulboiltlt to i,hln. til!', n ftiinilil.ii i.r prltlleg lo cioiiatruit aul nrato a aln glo or double track electric atrett railway iioii nil or any or the atrtela of (igdeii. Defen lanbi al. ileny tbo power of Iho clly to maku any uch grant uiuu any elreet. They admit that In ".aid pretended crdf. nance" It waa provl lod that defend, aula' riibU If nny there are nilulil beactulrediiuderuthor.Iliiaiice.iili. Jict to their flllugn l.ind lu thu turn ut fM.OJJ to Im delivered to OgUenClty. laiudlllonctl a allege.!. They deny that the ground or ro.tdbt-1 uivn unlcTi tliccon.lruitloii of Ihu track a com nieuced hub the property of the plain till., or thai they had any right Intro. to. TbeynlMdciiy that the dt fend-iinU- acta were not In good faith, or that what they had ilono naa for the puraate of haiuiiliig or uuiiovliii palntlli;.. They deny, fu,t,ertba'i pla In Ilia have Ion ant thing, "t'lcei t audi liwi aa lliey may mbuIii by reaaou of their o n folly," cr that Uelcndnnla have committed any trc-nai uin their lima, Meaara. It'luiliall ami Alllion, It. V. HenUemon and Ogden Hlle are nttt.r ney tor tbo reaioiidrnta, aud It. It. Ithodeanud T.J, lludnou fur llio ar Hllant. ' Tho argument of couneel ere In progrea when our rejiort cloitd. THE ILL-FATKl)" MLI?7 Xauicroui 1'ar.illlca l'lnngrtl Into the Irrpth or llrlcr a-i I Detpalr. dooy or an cx-utmco STATC MAnSHAL FOUND. A Tru-Vcar-OM dteaolntion l.llmlaattd ftun Hie ItccorJt of llio Homo of Common', Talwitu l lb Ktwa. THE AUI'CI, lllaAHTCIl. The l.lllla Xllulnir Camp la Xlanril luir. YoUNawooi), Va.,Jan.S.Oneliuu tiled and tcveti boille had been takull from the Ill-fated mluo of Frlclt and l.omi-any at Mammotli up to 10 o'clock thli morning. Illae.tluuli-J that the remalnaaront leaat eoveiitcen more. Tbevlcttma of ycatcrday'a cxploalon are .till In the pit, hut It la thought all will be out lu a few hour. .Nobody alrpt at Mammoth laat night. Iu every homo lu the little mining hamlet wna mourning, lilttlu one eloryhouaea, acautlly nirnlalied, were with a tallow candle, nnd mother, wife, (later or weet hcari tubbed liitllchcc. After Ihnex ploIon yttterday, theiicwa of llioawrul lateoracoreiormlneniat work In the ahall iprevl rapidly among the inliiea, and miller' home. Courier carried the dreadful newa hither and thllher. Thu fauilliea rutlied frnm tho coiufoiu or homo Into tho ileptha of gtltf and de-ilr. '1 ho Beanie at theeo mlncra' enltage can rroillly Iw imagined. Within Incredibly abort tlmo the en trance to the ehafl awarmeil wllh an eugtr, ntiiloua crowd, men, women, rlnldrcii, tome of whom could only with great dinirulty lu kept at u rafe dirtuuro. A the Iwllca id Iho vlclliiii, inauglod by the terrible run of tboexploaloii or burned t.lino-loiil of humauaeiublaiice, were brought up from tho yawning depth., the. crowd uf w atcher puabed fotu ard to the plt'a iiiouth for a gllaiu) .f ret-ogulllou. lluitt- or wive and luuUier tttd tllll hi fnr or llndlng their lovetl ouea among the dead, leant i-oiir-cd domi the bronzed and beirdcJ chteka and were dtdied away by brawny batida that had airung the pick ror mauyycara. The renculug rty pr-ceodi-t with their grim tatk and thu crowd of watcher aileiitly looked ou. Fifty relllui arrived from Villaimrg thla morning and another Iritr hundred will reach here tonight. An addition al order for tw eidy-tlve moru were avut thla mornlii;, 1'tie cnuau of the ex ploaltill I not yet deteriulntal. Thu coroner I ou thu ground uud a thor ough invratlgitloii will be made. thi: CAtK ty Tin: msAami. The roll mil of all men la In piogrt-a and by thla thee.xart number of tuba ing will bu known. The rcculugluty li working with eurrgy and Hie wre -k luUiualnflia Iwlug btat cleared up. The olllciala ut the Frlck Cotiii-ti.y aald thla uioriilngi 'Il may never be known how or why tho t-xploaluu currtd. The a.-cuiuulatloii of lire damp waa probably the tuute, but It wa. never Muiwii to oxKl In any ipi unity iH-fore, In fuel, It may Iw aald the Mam moth uiluu baa Ua.u Irte rroui damp. Theiu I n theory Ilia; a ckttef natural giawa leached ami thu oi'tratlon of lb eutlhillng fan now intveliu any accumulation of II. ond It la not necta-aary that ettry onuln aiiiluuahalllnikllliai wlutn an exploaloiloicuia. ThuexploalVe may abiy In olio latlkular ec lion and may not crmente the entire mine, niitee the ottiuiu la o great u tn fuice II to every artof lh plt,(liitliirMi thugaa tat-oiilliit-d lutiiie ntlmi, ai.d the milieu who were lu the other localllle race eel." Never In Hie lil.tory of Aimrlcan coal mining ha there lain audi AN U.Ni:V.I'M?Ti:l AtXHIlJIT with am h complete unnllillatluii of all within It naili. TheMttuiiiotliiiiluu hhalaeii tiutalilealwiita a being jmr llculiily frctirroui gaa. Huudreda or aifely gallic Uuii were irovldeil ror the inliiura by the coiutuny, but they were never itaul, oa they wero rigttrilfd uiiiitct-eary. lu tbclr atend the men wore the familiar little open llaiiu jii:e In their baia. The mine Ik put the night ahllt to work nud found nothing loaruuMi hit auiplclou, l.nMlllX ITIltl-a X he Co. union. Nlrlhe en lll.lllt.olu. Hull Irelil llie lletur.1. Ix).tlj.t, Jan. 1 The SCcu lu- lieita llie Cheater UtiiranColateiiiaiii iibout Ulailitonu rcalgiilngthu liberal leidei.hlp. In tbo Common yeaterday Hlr Wllllnm Uuyi r Hunter moved (hot Hie t..lutloiiiil the Home of June, Isvt, forbidding Charlea llraillaugh to lace an nalli t-raniim, Iw expunged from the ncord, luaubvrralveof Hie right ofilcclor. llladaloue aupinrlnl the motion, but Hlggeeled oliltllfug the word "eub Ver.lvo t.f thu rlghlaof eleclora." The .V.u-a tlecliirta Kiulth'a ncceit am oof the Ilradlaugh motion lu the Common l.ut night duo to the ilia, covtry that a rtfuaal would .ault Inn defeat of thu government. Holier! Ity Hamilton. Kr.w Yoiuc, Jan. SS.1 n aplto of tho at uisitloiial rumor and ivujertiirea that ItoUdt Hay Hamilton la tllll ullve, hlifJinlly and frlmda of thi clly adhere lo tho liellef that thu report id Ida death III Idaho, baught tait by J, O. On on, It ulauilutely nirrctt. Ilotljr ruuuil. Cihcaoo, Jati.lS The ltojyof II. II. Caiuptll, ex-Unlled Hlalea Mar thai for thla dlalrlct, who ruytterlouily dlaupe.ired two month ago, wa found In tho river near Jtuih ntreet lirldge thla morulug. II waa much awolleu and dlillguted, but Iho feature were atlll revognltable., Jloteni.til er llie ai.itlu. WASIItxaTON, Jau. 21. The torm which over central aud wetlern Colorado yitlerUny morning haamov cil ouatW'ird nud la now, npuireiilly, r-nlrol over tho weateru iwnlon or lfi. dlau Territory, (leneral ralnairofall from thu. (i-ilf coast uottliwurd Ut Ohio, the upicr Mlaalsalppl uud Ml,, aourl valleya. Hnowa nru roiioiled from Nebraaku, Hoith Dakota and the Itocky Mountain tlallons. I'erinally IMeeleU. MAm):r, Wli.. Jau. 11.1 woa formally elected by Joint couveutlon of the leglalatur today to aucceed United Htatea Henator Hiiou- Iltgheat of all In "Uivcniag Tower. -U. S. Gov't Report, Aux, J J, 1SJ9, Rk 1 BaMng ABSOJlffEiaf PWRE . 0ld Lyneh lllet. ""rw Oi'.l.UAM.i, Jr.ti. i'3c-A iter, mtne'i Aualln, Text, tia-clal aayat It develora-d yeatorday at Hau Marco that a lynching nrty cf dettnnlncil Dion had nude up Ihtlr mlndi to hang Colonel (leorge Huyder, tbo wire murderer lat night. The rhtrlll' aplrlled therrlaoucr away and placed lilm In Jail here. New York KleeU llarhel. 'mc Yom.-, Jau. M. At tbo open ing thla morning llmtiocli mallet waa nctlvc, atroiig nnd from 1 lo J per cent alxivo ycatc rday ' t loe. The atrenglh and activity waa cviiflncil lo Vlllanla, Union Vaclflc, Hh l'.tul and Hugar. After 11 o'clock Ihoupwunlinovemetit waa moru pronounced and nt uoou the market w aa firm to atroiig, at the beat ptlctaef llio morning. l.v fiiMi'tnt. aiaeror.!' Teletentn JCead In the leaal. WAaniHt.Tti.v, Jan. 2S. tn (he r-eii-ale Hlewarl aald, liiuamlicli na (liece waaaoiuiiiiuceitalnty aa toHtanfurd' jataltlun on the ulo Monday, to lay a.ldetho Cloaiiru rule, he whihfd to haveranlattleiiram written In lilm by HUnford, Monday morning, 1ml uot delivered ou ncc-tiinlof luternii tlonofllie telcgrniiibi builiiuta, Tlm tttegram whlt-lt lua been already t-tiU li.hvd waa then read. in tiii: ii'iimi'. Th Journal of yeaterd.1 ' t'roc"td Inga waa hpprovetl wllhotit tjueatlon thla morning. The HoUMindtiplcd the Conference iVpnrt bill lu Hie .!intal of thenbamloiitd Fort Kill, (Montana), military rmtvatlon under Ihu honii law. 'IheHeiialorteoluIloufor Ihu print. Ing; or 13,(kiii ixtrn coplt id tbu lie .tt td 1110 Irrigation Committee 011 irrigation of arid l.ndi Wm ngreuj to. I'rnler Kltrletl Thitica, Kim.. Jan. . The vote for t.'nlletl rttnu Henator In Joint t.i a.uu today reaultel In the iiutlou ul VfelTer. Mr I Itatlea 1 aniiutiioee-t te OiTAWA, On!., Jau. 24. Sir ( linrlte Tupiwr hua laeu iiiiiiiu.iiiel to Ouatva from IauiOoii to take chanru t.r the ' negotiation for Hie rccluru-ail cum , umly at W.ialilugtou. Hir I I'luiilt, who ailla from Liverpool for New Vo.-k tonrirroiv, will lanr dla laichea rrom I. .pi tiullnbuiy regarding tneieoitilug orthe .Ui-.Uou of reel limcliy, which he will tumuli tu rice runry lllulno. In view of Hiu ni Hoaclilug elcclloii and the fact that tlio main latue or the cuiuiulgu will to, Iha.p.iHIOIIof clour i-jtuinercUl lela-1111- with the Ulllteil Hiate. It la Im. jwrallvo that Mr J din Mellounbl ahould have tome defl nlte ptoioMjbi to go to the country with, uudHIt Charlc lina been eullnl iioii to tie whalbo tan dual Waalilngiohln regarj lotho mailer. SI.T.I.B ('oiifeitiico. The (uaiu-rly Coiifcnne.' pf the llox KlderHtiUof Zion i-ouvencd In thu Tabcriiuelo ut llrlghtm City 011 Huniloy, January I'olh. At tbu foie noon acrvlttvlutertattiiig and liialrurt Ivureiruikauera mvle by Vnldciit IwreuioHiiow, lli.hnp i', (I. JviMa-n. lilder C D.inii, (J, . HuU.inl, w! I Wulklna, J. M, Jemeii ami Chat. ltt lly. Ourlngthenfterniniii tbo time waa M-cuiilo 1 by Hldera riiwklorti Tubtawn and (I. Klrkham, of Halt Like Clly, nud Vrud.teut Until Hnon. 'Ihelr wordaofoounael were appreciate! by oil .Monday Morning, at In o'clock, a large ruHgicgation atM inl.l.d. An In-ter.-.tlng aim practical dlcouru waa girt 11 by VmltirntrSeyiuMirH. Young, t.f Hall ImXo City, rollowed by atind ditviby l.ldtrA. MudMii. The nflumooii watincuidrd irlnol tally by l'let-ldent It. Clawton, w Im eprtweetl hUpboauro wllh ihogeueral conditioner tllalrt In HieHtake. It la aeldom the High Council liaa any dim cullleatoatttle. Thu record allow In ert aaeil diligence oil the uitt of (l,u Halnt In laying their tithe and oiler lug, l'n.ldeiil loiteuxo Unoiv uddod 11 few word uf liittriictluu. A goo.1 aplrlt prevtuleil during con ference aud IhoHalnt feltitrengtliened In the came uf truth. -V. Jr.snux, Cltrk pro tem. Mnaera'Alleiilliiul The Halt I.aVe Chural Hoclety la nbout to comineuru work ujiou the May Fcallval programme. All tlneer whunre ihtlroua of Joining, mo tn. Ilclledtodotoat nnce. A new term on Monday, February. Initiation fie! for i.11 now memburr. Monthly ituuoriVlcenbi from gentlemen; ladle fu-e. Apply ntCoalior A.Hne)grovt, ut Bnencer Lynch' or utdoor of A, teinhly Hull, Monday nt 7:30 p. 111. DUGS AND CURTAINS. ThoLntostNovoltloa In DaR hostan nnd Algerlnn otyloa at Olnwooiloy'n. Go to JOHN 0. CUTLEn & DRO., No. 30 Main St. for Ulankats, Yariia, Shawls, 8-4 Shoutlnas, Wool Mosloiy. ALL HOME-MADE, JOHN C. CUTLEFI 4 DRO Tho niti-ullon of our rc.uler It ill reded to thu nolle,, of thu Wnler An eaor nnd Collcclor, Cliria. Dbdil, which'here In lid, s,uo S iJii .. w"-.. U I"-""t ' nol niulo within be tlmo tcllled, tbo water wlllbuthut oir. SHORTHAND COLLECB. Itoem for a few moro atUL'eola at th. t.veulDg teuton Monday, Woj.,' ' daytandFrldatt. ' ' ""''" F. I!. MuTIUUKIK , VriurrcM jiulltlir;.. Carload l'ackard Or.tana Ju,t ,. celvrtlnt Ytmng llro...,n MaluKL ( Into the apt clnl thou tale of v t Oronliind, M H. Hecond H011U1 HtriVi' for tbla w.ek only. Ho ako S& many other largalut. illw Wo will exchange for Halt lake file real rttalc, n hlghly-culllvaled vlni ynnl faimof M acre, eltuateit In tl,. county or Contra Coaia, Hlala or Call fornla, value.1 at Jn,IKl, kigt lli'er wu farni-liMiae. etc. Thla la a it lendld tZ pu'turlty for any icmon whblng , plrndld hnnie. Apply to Kelrey A Ollicnpl... (ni i:lato Agent, at w. Hrcm! H.aiti, Hlrtet. u.w lluy ;-nur dniga ct "Ihu l.i.t, Jolm-cii, Vratt ft Co., H Main ,1, Carhid nt Chaw Uroa.'l'lanotJml recel veil at You ng Jlrotler, iW MaluBu "Lot us tnko n walk thro' DINWOODEY'S Now Storoj ho hn Bomu of tho lovollonl do elcnu In Car)ot3 and Curtains that I ovor naw. Also a beau tit ul lot of Sltlouonrds, FotuTng lloils, Ladlus' Fancy Writing DotUs." Ilurhlen'a ieulei .Mltt. The lleaiHilve liilhu worlt for Out. Ilrulaea. Horea. Ulctnt, Halt llheuni Fever. Horea, Tetter, Chapiml Ilauda Chilblain, Ciirnt, and all Hkln lima. tlona, and alllvety ium vile, or ii piy rwjulrtal. It la guaranteed to rlr, i-rrftclaittaractloii, or money refuniled. Vrlco 2S ccnta iter box. For talo by A. C.Hnillh.V Co. ' (let a w lie d.air Mat at 7, Jt. I. TOLDINC DEDS. A moat comploto lino at Dlnwooduy's. a i:ir niii'iiiri iir. Iu l..e,l,llle. li,,,, rr , ,., The Colorado Midland Hallway (tbindoM r.naje) ha through I'jllraau lata f.,r I.eadvllle and Dt nver, leurlo Halt Uke City via the llio Uranda tlern at ICWI a. ni. and 10:01 run. If you gn via thn Midland you i-au aeciito your Vullnian U-rtht for Hi 11 -ifi f.10. train at the Union Ticket tllllte, comer id Main and Hcoad houth. Thla i'ullniaii ttarla froniHalt t.aVt ally- . dlui DINWOODEY Is now proparod to wait upon customers In his Now Stores ho has n magnlflcont lino of Furnlturo, Carpols nnd Wall Papor. Call und duo lilm. DON'T IMAGINE ThatDlnwoodoy koopo nothing now lout tho most oxponniva Furnlturo, for ho knaps nil kinds of Furnlturo end at tlio lowu'it prices. Examine his Mammoth Stock. CURTAINS AT DINWOODEY'S All gradoa nnd makoa of Curtains. A vory varied and boautlful lino of thuao (jood.s run H.M.ic. A ctiuii 111 tio iioi'tr, roiin iiuoMt, V. enwia ami lull. Loinrrl,, Icini ';. "V lilMM,ror.Maitt aeiilh and t..Vr4 Wt.l tltrcl. AUOim jfKW MlTcll CI1W, WITH CUJt, at 1U w, Nona Troiiile tlrecL ilad WANrilU. AU'IT-MAKKII AM. A rAXTitOO'C. aiakar, ewiuiielaal irati of itAbdr tthtil. Iitaalar work and guml 1 ny. Arelr l thctr iarl,e. ll,e Tailor, tat. t.ualaaifoea, Miuoa la.tfoulaba. j i.AN'cii i.'ou a.M.t:. rnm: I'lioiKtrrr k.miwn a tub iHLt JL .lope nandi, rotniirUlng l'at aftta ta Vtaeaum.uonali. Aply to IV. 1-aumn.W wulllnlMaili'cllr: ilU notice to cncoiTons. la Ilia Kttat of Thoaiaa Hani., Ilccrutt. totick n iirr.Knr mvr.v nr T d tiu'lcrilitnrd. hacrulor of tb CfU'a er Ihntna llarrli. Urceatrit, in lb cnJi tort or.and all eiaona liarlnx rlalni tialntl aid 4rceaod, lo etaibll Iheu Willi It oaotl. aatf lourht,., wicliin tin noniba a'ltr ua 'l iinMiwinn er tbla enilc. I-. Ib ' exaeulor. Aureliua Ida efllce, N. ! -i-ulh, 1...I ItmMo tltrat, mil lalt CI, Villi. In Ilia rounly of Hill Ul Hated ball ljk Oltr. Jaati-rv rttti. ial. AUKKblUaMISCC, Eiotulorit tl.o Kitate if 'Ibjmtt cea.eil. dvawle SUMMONS. rnKRniToiiv ol' Utah-, couxtt or till JL l.e. In Ilia Juiuea'i Cnutt. Kail Sate ll'Ul I'teclnrt, Lrlorn tamutl fillter. )u.ut 9t Ilia cram. tliotL'Anilre-'a.ilunllll,rt. Joha lloe, Urlrurtanl. Heffaii'l,tl.e;. loJotB lA'l, fierlia )onnra licreliy I'lnimourd la ' and ai'i'tur Lelore ma. Ilia undrtimaed, al VI in Kb. 1 Hill Creek IVeclurl. in till lata County, Trtrltory or IliaL.aatlaa.acr a raia l.lauit Illul trnu.t vim l.y u a aliota-eairel IdamUit, .u Wedncadar.llialllidayor Itlta- aald action ta Irniiitlit lo reicvcr fromral or eta tlollar, tllaaed I.) budufl tal palnstrotn yon lo -.Ulaua for ilainanta una ey Uielollnwinjrilttautllivd animal, to wit Una old ii.irrl llur.0, aur In lotilitatf, ltanilrdli'iii rial.1 IIUrL atd a btttat' aa.lili.i llutrik-litaheulder. , .11 )nn fad 1.1 o appear and ameffi ia I'biinllll will Uli. lailio.tnl aialntl ou fr Ilia am el ena .'oil. r III.'") ana colli. , lllrvn umleriuT land Hill .llh day of Jta uarr,A.i.lUI. HAUUEiOIIVKl'. . Joillt 0 ot ILa I'ctc ef laid mtlaal paay f )i 11 1 1 ,-.-- J - , '" - MfciM