Newspaper Page Text
I JaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal 1 ralraaaH I nKsmtin1 KviiMMi M-.wst aniNDAV, T-KmiUAiiV , i.hiii. n jf jlBi H HEFLFCTIONS. , H jj. l wtttt. avtltaltaa aa I f rtf. tw aH S.kIilirflliprUiiit4vi afl S!SSj i.b.t UuU wr r"l trwp. "Van. "'" f r roiw wi H !SKliJMfiiiiimffMi H t"Vii,l,oMinlliiI.k.lilii. m ii't. H T1itoI Inmwol tlio Mil ilrjr H ihitrt w'S"1"' "1cll,l" "''M' l H mUf In outaar.1 .piiranuico tii n H bHcI In Iho-flot maclillic, Lilt wlitcli H iorki without tlio r lliiilimrr ilropjiliifl hot nickel. '"" tin H rf'jrt Jar of wllllnR n"''''"0" to n "7 lamtolilUJr' Slwluul Iter itrni full H . parka.), n'l alio li'M tlicm oil H kll I1" '"'a'1"1' l'ltly faring H to hj I1""1 ,,own ,Mt ""'"" """ ',"",,' B ,,n ,ray villi tliem. Vlnti I bo B arlfMn proi" OT""r ''" lM B MI ill domi, liowMcr, flalinl out n tjrl.Uroiii lier pockctlxioli, nnd tlicn taannialn rcnrcli fur lliealot Into lilr!i to drop It Hlio looked llio ma rtin, all ntcr, In front, In Iwck, on tlio i,J. aii'lontun, nml cvin vrlipii Iirr eluft arratlny failed to dhrmrr tlio ,!, t, At (111 not itnup tlio Mm lliat tho micWii" w 'f laUirrr, lint lull tl nl-kfl un ll top 'l walked annjr, appamitlr In llio horw that tlio licit rcnon vim enmo aloud might know ,o to fcfd tlio money to tlio mariilno ul Jruu It In lor Iter. Now York Time. lh. I'.. I. of Lnn.lim. Who knowt or ever nmld think of Urn foudnw of tlio lonilon people for ilmruinj or Iwtlili.e, or of tlio meant lr; liaio for rnJojrliiiC their Lallut In one of Ihe urent urki In tlio heart of 1tiJoii ah ornamental khoct of water, nore iiiiaccliklnt than tho lako In Ceil trd park, It maJo nil but nlho with Utlirn between 3 o'clock, or earlier In the oiiTuiw, nml 8 oVlock n. iu. A liunjr m 30,000 inrn mil Ix.jti hnra Inn known to hatha In that poml In cnoJijr. That U tho miiio iark, if tlio wij:, wliorrln, It you flionlj ro on t rumtnrr nleht, yon woulil wo tho iwanl hlrrnllT ilotlpil, -imtcI with Ibo Mark form of klrpplnjr men hotnclpw nml tint niploj nl, or liixurlniii rgpti, who prefer tho ffrai to eromlril tMirtncnt tiirten. Thrro Li no too jileo objection to thWltjr tho law or IU Hue Hail tnymiKloiK.- Julian Itilplitn Uirprr" Weekly, IliillM-wtrrrd aail Itrlnitnlvd. Sotuo of tho procevc ued In ancient tlraei hao lieen Imt, or aro not clearly iiilrrfUirKl, hut wo ran produco likoor UtUr rculla hy r1lff,'rrnt mil 1pm la Imrlotu ineiini. Many of tho uwful an I elegant nrt, which Imvo Jong been In Ij m hiillpiH'iikahlo to cur luoileni eoiufort ainl eUlllzAtton, wero not uu known tn the ancient, tut wo may lio raU to liato InrinUHl Ihcin, aa wo knew not how they wero proiluecil furnierly In plain word then, wo liave rciHwoTcnil nml rclneiitel wry Uiyiljr. IjoonTa' tooln, linplenientaol rrlnilluro anil luanufacturu ami the wivimmof war luto Imiii ui from the rarllrnt thiiexi. Wo hivo llnproTcil upon them all. -Thomaa J. Dow Jlleh Li Troy Timet, lie II..I IIubi tp line. Ho woan lur)n,fut iienou, whoramo nniiliiKuut of u ililo ttreet nml lauded m tlio platform of a I'nurth aenuo rr all out of lirruth. Ho hud Jut act tied Idiuelf eomfiirtalily ugiliut tho Iraku ril wheuhoapiiareiitly remeui lrii omrlliliiK, JuiuK'd oil tho car, an I hurried Uuk up tho miinie. "Tluit kIi v mo n pain," tald tho con ductor. "Wialwaa tho liunur' onturod a can laiidluir on tho platform. 'Will, nu hiirin," replied I ho con iloetw, ''hut It wun't fare, icor' w lork Timet. lhoT.rrapIo lll.,..e. Th terrapin li thouyht to hiro much liiltiieneo In eauilii( iliknoni, ami tho trmplii iIUmm 1 either arheuiuatlo affliction nliout tho elicit and rllu or llily Kiniii pulmonary trouble. Tlio wlatIon of tho terrapin with dlae la tUt iwrtlon of tho liody, doubllei, orl.-hiutM from Hie met that tlio rib of tin terrapin nro not free, at In tint cao of inort of tho liljlicr onlmali, but uro united Into otio piece. An Imllon who waa III nppllcd fur re lief to a klinimui, mid wot akeil, "J)1 1 jou not, when a boy, tie .trliij,-! to tho Urradn'f tall and worry tho rrvnturol ' Tho patient admltM that lio did. "Wcll,"aatdlhomodIolneniaii, "that UwliatU tlio matter. It l tlio term fln'i turn now, and tho tcrropln h I)lngoa old iieorea. Yoil luo tho terrapin ilckuwa, and all yonr rlbi liavo iirown together, and to your Ireaitbone." The diaman adinlnUtcmd tho proiier "meily pn-Krlbnl In audi ca, I for rttwliatlt wan, and tho man thought ho a cured. Youth'i Companion. Albuia' CapltaU. When Alalwuiu waa n territory IU capital waa at Ht. Btepheni, In Wali luiitou county. Tho eomentlon that Jfatuwl tho coiutltiitlon under which It ' a limited Into t, Union waa held m IIiuiUvlllo, wherii tlio llrt hyl.laturo luet In Oitober, 1619, and tho Hn-tRov-"imr waa liiniWirfctel. Uahabii l "uatliskratiit KotFriiiiient In 1BS0. in 1823 tlio capital wu reluoed to liueulmu, lu,a igj , w, ,n 'yiuored, iliUtlmo to Jloiituomer. IHruiIiishain Aire lten.U )t ( A airtUja AdmLilon. 'What boeiunej of all tho atalo can OH waa uikedftwell known conf. lioner. "a , IImiIo llp lnt() ,mU cuinly, i ,ero h ot ull umm ol mui0 bout coufeUIimery. You like .Iioi'.h "to camiueUI Well, they contain U'oro ,ra, ,!, al)Jr 0wr tulll l"y aro eipeelully wloptcd for thla on jccouiit of their dark color. They nero it in,a UJr n euufMiloncrwIio ro S' .,,li '"'I'lratlou from hit or-t uuu,;ioat!,1"U'W,'U"'UlU'1J"u- ynfv!!v ''1 ' ri-" i EVILS OF SXAOOEnATION. It li a ai,, i Th M r ,. lUt. to lh.1,, Ono of tlio common ilcea In ordinary conremtion, at well at In written fpwch, Utholinhlt of maLlmt n reek lely eaSKeroteil itatcment of facta or clrcuMutaiiooa. lUloniinnillattoli with conrw and cheap humor hoa kItch It a currency amoiur ui beyond Ita derla If ony -nerlt It nnlly hna. There la to much to bo aald nmilnut lt-ma n iLalo dovlco of provincial buffoonery or coarw wnegery whllo thero la m lltllo to iwommcnd It, eiecpt perhoi a a wand In tha hand of n Kcnlm Uko !!nbcla!-on la ln"Ilnod to wonder that It liai not been long agu Innldieil utterly, at tho Icmt from all well bred IntcrcotirM). Ilmt, to practice It without rpci-lflii deilirn or n n chlelo for humor, until ly lietniya n frholoui ilhpmlllcin, an Irregular Imagination or n ilovenly In attention to Important ilobilU. et. It Indlcitet mi nlinml rvcklctadliroiMnl of iiioml uccuraey mid n enrleiiu-i of tho eltiit of langungu iikiii oin.lhr, which, torny tho lenAt, aro by iioim-nn reiectfiil to ono'a audlton. Aciln, although It may not oen ttifrgMt tho notion of n willful pen i nlon of ncttinl fact or any Intent harmfully to deceit, another, et It Inaennlbly begeta, when necuttomeil to hear thlt aort of talk, n habit of henrera of paying but lltllo nttiiitluu to tucli a titeaker'a atalo lnent. It dUwIatet all aerlounncM from what bo may any, and llnally they m gnrd him ai n common laugher, w1ion ijieecli doea not ilwni ordinary no lle. Jloreoier It pralueca a bewilder ing effect uwii tho (general llitencr, which It (julto Inrampatllilo either with a acrIou4 Inti-ntt In or n cam to ro member what lithm tald, and In tho end U likely to cheat tho enkcr of mora than half hit duo becuuro of hit common dlacnllt aa n narrator or ro porter. l'crhapi It It aomctlmea nut lnxcua oblo In mi earneit ndiiN-nto or n rial humorlit, wliow reputation for gond cno la unctiiudeil, who mti tn jiro I diieo an luuui-dlato effect, and li not iipiaiaeil to bo limited by an obliga tion torpvak with an Impartial aecu I racy. Noierthelena Ha habitual mo j bud In moat cniet to tIentroy tho ) ciiuil,lity for judicial Impartiality, where inch a faculty eilttt preelaely at a contrary habit of coiiM-leiilluui accuracy of atatcment tiiuilly runt with falnioa of Judcment. When Itiifua Climite, who habitually rotrlcdlu hyjterliolc, waa afkciltoao ccpt a Judicial ollliv, ho ilcillucd em phatically, Ki)lngtnitlifiilly, "It would Uilruy my irof cjaggcriitlon." lloiuo Jounial. Ill lleireie. A Wred man with n lierth ticket ellmUtl wearily Into n l'ullman hi tho Wellington depot at 10 p. uu Tho train waa tcheduted to atart to halt an hour. , "Mako up ray berth right away, porter," ho tald, "for I'm dead tired." Then ho went In tho forward car to tmoko and chat with aonio friend i a while. Ono hour later ho returned, livery berth hi tho car but lilt own waa mado up. "Whut't tha nutterl" ho ruLcd tcit lly. "Ain't had time, boat," and then tho tired ono liuiu; around for another hnlf hour. Ho wnlioupln Jersey City, lilt thoea wero iiolUlicI. and niter ho bad wanhod ho mailo tho torter folluw hlui around with aw tup broom for twenty uilntitca, "(Iho ma n lift with ray bag," In aaltl, and tho ortt r aliouldercd It mid carrlrnl It 100 arda to tho entrance to tho ferry. "That'll do now," ho tald, at ho took hlalug. Then ho dropicd four centa Into tho black palai, and when tho porter taw tho pontiles lilt cyca rolled at It lio wot going ( ttnvo n fit. It wat u lino rcvengo. ow York Klculng Sun. 1la Slero lUuielr far Ot,lljr "o er eat moro than ono dlih at a mailer what that dlih may be, mid A in rtoii may comumoai tiiucli at tho itomneh may ta-ar, mid autWy tho nppetlto without tho leant riaerie. 2ecrt hi lean, iiolhliig but tho ono illill lioulil bo taken t no comlluiciiU. no tuupt nor aiiiplemeiitary dcr-tcrt khould bo allowed. Thlt tynteiu wat reconiini mini by tho author of tho nolo to n lady who wna slightly obcH. and who put it Into practicu with the lickt reaultt. Tho lady obwirred that aha milfen-d no hieoiiicnleiiee whntcierfroui thla diet, and tho iceult obtained byw end otbera may Ui well utidentood, at iho found by her own etierUueothat the Tkirtaklnx ot only ono dlih, w hether Itbeineat, Uihor aeitablot, brought on H acnto ot tatlety lunch auoncr tliun If alio luid partaken of n aarlcty of dlihit, wheuco tho rlTcct of u. relatllu nlHtlncneo. l'liarnni-oulleal Km, A penny proildent fund wot citab lb.he.1 In Now York city by tho Charity tlrgjnlatlou aoclety. Aftir having been In operation about a ear It wut found on 'u. 1, lbS9, that there wiro aSIO deinultort, orfgn gnthnf f3,Cu0.nS. Hlowly galnlnj (he coulldenio of tho comuiiiulty, tho fund had July I, 1690, tho turn of fTfiU.TT remulnlu,- on d. NIt, mid oi er 13,000 punimt had uiallcil themteheaot tho prltllcgelu tuiut vurylug from cno cint upw jrd. Homo peoplo at tuchu medicinal tuluo torui.lier, and wear U-adt of It about tlu-iii for that purpora. At an article ot adornment It la not worn much by Amcrlojua, but la uietl itulto extemlro ly by Hebrew, Trench and Italian WlVlllU. Rlueo tho cloro of 18S7, necordlng tn tho ffcthuatce of leuillug uw ork iMuiLtrt who nro i-oiiueeted with lint Mi Ihiaucial hutltutlont, llugllih enpl tull.ti halo Inicktwl Utuci'ii $300,000, (KX) and 173,000,000 Iu tho United butea, i?v""l''Vl'M'", '"' v'l'1 t , ANCIENT DUDDHIST STATUES. ratathte Men rartlnft I onnil In Imlu lir aenia hll,lren at l'lr. Tlio l'loiicer n( AllahalNid rrortt nn arcliTolofilenl dlaeoicry nf romo Im portmieo at lahetwiu-.lnthH Itiuigimro dktrlct. Momo ehlldrtn, whllo ila)ing among rilint th re, itneartlnil two beautiful proupanf Matuary, cut fnnn tho linnl black lavilllo atono found near (l)n. lloth reprcrcnt iiiilhulug leal deltlea, with featurct ot n (Iravo llnd.llil.tlo ty. The llrt It 2 foot In length by SO Indict hi bniidth, with n depthot Clnehet. It repn-n-nta VMimi ur llnjudeb, tho emblem of tho pro aertlug er hi nature. The central llguru tfmidt un a lotus and Itt four liandi grutp n bib. wheel, lutut mid i-nncli On the head It a tiara tlin-o Inehea In In Ight, which, with the earringt, necklace, bract h l.wa;tilnlu and ineritl thrcud, aro n-udenil with n wonderful degreo ot d.lliwy and ttnUli To tho tight and leftttiuid llgun.of lAktml, the goildwt of wealth, nml Barnwatl, who iwtninlrea lenmliig, raililru Indict In lnlKlit. Ibiiind tlio eentrnl groupnro m-iiii minor ilrltlet, annnl wlthliowa and nrrotniid rid lug on linnot mid i repliant. 'I lie . n tabhturo It aurrniiuilcd by a luvid of tho Alohr, known nt .SrMnghii. On the luw It nu hm-rlptlou Mild to lai In tho lAtidta character, n mlxeil form of lleiminglrt mid Tlli) ton. T ho tecolidpli cent en rtlngtitmnller, nml tho norkniandilp. though imod, It not itiml to that ot the other group. It It 111 lurhct high, !U Inehea broad and C deep, an I rcprmtila n I'nuniiiln goddeet. Tho llguro It catrd nu n lotut, nml It four armed. Tho lower left hnnd mpjiortt u Mole Infant, the comuiding right hand hoi It u iwwt im at, mid the twoothcr gmtp brnnchea of In it. Thlt group nlto hat an Inaerlpllun hi IJind.a, whkh, Ituwcu-r,. hat ilcllwl iluelditlon, lloth jji-ei-t of K-ulptiin oroluciecllent pn-M-riatlou, tho tracery lulng aa rh-nr cut at If It had Juit left tho artlnt'a hmid. Ilbloiy and tradi tion urenl.koallent at to tho origin ot theto eurluut relict, and It will prob ably remain npuulo bow an lucrli tiou In hnatord Tilietan ahould v dla covr red at n unlikely n pju.t. Tho keene-t cxeltemeut wat eauiil by tho dlteoiery muung Urn Hindoo population. Avirt from tho hitrinlo ahio of tho earilngt, which It eon Idernblc, they aro object of won-hlp. llurlntlulrteuiiomryijouni at tho ha-al illeo Untl.iii they wem rlnltiil by i-rowdtnnd tiiiolliiml with twettollt and flower. Varl mt elnlmantt etuno forwanl, mid to mold litigation tho IMrlct ma In thrui out to tho hviil Hindoo rcllgloni aum latlnu. 'I bey haiolHou built Into tho wall ut ono end ot lit hall, wheni they wero hi Hiectod with Inlerent by Meuart llay. ley during I ill U!t to Ilungorc. T.u.U 1.. l'.r.o,,.! H.U,I.. A prolonged now-jiair eorrcfpond enco tiion almott any toplo iiudi r tho tun will rarely tall to etoke, after n tlmo, (icnional relortt and dhaimghur ri-fli ctlont, moro or li courtcouily e A couiilry Kjulr.', whocntertalne.1 a profound contimpt fur nil tailaiiH-al, Ki-ologlenl or loologtoal luveitlgatloiu lying outildo tho domain of ".port" had a ijuarrtl with a local natural hl.tory aoclety, tin. member ut which, by tnnpaulugou hit intatn In ipint of llrhena and fungi, had dltturla-d lilt gntne. T hi led to a number nt bitter Idler In tho county paper, hi tho eoilne of which tho eeretary of thn aodcty al luded to "that tattofor lutiirnl hUto ry now rdinott uuhriwilly prnaUiit lliroughniit thlt count rj." 3t t week tho xpjlro'a letter began, "AeiMnllng to Mr. - ' atatcment. On-ot llrltnln Itnn Mand Inhabited by .10,000,(100 ot -ople, mnttly naturallita" nu uiiuibtnknblo lairaphrara ut C'arlylo' fauiuiii dictum. V Iqrloa, ( l,,l,r.. A well LnnwTi Inturau'-o magnate, who wnt hi tho habit nf taking nllint dally trlrm ljetweeii Albany and ow York on tho tniln, had thu iincomfort ablo pspcrlcnco of haling a wheel break rlr-ht nii.ler hit M-nt whllo the train waa going at full pocd. lly a forlunnto Jilnip ho uarronly em-atieil wlihhl life. Thla iiperlrnrc, a deep huprewtou tiiou Ithn. Hi weikt nfteruard ho look tho tamo tmlu, nml, nt It happened, wat In idiiKvt tho Mim Kat. A ho watihut tlug with it frhud ho hapH ne.1 to lool; nut of tho window, mid rvcognlti-d tho hndicopoaiiil tlto iot ( hit narrow' im'iiw. Niiturnlly h told hit frlmd the ttory of tho broken whtil "It wnt tiaitly In thlt tput It hnp pi mil. Tho trulu wua making tho tamo p.vd It wnt Iho mint awful grinding nuto I ci er heard. It inakea inn t r m blo to think of It. Urcat heaicntl There It It again 1" Tho Identical nrrldcnt had actually linpnii(d on tho tamo trilii.iilmwt ! tweell tho a imo tunl'eldt adjoining tho truck, and tho lellmot thltitmngo eolneldenco liandy i-ieaped thu ,imo wny at Ijcforo. l'.iclinnge. Ijunr Wart at fii-nulii .Mearj, Tlio mnleit way for n mini whohaa no bank ueeouut to mako u reiulttmieo It by bunLcn' draft or imetolllco order, iielthi r of w hli h cautt anything to iiicn tloii) but toino mereluuit In tmall rltlea ImM on fudlng coin, mid aonio ot tin in m ud It In a limit ieciillnr mail, mr. One man, who U at prompt n laer aa vir breathed, tiikt up hit uumey Inn cigar box and wudt It by Cipro, lloltaklu toumitlur of our eiiktomer, who remit by $3 gold piece which he fairly gluoa toplecia of lairdbonnb lluth aide of tho coin am glued, und It tnketmi nbaunlly long tlmo to lint M-rniNi und then wuh the paper oil them, ItUiiouMi remuuttratJug with thlt gelitlemait. llohat uUajaudopt od tho oanl and gluo route, und prului bly alwa) will dom but If halliard eien a iien-eutao of tho profanity hi habit ralla forth I think ho would do kUt hi tho luterett of good morula. lui Uriiew in St. LouUUlolv iltuiocruv. ir a nonv ?icrT a nnnv th mi U U m rolllilon, iih r Mromicr ihro1 ihrvf'ur rwrt I lio ) futl . f ,f. IM ma. U arr mmunllr r. lli.lirr t.ih or ttinihltn If ii ,.,, i wiib ...if iiHtliUirt If I li kotnr .In. 1 Ji.. (njwt llut "ktiiohi lii IT tli Itntk Rtil rr tiH tiirtlilct ti (or lifr. uru n mi- . tuity II wrntri, liMro in cr th l runt uC twifj tt-I.Untii arvl mVrtlitn lhn man- kllVl, III Hi) t1M ff IrrTTIMIlDr, l-f Inif d ma PrimthHia, Irr-kltv, it r1.lll nin, ihk Ixudii'ho, tttnrtMMi, lnnm mnt Inn. nr uhvtuthm mul I "(pirnUt wrkni. Ir. riTTfi lurlliari. K1itlini iiatm-t) to k nctift tf auttirti it no mImy mnlklno ik. It tillinttfiif nirtlidiV) !r wiMtirn, ll W tlnrnnMa, tialrr ltUv Murnnirf.irum Ihn riDifiuiiinn;thRi it will t miuUo. tlon in tt7 i-f, nr tnonrr 11-1 f ,r it will ! n .untktL N ritaraitd ua ImUIo Dr. Pierce's Pellets Rrilnte kritl i h-num ttif ll n r. rrmii h nml imi l TlM-r " "" IT tfir-rtab j n I lirfftlr hjirmW. Oiip m toM'. toU r lniftu. r. rnt h vwU J -Vaiil- it i brim bttorri NOTICE TO CREDlTOns. la l lit I iuu of Thorn iliH,PccieJ. xroTicr. iiiitknv mr dv Tiir X ttmlrriVntil, Xr utor ct lt Kilt or Tlrflma llrn, dftiwt, lo th rrUt ion or.anl ll ioiia tmlojr r!lmi.inlnn fltx tud, to tnt.iUt liivnt wiib ih ntrt rr toufbrra, wiibin tin monttia afltr lh Pri I'Utllrallon or itiU not ire, tn tint laii rsrrutir Draltoa Miprr,! Ina otrrr. No aj Muib, lt Irmul Mrrrt. kaU l,abe (Mr, tub, in u Tounlr ot tt Ukr HaUil rlt Uai Oiir. Jnmr rili. !" AUIlKUtH MIMIt. I.ltrnloret llit IMtltct Ihrmai llarrl,itt rfd dtrAwiw NOTICE TO CREDITORS. flUttOt TbotAMU JajBO, PtKCIKll vttick is iiKnun tiii. nr tiik i n Xl df&rl, Adimiiiiiraltix rf tbt flil at II otd a I), Jobr itervjaeil, o t t rioitra lor.atiil all rioii I aiinttoUiut aaiuil Ibe aarTlioncbarf.wilb n Iur monU a aftrr Iba drtt lUblValmi oflhli iMiU,lt Ida all dmtAia iratni, at bar ral'lur rait Lalt Cur. In tbt (..'tiBtr ff UU l-a.r lUteil Jausarr Kih.ini KllA JKho J(lM, AdnilniatralTix of II a fna.a of Jbumaa C, Jobta, drfl. doaw 'w (ti( i;. Xs HFnrur gii,. tiut tiic an nualiiiratll.C nf lb Morabuldara nf ba H Jtako luh anJ lunir Uoini.aar,wli l,n held at lie latnrtal otilre vt ib (Join tanr,No,lf1 d1 tl I Ml. irt miqiIi birevt. aillalfLllr, nalt lt C'sunlT. fiah Irrl U'Tj,tn1u4ytUlvhiifat ttitur$,lwnt at Bu'aiKk tiu.. ar Ua puiota vf etarimtf lurtrtnra t icrt furtbamtiiiuir Jvar.aiiiili ,r aurhtilbrrlitaiiicia u ay irjrljr tom U Jjaied talt I Jit Uity. Jaanarr I3ih, Iti. laUL M. AlItKII lowlw PMiriarr. DeseretJIeiasGompany PIONEER OF THE WEST. ESTABLISHED I8B0. Bookbinding and Paper Ruling in iLLtra urakiuaa, AUSTIIACI'S, covxtv worn:, MASK HOOKS, -ia arKcuuita - COUNTY BLANKS. rmcii riRtiiuKu ok irrnciTiu DAVRY TAn nOAnD ond Qqt Grado of Motorlala U(t o mako our work durable, ALL WORK GUARANTEED, N0TICtTOCREDIT0nS. In the rrubaif t'Aiul rt all Iaia IVnalf. Irtntctf of 1 tad It the tnalttr nf llif I aula nt John limwii. ilr raf! tdtkk i MittTin utr.s nv tiik ii nn4rnlrnM, Aitnilnitirairlt f lh KHat ttf John Hi-onu. !? tnard, Utti nf ral L aki ( ny, mi, ... th i rriltlnra of, and all r aonahaviha- Jaima atainitlha aaM rtorafa. In tihlMt with tha nerMrj- tnnrhrra, wiihlotcf monllia after tha Art I uMiratmn of thia nniir, t tat.) alininitratrii, lal llj n.nlLkirUa I , laraoB,MiMMT ! law, II KMam Mirrt.hali I akr (tiljr. ttiat Wlna Iho i.tare Mr Die tranariiiB f tl I oonr A aai.Irlal. a H llltltt, Adinlat.tralrU of )b I ute or John IlrowD, ltf. I Jane arr mil. vi at raw 4w NOTICE TOCRE0IT0RS. KtUK of X tmr lltlauii. Htct I. "Vtmr i iiiurin'uivi vnrtiirrv Ail . "IvttBM, RdMinMtrator or thu retail fllar Willlama, ilrvpair tha rraditvu or.anlRll.Fr.on )arla rlaim linn.l h ai i darrataal, to rituMt thfm, Willi .hi tit arr tunehtr. wlihia ten mnmln aftar lh flrat f.r tbia nji-?, to lb aal 1 aJminl JM-or. ai ej auli Main Mrrrt, ali I ka tilt . laiha-uuntfof Map. Clalilrmtorr. tat Jaaiiarr 1Mb, !) .... . W.J III Mir. A dm in I ra lir at lb KiUla ,f I .if ar fl liarat dfiratH diataw LEGAL NOTICE. la 11 a rp-iata f Vntt of tbt t onnir t ftall Ulr.lnntorfif llali. ' lalhamatlprrf ibt K.ltla an I i.n ardi an thin vX John MoodniaaaaJnlla Uoolrutf, Minora. Order li ibow ( lata "ml? Order of al of Ileal KaUta alioaM hot be biI, a mrv .ii nifunnvii. tiik til ab .rtdrott and JhU Moftilrnr?, minora. tiaitnjr IIIrdltlaiwtillOM hrrvln ilnlr rnflal, t rajlapt lor an mttrr ut aala of tha real aaiata of aahl mi tor, tor tha t ut foira tLcrrin ai fotlb, it u bi-rpl.x opltraj tbal tha nrl of Un of tt m toatdaadall itMna tairrrttftJ in lti lala tf t aid minor aftar Ufnra tha an lrol.ata . i,!r,Al Vlur'u ,h ' Tt l Vrurr. 11, at laoVtork in tha rnrmoon of ai I dar. nt Uati.urt Itoniii ! tald I'r.ii ata UuiirtJaUba I ounlT I otm llntKi,lnibt(Mrand touttrof ralt Ulr. tlti1arriiory. loalmwranao whr a i.nla-r ahould hot U vranled tnltia and Kmr diaa, n ni a ma. It ot the real ru or the aaidDtlitnra,alriiaUaalf at ball I nefe. aarr.and that a roujC Ihla or W l mi! tl-U-l at Ifaallhrtraiirre.aiievfoka in r vrliu Nmra, a newai tr .rintcd and t nb lUbrrtln ail I Lllr an 1 ( nnt. latel,Janiiarr?;nd,1M), u !.(' U AlVn.dcrkof ihaTrulaia loan la indroribeOannlVor r,l(ltkela Hit Tarn liirjfof I lab.datbrrcby rertilf Ihattlii fora Kiiiclaatull.lrat tbd rorrrd rvvy of ord-r ta aliow ran whr ord-r ot .ainof rral e.uif almalj tat b made In tha mult r nf the eUt fend uanttan.tiiiiDf J-tn Uoolraa aulJnii Uofttlrun, rainura, Pled January a arot rrrvrI laiavoiUte Inwitnaawliareor, I bate barf unto ( mr Unl and amird tba aaal of tail foutl, thlt Janturr, A. li MJI L' L r Altr. I.,CK..TlM'"0"',",",'t'""1' l'f nl)r Lleti. .1 LEGAL NOTICE, la Iba lnUl marl In tn 1 fr PU Ull (oqnlr.larntory of I ult In the n.aitf r of the kTum or John .Nh. de IWlreof limn and olaca far lb haarlur if 1 l ttou (or admmint I'rvbata of ft ill. 1)inuivr Tn an ouiiKit or nu 1 Court in Mi Miller, iwtK la btrcity pien tbal rrblay, tt lli day or Irirvary, A.l). irii.aiiotiiltvk a. m., at lio Onunly ouri M(.ue,ia ialt Ula (Mr. I'lali Ttrrliory luilioeo.itliunm,r aai 1 Men ai. miptr iba lima nod litre lor li.a heannx of airimonotlliartolif nh. f)lerior iha admlailon la ribte of nrrru.u Jumakl Iha'aaillilareauated, t urporilr to W tlM lal U ill and f t-atamaat of Jol n N dataed. wbenaul wbtr all tftona mteraated iut aiear aad otoa Iha vrulaie of .aid wiif, filmitraiifn with lhwill"pnnMM7d'Tb. itttgf a)iraedrrinallkt.iiUoiu a uliiir.i Mlre M hate hereunto aeitnr band tad aflHrd iba aeaif ml rourt. Ihia flih daynf Januarr.A.H. lo :U CHAIIKV, 4 Clerk of the I rotate iourt, IIAItltlOS CONVK(llt IIMtMIAT IMi ITMI' Oi'iitvTUi ta iiiik i inn i.j iiot erenhe, wlrn water ia li be bad from atreaiu nr wall thla 1'UtBii tnaMea a I eraun li.uin.limhiii..t ' IHHIl'iM A HKIUCK (W. urnd 4 ( ltkenu Ibleato. NO TICK. 1 .1311 HAT K IV I'WIWI CITVi A (hii V Qtrbrr'abufinaa .tdr lu llWerl Hiikla,Jltrt.lroTO(llr d wrdAau Utali CBDtral Railway TlmeCardln Effect OCT.SI, 1890 t'teii(frlrlni Titonl Arrlra at Malt Lake City, ami l'ark City, Dally, m l'ollumi SALT LAKE CITY. Train 1 learn tin Soutu X Una ll IMiw 1irmi' a.i)ptu PARK CITY. Trtia 1 trrirei lrkflly ... ...... Jt)M in - llearet ' IMfa FREIGHT TRAINS ftfate (illUkaau, .,... 7fda.n Arrira . 3 41 u.w UalarkUiyat. - Uwih Anlrt ... . UVJriui Nu I'taa eajten cirriad oa r rrifht Ttalaa. PASSENGER lUTES Brtwein tail Mite city tal l'ark ciiy MuRaf r.rc, d.'.CO. Itound Trlj', f J J.ll. TOUVO T.J.)lClIINT1rirf. ilenl.fapU Un.niAlVa RIO GRANDEJWESTEnN RY. CVlt KNT TIMK TAIILE. JAN. 1, 11. Nn . No.. JTaif ftwnri Trmttn. Atlanila Atlantic ' Uul. harraaa Lt. Otdan .... ljia.ia. Ml-" tr. Bail late DM km Lt. Mlt Ul . nJOarc, IimOu Ar. Ifofw I1a.m. Il.t0),u Iv. IToto i.M.Hla.m. lUM'.tB Ar. llraaa ItlTcr...., a7Wp.i. jwam ir. lireen lllvar . ,. VVltii, LU3a.m Ar. llrand Jcoetlon u.iii m, kila.ia Ar' iilrnwMWriiiiai-'a'.". lllain' tMta Ar. UadtUle .iuin. hjqo,u Ar. lneblo L9(itta. 3 ("Ja.ii Ar. (ulbpia.. M..m. 3. "J am Ar. Hnitr.Lol.Uld .llia. iUofc.ifl No.l. No. II WtU-iku4 7ye.J. raciflo Taclta Ir. Iienrrr . -aoi. lip in fc;: Its pa ii sss IT. fetldlle ;Mia.m Uli ia lr, (.lenwCKHlfiintiitaMM Ualam. Ml lair Ar. llrand Junttiun...... iJWaro. I Hm It. t.rand Juuctioa llOatu. SUun Ar. tlraan IUtw iiVin. tfta It. Ilreaa lurer.. Ma.u. 0.10pm ar lroo t-Mpta. lom Lt. 1'roTo S.ltfi.ta. ltwaw Ar. Bait lake tVUpia. Itlau M. ball Lake 4 4ip.ui. 3.mltin Ar. Oidaa - OiO('B. WHiu UKIAMKAINS. tLT MI AWII IMil.IW. Uara Salt Lake 3W a.)a. and 1113 a.m.,111 tt.m. f(elurnina,tniTO taJt Uke KM a.ta. IJpiii,l.i5Mii. lllrVlfltiH. Leava Hall lake 4U t ut., retnrnior, irrlra Ha)Iake9AUitn. AHkHiraa iiiNK, rioD, araiwoTitLi, tn ia ilk, it. naiiiar un n Lrara Halt l-ak t& n.w i rtturaiuj;, ar. r.veaaiil.akqn.Ua.1.,. IJ. O.IDOlHjr. J, If, UINNETT, Ua aarti Maautr. Ua.l aai Ar gEBgHiHEliiaS DIRECTORS I Cco.KAmaey.Wlilctr, 9 U 'foaaaH oaaaaaaaaaaaH 0 Tttlnr. lien romnar, I (j, ,. Tajlof. Annual Waaler, A 3 H ( H 1 ArKiltnae. II. J, Rowaey, I i3 ttnaal ' annnnnnnnnnnnnnni r r AraiPtronc I Ota. K.mmtty,cy.tdTriMwtr, 15 il 'B ( aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! Lumber Yard&Steam Planing Mill i 1' H TAYLOR, R0MNEY jfllfl ARMSTRONG CO., I flfl Ono Block East of tho U. P. R. R. Depot. I , B ,' ,NA,lceredn&-f?r,.jorrJ&Ki ' VLI "aV r r:D"4&S - i ' BlaaaaH :irteXLfflSaa :1 ) W Laaaaaai si'!ir . i ,,.!ittIsopr'Pr"e''VMtJisSJriw 1 ii'aoami aoaaaaal l 1 HA nw&tMxcSir ii' fnl aaaaaaa! HjU' JJl ..' 'F YOU WANT THE BEST. (l M. ' H -Mi M9SSCIIARTER OAK, At i.PTOVV- WlroOnuoOcnI)ooM. ' '.illH roil SALE DY Wf H Z. C. M. I. Solo Agents in Salt Lake City. Wlt BROWNING BROS., ! IDS S. Main Struat, Salt Lako City, Utah, ' IfflKl', pH 2401 WaahliiKton Avonuo, Oedon, Utah. ", K i H l Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition X 1 H And Sporting Goods of Every Description. ' ii I tnaaaaa! ''!'!' aaaaaaa! !. naitoxl til 1AKK.V IIICVCI.R!). All Ma.a. Wr, off.r . ltjr. w fl H X.ltljr UI I arli tur ajus.oui l-r. Hoy.' U7 Uch lar L iBM-l aLH $33.0U lJllt.' ami Incli, flS.OO. t nil tl CAT.T. IN AND KNAMlNn OUU STOOIC. V wk 1 Hunt mini SiMirUno Goods CATslKOGOV Frre lu AH, 1 IJljl aoaaaaw Thp Ppnnlo HMrcmmsB ill I III) I 1)1 II Mil '' sho.i Mad. of spin uaih.r a JoW. aaaaH I llJ 1 JJJlJ Mllh C.nt.a or Pill. Boiri) niif' Otaaaal THCY ALL INQUIRC FOR Ijl jflV H Solomon Bros.' Boots $ Shoes I -H Which ar. Mid ot Solid Mtlcrlal and aro anoo. lo b. Me. and Durabl. K JH Call anil Eramine the 'ariou Htylttof Qr OunMale ami JmporttJ. I' H Honest Goods! Fafr Prices! Always Reliable! Nona Belter It toe Kartell 'tftatoaaaaaaaal tor-All KlnJi of Draiilno Sold for Black or Tan Colond Shota I Utl Phi!?"?0;!!.' ,org."! !h:. ust pr..iina lor cm.', udi...' Mint.- and M anaaaaaatal Chlldr.n'a Shoai klilch Malta lh)m Look Lilt Nw. illlflaaaaS muAU Hm cwaooTjAttiTCD wrai TDBocooaaTnTorTaBcoimTnT. watoiTAia ' !p 'B much viLvxtLc mroHMATitm rnoM a itoet or this hat or III ; aH dPaSSE li ti rHE GHIOAQO, ROCK ISUKD & PACIFIC RAILWAY, J 1 M iticludlrir mam liriui, kirancb". and ttamlona Faat and Wnat or too j ' aV Ll lUa.tniri Itlvt-r. riinT)lrnit HimtB lo rt Jrom Chloao, Jollat, Ottawa. BBBBBa oorl, l.iHll,Mollnr,Un,:cllurii1. In lUJ.NOIS-tjaf.nnort.atuaratlno. i PW B lttuiutTa,Otka;oo.i.,D.Miiiniia,VviilU'ret,Audjbftn.ilnrlan,lriaCouncll i , Hum., in loWA-Mlnn.annli aiiil BU l'ul, In MINrfllaorA-WatiTlowo ' I tatB J nil Hlo'ix rail, In I)Altm'A-mron, Hk Jnapb, Mid Kan Cltr, In ISBBBBI UJBOUUI -Omaha,! iiibury,ii'lIlloii,rnNKUIIA6KA-(orton,lopV., ' ilH lutcblnaon. Wlch.U, l.,llovlIU, Ab.lxnn, Cal.W. II. In KANliAS-l'onii . ' B rrak, Ktnanahor, tort Ilono, In tho INDIAN TKIIllITCHiY-tuid Ooloradu BBBBBJ prtnira, Ii.nver, ruublo.ln COLOIIAUO. Trarnr.. naw ana va.t waa ot rich farmloa auid arr1eir lanila, ttrtorftlnir tb t bf.t faollltl or lntrcom. I Viunloatlnnlooldftrntatoaamt tohlltowna .adrlllPUWfar, nortbwot,aoU ' aBkOkaai siilbt. oat from UmcaKV,uUlitclna rout traaocanto Saaport. IBiaiaj MACNIFICENT VESTIDULE EXfnESS TRAINS, H fjaadlnir nit competitor In vl.ndnr of equipment (cool, at.U vantllated, iaH TlroinnuaMnaumui.r,warrTiiiUljyal.amrrorq tbaloromotlvalntiintari, H XIAILY bvtwaan Cblunyo und llaa Molnea anil Council llluria iwltb trirouirr ' iH alaer tn Omaliai and ctiliuiro and Colorado Bprlnira, lnnvrud luubli i H B'U lit. Joagpli, Kinwaa Ullr or Tulioku. KUvanl Uay Uoncbaa, Ulooplni . 1 " aaaH an. and l.a.tor Ml.. ouri lllvori Ulnliiif Can, with KllEH Itacllnlnir Cbalr aaaH aiabMtwiianCblcarruandNortlil'l.itt'iiNeolvlaOniaba.C'hlcaa-oandrj&ld. S i,aaaaa K.ll via KaniN cityjidChlCbkrobiul uativar Colorado bnrln.a and I'u- (H blo. 'riirouii l'alac81.prtOH0drrvDi Wlcblta, Kan.aa. Hplandld Oinlp -BBBBBBB fjotola i ofBt. Joa,nli and Kauaa. Cltr. CaUforma oicurvloo da ly. fiBiJH Willi CllOlCH OK ltOUlr.Hto ainl IroniSalt IJk., I-ortland, jat AniolM I 'H and Han PrancUoo. Iba DlliKl.T LlNM to and rroin I'lka'a i l4iak "aliinltou I . BH Uardonol tboOod. tbotlanltrluma,aud bconlo Uraiidvur. ol Colorado. I SaBBBB VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, I H Solid r7praaTra1nadalybntwanCblrafrnan'l Mlnn.aDOlla and flc Paul. I al plthTHllouOIUtMllolnirChalrCttraiH.EntondlVorntbo.i ! wl 1 IVH kanaaaClty, lliroua;bCbalrCarridHI?i liatw.n lorta,Bjrlt Laka, I IH id Uloua Valla, yu KoclCi'-uil. TUi, J'avortto Uno to Plpoalona. Watar. I 1 Bl j'iSSf.d'.'of ib.,.Horll!Wlt:U uamm" H"0 r"1 lW and-Klahlnu s ,.1 TM HIH VIA BKNItllA AND KANKAKKKiiltara faollltl.. to I M. ''r'BH rraol batTnClnclnnatl,lndlanpoU4,lAriti(tttfi, and Oouorfl Illufla. Bu j il P'H loacnh.AtclilMin, Irftavi uworth, Kanaka Ctty,ulnii.apoll,ndUt. Paul! fH hhH ForTlckett, &Ian..r,oIdor,ordtt!rd!')!omutUOD, app to any Tlck.t 11 rl OOcialnlboUimoUoUtMorCDada,oratWra.. IK I aaV E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, ' iW, fcaaBBBBi OuinlKuar. CU1CAUO, ILO Ou'tlUkw ftat. ipU l-jb llaaBBBBal ' ii fl II fl fdtkM aooaaa!