Newspaper Page Text,.:t i.vj.xtxc. ni:ws iiomjay, rr.mirAUV , ism. c PJIiHl WAKEJIAVS WAMIEIUXIIS. llobla .tool' Land. I hl tramped fioul Newtload Ab. t,r from tin ! rt'B,"1 "' No111" Hood't "Ills ' AtnotJ, on my return ',, to Nottingham. It wiu late lit nlitit an I " "nnjnn of ,ral" IJ t e In I to Hie undent city. Tho l0Dlf lane-IIU unnufaclurliiB Immlvt rwi but two Inn. These wire !inubllc-houi.e, re"J'' ,0 drain.hor, riher linn lioatelrlr. At one 1 had ln refuted entertainment for the nl,l,tir,d warned away.Ucmiaethe old who kept " ,0 " S' ''"gllMi II, i f It) -odor or other luoiintc bank, aud would, aomrhow, depirt ton early In ' morning with mow than p. reckoning. At tho olhi r, "Tho Jjotie Tree Inn," the modttty of tho two nitlJeu ladle In iharge forbidu ththouilngof 'i untouched man. I roul J lit In the tap room parlor on tho hfoh leather-co'ered eeltle until the cloilog, at midnight. Thon I mint go Utterly fatigued from long da) ' wandering I" Hot In Hood' I-and, and dmcrale at tho iro.pect of nil all; nlnfit'a tramp Into SollltiKliam. how I btfed foi the elcoiue of tome hedg e ilJe llymj! J.preBlng (lilt In humble I rotett only further outlaw id meat Iho "Iono Tree Inu'' at Arnold. Then, aal wat lulng Invited to take the roaJ, llle a gl.y Indeed, a rortlr, kindly-faced man enrue In. Jlonedtholrget mill In A mot J; wat a more pow crful man than tho lord of the manor; mid my fato waa In ibrjame uhlle ho drank hi nightly la of tin and aoda, itnd lillnktnl nl trie, an mingled euiotlnlit of tuiplcloll, wipltJlly and hot) llallly lihijed ovir hliltood IZugllali fare. Tho tpln.ter larruald, the rough faelory-iiaiid, to I all tho tap room litngcra-ou of a mill town, awaited tho grout inau'a illctum, regarding tho Imrudrr with rrtitclful aileuoi. Ihli una that It rum, noter alioull lie ald lint HarnobyNoUliig'ni, wa ln'o.p. UMe or dlirourtfouf to a tlratigcr. '"J-.arl 'earl" came from the Inp rwinroutlngent. II might bo u pbij h'attor, '0 might be n niounte-b-ink, might even routott villi thorn h'oo.traiUortoclcty,lhe 'orrld gldr, tut h'agaln It tbuiild nerer bo ald that Il''aru rifuird the b'aldlng 'and. "i:arl Vail 'far!" roared Iho audience all. Ho, na rmn of tho great man' friend, aome hoiixt Nottingham huti-lien, on 1,1 be directly returning home from Oxton way, by grace and ahlfl 1 watol-agol Into one of their cart, and thrum to oil Nottingham aud an Inn. Charging the crowd thua, and the acoro to m arlf, which wai gratefully exjuingcd from lh reoorda of "Iuo Tre Inn,'1 the great man of A mold wvut Ida w ay, wlille I weut to aleep. How longl had beendozlngl know not, I-ut hen 1 nwakcncU Hwaa with a ranio of lelng ihut tlirougli tho earth'a clrcuniainbleut hluo. I'oiir huge fellowa encaaed In woolen aacka to thrlr fetl had tOMml mo Into unv of their carta llko a uarter of lref. I rtruik upuii n ilo of fnahly tlaugh tered pork In a comfortable kUIom at the edge of the tart-bor, whllu '"Our ar'yeuow, ol cockey?11 "Nigh onto aiitoeu ktoue weight!" "The puvnor'a cold atlfT with rhwtl" and like tug gritlre (halllnga were mluglnl with tailing from the crowd at lhnllIoiio Tree inn." There wrre half a acore of rarti; a acore of butcher. Huge, aafjI.Tokrd, klnlly men they were, with woudrrful halloing and Ktig ai tlicy uihl their atout liorira at terrific nl down that broad itcnn road through the gllitenliig, ciUpy night. Cottage audutl dimly apinred and at lutnntly anUhed. Coio and hedge aecnied art In h mad co the other nay. On weawrit to old Nottingham, frightening Ulatid rotUgera with the ruihlug ilamor and wng Thrro wire aome uiwrh vouhi among IheMi rollicking Nuttlnghaiu butchera aa you will every hero llnd among tho Jowly of all Ihnmldhind and nolthtrn l:ugllah thlria. Jlut morolmpreMlru to me, with my own bead full of lloblu Hood, than my tfNIoui aeat ou the edgo of a bounding rart-box, waa tho iharai ter of theaonga llieyaung. l.uty 0110 Identllled the tulcher'a, or "lli-aher'a." Toiallou w Itli IncloenU In the life of lloblu Hood. One of Hutu aoiigt Uld how Ilobln hlmtelf won a butclur'a ireutlce, and becainu an out. law on account of a mlntrly maater feeding him aolely on llghta and liver tod wore the tlMii from hla bouoa with the unmerciful addriM with which he m forced to acro tho fat from the lonei of aulmala. Anothi r related tho ruaryeloua aw from death of a N'ot. llngham butcher lu tho joar I3."l, when King Kdward II. made hi 'jrogroM'Mutotbo "north couutrlo." J.nraged at the dearth of mint In ?ittlngha!n, the king called the chit f Iteiher of the city Wore lilm, and ordered him, 011 nlu of death, to Innl la four acoro goodly kino, dnaaed fjr the tiirnaplt to U mailo reidy laforo the dawn of tho follow, ug day. Till .waa an luiuu. ble taS. Tawing from the klng'a I reai lira tha doomed Iwlcher encoiiii leredaUggar, Mhoaa "a boon" oaknl only to ktow the naturo of Ida ml., fortune, and Immediately dlaapjaand. The buu her panned that day nud night I reiarlng lor eUrulty, nud, like a loyal wtjiit atl forth for the cantle at dawn to get Ida head ihopjM oir, when he round "four acore and more" Uautl. lolly driwd caruWH-e of King lid. ward'i 1 owu Mlow deer liauglngTii the market 1 laru. Kach had n arrow ""jnd Inilniatdejmid lultwaakuown that llohln Hood aud Ida mm had aaved the butcher'e life, nud by tho unie token tlovirly challenged a bout Mill the onicertof KlngJ.dward him. e f. Another, the moat rollicking of an, Went o far ai hi anert that the Uoituoumew, the red face, the huge jviiiche., the general good cluer, na ell at aonie other marked charackrla. 10 of the Nottingham bulthira, uru jaredltarlly due to tho progenitor of bent all. Hlra Iho bullad ru.erta to nave iwll , orUy abtcti 1)0,w, )n ,,o J." ' '"nliiry fur tailli lety and wealth, lloblu Hood and hla men hadtaplurid IheAbtwt and hit money.bag.. In re L ut.1i.ou1ll,w,' royally entertained Ioj hat tho abbot ?, from grace. The low for tl, and ale grew tu flroug um him that he renounced 11 1 orderi, aud Urame butchtr aud Mnlner In NottlnKhaiii. The outlaw., now hit frlcudt, aupi.lled hit alalia Jlth imat from the klng'a foritt of "'.'"yood aud hit butla with wine of H ?,"". "'o nelghlorlug momulerlia H fff',,,,0,,e,,ll'le'lllll. HeiKo H i c''lral mold of form, faco and fhartcter. at the 1 utchira any In rail. afl !!? ,".'' ,ll"li'ly aa tradllluu ha. Ctingh2lLor ""' j0"7 luXeh"n "' Boon tho aplrit and chlmiicya of the aiiclant city itlieil through the Hue of aalTrony nlghbllght abote It. Then Ihettrange cavalcade thundireil along tho cobbled ttmtj, ami, after travera Ing Mviral narrow clotea, dnw up with Hcranhlu front of turloua old itriiclurciiearthiimaikilrlnio. After much ahoutlng, pounding and ringing, an old icrvltor nrt'cnrrd. Tlien the butchera lioliUd nm from tho iurt, luiiih thommana il.j had thot nm Into II. IVfjlio my protefta that I waa domicilii! nl 1111 Inn In I'cck Kane, I wnt under their charge, ro nu luu ol tlulr chooMng 1 mut goj and with letrl. blothrudaof repiiMltu the little old minlu whnni I u Kven In iharge, ahould tllghtlieput on me, or reikon lug lw wrong, they diarle,l with a ru.hnnduroni: the liue Irihd.HJr wai loiknl nml lulled, at Ir agalu.t tltgr, and we climbed the tlouu talra to a pialnt old chamber, Into whce tiny, itnid gable window the flrn hetllaut light of day waa faintly tnmbllug from the caat. Wholly lutheiplrlt ol thoo.ldltrof the nlght'a Adventure, I rUtil the inlcu.lona of tho butchna1 l.allvl., and Atket the old aervAiitlf eerylKlj In N'oUltigham waa draottidet from lloblu Hood, or aome one of hla nobli vklliui. The old man'a pride waa touched. "Indei-d, no, alii" he amwrreil lu dlgnantly. "Nono cornea o that atoik, anvo It'll na aarvea In public otiit" Then he atood there, caudle In hand, hi. gourd like 110M1 llamlng and piling with twakiulngai lilt, whllu he reeled ollaundry othtr lallaila of Intermlu able alanata and Iteration, allowing wlthunbuibtcdhUlo.lo n'curncy nnd oullawcil rlijmo nud rythm 1 rally marly the tame collection of liul lenbi In lloblu Hood'acareir, iiiiountlngfor tbeprnllge, rigid, and of airvliigmeii lu Kngllthlun., at wtru rouched for lu the butchera' galaiy 1 f Ming. All nf which la related, Utauio Itruggitted to mu a now linn of In. iiilry in the Identlllrntlou of lloblu Hood with Ilobln Hood'. Laud; mid hinted a unlverMllty of traditional linking oflhuncluil peraonago ofthu famoua outlaw bi our own time, of which literature glrce but thofalnlift lualght. Ae la well'underttood, all thole gendt, talet and Ullada Lnow 11 to litera ture ae of ancient origin and founded on auiltitlmiiy Authenthlo liul dentalu thelifonr Ilobln Hood, were collected An I (lUblltlied III KM, by Jo e h Itltton, High llJlllll of II10 Idl er Hit of Havoy, of whom It waa aaldi "He netrr aanil liuuian rxciit when he wat poring oier (iothm booka," He wai undoubtedly one of the moat critical and palniUklng an tliUtrlaua or Ida time The tntlre col leitlon iiumUra acanily more than CO I lecea. Tlieee w ero reproduced from ancient tilackdetter coplm. Abwjlutely authekllcated. Vet, lu Hill one night 1 had lltleneiltoone-tiilrd at mali at the famoutltlton collection coiilnlned. I f thoe, Iho w ork of w rlti r from the Hill to the Kill cintiirlei, could bo regarded at ioaKe..lng many in hi rent evldi net a of having U en Mmed oil Actuallllea, wliy ahould not tlioee lingering among the mauct be re garded with at Itetl that atrong pre aunti lion of mi original eourco In fjct, attributed to luoetol the traditionary lore handed down from father to tou through many geueralloiu? And If tail two claaaee, tho taltchera aud luu aervers, weru ao fruitful In Uilteort of lore, why could not almllar dlacovtr lea be made among othera of tin Ir Ilk; I iu.bcd the Imtatlgallon In N'ottlug htm aud thiro with titranrdlnary retulta llrlitly, the lnembtrt of every craft and TocAtlon whino ori gin Antedate, or It iouteuioraiitoui with, itibln llood'a llnu, IO.M1.., uud riUln with aecret treabiulug aud pride, tery many of Itieee ballad'. I -tcli build. In a warm and lovli g way, n relallouthlp with the outlaw hlniNilfi with lilt deedt of ciiunlng, valor or chhAlry: or with the uufur lunate rubjutt of hla mad aim merry prank, I have certainly counted dliliirenllailladt of tlda ilau tuabote .1110 lu number, I Ulloo In Noltlug hain.hlro alone fully HKW dl.tliict Ilobln Hood ballad, could beaeiured among tho loaj ly for printing. N'or do they comprlio moduli Idea and allua tlouacladlnniicliut garb. In terbal Samlture, aluille, coii.lrurtlon, Ind ent, aud lu w hat may bu termed tin Ir IndtfetruLtible w lioleui'at, they iioittta evtry evlderueof griatautlijully. Hut thl. It by no meant tho moat lnterelliig Idiutlllcatiou of ai I ual or ligtndary Into Willi hit hauutt Afforded thoiatlcut pilgrim lu Nottingham. In the auclint booka of the old city and the auclint uooki of tho old ahiru It muili curloua Infonuu tlou tola, dug up regarding Kherwood Toreat, and nl umlaut folk-lore, tigiuda and aii4rttltioiit, Nlntlng aturiir rlngly na the Illght of nu airow from hit own la-nt low to the one-time tx l.tenco of tho umuiiiiuruble archer tiehlnd. The forettof Hherwooil waa llnd mentioned ly wrllira during the reign 0 Henry 11., betwtin 1181 nud Hbo; nnd wot thin n place of royul rceort for hunting, In that time tho anhhl.hop of Vork alto chimed tho right of liiintlng lu Hhirwood lliree daya nt Chrl.tuin, three at Hotter, aud thru at Whlutun tide, Andkttluthu I'unet hit font tira"aerlit of hawka aud ari-igo." John, biforeatci-udlng tho Ihrono In 1109, wlillettlll Karl of Monlon, ex. II uliil n ihurter of oil the 1IU nh t and f reu cuttomi of tho fon.ttuf Notllng. hamihlroAiid l)erb)thlre, trwclllcally Including Hherwooil. Hut It was not uutll IJ.11, in thurelgu of Henry III., that thotxait llmita of Hherwooil Tonal were fixed. The "(leramhula. tlon" under royal writ then hold gave Hlurnood Foritt proper a lenglli of nearly 3d nillea, exloudlng duo north from n thort dlatunce btlow Nol tlnghnm to Jutt nboie Wotkaup, with a imau breadth of nine mllea. Then bouudarh'a ncro riiif llrmtd In Hi;:, and nt late at fifty yearttluce yn oportiinlty fur con lliiulngA honlenf tltlul "i'oritt 0111. rem," Tliechlif of thiaewerea"lrfrd Warden," a "Itow.llearer and ittng. or," four "Vcrdiiren," a "Hteward" and l) Inn "Kte rt;" mid It It an Inler tatlug fact that Lord Hyrou, Ihu luit, held officii At one of the hud "How Heurert uud Haugera" of thlt hit torlo foritl. It Ima Ueu friqiienlly tinted Hint nil trana uf Hherwood ronathid entirely diaapiieared. Thla la not true. I found titar Newttead Abliey toveml groina of lit o'lgln al oakt. In the ul.trlit comi ril ing lit former aouthern rtacli, alut llranuelv, nnd to Hits latt, m ar Huttoii and rartilou, are 11 i.uniUr of tliu guarled old Hhirwood atrlarcha. The entliedUtrlct la uow d Hi d wllh (owna and vllligea, lntirairred with farina, gentlemen' tentt and demtMiietof the nobility. 1 11 the 1 atkt, an I freipiently In thohticlt uud tlrplanlAtlout uf the demi tint, itjieclally 111 tho iiortbitn dt.lrlct tielwceu N'ewttetd Abbej and Worktop, that portion of (Sherwood In Sty "i 1' 1 1 ' aJaSSatjtj ancient timet known at High Kureil, are n very great nuiiilier, no doubt from OOOD lo 8iWd tree. Thi-earo gen erally tinkiiowu, lcaiiMi thut from (Aihllo gaze by .irk nud itetuttue walK n eu Ibo friendship of nnmektiicror puncher mint la m 1 Ic. Thn ilgh Iheae, I found nem ly fjix) of Iho nnrlent n r I n Willatk 1'itrJt. Thtre art fully that numlH'r In IhimUr 1'nrk nenrork top. Honieof thrtitoAkff aretupHNiei. toliemorethtuliioiivinrtoll. I found cnrc bi lw more than twenty Iho fut Iriilnuuifiremo, nud villi- n iiuinlier tatxoid Ihlrly 11 vl feet, oiienreof gnat height; but nil are tremenjoiit In trunk and uverarrhlug Hud. Tlulr antra, knot, and gnarled growth an kientK-nl wllh the mutt mn-leiil written dcacrlt tlona of Ihe fori l. Aa wllh the Ncltlt gham lowly of nil anclt nl 1 tM; the pea. tntry of tbn 1 n. tlredl.trlitnrv aalurateil with Itoltn Hood hgindt mil uirtlllnn. Tin re l not n forittir, gjme. ktr or puncher within the An dent hutuidarli but lint hit ballad, tradition, or iitttltloua practice lacd 011 theexMeiiiemid cu.lomt of Ihuotdeii outlaw tenantry. Wn)ldu hint are named In honor nf tho outlaw, nftome if lilt follower, or lu com memoralloii of tome oue of Iho tuld orcfit r'a di-vda. lWtry almilu farmir hat cuttomt or ha1f.uptrlltloiit prac llcea orhiluatliigln aomu retited Hill g Hoi In Hind did, or woull not do. Illuda, hartittira and rotlara 1 rettrve hi menu ry lu tradition, ciutom aud tong An ItberoUliotAtiouiowlfe lu thuiouutr)ilde In all tliu wett of Not tlugham.lilre w Im hat not toruu ruwarl ur piiul.hmint fordullhil or frail loin chill, lu roerb or huggaluo from thlt txhaii.tleRt tourtv. lbv book miy fill you with wlto that Mir n rial H0LI11 Hiwd plael ma I prankt InHlierwood For tt. If 011 will gitibiralo tliolhet and htnrla of tho Nottlnghanithlro lowly, jour own coiivlillou that hu nncecxMul will ttlellglhell, thnitlgh luutimirubhi evldi ncet of ftdeliat Ineluorlal lillca In tuttoin, tradlllou and charactir, until )ou riallie how loyal to tho truth w at ford lovi ng iot t lira) ton, when he lung nearly faM jtaraago lathKoiiniiarlDoi Ida I think Iheit ll not flat lie ol llobla I loo J litth bear I aal Unit Aal 14 It tad of mot tbt tile thill at'er ba Ul Kr.rUM-t, lltorit a Crete, aid Much tu Otlurk the mrrr; frltr, winch niar a terinon la 1 ral.t of ItoMa iftoj, lit. ott Itwi, tail titue. KltlAll ll. Wakuian. In Harlot trrlca. With one ixcer tlou the tcmlon of the varloiit inlnwe rial unlona yerter day iottoi.Mil tlmply Adinomliintlonttt InlrntU Tho Haptlitconfereiun hnd under routldirallou imant toirouioto revival lull int. Tho Mithodltt irtarhiri dlicutted the work of 11 mxltl union. Tlio l'n-.bjIirUii MI11. Mi rial Union ll.leueil lu an able a I. drt-M 011 pra) er nuellug plant. At tho mittlng of the f.'ongri gatlonal Club In thuaftiruouri f'atalu I'. 11. II ore, tho African explort r uud mMoutry, gave and iu.lruillva outline of Mi labor In theditrkconllnint. "In llarkcxt Hngltnd," he aald, "there It at much Ir not more moral darknett thnn In a-rnlled darhnt Africa. Thatjart or Africa, the In tirlor, titually concelveil lu Im Hie loweal In worthy tlementj, Ittoiny mlud tho mot ndnnHl. Theru ft there hat tnvagery, Idolatry nud Im morality nud more Chrlttiau cuter .rli. The book 'In Dtrkett Africa' tieidtmuili irlllrlm. Ir tlAtemtntt nulru me to defend the uatlte, whotefiliud I Afn, tupliro In proper llghtmanyof thnOritnbila In Alrica and aImj tho noble men nd women of Chrl.ttau lululont, acleutltU audpo. Iltlcal agi lit. "Chrl.tlAii mlttlonirliti Iiavu iene. Irnteil to Central Africa. 1 wa a rt-el-duit thirofor ileen jiart, aud dur lug, 1 art of that Hum my wife and ihlld were wllh nir. The dllllcultlia of Afrkurt mlttlonnry work are not tho danger of the Molence ofualHea, Irtit thohe of language and illniati. California preMiited to tho early mi alonnrha griattr obtlacli-a than dota Africa today. My field hu been on oneof the great lake of Cintral Africa. Tho Afrlceua there rtproaented tin dl'lliict tribe, each Willi a i-u-ulhir dlaltit oftin unknuwu to the othera. Wo have ctdabllthcd Iotta, have a ttianier which altord ra Idcommuiil. callou In Hie Kkkl mile ol territory In tluded liiourwork, andnrotlrivlug to extend the Itind of auiatliy among tho nnllea by Hie ute of n corumou Ituirunge, "riuao natlvt-a ha a atrong tplrlt ual In.tiuit, but no formal religion. Their twlleft are lu nu way fundamen tally oppoted to ChiMlautty. At we lenvo tlio coast line toward tliu Intt rlor thuevldrnctaolcnnnilialliinfjfiHihlam, tho tlavu Undo and Immorillty gradu ally dliapM nr. I n my field 011 the laku moat nf the unlive were engageil In agricultural nnd occasionally lu pn. toral piraulla. I'oli gamy It gtnrrally ractlccd, nnd we can a. jit mko no ntteni tin atop It. It I a necuwlty In tho txltllng rjMcni of aoclety, where thiro It no other than thojioly. gnmoti rtlatlou fur woitun. V011 n.k n man, 'What It jour nccu lotion!' You a.k n woman, 'Wliote wife or daughter nre jouT' Hho mutt be 0110 or tho otlur. Domit Ho ahiiry I a llrinly llxul Initllu tlou. The alavcanre known nttiHiul-iri of tlio houhi hold And may tm bought nnd aolloa other good. Our flnl tlen lultadcttructlon mutt be In the aboil. Hon of the tlaiu trade, In which native nre engaged at well a other, but w hlch It virtually n dillertnt Inill tutlon. It 1 a crlino which uuuit ci nu: tin very l An 1 lenient of aoiltly whhli toopioae would deatroyna." The gentlomau'art mark lovirtd n wide rniiire of liiMttlgntlon. He re fimdtuiueluiorlauce of American cloth In Afrlcau commer'e, aud dt tnllt-J tho catiHt of HngUthpre iml unco In tho good wlllor tliu nathi. Hooutllutd the hablta of life nnd In tlllutlona among the African. He gave rimlidtceiuta of Hmlri Hatha. Hu wot rukeil many iiietlun regard lug hit laboit, on I at Ihu iloto of hla addrcat waa voted the thunkt of tho ilub. JTuu ru'ictou CAro;dc. MUslonarlcs ItelriseJ, The following It re roduoed from the ilillinnial Slur of January HI. Hldir I'ranclt A. Hrown It honorably relcrued from hltdutliaaal'retldentof tho Holland Mfvlou, tort turn home. I.IJer Thumit Hpackmiin, I'rnldeut of Hie Manchester CoufereiiLe, I alto bonirablj releated from that petition, to riturii to Utah. Owing to the continued 111 lieallh of l.lder Clinrle W. Maun, Travollug I Idi rln the lllrmlnghaui CouferencK, he I honorably reltaacd to uluru to Hit hoimi In Utah, COiNSlili-UEXEliAli NEW llnilrt all kiinwlfdgf or Hie llrport toniitclhig lllin Willi Ihe lrta- 11 r; I'lirlfillo. TtnnioLC blizzard naGlNa IN ' WYOMINa Ihiiibl Ha ol Heard er an; I'lati In (uiiioII.IjIc IhcTranwuntl. lirliUl It'Md,. Itjr Trleirr! b 10 Ibt N aw till llll.tat lit iMltrlnllii. ev, Iiiiom ..lhli l, nu. I lino il llreu Kent lor. l(io, Feb. . John ('. Niw, United Hlatetcou.lll hire, wiu nuked I' an Aatorhlcil l're reproeubttlve It Hit m weie nil) truth In the rule mint Hint I'realdent Hartlmm hat cnlletl Ntwto itttiru Immediately lo Hit United Hlalc w lilt a view of con ferring Iho Iruviiry inrtfolln u,n him. New tald, "I liaie not recelveu miynitMiigu front I'ntldint llarrltou nnd I kiiuw nothing nbout any ron, tltlou lo olltr me tlio rreaury trt folio.'' Ite.ritel Mite I'itth unii, I ob. II. A telegram Jut received from N'autlcokc l'enii)l tanla, til that the t ntombed miner lu tfio grand luuiiil of the colliery were rcaiuod allvo Hilt niurulng. riitiiit- iiniitu trflil,l.l,, it Helen Hie ltllil lu Mitke Knenii III. lien. lUl 1IA,.V. H., Feb ll rillrtt-t.Ii wellhiiowu Catholic have wrltlnilu Archbl.liopO'llilen, iintLtingnitliiit lilt taking tile with tbu i.iutina llvt agtln.t rtclproclty with tliu UliltidHtlMi. They Utxlare that no cciltatattlc, not ovin the -jv, him right to gheconiiiiaud liituch inattt rt. The nrclil Miop In rc ly tcorca the writer for prei.uniptlon nnd Indlplo mailo language nautrta hit light to make known hi vkwt. I'l.Mirrr lleiul. ICismt'in.Mo, Fib. 0 Tlieo. doru F Warm r, a plom er of Nnrtht m Minourl, whottnrli.l lubu.lnen wltli the lauimit lieu Hollidayof Hie (ireat Overland Hlago Hytlini, ill.-d la.t night, lie wa the gre it gran 1ou of Ilaiilel Hooue. ttealhee ltr,fl. Waaiiimiiuh, Feb. B. The ttorm latt night ocr the Mlnlt.pd Vnlley, from luwatcuthwnril, devetot-i IiiIoa decided ttorm with then litre mar 1-akn Mlrhlgnu. Tlivre are galea nu the lake, lllmrd tit the Nonliwii-t and iiortlura tm the I libit, reaching Texn. Tiie now ru ailing gilt may bo ex.cteit on the AtUnllo ivntt, mid mold wauo-.crlheHtatnin.t of the Mlt.lll Itlver. On Ihodulf coa.t tliu norllivr t likely to t, very te ire wltli hi ivy tniwa cuu.lug bloikadi-a lu Ihe lake roglolit nud tbu AtUnllo bUli, iioilh of Mar) land. llll.or.l In It .Hue. Ciiivi.nm, )o Fib. 0. A lerrl bloLllizird hat taen raging through out thlt vh Hilly. Tin tloikmin are npnnhinahn of at em Iu-c of cattle. No wttt tiuuud tuliit retched die), cnnejettenlty over Ihe Union l'ailflc, or Hurllugtou; uiillil train with pro tl.lont, tent out to Ihu fatt mail uud Iheotirlaud lljir, (.tuck lutheiijuw forty milt a init of lure. tulll.leia llelneeti hlralilrr. Uisiuv, Feb. I). Kavi ral vulllttont l-etwivuati imtr occurrtd lat night at (IraVfM-nd. Two nre .Inking nud otlura nru Imdly damaged. The Murk Ilatkel. Nnv VtniK, Feb. U.-riui tlotk m trkit ihowed aome Auluiatloii today. Union I'ncltlc, Atclilton, North Auierl tail wtro tho ino.t active of Hie II. t. At noon Hiemtrket waa firm at alight fraitloiit alajvu Ihu uculiig, l.ttllllf tllll Ml 'II'. Mw lo H." He - lu llelilr In n tiie.ll,,M. AlIAtTA, fit, Feb. tt. When atkedtviKH rnlng the rti-urt that he, llunllugton mid other, wire con.lder. lug tho Coutolldatlou of the Iraua oou llneiital run I., went of Mlubudpj I, Uould taldt "If new to me." talllui MrrlliK. N'nv Vuiik', Feb, U.Arnoiix, Iho thnlrinauof tliu Amerlc-in cougru, haaliMiedit tall for a uniting of Hie gtuiral commtttei-, tJ laku t lace at Wathlugtou April loth, next. NetrretoM. Oir.lllA, Feb. 0. Tho ttorm ciand latt night In N'ebratka and wnt tuc ceeded by tovt re cold. M.MS1N A NUItlllll. Newfoundland It lu danger of be coming it rebel lu l.nglaud. Major Wel.mnu la fighting liathit nt Klllmnujnro, In Afrit j. AlUr Vitter nat lurli-1 In n buow tilde, last Htturdt)'! mar HI. Hluio, Colorado. John Molvww ii, a I'eniiaylvuubi oil. man, dloJ, uged &i. He Jeuvia jt-J,. nil,(k). Ilobtrt Hurtley wna found lu the atrceaior Hull,., Mont , with hi. clothe aatu rated w Itli oil, and l-urnlng llerctly, A Chlinzu barltr named O.born, y t ttorday, idiot a w oman, hit be Irothid. Hun Bhot hhuiilf. In I'eiiuayh aula n lady aged tltly, Biica A in in Okid teveiily for -H0,ck"Jfur brtach of I romlao (f marriage. Tho play, "riiornildor," I making truuble In 1 'ram e 1 la name I tugge. tiro nf bud. It will lo layed In thl country nixt wlntir, The light fur prohibition gout ou lu North Dakota. An Imiiieuro torruw tlou fund lint Ucu to forward tliu taiitu of rrcu w hliky, IiiaMniwcliutett'i reform tchool it number of i-oulclt drank wood alco hol. Two mu il. ul, oUiort badly burned. A man In Chlll'co.ho, 0 lit n tow which glut black milk, Chenilkliiny HiumllkltimlurallneMry ittctix Ultln color. Ireland without a im.torul letlir, and Houih Awnrlct without a reuliitiou would uioau the couilnu of thomllliu luui, 'Mtaaf I ' ' "I111'!' I ',"L """ New Vork ha two bird, golden ihenunt., worth $1(1. Ihty wrm iretenttil to Lilian Huuell, And will l tAten today. Ihe with bouej wlH l-e I rreerveil aud mounled in gold. Dom I'edro It now In ('antic. He It littery b& I lictlth. Hetayhewaa too tltmocrallo for the rij loof ltraill, who are Hie wlldttt kind or arltocrAtt I I o hat bright hope for Hraill Mill. ItiiHlauniithoiltlealn 1'olaud rinort to torture, to ottiln Hiformtllori front tiirecl. Fotty-tlx ifmint lu Wnrwiw were tried and i-nnvlt ltd without htar Ing any ovldcnco for tlio deft nee. In Hlult, France, n woman nntmd Hldonle Haul, niurtlcreil her father aged 79, r,e old mnti cautnil hit dauglilir'adilldreulo I-" lakeu from her nnd lit In a couvt nl, Thlt w a thucauteof tha murdir. INTKIti:STIMI FIUDI IIIAUll. The. Scnalurlal Imbroglio. Unbolt lln-bloiM.-Thril line Filler lllll', lie. firtitt execltcment prevail here ovi r the Hi uitorial t In Hon. C'laggt ll had a majority ji.lerday, lut Dulnlt' frlindt win two b-icktlldra bark to tho fold and the taw illll hang until a lu.ijorlly lntlielIouultoblulni-.l. The Heuatu la prttly rolld for Claggett. Tho "rln tliu bill," t morning Ihu Auitra llan t) .luu, I rend) lu l lidrtiduceil. Only lxteii more da) ft ol tho act tlou and very little utefUl legl.latlou Ia'miI id far. TIiii majority -of thu im uibera favor Mdjoiirniiient on Feb. -.Mill The lillltnrlty held out thlt It All txtr I eolon ami n..t llnilti-J o tlxly da)t. It will U dt-cldiM ly the Hu' prt mo Court on tho Uth. Threu bill are to be piilinl lilpn fireuce to nil oilier "tho tuition bill," "Hie Inlgntloil bill" nud "Ihu revimie bill." Hhoull the teiiatorlal ele'itloulaitiriiiigll will tdoik nil fur ther liglalntloli, nud the fight proinlT PI lie A t ery bitter one. DiiMt It ilu'A out, nud hit tint aome liiidorliig lilt gram to hit friend, l.itlt denioiratt nnd riibllcau,"I'or(toira take aland b) me nn I don't dtti rl me now." The Halt Lake "Homo Diiuuallti Club" Bio hilled to lay In Hol'u on the liih, IBthnnd Hitltif February. Tin) will im et a hiarly rciillou irum the clttreiiBOf Hoire and the l.rgl.lalure. Tliu wtather It flm; tcartily uti) atiow. v. Hum I'm, Fib. A, IS3I Clillilrun's SlocJs. In vn rloty, nt tho II. Dlnwootloy Turn. Co. .Kill's l. (ANMIN, Aitiiiimy ti I w mis arm n , JliKri er A Mere U.ek u SUMMONS. la 11 1 Mttrirt t uurt mart lor lh Third JaUirul ludikl ut l'.l, T.rrltarr, lunlrt.l BillUkt. Vl Ilium noller lltlDtiri lltr AiaNoitUjr( HetcieUnL Tke I c.i la et 111 Ttrrllurr ( t tali nil llrreuiif To)l.rr Ann Wim.iIv, llrrond.nt OU till, llkllklll Ul irllllt l lo l. t i.r In an rii. brim, 1.1 .tml vou j lb .uiv mkim iii.iiun m ll a liwlrwt fQHultl IMrlJnill.UI Imn-rtol Ihe Ter lltotr nl t lilt,. wt u, rmwtr tue cinr.iLint me.1 Ibrrrln wilbltt tea il.. tctrlu.irt ol Hie il.jr er .rttkel alter lb. erira on you 1 1 Ibit .ununA-if err ! wltbin tin. ciitir nrll.ellrrHlet ol thl. euuatr, Imii l Ibl e, ulrt, wilhla tw.ntv il,t. bilrrlio witlun fwriv il.i-or luliaietl Lr OrLult wi.l l l.k.n aa.iailrvu, mieriliexlo lhtr.r vl rlMl. Irontbllolt.iattlerreeor Ibl.euuttdiMolritr tbe b.,nd. if u-ainmonr brlttrenHiltiiitia b I ( ftaiitift I l.lnlltf vrB.r.lrrml I rarrd on tbvirnund ili.t otter Bbubl Ibe 111 ta of live UTu.tb .lllullj .I..1 wuh, nl ca dr.crlrd tad ab.iittoBr.1 ibtlainliN tad lia. eter But I lil.. sa I llied .r,.rl .nd tlBtirreiiitiihi Willi ulauy.uOi iruli.iiMur rrtioM, an 1 aailB.I hi will aal wilbout bt. CBBirBU AB I rot are t fret y n ililleil Dial If tuu Till In rar bb I B.twrr II ul I r. iu lamt B llnir re-iutrrd, lb B.I 1 1 1.IBIltf will B ilr la WIIB.. IB linn llhkrlr. . ., Jbdrv. BBd tlia i.bI nl tb lil.lrlrt Lud il Ihe Inird Jum-i.I ll .In I. In ib4 fur lb tern liirr of t lib, tbl. tin iUv nl J.u.rr. In II,. tear el ear l,r I, nut ll,ou...J .,bl bu BBd Mnrlr en lll-l llr.M.l 11 JCUIII.lV,attl. DISSOLUTION OFPARTliERSlllP. TK IIHtMU ilW. M.TUK 111 Till. V tut 11.- to MfUrihl. hrc, frrrtMinitUiten I It-pry ( in, tnttvrh fc II urtiatti ul Minuet II Auribiili, iiittlvr Itf firm Dttineu lltrrf ( ohn A l n, tmirr r)invn 1 tlolr tutintu m On riiyiud mumr of MU liv, IrrntJiy M LUh li t-reu Ihi lUr iluwilttl Ir hiolul runtk, llcerj ivilm. In titUuiilr, U rrr on the bul tM l tlio old lan I nn Icr ll namt kh-1 tit Itt rf Hi mit U.hi A ', aJ IH4 Aurrltrb tro. bklfif nn inUrt Ihrrf in B. it !! I Un I y fohu will rollr I , fl rounu itu ihu drm, ttn I i r m 1 itdjutl all lntlt drui. Ilil.riuiijfif Jamiarr K V l'9l IlKMtl IOIIN, H:l LIIIH K II. M I KIMClf, llUll AI FltlMCII, WAMhl). Vnux to ixnThiiiM) m irov. In for Mmiif tutr 'uulT ml ,M bcpoi), A,ttr tan uuiii n.iihitfcu V K1SADY riEFEpCEj?. 'Dill- HOIHIIHI lllllllllll, Enltrged ami Imprond, ol tali moil excelltnt work, hat lately bun publlthtd ind It now For Silo at th DESERET HEWS OFFICE. It l Aluioi, Iatlii(vBl.l lv Korf Home and Foreign Missionary, And It a ilnlrabla anpililll il alao lo ctery Ml u. lout of riiBolugy aud other ,warwoit who taliiet the imau of alto talhur and defending Krl turlly an I lllaturleally Ihe Principle or tha (loan.. Tho uf 111 lompller, llutl lb work bit publlthed wllhuut prollt BO a l U within Ihe n nh ofeitry pora-ni de ahlng II, luio txeii bIuIM lu Ihli at wt II at Ihe flrtt edition, and Hu rehire no dlMOOUtilaxi'eptfort.ntor o.tago i bi lowl lo de-Ah r. Tlio bnuk It bound lu four dinerrnt ttvh nn I tent poitpald to any mllriat it the follow lug PRIPPC' 4B contB, GQ cents, rillVJJJi ug conta, unci 51.10. aggtjeji iiri ' tiiiigcjnV'vU-''31fc' I..THOflS. il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 zi 1 1 t r 1 1 1 1 jlcd ltTTTTT I'M 2C, 28, 30, 32 E. J f v rp 30, 32 E. H First South St. P. r- 1 J First South St. H ' llllllllllllllllllllllllillllllLLLUlK i I ' DRESS GOODS. iil " jrvcnY Dny goods house keeps dress coods, but . ,?! Hcarcoly a housa In Amorlct can show tlio collection of I ijPJ'1, suporb tlilngo wo nro proparotl lo offor Ihls Spring. Thoy aro t laWJtil Blrimu Dions from Now York to Salt Lnko, and SOMETHING ' I I ill NEW IS AnillVING DAILY, Tho purchnsos or six prist son- 1 jM eons would not otiual tho soloclloim or thin souBon's lino, and i ill' Lntllos cannot form tho f.ilntost liloa of how ulcgnntly nnd l II1 tastofully thoy rnn dross, oxcopt by calllnir and oxamtnlng j i Be our cholco stock of Tronch Novoltlot nnd tho olhor artistic "W olfccla In our Dross Coods Dopartmont. j SJJ Wo shall show n lino of Tronch Ch.illlas, thu pattarna nnd i I wfi colorlnss of which nru pronouncod works of art. I 1 ImjR Our Combination Plaid rtobos nro tho most tastoful, at a 'Jffil modornto prlco, ovor producod; nnd about two hundrod pat- I , fJji torus or Europoan Novoltlos, of which no two tlrusa pattornu . f iff I nro nllko, nro rvomothlnu; to bo proud of. J mR Tho Wool Plnkla ombrnco colorn novorboforo attomptod, j 1 vjtt and, toiiollior with Iho pattoms, nro simply Immonso, nnd In Smt stylos Hultnblo lo all agoa. ' i Ml Our Dlack Coods stock Is vary comploto. In which wo aro 1 1 1t allowing many novoltlos that nro olfuroil nt tho vory low ! JKi prices wo pl.iou on Hunrlottas, Sorgos, Cords, Dlaconnls and , I jSlI Twills. el I ill '( IV me WASH DRESS GOODS. In ill -pHE TERMS APPLICADLE TO OUn WASH DRESS COODS lVa!H nro handsomo, protty, awuot. Those throo stylos of rllBI boauty aro nil umbrncod In tho cholcost lino ovor offorod In Tl .!" any ono houso. Tho croam of nil Importors and manufactur- jj iK oru nro colloctutl In this ono grand display. 1 1 H Wo load with tho groat Europoan Novolty, Korali Molro, In ' il printed goocle, a now woavo inndo from Egyptian Cotton nnd ' j Conitcd Ynrnsrcomb'nod with tho Molro offoct, producing a ; i rlchnosi only to bo found In tho hlghost class silks. Evory ' I houso ndvortlsusi Scotch Clnghams and Zophyrs, and show j j mora ugly than protty pattorns, but with tm It Isdlfforont; wo " vr i linvo nn Immonso nwaortmont, nnd ovury pnttorn Is n boauty, 'Ifl Iho colors rnro and rich, producing offocts novor boforo wit- H nossod In this class of goods, nnd nro porfoctly fast. M Wo nro nlso showing stylish pattorns In Amorlcan Clng- ,' hams. irl Tho old stand-by, Prlntotl Satoons. la larRoly roprosontod lill In nit qunlltlos, and tho now Canton Cloth, inndo by Simpson ) i. Sons, dosorvo apodal mantlon for Its rlchnosB of doslgn. ill Tho pattorns In Prints this season aro so vory protty wo I must spoak of thorn, , I ll WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES, 1 XHITE DLACK COODS IS THE ONE NEW THING UNDER l ' tho sun; you want to sou thomi thoy aro In Embrol- l dorod FlounclngB, India Llnons, Nainsook Chocks, Lnco tJ Effocts, Cords nnd Strlpos, Lndlos of moro advnncod yoars & can hnvo all tho comfort thoro Is In wearing n whlto muslin j flKL dross nnd yot bo drossod In black. You should buy thorn oarly, ' Jjj tho novolty bolng so groat, thoro nro doubts of thoro bolng Sv onough to supply tho domand, JPrf Wo hnvo n moro oxtonslvo lino than ovor In Whlto Em- ' IS broldorod riounclngs In forty-flvo-lnch goods for Ladlos, and tj b twonty-sovon Inchos for children. You will, of course boo i m j Tlounclngs In othor stores, but If you want stylo comblnod ill with choapnoss, you will buy thorn of us. jj I unim n rrrn 1 1 1 rru 1 1 j iijiididM: (J 26, 28, 30, 32 E. w xr rp i 20, 28, 30, 32 E. First South St. j P"" " A jj First South St. , J i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ij 1 1 1 rTTlTJTDlTTJLE , ill v- ... tji.. ' 53iJJBB