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01 IrMrl !a I ' " ii:si:hct r.VKxryn xi:wst riiTTMV, rnmrAKY m, ism. 4 K I WHCN TfEJi!ycAR9 orr' 'iflfc-''j5 B i " Vfl JWb, to. it., t tull 'WJw VI 1 IWhitir, founf wtgf, WVSw B Je 1 Thy lMn4 lift to tfcnti m fifr 3SgSO Br XlbMCODUDUfMlUtJ TtflfflO' H fT Tb erotken uw Ul UpntMs WDltl V 4 AMui1,'AKWlalJlti4t 40BK7 . S , TirUtrrt.tiulr!fvm Hgfl , H- f f 1 Wh" ,h Mv " I n"1 ' Htt I V 1 TlrniiTtMl,ati4lhtftttiHrUfmrMi 'trHVj TtinwiMMrififtiutr ,Bb H .T1.Hr ' frt-M imH fwlwi itM Jht, .H jR l And mU, with dortdl vii, B HI , . 1lHIf4taMlirlUikiaM jHl IK ' i w h"1 th M w" lrfk ' i'HL W J . tl Ik o wT, f tvan H jfl 1 AnllLfii,iiUldMliyllAvl ipHt ' I I i(4lMi rkh-fe utttrrfr ffrHl B J rtorlAtlinAanUlAl I s fw jo wCl ftllfi hrrt, W CM lt tlM MM" I ft ,aj-mXoooar;uBinlrvilHrn 1,1 ' I.0VE AND POISON. I 01 1 Dr. fljlrettcx Ilalrd doc not irae- I 1 lira now, He It retired i pun n Mrf J fine lncoioe, the mult c f Ionic year of jrectlce, Very aacriessfnl to", In a md 1 left jiolnt of vlw, and bcintf a bachelor Iotm to gather tnch of hid old croulc ai lima haasjairtal about Mm, uiiftwad b , the tirwrnca of rtttleoats or the doml- i I nttrinft cf grown up children, wheat ' raril modern tIqwb arc Intolerant of oM ftthioued teaja. And who, Although the do net tiprea It fti to inane weird, shove that theare weary wailing Iho Indv fcdiic and inwcr tlut money 1r,nic, Ad wbldi the anutr mutt InI ttwir ir Han vrhf n baud aud brain tbat illf ntlf ttatbrred U are hlddtn awajln tbararth, wltb thilr Iria irrlrfa rutlnthacnld aud rvpolaive aa?ard marUa. Oua niirbt th doctor and a few of bit fiajrrrnnb rfr K7ttbrl arminl the blalfl of Ids firilJaer, In bU aolldly rom fortabta tUtlnif room, rointtarinjc notri . on a raa of atrrrbnfna lKlon(i; that ' la 1 itattlad th tnwiu t'rotn thla (pfcial thrroa tlitr drtftnl awajr in a Kwicral 41Iicnnil(Ji of tb i-ccnllarltlr of jvbvmi I and then to putattwra, thoaa wliot pur I 1 aned tha drtAdful tmda of ulnmiiii( ; otbari for luaatlva i;aiu or pla-o or i , lowi t, In azM Bono by. Tbo docbirof t ' dlrinltynaarupvclally will rril In all I at tbo tarrlhla ram of ulnlnir by tlm Ilonriaa of oldra dart, H-xcHlly tlutt far famrd prrlt, Craara llurzla, ho, I m many hlitorlana aJ1ic. In cunjuitlon withhu fitbar, couon t-d Iho plan U pobuulurf four of tba vrcaUbiiat curdb naat an evtnln party In tbo VllU i Uirncttvt but by liibttakq tbo iIkii( fthtch ra iiilxnt with flnr. vrai Ad, I 1 mlniitmltoAl4iAndr VI and LWaro btinsc-lf. Hut 0are waa iatoiI, Inning lartakm of bu lltllo of tbo dmiM-M Iop. All thsmt dltd, Tb'ti (Vaaro ffilfd upon 1h4 papal trrainroa, but vraa I aflrrwarl orrrthrown and Unlibnl, 4 It mould nw.i fromxlut tho rvvrrend I1 rtlill'Uian adtanrnl tlut bo uvtlttnl , taat ecry body ronnt-d h Itb tlm nobbi I clawca In Ihiiwi far back days worn pola enrra, and that orory AuiUliona tuan or aoraan mado bta or Iwr way to )w-r I through tba tndlnta of tbo ittiM rUi. And tbrn, a natural ritint-n tu tha tromaot trruoiilnfnilnli;.-,l In by tin V cloth, bo laid All tba blania unm tbo tbaoloiflcal taMt rnUrtnlnrl' by tbo ' I'oflJ (n thewo Jayj. dra vlnic from uno of tbo rrtlrvl uiarcbanta pieta-at the I t)nlcal obacrvatlon, "How Iruunrly Ilka a iwoiuan tba arrraeo clcriryiuan Whrrtatall jrrfant. inrlmlvn of tba rood nahiriMl f lMvyiaanblinclf, lanKhi-d plruautly, wblla tbalattrrcontlnuod In ' Llibllandtnln ob-Knratlonr. llo Mai autUMod troin bU nailing tbatnAArula t tulaonlut; a oriluallycunriurlauiouK I ilto hUbtr rlAMa of aoJcly, and fnan t Iblabodrmrtba homily tbat aanrula a.wlty drew famlllra tbwer loucthcr v than pntprrltyi ha wit porltlra that adrralty drew frlrnuU loKelhrr with ( Wkm arnbltpntrpmlln tha linoka of atrtl that lound frlrndl totllur rv i lnsfd tbolr Rilp, Jmluiuloa wcro fo- t uunted llli.l tba sllttir of K"M drltd tha f rttwr 0)0 of frlciiJrdili. He did not . tbluL-,.Urrtni Imanlty, llutaua of II iKiftouloix evor octurfnl ninonff tkv,1a ft in bunibll life. Jla 11 ytt to hrar of I AkMtrtad, tba liuniblrr rlaaM are the jl olotat to (lod And aro tlteinot vlTilitnt I Dr. lUlrd. it bo lu.t Ida ryo b"nt tinn tbo draw litlo tho not U'lplMaantly rid- ublollvriuiluauwaa laRiln-r, lonkid u'ji lt clndiuif rnuuk Mituibuw rruilndimo of a atrano laaolbatraino itudvr my obximliou while I wiuln proclu-a In ) ono of tho largrtt ritlra of IIm llnltM 1 btat. A watihiimn waa taknt and. t i d'nly III whllo trliiB bli txat at S;W r I o'clock lu tha fnoiuluK, an I waa inrrll "Tbo ncorrat ;hyilclan, myrilf iu It , bapptuMl to !, waa burrle.ll callrtl, aul luutmlnrf tliltlirr 1 faund the man In crrat dlitruM, Adiulnltlrrluir aouio thluff to allatlata bit palua, 1 CAiua to the cotielrut-m that It u A rain o( pubun by urychblnh 1 put up tba jm-rr nixlUuo, ami on Inquiry fimnd that Dr. C waa tba rrgulir family phr. aidaii. Thawalchnnn'awirawaaa haml. aiiuio r.n.'ll.h woman, about U yrare of a,r, who itood at tha foot of the td during ray mlnlitratlona to lu r uiubau 1, with nothing iiocullar aliout her rxcrpt a t-ilr of ilmlug' Uk1c ). 1 ,lo r-ot know tlut I woidd liato rruiriu but for bo fact thai the watchman, iu au lutiTl of bla (xitoiyruu, ktouioI cut, 'OU, doctor! 1 waa all luibi until I ate tbat little j.Uo. f iok.' n "Ihappmodtuhxilcupatthetiuieand found the wlfa'a ayra bt ut ujun tny fiu v with a lwrp acrnllny of antplcloua In lu hvr racr, and I ottrlbnttd tha look at tha time to tbo natural unxUUcaofa wife, llul U luoto ui(orUnt(Aiuuu ! nn.iu-y to IU womun, b ' pelbrr with lntrimlone tu tall tho fani. i lly ph).ian ut day, and Ullovluj I that llw watchman with the nury SS.ill & 'l attrntlwiwulnAfalrwayrf rocoTcry. ")E r a ' rftlre.1. WH V i "Hut Uio watcUmau died. I riud of tM I f '" '"' lu tlte iwwuiprm, but found -29R K ;' Ihatuoautpkloiuuttaihedln Ilia now, fmjti -;"fj polMi waa not dim hinted ut, 1 ru jMff I tfi I uwiaUr onlr enlulalnlng aorpriao ut .BttEl ?i tlmr, lait aa the time wrnt by the SaVafaf V ( "'"" "l""1 ml to aucli a dt-KiH 'IBKSR i that 1 u cuiutralmil bj curlwlly, UiaSMk rk v n,lM "noMnled to artiil tiianlu, tn in, gl?T Ht'li itU;ito, Ouodaylhappcuedlutoth.) .v.'" M t 'V KKBHX-' - - itjr-r IimIOi uIHcf, wlifro the ipnd nf dfatln and llitr cauaci are kcpl, and turning to the prvjrr nam found that the watchtnan'a dMlli was attrlbulM to the lotanaa Irfat which prfrallcl npen tba nljht when ba wai found writhing upon hit beat "It Imlantly ocrurrMl to me that Dr (' , whom I knew, innrt bavn known from the inane ifrnaral cnndltlon, at woll at tho rnedJclria w-blcb I prvtwrl ld,' IhatirwueA riiMcf ttrychnlnoiilnn. Inil, i,ii I rnustrwifaM that It utrurk in with A nf Idon, which 1 lntantly repelled, tbat the doctcr wai lu eotne way pattlceps -rlrnlnK I made It a point, hmrerrr, to cn-mally throw inf. alf In bit way, an 1 to ralv tbe quotlon (f tha death of the waUbinalL Tba drat fw w OTitl blcll tlieibalor dropxl i-ontlncod iih that lie waa lu no way lolled up In tbr hiyaterlea of 111 death "He Hated brlrtlythat when ba wai ralle,! tba mail wa dylnir, with only a few breath left In I la Wy Th wife ha.1 Informed Miu that I bad tn ine but A thnrt lime before be waa talle,!. and that I had raid her bubsnd hl lifti overuimia by Hi beat and eoutr thSmr lb waMhMaii luvl eaten. whKh dlunrenl wllb bllatouiaih. The fact U Dr. C had not l-vu ralh-,1 In until the AfterKu. ihi nompruing nolce Dr tX U-cAinn IntrreMM, and knorAlnx the teiri,e In tha neighborhood, where lie waa often called, lvan a ruurea of cau tloua Iniulry, and lu tlioeour-a of tlino gare tne tba fullowfog faetai "When the watchman died, and while the preparattona for thofuneral wem go ln on, tli widow (fate im-at Mandal to the neigbborboel on Aixouiitof Iterdti pietlnenb Her fact) waa abenlntely I radUM with IIhi blpplft of Olpreolona and tha aonnd rf nee voire waa an joyoria I aa the elprewion of lirr face Hha Ulke-1 Kllbtyon tha moat tilrlil of tnbjertt and welcoinnl people At Ujongk a wedding Imtcail of a funeral were guiine on. Xo tiring finally Ihat tolnoof IIm callrra wtro ehtakul at bcr actione, she biH?iiiie demure And ellent, and caUi1 uji an effn tatlon of sudden grbf, liut It did not l-wt long) the tdd radlanco came liack, and It seemed tint tha short time of her simulated grief rwloul e, tl In tenillyof her broadly nptmrent happl. tietai when her n-ituta! fcellnga trl nmpl-d, "In dua tlma aft r tbo burial of lu r buabaud tba daw $i,00O Insurance Money from a lift) Insurance) ioinpany, and, dlapuelng of mcUilTrcUar sIm luvl, lainght tlcketa for lu ratlf And family of three children to I'jigland. It was only ufter birdepartnra Dial Dr. C lenrned that the medicine which I bad pn K rll-cil had not lni udmlnlilrn-l. Init bvl lnn thrown In n chwet, where th'-y Were found Intact aul)enUently. Mia told A belgbuijr tlut ltr rtumn for ibilng thla waa that she waa n Catholic, awl would not givu her hnshand a I'roteetnnt dov tor'a medicine. "Hating stiirltilliilothainrestlgatlon tiKetlir, Dr. (' and inyolf eitrndi'.l II to the aulseineiit career of this womin Onbiararrlral In Kngl-ind, where, as It trami'lR-d, brr giilhoil'a loier llred, tha sought him out, and found that be had entered tb llrltlab army as a rum luou aoldler Hut, nothing dtnred by this, bo llw lu bis anus, and they were married, although aba knew 1,1m I to ba a common drunkard, only eared Iroln a drankard'a graro by the rigid discipline of tha army 1 "And ere long lb nleo knew that the Vftii Indllferrnt to bis aelllsh rgollun and twinlili cKtrtcter. Hlo lornl him ard the was near bliu, mid that Was alt tie cared. He bent her. but tb lord the baud thnt raiuvd tho blowe juii Mr bead. He afiuindtrvd eiery dollar of tbe inciiey which tbo ro,rsarKl, and when bla regiment waa ordVmt to the West Iudles he left without a ran taking A farewell look at her us tho lay, not I lily In A laid (if ah knase but in a bed of l-urerty, With her llinai children lu tha jsiorhouae blio only wept, but nur upbraided brr hein'e lor when the beard how ba lutd brutally deserted ii r." As the dm tor i-raer.1 the cynUal luer rbant buinuicil the line, "Tls lu that make th world turn round." J, V. W.lnlXtrUtNeiat. lie 1...1 At on of Ilia tin lri-J gullrlhai tho other day a gcntlcuun.whu waa lu wait ing liollei-l ii boy about 10 yean old ruiugiug around the door, and baUik one.1 blut iualiduskial what waa 'ranted, 'Ooull I ml a picture IwreT wills Isrcdthabob WlO.Jot.- "How luiichTI it cutty Only a nuartcr. VouTl bo neit." "Hut It Ihi t for me, ilrj It's a picture of mybrollar Jlui" ' Uh, tlutt w ti'i uukn any dlRrri uro. Drlng bim In an) time." "1 1 tan't, slrl ' KIi'd tha buy. "Whyy "'Ciinse he's d-di ad, tlrt died UU morn bigr Ul-un Invettlgatloutha l-oy mus fonnd to be po-sa-eaed of only eleven cents, ami itur ai-ortaluliij: that Ids ttalcintiila neiutnie, tha geutlemm uiid tlm ex penM of teulug Iho Atlllt up with bla caiiurn and securing two full dorm tin typ-aof tbo pale fmed dend lying In a burji) where cold and hnngerbeld placea nlino-it as uieiiilwrt of tho family, De troit Tree l-rerw. Henry Oeorga Kivage, who la eaplcring soma of the unknown lands of Japan, It a grandaou of Walter Huruge Landor, And au nrttit of note Ho has traved Into the Int. rlur of llukhaldo mid to thaKurllvlslalulSfguiugouhorM haik'J.WXI inlU and walking tome am) mllee, l'or MTtnty days be lived entire ly ou row tub, acuu tail and rlco. Tli.r el na II l(' m7.hI.. I1iau waUbu.1 iisjii many iHcaaloiis tlierti'Atlliyudianoniif ucnx-oiblo to uiptuniHiiiill birds, when In hX-litanf mniiytlioiisiiudsiheyliA'oKltiniupon yielding briineliis of dwnrf wlllowt. Tbo a hullo houghs bent down Uuiuotli Ilia wtlght if tbo liiuiiuieriiblo llok, mid the irooiKlIles lieml iipprarnl iiIhuo the turfai-n ntb dUtaneo, Kink below mid quickly rrapiuurril (IIm rjn uiid irown nlona fibnvo the water) within tin jurdsof tho uiisuspcvlliig blnls, all of wboui wire buMly en gugisl In I Itterlug elilli mciit, iuarrr llig for plnoce, uud o.vioiloiiilly.lppiiig tbclr bonks lu tho uter when tlm bond ing tnlgs iH.nnlllod tlitm to drink. In n few moments ntkr tbu dUapKHinini of Iho vjiiry)iwu in uieiidoua wua uwhuiiisiiiIihI by a pair of o-n Juwe whkli aaept tbu oiviiuits of the loner brnucbit uito thu gretidy throot. Dpsla Are fAiflif New, 'fsro men went Into Mute street Jiwtlry hotiao tbo olher day. One of them pointed to n Mono In a tray and said, "Tliera la An opnl. please let mo sea It," and tho ralamati handed It out Tlieaooond tnan was linrnlod "Tlio aosrrtltlon aliout miafortun or bid lu"k lurking aomawbero In this bfiutlful itorHS." tAld tli mtestnan, 'has well nigh Tant.hed. The fart It there la a notion now extant that the osil Is a tAUsTnitiL rioou see there Is nothing In tblt IdoA of stones being nno tiling or nnother to far as gotMl Inek or Iwid Is concerned. If there bnd been anjrtteng In it the opal would b is un lucky now as It was lu tb beginning H "Wliat you aay rimy lie fnia," s..hl the man who bsal aakml to eeo the stone "t liironotiitenttlloii about tlie osl, nnd never liavl nuy llut 1 know n lirottter inerehnnt of yours, not far from lien: una nf tlm largest ileal era tn the Hty, who would uot carry nu In stotlM If n customer wnnta one be will order It. but be won t luao on In Ills Iiihixi on sale. And yet be la it Mlisible nn.1 tuca-esful man in buinese,,, Chicago Tribune. A Nlnry or Lincoln. Mr. k B. Chittenden write a piper full r dramatic Inlerrtl about ties sv. Isantineut by I're.l.len) Liuodnof San. atnr Kes-wnilen to ba secretary of the InsMury wlien Mr Clixse resigned Jt la printed In liar par's Magatlrnand com piled from Mr. Chlttendcn'a i.ronal lecollectlolia, Chiltenilen himself. In common with innnr of the president's friends, IlKiught the country ronld not be "run" witlenit (Jliasa as secretary of the tnasury, aud so rrpreeential In Lin coln. When this vltw was nrga.laniw on Lincoln by Chittenden tha good pre Ident answered! ' If we should all 1w turned out to-inor-row and could come Iwi k lien In week wa should And oar tlacee filled by a lot of fell wa doing Jntl as well as art) did. nnd In many Instance letter. Thla .of eminent does not depend on th lire of any men." No iJiilosoplier over nltere-l a moro prtronn, trnth. There Is nobody ,Alie tulay who Is so liupo.tant that bla plaou conl 1 not lie OHcl ai1 well filled In three dayif time. Llficdn had determinait on tli ap pointment of Henator I'eteendeai in L'liases place, an 1 pliant as Lincoln utnally was, when nice be h.vl set hi Mill none could rtlt him. He sent for Mr Fee, ndcli to annualize bw iletermt luliou ublte Mr Chlltoiebm waa still pratcnt. t)f tba toena that folliwed, Clilltenden wrltesi . Al this lanmsaa Ibe 4ikrt stisalr PtM4 sal Sir trssuwWe slaws buru letnlbe risen eeb MilUHssaa,sisee IIU tale Iscs tea i-olee. I tea Ut-ee ess Inteoae eseUrmNiil le blsa.4. ' I.ssm lelniwt ItbeuMUsdekliaaa ' Is a eask I am a alek tuaq aew 1 rem u ee4 tbu ecpsi.iJMsl r.iewUkb Ibsrneile A.4II.S1S. wt. Mr l-w04l. cechl aM I ek Irs taUsssa ayssrlse lhio.i ! wttlsalelrBwIl. I rsprst, 1 11 ai sad I will tu . sri it ' Tnsorw-ltsi.liuefnsB LU cUle, SieaMctel I Mr tw sites, sinl litlsw LU srin aivtiel Ms nk tl msr aeeei hsllermis, IsH as (see last I a sa4 SMierenllr ussHAsimI llsM, eusllng bhs a ssUs aissil Its sisalj sees at lea enaiae I Iroei HsIssl 1 wwlrrej a,,w ejoe Ih4s lbs ane I euutl sa.arrb' 11 tlla atOueWss seekeia sb.1 m tasiM lH.teHUMailatosaew4JefsultwsHr Mle,l4kl -renriMlae, sbaw I Imit fseu4a hlJees essrr srvanlna-ei 1 hare a on ley as e Jtslttwalba,bnMwllehsafs.lMe. I tlsael 1 ssj lb Isas Ihat nstU bse bem tes-K but aunl i rseufble assise lb user. AUUie DU.Iakrs I bsoieAOsbsaslvesitaesewsebMrslliarelMe tatttel sir , ate judoawal le bs uirrla4 by itsl U,4)in. Usa slabl 1 saw rnr v clear lus t4mi sMtrar bt Iks trseeur I oe MS lllsbrsebsawssr rlirht le Istl net y.i etu im srs4 tee lot. I ssltttslhsl lbs aspseesslea .( Ise rebtaln bw lawn ito-renl 1 a hlaese wsr Itsa anjr rtwasm4 by us, aej Itsl ute AtwUhlr Is HOser Ua owe Mssiw le Ibsl slst uusnuwsuf Ibsui. II u es mswli nm Juij le aresel ss II Is etlae lu sMi- Ysate a,tl n,stlslw a la way leant la slslsswitsn. ItiaalaiKll rw iwlaiilas ll will l brew. It lbalelbasesslslniai jeu will lalauaa. tlutrfr saj wSssHilotwIr swOVluwt. sej by 1 o taurt l.lsr ree law bs sijblsf eanwaU la tbslrM4C ' Aliterlcaii lig Iron. Tli ixiusuinptlou of Iron for general runwacs, AutAbU of railroad construe lion, lias lucrea-cd in thetHiyeara be. tveen H.VI nn.1 tt from if million an I n half In tit million tons. This great In crease it largely uw Ing to lie liu n-ase.1 us of Iron for building frame. The large building! of today are erected with Iron frame. Tbo Iron makes) tba struct. era firc roof, and beside, with su.h t(eong bnnca. the filling lu can bo thlii, and thus bulb building material and apueertm basaied. In tome Inttttirc the wbule outside of tho houso Is inide of rorriizitwl Iron, tnold-sl and i-alutcd to retetable wissl With such Inerciaed consnmj lion the production of Ig Iron hut of murso re ceived a great liu-stus, and it' It a fact Ihat timer fa tbo history uf tha country s there to lar;uim output aainlslKl, In fntnr American may point with I ride-to the fact Ihat In 1W0 the United Wales fur tba first tliuoln Hi bl.tory prudured liuiro dg Iron IIuji flreat HrlUln. Our output for last year waa .Vo-J.oal grc-x tons of t.'JIO-s nndt ivu-b, alsuit l.stio.oM gruaa tuut wore than Great llrltaln prodiht-d In the tame time, ll was also larger by CnO.wio tout than th Cngllali manufactured In 1.', which waa their greatest Iron year. Tho Incrru-) woa grtwta-it lu IVnnt). ranla, tbe old I run tt.its. Aftir tlut caiue Illiuoit, and neit Ohio. The out. put, ottlng to ttriket and tinanelal em Isirraasnients, may not bo so groat for IWI, but ueluiru beaten Oruat Ilritalu anyhow, nisi that it glory enough for the present. Tbe Wotnan't Journal, commenting on the resirt that the governor of n westeru state loul loet first bis head and then hit mln.l In contv-nienco of the dbptite Among rhul iHilihrul particala the leglt Ulnie, acort. this pulnt against tho ti-rlr aeii "It a woman bad lost her wind nnder such tlroumitanc, or If anyaaiKinblyof w omen bad Whaved na the Icgtthituri t of Nebraska And tei i-rul otlur stale bten lately would lialelaen .'noted ei ery w hero at prnnf that wouteu are not fit for legit Utors," tiii a'e-. WtffJAT Voiifirlllmt-ijoyonanow IIU f'v , Wllfi I wluitltlnralinf Vonaronetv. efji-L "fi nut Why? You isnigh in tlut TJ'?, Y rooming Ibi yoii rcaluo liu? Va-i' cniwf Ycrtirappctllclator ssajsa f ya s., . hat make It tor Ycsleeen: YOU iVrfHlLS ''"'u.-'e-lr'm-nleiyoiir KftkWi frWios-Ho you know wlmtla - f J ' Iho matter, or lias Iho change f ivr Jy& Wn ni -niuliwl It ba la-copcd ' s&"'Zm your nolIccT KNOW-TLr YOU? v&SZ8!t you, but it It Inio Tlicho am tho turu symptom of thla lirrlblo dtseiuc Then) la nno thing which will check It nn 1 llut Dr. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY II It lw-rttiiV4 f IU 0t4 t4iria-U. In jftp kid AmmtU, IS Mala. miu a4 !. r lUHl. VV. H. HOOKER & CO., 46 Wost Broadway, Now York. For silo by X, V. M. I Drug H.DJNWOOOEVPURHaBQ. JCNRY DINWOODCY. HAVING INCOnPORATCD UNDHn tho nbovo nmno, and complotod his Lnrgo SIX-STOtlY DUILDINO, nnU lnvlng 'rocolvoU a LARGCn ASSORTMENT than nvnn dcforc of iFiiijiiiniuiiiiiiiiinwoTiroiiiiiiiinai FURlilTUHE iriilllninMijiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii CMRPETS WflliliPAPEt? lliijjMilMiiHiiiiiiiiiiijpiiiiijiiiijiiini roll Till SPRING TRADE! Ho U Lcjtor proDarod to t.-iVto euro of hi- omlomorB, and ' ,. '.DioflClts'rt rjdritlnunnco of tholr patronarro tV" at his USUAL LDW PRlcES-for ths-BEST BOOBS III THE MARKET, i WT-ibTrcsAjyrc una rtctatt... sj- Onlrrs iy Jid n IU Urotln I 'mmnf ,1aon. H. DSWODEY FURN. CO., 37 to WW. First Soutli Street, Salt Lake City. jr. jr. mXWOOMlY, Matuwv. ECLIPSE GROCERY k FRUIT "CO. Are Now Open lor Butlnstt al their New Store, tl , 52 E. First South St., rjjr'irs?, GHEEflSTAPliE ! Rgp 1 FANGY GROCERIES, i'osr A.H.Wooley,B REMOVAL SALE tT TIIL SALT LAKE EQUITABLE CO-OP., For 10 DAYS ONLY. EVERYTHING at COST. stin as iiillau Iliad MiolloK, blc a jar.l. I Unvlsle Ill.mli, . 1J it ji) Unriiiie 1. 1., . lianlirorKl.uo.lll lint 1'ilnts, . in .oo 1'riilt or luoiii. . IJ I.UAlltlbw'ArlUlcsb,e,.-litriid attune 'A'Ca REMOVING MARCH 2d, at Ho. 30, opposite. Larger Premises. II. TtAXG'fOX, I'rvitttleiit. 'J'. Jr. XOXT, rkc-Prcalttent. SAMUEL C. BACKMAN, TinnefandCoppeniiuli hi a. aixrii nr.iritnur. Repairing md Sfoallnj a Specialty. usaivii-x- w-ya3nvin. -iiir ttaa cirr, CilLIFOllNIHlllfiy. LAGER BEER, ALX & PORTER, aahelssaleslrMelall. iro. anr rrnir iouth Txm otauCracWuiiy, -dim rACTimii or tut--- Silver Brand of Snowflake Sodas tso -- l'INll O.V1CI1S. raele.1 In I and i l'mitd fur I'le-Mc rarllea,1ratelrrs and lamllles SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. GLOBE -CAFE 24 Ma. n St., SjllUVeCIt, S. F, BALL & CO., Proprietors. Cooks, Pastry Cooks nnd Ro f roshmont Contractors. Sufptrs, Ice CreiaT, Caodles, Cites, Akd srerr dssenpuse of Cesfeeu.asrr I arms lied ea th l eels.l Mel lee. ORNAMENTED "vJxODINQ CAKCS th ffsd All Orsr Us Tsrnlef y, SALE OF REAL ESTATE. -V'lIICK I lll.Br.lll lllf THAT IX l .srtatsre el sa urt'r at Ike ITsesla uaurt'l itietusaicl esl. Uts.Tsmiarv it I is, leads ea lbs Sua ear or NavrtaWr, I., Ibis aisiurel Ikre.lsla ar tssrew N Mae fsilsse. eaerSM., le esdsrtisssd easrsirlt bt the last tt ill aud Tra! ef asld ds rsa.s.1 will aril si invsie tsle ta.tshlal tsl ladder ter 1 tth Held Col el Isel'sl.ed title. sal tvtitrtl le e,i trissuee tr st i llel.sle leerl.ea Taps sr Its xllh.lst.r Isb'usrr. asi al II o.laet M m llarsV. a.eol ..'I eastsiris. t. si I aire, le Its Lor ssd llssais ar salt late Tarnlorr at I lad. si Its rutl.lill- isisrr.l . 1. 1 e.laie l He sM An ir-w ttsris-lsne si Its lisieel bit ,.. .Ul ssd sllltsriftil tile sal inlserat Ibal said salsla lis, Itf 0ers Isaal liw erellaewi s srn,S!r e ,,'her ttiaaer I s Idlnaa la Its al Ida .sid Aa dlsw . at risilssesi lbs liaia or hit . ealh le sa.l la sll lsl esru'a I al. plses er eerie! i Ian I .Heals I lea Iwlsjr la tl.sisiai.liy sss .aasiar stll Ul a. Tsri we. el 1 1 s ssd Ihtkeilid ssd dr. r.lcdsal,llawtalewt sltbsKi..lbestl..irse ef tw rrer I IU I -V 11.1 ' II- aili Uks I Mv sarr-r. ssd rusuist lb'" squih l.s (It) trsl.tltttrt Wetl lira rud. .. .a it ata 41) ', itaKis I od la Ikstlsaael besmalsr. Tetiel sai IW dlllas. al Stir .Ostli l,s asreesl at tl.s tnaier ol' pel's lite ,Urr sal-, h.lthee a resflro.tusn l IHed at .saes.a nf j mt itiij Kacealrtt r Ihs latlUitl snd Tittsistbtet AadrseV tttPNrttss.ritesttsd. Hit Uls I Uh, JsSbSljr atu, 1)11. sumjoNs. la la litilnet (.'earl la tsd l .. Jadleisl Hl.tnel el Vis' T!'" Tl! Leaalfet Ialll!atv mk" Willisa. IVeetlsjr, lltlsut atAaAWeeiiif,ta.tasst. ""oleVl'ii, " 'h' T""""' -I Hit M Y a?p M"i,i"rtt1r'y,v"' ifttt r.w.Ve MmX . .IiKnT1 ,,' :; '! R U sit ol Ibe 1 bird Jedwl.l ulinei m .S'lrtl rllnjT at I'uh.snd Ot aasm ,.', Jes aisd tberela HMn Its ds.s S,t'm Ibe ds, C enmi titer the' ,tf'"'? 3 el ISlsftan.elans-lltsrTsdwltblBoTt.,, . or II sersedesl el lalsraet.lSt i?!Sul II W, wilMa iwssit, eibSJ.'""" lanr d.rar edsiasnt lT e,SJ. n,, !'lhmSrC0M' '"""'" lbl.ea'.rdiiMnTltV'l!,'biseJ"fL;r,l Iwlaernlbe plain I ssd dslsbS,.; "W elslsllAcsssrslrsiisri tlsve ., .if" t, Ibsleaer abaal tbe ill ai , rlJl,,5iJ dclrrdsnlwillallrsndwiibBi ?..' sad slssdnsel lbs plst ,t, . as ! t , ' ssd sbtsdessd hi n, led iit-d as, tjlt." spstl Itea. Mai will, . si SB ui ,W M ,'";.."''""""" " - '!'l. AB.I rail arc lis rrl,r aali(r.l till , , , le st sr ss I ssawf r ll t.w i S.i.'a sleite rciuired, lbs ssid plslsl.l si i " i lb t'otirirnr Ibe relict demand- ii !Wl to Wllasas. Iht II-. Ihsrles "SS"'; ssd Ihe trsl al lbs linulrl !,, :ct Ibird JadKisI II .to I, I. Sb'i I , VkLV im lolf ar tJlsh, ILU Wh dsr j.tMT'' i,,;.r.:.,.Vd.7:.i,r.-. - "". ...U "KVIIrMcltllUX,iaro, NOTICE. " lalb IT..UIS Tourl ft Isdlnrttliin. Iwsalr.Tsriilarr al I tat. u" la tha tattler et Ihe Kalstt ot Staiutl lattbs Awt'"".Vd tSS-ASi"' n"" enrtrlta leeaKlledierrtle a . sda,-i dKIWailet inters I si raeard la Itia r II Is bsrsaa nplcrsd ssd d.rrr.l i eesrilbsl loi.d.r. IbsTblrd dt .IM.."' ll l-l. si Is a'elaet i. tl ,'." lauilllsaalas.llrauBlr,labs.e , ,' Ih time a I pure roe lie bs., ., , p itMa, an I Ihsl aallr Ihsre ,f i c , . ' psillss Interfiled la ssll asuls lr ss. .. lira i .be l.rrMio ,i' ,' " psiwr pilala.1 ssd 'U una I Is lit ,, rausl, al esll Ijtl lorspsned nl lhr,stot. Ones la r aa cedrl Itl- tih das l I , ".. 11.11.' 'II. II. II a Ilk I,,""' I'roliste uOts tor said etualj. Trastrnar or t'ran. ... toahlrof ksllloita. M I Allan,! lertaf 'be l i air r -, salrsrtbsllaBtlr.l Sail tat, is its Im mrretltlBl.. ea ill? n .. "Js t, fas'splifnllsnl ?,' "umwweY-'l.'. nliij stlaie, and Ise li.atlsr ol tlestl.ts Iksbmi neantve. desisted sa is, ,, lewllne.awhsr, f 1 hsas , stla. tiss.1 nnl snia- I ibe ss I at Is.J. osiLikt Via da) vf I eutuart A. Is t 1 ,kU .- s1 ,llltV Llsrt al lha IT, sis I. it III c K.ritoa. itspalr llrn au Jl UJ-,Ji0i otan it, """"A- Jtekioa, Mist. Do You Alteud Balls and Parties? ! II' hO, fOUKfV HDrOlla that jou t'leidd be I1TTIMII.T and I'llOI'llll.l UlllMI.II. It la our Jul), aa the licadlntr tliitlllti ta of thla irilloo, lo al.t all In inir ieaarr lo lie li )u unci llda demand, therefore, aiaeall jojralleulleii In Ihli "ad," looar i ,suerb Ute ef I'ull.liieaa lliarlnr .i).arel. llrslonlhalM WuYWV Tlnae good, are Islhir tlnn iiiaba j 1 lielni' narii bf r lull Ureas I V InlV mtui ef our meal Sulla la lha en. X WW fdalfJIllHl Nicll U Mills la the run. A U NLr Krtlruru, aul tcntlaiiiil -.Siisl- I n Val (Ml) hale heard loti.lAll" or Ihe I (I ll AwA-H-V nulliliitr but I'rliien Albert flli iurda i.r irlte siila .,r e.,1 I II lUJlui at lo their nietlla, in ... J I ll ITT ' -"Hi "' "'' which are 1 tiual rtcjlfl Ul maVe. An.r eu lo nuj and .Suc. V, A3 f lint arlerlid rlor S manjr fA I uur ."'.l.' .'" alert lmnl Tailor. Ul I '"a"' '"" """ Airriiiuni tailor. i ii ( , Ml i.u la a-arii.Mil., U l erMlilcUonrrur. and what la i.f O l nl.hlnir tluodt I more luiierUner, ft I u I shoe llcjuti- al leat than half ft I " . ,,I'"',.1J the .nice .T.,r lf TA"1 nuuld cherrc U I tii,r resjicc- jou, II U 1 lliellnet. Wo especially call your attention to our lino ol PATENT LEATHER SHOES, embracin. CLOTH and KID UPPEH, In both COHQRESS and LACED. Loading tmakes only, and at LESS THAN SHOE STORE PRICES. OoMsmitfy 9 ?o. NO 61, 63 & 65, MAIN STREET. Leaders on Reliable Goods at Reliable Prices. - -- --Vi .. -.: .v&i a-a-A-iagg-r.-1-s--- JaZ-r' --- . .. g--a-f -T' 1-3L, rZUL ttaHLWtLttSiM