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Mr H "w'illi a DKsinnrr i:vi:xTyo xinv rmiuv.' rr.nnrAnv in, ism. SfiB'' DESERET EYEhThG HEWS. 34ARK BFv niuii to mtiT nwoATi nfirtia S fit THE DE3ERET NEWS CO. iHbL B t .nm Bi ay t rmiwr. tDiTon. '.HE kf ' In !, lehni.rj I J. Y)H fi ' Tin: loMiioiTiovMns. K. W Tits' official report r l)i present aflBlij I condition of lh pull loe.clat llin nB (I ' irorrty6flrie C'hurchof Jiiuilhrlit jHl)i . of Lalti r-ilay Haliilatvlll hefouml In tfH'tN It iiollir itt Hi thU nr. II will I lH tt If Interestlm to all who watch Ilia pro- I IbH Ik Brf" of "'' "'w "''"" ,n(,r "", IjH B , Alnerlransun theallemloil rcUiftf jfM !N ' ' ofaChureh lcOHiUliUn4rtholgi. 9H IQ Tim lil-lory of Ihe rae Is very rlear- SIH jjj y related, inJtliinnprofi-lonlinlnJ H jj I will have no ilinlctilty In arriving at MbE I? I! hi umlrnUnillnK of the status of this H if I IUIit!oii 1 llio rprwrl l cnrrfulljr n-nJ. H i I V ilo not care to comment iijii XB more than two or thru olnti In the HHH It Is svUent that Ihe law ami the KBflR ( ( attack iinUiIVrprtua.t KinlRratlnn HRfj , J 1'uriil have len futile, ami that the HHR legislation ft as Lasnl tipnun total mil HEB J jnilerslanilliiK of the facts, anil fain HHSBnV) ' representations M to the l'uuil anil lit HsW&tl : imIi, Tha whole proceedluuM ira I lni ply a fa rce. Tha litigation still luressary InorJer toolitaln )rruauent naee.loii of Ilia HHl'l jirorljrif tho Church li of no little Hlii 1 magultuile. It will lake cotitlilerahle IBk ; tlrue and much resting of the law In BrlBn ' . ori'r '" ru"w'' "'" P'"!'""" In "law. lmBlj Tha fact that through the eppnlnl- lHHHH . mentof Iteeelvcrl7 per cent, of the HRI! ' tvhoto amount aebcil haa hat u frittered IHHI away lueipenies, Ian IHHH' mont iijioii Iho policy pursued. $-11,. HH 1 021,911 espendtd shows that tho HaW Itcrthcnblp ll a costly adjunct f' to tho llttftitloiit and naturally proni la I llier-mKMtloncfllielH.trlit Attorney, that If the Itecelver cannot prorrvj to MHRf f I'ke nuilou of othi t rorty that BfEfif : ' may hailltcorrml to he Church prop- BgBn i) ' a-rtyt It It uhIcm tocontluuakucli ci Vfwfl ', f vnlVtf ap(nmlatci a the Ikcaher BbflH ' anil hla atlomry. BJQ9 i Aa tn the illpputoorcr thelatu It- HH i , nlri r'a rouma anJ account wn hatu HH I ; uothlnK to lay. The j.utilic are not BB ' particularly InUrMtrU In the MiuahUa. HBL I It "1 pvan, howarcr, that the drclalotu IRfRJ of two r.xamlurn outht to k llle II auil BJ itf' makaaiianlofthbtniutte. 1 i 1 AltoKithir the ruwault upon the Rj t' I l"1'!" rlT of tha C'liurch haa not ri tlrct- fHfl Lit iil much craltt upon any one aiiKBgeil Bijn K I In It. And It will rwlalnly form a HHKuj m i' Krut lilut uu the klilatlro and HnHBR'i jullclal mgw of tha hlitory of the KHf?, United Btat. iHn ii KSRiVk TIII'.tKLStlMII. InHI ' till Tim County Court, It apprari, h at HHH1 ' lallKtll Mtllrd tha lllrlUoil of the HBlJ amount of the rompeuatlon which tho HJr AncM)r and hla dtputlra are to re BjUl' telro forollalnliiKthelnfornutlonrv RjHLl I qolml for the llurcan of HUtl.tlr.. It KHf, lil lllbarimemtrij that the AeFi-or BkH U i' I ilrmaudil eight dollara a day for Mm- Knl? in n If, to urwrvl the work, and flfo HflBdjI j',1 dollara and half a day for each uf hli BHk tleiiuth, Kino that the alatulu rrulrce BHS "'" wo'k to tw dona at the time of PRjJL 3 Making avivMmtliU, while theAwvawr BalBS ) 1 ' vr" making a aaraU and ilUtlucl HHlK (" i iMjtluiwi vf thin riipilrrmeiit of tho law BH'!jHr I thu adding lolU rait. BfaH . After wrahlllng with the iUtlou HuJlKJ the Court haa dnldnl to give the HHBiJ i Auorlx dollara a day for hla own HH0K?l at iTlcra nil four dollara a day forraih K)ES i I "' 1 J('I'""i'. This trenu to Iw j.n (ly ESaretT.l Rood y fir right houra work, Hhlih MRfcyiB,! I la not of n llrloui characltr, and wn Brajill " thlnt. It ought to ha ulltiaIUractury HJKrKii i tothoMwhorMUa It,, Thoiiiutlon HMuKlllAif ' aa to when the work thall lie dona haa BEHMjI Utn left open. We I rnurne It doca not VHFlltlr mattcrao muth uAcn thaworkledoue H5fill ) aiWItlidoue. Htlll, onicprof tho KKtuf l,w ,,10ulJ alwaya keep within the Kff law, iyJWlJ , AIIUUUTIUKMIIMI. STiti: wluiliug-uptorneof npathttlo atorrvat wltueuixl Ihti morning In ilStVW H "'" '"'''''' cor vf the U, I. train a It (Bfl t ' wai about to itart auutlinl from thla aemii1 mf ''? The ttrourrutaucea ronpected aKfrt;P' '"' Ihe Iniprlwumrut of tho aged jKjBi K' M-leranJamwll. Jrnklin, of (loalieu, fklflR"! i Utah County, have alrealy ton pro. ft v pented In thtMe ooluniua. Ouaccouut n rV,i ij of what oocurreil today, It may he rip. , i! pniirlalatohrltllytepratthem. , Vr ' ft The unfortuuata mail waarouvhtod, lj "iMP under tha IMmumU-Tutkur ait, In If ,fl i tho Kirn, I)ltrlct Court, of ndultery I f , It I ' with hlaYltiral Wife. In October lait 4 ' ' f lie m taken Ltfore Judgu Illaikluru it Ik to ri'r,,lT JuJgn'l"t. 'that function- T "lWll ' aenteiipeJ hhu to liiiprlionmeut i--Wllf fcr two yean In the Utah nlUm. wlV "arjr A few ll'" K0' Jcl"1 '' lh !irfll Jniklna, of Ni lil, eon of the prlaoner, iJiifjm w notlBe.1 that hU father wulu u )NKalV dj'tig condition, from general debility, IbwElBl ' 1 etldeutly urhiduced b) old ago. liilSff i A" ,00" "' l1"""' after tha receipt jS'PjXW f ft r llll "I Intelllgruce the eon hue. rv WW 'X lanod la tin laialle of Ida intent. III. Ji,wl (If formation concerning Ihe tient'a WfMt If "ilHlteilWMUIegraplieJ tI)ltgl ffiflf Ir Ir C'alnoat Wellington. That liononhle WaMI r gtntleman nm.tluve taken IminedUta SWjr '. J atepato ubtalutho roloajoof the djlug fi? tSf1 ' I'riMuir, tw Information that the I ittrr jdjjSk ', hal ueenprJaii by I'tealJeiit Hat. 3mk ' ' rlw" tuaohed tlili city oc WoJneaday aRSji . '"h A aion at praoilcablea.iler the 3hE . , j " receiptor thin weloinio nam the pa. MrRK V frleml-tliit of l!roti)rr William 1), r Ht ptlwHlofylohlttSnT4llo hi. own ("' TBl 1 liomrfln (loaheu. Mt.TSHkyl , The t.moval of Urjthtr Jeuklui to V "''JrFomil the tuiaoni of hla family waa atU inpled at an tnrly hour till motnluK. J'.rcry I rccaiilloti wai taken fur Ida aafdy, In tranill to tha U. 1'. depot, hut he waa In an eUiau.ted con lltton. In thla Ituatlon he wat t Ucwl In the Inggigo car, hut ha wai not permitted to ro reM further on the hoinawardjotirne) . lie auik rapidly, and Iwfirathu train tuutcd, In thepreaenMof hli aorrow. Ing eon and a fear clhcri who were near, nt tin mlnutci to aeven, hu ijolelly and ieactfully iVealhed hU lat. We hope the man holding a IIUlo trial authority who, In our opinion, contributed to tha damUaof Jamea 11. Jenklna, will nllrclon thaiad teeulta of the eiercUe of hi. Judicial function.. To enable him to make the apeclaclecouiilttc, It will lie nccwiwiry, after conal letlng all the fratutii of the raw, when he teaches In hla mental rtraal, the ghntly tcene In the baggage car, to tramfrr Ihe o;a ration of hlamtnd'aeya to the home of the deceaMtl veteran In Ihe little town of (lotheit. We did ii t have a. . ronat acipialutancn with llrother jenklm, but IIiom familiar with hli (tmrel character aay that ho w aa an e.tlmaUe man, rtmprcted. hy hla nelghliou and iiuny frleudi. W take It thertforu tint he waa a man who had the love of hlihla family, lielug of that itamp like. ly toatlraittlitlr warmrtt affection.. In that home at (lothcu Iherohaa been trained huart.trlnga, nigh ping. There have aImi irobably la. n hota that, with kind altentioua admlntitt red bylovlughand., and the fatllltln for comforting the tick nowhere elw i till ing aa they da In the domeitlo circle, tho vttcran might lie .pared foraftw aeara )rt. Imagine tho blattlug of thOMfondautlcltlona by the arrival at tho domicile, thla morning, of thu cold t-orio of hhu who waa lla litad. Any iereou who haa contributtd to the reduction of audi ecetira aa thee la welcomo to all the comfort ha can draw from thetitult. Why waa the aentenca upon the do. ceoaed vettrau, In our opinion, harth audutttrly unnrceMary; (I) l)ecau.e Judgmtnt wa. ro ttou need fttrt time when clrcum.taticea were of audi n character In thla torn, niiiulty aa to Ju.tlfy the eicn n of the wldeetleiiltncy, 2). At the time eentenco waapa..l defeated waa In lilt aUty-nlnth Jear, and wfet hie that he reached the rail road atatloii to lake train for thla city with greet tlimcully. (.1). Itlarcrmoiabla to irceumu that under tht-ee cfrcuui.tanci' advanced age nud III health a aentenco of lm rlMnmuntfor twotcara rut ant Incnr i-eratlou fur life, l.acry natural ap. iearnucelnted that way, and virtu ally ro It ha. turned out. (4). That thu prumplreaa of action ou the part of 1'rv.Wtut llarrlwu Indlcatea that n much more humane Kiitlmeut itrvailra the hretut nf Ilia thltf txecutlve than nnlmalta the alleged hiart of at leatt one of Ihe Judldal fumtlonarlta of the government. Through the clenienty of the 1're.ldent, tho family of tho veteran wlione i Irlt took II. Might to the other life thla morning, are in ablcd, at leaat, to ay the lout tribute of rriprct to their late earthly head. n mkih rtitriiii.tii." Ah a )itclmen of Ilia nitlliod by Midi ll the Iti'niM obhaluamntellulfor the blander of ".Mormon" who coma undir lie dl.plraaure, noillrtttutlin. tlon toaatory which appeared In lla rohimiiaon Ihe lutli liut., ttirfrtlng to lafaunKtiunt of nil ouiirrrnre In Caaiuu. '1 ha rvadtr would naturally irjice tolharoncliiilon that Iho writer waa dracrlblng aonKthlog ho had act u and heard, It gave paillculara of an allegid ipiarrrl ht tweeu tha outgoing Ma or of l'av .en and a new tanlldatn for that ofllin, Tha retiring uRIwr waa aald to liaaucipuaed the candidate lu raucui, and to have hcajied upon hi. head tha luuet Biprbbrloui t 1 thcla, acciulng him of theft, false hood, tnachery and robbery aud mix lUntlalliu tho thargea, tu whlih the aorUMid roiiU,ol!'er no reply. tNot only did thla Minaatluiial report apar In tho7Wiun, hut It aroa will oaerthawlreaeaat, and WDcomnienletl uain thudlfpaltli on Thunday evtii Ing, aa It npiioared tu the Delia tt .Veiii tindvt alartllng htuillinea, about rt "Mormon Rpllt," etc. It now ap ara from a cuaimunlcattou to tho ynouie that tho whole alory at an a fabrication. It la probable that no rtfutatlon of the elaudtr Mould haau apitared In that ier, had nut A nutnhtf of "Iilberali"ln Payaonrume to tha front and dcuouuted thu lory aa 'enlliely untruuaud fal.u In every particular." Thla they do lu u cumiiiuiilention to the 7-iounc. 'lhu atrlterut thoalnuder learned uf their action aud hastened to get hold of tho document. Tha eraclou(?reporhr explalua hU muidaclty luthUwaji "Arriving heru on Sunday evening la.t, hu gatht red from fctritt talk on ilcctl ill day that the People hnd a red hot tinte nt their caucua, and that tha Mavor had madollia acca.atloua that were glaen In the ajHiclal dlialch." Ihit a la cu.toniAry lu theMe caaea, the rorrtaponiloiit did not ktato that he obtained Ida Information front other. Thuao-ouut waa glvtua. n Yerlhille ocirrutce without ituahllcatlon ui to larllfulan rtcclviJ. It waa written up at a rcrt of nmnllugnnd ap lare 1 a. though related hy a rcportt r who waapruMut. ThU la the manner In which autl. ".Mormon" euimalloua nr nuuiufuctur ed for the Thtiune. It corrwiwiiih nta j mil rtuiliriiudnrUndwhat kind of UlulMt. lelitori mukt dellglitiu. A I rumor ou tho .tint Iiil'hiIi. It la worked up Into matter of facl, lnted and tilnimed and uiagnlllid, aud pub lUlied as though resiled by an eye wltnit... When aiked for lla authorlly, ll la given na "a reliable gentlemn"er lhu imudloiicr li airily Informed that "It li known to a doun or luoro ttepre tablearaona and It I. unlta todeny It" It ll ailnnlthliig that no ttralghta correction as ftpteara IhU murnhig w m publlthed In tho 7H',cmc. Hut It It vvldtut rliat tho dhreputable loaftr who aeiit the original falie-hood hw been ct.mlled lo eat hlaown wonlahy eome of hla own rty. Hut thla la only one In.Unre of torloalhat wire "entirely untrue and fal-e lu every particular," ap-arlm lu Umt r, hut ol which no refuta tion waa icrmltted to apiar. The re.ent rontradlctlou I" doubtleMdue to tho fact that prominent "Idberala" In I'ayaon vrera to dltgu.ted with tho fahehood that the Ihru.t ltdown Ihe throat of the defamer and made him bring forth tho ttltactlon which np. I'fAreil thla morning. Tha fact that thla tlander, 'untrue In every (Articular," haa beeutchgraphed to eattcrn Ini, ihowa how anil. "Mormiii" atorlt-a aro nianufactureil foreittatiou and how Ilia ea.tern preim livcema Ihe victim, of Tr,tiuv. llhcllera lu Utah. a iriusMTm: jtiHiHinn. lTapnara that the llrlllih 1'arlla. merit la again atniggllng with that nntiuatnl leco of legislative Absur dity, Ihe law to rovent marriage with a derea.ed wlfe'a al.ter. A bill to abolhh the irovl.lon hat many tlmca Ueti reeiited,but haa nevt r i rovAllud. It haa now pawed lla tecond reading lu the House of Commons. It may go through tho lowtr Home, hut will again, no doubt, meet with n atoimof opsltIou In the Housu ot Ixirili. It will lie fought hy the lords spiritual, If Approved by most of the Ijaribj tern l.iial. The Church of l'.nglanl lllthotn, who by right or ecclesiastical olllcu havostaUlu the House of Peers, haae been very hoslllo to tlie measure re moving the mstrlcllon upon marriage, which iioiii' but the religious Author. Itlca appear tooppote, and theso bane thelrargurgnnta iiiou a scriptural In hibition which, even It It wire not oh aolt t by reamn of lla bring A part of tfTn Mosaic coile that haa been surer audnl hy a higher law, -has no actual hearing Uun the Mitdecl In dlssile. It Is thl. i "Nolllit r shall llioii take a wife to her al.ter to vex her during her lire time." Lev. xvlll. 18. How that rati be tortured Into n ttiuimatid not to marry n deceased wlfe'a sister, It Is dif ficult fur auy one but a liulued school theologian to undrrslund. Hu wlng that the It xt mioted fur Uds a nun from mitrrylng two slsttra w hlle they aro both living which we do not ndmlt, uulesa one la unwilling Andsupniugltli a living telliturul law, dots not the uualliUalion 'Jtrin' At life time," make tha rohlh.tlun ceiiwwhtn the wife dltHi, and If not that laiilamount ton permis sion to in irry thu wlfe'a slittr aftet the dnlhof lhu wlfu? Thu Mttirlau tctlealasls are great sthkleraforlhelawaof tvutangulnlly, uf which this iiruliailli.ii hy the I'.ug Hah statute li one. Vt town cousins may marry In that country, flrtwu n them there Is lelatlon ot blood, lie tweeu it mun and Ills dtad wife's slitrr there Is none. Then fore the ol Jectlou ou the ground of counaugulnlty la grouudhm., audla utterly Jnconslitint lu vlsvr uf tho pilrmUtluh of marrlsge la tween cousins. . Tha folly of this legislative obstruc tlon haa grown iim rmbllo perception furyrars, and thrro Is little now In the way of Its removal outaldeof the nar row circle of rtllglous lnloleraiica In Parliament. If the bill shoull uim both lluiin through some fortuitous olrcum.taiict It Mould rcitlvu the M)nl sign iiiiuual, rut the l'rlniu of Wali-ali In fa uir tt It ami a strong publlo sentiment It lahlnt the meas-uri. (IIMlttl, M, T. slllltMAN. Titr llhuwaof tltueral rftitrman haa brought that brave soldier and good manoncamoro Into special i romlneiice la too the public, aud his brilliant rets nrd li King coplouily ri h-rritl to. It Is not Inappropriate, undir thoclrcuni staiui, for UieNiualoprrKiitnbrlif skttchof hit career. William Tecuniwh Hherman was lrn lu Uancaiter, Ohio, Ptbruary S, IS.M, He sprung from the same slock as Ilogir Hhetmau, ouauf lhu slgntra of the Declaration or Independence. llll1l he entered West Point us a lAilst, and graduated In 1811. Hla llrst military aervlco was In 1'lorldi, where he servod ft a lleuUnaut or ar tillery, In lhu regulat army. In 1S4) hu was I laced In tharge or troops, which were taktu around Ca Horn to Caiiro rula ou ac count of the Mexican wat, Thtre ha acted aa adjutant-gem ral to UoikriI Kearney, In IS-Vl he married Miss l.lleii lloylo I'.wlng nt Waihlnglon, I). (.'. The Ud 'a fatlur waa thru Kwrvbiry of Ihe Interior. In 183V. he reslgued his commission In the nrmy, and Men,t Into hanking lu Calirurnli, In IW lie returur.1 lo the lMern Htalt-a. In ISIS nod 'SO he practised law tu Kansas. He held n military olllcu lu Iioiilslaua at the time that Btate secedtal, but ho promptly re signed his placo And riturueil to the North. Un tho bnaklng out ol the civil war Blicrnum wts a"liitei loloml of the Pith infantry, May It, ISM, He ram mantled n brlgado At lhu first battle or Hull lluu. Ills command had una nun killed, wounded and mining In 1ijVi!iVi l ' i ''. i' T.i MiiiMiBSiiltt thathatlte. lie was. next aipolnlcd brlgaJer-gemral, and aligned lo duly In Kentucky. Here hla ruiarlor dltceinrr.ent t'dd hlni thai a great war waa llhg luaiiguralel. Hu Mil It would Ukeiuyxvi men .i keei Kenluiky lu Ihe Union, nnd .iM,(i null to en I the atruggle Ira that trglon. Tor making thla repoit he- waa ronslderi.1 Inaiane, or Iierlii disloyal, and he avaa relieved of hla command on No vcmbir, IfHI. Hawa. then asalgnid A place In a recruiting barracks. In IfWJ ha waa agtln placed lu coniminl of Ihe fifth dlvl.lou of the Army of lhu feniimMe. He dlsllngulahed hlmaelf at the battle of Hhlloh, where hu waa wotitih-d. tltueral tlrant atlrllailed the men- or that ball lo to Hhermau. During tho operation of Ihe Army of Ihe Teiiuiasee iindtr (Irani, (lencral Hherman lore a cunsi I. uoua rt, nud WA.apiolnteil llrlgiiier (laneralof the tegutatarmyjuly, I8U1. Hninivtil ouabf themnet active and energetic flghtira In all the conlllchi nf the Teimeeseo" region, tlm. (Irani was ma la commander of all the armlt-a uf lha United Htatea on Mirth 11!, Ha mala Hherman commander of the tntlre Muthwntem region with hraJquarteri at Nashville. Hla fa moua martli lo the sea la one of the marked achievements ot Ihe cIvllwAr. It arrui (vmmeiKfd at Chattanooga. A ill "s, ISfJI. flic force consisted of Ou.nudmiiiwltli Sill guns, lie drove Johnston wltli hia UJ,OOU confultralca Into Allinla, which city fell Into Hhernian'a hands on the la', of He tern-lir,lsal,nftrrili-.iirntn lighting. Ha occupteil Havaunah towards Ihuclosu of lb jrar. From tha. city he wrote to I dii saylngt "1 beg In pre.unt a. ii, sa a Christmas gift tha city (f Havarnwh, wllh lVJgunaainli. uoil llt of cotton." rrom Havaunah Phi rcian marched through the Atlantic Htatis tn the North, and at or near Orctiis. horo entered Into tirma of cn . filiation with Juhiisloii. Hher niau'a tcru.a weron geutril amnesty to all confederate sol Hers provided they laid down Ihelr nrnwniid raliirnctl totaiiful iiriiltf. His Itrms wire cotislderrd too lenient, buttheaas. slnatlonof l.lncoln which occurreil on the tame day that the term, wire enlritd luhi, (umpllcatnl mitteriAnd emhltteml the Union men against lha Hculb. Tho lirma Mem ripudlalcd, lut It la now char that Hhirmau was 1 runii, I'd hy o noble, humane an I pn trlutlorplilt In r'antlngthem. UuMayl, li ui, Hhernian'a arm) miirchul -at President Juhnaon and lleiieral (Irani, previous hi illilund nieul. When (Irani waa Inaligurated I'lisldcnt, on March 1, 1,1119, Hlurmaii la-came grneral of the army with lit ad. i)iinrtera at Wuthlngton. In 1911 or '" ho IrAveleil lii Ktiroie, i rofi-a!oii all). He was placed on Ihe retired' list I'.b, 8, IbSI. MIIAU Tit till! IIMIin. Dl'N A: Co, 'a wet kly review of trade for the wetk ending Keb. 7, 1801, aayi that tmle showed marked Improat mont, and that money was extremely ta.y. Hi roll what Is said relative tn gimral trule "Hep. rlt thtt wis k from all parts nf Ilia country Initiate it filr aoliiiiioef Irtde fir tlm mii, ni.j monei, ami t-ulli-. inn. gi-ti. rally flr, Ihouuli at a few U i-.t.m vlnt., and In the groverv triuh nt IhlU.blplill, rather slim. Tim Kiuth lu. the rinhams.miHit of a furtlier ileeliuu hi Ihe price of rotten hut rccei t. aro lanre, and imie'ol Irade t. aomee list lietti r at New i ulceus, ibougli n-cel t. nf siis-ar ara HgUti trade ltlm mat.1 at M lanta, f ilriu ailume lmt ipitK euiillmi. at Meui hbv and dull at present. I ul tilth bright pn.tptrjsatrttvannih. Ilnsl ueuatM.Iula Is of Mr volume, but nut so writ sustained a. hi f.irei at t lly a aaerae fur the seaaonj nt IVnvir liiipruviiig, and at Omaha ant Mllnauken ulpt, Cld cauo HAtet allirht lucruai mer Usl ir In all gruu, mid goml lumai hiiuriHl uiittln, hldea anl wmit, leiuvy lirger sale, of dry gnoits, clithlngand shiM-a, uud an i norniiiiia cattle Irado, lire slo. k recuits In January liaving lieen 1.11,1 0 hsoil ten (M-r cent irn ater lliau a year ago, and the UrgS't ei er leionlod In any month, IHtnilt notes filr trade and orders, avhlle I'd a t laud ha. go,l trade In hardware an 1 dry goods, though oounlry niirehanU are iiiiii.ually const rvwtlve. At t'tndnnJill general Inele Is miltt, hut in Iropletd fruits there I. iiiiirh activity. U Pltl.tmrg In n Is miletsr, thuuch a tielter dsniiind fur rslla It isiien, but tt stilkouf lonuil.rlllo cokn wurkera I. ei.o.l nil Tuetdty, I'lilla-hlphla note. pro.periius spring litstno.. In sboeauudiiutlKr, and In dlv goo.1., with lite tliitlilug triidu healvlder than fur yiir, fiilrh s-itiiftolory Irada In gro. tr ine and i li nihil) wllh liquor, an I lu. hscmipllit At ltOHtou the feature l. the good tra te In wool, exceeding la.t year's, and ItaUiar and hldw s,ru firm, but many shua f,u;urlet aro ml short time, spring l.t.lnes. Iwlng buukward ami huyira laiitloua, "Win! hu nltanced 19. ta-nt.,aul corn un I ails nearly a rent, on inn.lera.e su'e., lard and hint being also 10 ta nu iwr 100 pouudi stronger, an I oil ! mitt, but eottoit . asltluoiith loner. 'Ilia ex port, frum ew York are now fAlihic lluwl.l auti'a, ttiHtlally In bread sliilN. premnil reiwu lu sptirehrnl ant unfavorable Inllueneu rrom furrlgn trade, and the Treiwury list In un uat dl.tuihi. thuiues. Money on call bat dropped Iruiil Slf to Jtur isut, and foreign extluuie rcmauia .l.mH at (In; "Tho builnea. f illuni oiHiurlng during Ilia lu.t seven d ita llironghoul Ilia rnun try, aa renorleil lo II. II, Dun .t l o.,'II,u MtnuntlloAirtncy. by tih-itrapn, iiuiu lr, for tho Unltinl Ntute., .all, and for L'uiisdn, IV nr ii tolnl of noil, as eoniniir. 1 with a total i f M last tvrek, and,Wl tlie woikpnvlouitii Ih.v j.t lor Ilia roi re.piiiidlligwcekiif last rear the rlirur s eereUrl repreenlliig'.U lUllurn lu the Pulled Klaus, aud Ml in Ihe Dominion of a c.Js." Ulali .Verdi n Hal Factor). JHilor of ti virrcf Acws; I was much gratltled to n-nisn In your editorial column., nf Tueaday last, not only Avery Interesting Account nf the reclmtal(rofH reeling that ex IttaSetwtTii J. II.Hlttaonof world-wide "hat renown," and hla employes, but the appreciable method he haa nJo hit to secure their good will and closo at teullou tn Ihelr lalnr In his Uliulf, vizi n haudsomo Chrlttmas dirt lo every workman In his Immense eataMlsh I waa equally grallfleil with the editor's remarka lu regard to that Im imtant Industry, and asked uijst If tlm iiueallou, "Mitrelsiha luxation lor a I Hah hat fa. lory?" herevrr It may be, ll mi nns colonlatlon or an hi rrtavinf poimlatlon lu that particular' locality. Tn make hats nnd ra fur the entire Wisltru iruple will lieci-asllato Ihn emploimentofhiilidreil., If not thou sand!, of active Moikvra, Including n host of our young men Indentured aa ar rentiers loltaru uno or the mast artistic and Interesting trades In ti-lil.-ine litis have lutli tnadii lu UUh nl must rrom the commencement of lla ialonlxitlon,Hnd liavo aIwaih nuiln talueu a very high reputation for dural llity. miring tho nut seven or eight years nmtretxteiideiltllnttliaa been made with n view nf mi plying Utah with Utah head coverings, and n host of merchants have chterfully sustained ran I sold what have liteti known aa UuddurJ A Co.'a home-made hats, which lire of i xitiHctit iiuallty. Krutn litar l.aku Intlie Nuttli to Ml. eievrge In Ihe Huutblngijoil rotindatlou has been laid for the sustetinncti And sm cesa of tho gran I Industry. Hut thu few that havu been eningnl In It have not hnd suftlcltiit capital Irijiln Jti.tlra ti It, und n movement Is aliullt lo Im liuide In lnoor.italu acouipauy of llvo, Active builiiiea nit u, with .ii fill lent imbiib 'o bull I A ciiinmisllotis structitri un tun Irmul hi detp foiindatlon already laid. tins fnwilaj. a mntlng will be called with a ill to organising, nud It It lo l licml II will result In such a hearty resKiuso from the tainlile oltetof the community that nothing will sinud In the way uf its ultimate success. At our first muting, In all piuhtdillltt,a t eiumltti a un lui atlun ill he ni el nt l. ua have n uat ractory that will do honor to tha -wintry and tlie cvmniupity. llnmni. (lumiAnn. Pntmiary IS, li'l. nailMns at" s toe -i saw roaa sro New nr fen- a, avie UtrBllttr re Hum, i in M.sst 1 l, sns.thta .. :a leonfM..H ... i Nona tiseneie IT', lasubta's IsclBeM.l M tleliiMia ". lenh Islsiit,,,. ts Uemrsl I'wta. e. S1.I.111M in Ir ". narlietlen .... m , , si.l'aiuAi.M.1 .1 IIM (lr4edsH.... Is 1 Ttss. laielSr I Nmi-iiiaH tt ' irsie.rtein 11 . rnr.rrs'1 .... ;i , 1 r.r.oK.t-rt.- I N f cirref- m, lie su-t-k maittltiss tah anjsxlreaieljr 1411 Din Stock of Dad Quilts vary chonp, at tho H. Dlnwootloy Turn Co. SALT UKK THEATRE. TlSllUlili; SlTlUDil, (tn iati rtii tiTiir l'flii'iiiii-.a l'-i. Ill null I I. TUB Ul!lkatRlilKMIV, FiEDElI(JI( WAI(DE; 'fiMRS. D. P. BOWERS AaJ a Uttllwiuui unltrls e( I'lsfsn. itr.puTn'ontr: Thursday, ; UEHRY VIII. 1 111 11 a a-, iir.mi tii.i. inn. MERCHANT OF VENICE KATUERINE AjnTpETRUCHIO. Saturday Kalhce - V1RCINIUS. Salnrday NluUt, MACBETH. tats ef list! romoitnrst HeleelJlj, r.U 11 I'llllll, jar In SI. .an. SALT LAKE THEATKE! lilts, a. ntamv, llixiusn. S.PS.16f17. TWO I'KIII OlOIWCI-S only: PATTI EOSA! (fuanrjes.!) Aided by a Superb Company, -ItlLllill Geo. C. Boniface, luini Hirry W, Rich jiiimhv 1 i mmj. 1 1 niti inr 10, The ItuuisDUeLeuislrMorr, lalraleriH aw fanees kosx.,o.s Itis lllib lln. tlv.l," ii1.0b, utile tenon Willi s lllli. II su ll.k" ss4 Hlrils Usri tj s ll.rn.." TIIMItl I11MMI, HUIIt'tllt IT, loiaLrsveas MirlMul Comcdr iViAnGERY DAVj 'usiular I'lKi Mis leiausur.s .mr.U- DISSOLUIIOK OFPARTNERSIIIP. w'i.'smi, vj. o rffljawtf '" 'lm UiwtDii Hi an (kn,rdtfrlrk 11 Ur it) tn I Maunu H AntibirbtUNalvr Ihi Jlrmoiui(r lUury (,ba t (i, tnilcar rjiUKon ib.1 aNDt tuaiitta hi ua nr Jintl routir u run Uk , rlt n of I UI. U. TrB ' '' flMlra ly tiiatusl rnnivnt Uf oryCoIui, In liuJuall ., nrrr m tb iiu.l n U mkI llcury Unlm will ullin U im lniuiiMlHiiiiltlia Drui , 7hiluiU(lavii( Jsshatrr . II 1, iu M i'K k 11. Atrrrtuui. Xj.'worjipx'ivir'c. oo TINC DATHROOM OUTriTS. NAnlUrr NpfatUlllf! - IUIN Inb.. Itlrlr Hnlt-r iMHi. Mllrlirn Ml !., lAnitvirr Ttifca All lb UlMl df i n I uoil wo lata tlTtee. (ItllKAl OmtM PI Wt Uk rtrft. UHlhltlurAlttMtif IltirvbomStrcM. rACtuttKa M II? Wan Uta Uttttb OItIOAaO, XttTe. SCHULTZ&HIRSCH tvnoLssALa fiaiLlas iv Feathers ai)d Fearer pllloms, MtstrAcltRiai os S0MF0RTER8 MAnRE8SES. JUSSI.1 IS tarleil II. Ir. St.... ainl. I sr.l.ler. Inn, Tlrklna. lie. messiirua Itiiilsibtsst, oialorte;o d&ZJS Down With l(lghPrice. w wS? ThlJSEWIHB MACHINE CSPKrorjxs-jr tfiap Jia a3JI TlnuTMl!l!nuii.M!IIS ..WaliaBczn ritr.sMBil.rf reus, stt. TSSai IM.tWrtt.lMlatTe & WASHBURN ' rjSlJ c"."i'.liliD.,sl'!t Sii'." rfVyr UfCeaUa. Atrl(tai)t gitrM Mk 4sV 1 T " ttOM S'lUALYsCHICfVaO. vim I ThomsonftTaylor Spice Co., ! In 1 it. t an 1 Muni, farm ret if 11 FIN'KST SPICL2S FbnVORiNC EXTRACTS .oir ni r;; tcaim fVefei.!.r- I. Jmnm (IiWi Ill.I t'ltOSS i.yi:. 1 30, 32, 34, lit. 3a, 40 So. WslerSlrtel, i onioActo. !StarltafaiIs If Pollsliuil or Dluod. It' lilt! Uea s.1.1 1 y Z C M I ler etrr I Is ll jc.ii Tier sri I hi llt.i a.ll. j I.. .,! ssirasilsltellsKitslhtttil i It ll i.tnlttliy IV1II r.ell s ssos e. Is lusiit Ilia sar eistl f! UHIOHHORSOAlLCOs, If Chu-nmi, 111 glo.'duncan s'sons I i.NM.erkrtr e Tlno Cryslnl nnd '.oiurocl Clrtts Tablo Wnii, Cooila, Jjro, 1..tiii)B, Cto. tA Alrrrt, .V.S. VtmilUhUII, I'A lorfjl. Ir. t.K Inss1ilslti.tsitllr WOLFE BROS. aT CO.," 2iiuxrri3x. Wnnnfartnttr an ' It tcrtrri o flruM nni vnmiM.. . ni isiu'liti, rt. ajt .?s.3j C S Ssferii. A "Warning To i.a .wfca,iUti?is'i!-w".- lyiikaii in Worcest." JU." "c"! ;f m, n.ii csm. em ii ib,'rt0j; f for e enrhloe. arid so deeelvj i.'i! " smith who sUil lbs horss R.t"" rolnl -inlln ike dliMlo" as,?, ',"" TlUlf S.I .skSSMts.M rs. Il.e ii?ilitt"if?r"",",i'!? !.tB dang ero usT.'; ;,i..pii; .7Xj, .tVJiV-V.Vl'lo' " wr,vvu-"-J- - iv.i The Putnam Nail itrium. te tllslli lolvllol lorire'sulil . IVii lt.1 Her. thi .il tu ,. ,-' in d. hy ins hlnery lu lie m.. , " lusnntraallia obi ft.ldnni l ,... , ' nail ffKI Tlioli HlHUUsUov. r in i . Ihe pre. nt ilielr nunnriet ,L ' llenl, .ii.l i.lli.r 11 mi. nbo tn,i ' .Uertl, Nut . ,,.., irtu.l, e. BiilIlT of Itifrin. ,., ' A8 YOU VALUE YOUII HonSI lu.1.' in J-imr! " " rilrSXM. Ill.alnilul, '" ki.r.alli all 0. ri I.lli.r . sist.i i ir. nr issii Vniriii, , i Fatnam Mall Co.,Ktponstt, Boston, Km f.M,,.w National Folding U Miniirieiure.1 hy tl MdliAllllltsliimrilllMtlKife run; vii llJI-ne 1 rlf It InrSlleal S. R. MARKS & CO'3. npiti. 1. ,, DICKINSON BROS, & KING. !nietltrint lb IU i K f n.ii k if . , PORTLAND :-: CE2IEKK, New Orl-;, inuu -i ire retr, ty ,.Tiil(g.i fo , ;, f ai.Trtntliseiif,iisinl-inil i it n a us Window Shades man nans avii Hl'ltrf. KOUI.KltH, Are llie Brat. - Ii.--slelr im let j.'"b.",ryer"&"co. Imixtrii unlUnui tuitcttl UPHOLSTERY.-.GOODS Ijirc I iirluln. awl l urlilii ;itl rial. aWiaiw:. iew ion int. in. i... ism rt. rm ,1-11 , a i mr GUNPOWDER. At4 Mm W" utfini tkt4 nvr $h M tki nrt UA 111114 KU UlC. " li xt titu vvw anootiiu, II IKiltl. H hUlkbUJKllBf II HUtU h "Miami ahJUUtitffw II tvlHlt 1 LntstU,. ifi.lli.-UI MkHcrATLnkn ht the umnD POWDER coarAsr, HftirdvllIo( Co n. KrrMs?oU4 nLlatilijJ Win 4rtC, Afaiau, u(l lur tl axiaut ctitJ b i ,iui . iJkW M I lrnrtiuirti illllllllllJlltJlllll;' flUGTIOS SaLiEI nm iinj!iiiujjiiLiiiiinTijinnii. " BARTON & CO. I, JLJ I Will Soil tho tlnlnnco of tholr Goodo danv f J j1 nsocl by Flro, Smoko and Wntor, L-e di1 On Friday and Saturday, ,! 0 '"N I X'ola. ID r.aict Xi. -J co 'i 2 Now is your chance to buy . ". CLOTHING, etc. They must go U 2" ' at your own prices. i y O, AT 30 W. FIRST SOUTH STREET, : hMnrkot now.conimonclnif Trlday Morning. ff at 10 o'clock, JJ ( N. n.We will opoa nest weoi, with an JV, ,y Entire New Stock ot CLOTHINO and DENTS' I ' ) runNisuma goods at 23 w. hrst south L- STREET, whoro wo will remain until our store 'l . f l on Main Stroet la rebuilt. acatslisan... 1, ..; 1.,, - gj "i -.-- . --. .. ii-iiiBssfaaMB