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I If I ' lit H - fj o mwr,Tn:r Kv.rsTNa ri.Tiuv, rjeiii.r.AT.v .ft, ism. V M DRSRRET EVENING HEWS. jM ', '' 5 t 1 RW 't rotlWisd tuff etf-Pt Istst-I itifK .aH i lIki fntciif4twirw,u Muw fiteet-e rest tie- 1 f , V'i' irth,n(u st ,riiu statuses BBaBBtl '" s t-SWl-f B V-iH IMi uuutrr KEMitrLtnr xiwk H ,K ! aaaWt ,h" I "" "'nio " ' "' BH uP A V II -i Ihtss mwas 11.001 trM e esltt-el fce bbbbbbbsI 'Bra? U nit 1 rr.tT BBaaafl H 1 II rsaatrr IW1 tsltnMs Mir, H H , BLW B Bltteij WinnlHinltll-r" HH 1 t,Jfl f II K ..r, 1 1 1 iJW. H'fl S .VAN BIBBiai'S WAGKIL Batatas! ii jtl I Mr. Van Ml tier anl the oilier torn of LatH ' - if IL) '' iarllcular eel were group! around aatBtsB ' r fiu "" c,ot' "1"'" """ lunrtieon, or 4 , .'' ! Ircalfait, Hi II lajinenetl to In, when jj : f Van lubber nail he Ihotujlit sirlouslv of BBaaBaHr V entering upon acareerof crime. an bsbbsK! y!f iV Ulbbervtraajrlren tauuklnt tllstnrbhn BaaBBaK", '.if .'J statements of Ihli rorl winch tw-tiiml F ,( on lu think, even if one til I not rrj Iy lo BBtBaaBaY 1 Jm I (tiem, tuiil tho other iiieu rather ttltheil HHi,,1 I J a wool I not bbbbbbbbV ' '11 I ' For lMttnre,"Bal.l j-omurau lllh. bbsbbbbVUi'1'' ri 1 t err, I vsent to a tUute last lil",ht, aatl Ki J ' the room vtliero you were In it jour n,1' 1 1 I tut mi (llleil with eJ 1 ellver, Illtlo lite HHa ( I - of It annff boxes fen I fjH.taelo cases Hlr lp ' ml nonben bona and buelelea ant UM I . flnllee. The chap liaU loiule a colleo !' Hon of tbcni, ami lia 1 Ihnn all Irioi troun1 looeA, 1 had a cowl mln & to fill my overcoat with half of 'tui, nn.1 then 1 thooihtll woul 1 let much mora fun to j. All everf other man a 'octet, an 1 wait aaaaaaarKgi-ja i -t tnJ aoo tho row, but aomo one came In, Hefl)P9fcHlft! '4 mil 1 couldnt ilo It. Now, there are HerJeB ltf. thoM teaa ao receptions Hod daxa an 1 LaflH'S' Jflj! all that eort of thing that vromeuKO t j LaflBu VHt Whrahonllnt 1 itart ont aome nfttr- LBHIk " ' 4H t1 noon an aweip the placea bare, aul HHfi;V U I melt the allrcr ilown anlget rich? t LaBBBBBBaVI.! r. might Lucorua a port of Jack tho Hip- HeHfti (oBr ' I-rr-or 'LouU IU Utter ' 111 bet," ei LbbbbbbbWi i-H I I ' ctalmo.1 an llltber, liecomlng mora lri K b.H ( I temtc4 In hie Idea, that 1 can co ont Br fjulHIn f '' ftril0on i"1 bring luck mora J I than Are hundred dollari' ttorth of ill 1 cr an 1 brio-a brae, an 1 1 11 do it, In), If any of you hare any eportln blood " . . Therawtu no quretlon at to the men F ". .1 V larlngrportlng blood. Theyjnmpeil at Br"' -' ,1 tho chance. Van lllbber funod not the iaiiiiHci V : laatdlCk.nltyliidlilding lip hlawajrr t' ' among (hem all. i "Hut wait," Mid Traren how do ' we know that an Ilibbcrwont IU It IK with tho peoile In tho house? K ten If 'it I Mi friend did era him handling the T5 lricMibraoi)rcTenlf hopataforkilown ft f Ma coat aletro, they'd not any anything J Tliey'd think bo wae jolting Urhouiy , ' rfl I ,ct tn'ra ,l,, " beforehand " LaHUB'Veria t1 J "Well, 1 mtut aay 1 apireclate yotir LbHHK' SSfai 'VI ronfldcnce,"groKled Van IlibUri HI bHHIHdY wf it f I "'' ''r of coun' " '" tr" T" PaaaaaaaR irF jilw Ttliatlildot toiual.0 lure.lll only go LbbbbbbVm J i in tu ou'w4 woro they don I know me, U aX mttl and 111 bring lack atiooni inaue.1 with aaKr, TOAH thepooplealultlala." LLHv vlUjHlRS'i i Till, reckleainem delighted hla f rienda. BL !XHb ' "You aro n eport, Van lubber," they Kl uffiaV'S CTln' wlt l'Imlri1"ni " 1 yonll be in LaLaBlS SbV I Jill lieforoOoclock" HHBn 99V 'I Thoaerrant brought them a aoclety LaLBLar "Bill i' paper Ihatmadoafoatureofirintiogtho LaLaflFitVt vSl 1 ' anuouncemente of coming aortal orenta. ibbbbbbV raffllr I and Van llibber carefully Delected the H 'ttjiViv oaineeof lite eatimable la Ilea who were HC ijtKl ivlng renptloua that aftertiuon, mil eaeaHn flKnl Y 1 Mhowera making a deepirato fight to bbLbKI U f L tit Into aoriety, aa tho projicr jo Iv to Hv AflM m rob. At 4 he or lerod a lianvuu, j ut his asaBI 'Hpf 1 M "" ln'l,,(' I'1 hat, placed a f rh clirya- Hr) ' "SHl I tnthemum lu Ida ooat, no 1 started suill H .TVDaT II Ingly forth on I la carter of crln Ills aasaW 1 -II I f rleials watche.1 hltn from the window bbbbK j j" ' 11 ' wllh krn ellsht aud with much etclte- aaH:7 JK i U""L aLaBI lp I "Now, then," aald Trann promitly BaHii Ml' I I""1 dKidtnlly, ' 'he thing for us to do It LbbBm "iMl I towndadelecllm niter blta and bato BK aSF 1 ' Eiartly," aal 1 the reit saBM ' -Wi. ( 1Ir V"" ,utnr nllilhted flrtt nt a aBaBBBi' L i LP I Tir haudiNinto brown atonn bouae, jutt V ,1 I a few doors o3 tho avenue on Forty B- k ' I third atruet There was an awtdngotrr BC 'I I thedoor.andallnoiif carriages on either B V. jL I lido of the street. The nameot tlielaly k i I I aho was paying for thle lm dlecotireif, H byrrfrrrlnj to his slip, to lw Holies. B t Al, i Tliomansawhlui throngh the door mil B ' ' SI opened It, saying, ' Third llnor, front." BVaV'tf V Jm Mr' n Mhht' luhel bis way BWaafeiSr'' IVat! throngh tho croud of womrn anl girls BaVaVaf BaV? '( "J cl ' """ " ' I10" "' chrysanthe- ' ilal itiums and threw his ovircmt la n cor. HeHir aTV 'er Thrre was no one In the room H " ' (f t an 1 an Dilibrr, whilo ndjiullng hU aVaVj ft In rratftt,cast awnalerinu e)e urer tho bbB jl 4 i dmulng table. It wit littered with all BwMl "al-K V vir toilet nrtlclea. He picked somo of BB ' sl I tliewupand bit them, In a moet ro- aWaWJH ' Jli) ' finlonal manner. 'Phtud,' he u- BVaVal V marked, with 'lalyjrob. HtA aaWl 1 Ujr Ecta 'ief "'rr fl in a caterer BValf'tU" Wl ' Hardly worthwhile to try doiMistalrs. '1 ' I Opci 111 wove mi to uett ) lain. ' B' ,'' l lie ploketl up Ms oteitoat mil bit BBflt f L again, anl went ont without having BBBI, fc jl tared upon Mrs oblrs, I he neit ' f U jla-owaion tie uteiino itxlf.aul waa BBI I ) I i cry crowded Van Dibber pushed his HM I I wayrlowlynpslalrstothoeevonl lloor, t f aul, without n iiiMiients beeltilhn, sWawJ1' PV gatheml up (our allier ihotnj.ruh BBB' I M f rames, a ui2etu ulanlinro ael i f all BBI i 111 T,T t'"1'1 watch, bin g lu n hIii- BVal ' aV V 8 ll tr at tho side 1 1 a lied nnd n pair "ll BBI ' t f ' ,rr 'Mini luir 1 rushes. He pi iced BBI, 9i j tbtcurtfullylulusorttroat,aulu-ut BBI 1 i j , down sUIrs in n stately an I dlgnllled BBJ 111 V r inaiiiiir He aiolded tho llrst ihxir, BBJ I lifj where he guessed tlio bostcss was sta- BBJ mjr I tloicd, uel mado Ida way ton anl tho BBI VB ' t,r There nu.1 n (errtblo cruh, an 1 BBJ' i fBW c h Mw " "" '' "'" BBJ j t 'iBFi , lu the nr nH in thera was a long BBJtl il i (abkioeiloailclwltiitlilngstiMt He B' Bf ' laUierMupthroenrfouraiiooiia oneatn BIJ 'B 7 tline,afteretaliiiuthiiiicarffull),aiil ,; V J stonel them away bstkot abiief ihlna Bfi' ' I 7 ft sideboard, then be went Uik utter BBJo jfW luort tieu. Nobody pall nuy alien BBI '; f ,. ,lou J 1 liu, an 1 be ul 1 nj attention to BB I j any one else, lis carrleil n j.lalo wllli Hk , ' aosue salad on It In bit 1 anl, aulrdiked BBJ'1 ' if I ut thU daintily with the a nt at he BB l , . f ' tnntfened them rn.m ti n tabli tn the f ' Ifl rlleuoard Whtii he liad a doaon be BBJ , ( b omkA them with bit lundkerchlof ami BBJ. V 1;v i I i-Kpiwl tbtm Into liu loatluil cket BBsl il 1 i ,1 f b Thenhaiiutonbla greili.oat, nnlwi-nl BBr--t " f "Utasialndyaa be had iemo in II Bill ,(tsT't I 'n"n'' he atoleu urllili-. ., mowl nt BBat IV'' K" i l"",r', ' " " "' M 'll WM lT1 lh ,ul" BBJ !:'',' I L ,K"n lie look them out on 1 l ut them BBaU 'A 1 1 I nndertbeMAt ,3 , iBl'il Mr' H-iliT m Dyke waa the BB A :9ml I I -" v( 3 laUu I.V. tag uist blaui. k iJl ' ' BB' f-lWaU i BBJjl" BBjhtMiajBK-rvye- 'em. ttlau..'tM.egei Van Ulblier ehot qnlcVly op atntre anl oine,l two or three bureau drawrrt, a writing diak and a airetary, but fonn 1 nothing f nine. T1sruwawnnlHiinew Vlver water ("itelier In one corner with , two goMeta, ithleh lie thunght f tak ing tmt he could think f n wur t ftettlhgit tit mi lnrl iinbieibol w erl it doe. n the oleval tt aliaftwllha fro, In tho, Hull u ro.nn lwitter.r the loubawete itodietiirli I aa yet, ami lay i in coiy little mw on tl e white rtoth Van llibber plainl nd rnuf Iheea In wrh of Ida trousers -kl anil tol 1 tlm aertanli at he tnrnl from the ten nrn liter which lie ha linen bending, tha lut wguld take lw lamps and 1 inoii j A Urge, heavily innslarhM stiHnirer . with a mp In Mt lianI l Icl 1 1 n, ml l,loan nibWr and tl 1 lata i tilth n glance lit the tea, If be In 1 g what lot wanted lee thank yon," sail Vim Dibber cheerfully 1 Hunk I hare At the neit hioa lw waa somewhat surprised lo see tho eaino atranger drink Ing tnoro tea and apitirently watobliig I Itn II it a i Dibber pat litis don n to the fact that he was uudnly snpptiloiis and that lit Imagination wit ncllod lit wat Jwl going out without 111. In, tuude any eeiattrve, vrben n fat loini iu gentleiuaii, who he waa sure i iui be the Itoat look ptty 4i I It aupartntly neglecteil con luion anil sal 1 lm-ooit are looklbgovtr my I rio a brai.sir It it not iniii h of a colletiim, atel 1 have n d bail lime lately to uivo It Inn alien lion It ntli " J'hm he tirnraed-al at grrutKnglli aul with erldeut aatlsoo to destTlboiaill separate Mece of cnii knr) on tho wall an (lib. tier wat gruatly bored, bat ho was too Ir lite to aiy eo, an 1 was rewarded when the gentleman said, Thle (eeoe of ettt auma i est mo five linn Imt dolhrt Nan Dibber kt bit eye on the Hale, an I, wlien his host turned to grvel a new airlval, sllpjieil lllato his ttMlttl ot ket aa 1 bowe I himself out He 1 lai ed It under the eeat i f the h m aim very tarrrully, an 1 drove on tu the nest plsie ijulte a wore I that he lutl wou hit bet but nuaions to settle It without a tiiettlon or donbt Ho till tiol see tl tl ttrangcr wllh the heavy innt (ache pftss him in a clowt tab anl dart Into the house to which be was going jint a minute before him. Van Iliblar elbowed bis way, with many ap-ilaglet, to the third floor There wash dietslug table covered with silver trlllet, and Vau Dlblicr smiled complacenlly Tliero waa a bed lu tho room, and he coul 1 sne this nt ho looked In tho mirror Dut he could not see tn lrr the lied Hit overcoat was on n chair, an 1 be made several trips toll an Hilled the pock. Is wllh silver backed bruiVt anl ootiiba. lint en the third of Hum trips Ida heart sUwd still, for nt from undr the bed came the big stranger with tho heavy luusUciie He came very leisurely and dele rmlncdly ' Don t in ike a row," he sal It you re undir nrreat " At Hut moment two yospg inn ciino tntd tbe room, lulling off their our coatt Hilp Kreainwl Van Ulbbcri ' lookr lo thouteil, pointing ut the detetliie 'Thcreaasneikthlef unler the bed" Then he fell on tho ufTU-er a bea 1 Jutt at reliullcai.lyaa bo woull Into drojpeil una football, aul banged bit noee into the carpet au 1 art en hit shoul lrr. 1 he two youu- mm got outot! much more qtikkly thin they ha I In ten led doing and fell with their knot on each of the detictitoa arms, anl while they thus pinned blm to tho floor they uuihcl blu vlg irously lu the rib and ) tiled Look at thlsr tall Van Dibber, catching up Lis overcoat by tie t til mi 1 spilling all (be -liter oter the floor. Look at wh-t bo bal iton-1 attayl Doll I Itn, ill jou' while 1 get u . llcemun " 1 very i no waa running up the front stain, so ho coul 1 not go down tit it way, an 1 bo ran to tho I ack and win! down tho LIU hen stairs ami on Into tho din Ing room, wheuio ull tho wallers In I fled Ho wat lulto itnouecrtcl In tho roufiitlon, an 1 uecordlngly took time to till his xketa with tpouns and forks or biMvy elltcr ITicn lw walked nut thruui,h tho vxclted nouieit nu I ttepa-l Into hit hansom, an 1 toll the drlterlo 'Tint dilutive nt -ours," be tall calmly, at he minced bli Irratiites from the bottom of the hansom "will t roliably bo arotin 1 bent when bo gelt Ids nose latched np. Intlwmeuiiwhllo 1 will ask jou tot alas three aillclat rougl ly nifi ring for soul- iiieeatnger Wy-," t Au ontliorlly til I the lot wat worth HOD, nnl (lut strurato ilillilts wero ITttntptly returniti to wlierti they ! I mge.1 by ineasenger lio)d, wise tiero lu slructrl to leave them at tltodoorunb run Tlo drleclito t;as ultll by soiuo of Iho tlnbs IkwI braiilyaivl a twenty doll tr bill Due whenever Van Dlblicr tntera tho tlub now the men feel nervontly for their tvutibita nud the wallers count tho forks. .Jtetv iorlt buiu (I tltnaal 1 iv.ttlnir ll.lTrt-lm x it(ly goo I baul at (Urures hot lliere a oin thing I can t uu derntan 1 about Clirltttniuw Tv'l-frri-Wh.itathait lliffere How la It Hut tverylwly givra mora llian he gets, aul jet nobody gelt hi lunch nt lut Kit'! Hang tno ir I can sMtwIutt beccaiMof tlwaurplrul hew-tcrkWcetklj. I tl i tit. l.iiu;erated I'(orty 0nr (lourgtn iainder)What 11 on take to olaar out? (organ Orlnder (coolly) Me takka luo Unto '.path lll.rk su.l irllow airl-t Usntltts 'llm sight uf a gang of convlelaln prlin ttllltitf bnrwll luck mid jellovi slrtiiot nt work In the pill Ilo jetrka of llleliuioii 1 -trlkea it northern iiiiin at u immll ir fuituro of tint A Irgtul.i rtforui utnrysyrliiii The) work t ten In tho sluvdowoi Iho stait lit iuw l.eoilng tlw wtilkt end latin lu order lliey nra tti trt term men , and tl i nut roqulra imiioIi watuhh g 1 1 prat rut tuolr teu. ip-luj- Nttf L Sun. lu Japan the ral'nituls to (he south of Ute capital cllr Toiki. aro Lwned nn I uperttul by government. Hates are mtde terv rheap, but rtiNtblarabto money Is netted from the roads, and it It Usui to iy tho government del t of Ja pan, which la mtut than llJ,ttt OW, nn 1 rather inoro that tlie United tstatea pays lu oue i ar ordinarily on Iter obligations lite Japanese lttvo found one way to : I y a uatloual dbt. a Aerorrrerts close call, lie fltl lilt iDltrtlstt, bet lie IVat l.-,tj to (1st kn; lll. Ills llr- ' ott know J liavo la-en in tin newt paper IjotfiMtea n long time an I I was never lino tn (t sltlrl, not even during a r, it r bl Mard ' tttya nti td 1 timer Well linitit ttry nt tr toattng up the fien II a Lw liiirht-ngt 11 waat,ry cokl an 1 1 lit 1 lit full on Httliirp -lit reft rrif to sunt olnin.h tnatlore, I'nking tit-trd iwiitnwiil tntai rtiodiiM tlu stlvrt n win, li the htsliop Hit I It wat Just "Inking Iho ti mr of 11 lint 1 hud lo - tlm l.l.ln p. W.ll air I limit -J for llienuniber In tliodnrkfora ite-t me 4 llniling It T wnltotl lo at-r If It tilild Intel r tine trwKlct who llitsl In the iielgbla r I latsff rrilty ". ntilottgtttiiion nicely , dnwMil inng fell iw In a ntllier mel 1 low run lltion. I asked liliu If be lived In the iiilghtKirliood mel ho sal t yes. The truth It tho young man was tomo son He toll Ine in n eelul unit ulaut w-ylhtt lie wn it 1 1.1) up (ti Ids father's room an I speak vrltli hltn alettit Hie matter In Ih-t liintr Iho I'ter dntu- I mt lork I II tin I akl mo to ttulk in I slepieHl In, lie cirmied Iho Mxeai I I'mr ittitl I went hltn the li it I ,rt were imtt I -kcl Tl j gas luvl Th,.!! luttt-l , ff Wo liiiuttl f tr a lttateli hi Viiltt Will, the ttriiltg ftllnw lelt lue In tlarknittt utltrttig i tlrowsy pnunlMt In r ittni fain 1 beard him ttaggtr up tli t stairs all right Hi went latct. set nil m-s until It mid tlfteet bit f(t.le nn more He filled In re turn I hrltovo lie fell ntbtt p itlltl f ,r got nil uUitit im I lt'io.1 there for nltotit llltoeu tiilnutH not kiimvlhf ttlntt tti da 1 made a modes! unler No restilL Ilieirt iiri,lnil noise The mine re sult 1 tt-gnn let Velk nle ut pitrimev ly biiiiifJng against the furniture linn sottirthitig linppttnttl I heard it li wren tnkvthout rllimw iipyntir liuidt or you are a deid iiiaul' t"i wilt my ban Is like a shot 'Whir, Km- Ittiug threo Imllfti rntllol over my hived f thought my time w... up. ' Do ) on I it iw It K. mi aa It 1 lived my whole life oter In the few minutes 1 waa standing there When Iho gus was lighted the flnl rrton 1 saw wat n big burly negro, Tbo shots brought tho 1 Istiop nut in hit gown nn 1 bit young son w,lh him l.tUiutloiiirolloweil TliolOiltolint Im ll n bbi-1 n few nlgliut 1 fore ami tint ncgni ha 1 been pi tcr-1 In Iho ltato inent tn walrh Ho fell tv.lefp. My walking nlhiut Artmed him HoiYlmo up stairs, nn 1 seeing my shining lint, wlileh I lnul forgotten tn tako nil lie hanged awny nt It I K-rurl tint Inter lew liotiglit n now hat tho liett tl iy and vnttttl never tti wnlt iiifidtirkhnll, no matter whn owned the lumw hi IsotiU Ueiiublio. Kerlsbls A-s. Tho Itovuo Btlriilllltpie lias lieeli dtt ru-slngtbo questten whether (he nisa uf Africa ran Ikj taught lo tlo tblnga whkli thry liavo blllirrto Utli sup imsetl Ineapablo of learning I uiln l'oshatoll air Blanley that ho Im I seen !-, rnrrylug lllili-l hmiids u.t torches during night Jittrutyt. I re tti l'tirclins' bonk t f tratrlt n iiuotatlon It git ru from Aitdro Dttttrl whtilnlCM MjtlioMw a number of aims sitting reitlli I u lire, but It tloet no( appear that tiny llglilnl It but oidy tc k 1. 1 vantage nf a rump lira thut Im 1 Imtii left by trntcbrs. In tho oedogleal gartlent the cltltil panzpii mid other aitthroitohl ojies have been certainly found rnih!onf neiiulring l nrloua km wl dgn at indeed m iy 1st nbeertetl In humbler Nel!w nt til iiinnkitt lneuinvinlonlilt till tit Inn ergon grlndtra, bnuie uf tlnso sit nv almost nt much Intelligence at well trnlm-d dogs. lleinbty at a (el Ion I nrt In Dtmihtty, aa In latneashlre ' tx I Inn la Ling " I'lto IkmU plying In ho llnrlior, (let wlmrtet nf the tjdindil tl K-kt tho pk-titrouo Inilloek unit that tliningthostreetent-inll ' roll ut After ew Orleans Domlaiy Is the groateet enUiili lert lu tlw ttorll l'uur liuinlre.1 tteight nra slil (te.1 abruatl ovei )our, tin 1 . Ouu, (I'm more tire spun ttn.l tti, ton In tlm eighty iwn mills t,t Iho llouiliay pruel ilein y 'I ho vnliio nf all this cotton It iileitit 000,1)011 1M .i (utttm (Inirn iitaat staenilevntnl lu dtwlert In tho rttv liititiirial, tt otto tit Hie show placet e f Iho oily, and fioim a sl-iklng jikliiracf Imst lutlholUt' To KniAlIrn J U A senile tt new wovtl from 01 fawn ' Mlttltfrlnnil of mine hi his lenll'ty to etjirose the tltlTttrenoe bev tneon a rlitlit tiiigln nn I an (eiito angle sakl lliat the former was inuoh larger than the latUr but it you wero to Miialktii llm right augle you woul I have iui aouto Atiult'. IVtnilt inn to soggett that Hie tHlltortif 1 ho Century tile tbniarylaka into an niiiit tli nawwunl tluli eoltinl by n I ycarnil I Imy, ft r I MiUitlt lltat the I lea It eontees t-eiiinot laiiitheraUiiaieeasil without t euui lirrsome cittHiinlocutlon ' t'rltle Nsl Iliulun. , ' "lliet s-rfuineryslwimtt.lilHc dldn I ork lb'r ' I iiivlsrscaiid not Ttnbudy a going tn drop n lilekel in the slot an 1 get u stent In return Harpers Ilaiar V llrettlar I alal, , t rorrespondeiit of llm Iiiilon Time trllt etf whit he and hit parly raw during an nsoetit of I inttorrobuni on tf t 30, inau llie day mntiut eil tlio 1 Ineterrehoru wo w re tntitesl tn tho runt tight ut almuhtr rainbow the pheuouteiui laitlng nearly half tin hour and 'arming n nunplete t in tt Time tvstra lieatyelouls Itlng st me 1,000 feet below, on tlw Vur glut lrr tuiil It was uu Hkwi that lliolH-aiiti ul I rllliaiitl)' colored rlnj. lay Vaetontl elraVe aataleo tielhle Wo were noar tin) summit 1 1 thopeik ttheu tho lint otihoiurtyihserti lit au I from Unit Is lut the faeouf the iiiiiuutalii on tlio Oriml silo Is nl i ( rKrjwiidliuUir, tltltu ut atj.Iiudia ttoif, te, Ttfr rffM 1 1 in i I, i 1 n rot m iiooal aM hit IojuI iUtt tnt Vr1ar tt ettitvl IX rurH If loct )plrUw. It r- r. i- n maUoiul rftM-l)P III tlMI rV-la,Arl!l, ft) fh wurtlfiK Umniftli It MiK-t-l rralkaUt lh 1mfftf trhlrb ftii iml r(MMtt th lts. j atf v, ,, fsv-rmtnrnl r rr lMn-aaivW ( 4nil- r -nty la I he nctt r( Mwdi tir-rritu a r'tusni-r far titfth whn trthw irt-pirraKm IvtvJ tktit I I will My I ha. Iirtn inrtl lH for ftl fr wllli thtit i fit y i tiitTtf r Hi t i - k Uo.aH Htttp. rUhWitiUatT(7rtai r II. ItrirMta lelthrlnrtHttMl1fipt-l 1 1 Piy thrrwt kltJ Ultvl i. foiint i i si hi.o UljtoJ my moUrr-r hoiu-tUltfi, tfierrnndowQ ium i4 bfllh mm hMiie-y trtHitrlf Mm C V, Heath IWimm, Vmw Hood's Sarsaparilla Oifrfn Irsssrttssli nai.iio,niatu,Ktt,.n,, u,i ti 100 Doaoj Ono Dollar PllCHSB REIWBIIBER Tl St Its still ' arr- t lmlftt lst e( Dissloiis Celebrated Saws, t Mtwi 4 I jri of (YOM f 7rrt. fh,f Unm ty') 'A, Mitt tUmt " , IWM 7,, M, H),lngt (VWrfJleTM, t)Htcht Cuoi, hryhoir, tXftutto Clicol.r.tiothSollJSCi.lselPcictTcclb AnU "TniUMIMI," ret relnea Ttrtl wit, tnt tie stilts tl ion n rm ci i rittv rifiti Atsealatiataekiflttlr Renetint i RASPS i f HCS alesjt ea Mt si a. yjt. x. ttiut.isiiwi. it stir, ii it itsitttii rissei'sf ltsl eestlrr Zion'aV Ban Jrust 3ompai)y, Not, I and 3 East Templo Street. rtituulm lit! K iMWfhilMI iiiiin rintst Wn roan Worn atrr, veil, ilaotoa ej llitiot, Im JVtst J, ssru r attivn Asms )l Otastit, tlllSlSIlt TOIS0, JlHlt Jiea, ntoiok Csieoiot, T u tttsste, (siklrf, II 11 usi II does a geheruIaxiung Business CHT" Payn B Per Cnt Intrit on Sttvlns Dopotlt. IvlONDY TO (XjO.strv.lN7 0 Aitrii4 eforU.t.u iw 1 4Ut DBSBTBtNattonal Bfflik HAI.l aVVUK (Ilk, t I Ml, Paid Up Capital $250,000 surplus ;. SSO,000 ntliri rnltsi J.itis (iienr 'r-ltVi Musts Tuinusa, ILt rrtiWtsl. w tt Lirca, J 11 lliasst, J T limr, J Ultnaa, JiHtt sittir, lisaav iittwooiir, n. II Irsat, I tt Jtssttoi, iliutM.K Itouatv, J. It. tt ivoaa, I. H.IIILU Csatfct II a.touau,Ust IVnlfsr Rtcdvts D:poslls Pajitil' on Desasd. .Vf i ittUl t affitjaia-f M ft rtk aVsJM IrfMttMW, C4M. 4VI it-! (Jayallal, 2Mtvil umt all IU trim tf ttmli4tt Ui ITar tt iHfMtt iuit abwtii vly Ur ''f Bra urmr Itr-n. mufi. ftr)ir UTAlf " CosiniDrcialSEavisgsB&ak, a3i3E FlrttBuuthBt , SA1T JiMCU CITY. tfirtl. t'ooooooo Mili'MV . kitotoin Mttisriuu.u rm. r a Mii,rst rear, U k.ll MltlMIS, IkiUiA lilltftTnllni r Antilresr 1 W Mtaita, lleltttr Ulitni, T M Cllerbetlt, TWes t Jstplsss, lleersetl Uataet, In -st. a lutasrjs, l. II lllld', sf t. erstmiisii Qerjcral Barjk;! Busirpess J tie lrr fVil 'eml Jhnl on Ha'tngt ll i n, t , i ewM I 7ieitfi Irut, I THL STATh'BUKOFUTAH, Omi,. -i(00,000, Jirni it j uiiANr. ii-iimt W.I It ltfKit Mr IT.J-I IUI Kit -I UKUji C-.blPf TlIIiaOTOllHi Juttilt m i(t. (hn A tliirtua, Wm If Lowr Nphi i Uflui. Kineritr.aWa( flnluf Kn.Tuiih Ha<rrii Hi hnH W .ounr , UnrrA HtMeiier lUiif i (itptHiu ptyibtn oa iltmiftd. Is9tnwtitr t4ti rr)rJciiriir IKeiWIVI ljnkOvUllll)IN l4tvl-ll. I ei j ft p-r ul on hi ogt d Mit Ont piei m eii-it II iihi uuirifrl KblltC KljCHOITOKii. " )UIJ if l tl(i .ti, leirattrj "VOTirr i iiruiiTi air m tiik k ).i witlnlli.utrittr M Dtn Atvtod Is.r)i-I to th -rtdllr nt a I all irn a rhiwiieiinltHa4iil'aii a lil.U lliinwtil ih nrrotarr Tnurhrr. nlib In lr innulba flrr Ih drat 1 aLtln-aiioa if in ioilr ioihswtileri-uioriii I rifutrli t Nn IM oouili lirat M hlri.l.fekt lit, HIT lnih.t aa jrof illlii, UalHI'vl'-'uanr 13 IMI Mil IKS M AlWimii, AimiK AMd Sftrt Krnio . Kxrrnlor aa I Mvcu.rU or U 11 wiJl to-J tCIWmOtly( UtlltU AlW(M)lJ,llOC4s3.a DBfBfilaeWAgen, Tho follow Inn are authorlzdAffntt for tha Uftrt Nwa In tholr rctpactivo townn AAtltn . filtpJ AmfHfimtttU M .imtrinm iVfi V vp MihrrUuin I fl Timm t;mnt , . aMrWa, IWh rUtt J nn . iflm XTfmim$ it ;y ... - Air rtig HXLtwU -. AM VjfcFtWi I llffrJ -- At Cm,,ro NaSi AUitrtk ri-MM. - .Atpi Jmti hwiu. , Ait irjroitef ffr;siyvWl JMm tpthhtr ArifiH Jllttlmt Uktff Wn-M lnlaftfi . ,-- Airrnn l-fmm mf Oa of) MapU Ctff " I Mrrr tr Htm H tltoemlnftm, HnkA fltmr i Irtr (Ti p liT Irrf ritg Tlm0 rtrtffft .- ., lltiHl wrl r IJ-tdtr Jr limit rt Bl .Mli li II ItriiJm HH . nrtnt m tJ&HMrt KfnJtMt Itahr TRagm , -, . lit ft A frVtf FPM.enw m n l1 lUmlt i-aa ntrr t iy. ,..., mm - trrr I 1 -wn- ,.w... IHrrrUU I ItltdJ Jf w .. - Mtftit0 I rittr .mm. MVtAetilt J-ft ntrr MtnirW, tlrg m, Artt J-t AlrHe-m HMUM m (Wnr I mVrf Hmlfct . . ... fWri. A Otrm . CTv-rrlti-tti Jel.srf fT-a-feraa.-T ,, , ,. f ,tl W - r- .' ( Jn OtJ Mmmtmmmm. , . Crvfl' r. tort -.- - .! I i UtHTi.. ,atirt.u, f-i-ff. (- J IUVffilf ttttriH tllfl,,. sJdtM uiirm . . (WW ;.u fcU7aWl(,wmHnw.1TL. MHWH. CttttrtWM HJmi . . CVfMJ 14 I tt I fW s.a (W-r -AW tmrrttk -.. .. Vtyttrttth U.WWm .. .Or-ff f;Va44r tl ttmt M M lntkC,tt fmrrje JLIwrp ...,,,..- H frm-trvtrfJiV IT I Mmm J ,. . IHax Mutt JniJrtHn ... ltrfr JVHimmtT ... .. .HW tUtmkf Urn Vktt , Iifgh fMr Intt ., IXa Jmkmt Dtmntlt - . 7 WiW TkmtorU tmftltk AylMr. tiha, tritrlrt u I giH AalMNM iWmrW -, Tf. CW4r, .--Ao vAm I Thmpm -- HWHrs4rsi rnutu WH M .-.. .. ,-i HttlftrJ . , itKi tMU J tlnmm - . rmtrtm ir,tip tTJhrrratcin.n4. -. ... KUtwr KP I Nrn . . . ItrtflmU l'ftttmm C ) t?ilimi I tmmn tfntim (Wrjurt rVafc ir r-ajriW Jf lrnm Fmtrgett JUXmHh .-., . - nHmmrt 1ltWmMV --- - wlf Jni- ff rTMtfrrMi i. trvtc irjlmi,rml rmirrt Oml4r AiW JLIMt Hinir ( lavftf. n My mi0 ft I tswf't - I imit tlm llSmfhr .. ,. Ilrjm I ft, rm Jt tmrtk-im4 MMmM, ... ww frtrn Llthmmmnl -. .-- lbrm4gtm .f irimmg n .,. trrmm.1 .-. JM ...- tMlrn irfaatte Ul4ii A tlfmW - ,---.. 1trint4 II I fmti .. M (imwr ( nvl; eV Hmwat sssm. -. Vimrr ITgl-m J II s - Uk 1 NbWMbTM , rpnt Jtr, t V r irtrartf mh I I IswU Uwvn tmr !. ) firti Jkn VummmHIl UmrlUf it J' ft -.- IhUr t A IM I f fa.. M II Ur Ut tt If &lmmif WbM. w u llir filg ll fwhiiitrZL..', - ltmtlmftw Jnt I 4,.e.w- . H lr ( in,t m tahrVej A 7Wwar .e.- .--. llimtgwtll iftu(us-r,tM. .-ss.- ttfn-M I -tVrfsAM m .. lUmfir rrttrlaltr . rUriH riHt -.r-sir-ay II Wl- -...-- .-. - ItimttrilH t f lirtf ..-. . m ary iWifJH, lwtrrg Iff gssavtavj. lJ Ittflm J I ."). --.--- ftM( nlwni JnM i; IJiraftfe . etA ftVs UtmlWkmf --. . A MMr AHe, JartfnJV .mHm J1hm .-,. H . ..... .. Atwti JtlUt? . ... Aw4 tAri CJmtn AetjifrietV . tltlttjlm .-..- A -an,. CiVm ..., M, ttWlnfr) I afatttf - . .. . Aaaa If ll NAAtlt ,M MM.,MM... , t-4ift) IHINmh ,Wa) - . .. .. .AM I r Mrrtm -,-.m fti(fl-4 tiWrtr,i H -... .. ittUrtuea, II irWiW .... .. JaIUU JasV. J. JW a -. trtawt Ar 1 , J-rt 0 j rit - - . fr .H.-... -. .PMsl A.'a-l-.MM. Jt.W J ir ShtHlrJ . - .-.H A 1 -i--.l-aW. - - l4 TA ilf-U ... WWMM,w...wJi)lM Ji-LiVHtarW.. -...-.-rw tTW JTLmmmr HM. Im linittm AllMt IsiirilH.rt-pkimc. IMa TtJmtt H w sflJMrfct-)'V'ilrlHift4 CWf.iVrt nHHHH -.Uit .rf, llj-iro lls- -. -. . eUir.a, 1 A .Was--.. H ... ,. J.'ii Cntb Mimrypn MH - Vwmfttit r, NmK I I Jmtt w KM - - MuUtJ IJkm Ji4 rtivrM WM Jariira' ISttoeo !, Imttvt .... ,-.- itHig JK.t IftitV . HMM .. - - irfa. tSttaVKr aatarMtl - . JeWv JJI&MI . -- lv-vai. rfOte. Jtwaf i ;avM ir ; -ww. MHWHW .Vrt.w UflrMuM. w JiaM.Oel.iW'J -Aam IMM-nm ww HWHW. m V.-j.IJ (iMMrfr tl(M-. Um-tJtttmi yiM tr rl fwrt . Jafc, Aaw y - ir viV'--mi jm4 niaf ittiat -. jjjut A AlawMM . Jl Nrtt, Km llaU, U FM i m. CWorj fi UWtmm irW ,.-. - Stwrtll trjJolB - .-. JlftHfl 7 ( .AtttaW., H M, sw... MsHAfaAjJ NWW. .... M. ... 4n-t Mmrf V ap K Uvrgan VUg Jukm VtfMm. M .. sV71(yrff l:Ultro J .AaVMra gal JUetrS-fMi ra , s4n,ea Jllibtltr -. rW-n Jtkntf - ' AU-i.o, J. I aUryn .M mMWHM H J JU tr . irl rV ( I wl - . fi Atifltirr aturvftM arriio. .aljxif a r , Arinm tmHJvm. -. ..., rJ-fttYr- 7taMNi (latlrtiJa,HH,UH H OrtirrriU ( fmri War u ,- PVW, sJb ,tMjrA ;( s.-. HHHH. H Cyi't, f . JhlrH MWHW Or-ia-ffii J !-. . .- - -.Uirir J. t fetal- tto ap H ., fjiX(,f sfnAi) V lwAr rI, U AtHI-o ro U J II Lftstif .We.eVBW, ZlarWifM, rifin JJiaWk H (dllV-lWril4 A CVMOf .. ,. M , yuafatf ItthitMf . , s-wfVrfmfff i (fcA. M w rfc-, Mryrp, .irtttMMM ... (.ril J4a) J JaWWMtNl . -.- s. ItVtWtHf I lu VmmAjt --.. , n-ft N WlWMft.-fL ..-ffnafr-M rpyniitiaaOB-y M lurayoM A ir.UV.t... MW liriiuUt Jwllllut .MH(mHyMruia) ilrMtr w hAn 7W - - I'wvttllo, drt -.f-wmffaf II HIitm 0rfJ Mmw . IM C in PnrMM . -.a,u 7l Itatfif . i.,!., J if (Mvt1ttf . -Mtf r A (Jnfinrr .. w M J in, aiity UMfvt M H , iiniM "-r v cwrftM Hrftr KiHfiHflM to., j Aftrat m!--. mrtrtr4olt,ihiintQtM 11 it Jotl't -s -v,0, Attaint A acrrrt. . - i-tVA-M I rmuoiu . - - ifw V irWrtrlff r . -.kHMJ .' Vf A !.--! . irt-sWhr-ve. t V Amil - -. rt -. t nrMiff irvti " ....rttwry ; tlOA tN talaHMt . ..f l'laKrl4 J J rrmtvtk HWM. HM. s-- Affr.Nf lrt Mmitn ffo rf, CvJf f CW fttrfti irrt tniiiMla,-MHMMi(jiiV-TlK( 5MauA H ff .. fptmhk 1st If if Crttaifcs; Sinfrrtint, AmtU rw , rttvfMi "iMjrU'r... tTtviry-AI ir Jfrr-ffrn. ,, ... .. ftti at A-ArX . vmH . 5iW vrfa-ra, -l,9 Jfwts-I A Jpritit f i"t ..Kotkj9rilen O PSter , , M Jrlvl in J Wrrff , s-.-- , AX rirrt irfnlo rttBm , ... hltttvrH AUChtrk . Mt MrfT t mtltp trpmtmff . M.Aa-tM rtV UoA-i I - Cit c-e- AaU, JWrfrnn tfr-A JM t!t . AliJtirl-fi.CWAlMrtf., Iriio-rt 4 etjrbfry.s-w . ,-m .. .Wn fMfe'rrl-t CW . ,,, ., ,- fitfin TJl'tirmlrg. M-.B fnrtttimrrffm AlrtUmt - " J Xf .. .. tmortilt A turn A fJOOfJsV . ... -. Ta-itfr(Vl4 rxfiff Marriott w ,, -,, ... t AnMltATIMItg V Jekn SttLn$ Mm. fc 5 jMfh A J II onl,- (-N,iear ,.!: UBW., ., Arta,1 .4 Irw.e,, '''"'"' ffrtJ Cplr ) . . Tu4lr W! A ir II IM.- w 7yMr o -M ;irf o ir-rriitfim . mmm m V-a ? .nito -w.Ifn; TVs-- Co e ., j. 7 awr, Tr,,,' ttsrrs trsN-y . A J trl-.s ,-,, " OtIsrtW. lftlirtrt JCSrp . ., jutauc irmr,,.' i n . ir , ireii.ru7. a, ir,tt,rtj, f. - irmji, ir- - ir ta, r ;-(. . irir.n rsju, , ;JJ! Jfil-m llnsMs- .,,, (7 JltCrffiml lr,liM 7 ir!r-vt'e, IlilsM tsms'l Erf,,,!- tKtoJnif P h It,. ''' rX " una, I llsrit iroeJrs lst A I ll-e "kissrif m. JU'M, '-rlr-ril tr, m A He tats ll,r, ir, t u 31 FRASER $. CHALW1ERS, fe CI1IOKOO In 0. TltnjtT, , ball t'lt, Utnh, Gcisrtnl Western Mnnaj-er, llt'lcit.t, .'MtiiitaMX Tvnrirsro ArvcmiaicY, UDQERVJOOD HOISTING ENGINES. -ELECTRIC MOTORS-! Blootrio Iiiglit Plants, njtaiNKS, iioiiiiius, i:iii:vatos, saw mills, -- LOCOMOWVW. TI3AM MOTORS. (CC. s j ii,vie, , Tt,tUfc SELLS Si COMPANY, Noi. 150 & I3i Wet, Tint South Street Oppotll Utti Wirtl Aticniily nociri, ttllOlKHtn AkU I LI'II, DRAlKU Lumber, Flooring, Lath, Shingles, Pickets (I ll Ml roil", Mils IMI MIMIUIt MIK.IIT. iNon warn, mxm mvm i spmim. Mri'iari'i to -.i 1 1 1 Tiir Ti.r.s. -wi If 0V ,NT IIM.CIMSS, tLL )N la IIHOIIK I'll;tIIVIo j DAVID JAMES &, CO. 'l PlDibers,Gas and Steam Fitters J v nuAnsJJiu zrv Ni"iumtint; Malirml, J'mju, I'ijx and Hlniji, 4ran iltatiuj Hupi'ia, 'Itn andiron Hooting, UnUan C I utd Iron Cornice, (lul'triny, l.ic. j- CARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPHINKLCRS SV No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. RRflWWINR ' RRflJ," jDnUI(linijU DnUOt, IGG S Main olruut, Salt Lako City, Utilt, 24(31 Vathlno,lon Avonuo, 0(;elort, Utah, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition And Sporting Goods of Every Description. tte have a rarlotil of CAKI'li UK tlKS. All Mars. We oner a tle-l Sstety S4 lath for S-'l 00 1 Isirae lloji' 'J7 Inch for 9 1 00 IjhII-.' ami Men's .10 Inch, 4S.0O. GAItl. IN AND HXAsMINU OUU RTOOIC. Illimti tiled Spoitlnt GooiU CATAT.OQVV. Wee to AU, s." -jpV tbsdel. Imy goods."! rJ1aaoomBS." I AarieelialUsief A full 1 lot ot tkt Hill ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS, V I FAMILY GROCERIES I lest-tit-cf I i Lrertieiaaltelltli. Clisnibrsys, Percsles, I Clnghsms, Lmbroldtrlei, Call and be convinced Ihiltts ! etc .Clo , etc. A 1 cerry In stock svsry dslloscy ' j requlrsd to Dress Goods at S ceats a jari. , Please tho most fistulous Usti TEASM ICLOTHINU." DllBOOTSsSHOEsl I - saAtaM-X A CLolr Alitrtisfit of a Full Ut of , CDitmitt CLOTHING. 17 Men'sSoliaSTOGA BOOTS I alias cii-i. lot -us mis, P. Jlra's Use Ikiots, CuiiDHts stuts Jim's Mtect, I . Ilojt lloots, Uoj' Suocs, I A Fall L!b, et UNDERWEAR T ' , ,7 , t . 1 I Ladles' and Misses' Penis' nirnlshln- Oecds. JJ , SHOES and SLIPPERS. -TEASDEL'S-FOUR .STORES.- iggfl&- --.. m"" "- ,Jllaaaal