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' I ilB 8 tm:skim:t i:vj:nts,(s svavsi viuuay, ri:mtrATtY in, laoi. ?v-'W'' peseret'eyehing hews. V J "'I B II ' 1st A.tts HCs slod, if i.n.ii I up i l-.l VI )ellll.lals XlBsiwlhljs,lsli. leslt-l JK Bit MUhklMl 14 IklUm !VUMil M Kt I If' VMalMatMn, WRi B Hi l.sUislAmtifrrllrS1isU" staff !l DWIW See XllKlmKI lM I . Sim 'MS B I rUA(iMEST3.' iHjl Hf Commissioim Tamw cngsgul In HN U lirorlnsjliieargnnieuUluarltncastflul t g ' AflOtlKiUll. IjJHHi H I TIM members of "'" CeMtal linim 1SD iH Corps wilt .arile tomorrow afiernoon,! alHli tu'tlotk, lu their new unlf urn. Ml McAuisTMl haa liialliirMrssrnphM, Tie Mtli km IN'atlou," for mli Ml III B copy. IaWtj Rll Tlir. seventh quorum of lllders will -Xft3 it , I ibis etriiln.r t trw n', lock In the jU)KffiB1 Set f 'J wcnty-Seeon 1 Ward meeting nous. A ivffim rlj fullattenlAnfe is required. JtcRmtf IS Dn. Jii pii H. Hicham hss recently iBHEw lu .een i.nelrsled by ser lltnei. A bust nPtfu'l ' I Mfilends will ho pleased to letrn thai h assssssssssrifialtsi ii II j nwly roiwtred, being lip auJ alto ut Hi :K " BQ .' I Tim Inebrlalia arraigned In Ilia Points aiasasasaMBisMH I "curl lodsyl-eflito Justin Issuer were Isine Keller, A. Itentle, J. I'rietnm Sand James U'flrlin. limy were nil ml i Judged mill? an I iiumi t, nvh for llielr folly. Monk of tb Hermans an I Hwlss f iTlsssToWH :'? I iblsritygBiaeneidotahlncnleruhiuienl HjtU I slienliiglnltiI.rvriith Ward tiieel- HfiBf i I liiglinus. 1h handsome hall waswell HwSpt cJ mred wltft an aj,ptelili audience con- HJHaV ' Wlng of various nationalities, BraR''' I j Mb. llnoi,of Iboll. a, W, returned Kui , this morning from atrlplo Mmpito an I IY I , hcvlrr, whllher he had Isten In com- nWl I i iur with number of oilier rllrd MSinX fi ' insnlenklngotorlhegroiindwliliavlew JMKw I 3 lo lb extension cf Ilia rnail, HasHWs i' ' It UiThln1 Ill.tflrt fi.iltHo.Uy tf.ra HfA". Jiidgiie,lhcoflh VlclwlalVf HTKUUjv I47 AllDlni lkinsnny vs. Wllllaui llawrt) HtdMBTMall ilal., wss argued on melton, for a nw HHuwH trial upuntliosetllod Btlldarilttiftlieile- HflLHW i finrfaiitat motion overruled and exception HJHHlA'flj nnoTiiKR IlniANr flrniNotUM, t.f HHgLTtn . llniintirtil. who, fir aomo Unit liaa litfll HraBB lrW In L'lnrliiuad a nininnit In th"kttilr HgHflV ttf nieiltrliia, tatntiHI lat etrnlnic In HHBnl , Itood bralinn.l will rimaln Imiiiaa fw HaHLBElli inoullia lcrtru rfUirnlnKlot-omlctalila HHHEHJlf aliidlos. LLLLMJnfr , AT OgJen ytwUnlay, Krnk Monro, BbBKi) , i.hiprlau.r i.f Urn N.Ktlly Thir mi HBEBHKlWl Imlirtoil ly Ilia gran.1 Jury for IllPiral lot- HH99JWpf t . log at tliolaloilly olMlnn. Ilafrniltnt p .,7M . 1 l wal.rouslitltiliirtiKto.lyl.ytliouMrphih K'i'vi')! , 1 anil In HUM for Ilia a'nr. LbbbbVO 1 aura wbenrnllvil upon. HjWfMlLl f:' A rrrmoM UlaunirMof alffimlnrotn aaaaMrafifHl ' Ibarlly, aa followal Til Ilia llniioralila Wa3miu Mayor and City Counrll, (li nllmnaui v.; BHnQPjl tba tiuilfrkicni'l linrctianU ilnlnir lml aaWaaaaUHUI ' nw M-itt lAhatltyln rhe tcimh1ivo HBaaaVSn ) i Iim walowlnillpatiwl. Iieraliy nifvlfully HjMSI f j iwtltlon your hnnnrablA Uvly to riUMi to BfiflRV a' Irrralnl that rt of III illyunlln- Hm aura Imnoalnir a tnrrrtianta' tai tiMin HiBEIBro t i jt, tboao UnltiK t.ilKhiMa In IhtarUy. It la HHHr II tinilctali'iil that Ilia ivIUlim will In aulf aaaaaaHkl V S inltlfj tu tlia Cuuucll at na&l 1 ucailay'a HjVrIbVJ i 1 luaotlujf . HjKnffllM', Ko Lunger Tnalu. JMnIMiJH'j On Wnlnradty, I'almury lltli, at MmP?jSmA ' Matill, Ahriii M. IiamUirt anil MIm aVB "StsM 'IS 1 lllcm It, Huow worauntlnl In llioholy SjaaflaflLl T I' ' lomlt of mattlniony. His uroomlta PSHQuLl' worthy juuiic initD, a aon of Jlrollitr BjiSIVfBl 7L ami Hintrr CbarlM ljuubert, of tlila jffl)W ilty. Tha hihla It a Uauilful ami MHESXra fallmaole dauflitiT of Hrollmr Uardntr MWfflKWl l J Hnow, of Mull. Wo wlili Iho li BftHBiil II y ly a lilluful anil proajwroua HjHHBBr t vuas tliroilitll lift, anil Jtiltt Ihrlr HB-HDnr I i.uinrroua frlvnila In conKraliitallni! HKEKu t I tlifiu upon tba rvcvtit aua.kloua ovant HKwQI I which Laa tnaila tlicin our. ftHL ' First HUtrirt 1'onrl. BSSwA TlirollolD(liiuliinu waa traniacl- jBlBflf,!! trfore JuJto Minor at Ojjdfn )w aaaVlaflaVnll i tenlayt QraHiX'l TlioRrauil Jury ramo Into court anil HCBVt'fal. rrportoil Uto ImllrtiuanU uilcr llio aaaBWr5-r,.1P ' TvrrltorUI lawa. They ljnuro.1 iliflit LaaaaaaKTHtlil i cOHtu, jWPvtIV J'. " HuforJ otnl., Ta. Tlionnt IV r. Hast? MC.V ' '" tl "' "" aiollon of Kluilittlt it B), 9H . Allltou, unlaroUUIinlMioilat'Uliitlir'a HKtr LS?i cotta. WrvWi , Unllal Htatm ya. M. 11. IluforJ tt al. LaaVwiBwir ' ' ' )tultu' apiHarnl In oen ionrt EMMLftf ami lrilo.J not guilty to tbooUVuao HSryNK Vi chargnl lu the tuiilrtnivnt. jnT H Te.irhnV lnitltule. HRnafljrujI ' ' Tlio tMclirri of Hilt IjiVo County HRajKU"rVl 1 vlllturct on riaturdiy tnoruluiral 11 HbLbWi' )! u'cloik, In tlia UnlTiirilly bulMluK. aaaaaaaaaKlli ' Theprutjrarunie ircniirnl for llioOiva- HBajnrfll ' alon laaafolloua: Ha'aaaaK'aflB tlcntul ullct,aartralaenl. aaaaaV'il ll, "ii..ihio.,"ii i Muntotl HCin l Tliml.-tlotali'uiiaor Uotttuinrul, lliear waE.V I I'l I (Junalkini an J itltalona br It ttaehf n oa 9R ifl A' I I tlnlftuitala KaaVLllal '4 lalrruiwiiuiaanlllrammar llirliaaat l ns33UJii w I. J tat.ll,lMiaf Hi 1' luaiAiitl SKlSfJll 1 f 1' aau.iauH. W,M ttowail nHuKSIV I W I 1 Mlk4 iltiian.ntal, acta Iflaeacr ,FfajuSan' ' wiiaivariHiiorBiiiu..i Mi axl ljulliiBt'li. imn tcacfaar ladl. at a Iv'" " A Kwr rbeulrirattttr. A 'Bjki i All whonrtilntrrratml lu tlio tuio ,'jJBli V J ' cfiiluctlonarolnvltnl loalliml. Hft!0 , lNHHHIATIIIX WANTF.II " r ' Co.ittrnlinr Hi Mlnrrnl.oiita of a Jllt 'f I j; ltT 3IIdi lyolla .Mon. ,'v lijt Jltlow la RlTiuthti (vpyof a ntitkn OjJ that latMlmlliplu Hi.' l'.-rt Ollk.' unci ,' i.I.ii. In Mil. I lit clt iUiilllni;Kinli!M.MIniiMiill. i,'l 11 hl ' nian, vim Inhij.hi1 lulmnioulirli) 1 ( 9S f I llltlioWtal. t "" Vl I ' "rh" '""'"'liiR l a of ' Jt'JlWi ' Friil. It Mnltlifvrts who amKUinly illa- VMei'v'lIf l l" ami from liUlioniu In Mliiinll 'ifcl-Saf ouJtutiuiy l:ti, nml haa not aln.-o ' JaVaaaaW. "" '"'""I froot An IlllrO'lwu; ii rjflaaaai' lialjlit ll frrt lilt lnilira, MMKlit 'MaTaaaaV """ l'l"ltl"l mill thirty laliufla, llim ),, tmlM; llijlil l.lui.tjitj Ul,l limit wltlin vitflfaaal ' fiini;oi.f Nimly lull, full aniijy hoard, 'OUllaaf Unlit iliaila nml rll In tlua inMillas T-'iS'laaT S JUiimy .n almxt-t alnro liluln. fSSm, nlaiaiin;hwu.ali'iipfilurir'. i, fWi i 'ft . Whrn hat atvn lio wiiro a cray, W f! Iril f'lMo iiltlrr, hlarti, ami :' Vf , f araill, M hit run Mill lr. ;."' T ; HolabvuiliouMrrnl, wllli l.iail lu- i' mig f illitolforiranl, iaitnluvt.turiitt.uiiiltr ., j7 Jf I if clgara, anil for miiiik llmo al liai rptV A . Umi nwlaurholy uiJ tiitlun, won V i'i h. I ajolulcu "omiauiiJtitUon wltti liltUat ...Vi V!' t frliuu. Hi. I mi tHrt itaT I II" ttl"1 "wounUnt liy umuiMlloii, and bPW V. 'F' WJ twit lor auch iiiiilo went. JfrB ,K " Toliiiii(liil'ilollrtttllll.iil,for J,7 It Inf.rmutUm that will Wl M'lilaill,,- uSfl t,M r itHDryutiJiiUAi hltu in raniniunltv. (SWal ! Hon wllh family or Mallvtia. PSR( J .Wliuatomii to C', Anioiy, TH ) Mliiueajit!a, Mluntaota. Waaaaatl ,.Jrt',wii "IllWlllllcaU Willi Jo'lr hill- ff -.. Ily. furmothn'aaul.0. Jan.. . J!fl)V 1 1 Jauuary ?Jj Iti'jl, i ', ' ' MORE PROPERTY SEIZED! The fa Recelttr HjUj a Bei "AtltCa 03 Pal Estate. Ui.NHlCUIOV IIUSMMI KlMI'lNf. lllmir l'rn.Tlj tllll II .Vit Aallol Id Sall.f; Hi I'linum! Thli mornlnit Unihtil HUlu Allor-ni-j.Ueneriil Miller nml Unltnl HlaUa rnitfrulfDU Atloruy Varlau fllwl an Itifornmtlon lu tlia Third DUtrlct Court. 1li Information flrt tltn Il.t) Acta of tin. Tctillnilal Aam lily, the Ait of CorKli-" of 15M fTolillittl tin any rliarltablo Inilltu. thin from holiliiiK jm.riy ralunlat mora than J,Vi,lw, ami tlia Act of U87 iltiaolvlnie tna rori'itatlon of tlio l.hurcli of Jrua (,'litl'h of Iiatlrrnlny Halnla. It la allig.J that at tlia lima that tin rotiratlonwaa Ulatulvnl It owniiil n al vtalo nT.llnc t-Vi.iwii lu Talnr, vU.i Tli ltiiiil (.lock, at Iho valua of Mhi,oiio ami ui.wartl-; lot I. Iiluik US, I bit A, of the ralu. of Vi.iH. anJart of lot It l.lock H, .al A, of Ilia vatun of tO.miu, tt of lot 7, l.lock t, plat A. TnlilPil al J.),(VH. All of tlila proirt, wil'i tlia i.xa-ptloti uf Ihn wt hall of tlia rni lo Jllixk, w ai acqiilrnl ButtM-ipcrilly tn tha att of It la a.Vt-,1 that llm-n .lcra of rrop rlyi Klrit, the furmrr riMciite of llniKc U. Cannon, on Houlli Tiiuilortliwt wwi; nml. tlmnirnrr our 1loi.k ninth of Hi Kl-il iter oMii; third, the lot wlj)liilli;ttlirla.t titmnl proin-ily on lha mi.; (known na the whlinvy tiroirty) l ia chntel to tlio Unlteil ritatr. On tlila Information, ii monition waa rrnlvml hy 111 tlulte.1 rltali. Mtrihal from Hi IVealilrntof Ihu Unlteil Hlatca, and lliopnairllri hen In ilwriUil wrr arlml tlila aflrrnwn hy I)vity Mnr. thai Hwati. wlii waa limited tn Klve iiotlre lo nil rllra lull mind that the matter would come tin for limrltnc on the 1.1th of April, In the Third Dl.ttkl Ctiirt. rilAUKKII WITH IIIIIAJIV. Au Iuiirii.ltnl I intllilmiaii I'lnila 1 1 tru st If la an Anknanl Comer. A young Kutilalimnn named Alfred 0. Jarluon, who for aomu time itl haahrrn In Die tniploy of Colin llroa., of Alain Htrtet. aa dellvrry man, waa yealrrday afternoon aireatnl hy U. H. I)tiuty Marahal Cannon, on a rharifu of tilifamy. It wouMapiitarfrom the alatenient orihedefeliilaut'a lawful wife, rtarali A, Jackson, hy whom Iho complaint waaawom V, that the (tilths uti iialhit In Ilia donda of iiiitrlmouy at leda, Volkahlle, Kmtloiid, wine three ytnra aj.i. All went on hnplly lor tlio l.rlrf (vrlvil of ala or seven week, at thu end of wlittli tlmo Jarkton hit htr. About two yrara since lieeinl crated to AintrltM, oreutually naehol Ulnli, and Iwcame a mlJeiitofrlall lake. Mra. Jarkaon litrn If arrlw d lu Hill city tu the mouth of O.lolwr laat, and shortly aflir eucouutereil tlieile. feudaot, whoailtWrlyrtftiedU)hnva aii)llilin tu il.i wflli her, or contrlhutu In the letul decree toward livr malu lly awl h)e It leaked nut that Jack sou waa courting n RouUdouklui; youuic lajy of lwnty-twu suuiiutra, nameU Hirah fill, litliiic in this thy, and on Wednesday lat the nut a marriage Ihxiise, Curiously euoush, on that vvtf same day Mr. JarLaouwai fornt4l)y served with it iiotUtioldhiircoprofYedliiKiwhhhlitr Imsliand ha I iiittilutnl nalmt hrr lu lie rhlulDirl I Court tea orlnelTu Uj prcvinuaiy. Mra. Jaektui apiiarently acceiteil the situation without the sIlRhlnl dh tilayoffeellutr, dt-emhi It pruduiil til let matter take their ooiltan lu ruKard to Iho deteudaul'a tOUtvmpUted acculld unrthue. On Wrdutsday evening Jackson ami Miss I'lllau era inariled hy the ltev N. K. rulniMii. Next uioriiltti; wlfaXo, l,tatilhvrruivto AsalaUui. I.'lly Atlorney l.nlinur, with nvlow tu Initttutlnit procreilliiK ajuliut the trrluK liuaUtid for bigamy, Mra. Jatksiii was Jvlie., however, hy Mr. 1. Minor to ko before Cimiuilaaliiii. er Greeniiuii, and tn that gentleman fully alato her complaint. Hhedl.t so, w llli the ri suit tliM n warrant was U sued and tlio defend tut taken into i u-li dy. Jatkaou aiijaareil to ho not only surirlsml liul expressed the utiuoat In.luuatton when the deputy marshal t laced hi hand iiii lilt ahouliler and luletly told him for what he waa " anted," 'Ihlnklng, Imwevn, discretion the lai'ler jiittof valor he said but little on the muter Ihrtij and went Ids way with Ihe t-lllivr, Vuy shortl aflim ants Jackson found him. self lace to ftce with (yotnuilisliiuer livitiimiin, who fixed hi laiuds at JiVxi. Ihe irillinlwir) Inailnii u ar. rani'il lo lake 1 lie Ihla nfu rnuou lit 2 u'l lack. Thu dufeudant, who sjirut list night In Jail, dots not deny that lie w ui 1 tie fatly intrrloil to Ihe complainant, lait ansirtt that ha married Ml" I'llt under the belief that hi wife ha I already obtained n dlron'e fruni him lu I.Ui(Iaud. Uoliaatonaulteil an nt torueyuud Instriicteil hlin tu do Ihe bull hucun In hl behalf, tut It la evi dent that the ilrfendautcouslilctt him et If 111 K dei ldeit III Jil.t at prex lit Jackson was broiignl befoieConmila alotur Urteiinaiithlanritrnoun. pliail guilty, mid was lioilud over lu thu mi of fMM to a ail the a. lion of iho grnndjury. l'rolitu rnil. J'.tlato of It. V. Morris, decrawd; petlliou lar.nltlal illitriUitlou of pri'l etlyheiitd, tiiiilliiutil until Monday, I'ehruary I'l, at II am. J.itnte uf Miry J, Worn; heard a ht contluuatlii i nf I'ebruaiy 7lh; j roof of (toiling not Ice a provit. order made niutltmliig sale of proj-orty, Unid of William o. llosklna ajiproveij in Ihe turn of S.VSH), J state of John 'Iwlgr. deceased; I ellllou for .tlio mice nl liiml niuouuis nnl dlstrlUitlon of t.ruirly htnrd ni ta'roontlntulioii of hebruary ljth; at torneja iiistruiiteit to iiibmlt brief an I tase ukeu under advlsemvut. Utate' and Ktiiirdltinhlp of (iert rudu II, Allan, n miliar, hunt as jir eoiilliiuxll'iii; Hugh Aiiderrtu au I (letlrude !;, Allen sworu and tx amltied; acoounls alljwed. UIU.NTY COUItT JIATTKItS. Thp(Viinnratlhn (ir The tiMr.tnl lilt llrinitlrt 1'lteil l'or Tallin tilalMln. A liiiKlhyandlnteretllug sertlonaf Ilia County Couit was lield jtstenlay aflerni-on, wheu the foil iWliiK butlncu was tran&atteil I li the mailer of the application of J, 0, Currier asking that the Court apjolnl some friend of J. Jlrailer, nil Imbecile, timet at guardian forlilm, County Allsmey Murphy recommend ed that lu soon as the petlliou could be prrsentul the rcllel prayed for should be granted. -IHK COONtV MJT I.I A 1.1.1 Thottalniof liana Jacobson for $-iW damage, altegtnltohave lnmisuitaliiel by lelltloner and family by falling through n defective and broken county bridge, was adversely rtiorted on by thetouuty attormy. ,Tliu report was adopted. To inSnCNTIIOMK. I,. C, liarnin, nu Indigent person, asked that the iimuity piirchasu hhiia ticket to lit home lu OjiIi, Mlllar.1 County, The i-rlltlou wa granted nndrlbrrirr Hurt Instructed toprociira the ticket. An i.iuatii) unoii'im rtni. (). M. V. lliuwii, an lullrni, friend less and homeless Nron, was urdrreil smtlo the County liiflnnary, A veihil application was male by Piter Anderson tulv admlttid to Ihe aameluitltutlQu. lltfirreil lo the totiu ty physlilali. TIIKOIUXTV TO IMTI.IIVSM'. It was orJernd lint Halt I. ike County Intervene nnd liecome n tfirtv to the arllouof riu pheii Hays va. Howe nnl Cahoon, now n ling In the Third Dlilrlrt Court, and for adl-eoln-lion of the Injunction now- iisurd In such ce,and tliat the uiiunty attorney lie In-lrurtrd lo lake the lAjlllsltn sti i tneiroct the nece-suy lairpiseinf tills erder. The i ne ttferred lo luviiltet n chlni for li'iiKi.lnni-LjiaallrsiilUi have Itii cnmmltttM by Helecluieii Howe and CaIiooii, who, acting b n committee of the Ccunly Court onh ml and caused thalemovalbfa feiicuexlenJIngatroes a lail.lto highway. The enmity surveyor was Initniited lo make a survey an I prolllo of the road tu iin-stlon and siiinult thestme for the couslderatiou of thu ivurt at the next mectl n;. Ai'i-uitri ii jtmridH r tin: i I'tcr- It. J I. rituveiiMin, of HUCntlonwoo.1. avkitl that he lie apajlnte.l Justice fir thu Tea for said preelnit. The op- illcaut hrel la-en elected to the nllloli, Kit bad fslleil tonuallfy lu tlio lime re quired hy law, Uranit'd. IUII TIIK 1IUA1I HUI'LltVlllUlJ. Helei linen Calionu and Mlllirweru niHjiiti-.l to f.irmuUte u w I uf Instruc tions for the guidance of the rou 1 sui er visors. ACTIIIV Tltll'Ulltllll.V uri r.miHi. Arllonlnthu milter of rumldulng the bids for furnishing alsdrnclri cords forthnititiuty treamrir was direired untlllhe next in-t'tlug uf court, o tint the bid Jen inlgtit be 111 attendance ami lie thoroughly Informed of what wn reiulred liefore nuking thu award, Aa-UMAUIl'l CUMI'KMStTION, Hehclmeii Howe and Cahoou, to whom was r. ferred thu question of ivmieusatlou for the assessor and Ills ih sittrs for t iking Ihe ststlitli s of the iiiunly, rrurled thai lu llitlr oj.luluu the oa-csaor shoull be attuved $1 -er day and the drjaitlea Jtl r day of eight hours actually si-nut In -rrform. lug such work. The recommendation wire adopted. i.srnuiAiiy isiinuvr.'ii..Nn. On uiutloiiuf Hclictmati Howult was ordenM tliat the cpiesllon uf enhrglng and Impnvlng the Cuinly Intlrmary tie made the special order of busllieaaat the ntxl st-aion of court. Adjourned until Tubruary 1, at 2 p. in. A 1'KSTII.KNT KEIiUlW. hiuulrj limit front Kniuli, , Wulurwlaya man who Intro duced himself as Arligu Hiidou gave notlru that he would give (ii exhltiltlou of the feat he could atrfonu, followed by a -arty on the Friday evening, but befotutheapilnted llmo lie Was placed uudvr arrest iisin n charge of uhhuuH iisinlwo little girls wliosuugiM were ttujears. The fact ore these: He got permis sion U reuiova from tlioacliool house a iiumUruf Unches, so after st hoot dls lulisid he hired aolne of thu liosto liluole tin lit. The twu Utile gill utsive reftrri-J to weru analnted to sweep out the room. The fallow loitered around fur some lime nu 1 when he thuujht uuoiiewas mar he hedged the little onta list j a corner of thu loom, latching hold of ami trying lo kiss thrin, saying he would give them u Hi ki t II they would I hi "sweet, heart," etc. At this Juncture one of the little !! opened fno nml thus his plans were thwarted. Hewn ar raigned befotethepreilnct Justlie, but et lie had no rlht tn try cases of assault, Ihe tharge was dtiiulK-ed and lie wusantsled and Ukiu before the fun illy milter. Tu the i hurge he ptcmlitl guilty mii I was lined lu the aumii(J'i, rhlaiN.rMiu Is knovwi to m n hard fillow, He Is hetvy eel, rather short uud lery dafk, wearlug u mustache and long hair ami Is nisiut :rt jiars old. He wa honied out of scwral tuwtu tu this vltlnlly,,not lie Ingnllonvd toinrfirm, ami ltiea-ople would do well not lu iatrunUe au de-ft-cd n creature. Die lllMllli of the people la gooJ, but llrolher und Sitter Marlgi r w i re talliM lt).iil Itst wiik to t with a little girl whoio uo wat one and a hulf j i iirs. We h ive lion of "the beautiful" tu oilorn the grtund: but it I Jon,zed for. The weather I colJ, Hit re l-olug a vtry bleak wind. The ule aro Jubilant over tin prositi nf seelnt Ihe water In town nt anenilyilate. J , c' Kanaii, Kiiue Co., Ulih, IVUrunry s, IkOI 'Inn H.vmdliial Un llruinatle Assoil iitluiiiif llilsiMygato a l-crfornlnu. e In Minllll rieasaiiloii WihIiii ulrtv nklitalid llieil l.ruueeilail nil hy II l(. W, train (win, h v, as held for them until ttiepUy ... uteri la Msinl.atwliliilii.laivlliev ililurlitelati.llirrcr..ailil aiidlunoi lal .iniliig my riuirimd by iraln . 1 1. l.i nun this morning an I will giro a lrforuialii Iberorblseltwns. .tl.WS IS X M TSUI I.I. Idaho Is likely to hare an Impeclor of mini apiolutod and controlled by IheHtale. On the litli Intl. the Idaho House of Itepreseiitiillvefl went Into committee of the wholenun labor bllhtrovldlng for nu eight-hour day nn all estate an 1 muiilclieil publlo works. There Is a Kouseof l.'inli lnJan. Tho prisent one consists of 22 farmers, l inrn-h-inla and only true reil Hie lord. Tin re I no chance for Itwyer or MloonVte.r out there. Hive us America after all. HUnlei' dl-viilts have shown that the .N'lle I l.lisj mil. In hiiglh. riils I the I ingest river In the world, units the M Msslpi I La reganled na a tributary orihe Mlurirl, which If ho a length or 1,30) miles. Clagttl, the nwlr elected United Stalls senator from Idaho Is 51 year pf ac, n nallvnurMarylind, a litfitr and miner by profisslon. lie trowed the plains lu ISiM, un 1 lull a good rec ord up lo the pn sent, Heinlor Ingalls lias anotrcruf five lonls n wuru for whatevir he may wMilo right till, providing he willea tor syndicate iiewepater isilillcatlou. Magitliieedllor write lo hliu forar tlchaan I enclose blank checks, giving him Ihe privilege a,f naming Ills own I rl-e. JuJge I'filler, I he rlelialollal succes urof Ingills, UII, eighteen I lichi-e ai res the shoulders, nnd Isle ill and link In figure. Hit lean! Istwo feet long. Ilia hair grow tuwllhlu nn Inch of hi eye! row. Ills hea 1 Is mrrow lu front, aul wlJe nt tholsuk rluidam, an I.liho Idiot, wants the manufacture o( U. H rtetialnrs In his Mlsten pileiiteil Industry; tin procteds to go to the milhli iiantu cf Ihe Insane asylum. The home, orwblch he Is a mcnilier, eiiltrtalnetl his preis-sal, msf) sseil ll unantnl'iiiiiy. At Lawn ncelsiu, lud., nn the I J'li Inst Juhu Hutli, might i'Hi,uml, fulUllt a wi.inin who welglml lis. iwiluds. In the ilghlli rttiriil the woman was .li-Uari.l the winner, the mau having wllhdrawu In au exhauit edcondlllou. (h-orge lllu -, n Uulli-J rltali-s soldlir, wa taken on thellltli lint. Irani Chey enne to Denier, on (he charge uf mur dvilng arlwisllsli farnur neariloUcu. Col, nine mouths ago. TheulJect of the murder was num. y. Illue' wife Is tald lo ham lurnbheil thu uvldtucu on which the atrest was male. Mrs. riinnus A. IMIson, at her Llewellyn I'ark reslieme, gavo n darning rty nu the Klh list, lu honor of her sister, Miss MllUr The novelty nf ihe tlmre w ns that hy mean ofeltttrtclty iniisln for the dauclng was siiivessfutly furnished Ihrougti phouograplis. ' Henry II. Alillfltt met u fiariul denlli lu Kansas I.'lly on the I.'lh lied. Hohadjustaaldguoil h)e lo bl. Miff, nnd was riiniilua; bi catch a train, when he stuuitnsl und fell atross a rail road trick. A switch engine tame along at the sa uw thnu an I cut Ihu un fjrtiiuute man lu two, right lu the ircMticocf his wife. At Untie, Mont., on the IStli Intl., there was a lively Interchange of .-our-tesli-s Ulm.u giml.lrrs. Wllliim rlueellll lost tW at f.iro. He ll.ked rony tievan Ihe drtler for n loan uf $20i lutoutliiue pi ty, l,evau refused. Klieerlu commenccil sliuollug. I.evau returned the fire, l.leveu allots were exchanged. Iloth tnmUitant and oue "iiystatiili r were wi u u Jed. flu re were aeventy-nve roui present at the time. Among the tas-slbtllilis of Ihu near future U a siilminrlne lelegrajli con nccllng the UulliilriUli-sdllnlly with the Hawaiian Islands, Jau and Australia. A bill now before tlio U. H. Senate jrovldtsifor thu Jncersiralor of ncomifliiy rformIng this uotk a subsidy uf J3,ISSI,IWJ. On the Kill Inst. Ihe Natal Alprojtlatlnn bill la-end conulnil n clause pro viding SiVl.U'HJ for a suney of tlio pro posed iilegraidi route. Keuatora 1. Imiiud and Dolpli are the prunioler cfthUinlerprise, Itiva matter of wonder why A. T. Ktewurt should leave his million lu Judge Hilton, and disinherit Ids owu relatives, 1-eesntly relatlit of Hie art have iiivlu ilalui fir the pro-ity, A New Yorkpourtcnated a commls sloii to take testimony In Irelaml, und asiirUIn Ifany lielrt-at-tawofritcwart exlsteil. A nun liameil (lenrge Ueg ley,aud sevi rsl Gibers ha e esutillxiisl thtlrrilattoushlp. An "jam coiumls alou ivlll now lai apiailntcd, ludoru Ihisalt tlilmtutscan be hetnl. It Is t Xs-tUd that Bomu revi I itlons will he made as to Hilton' siwtr uvel Hlewarb Catherine M". llrexcl ha "taken the veil," that I, she ha euteieil a nun nery lo remain theru for life. Hhe spent the ost elgbtwn tnoulhs In a convent In Ti I'lttsbura; undergoing a novitiate. Mbe takes $7,0.11,000 with her Into the Itoniau Church, It would be almost li-tter for her to marry an Itallaucouut or an Austrian barun. Hoaevir, she goe to work among thu ludlaua. rlhu iiat alrisuly i-stibllshed a scliou! for them at Tine III tge Agency. I.Ike rjlster (lertrude, who ueiit to the lc!er colony, ami marriid Iho do. bir, Hislir Drtxel may yet marry Mau afrald-of tils-mullirr-ln-law. Jiy O luld lias some gigantic- rallmtd siliime lu hand. Already his fiiifou nf the MU,url I'aclllo and rioiitheru I'acl lie -,tm embracta 2i),oU'J mtli s uf tr.itk wltti a lapltallMtlou uf $J37, Std.nud. HI pn.Jetled rchtme will embrace all Ihe rovl ssHitti of tlio I'tmisylvaula slslem, lo be fused Into one, and worked In harmony with ihe sislem south of the Union I'atlllc. (lould has seiun-il. It Is tald, the II. ni.d O., and Willi Hilt controls the con tinent rrom New Vork to rln Krau elsi-o, toiitli i.f the l'enuilvaula Cen tral nnd U T. rends. 4 Hume three years ago agentlimau named J. J. West u editor of the Chicago "loirs 1 During his rilgn he raised the "eld Harry" In Chlingo. lie was (he means of fertlng lluu.l Held out of the lollce, au I he hihs to kill Juhu A. Itothe llthally; who waiinayorattlietliiie. A litter Im.ii West, while alitor, to a stis-kholder has Just l-ii publlsheil, I'art of It reads nsfolioa st "It la the province of ihuwsp.ttr lo make men feur rathtr than lo love It. A goutli -goody imiier won't lay nnd neier lint ld Whai I would like to do here Is to raise li from oue end of Ihoclly to the oilier, aud that I the Ix si w ay to win friends and make Hum ustful lolls. My win, says I hate 110 friends tliose who are afraid to Utiuy enemies," T,br'tTiTi'-ty-si-t-;-rl'S'ri. ... THE LATEST NEWS Conctrnls; (lie Ounrllllon nf (ttncral Mirrmanl Irnllcallnni of lmprotrmcnl. THC KILUNQ Or MHJOn NIXON AND LICUTCNANT JAMtOOII. I'll rrrseot llrporlnl llnrnrd tollralli. Death or Admiral I'orlcr. Mrslhrr lleports. llf Telearlfb lo the Naws ill Mini. allllDlAt. Ihe lailesl HiillslTnT I elieetnlua Ills Inn.llllnn N.w VoiiK, I eb. I.XAt 7 o'clock, one of Ihe alteudint came to the door aul announced that (IrneralHher tiuuliail A.eJ the night iullecomfott ably, He has partaken uf nourish luenteeveral times. At (hat hour he Was slee(llig. Dr. Alexander, Who remained al the bedside, expnsed thnuplnlou tliat thu (Jcnornl had a chaiiteuf recxivery, t-s)ieclatly If he eoiitlnuej to do so well thruuli the It) a hedld Ihrougll the night. Dr. Alexander Is-ucl thsr following tiulliiluot II o'clock: After constilbi Hon II1I1 morning, the j.listclat.a Dud that the (leneral his lost iiolhing during Hie night (Higueil) C. T. A I t-x Vltlii-B. Till! I'AMIV I'M OUKAUKII. Nf.w V0111., Knli, I.I. Senator Klier man Dili miming sent .1 telegram lo III wife lu Washllir.1011. The ilbpalcll aid that the gtneial rested during1 the night and secim-d to l-e Irie fiom ilu. The f imlly 1 mui li tiicoiiragctl. iihiati.i iMI'lutin, Ni:w Yum., I'uu. 13. Tuem I no doiiUHiat (Itneral Hhrrnnu'scoudU lion I greiliy luinmvi.l this morning, Husise. thu night without a rt-i-ttl-II in of the sinking eiicU. hio lnt hid turn was early In the evening. At a oMjia It was litiruod from I'rlvale Hei 11 lary Ham It that the (leneral had lit I u uightof rest llarrett, Banking of Iho Improvement, Slid II hal I-m-II ui.lhstble sluce nilJulgllt. He hid regularly taken nourishment uf milk and whisky, and thu watchers found no illflli uliy In rousing hlni. "Where his 1 It nice were uu m thuusaud yestcriay,"aild Hie sttretaiy, "they are now une lu leu. aud we havu rea son now lotulMlalu some hoi." Dr. Jitietray cslle.1 this morning at S .TI iMockaul remained fur twenty ruitiuti. On letvlog be said: Tliu gctier-tl Isholllug Ills n-Tll. rherels boiuo Inipruvemeiit lu the, but there IsaUajsdaugir fruni puiu in nil ' Nkw Viiiii;. I'mi. I.I. At Ion. in. Dr. Alexuuler and I'rlvau Hecntary Hi: tell say If tliaprrssut cm lltl m ef (leneral Hlii rtnanountliiuejthiuugtiiait the day hu hti unire than u fair iliiuce nf nvoici), 1M. KVllirili: t'MTIUM MIT AIHIIX IMHIKH. At lialf-iiasl teiio'clotk, I. T.Hhcr nuii Ihe Oel.erai'a ssits, wlieli Bji.ktu to lu ngnrl b the (lUblishcd slitemeut tu tbei Het t that (leneral Hhermiii had recelvnl tin, ixtrtiuu lllltlloil, till Ihnllcally dinle.1 tliat such was the ase, rue general, hnsnld, wa not u Catholic and never had liten one. The family this luuruliig wasiul'.e I literati, as lliey now euteitaln a noii for the general's recovery. Honw Iroulle lselrlelio-. lu keelug the gmeral In 11. At Hilt hour, uu change Is riiortcd hi the general' l-olldllloU. 1 1, III, lis, il Janiesun en. I Hitlers IUII,, I. IiMx)1, I tb. 1.1 A dlsiatch au lioutict that a nitlva nf Ihe Hhtti eti ile ,. utlv ran urnuc-t mil shot Major Nixon, l.ltuteuanlJammonaiid tausesijdead. AlleiillunloKlnek llaUlua. liUMsi.N, Out, fib. 13. Theres)rt adopte 1 by the Diiululou grange set form that wheat has been raised nt a dlsalvauugo during Ihu st few iars nnd the farmers are recom miideiltoglvetioi.'k ralslnglhelr at teutloii. The hope Is expreimsl that the harriers of hlgli tailll w ill behruken down uetw eeu Csnuda and the Ublted H talis. Ituriiellulieiti. CincAdu, 1'eh. II. Mary Ann llearduiiuud Mrs. Kehoe, two old wo men living alouu lu n shanty, were suilotuted to diath this nurnliig hy IhelKirulngof tlulrdwellltig ut Olio wa, Ontario, Mr. I.a France anJ two grand children were burned to death lu a liouseuear tliuvlllagu of HI. Albert, and Mr. I.a Trance was so badly In jured that he will die. A I elite renin lb ashler, Ayii, JIas., Teh. IS, President Harlwell has recidved 11 letter fruni Ihu mlsslugcalilerriiauldliig,lri whit h he statu Hint the money hu took for four lears from the hank was lust In s-.H'ulallon It is staled this tinmlng by tho ixaniliur that tlia loss of the Hrl National llauk is nppnreutly aliout l-I.DUU. lleallier lteirls. WASHiNaiUX, I'eb. 11. The area of lowprissure, jealerday uverlylug thu country from Molilalia lo Wuslilugtou, rmtsletl to the raclrlc, but develolij twusiderably over thai district. Tho storm area yesterday morning In IhoHouthitest failed lo deleloie, iut siread as a low area uver the loucr Mllslppl Valley. An aria of high barometer lit pushetl lla way from thu llrlllsh provliuea and filled up the arm In HieHouth and re tankd that from the I 'a rifle. The weather for Ihe next few day will hu dependent Uu till moderate area, uiuvlpg from the north with fair weather In the Interior and locnl rain along Ihe si aboard Htatcs, and local snow sen the lakes, -sse.l II,. I ,1,1.. Nitw Yuiik, Keb, 11. Al l:;l p m.,(loiieril Tnuuiai I, wing kal.l: "I think Un) lleucral has msi-. Ihu crislaluhlsdbiate. Hu bat had II hiiuiBunllstiirbcd, reslful repose,, and I I fore till he ha I not hud two hour uf quiet time. One lung la entirely Iree, and the other la luttlally illleil with mucus. There Is 110 Indication uf pneumonia and the action nf the heart au 1 stomal h is good. The (leneral I wiak nnd still lu a irltlcal condition, but Iho chances for hi rocoiery are good." IILfhcit of ay in Iivening rosrer. U. S. Gov't Report, Auj. 17, is,, IXsasaBar Powder yBSOUUTELY PURE llalbl 11 'arise lie. I. Wasiiimituv, Feb. IX Admiral David I), Toiler died till morning. The ilfttlh was very Buddeu. Ituc,. cumstat his rceldehce hero. and was the result nf fatly degeucrntlon of Hie heart, with which he had been airectut since last summer. His death wasealni and inaceful. When Doctor Wales left him al 11 o 'click last night his condition wns atmit thu same ns It lind Ueti for aeveral week .ast. There uat 110 luillrallolis Hint nieillcal strvtcta would ls tli-Jed bsfuro Hie lime for theiliHtor'a regular visit this morning. The nature of tho a linlral's disease irrventnl hi 111 frcm lying 011 blslnck so Hint ho w is accusbimed to rest, tit ting up 011 a large sola Willi hi, Iwiik and head tupisirtnl by llllostt. The ndmlral was awako nlillH llilsmoru linatiiid took Ids nourishineiit. As nsiTal lio nrtcrwanl fall Into a light slivp and gave nu Indication what ever Hint Hie 1 ml wus so mar nt baud. At8nMotklhe admiral's ton. Itlcri nnl.wliosleitby his ldi.uulbcd n ihaugeililils fallier'a culidllloli He was breathing Willi dlflkulty ami re meil to lie clinking. The househcld was nt once aroused aud Dr. Wale wa sent fur. The nlliiT ulu grew faster and fainter and at s.lo o'clock It ci'hm',1 to I at. At thai ho ir be gupul cnnvulilvely and KXI'llll.ll without A Wuhii. Dr. Wale reached Hie litiu-e ntinost Imuirdltlely after Muir. tntlheil and applied all restorative kuonii to t h leucc, but to no 1 Urt'L Wold was at luiuu sent lo the Teshltnt and lie I Hecntary of the Naty, and the lltgt ! untile Wtillu Huu-o nnd on all oilier put lio liulldlng wero put at half-niast. Hrt n lary Tracy promptly visited the fimlly and nonfrrred Willi tin m line I gar I to Ihe funeral arriugtrnculA It was si Wed that Hie funelul shlllldU' inntked with hljln-t mllllAry luniurs, I nnd the luteriiieiit should las at Arllhg I bin National Cemetery A large numl-rrnf o le of cfllrltl lllerallnl at Hie bouse this nibriilnv nnd left mrstaesol sympithy for Ihe I family, rilegiauitof toiiilolencewere I nbu n-celveil from prumlni nt )n;le from all uver the country rim I Inn. for Ihe funeral has hut been llttd. Hie muni order w III lei lisiml I y the Navt Deinrtmeut Ihlsaflerncsjii The Trrsl- I dent waslriforinml i,f Admiral Toiler' death and ss nt a message ut syiuiatliy to ll.o family. ' lleeraul,lii( Ihe I telalil lltpnllnteiil or sii-1 I-. Omaha, Tib. IS. A circular was Is sued this morning entirely reorganis ing Hie freight deellluient nf Hie Union T.iclM... J. A. Mini rue, the present assistant trslll manager. I--couu-s Hie genernl.frelght areui,rt Mov ing T, II, Whitney, and will have the uiurriltu-rvisl.iuuftheeutlresi,terii wlili hen Iquarlir at I'orllaii.l, Dun., and K. II, lYhltiicy, the present ,vn eral freight arenl, lcumes tlie first atslsUllt. Asslitsnt general freight agent will ti anisiintitlut Denier, Halt liske, Turlland, HI. Joeh, Kau nas Clll aud llotle. Thechange gun InloelUct 011 March 1st. Iislnllltr, IlNIlS, Teh. IS. A lire nn Hie llrlllsh steamer Oitln. at Newport, ciused tbuduith nf some of thucreir and laidly damaged the vessel. Alilllselilrllls. "Henry VI 1 1." was prisoutcd lo a woll lllhd houtu la.t night nt the Theatre. Trederuk WardeatCarJIual Wolity rtallxeil all that was expected of him. Indeiviideut of lilt i0pular Ily with Halt Lake lover of the legtllmsle drama hi acting wai gooil, Hlsevinceptlou of theumbltlous Cardi nal show en! careful study, but It w at In lilt rendering of Ihu sudden fill from kingly fivor that he aroused the great est 1 nthuslasui in hisaudlcuce, Mr, lloiitrs, nt Kalhrrlnc, waa well received. Her vocal jiower 1 attnulslilngsand her delivery ifift. In the court acene her artistic ability w a fully demonstrated. Turner, as Henry VII I ..while ph) si cally a iwrfect reproduction of the cholerlo monarch, did not give the fullest a illsfacllon In hi irlra)nl. Catherine Cogswell at Anue Ikileyn. and Harry liclghtou as Cromwell, did very will, 'Hie remainder of Ihe character weru all uplo,lfuot beyond, theaverage.. Tonight Mr. Warde will appear a Bhyloc klu the "Mrriliantcf Venice," and a Tetmchlo In "Kntherlne ami Tetruchlo," Matinee tomorroa, "Vlr glnus," and Hiturday night "Jlac. belli." At the Twenty-first Ward Assembly Hull last night, the Tuur-Comeily Club gate au 1 ntertalmnenl. The lin.grnmme tonslsted of tho farce 'Slasher and Crasher," and Ihu com edy "All Mixed." flolh were Well reudeied. The jierfonners wen John llrougli, 11. U, Dunlur, lluit Keiiyou, Cha. r'vi rj ear. Clara ltuUiu, Taullne Held and John Held. The cornit solo, "You'll Itoiuemler Me," l.y Held, was encond, and sn waa"rtllikut Wood," admit by Dun bar and Held. Theenterlalnmeut was well euirrled out aud gave full satlsDio-lluii. xsau.s-trixM. IlllCtl.-11 lloroul, Coustr, of,ol,l st. rslbsr Joballsller. lis wss WrB April ''t. lu7.stabcc.iliss.Hlrsilenliire I urlsnd) Ijlncilllischuttlila the rear llll, ciiilstsled Bnleruiiwd th plain la the bsrol rsttttuii. psnj lu IsW, resetted Mil ball Oily Nov 3OII1 lnthessni)esr rsms 10 .Vephl Ihstwuiltr, sad la Ihs year lumj tiiored to llorofii. II lusiei a wire. Ilirea ehlhlrsa an'l Iwesly eUt.l nrsml ehllJtsn sad On I In lull !sllowibli and muehrsiperled J ImsisI Atur, t'lesie roi jr. lluy jour drugs of "the boya." Joliiiieu, Trait & Co , U Ml'al at laBsasasasasasasasasasasi'fcasaslij ' " "" tat' SHOitTHAND COLUCCE." Itrmm for A few more stu leuts at th evening session Mondays, WedrVZ days and Vrldavi. ' ' NM !'. K. Motll'llKIN, Trogress IliillJlni-. lit toeellen tlrkan la Ihe most womlirfnl minimi Inven. Hon or ttits age. II has the full ., and awe elnet of tone of n tit (iresn iwliells sit.,. nml ,W, Tl!.'meml"rt of HieTwelilltlli Wnnl have rrceiitle iiurrliiseiliirino Vncallon Organ (am Tm-girt Chamberlain, Hie u. known Tlano an I Organ dealera tt 11,1. ell). Itlslube beitsl IIiattl.mt5 our Ward iliurclu will s.ii,mul,bi ami follow Ihu txauile nf the fttei,. tilth Wnnl. u llnice,l I nenlluee Sol. 1'. W. Mndien has completed (ha M-Aralluli and nssultuietitur thestttk 1 of ruridlurn daiuagiit by the Itu nt 1 In Ihe Hooper A Llaacdgc flock Tit 1 stoek was In thocellireif lb Wisttti" I Blioe and Dry (lends, ami her... t, I only damaged bywnler. On M.iKtitr Kt IlKttAlll I). Ill IhiilaHniei.t of tb 1 atom Mr, Madsen will e-imilnenee lb site nfoll Hi's It oil, whl, hioiutti( ; it grteramssortmetit of baby .artliurrt lil room set chairs and ttl lea! , l",vi rithlng mustgn, nn.I plon 11,, lisibuiit for imrgalns lu furu'luri. shwiH I lit nn hiu't.iromp' ami larl) M(,iu,y ; iiiornlu.i at the well known furnluis 1 hen'queilers. The -at will tiiritltiu , through il llieunk, and everylblnr Is marked down to sell. sj,( An Immonso Lino of WaII Papor nt tho H, Olnwoodoy I Furn. Co, (.let n wliu dorr Mai at Z (M I, I DINWOODEY Is now prop.irud to wnlt upon customoru In hln Hqw Store; i ho has a mngnlflcont lino of Turnlturo, Carpotn and Wall Papor. Call antl too him. All isirlh Indebted lu us wlllplrii hole mat we nre li-mjsitarlly Immled Willi Hooniir A In,, Itnod way, I'ioni,tselll, ni.'i.ttnri Miutst td. Cin ruiiMiriii. Co. IliieliUir Arnlen fsslte, riieiutriilielnthe wurlJftrL'uU, llrulses, Holes, Ulcer, Halt lllieura, heitr, Horw, Teller, lltnjs. Chilblains, (inrus, au I all Hklu I.rup lions, and s,ltliely curew Tiles, or nt pay required. II I gu irantced to lies lrfect llsfaclloii.i.r money refunileil, Trice Vi is nts iwr Isjx. For talo by A. C.hmUhA Co. hoinlilna 'lie alKiiil.l tprrrrlsl. The Colorado Ml litis I Iralu, letvlog Hall Lake from (lo (Iraiide Western Hcj nt 10.1s, i. 111, for lieuverandall lUsleru silul, lias a liilhnau sleeper which stirls in in halt l.sku ruoDlor through to Denier. Taste ngert gclog aver Colorado Midland can flutr this slee.roille llio (Iraiide 1I1 isitafier Srtoeaili evening. Ileturnlng, this tills e.ltt-1 1 r h me Denve r at 8.1 J ism, arrive Hill l.iku HU a. m. second mi rnlng. Hleevr I set off at Salt ' Lake and as,.igera allow el lo ri nula In car mull 7:10 a. tu., thereby, tits. stngersiati gel u full night' rest, bur lieopl should appreciate Hilt thnuiliti Uinta for Halt Like and return lb compliment by giving Ihla lino llitlr patronage. Tho rinost Lino of Carpoti west or CIiIc.iro arriving dally nnd now roady to bo shown al tho H. Dlnwoocloy Furn. Co. Ilireuah Meeper lu at. latuls. Coiumtuclng Holiday, Tebruary 1st, 1V), a through Pullman I 'alt. Heer wlllls, run fruni Halt Idkel'lt; and (Igdeu to HI. I lull via Dcuvrrainl Kansas City oirr the Union TacMt and Missouri I'aclllo llallBs. d.t Chlldron's Slods, In va rloly, at tho H. Dlnwoodoy Turn. Co. All cash suUcrliillous for Hie MU't nto.Wir rhould be forwarded lo Javci Jaiic at the President's Oilier, Hilt 1 jiku Cllj . d4t k Goto JOHN C. CUTLER & BRC No. 30 Main St. for Dlankots, Yarns, Shawls, 8-4 Shootings, Wool Hoslory. ALL HOME-MADE. JOHN C. CUTLER & BRO Oo to Kl'KNCMI, IIVWATIR t1" 17 and 19 West Houlli Temple Hirret, for Tin 1 tooling (lutlirlng, Hpoutln Htove and Tinware, elc. tvroi.KN, IIIOM TIIK 111 Mil, Blllltie, WtT riM 1 in, sn Itun Wlaallisffow A lulu1;) tswstd will ns il I lio us reeoti rr. ' NOTICE TfJCJUDITOrtS. Ktlsls of John Nsih, Deceased. vroTitiK 11 nriiKiir ntiKX nl1' XN unerslitne'l A Imlnliltstor iw 's will snseisl el Ihs tiul f Johs, .teoes.e.1, to ihs crsailets nf SB n letians lis, lot elaims sssmil Ihs ss" deessed, lo Ihstn with Ih'.s;". sstr vuucl.cti, within ten monliis sritr l" s i.iil,llalionn(lhls nolle, 10 Ih asnl ssansv' Itstor, st .to. Si W in I itil Vouth ninsl. ss' I sV lie, in II. Ilimnle i.l Hall bits i....i.eiti..truih,s.ii (l olllu0. Llinlnlitrslot Willi lhtniUsniisienl-" ash,ilrusir.l. .111". WANIMIi .,. I CIKNTS WASTKI1T mCT fill ". Atlnn llullj.n Ih In lUnll at, b IM '".V ir lohniloifi. Haul, slunlos l;l''"'',i A tlirlillnar. csrilin au 1 nnli a itlllni 1' torliin.-, adlrs.s or nail BJ eauea J , I.AIlllN,. Weill, HU s. sslii Tsrtjls sltljs 7? T? ' """ m