Newspaper Page Text
Frl UlTilSFRFT FWM1NC TWWQ IFstsi - . -.. . ,TKUTIIANiUinHKTY. "" "" '" " ' .-p---. Jjj ilfy OEN. SHERMAN f.r l-ml'hnt, i-dcn Tears Ago. ,. ItTttn TO HON. JAMCB C n,uiti:""i''!'ul"""1""l"t'' ( hi. 1'amllj. ,rnrinu ,mtnitroM.r.Ni:. i..hiuinl Naini Yrnr Ago w;:;.".v."n!.n...i... inina ty .writ, Hhermnn for the ilii: In the year of our Lord, 16S1, there !,tolJhMproDUrt for tli. SI ib ('Mew r;V, ,r r . Host, of the ripubllcni ' ? h7l"Siln"tl'J". and evcryldy Mtotnv .tl,tllfyto..'Oo.u,;l.h ,,mutt!nied at. Hull. abiieir-lli.g ,aidf. he wrote to uio from Waili Iniuiutlili letter! O, .''"'. rlrltmt alaolnfc'yso. WA""5"T&'S IMI. Mr heir nr-nerali -TliN letter rwuilrM M,;." Afttrilinll illoll y lSnrniotc.Tct drawer or give It to "AMlT'iii.rwiAIni conent'oii ," rikMi ll I la-ir than "IW ' " IreJ Improbable, llial you may ll , n.lal for ll. l'rc.ld.-..ry. If ".. you km jimr hsnd, mw'I J 10 repoii. abusr. en-l Mon lli 'lull" f ' pVrtowblrlOOllwlllaiirely bo chu.011 ll nrsnJIJaic. . ... , Yon mint not look upon ll ea tho itmk if lMN.IUilaa. If It ninra in you It ill enuifMlh ground nasll of populnr dmin.1, awl ,v"i i , " ,'""'0, "'"'' una ii could Ituvo refilled l olioy an .rlv-rtiy.iuwcr a lieutenant In Hia iirnr. If It onniea lo )M it all It will ran u a nil or pnlrlnll.m. II w "il! I" wain e.enl InJuruvnur ureal famon narH W ib-eill.o H a ll would for you to ik It. uur liUiort'i, full aid Ki.mM lMirrnilrtKtlllm..roirlurioua IrioohamuliiilnWNMiii na ou 111.11M UaUrtof" iti louniry lMnotikiy a rrJlna(liaiWf.i'f lltofonvaiillon. no fijauarubolua. aik a.iu. Yon nr wltli )nar IrlfluU who mil Jeulouvly jruaril TMr konor ami rrnown. Voorft.,11.1, Jvji.sU. 1U..USI. To "Lie d I ici'llc J: Ml uiu Avr... Mr, 1 IT1, it.... May CvJI. Kon. JaniM ll Ultlnf, Wntilnslori, c-UyCNrmanil' I hato imiivkI uurl.itru( Iho SMIi: liallijtilrna iinBIIMlal,o(Ifiiliuallnr tt$ many imtnlwr of MyTiUiiIly tliM 1 bill beini rrom yoni aiH,' tlionxfi -un taif auttiiw. an aiiiniT, I Iiojm you ii.i iy.iTMinrii(.oiiaR iinifarraiiil. I lart a i rral tiuny tttlnra from all nli cil ih'r.mii.nomlmllnrwro l. m ' tao ' wlik-li I liavo am nnl uilih but il, gr,nt una aro iliitita- .1 Crr1 14 11 aiilmilt mywlf ll till) cUp rUktilaof tlnoiiitlnii ulmt ).nt im1.mi , i ou.y lair M lliv rwuy "iMn i alio rlxlilAllly o.l.lro I, l'i.lililn.,,1, roflKliii:IViMl.U.nt il iho l -.1 iu, lo d i tliiin Uii.,w i,jt j nrn ai.ntuiiteinotlMi.-oiiHtnioI amrUal. I'.n oun'allfaoisuraiiiiriwli lnn a. nw.nn.Ki.,. bia own mnvr.aml win n I- .. imIIIu , oft llm i,-.i..iiIUllly """,'h.""" 0-urr.Hlln l.iul.lini. !, In IFU, aloni' in Ilia llil'l.l nl u iki.i l IiIim, , ,y ii,.,Hl ronm, I ro J , . !'!"V."a '" ln" '"""" " Ion mn "'ifli-ur.irlniiwlik.ita.lliu, r.'j. li.iimr.iijliavci0i, in,,.! ,Wir ) il lil.ii.l. uium nk. Wo orn tninaiuoiliion r our nivn ilio'ci., K,i MVT"'.I, i'!"'i,"' 'or on (; K..".11 ''r l""' ""' ""'"llrlni ,'. i r""n'"l' wliora ttulinllo? loan b4l In mm mil vi'n.ratl.m Sir a.'ii nf,' l nulurnlly !KL ',""" 't"1' "" l'ltrl.iii, Zj:.'?'r;rl,..l'voki.,.w.i,i.M I..J aTr. ." wiwiiuii mini (hl . -SK' "" knmi11 "Hi oiliarnn.1 Wlln m.mlra or my family, nti.l ni.t SrSffiV?,h,w,r' "a .,!l,?f",v"'1 "'rllnor ac Kittnl s .... '"I" anil auct'ina vuntrr ,, Tl ! i'f'r "m.'v "" Hw !pi"ltlc" ", ", M" lniliof till, my ,utirl:i'-''-i''u',',','n"' " I cm!. Ea.. m'. I ou no '" "nl.JVf, ','IH'n.l!. Iiablta, 1 Wait,n. , . . ?lior nnw. no rUKJ"MIUlltli.'.n." '. lo mU.Kr" '"'' w.Iiiiii. ro.T lliat ,,,.H "JJrarofK """"l tmnlti"y, '.'"'O'uo at any ;ftl'uoMKte' P i"Uy. 'Y ""8ll Oil. ol '. ,". "v,."'.'"'""''-l :'nUa,u,, J ' ," I'Whlrhl thouin, '1'l.flLaUnlLl,i5ll'!10,,r, " ' 'dT "" ' Mp.rlc.ic of '"""'"il'murt",' I1" aJnlto, Hull 7S! 'TlS' J'"1','!'1- '!" " ' " 1to ,,?" J "olillcra lo c,n. air wfcy5J..,jai, (Taaaaaaaaaaa a- .i"1.1!!? W!"" I,r" ."' Mr. Minim, iliounl, iiiallilr.l, watthl t,. ino Knajnallv nomination oliloh tl worl.latlll lllrni lm then liliuitr, "IVirmplMof tlic.o lallara 1 uollolii I JiarnlMulniiKirtuiioU llu.ii.nml llmM, lint a. a anlukr I claim Iho hrlvllnp of imiiunkliiii my uiiaili.. i,.n plMW. In Rlvlni; to tin. AVI A,.t,.H tin rrirnt llil. ,t,y hi..o imi.i.. whlrli I Int. far ham Irliinlncl M.l.lcn In n,v nrltal. Din, I lyiiiimit I... bii.i, h ,,(o.i. liilnirrt ami to pr.l nl rnt Inallpn.f toil Maui In.julry iifcrml In In inr latter of '?. "' ' ,"" " "I Hut inv lm. innllat. fimlly aro alronily (.V Imll. I am not anil jinn..t I. Thai I. nil llin filMio liaa knowi iiiiiomninil tu iloiMiiinit rrom nro anno m.ilo rorty vjp, nt nctar tn f m lrk In nililte. Ylio lirllitmt nnl lal youlliofnnr lah.l liita brru ilnmnlntn iliatmiclitioiu, ninl thir nrnknl for lillin alr.w tbo lli olllio oonin of limn, Jly intmirr, imi In It. almrt lime, lirllicallp Ihnnanicai.f lotlul by llio lnuiJnl, If not llioiiuu.l.. W. T.hitrnMAJr,H Xa.lilnalou .Volaa, Wa.iiikutiw, IVb. St. TlmHIIvir Pool C.'oniniHtio riniiiii'l n..jn to. uy. Kciinlnr Jomaof Ninrailmalillni wa not ta.raonnlly Inlrnatnl In allvrr aulalfoii iluth; Iho prwent Con. urra, ami know notlilni ulialcvrr of uy allrtr mol ron.blnalloii or orumil Mdorr. II. waa ijullo a.iru II tluro liail lm n nny tool ho wouM know of It. A o.uir.i: mixiaiii: from Minlatrr Kcnn ntHniillai!0,Clilll, aayatliat tin. UnlUtJ rttalea n.amir at TolouliaiillioSltli, ninl Admiral MrCium ri'iairla llulitlm; at l.uliii. Tim rwt of lliv miliary li Inmiuli. II la reinrlwl tint Hit. orufr Ami rrMCfKuIII.norJt'tMl In join llio y'ciuooi uJ llaWmira In Cull Ian tt alert. I'nouoTlo.Na. Mculemiil.Colotiel A. It. Atnoll, In lai Colonel of ravtlrjr; Clioro Sliinc man, l.trutrnnut Coloml (rttlmli, to la. colonel of Infantry; i;jiii'iml Wnlla, nnoclit" Jintlco of tlioauprim.i'oiirt cf Arizona. A llrall" II... , New Vomr. IVlu :i I.lrulonint. Colonel Itlrlnnl I'. O'lllorm., of tbo Twunty.llr.t Infantry, U.H.A., laloly In nininiainl at Karl Hln-rlilati, Ulnl llila nioruli.. 1I naa 1-U.t on n Imvo of llmvnit", IlAMiJioiin. 1-Vli.iM CapltliiClma. Tlinnma, U, s. s., retinal, UleU to nlnlil. l'iTriiBitu,IKijl..5l.-ciili'fi:ii;liiM.r 11, (J. Wlilta, lJ.d..S, 11 Um I. 1 h rerU r "Dlaabtlh." Bam t'luxuisro, fVl.. 4 Wp to llila iiinrnl.iK only ttvu Imllia w,ro nj. from tun ililji7:.feo(tfi. Our of llii'ol.aC'tiluoivi3liunUli,aolliir llliillovoiltolHirltliir Hint of nnr cf of Captain lleury of the MftftiavlntrHcrvlrr. .Major llla.n..y1ailrlct irlntn.. rnt of Iho I.lfo HavlHifHsrvIr, will Inbl ftnliivctllCTilon aliortly lnt-tlie rlreujiutancca nUcuJlni tbo rnik and. Umirior Capttlir Hrnryr".' .. Thr Xnlloual roujru. r Amirlrnn I nturr. Ciiicaiki. Kli. 21. Tlio national o-mjrrrt of rrprvufiitallvti of Anirrl run labor ani-lolloa lan lure today, u Itli Miout d) mcmlari prcaont. Tim a.i'y lniilueeof llil. nu.rnlni; wua tlio niinliilnii'iit of n rorunilttni to draw up i. pln.i for cnnt'rrliKl imtltlcal nctluu. It la il.'iilril that tlio coneroai imitini. I'lalM tlio foruialltit uf it natloiml jullllcal patly. Monlxauirri XihiiIiiiIihI Mr llir Nil prrmr llcntli, Jakin. Midi., I'Vl.. it. Tin. r.. iiiiblU-an ritnlo pouvintloii iiurulnntil JiiJko II. M. MoulKouitry uf lira ml Itapldaforllio hiimiih.4IviicIi. I Mir N.CojkiiKVminiitnii.l llrnry Haw. nrdof Tort Huron i'rr for rreontaoftliD'Htatu Unlvcr.lty. Tim platform favoran frvo lull it, t'li'lnran tliorlixtliiiM bill mid lliu .McK'Inl.y net, firora tin. pjri'h'i.o by tlio trovvrn. inrul of llm rntlri. allvrr product of lhi UiillnlHuilcaund Iho win. ol allvrr coin or allvrr retlllliatoa of full liual IcinlM llicrrfor. BaverolyranniitoClmnibi.rlaliiA.Co., ol lira Miilni, Iowa, itiniiuriicrd Iho luanufailutoof a idurIi ayruii, Ulltv. liiKlt lo lw llio moat prompt and rrlln. bin iiroj nratloii y. I produ cwl for couirlia, colda and crnuj i that Uio labile npprr. rUs tru. turrit, ami In tlnio It it lerlaln lo lnwinr, )a ular. Their moit MiiL-uluo ho..a have Ui.ii mora tlmii ti'illnj. Over thr liuudri-U thou. ud tajttlca of ClianiU.rliln'a Couali Ilrmody uro now anld racli yiar, and It la recugnlxed ai "Iho brat nuvl..." orr kinmii. It will rare a aovtro cold in lean tlnio than nny other tnalnient. For aal. by X. C. Jl, I. Drug Ilppt, jAl Their, la noitiiiKer of n fold ri'.ulu log In pnouinoiila when CliunitrrUln'a Couijli llemnly la mad aa dlreilrd "for n aaviro cold." It efrrttually counUractanud urrnla any liiidrnvy of a cold tu r.ault In puiaiuionlu. Tbli fact waa fully provan In of Intra ilurlns Iho vpldemloff Inllurnta Inat wlntrr. Fur atlubr Z, C. iM, 1, irun Dipt. iSi.i Ullllama' Amlrallau HrrU rill.. IfJni aro Vtllow, llllloua, roiiill. ltrd Willi Jloadnchr, Ud brratli, drowiy, no pa-tltr, (oo, cu( jour I.lvur li out of order, On.i lux of thrto 1'llla will ifrfic. nil llm truublo awny and mako a new Ulntr of you. Trier ii conn. Zlon Co-op Her. I u.l. Drue Drjit., Agent. dii 1'liynlcliins CniiNunr. Mr. Kmm.lla.u. Il.npa, ntl.iloB.rr for lit B.pli.lcnareU.Tror. N ....r. "l an. Ino ilaa to a.14 wy llliuony lo lb. treat v.lua "r J'r- la' a l..anei' r.iorlla Uaumilr, cuiejii V "' '"' l'"B"a"lr KlilnryTroiiblri, r.t.rrtinr lha Hl.dJer. al.a ef ronktlpttlna I wnuM al.tfl IA.1 1 u.e4 tlr. KrnncnV. K.ror. it itemtar wun it. lull ton.cBiel mj ubr tlr. iuiM Kranrilr'a r.Tnrita H.m.Jr I. a .nr.retKa romtar Ittr erro.e.., lllieitin.. mm, hu.r.n. l.horCuinpl.ioi, nj all ma III. oe.'a .r kinm. ll drl,r, iho ml.n rront it,. 110.1 .nit re.ur.i lb la lb blooui e( b.allli, Dr.Kcnnedy'sFaYorMenedy, u.4..iiii.!unirr ,s. r. In (orj, y hi. br Z. u u. I. htei Uit.riBtat, j OSMAiVDHJNA'SnKPKAT Tin- rj'.lloiiTr..iiii Ilrhr Torwa Oin Ilia llcrtl.lira Scallfir.l In all lUrrillnni, ouoorn dcatii or scnator wil SON or MAnUAND. 'Ilia Mnniienimt of llio Haam ('l.nrtjo Henry CranfurJ Tilth llailni llrourtlit about llir-1 rouble, Uf Ttlrir..llalbi.'LW..I Tin; mrri.i: ur loiiiv. Vurllirr farllriilar. Ahoni r... naaeirteni, rlL'AKtu, IVI..2l.-Kiitlher tnitlcu. lira or the luttlrnt Tokay r Jint rr nlvwl. Whentlio fom nppMlolied imcIi other alrouuiiiii illjrta weiu inmla by lulli oirtlra to MiAirn the .heller i.faomo hoUMaJu.t N'mi. lb linn for protKlluu. Aeorumuyof lyptlaiir, aflrrnrain wltlinlarti l.aly of Dor vl.hee, at'lieilaonio ruin, mid ultrd llru mi the rmuiy, kllllni; over lull there. Tlinrnriiiy tlioiirxtrmUilthtlr liner, onlllitiVi.l ilia r.ttyptlaiu., mid a flirty of liorM'tnen, K-il by Oainan DlKii.i, thnalom.lthurrar whim tli trnniita uero iImihJ. Tlio Kitypt lam iua.1'1 a lrnv aland, hoivevrr, mid though thoiltuatlon ni tl'.liiil for a time, aurnoled lureiallliixtlioeiieiiiy ullh A.vern loaa. AllllheUhti,fthllht til trail, lull cniiivla and nuilm at.mti-.Iri), mid tbo drrvl.hra tnl niiiuni; llieni. The i:ptlnu cavalry inaJnit lleitveh utt mid In ilrlvnn; hack Uie eliumy. Tliry fnlkmul tti ,, hut Iho latter lied prirlpllnlely. tin renidiluiOimiti Utttna'a Berond I-i.lllon, Ihu l.jjplUni fi.iind In th valley nu Arab village, thulnhabltaiita of lahlili ajurnl out and lr lull. A nitrntJ'r of lodl.a or ahrlka Hrrrfoinil, U.nuii HIbih having c edited theiu for au'inicted trevdtrry. nu: miimik nt'ir. f.iatli.nnl t'atlt.trr.enrxr liy llir CiltOAiiu, Krl. SI. Judr.0 Colllna tialaya'ajnl further lirMlrcia'liiiolhi. Matter In Chaureryof llio hill ) for the apinliitnuiit of n leiTlver fur tin. Mini, on, nia I by William Allay, mull llir iinerhy Iho laiuhvllliNw AlUny A Chlcaiiii road la and ditto nmilo. Tlieanaaerof ll.e Motion will La. lllnd ihl.arternooii, whrnu i(riier,il denul of all llm nvennenui In tlio bill will U ninl.-. Tno ttn.wirof Ihn Mcmni nian-Jf;i talent wai Hint thli nfiernoou. It niaki. eeuiJitlotial iMunter.chiiri;e. Ilaiiry Crnnford, former Kenoral t-outi rel Of tll .Mnnuu, I of ladln llm reil auilbm, and that Alley li mil n ativkhol Ur at nil, but limply Cnwfonl'a tool. Crawford, ll la cha'pvd, JtJqaidrril hy iiiillmj Ip.wreck thrrtm-lTiiiil Wit-BarMrAlranina" perunlary re vrngu lircau tlio pre. out ruiuaem'ut would not lurdrni tlio Monuii with hla (Crairford'a) ludlaim Mlithuil rind. Iii.taticca nruotiiinier ntMnf Id havluit citiiej in IkjiiI.. Il.hcd fal.n rvutta loiicernlnit I hi. road, etc. Itli npnanly Um: the i'dinmiy 1'lm.olvenl, or likely tu brcomuko, iiinlthuiioorliuf the com. ony and of the .Jlrectora inreiloa nm rxpoHil, The ta-raorail charge of frtud agaluit rnililrut ilreyfijjlo aro iltn land fata... imirii rn..Aiuu Mii.mi.v. II. H1 ll.rn In.ll..rl lar Sr.rral lll. Vaiiiniti), I'.Ii, SI. Senator Wlhuii nf MaryUud, win. liaa Uen lud.ijMilforerra!ihiy.,dledtiidilru. ly thlainellllil!. Ilowaaleiru at Hnow Hill, Mil., mi UniUir , la.'l. Itiuai,Tiiduat' nl Kl Ji fivrauii U'olliata III Auil.t, Ibll. Ketutiilni: toHnow ll III hoitudleillaw nnd waiHlmlllnl tu the Kir. Durliti; the twenty yearn hetwcrii 18H ami lW be built up a lari: prarllreaiid nehlov., Ilia piillii' In Iho year IA 17, Mlirll lio wa .In lit! lo tlio J,i -i. lituii'of Marylind, Ilile'i ho Ma. n I'lf.hlei.tlnl r.l.rluron thul'lercu i.iul Kliitt ticket. lluuaaelivlidnuiemlKT nf the Homo uf ltrpnarnlatlvra at W.x.hlnuton In the year 16Ti. and erv. rd n inch In m Decembir 1, 18T.1, lo .Match X. 1S7... At the llllle of hla i I.Ttl'iii tu tlio ITiiltinl Mint, a Uenate, I n Iks.",, ho waiaervlniiat Circuit Judge, A Nrnalluiit Nrena Alilona' Law liialtira. Coxi'inii. N. II., 1'ob. 21. There wan a aeit.atlonal arvno In thu hotiau litis alteruoou, when United Utah a HenatoMOrit llalllin;eruud licpreaen. tiillvu (irevn, H.iklnK to n .juration of ieronitl prlvllrKi., iiuphatlcilly do nleil tbonlleKalloiiaof Unltnl Hbitra Hennlor Chandler In Iho editorial col. lllillia of Ida laiier thnt tlnio Keutlemell and other rriiulillciur had r.itrru 1 Into aarrlnof lri:aluwlth irrtnfMlnilu. entlal democrnU Inlnllcal to tnvlnler. ota of thu rrailll.:aua. The democrat mentioned nlao rrpllnl. Mr, Green applied tin. itUliila "cur," "coward," rtr.. tu Chandler. I'lllibury (rep,) offered a revolution unlllniC on Chandler for an Biwlogy and retrni tloti, Aiuel (rrp.)nld lieforo thu rcaolu tlou uaaauemlttini lit) ihould llko to know whether Chandler waa kick. In aauo or i!! After aomu debate tho reeolutloll W.a tabled. linn rial lllllirulllra. CfililTa Cimri, Tcx Fob. 21. P. DodrldKO -V Co., banker, liavo n. tinned. Thu amount of luivta ami llntillltlea la nut known, but It la thought tho former exceeui tin, latter. Tin. nailgnev, aaya tho Uriioaltora will bo paid In lull. ClilOAdo, IVh. SI. A rrcclver li atkid for thu I one Star Cotton I'lck liiKMachlnoConiiany by ono of tho atockholdera. Tho company wo or Knuluil In till city In 1839, with a capital atoclt of .Vmiu.OOO. The llock huhler nlli'i(e, aathorrault of a con. piracy, hi ttockwaa told at a Judg. uient ralu to freezo him nut. The court luurd an Injunction retraining any INbw Vomr, Feb. SI. Tho North Itivor Lumber Company aulguin! to. any, without urofcriiutci. W'lMHSnit, VI., Feb. SI -It iaitnlvl that the Wind r National limit, rap. Ill 5),000, ha Ki.ur lulu llilbUtloll. It I alaUnl thu draHnra will lo tnld 111 full. Tho lank had a Wealern agent named J, H, Warden, who undo advent larultirmtuieiit iuuiorli'nitna I uhlclitlin binli aull'm.l hravily. Warden w oa In imtrrnl IC1..1 " l.inkn raeeiilly wrrikinl and In which ho eiccc4ite, In luviatlng annie JliM.UDU for tho Wludaor iuplc. llDnniN. Feb. SI. ActlililuaMriini III Iho afTalla of the Commoilvrmlth lAati and Trmt Con)Miiy. Chrck prcteutud loilay wrrn not ranlied, and Vlcol'rcaldrnl Maon riya IIivcmiii. pnny ha. vole.1 to liquidate. A I t.leaaia Ciiioaiiu, Fell. St. Thla evenliiir Jorrth I lamer, u woiklinrnian, fatally (hot lil. wlfuatul daitgrrouily wound ml Ida A la.ll.tmau, nttrai'ti-d by Iho allot, rtiihr.1 Into thr he. ii and narrowly mipml dratli lilimelf, wretichlnx the wraon from Hauler nrier n .i.Teti) ttiut;!.. Ham r wife had lift hint Iiocbum of cruel tiratraint. ' l:inlerar nilllim'a o.ili.l.i. er Ihr I I rrurtl Army I I', Frb, SI. Thn Frcnili lac j llrlan, U-neial, liaa rn I rvlvc.1 n long nutrgMfili Mlrr from llu j Ucrinan Kiuinrror, ruiittinlng ctlll llama and plan or llngnlhira Laillc I at thn lanttlt-a. of f !anuai and '. inin, lu I fiiifllliii-iit uf the writer' protnlK, Klvrn after n ill.cuulan uf the lu.rlti .f .N'n"!.onnud Hannlbil during th f ltii.lnii uinueiivern. fieiirral llola ! illirrtu then.lind nn Interview with I j;nlTor William who, he itatr. lm. f'rrvi..t Idmii .mialng hbrli mllltnry alent, nu I a not In lug with autagoiil'm tu tin. French, for ho rx-iirt-ayanl the upliilitu that thu French had the flnoat army In hurupu, krnlrnrr.1 In l.iiil.untn.,il lur Life. Nrav Yoni;, FrkSI. June. 1) jugli erty, tholuaanulovrr of Mary Auder boh. Dr. I.loyd rf Flatbtlill lnaati Aavlum, wa en. teiiml tj llm Mini; bliizMaUiprl.ou for life. ma.nao r..r lli.uii I lahl. Ht. i, Frli. 2l.--Tlnfaii linn. . ocnif till iiiornlnt; prluted a cimiuiuiil- I railcu, ilgnid by llllllo Klmni and Hani llrrtlmrof flan Auinulu, Texa, ofTerliigiipurwitf JlS.unil fur n light with t,klii.tlght or twu-oiinci irlovua, Ivlwci-n lloli Fllttlmtuoiiaaiid Jim 1111 of Auitralla, iho llflit In comoiitr diirlin-tlii-Hin Aiitonla Fair In llir laat wi-ak of Octot-rir ll.e Ilr.t nf Novniiber, Mar.pnaof (lu.-ru.bury rulmtij Kovirn. A on i vldruc of faith they will .Ill tsuon with I Horh of HI. iiiil. ur l,!ikn Khortof I'.irt Worth, Trxan, ai fln as thu match 1 mad.-. 'Ilia 11 or I r. rale. ClIll'Aiw, Fall. SI, Th World'a Fair urrhltectatoilny ubriltlo.l to Iho crumda and bull-JInn vijmmUUi. nf tl.o local directory plant ror thn UMI I Tnm)fi";lirmiVikr Ananrtiirrful-i-xainluetlcn th plana were approved, euhjocl t),RiodlflCAtlja, which may lu m.vln lalrr. They now go thn Nation nl Hoard of Control. ' Trlesraiimr NmMltir frfln. Ilrlorln. rli-ui.MI llll.L, N. r!., Fob. SI. Hov. rral tuor. Urllea wero recuverrd toitny. Contrltailloiia fur relief are coming iii faitnudatelrgram of aympathy wan lecelvtil from tho IJ-ieeti today,- Am i:.J.i.i.rri;r..e..; Ikici;, Ark., Frh, sl.-Au itnilii of Neitrot- to Oklahoma, front thlaHUttilaluprtigrea. I.ait nlslita hundred left I'ulaakl County nu.1 hy i.exlHrdurday llvuliuudn-d uloro will have k-rt. Itl.llnr,.. IiNliu.v, F.b.SI Aill.inkli frnm .MuuiiHiih ri)a thu bnuy of Iiallau under Captain I'liitlll, In revenge for a raid on tho Italian fruiitirr, aurptlse 1 uiid Allaiktil wnl rt judaucnu near Jlur land and routed them iulvio battlra, killing Sill, Int-iudliig Iho leading chief.. The 1'unl'liiiitliali.riil, BVIUl'l r, N. V., Feb. SI. Ill lliu ool ttiutuamuiittcday tho ncoie wiil-i Hliermiti, 151; I.udliictoii, ill; Kvoiih, ISii; m; Iktoro, 1-VI; Ktruae, 117. 1'uweta, lOOjH.turdo, Hi. llnllaril' IluretintiMil Nirup rur llliuapluir I'ooati. Thel la nu remedy In the world which will give audi prompt teller In Whipping t.'ough a Il'iUnnVt Hun. hwml!iitv)t. It wlllxjufhc) cure It, If you will try It your children will not keen ynu awako all night cough lug. llillard'a Huruhouud Hyrupl thunio.tuoollug and aootlilug remedy forConutiiptl,ni, Cnigbn, Cold, llron chill and Ailhpn, In the world. It la freo front opliiin. It build up new llaiue, ntrengtheiia tho Lung., nu I It an luompaiahlr remedy, made of lh but and putrit miterliili. If your Lung are weak and you h.ivo a lick. Hug In your throat, you need It. '., (J, M. 1. A tenia. S XeiirnlaU rau.aiuiirli lu.nally, uiedlc-il aulhorltlea of Lurop and A met k a have recently deilJii that a large poneuhn of raar oflnaunlly lrauaRlby thu rxcmcla. ling 1-nln of Nimralgla of Ihehea land facet If nny memtrof your'fumlly millera thla tormentor, Inuticu them tu try llalllrd'a Hnow Idnlmeut. Uuo application will afford Immullat ra'dif and you will noon be rid of a danger, ouinnd loriueDtlng dl-i-nao. llillard'a Know lltiluiiutlalhemoatu.lralliig I.lulnient known. It poiltlvely cure. Itheumatlam, Lame Hack, Contracted Muactr, Uld Hone, Corn, lluiiloiia, etc. Itpenatratea aud opam up tli pore, drawing all 'tolajiioun matter lu thiiaurface, reatorlngaud proinntluga natural circulation of the blood through thu dlaouaed larLe. sa ir vur Ilau. l on llr. You put wat.r oatiie burnlug tlmleri, not oil tho itiiok.. Aud If you have catarrh you ihould iltark the dlaeaae lu the blood, not lu your noao, lie. movii the. Impure cauao, and thu local edict auba Idea. Tu do llil. laku 1 lood'a Hinaiiaillla, the groat blood l.urlller, which radically auJ permanenllyturea catarrh. ltalMitlHinllniu Iho n.-rvia. 11. lure to g.t only ll.oJ'iSanajiirllla. -tblS'MLJ'V'--lllri C0X(IM.Ssi0XA!i. T.i Sc Ilia 1'rliata Land Claluii In I'lili Nrn Mt", Cilbrailo aud ' Uj.iuthig. THC SALARItS or THE vyonLO'B fain orrtccno. Tl.c IMrcrl Tax mil Taken Fp ami lll.cii.'rd by Ihc Jlrinlirr uf the lloit.r. 11; TcllarlM. to 111 N , lMt.Milil:i. Tli. tarie Knlail.a ,.r llir 11 ...Id', lair linireaa, Wabiiixuvux, Frb. SI. Th Krliatn till nlteriinoli agr. uil to the iinniilltlee aiiieiidmenlatutheHundry Civil A proprlalloii bill lu regard lu the Worl 1'a Fair. t The llou.o bill lamtiUUli n Hulled HtaliB lan.l court nnd tu provide for Judkl-il luvertlgallou and lllrnietit of prlvato hud tlulm In Utah, Niw .Mexico, Colorado, Nevada ami Wyn. tiling wn limed, with nu amemtment. Arunfrrniti,waaikr.l. TlioHuudry Civil Appropriation bill wa then taken up. After n long dchtto the Henate went Inti.rxwiitlvoawaloii, When thedoora y''u,reornrilijl.igri'rinent nu the lil.trlu of Columbia bill ua reiurtcd and a new uinferencv Comldcratloiiof Ilia Sundry Civil 'III wlthr .1 thn World' I'Jirpnragrapli waiaoon reached. Me. riuiacn nferred to Tin: KAi..imui III onicrra of the cxnnMon had votrd theniaelvra, and Impilrcd whether th Comnillt.-i. on Appropriation lial taken any ;ltlon uu that aubjert. Alllun that on thuurgaiilu lion of the exo.Itlnn, $Sik),imi wan appropriated lor the u. of tin. commla. alon, nnd ItiuconimWIoiiera had gone uu lu lliui-iiH-ndlturt. of thai niorn-y for thu jimwnt llaral yiar. Thtuimi. nilttn. had leimrted an amendment for a limited appraprlatlontluriiigth next E.rnlyear. It wn liitt-ndinj that thu nnchfiirry of t ho exiaMltlim at Chicago would ipeetllly n.ljii.t lUelf to the pro ard condition. Mcl'heraou, Hill referring to tlio Iirgu Nilarlra, raid them ru f.nri-r-prinne.1 lu aomu uartera that If that thing una allowru to guou there would U very little left of llio appropriation of tl.s Id.uoil tn Id dovotcd lo any oilier purpow than tin. joymint of nfulea. Alllntl aald It wn. not Intended lo noiittnue tho pnamt plan nnd urr.tiigi). Illellt. It waa rxn-ctetl that Whatever the olllclal atalt' ur lliu ininaEeinent might be In Chicago, the great Italy i f tht lr ccniponutlou would be nildoui fortliovxpualllou l.y vcluutary cunlrlbutloua or gate re rel id a. JJatilitrulaaUihi;Uil-tliaai,ii.ud.. iuulare.orU-ii would enable. ' Tin: i.aiiy- .lANAur.iu lo hold niertliigi. Alllaon repllnl that It wa Hit. ex relation that the fund would enable Iho lady manager to hold n meeting .luring tho llical year. Finally a vutu wa. taken und thu aniendmint by thu oommltlcu ugretnl (o. Farnrll nOVie 1 nu arueudmctit tu In (lull, tho word "onlcera" lu Item one, uu payment of thu prnddenl nf thu coninilMdou, prealdeut of tholaNirdof l-tdy manager, cleik, etn., ninl tn In. creaM. lliu amount from tll.taii tuSIs,. noil. He remarke.1 that there had bean ainie friction U-tii.en thu local nun. mltteu nnd Ilia National rumnilnloii, but happily that friction had bet u done away with. Alllaou upioicil the nmeuilmeut, a Udug lu routmventluu of what Iho coinmlllee believed tu b whu.-. The amendment waa ilbigrenl to. TIIK Ali:Niiiiia In regard tu Hie World' Fair are aa follow it Urdu, lug the Item for Iho ai-loctlou, puri-haae, prruirntlun und atrniui iii.nt nf exhlblta from tSo'l,u,k) tu $TM, irai; atrlklng out the provlilou that $.Vyl of thu amount In. devoted tu thu Lntlii-Aiiu-rlcau di lorlnient, nnd Innilltiglnll u pruvl.l.ui npproprlat. lngtothoHirivn.iof that Iti m any re maining money unexa'iid.-d, under eclloll 19 ol the nit uulhorltllig the vxu.ltluii, except that JTl,il nf audi um may Ikj exiendid ror tl.o balan.e of the year for taUrlc and other. -xicnaca, Including expeuua of tin. lady nUiingirr; btllklhg out varluuedi-tilleil Item, (or aalarlra and riDii., and lu.rrtlng lu lieu of them a bulk appropriation of 1111,11011 for aalulra and other exiieuui, Including excuirauf tho board of lady mating. era, and providing that It exiwinllluru la to he approved by thu Herniary of the Treaauryieii.d that thu guv 1 rnnient la not lo In llabln for any further Ml arlef, coiiil-eiiantloii or i-xcn(; lu Belting an addltlonnl aragraph, that the nun appioprlatcd lu thu bill lor Iho World'a Columbl.inl.xij.ltlou I... din-tmd larlnf tin. 5l,.Va.,lKW limit of liability of tho l.'hllul fcjUtca 011 ac count thereof. 'llio Item appropriating SW.OXlfor recolnageof iincurreut fractional allver coin In the trcaaury (ataiut to l,mal,nixi abraded le-low tht. limit of tolerance) w aa Inert aied tu $IS",uuu oil motion of Cockrcll. l'liimh otlVred an Bmendiiientfwhlch UBagriedto)addlugto thu Item thu provlw rtUlilug the Hecretary of thu Trcaaury tu oolu Intu liver dollar tho tradu dollar now In the Trcaaury, the ex iAi.mi thereof to bo chargul lu the allvrr profltfuud. Tho par-crni'li authorlrlug tl.euio of iinexa:ndtil baljuct-a for theprtivcii tlon of epldeinlca, gavu rl.e to a long dlaciiuiou. Chandler moved lo place further at tho dl.i;nal of Iho I'rrildeut for tin. yrur, not to exceed J23l,tKK). Agreed to, after 11 long ile imle, during which OorniauaiidC'liau dler had n warm tilt. The death of the lato Itepreaelilatlvo Wataou of I'cuuiylvanla wa unnoutic til, and, arter euloglitlo addrcut-a, the Henalo iidjcurned, IN THU Mill's.:. The dlrrrt tax bill una taken 1111 and Cuaaell ( Wle.) ollrrtnl uu amendment providing that nn money lm i-ild any Hlalu or Territory unit) Hi Irrglila turu tUareof ahall have acceited, by reanliillon, the turn appropriated In full mllalartlon .if nil clalm Bgalll.t tho llnllnl rltale. on account oflhulovy nud colUn-tioi, oflhotax. Oaten (Ala.) Dir.rcl a nu amend iuMittol'i..w..' n.iirndineiit a pto. nj.illon In regard lo thecouatlttitlou nllty "ft I... coltmi lax. Then, ni a ..! Illulii for U.lh amendment. O.ilea nilrrtilniiameiidmmt reviving for tine year thu light of nrlli.n of Iho cinilt nf claim., under Ilia provlalona of"ra tuml and ahindnord proirly," etc. nihil out nf ordrr, and Oatea Bnirudinrnt wni loot. Caa. wrll 'a amend met waa adopt e.1. The prevloua qucatlou wan then nrdcml nn the bill )eaa 171, nny IM. Oat. reiviiiinlllmtnt. lV..t y.-nifil, iuyal;7. The bill wa then inaacd-yia 172, niyalnl. Ifcnitrllo preacntnl thi-ronferciicu re. rt on thu nival appropriation bill. I lerla-rt (Ala.) made an argument In Jpinillluu lu Iho prop adiluii providing fur Minuting tin, Vaclllc ocean la-twreu Callforuliiniid the Hawaiian l.lAiid for awrUlnli.g the ptacllcablllty ef laying arable. lljuielle and Morrow iupirleil Ihn Biiieiiiliiientnnilllioreiirt wa agrwnl to. Conferi el 011 the direct Ux llil were npolnt.l, and n further coiiferriirn on tin. Iil.trlct of Columbia np. pro llallon bill. Ailjouine.l. A Inn..... Mr.lrni. I. .,,.111 ltllle.1. ieriallaTllallratLli-KaanilnrUiaptcti.) Xi.w Ynnu, Feb. St. New a liaa lasni rrcelvnl lu thla city that Dermtrln Jauregul, Mexlo'a fiiinou Uunllt chief, w. killed with live of his men Frbruary lt),nt Jallacu, Mrxlixi. Tho klatoof Jallicu for lavernl year past ban Ik-i-u the aceno of hi oin-mtlona. Culoiiel Jurrra woilufonm-d that Jan. n-gul and I.I baud were marauding rear a plantation called liaCerroa. Hi at ouco marched tu till hacienda with 11 doblchlill-llt of aoldiera aud found that Jauregul nnd Ida men were In tl.o lion.... Surrounding thu build ing hocalted tho bandlU tu a.irrcndrr. They an.wered with nhoula of laughter and n volley from their rlllra. The kuldlira tepllnl and tho tiring wn kept up all thu nflrnioou. l.nrly next iiiornlng thu aoldiera fort-nl tho doera of the, huuiu nnd effected an rnlraiice, A fierce hand to haiidcunltlcteii.ued. Tho InuJIla fuiight every Inch uf gniuud nnd nuuivi gave 1111 tliu light uutll he wn lllerally rlddle.1 through and through. Jauregul, leader of thu laiudlla, locked him.. If up lu tho lop kloryoftho Iioum, barricading him lelf la-hlud lliu bail nnd barrel, and told Ida llfu dearly, llu wounded rev. rral auldlera nnd killed twn. Jauregul throueli loin of blood, lielng In half a doieu place, fell tu Hi. Moor and vt lieu one of the noldlere bent over torn. If h. waadeAil, Hie bandit iud iik-nly atralghUnad up and allot the roldu-r thruugh the heart. A volley waa at oucu loured Into him. Hu fell Uck and expired Boon after with 1. curauoii ItUllpi. Klrvoiiaolllerawen wounded and four killed, Wilde. Lieutenant Celio (lomeM. Five o Iho roLbera were killed with thel huUi.j ... ,. uwu... .... i.. Itanluefuc r..euxer Ital.a, Torin.-A, F.h. 21. The Ifouat paired the Klder bill reducing pan. euger raU tu tvronnd a half ceuli a mile. Oram.l.r.1 jharNii.laliirl. llRI.r-.VA. .Mont., F0I1. 2 1, Tho ion aiuiua.dihehou.ublll re.allng thu coiiaplrncy law agalntt organlied la- Inr. NacrllrBlou ll'ollr. ViintNA, Feb. SI. Two clergymen wlilloalelghlngnt Kmoarnr, were at. by wolvea. Thu wntchiueiiof the city woru ali taleii lut night. .Mllrtirllau.l Maria. Ionixin, Frh. SI. Mitchell nnd Klavlu int. to be unatgiicd for diaurdir ly conduct In a rlubluiuw. A Mek I'.loce. Hour.', Feb, 21. rrlncu Napolton In aerlouilylll. Ink Hill lur -I hat I'ati. li. I our lUrk. It Ihreatena your kldneya. Let It go on a little while and you will antler much more kteuly throughout thu en tiro ayttrni. Take at ultra Dr. Da vid Kriincdy'a Fuvorlto Ilemedy, of lloiiduiit.N. Y whk hi. thomoitif r.ctlvum.illclnr known for tin. treat ment of all ill.i-nie. of Iho Kidney 1 nnd Liver, nnd for Malatl.-i at well as thopuillltatlonof tho blood, dia A ni.eae.ll.m 1 .My l.llr. I toukakoierecoldaiidaufr.-rud jalu through llu. bark and kidney. 1 rout for a physician, who pronounced my caw Or.ivcl. A friend recommeudtil III, David Kenneily'a Favorite Heine, tly, of llcndoiit, .V Y., and after Ink lug two hottlta I my. .If in-rfivtlyturtil. John lUtlea, ItiM-he. ler, Nun- York. What moiu could be aiknl. d&a lite llr.l Men. rerhai yon are run down, enn't at, can't rhrp, cr.n't think, tatu't do auylhlng uiyouraatlBlacllon, and yuu wonder what alia you. Youahoiill hetnl the warning, you are Inking Iho tint atep Into Nervous Frnitratloii. You need n Nt-rvo Tunlo and In l-.lecirlo Illltera yon will find thu exact remedy for r..torlng your nervous ayktrm to Ita normal, lunlthy condition, Hurprlilng rrauli follow the uaoof thl urtnlNervn Tonlo and Aller.ilUe. Your apintlto returns, L'oud dlgtitlon i reatortii, and tho l.lver and Kldneya rcaum henlthy at Hon. Try n boll lu. 1'rlcu 4(k'. at A. ('. Hmlth .v. Cu.'a Drug Ktore. Oa - His ,1rn You have heard your nrlghliora talking ulanit II. You muy yoiinelf In. ouu of the many who know from prraonal exrlen(e Ju.t how good n thing It 1. If Jim l.av.i over trlid It, you nro one of Itai-taiineli friend, hoca.11-0 thu wonderful thing uiwut It 1, thai when once given a trial, Dr. King's New lllarorery ever after holda a placo In thu holme. If you hnvu never ninl It and khuuld be af. Illcted with a rough, mid or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, u-i-uro a lottlo nt once and clvo It 11 hdr trial. It liguarautiml every time, ur money Tllnllvttleafrto ut A, I. Hmltlid, Cu.'a UmuHtctv, " KAVAHKS Jr FLOODS. !1 Hirer lll.tug and ('aii.lng (,'imI Han. ;' a,-.' In .Many l'laict llalllnad I'oiniuiinlratliiti .SniiiiJid. AT THC WOMEN'S NATIONALCOUN ' CIL, WAEHINQTON. ll.e Four llc.cutd Hungarian Mlnrrt . How They Could I.I in After Hie Accident, a .Mjilrrj. - I nr TJ.'r.innihwi. Tiii:ii.iiilnN. I llaltroad T.arka W..l,.,l nnl aad ll Illl.lBe I'.lllul A..), If Hax HniNAittilM), Cal., Feb. SI. I Thu present kturm has auumed Hi ,f a llotKl. Jho water I M ri.lng rapidly lu the rivers and mucli 1 damage la .lone. Railroad tr.rka are if iiaaheil out, brldgrararrlel away and T revrral hou.ra along Lyltle creek de. ll " All famlllea lajtwrrii there ' ' here. I llil! onni 111v1.1t." Cincinnati, Feb. SlTho Ohio river ha been rising today nt thu rale 11I hair an Inch an hournudat I o'clock 1 bad rrarlml llftyovcn fc. t. The now I from Itlpley, foity inlleanlaive, la that It Is rising thrru nt tho aamo rate, ?, . . 0-".'!.r l",lnl" ludlral It falling. IUI11 1 (ailing at marly all twlnU from hereto the hi ad waters. There la uu material chungi. In the situation here. In Covington, Ky., tht. rolling mills liavo Hon il and many families are compelled tu i.iovu to higher ground. IIIlltAT EXC.TK1IIU.T. V."V.A. F'J 2Icaril xcltemeiit prevail, tonight. The tllla nnd Col iirn.lo tlvera nro r.-orli-il thing aUv beir. Any additional Hoods will wash Yuma nut of Bight Ulilcaa tl.o levee now Mug laillt la completed l.y to morrow. Itallroad communication ... rnat and went Is entirely suspended and Iheie la no telrgrophlo communication wltl1T.1e.on. Tin: nuiii:i iiiNrna. They are .lire., all la.lbla ar and lAllri.ltan. Haxki.ton, I'a, Feb. 21 The four Hui.garlatia rescued from tho taved-lii mlnuwerabroui-httolhu nurfaco this morning and given llmu-Julie, milk, etc.. mid rest. They will prolobly rt cover from the eilecta of their coullnement. It la loipoealbla to get a Hatcment from any of (he men, . a their weakened condition prevent It. 1 All the men were so weak that ( a simile movinitnt of the head 1 I wna luiptuilble. How they lived for i 1 more than fourteen, daya la aituea ",i . Hon. The dinner In theao lolls would -V 1 have brru auniclent tu susuln life fot ' f ilghtdava, initliarssK dealt out apar. I r Ingly. Wliat they lived 011 Uie re- . A' . JllallulM af ll.a tl.a. I. n ....,:. ..( J 1 Jootur-V Thrlr dinner 111 buro timiiU- fmSSSv takable evidence of having lawn used R as urinals, and It was the usa of the inn raiiteiiu, together with Hie excrement '1 from bodita, Uiat keptHiemaliv. . IV Home of the billies when found con- 1 tallied urine, and from the terrlhto ff iniullfroiiialiofturni Itlsceitalu they I useil them for n-i.llIorlea as above 1 I mentioned. Tha char itlou of tho mlno wl.ero Jfl the men were found waa "cualiloncd" an byfrrshalr. of H watiriiuthatnnfiilday gooilalr came B Into thla brin.t, where It won driven tu Itl the hlghrat lolnl hy the water. The if men sought that locality and there f theywerofound. .1 . There wero twenty-thrra men In ll.e if mlno when Ihn dlvnter occurred. Hlx Jf of tliefto i-scflied, leAvlug aevrntreu. V All aro now recovered, thu laat of the ft il.-ud being found near the place where B the four live miners vtrrodUcoYcred. 'iff tin: vto)ii: nf.Mii, 1-M llr. I'o.lee Csplalu Ilia l-nalllnu of ffl III. IV. I, T. I, jH Wabiii.nuivn, Frb. 21. In the fl morning n-i.lnn of tha Women's Na. Tm Council, the suljcrt of lemjn.r 'a anew wn cuusldcrrd. Mis Wlllanl 'If Mrs. J. I'.llctiF.nter, prc.l- H dent of the Non.I'atllsau National W. tl C. T. V., who sike of thu woig nnd H alms of her orgaulratloii. Its gtoat Ki rentml tloctrlne, alio aald, waa total rl alatliirn.u for the Individual and pro. Jj hlbllloti for the Mate. Her union la ,g lluv.1laliKilutot10llllc.1lllU.rty wa aa M uiut-li thu right of n woman na that of Ol a mail. They It wrong In J ally IheiiiMilvea to nny one pollllcal h imrly. Their reprcaeiitallvea had ro- , l! it-ived aid unit eiitotiragouient from uJ noble men lu tutli of th.i-great silltlc fl al organizations, and It looked Ilka . bad faith to ask thrao'mru for help and n then cunibluo at the next i-lectluu tu - fl defeat them. -.) Mary L. Iicnau of Kauaaa siuku 011 'm " lu the Farmera1 Alliance." .'S Hhotoldotlhe coudltlou of atlalra in B Kanais, and nferred to Mr. Ingalt as a "the man wu women of Kama had 9f the pltnuiirti of deflating.' The 11 l'lirniet." Alhancu mimln-r half a mil. m, Hon loyal white rlblouera, llm aald, mid thanked Clod that thu Alliance M congressional representative are tha H only men tu the councils of the nation S today who were not elected on the S liquor platform. S The newly elecltnl oftlcers of the Na. h Honal Council of Women of the (JulteU JAl Hlatis, ate, president, Mary Wright, ;j Hewell, I nd.; vlre-prraldent, i:ila M Dletz, Clymer, N, Y.; corrcioudlug 31 secretary, Hachel Foster, Avery, Fa.) M reronllug secretary, Isabel Charles H DavlaofNew York: trenkurer, Llllau IB M, N. Hteveus. awlatant secretary Na- 1 Woman's Christian Teuit cranio Uulou. 1 nalu au4 Cold. W'AlltlNimiN, Feb, SI. A special I bulletin from Hit. weather bureau says Ihukeveru storm that look an overland courau from California Monday aud w a central Inst night over Wyoming, ; la this evening central over Ifpimr Michigan. Hiavy rains hnvu fallen ov. r must of the urea by the , storm. A cold wuvuof muchaevtirlty .', will follow It in the Wtateru ami Cen. ' ' tral Htatea, extending south aud tu th ' Atl.ititlotiKiit. . Kauau Cirv, Feb, SI, A sever coljt wave cauxil n drop of IKIy-IIve degrees lu thu tcuiperaturu since uouu today, m llD v - . "If fl