Newspaper Page Text
.1 . ! A WOMAN'S WISH. I w.a,teaiii.itiuiuirpi. I ThTBcrl In my Iwwm !'! rln. AJIlh,iKll.fcnerMWeWr ,lleiarlilMl.l Wbee. I bear th lilt. fi' ltih ring Ant. To rl mr enialw."l 1 m rain. And I wuh lh th, rr .ihiU ' rti II tat1, Al mat ni, ft i .IM Main ' WUn I IM mi . " I r i Mr t" d1"1 i ft,,rtr ''' 'n,,l, AIIhe.allia!lUWa"lr, , TnatIeftel.lHIl -ftuiy ririinriitul'ihulfn T1IK UL STAHIS TENANT. 'Tim CttlMti lltnV nt VriMftjpf ' wiw a firlvtr nl In r town In Mli.rl In 'Venango ' rt of thp till hl tr in iriitM frvm ttiul her tank, li Wi bal iron ,' Uqnklatlen xr Wfow, anl ttfrrmt Im oro Intel trrtitttlon In wniwtloa trllhlMbhlnf , , UurlmllUnicwMaplAln11""1"''1"'" 3 Umtloir t a eorner, awl the Interl-ir m plaint? furnUhwl, aa wa the nil in Iho day. IIWM tmply Ion room dlvloVI lyft railing In Uiecauter IWLIikI lb ralllntf rrtur! at tlit rar .! wm lb vault. Tlia amin-1 floor km aranr! mure Intricate, Thr wmr front room nl two rear room, with a hall th lunfttli nf IhpM It t ttr Out rwn we itly oeer th ntilt, at I thU tcit ma to tll yon how 1 1 rati It wa built. Il waif briik,ao.I two frft rff iblck. li 1 ftt lh lop th juUUnf Ibaaetv inl flour wr forer-! with boiler lu. rfi Th root Utwvrn Urn JolM wri MIM In fl with cement. On top of tba twill floor j joMa, IWor laying the floor, we 114 other , Ilatea of Iron, ami wlieu Hi hunk. m i. trjne.I for timlne wa )ial Jlttl fr o( ' our ra-h lltnf aUIn by any tenant of th upatalraroom. The Kir wa to rent tli room to lair jer or doctor, hut tliflflntrallrribMldeit . to taV all lhn,anil to ayon year' rmt ' laa-Warn. lit wjua at ranger to all, but Bkin U name a Kaniual (loMwaltha, ami I cxtaluel thai ha wm an lnirntor, nil R YM lien ata-kln tarf;ttrtnlri twN I I fur t hi I1M of MllKM. Olid nf liU ldran wm 'j a drill tolworknl If lurnlim awltnL j Tli ntAn ltrt n frtnk, upon tc, vmuutli If tonftuo. ami wdrii haofTatnl U put duwn a wboto yeti rrnt In IrantT It woul 1 itut y balirfntuilnvmliikfrpblniout, hU !l Mr Iwiwjf r, mjr twirtn r, wm jrfcctlf 1) aatUfltnl m tour up t.Ulm man, 1 wm not. Hi lha ftllichtii rpiuon tdjjii U. Mri Uit !. it'itwbat hacUIli! to I U, urlbut IrfthaJaojrdralgttM PKKltutttu, ! ' ' but I Morurbonr frit lnj-lf Rii!tctlnt( btm - from Iba flrU lootuont I w bl fau, Iln tadn't uut urttlNl In liU room when I 1; pUuii4l vbat I wouMenti'r our vault hj wa of tha luuk rooin. or at leant inaka an atlroipt todokoaiid IbU Wf mwiwTfr In out tt my nlul thrrrnfltr 1 waa lut(li4 t at b in y partm r, but tbl only male rtt '. ttiinuraUtluatlncllUKlnK tomyMra, Uollaltb0furuUhitli front ttm m anmtplloiiroom au'l ofilt, tlMivmrKlM ! ) abnlruonianlthatMM u MiworkKbop, ; ' Kxactlyovrr Iba vault b bal a tarirntr ,' ' putupaltMry franitwurk; of Uuu, ant I I amoiij? tba klult movnl In wrra cblwU, 111) hammer, auuur, MU,t1rilU, (lie, aawa ipf and many other lariuirr' an tutclun ,1 W tool. 1 ruuM lay hotblbif a It fuada k um of all tit- a an Inrrntur, lnt my u IJ i J f lc)on rrjcantlna Mi final object wrra ruu u j tlnually atirnRihrnnL, "U For ihrM month our inau up Main j I awm-lyroUrftl tho Unlctnlowor ipokti El toontiif ut cpt aliDlblm at tba 1 1 Ul mhtr w Mth Utanlffl, I ! MrU wt ft 1 quirt an 1 twy ftpokui tint et rrjU-lr h J t Kl or,l I'Im. 1 I i'.vltM many ' B I of tba tuwmpvopl to vUlt lila ruotn ftn-t ' B Jl tt amine bl work At th end of lx I tuwnlha h wm tinlrtnally llkt and r jf Pm-Im1 n-l If b hl wantnl a roupte nf ! i mivitl ilulUnt at nitr litk n birn ItM i I o man would J.ave IwkM hla noti. 'I blla I bad brruma aahamM to lontpr if atcntlou tuy iuplrbirt4, iby bal by ni I ! uuilii Uft mt Wa ha.1 no wa.climtut aw 1 ' U lb f In wm one of tbf tl 1 1 1 jatttrn which WMiM-ltbardpo nor ImrKUr i If proof. My tMt ilrprndrnra wa on tho I j atrrnaili of tit vault, I mnda all aorla of M tatlniAtra, but Dually tlrr!dl lliat (MU wait ha could nut rut LU way iloaulnut tlm vault aud opvu tba nf InlMathan I twrlva bonn at tbu vrry Irn.L 1 b tool I I and plumcca of thai day wrra try crnda t Win parol to tba Inmlnit I 'J b man up atalrt bad 1mm wild ui half a year, ami no ona could nml tlto lat fault 1 with bla coiidutt, when ha wmM in maka a mtUl ittort to win my frltndhl. lp ' to thU tint Um bad pmiI ll DTctiinii In bUruoiuM. WltbuutMlutia worl Ut my Eartocr 1 bad ihwmI iuy avtuliut lu th bk, ntvrr Iravlux uulll about lu n'rlui k, i 1 did tUU to khuruu (iohlwaitha'a lme, , provldlliKbntrndMtnriitrrlhaaull t i 1 waa alwaya at tUUi.kal balf pa-t T lu ' lbauiornlntf,aiid thU would kIv him only ' aln anil a half bouri to work, where I had fltfuml It would laka hint twflre. ' On tvrntuK ttointthWitf waa mU aUmt f cards arid ho j uuuafio-t it that I lorlt.l D blm up to my room In ibo hotel to pHy a I At long m ho v a t brrv I ap- K prtbrndrd no dausrr, arM m It llnally cauia B aloutlhatwa timl lotiH-ndaliumtrVfry I aYriilng In torupany Soniftlmr tmnt a to bU room, and agii.t-tlun-a h wvnt to . iular,andbanrvtrexlilbltn tba alftthltrt r curloalty n .ml I tin nnr btulnraa In tho bank, Oim rTrnlntr bn did not leavn ma j until 11 o'clock. NuLiUylkinoyeraaaldt t (itr iiuu up alnlra haa l-rt n away, tUt' m "J Jul I inrt hhn ai ht rama from Iba (! ? pot Iat tilbt at 10 d'cI k " I I M o' r uiUtakcn, 11a hm In my room 'j until 11" f Ml that aof by, I met a man who Y lookil axartly Ilk Mm I wa mrrj Hi I ,;; a whl, balkl for tht hank, aud lam , i aurvUwanttiptb ittalrway ' j ThU fttatMu nt puMlis) aud auuoyrd Vte, 9 and kpi my autplrloua actlt. Knowing tliatUoldanlthewa wltUmo nt t lit hour oflOivraobllril to heller my partntr UlaUktu, but )tt thrr wia aomi-thlnK about tba rat I did tint Ilk Abuut luur I t)klatr, orit'mornlMttM 1 oud tha Uuk, tba ticket aent at tba dvput cania I alootc on Ida way to brvukfjut AtraU ltiMf-dalOe'cloi.k,a(d h una obllfvdto 'lAMt your luvenUnr' b a-kit m b cam up. Wfay, (kAlwalth lUwinUit outba train thU uwruluK. and a bt bail a miUI i with Mm, I dl lu t know but U naa gdliU lor (rood, lloutbt a ticket for hi. Inula," AadoMwaltbtbadbvvn wltb ua up U U o'chKrk of t), uinbb Ufurv, aud bad mUI I Lotblutf of ut-liij nway. , naa piuulml ' bUatataof uiLuduaa Iniiooaailan hour UtT wbcu I a.iw Mm In the Utuk I j , ktattcd to iult for an tiidtnattou, but vh i Kcond thou ah t rontfliulnl not to. llmt i iwiiltu 1 mw tlm tlckrt u(ienl nud iwkud: I "Arejouimru )ou aaw Uoldwiilth.. to ! away thU tuurnlutjt" t j "Wrtatlvaur. Why" i "IWdin-- ha dtdo'r .'.. cam Into tta banc an hour aftrr I anw yon tbH 1 tuoriilnie., I F , 7,rp1 Iwavrua, man, but I aotd blm bU llekHandlaivia.ltliaiiiTMofdjynltliblinl 0U Ufet Oft mUtftkei! " Ilut I iUr.,-1 blm Hint I naq not, and Ibaubothor tuwrroMUtlrtl About two lV4)A(rr I Uiadnau XtUMi to Kit IMci , tl bacU room up ftnlra. 1 foun 1 a i.lxi I f ipntbliii-ry mouuuNl on tho Viiint.aiil tbouKb I mkw.1 no iiumiioiu uulUohlaaltbt volut.uriM no lurornm- lottJftltjHuniTatbatltwMadrmwhlcli laUiUwWfklbylurnioKttbflUjIa. ,U I aS " mt 'Kk. aakjaaBaMHaaaalaaaaaK TTZ I told yon btrorct o lonft M 1 had tba man uiMlrrmyfypldidtiotfmr fur tha vault If ha waa with m trtnlng Iciml rvH wfaatladMihfrUmr Two or tbrr wka aftrr tlm InHdtw rUtl ahiiv I had a four hand tar. I pnrtr In my m-nii, and (Iddwaltb wm mh of tb (iitartrt, M V nrk I with rnllnl down atatra I y tlntlrket ajpnt, who aal "I want to know wtirthrr I bar artn tralifLtthlatltotfornot fldwallhaean In on tba niWSt. ItmiWnproM " 6U inutt m craiyl I to II Hirbt Op italr In my mom at I hla ratmrnt.Aud Wtf-ra Aiwt 1 liompaon arn with Mnir ' Hut I trll )ou laawhlrt, Mora than tbat, hrmma up lb Mrrtt ahrml nf mo and ttirrml no tbc atalrway," 1 took him up ataIraiNwbnliMir Oohtwaiilw Mittlnx tlwr mvn ilaail brat. hr wtrtbmltMtniifYaof itrt tlwwp thin. While I fatlrl Ibtot Hi ilftVp tkmt or llliikn tlrr waa aomtihliui un onnny In tl.i- lnldtnta, and my lutrit t In th mori mvu' f (InldwaiUi waa ruuM rahljr lnrrML On out prntnwnraa otbrr t irot Into hU ruoma orkant frhad up thretrryilayortwo,butvr)tbiait appnrl straight On crrolug l aal duwn lo tba hot) ofllaiowrltahttr. nml whlh lie waa tbuarnicitfad I walk! up Iba Mrwt four aquarra to aprakton tnfrchaiit On tvturMiitt I met (lol laalth fat to firr. anI Ml u tint Alig you cut It abort. yMf. "Will, mall It and hurry lck.M I waIVmI Xralttbt to 1 h botH, and tbara aatlhvmanl had apokrn to on Ibtatrr! thrft mlnnlra hfm' 11a waa ailll writ InK 1 Aftkt-d a Mrvl who att rradlnif If Ooldwallba ha 1 n nut, atnl h mdhd lu thatvicathe I Mt my rilr alandlntttm and M 1 aat down, and dnrinjt nil tbat linn nisht 1 till not irrt a wink of alap. My partner, th tlckrt arnt, anl mjarlf ha I all at-en what we had not tven. Wae he of ftmli and blood, or waa ha a wraith who enohl apAr In twnplarmnt ontrf It waa on n Krlday rvmlua; 1 thouhtI mHonrupatalramanoiilh atrwt rt iirdiy mmiltiK I took a Mrpladilfr and itloarly titnnilndthtopof tba vault, and aUi aent a man up talr U Iwk at th flour of 1 1 a laick room and a If It waa In Uct UTvrylhliiK waa irporlMl all rltcbt, and ftatiihhy at ru I o a our trim aaid to mat "f haven't alrft wall lahly, and 1 Ulhva I will fry a ctituse of lU 1 will turn Into the rtami licit to you for nroupt of nlfcltta, atnl ant If U cban,u won t bring atcap " 1 trJotcM at tbl, m t neett not frar that hnwaanlworL on tba vnult laatUflvd tnyaolf that ha wm In ld twfor I turnM 1n, and that night I aleit brthr than for tnoutfa brffm. Ih occupied th Mine room on Paturday ntrfht, and on rHindity furvimon It aurprlaH ma by : b would nccnnipmy tna to church II ap ml to llaitn very clrm-ly to (he aermon. aiKl on Iba way bom (elided out it at ronjt and weak Klnta. It waa my ruitom lor liar tlilank nt noon to at It all waa wrll hit on I lilt lay. afltr ho had flniabfl dinner aiwl I wa about to atari, a rrhnd cam In and I waa detained about half an Irnur l.ierithlbff aMaiMlob atl rlabt In tl hank, but, from firtw nf btblt I opened tbe vutt, and on look ahowed mtbattcllnMV liodtorn. Thr waa a hole through th roof of the vault, our aafo waa opru, and J jlntf on t b litter of papera wai a man. I did not knoie wbrlbrr b wm drad or alive when 1 aunimoned help, but we auin found that h wa dead and llntf lu hi own Mood, Tlm Mf bad been omurt with wedge, nml tba tV"0 It rouUlnrl bad lirwn taken. It wa half an hour Ivfor I : l bouubt of (lohlwall be. and then he eoul 1 i not bo, W biirat Ibto hi rooms and about th flnt IhlM v found wm a i aachelronlalnlii our money. I Tba mw bin which I took to bo a drill wm a drill. Apleci4 t)iei1.i(.rb.kd hn tut out, th drill had thru dou If work , OU th Iron plate, aud later on n chlaet bod hrn uei to pick out tlrrmrtit and re i move tba brit-U. Ibo rvLUrrould bava I 1 trrfun work at B o'clock on Saturday even luff, and b proually did . bo wm br I It wm (loldthwaliel Hfiy of u muld have aworn It wm he, and yet It wasn't, t bad hit hhn nth at I ho hotel, aud bo had ; Bklpm-d Tlwu who wu lt 111 twin brother, a waftraaM aarertalned to a certainty, llowdld). meethUdmthr II Lad itt Into tb vault and th aafa and -cu ml tb tuooay. It pad up and down by inriiia of a reiv In Kuliut laik tha aecond time for further plttmhr b b ol rn toutitiml a (mo of rUm In thnecniant, i and It had tetrrvd an artery In bU hit ' IfolilthwaluLnewthatliuUtruotedliluu ' lit had, then-fore, work! to throw m oft 1 my guard, and win u the pltn wa rliw fur rKmitionbflhyabfpIiiicnlthlntcnfiitof me, while bUowit brothrrwa doing th w nrk. W cautfbt hi in Ihre month htrr In New Orleans and, wblh w could tiut aatUff the Jury that bo wa an of the rob hrsii wii taken toCInrlnnatl on another charv and icit a eeuteuo of twelr irar. -NrVrYorkHuu. IUiblMn Cra lUJ, Tbhtundof Jiun IVrnandu, on'c In baUtwllij- ItoMnaon Crti, h now teu ante! by nfonurr Auairlin ofilctr, Huron von llodth, who, after Ulfli forrnl by th terrible wouuda whkU he rold at tha lulthof &tdow,lu lt-Hlo Ituio tbtfar'my, tirew llrvd of tho moitutooy of eaUutico iu eh lllrait Kuropo anl dt hrtulno.1 to ihroto bh fortune to a Ufa of ad renin re, For fifteen r.tra wwt ho ha heu llvlnu or I b hlaiid ot J uan Varoaudei u It h a email olouyof imtlrrt aintof Kuroiauiluwrt erafrum rlTlllttathu, and ouly commubl cat hu with th world ouca a ), uhtn h fcritda hhtlno nailing acbt toVaIpnmlo for prm.4i-n and aiinplUa. Ilanra i Weekly. l-Mrd'a l'(sff N llreallN Auxuaina It, lla.tett haa a curloalty In th ' abut of a ln-atpln, In tt Mill haet a email clrtla of Mtpur hnrilly !. an Inch ludl auuier a wr.Ltri, th whole of tba latrd' prayer. W hat mara tb work expvttully rvmarkaU U that It wu dou MltUaiiuUtiwu. 1bwoidaiau b nad out byiwrtou with vxtrl good tjifluht without tho aid of a niaunlfjlnii ulnw, .Moao llall.on lilirh of f.r UirreU did tb wriUuir -Maiden (Maka.) Midi. lillhat. Than W ho h tbat thvro awrll wot com Inter d I'eMro ubmid of uf I Hweet1tartOin't know, but b hain't pttaoeilncatlon. Jhaxvlfnraetavlii th 1 pikitt,luildo'onlft''MrW A hw lltotl i '!. Clmrhi Ii rnrroll, nf New Hawd, )iaaiiiuidlali!c)(liiUlIwlilcliproiu 1-) to nij-crwattf tunny of (Iiuhi how iu ttMt. It 1j ooiiijkv! of two gutiti JolnM liy n Ixuii. of inelnl, lildt luakcatliouholo m rfertly diut mwf IitaMoh mi nUrm nmwiuviit, whtth U Mutttiil ujiIih minll key ntlndil lu (ho f tin gong. Ono wltnlliii auilUv for WH1 obtriiia. Tlm uluhit I nunc by ' pnfclruj uii a nun! I lorr towtrtl Uio iimidlooC tho Mi)ch, from vcblrh tlm MlUliiuirf '11m ujiolo nniiiivoiiutit U in nt mi 1 tuneful nml form un omit uunl tuumiuluiitf. Hjirii)iilvl.l lluiu rrdl. MM ll.m tluixt ronliif, A rlebly dread lioly with an abaent tnliuhdluuk wa lit a Fourth artima earn few LluUti ouo, W hmi ah Irfi. the car aha lurued at tb dooraay,nttdwlthadl((nl tied bow -aid, "1 wh )on all a very phM nnt uyiiiui; ' And wuth.1 ptiuuycr I hmedcourtcoualy, .Now YorkLur, Alin.ln, lh. Voir,. A, Oio vftlco L the nnt ilrllnle l liHrunii nt. nml ono vhkh rrMtiU At twra any hhilw nf ft power. Im .um Hut foil nm lint inllill( It- It I. till rnlt thin In tlio In iktnt nirh mlno wlirn It etl.ln After Inj5 lii for twpntjr inlntitcs .top nlnl K If tlKroar. mijr fooling of ttcArliifwn or b iciin, of liti.kltict ftbout tlin tlmmt. If tli,nnn yon arofn!liiityiiiirolrv, ntiil foil will uliow jrotir wKloin l.y not .Inpliiif ftnln until )ou litiu lotimnt liow tu u It t'n'lM r' Hoin iniln liMrn naliintlljr liow tu um tlitf toko, vlill with othor It Uu mailer ..f nv oomlt) Hint lliev (lull l tnutlit Ami n then. U no aim r wnr to . n oliii Hmii to Dim. It, If you Hint that it l not ii rny for you to ting n. to Uuiili, nuil If )oil ililro to ilo nnyiMii in tin. futiiro with your toir., opilw .IhkI'IiT until you oaueoum n jroi.1 tnulier. It will not Imrt jour loktomnnlii uuilii, tliniiyli uf ruiirM rnrly tnitu injr nuil rolilniit imetlwnre Imwt il .IniMo , If, liooror, you flnl tltnt you nn ti.ln your Tiilro pniKrly nuil tlmt yotiretforKiirPp!'uliKt(llKfrKtiil", ftini; n often nml n Inluli In your liomo nml in your frletiij iarlor n you plinuo. retiieluborluft nlwny. Hint It U lielliir to .luff ImU a Uoxrn tluiM n ilny U ten lulnutiit nt n tiniit tlmti onoii for iin hour Never ring fur n loiijrr ptrloil limn leu minute wild out rot. It U ilnnia ton. In tliu 01 tntiMtutlro Hie. toll, ami till, nil will lake prouiiit nnd uro roteo? liy ruuKlienlng Un iUillly ami ,iolllin( It. nnturnl nwprtie Kmtiui C. ThunLy lu Iji'llei' llotno Jourtinl, Mm, t. ftkln r .!. mien liuokcil an rel nlll Us a lluo Into iiiany HioumihI Intrlentu knot, Kllhoiit nny apinreut illflleully, llo l)liery, iuul elioul I lm eeljeil nenr tlmmlililli Willi tlinmliMloHnirriMer, tliorottitnIerlil, lly. In tlii mI tinn In rati only wlul MmM-lf nrounil yourwri.t ntiilroirr your leonwtli lime lime, often, If drle.1, I, nenrly a iullie,-H a llio .kln, 1 f .klnnetl before- lii, tlcntUo 1m 1. a. Ilrtly ii cur, Ami hull rooked four Incli pbtv. will wrlnjlt fnxly Toreminii tlm ii'l ontrr K.nuent Kmli flnnly willininlltiiieil Imiul rut lliruunlillielmrkof tlm neek till tho column Ii broken, then tliroiifili to tlm ftklii In front, oio tlio ei4Hiil meat wild n Ut uf pnir to irevent elipiiiKi nml .tOAillly pull the I1M0 towanl tho tail, (timing It wrong aJ.Ii out To tlio Ineip. rleneeil It would be. mi liaur'. Job to ekln u nl, but old luilult tnknoll tlitlr Jitekt In rery raplilly. A ITnI jiAir of iilnci ni renin, Immly nbout ltlliiK them. III tho Fprlnir the I, bejflu tobito when tlm oak leuvf, Am &, brRO a, a iiiouhi'a mr. li 1 ,kln I, tougher Hum trlpn or bull U-ef, and It U u1 for eouiiectliiir tlm two iwrtlom of llalU when luucll fn'etlou acerue. Our forifnthrn 11M1I rtl Llu ni ribbon la tto up thuir cue, wllli, ntldut tb. MllonUlil -a. W. flur In Uwl.tou JouniaL 11. n rftulll.', llouiur. IVAtikllu reuilered prlnleni A aorrleo III fcliovtlng tin lu tlio effecthone, of humor lu enli-tiii Ing tho vntuo of iiew. ,ilns and lu promoting good cmtfi, lu lliueo time, thero worn no Journal lit, eneopt rrlnter, nml potnroonly tho Kiinoliindwrita nnd et lu typo tlm (nmraph of liow. I'min lint to liut lio knuw tlio Taluo of a littlo fun lu tlio iiow.pniirr. and bow lirlpful it tuny U mail, lu ctpoelng fnlMi preltulnn nlnl In n'vouunomllng vlrtuou, habit. Ill lint Ui)Mi cviy, timidly thrmt under tho door of llio printing olllra, nod Ibo but pko bo orr wrou.t ilonoafow d iyn beforo bl, death, worn humoroii. At llio Anmo time, ho never nbtiH-d Iho power of tho pre, by harvli orltl rliu or Iiiftinuatlon. of Itud mulUes, It wouklbiidimriilt. It not luiilble, to llml lu Ibo thirty year.' Illoot hi, 1. mi rylianln (laretto mi nrllel i ll.trn.hil to wound tho feeling, of ati ImlhlduuL outtr ComtHUilou, Th. r.mpanr IIMn'l iHOert. An, elderly liuly, el.leutty n gno.1 old eon!, uttered u train rnr the otlur day wltli ber ' l.llo dawg " "I).) you object lo my dogr bo aUil ouo of tho nim ugvni, "Not ut all, provl.KHl ho doe not bite,' wu tha nply "And your' liu ALed, tunilng to nnothrr, I "Net nt nil, ttiailame " Tlio ollu r uiMHutgiir, lielug con mo I iilouly npionll to, ralwd no objw Iloiui, prov.l.b-,1 I'onto liehiiiil hint wlf. nnd nverythliig wa rrlllivl ipill nmleably, wlun iu lain.i tho lealou, lull liu tor fur tlm fnrea. '"ton't bato n dog In Ihnnnr with you, lUA'nm. '1 ho iiitni.iiiy don't allow II" Tho word "eompnny" wa. delliored with an iijipluul that wa liiiiul.laka bio; but tho old lady, lulmlful uf lur littlo raiivwu, triuuipiinntly rrplleil "Dill tho eomimuy don't object In Iholtiut; rvpiuknlthemnlH" And, nil uneiuuclnii of lur littlo Joka, 'ie aiullts Ij-ulgnantly on her fillow pauvntnn, Iuidon Tit llita lleultfil! Lnl.iillni.iilk Tbocoloiul who, taking hU Imo at ft ganlni lrly, hiuulreii, "llnvol had Iho pliwuro of Mylng gun.1 by tu you, Jllw Jhiry i ' -thohcwU .uettly nwur Ing n dUthigiiMipil planlt who htu rU'ii abruptly from tho hulru nt with a Muvantlo protott hit ho .hould dhtiirh Hi. conterMtlon, lliat bo ib. not do mi nt nil i th. young man who, on being fold Hint u tuulb!o rlal bud taken tho lady who L ,.ukhig In tu illniHr Hi. proloii. .telling, iKeiari "that' nil Ini'a lit fori" Tliewnro dwkleil liu.taiu-1. of IhUrl.vaof U.I loniplliiii.tit; whllo for n well meant but Ink. warm ono poor Tsowmnu J"Kg.' nply to thu colleetor'a ijuery ro a.tlug UioKiuiwIk' newltnby, tlmt U wiun't ii wry uaty on,, may bo ilttd. All tho Year Hound. lathamoitanrUnt ami itiMt tmraltf all I lfltaM. ftrarrrty a fatnily I entirely frf a firm it, wMla theaf.1f everywhere art It i aufittlBt aUve. tlool 8fpari!U ha haJ ictnarka tirce lacurln fiery font of armful. tKt aever and painful runttlog lere, mnt In tie iik or (iMtre, hnrner In th" f)M ca w luf MU1 er total MU.dnr field! to th pewtrful eSeeta of thl hietilHne Tha Wvnl Tre, "My ami wa aEWrd with th wwtt tfpa ef trttAnU. and an the reromn, of hiy drnsylit I give him lloM a Hirai1Ila. Today b It aoBMt aad well not iltitbuHil i It wa llM tliei ai not rttoaih laMIrl t Inll.tnOUtoin-ria tilre ,t CliltUfU'., lUll-vll 111 IK iu U Kit NoocFs SarsapariNa fMttfailrtKlila.l Hi Mil rretaratlanty C I IIOODato Apaltir(f,Iaafll Mu 100 Pooos Ono Dollar TING DATHROOM OUTFITS. hMHltarr Writ IH- - Matti Tnba, lHlort. halfr , lUirlirit niaha, lAtinitr' labt ail lk la'tit 0 ic at aatl men raJra On Icea. Cutoff araf ir ri aWjf rrUU4 tt ,( fntrtt.tU, i.tuiu orro m et laieatreat a imair larattHKr T Dearonrn airrt u ItClvata fl III Wt La fUttk U1IIOAUO. ZXat. SCHULTZ&HIRSCH WIIUIKIIIN lit, UN, I ' peatrpcrs aijd Foatljcr pilloius. 30HF0RTER8lf MfinHES?E3,I j. 11 r.rle.1 llftte. Jl... l.l. r.r.l.Ur, l, lirklua.lle. k.atKlft.ll,ll.lll-,,M.,01l.loto MfLJ OownWlth H'gh Price.. vSwafTb!sSEWIIiSloACIIIRE flCSSvaoirx-sr nip cs (U9V lnVitnp,li vAfVaiii ftiU Td l,M irJfJ IM,AniaMMI,rTie. Ji (XlCAtf?lvAU,tUtN fStarllorseJfails j Pollthotl or Dluotl. j lt, tft old ty z. a U. t. for .Ttr B It yr,. r,r tr. u, lll N.ll I lN.le, ..lfii,itu,dw,t lit, bill I tt UllrfMIMO. Will hOlJ ft 810, (ft I l,r lh, .Breihar I mi. ar ma UHIOH HORSE NAIL CO., Clitcno, 111. U tWT roa u ar r o m i ttD saaat,u tOkk.l T1IM Thomson Taylor Spies Go., liaporter aad )taai.farlaril f( la FINEST SPICKS FLAVORING EXTRACTS ao.v Jo inr mute. rntrrff'e, thl ruml Hril tf UEI) OltOSS I.Y12. SO, 3 J, 34, 30, 31, 40 So. Wiler Strict, OiriOAOO. OUNPOVDEH'. IM ai mow lam tl taree itaf IWmy, , tmi kl k mlMt k Uf t wr. Ii ,x tttii'a -l.tatarkjr tiid, n.tXtlth'N -Tup ttetlHjr,' ll KZ ltl n Unei. aboutlbrr.' IMZUirN".WioiaganitIi; M II aZAUD'a brati, tk laoal rallabl IBIh btatkd. MtacraCTiafcit av THE HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, Hainrilvllle, Conn. Upraat4 m Utah by J. W. ftandari Co , Auii. caa IW Utaf i-u card hovi Idv aUti PUEflSH REMEMDnR Tkat wa till Carry a Ctmll t)a of Disstons Cclcbiated Saws, C.BItMmf la rll.f ftu Clit, Jim., I Mitn t'i"'. .ViH, Itatl ;.';., ;i.W, Jeiiwi, viim(o, le.iixiu, tlnlrhtr, CWt, JitvtioU, Jle., alto Clicalar.bothSolId&Chtsel PolatTccth And "TniUMPH." Tor rlltPC Trr with. a. 4 i, lliri it lonirn rnicr.t mix ri tin AUo a ruil IKMk r llirlr Rt novin.d RaSPS i. FILES l.;i 4 ss. a. ivt. z. mm a 1S if i I EatLa 5 -a- 3 i. ii, mini t ,nijci GEO. DUNCAN S SONS, JUjiolirHifTe, ft Pino Crystal and Colored Class Tablo Warn, Dar Goods, Jars, Lamps, Uto. WA Sfrtef, S.S. VlTTSHUimil, VA. Ttr Hit it z. '. M. I J oiun. ai.nuiy, I IMPORTANT! A tt. i'rRo4 iiotiHNti nrniTi. ik heeh lonedrmni the ontf amt otir i m arv,friaeaMrj to prrictt mi at lh nm- nf lb AMOfiatloa rr bTcr rcbniarr Mb, lot. (No chtt.a riMfitrd afinr hk lal II. J, lUlIXjril. Hup atXiawl LlTaiiUi ackorFaclnry. MtwirAcrratat orraa Silver Brand of Soowflake Sodas FINK OA1C12M. I'arloil In I and 2 1'ontiJ lloie tar I'lr-Mc rrlle,(Traieler an.1 lanillln SOLD UY ALL DEALERS. GLOBE - CAFE 24M.nSt., Uk. City, TtUfior St. ill. 8. F. BALL & CO., Proprietors. Cooks, Pnstry Cooks nnd Ro froshniont Contractors. Suppers, let Creins, Cicdlu, Cites, .14 ettry dcrtptla t Oonrreuoiary rar.ufcH eB ,n, h0ru.t Nellefc ORNAMENTED "WEDDINQ CAKES lfttft4 All Of ,r tb, T.rniwy f212!3flerNProfllable ff-jfTn Employment tiVvjl5 77 tl"l.l.jl.t.e. , ?are X-kJjH aepti!' imh,vi i-, i55,Ira5s' ftcaiiill.,,ia.u4 rnhr1?ivlS'. i.iti,,iftii,. "sssift MPJitai tci'in to, "Jil JacVtan, Mich. Tin: cky of aiUiiiioxu jOH, 31V HACK! JlT fcTUP it ow, AJ OOV IT VL II r. TOO laTC nfA t bar tee trooWH tainy vear Kr II " uua w( ta trnnvj a j aT W U lril inaae OiSaiiBl rmia a I thl hai acuaht ad fraw. aitfrr UI I tfttilfUnt wtlhadt rtlwf, Akt Cn I UivlMholAtnl I waaa(ttiaf front I a very lolaal attack thai aJMl if f I lratratl m la ith a manaer ' that I waa Wat etfr. Itlii I a htwa It vat almett inpOMaiala far to tt an afokt, r 10 vat oa mr rlolhaa, wht klaa lYotMrha Mat Or. ItaaUr. with j--lb fiPM.ON KIUNKT TKA. t YV Mr fcoitl 1 Itniuadiataly eom LT iaBc4 nalac Ik lea. It bat aa "J. alnoiat miraeuldut aBtf t, anil ta th t 1 iioail.inntof alltb utttatlha f Ql hntal, ia a taw 'ji, I am bur to A v aui,lbatlnaakwraaa. twilled rwAmman I tb Uj W atl afll ctn I j o A.Turrrn, I JTJ Irpn'tr ftrclttatal Hot1, I JJAjf aaula Uoa, Lai, "T NO MOlir. IIACICAOIin UU1 knl t Vbol..l, ana K,uil ty Jvnftloa. ITatt l. Ulah Central Eailway TlntCirdln Effect OCT. 21, 1890 I'aaaenxer Train fxaTandArrlra at Salt I be City, and Park City, Ually. a Kullowil SALT LAKE CITY. Train I leave Mh Suuttt A II am Bl, 9 00 a n larrlf' (lpm PARK CITY. Trim 1 arrlfa lurk Ulty H30 a m " I Itaiaa M I W p.m rnEioHTTBAiNS' laifi AaltUUH ....-... TMaia AniT .,. , llltka lv I'ark City atHM II to) a.m Arnea ",, n;opn o laaibri aarrt1 oa I relf bt Trata. PASSENGER RATE 3 Zt twain rait Lata C'liy au4 lark City, Single Fair, t J.OU. !toun.l Trlj, $3 J.U.TUUMt T,J.IAf.KtVT(arr, (,.I.HopL tien.lrt.Al'M niO GRAfDEWESTERN RY. CUII K.,T TIHK TAIlLi:, JX, 1, WL No. I No. 4. gut.BottTn4nt. AtlanU AUaatic aiail. : t.e. Oglea a.a.m. ail urn ir. atiak, i9a.M. vraKi .. Mall LatvJ oa.u lata it, lr. rroTO.., . It Mam. llJopu Iv. rroY0..,J lla.m, Illn.ia Ar. Uraa IbVer A.loa.ia tr, (ireen Kiltr ft.vp.m, lVUa.u Ar. tlnaJJuVeUon.,,,., D-Dpm. ttUara Iv. tlraailJaferuon ttl), IMita At. UIriiwi'OdEpMK.t. 11 am, lJUpm Ar l.tatTlllv,.. HJ0a.m. kJOpn Ar 1 ntLtU) mtupm. IMA.rn At, roLfpra t lJt,p.u, aur.ta Ar.,lo) alio.,,,. IJ3i.m. .iua.n " No.t. No rftrt JfcuaJ Ttafai, l'aelfla raelaa Mail, Kiprcaa Ir. Inrer ,uant. aiaptn Ir. tntttica , Use pro. 11 top a IT. It 01- 13 (3 p IB. )li;,rrj i. Uailuilv 750am lUlpn It. OleawooOSprinx..,, llalani, )M) Ar, tJraailJuaciioa., JWam, llopu It, tiranitJuncooa..,, aioaro. a.Up.m Ar. lireea tUrar aaa-m. lewpn It. wrcen lUTtr... ....., a Wain, aiapn Af. 1TQTO ..,. TWpta. )i.StiaQ Lt. Hoto lloprn, Ar. Pall LaU ... w pro. I lltva Lt. ealtlAk , 4 ll p.m. JuOtvm Ar, UalaM.... ...... Cilpm. CeOOAI. TltAJNS. ItLT UKI AlliOOOIef, tea Halt Uk sw am. ant II is am, 4 it t.u, Itelaraiaf, ami 14114 Lake am au. t3U.,VU.iu. BlrftJIUM, lana tlaltlAka a.m., returolnf, trrlr ealt Ukxllupm. AaiidiicA roaa. raoro, arHixdriLLr. TMItTIR, MT, HailAKr IHUMIMI. Uav nail iJtka 4 bs pm. ralunmui ar. riiaaalijUkvlLUa.ui; 11. O. tMltM.E, J. II, BKNXCTT. UtairaJ ataaaiw, Maa,raa At; mmmgam The Scandinavian Mercantile Union, 70 zi. onoorro aotrrxx HTXiianT, nAMXO IKflll TIIK urtCltll'S aTi)IIK Itnojl, LATrLr VACATHI tir itttinr loliD, A Co, oft t eteeuiiil N.nlh llrel, o..r for .ate.r.r a f,. wcth. oaljr, 1000 Share, of (heir Capital Stock at th, par value of $5.00 per .hare. t .eta aharetiolder Umtteil lo M .bare.. BROWNING BROS.. ISC 8. Main Stroot, Salt Lako City, Utah, 2481 Washington Avenuo, Ogdon, Utnlt. Guns, Rifles,- Pistols, Ammunition And Sporting Goods of Every Doscrlption. tT.,ht. a Carloml of HAHCTV IIICVCI.K!!. All Ulif. We otter a H.J. Sltly 31 tneti lor t'J,1.00 lrce ItojV S Imh fur 033.001 Laille1 anil .Men' tlu Inch, .4.1.U0. OAI.t. IN AND 13XAM1NMJ OVU HTOOIC. Illustrated Sporting OootU ClTAliOOVR 1'rets to All, DAVID JAMES & CO. , 1 Plumbers, Gas and Staam Fitters JN UMAIillllU IK , jajj 1'lumlinj Matirial, 1'umpt, l'ipc and Fitting!, itcau ! Jlcattiiy Supplies, Itti itnrf Iron Hoofing, Gahan- J5 i:cd Iron Cornier, Guttering, De, fo OARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS S No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. A n Imp'oF'tnJtscattorv'oati A VltMnitKo oKimnoy.Ftac 1 SLyAntlJlookcJjquttoTripcaryaa Ke ioA t 'Tincro'3r.a.U3KtForimoltorJo V l' Ij."ancIi(myibrotKcraTtn''theJsl:6.Vo Vi llio v.erc&p cram ore rtatrotf oneoFitKoso WnolefiomojtKtnqs Tshcy .c5U!5h 7irciGucp,oor:i " iQArte? Charter O ak, W, 0AKfe: For Salo by Z. C. M. I Solo Aaonts In Salt Lako City. UMAoqoAmiEO with inn auoaApar or mn cototkt. whl ostiei Hocii vxtiAtm CTrontuTion rsou a iiudi or tkji nu or THE CHICAGO, RQCK ISLAK9 & PACIFIC RAILWAY ioolunlrur mua lines, tjrancli. and attAneton. Paat and Wait of tha (tupuil nuer, 'iliaolnci, lluul. to and rrom OLIoairo, Jotter? Ottawa. ?rl. laRall.,aloUno,tlpokl. and. In li.UNOIfl-byei,Vort WiwcMuu! Ktiiroh , (). ftfoo... ljiia a(oTn,VJitinMi, And JBon. lFaiaa!kai I Council .nit Bloux trait, lit pAKUlA-Lntnerou, Ht. Joeeob, nnd Knn.aa Lltr. In fliasoOl'I-Omali kFalrbury. and NararMn Ne III AelKA Hanon. TopeVi! jutoliln.on. wrcliiU, llrilaWlll.. Ab!lni., Cald'eell "in If AllHAfl;V'e.iuI, Klmh.hor. Krt llono, In Vlia JN01AN TKnlllriV-Snd OoToradq ftptlnia, Uonvnr. Pueulo.ln UOLOIlAlJp. Trarer... n.w Mid at weaToi rfch nirmlni and irarlnrr land, atrorulns tbn beat ntoUltl.ft or Intercom, tmrtlcation to older Htat.. and to all town, and cltlea w,t, nortuwaat. and buwwuat frftni LUoaffo, and Tacuio and trana-ooaunto B.aporta. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXMRESS TRAINS, LAadtnr all oompotltora In apl.ndor of equipment foool, well ventllatiid, ' ,l',.P5du",m.P'TOr'wy."od."r."t"n'IMn'u''',r?mn'raluilnt.r?, aAIl.YuiHweeiitJbloatfoatidUMM61n..and L'ounoil lllutralvltbthrouer Jp.r toOioalm) and cblcairo and Colorado hprfnaa, U.nver nnd luebU 8ia lit. Joaaph, Kanaaa City or 'loneka. l'lecaut Dt Ooaolio,, tlHi.pmJ ara anil lunat""' MUaouri (llrar) Ulnlturran.vlth KIllSB ll.ellimcJEair ."WjfW.nOnlraKoanaMnrtJipRluijNaolTtoOinaho.OhWa'O anj pld. Kull via l!an.o City aiurChloagoanrt li.nver Colorado uprlna and -u. blo 1lirouirlil'alaenBlii.pgruandrroinWletilta.Kanaa. Dplaudld Ulnlna llotol. wan of HU Joaeph aim Kanua Cltr. Cftufunua oxourt,tona dhllv wiil.olipipiipKOutk8,7 and n-on. Bui. iZti. iiortllnd, Eoi Am-lVJ aud hah FtanclMo. Tba UIIILOI UtlU to and trtm I'lk.'a 1 onlt, Munllou, ttardanot tbuUods,tb.flanUarmmw,and bcanlouraodeur, of Colorado, VIA THE ALBERT LCA ROUTC, i'!!('1SWS!ST7?ln".!la.lll,!;ltv"1J.n0t',''"!rC"in Mlnneapolla and nt. l'aul. yUuTUrouail Itiiollnlntf CbalrCunilUI!t.ltaaiid rrorn thrwo volnta and Kup.aaCf.Y, TtirquatCI alrturandtileaue.-tiotw.ft-i I'eorla.UtilrUlJitn. I aid bioui JWf,Tlltoclc.'-ud. Tlo iiaforito Uno to llp.aone, tvloior: I ipwu, tiloux ralla and tUi btinuuer Ilosorta ami ltuntlnff and Flrdnu I Irouiidaof tboNortbnront. I rUBBUOIlTI.ltlp VIABKKSKlAANDltiNKAKUBorr.ra faellttlna to I (Tarol between cinotniiiitf, 1 udluti uoil,, J n'uvi u.i, and Council luuu, Ut. I aepb, Attulaon. UiaTenwortn, ICauaa Clt, Mlnneapoll. and HU l'aul. 1 . PorTlclc.t, JJoii,rolcr,ordealrodtnformaUon, api.1 to any Ticket I jmca in tu. United butoa or Canada, or addi a.u A . ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, ft eaaaraiKuanr, OIIIOAQO. IM- Oes'lTfciwZ.u.lnl l