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f . 4'rxo yinvs. wi.ix..say, rKi.mT.Anv ss. ism. DESERET EVENING HEWS, THE dFsTreTTeWS CO h ciuauw w rrvautr. miron. I' NHandiii lkrnrj , ll. ' iiriTivi iTiiiic uriMOX. Tub "I.tlral" City Council lw iwllutrnimlu Jlgallj It trait" In tfUncr. Tli Ktno ilncrlttil In tlie minute of Tui-tday emulnR't . mttlnj( U ikiI wry cmlllalil to torn ofth partlclpanti. Hut what ran I tittl of a bo.1 titarlj oiiolialfof ! which It twgut? It It 1j cTl.ln.t lint tin- majority J of , Um occupant of il In lb Coun- f rll Intrn.l to trnnifrr Hi Old Kurt Mock to tli iculatori trim liavo Iwwii flpitln fjt It for mn Uni. Whl tliolnilurwirtntt ar dot not ani-rnr on Ilia mr'ac. Only two nifnibori took nj ctlr ort In oppolnK tbr clinn. Thty ar iunlclnt1y -ntr- icrtlalnllii-lroiiotl.lon If not Rrially lairdcuul nllli lxlni nntl dlwrrtlou. Tlijr um lo U fomoituJed for their eirlJtut lioni-ily and their uudtnlaU nerr. City Attorney Merrllt hataJJetl on mow leaf lo liliofflclal laurel wrralli. u tookaiwtlllon latt nllit whlcli will orutneiid lilm to ioplo of ll l-uUe. contended for th right of th Council m a Iml.btUo lily, and for tho llgliU of tlia public cltlein ownlo( I rojxrty t rnJ lo lo d-del away from them without thilrounnnU Wolltroli li Ira-ally tight, wti aro uro ho wat morally couraitwiu. II jwiformwl lil Jul, allbougli h knew lila iMltlon wat illttMlrful lo th body lint pointful Mm. : Nolwltli.UMHlInK Ilia Ir-gtl adtlco of their own tlorney, tho majority of the I.IUral" Council letni delermluo.1 to ! lo two tiling In ilflno of lulillo otlnlon. Olio In Hit) handing otit of a I utllo I'lUW to prlrat uompanyi tho other la Hi craiitlmc of ll'or f Hernia for uh In rarloty ,'t thow ItillJlng. Mr. Merrltt hw, adrlf.1 them ajtalnat UAh, hut Hi rommUti- reit lu raw It faror ! til to th applicant, mid tliry r .merely laid over for a week tocauw 'ihey could not t paawd upon In vlnw of th of Jectlon of two nieniUrt. Till It "l.llralliui" full llMlml, lietked and clawed. ",-krvnuU of tho oplv:" Not n.ucli. Tint illd Tery well for th ttump, to go with "I'tco wulcr," "Halt lako work for Halt kako workmen," aud other ilicepllont whrrawltli to cateli Totm. Tliwti truttluK official will let Hi opla If kiow that they ronaldor UicniHlTia 1 "bmwwt" now, Tliydoiintpecl lo f Iw arrr tlrctrJ again. They know that f their llllcnl doom It MtM. Their lnuptclly, titraiiic, and gemral failure are tholtlk of their own party, 1 aud they will do Juat aitlieylcaM aud defy ibllo iriillmtnt. Tlier la now marly a week Iwfor th proltloii to turn oyer tlmOll Tort Hjunioto a railroad oompaiiy i olr, fordepotKroumlt, and Hint to I It a ltiiuor Ucuntu to raoiit In th I Franklin Avcnuo tliowhou can L paNMa! uiam. Tim uoui(li for retire tlon. Tim enouKli tor proper prokttt, 1 i Ifthcraltauy wladom lift In th pro- ! 1 luolertaudaUttonuf thMiiKtiuieiilii ilho City Council, they will think deeply bvfuro committing ttum4.1re , Anally to projMU that am chlelly In I th lutetirtif Indlilduala, and would I uottoendoraed, but tioliidlgtiautly r I 1 iudlatl, by a TWt majority of Ih il geueial public. II AUU THE INDIANS HIT lllaslMI! I It is generally tupcid that Iho I ludlant ara rapidly drtrratlug lu I unmix ra. It It repriwuled tint tho 't red ineu aro going down beforo tho I auu of clvllUatbm. They an Iwlnx t irowded back lwforo th ail r amp of II ths,'iiuperlorra(w,"andllku th Uif- T fab, It It thought, Ihoy will auou ilia. I J appor and I known only lu lilatory. t Thciiuireluroi giro torn llltl j S color to thou I'lcia. Hut It It claimed I by tlitmo who kuow,that Hit) Indlau 1 uiuut It alwayt Incorrectly takiu.Ac- j) curacy It not alranl al. To do tho I torktn Iho iaalrt way Hvmitob i iliu chief ol Jmt III vlow of moat of 111 I uuiiii rttora. If that It Inir, It It 1 not dinitult to two how th 1 mattered munanti of thu laud could 1 In luauy luilaucot ouaiu thiouuiof I thUHicnnUn agenla, and tho nuinWr reported fall far Ulow tho projer turn total. i ()QthltiUntlouthAlbauy lti,inp j Jounidf hut tho folio lug to in) , w hlch , ' Until worth coiulderlng: I 'Oue of tho moat turloiia aaj wl lo , apnd of all popular ilrlllalona la llmt wliluh n Intel to tho U) wk alcaily j lltriiilliatloii of til 111 liana of Noitli Auiorlc4 Ih f.iro the man h uf ciTltlat- 11 u." It wji mi of thtltqruu of I ihiiotoity at Wnahlngtoii who ! luihlrt ttila rrnutk, "At n liuttar of j lUil' hv 1 led, "thu luillHiit are j probably inoro nluneroua mi tlila eon ) tluelit to-ilty than they htoetr Imcii t III thu pant, and tlity aro altadHy lu. t eriviHlni' hi uuuibtra from 3 car to yur I I I "Tbtrtnr iiuw lu th Uullnl Ntalea ' SdC0O Imllana Win n Coliimhna HmluJ I I the) were atmoat undoilt tislly of lnaa nuinWr Tho In Hum of lln that Ihutl altog, iliei ,jr Iho 1 huaii, Unilor audi roiiJltl mt ait en irmoua ettunt of rvr I rllory la UKcimaary to mipply a trlho villi food Ilacli trltw, at llilut wero llicn, iaiigl oror a ureal tjiiiotppfoprlnlo 1 tolU own uao 111 the pUjailUnf gattltalll ll.h. Hotwun ouu" lrlu' huolluz irounland that of anohtr win alwaya unixtnalTdlTlJlngtrlp, Th whoto ranntry mapped out on thlt noul 1 not tuatahi mi,rolhan a tniftll population. Thtro la th IkM oMlhle rraf in f.r liellorlng that two eentiirlna and a half aj ilho Indiana In whit It now th United HMIrlc-trflha.MI.alpplril,l hot ea rned lloirelh'f I,000." Tilt remarkt ar lavril on Ih i Inalllou that Iho roiwut rolurni ar correct. With thlt view of th cat tlittliumlrrrof llioml men It Increaa ing, and taking Into account whit It ttld lu refertnc to Ih rarrleaa cnuio eratlon, II inty I let down at a matter offacl that lhpoilf notion oil lhl mailer It a gnat mUtaV. .KITH or AN Orilllll.llltlAN, A SOTICH In another column an nouiicetlliode'itli of a rentrabl and greatly retiiocUil lady Mother Mary Ann Kmpoy, who weul nuktly to ilt ihorlly befor ml Inlghl yilar. tiny, rcbruary Stilt. Th decnted waaoneof thontdeat membort of the Church, having, with her hu'band, brtn baptlteil In Cana la, lu Htt, only Ihrr yrart lulneipient lo it Iwlug orginlied In thlt dlapeiiMtlon. Hho mtgratoJ to Nauvuo about tho tain tlnio that th l'rophol Jo-epll Hmlth did, and llvul for Kin limn In a iortlon of lilt hotiae. Hha paaeit through all Ih trilng wunc con nocli-d with th penecutlont of Ih HjIiiI.i In thixM limit, anl irtlcltcd tiithnriniiMun. lltr huabanJ, I'.lder William i:niy, waa oueof Ihu band of pioneer who cam lo thlt valley In 1917, having Iho dccwetl al Winter (iuarlcrt In etikrg of tho famllj. In th erfjrmanc of thU duty under clr ruimlativn of th moil trying character tho alwayt mnnlfnteil that womanly hvrolam which hw, duriug her clieiparod life, won tho trite m and aliulratlon of all ber aeipialutance. Mother I .niy wat alto, In tho I ractl. cat tiiitv of th term, a lourtr of thlt region, having comu Into thlt valley with her children In lBJ4,ono year after th arrival of th alvanc company. Her dutlea wvro arduout, reipilrlng uoutual energy anl prii Umcr, which th ever tllpla)nl, cniltig for aud training her children frciUunl!y In the aluenc of her hut band-Ilia lalo KlJer William l.mpcy on mUloii(h having been on of Iho (lrvpt.1 nieaacngt rt lo ( llrlttln, and 0110 of Iho 1 loneur romjiany who Ant Vtllo.1 1'aronan, Iron County. With htm Ih ileveawU many )ean ago romovcil to Ht. tleorgi, and lielpwd lorttaUUh and build up that region which wat, befor Iho advent of tho Haltita, rxccodlngly barren and for bidding. Mother l.mpcy haa nlwtya 1 xhlhlted itroug faith In Uod and the Church of which ihu waa a devoted and coiulitent mvnilier. Her iloalh wat oliilct, having limply gone gntly to tlt-ip, while her htrolo ijlrlt iltparlnl to join her hualnnd anlolhcra who had precedul her to the 1'ara.llio of Ood, toawalttho rcaur re.lloliofthlaallmofth J Oft, wliou her redemption, with thelra, will I ma I roni lele. Hho It in one lento not dead, at the Uvea In her ctilldnn, among whom aro llrother Nelton r.iiiwy, Hitter II. I'. Hlclar,!i, HliU-r Johu Clatk and RlaUr W. C. Morrli, of IhliHly. AM) orillVTIONS OP l'lNktltlOMtM. Duiiimi 111 labor trouble of the jiart dc ade, 110 irton hat bevii to fre quently tuehttotwl at rinkerton. In thu rnlndi of a great mauy thlt nam It atiuclatvdalUi power and authority tuperlor to IIiumi lowvtaed by IheHtali. And ttrange tony, a great many be lieve that l'lakwloii It In loiue way an Initltutlou i-ueutlal to the tafcly of tho IU.pul.llo. A few faclt lu ronnectloii with the Plnkertoui)iteiii may nut bu out of laro. The founder, Allan ITnkerton wat a uatlv of Holland, lie wain cooptr by trade. Ho camo to tho United HUtc lu IBU. HoNttU-1 Inn little ham kt tianu-d Duudce, lu tho Htutoof Illltiol. Tlieru h tatabllthud liluianlf In hi tnde. While at work ho ntnltalniHl full particular! of the inoduotoiwratloiitairturtl by a uutn lierof lioraethlevii, who thou terror licil Illltiol and Iowa, Hy lilt aid thla baud waa broken up. He waa given a poaltlon at deputy HhorllTby the ilu-rlirof that county, and mad an tiUilintofllccr, Boon afttrwardi he went lo live 1n Chicago. Ther he opined 11 diUc live agency. He kept a numbor of mo!talwa)oithakd, ruaily t itmler takolhodttiillou of criminal at the euco uf private ludlvlduala. Hit builmui bviatue quite an ixtemlve oue. When the war broke out ho be tamu iintlciablo. Hit man auUxl at i In for the North all through the lie. bullion. Hut It wat after the clow of thu war that Allan rinkerton be came known at a national charm tir. He oned branchea of III Uetuitlv agency lu New York, riillailtlphla nnd In other ollle. Hit lttjj'uartcra ho retained In Chli ago. lu that illy he uatabllahed a uniformed private )u llcvfor watching iloret anjl nildtncei. Thliforikiaaagoveriielby n caplalu, twolleuteiiantaaud teveral i-vrgeaiita, He dlalrlttwl Iho city Into bealt. rheii, oery tuerchint or rmldnt who ptIJ a iiinill weikly itlpend had hit liue watchod, and iloora exaiuliied ever) hour during Hie night. In thoiuuan. tlmo, ho la I a lrlml Uiloclho force ImUpiii.lciit of thla, rtady to undir tali. imy work In that lino. Itallrovt and cxpruik conipatiha malntiiliHd I'lnkertou men In their employ ahuoat ooualantly, , In 1S7I there wat a gnat itrlko of 4 coal mluert lu tho Htate of Illluolt. The local oniolalt where the lUVe cxltteil did not mako any effort to ro tect "Hcali" labor. Thin Iho coal mine operalortemplojej l'lnkerton. lleeti gageil otio hundred men, drilled and armed Hum. He ptacnl iruitp oAlcrrt over Ihem. They look chargo of Iho coal dlatrlct, and not a ttrlker would bu ermltli-4 to ri roach Ih region of any abaft or boarJIng howe In the Ulf Irlct. In Ihrco month Iho attlkera were comi Wely anWurd, and Tinker ton nchluvud for lilmwlf new fame at n pt-aro preierver He wat next called Into rninlvanla. There be organ Ued Uie "'Coal and Iron I'ollce" which Agurcd lu the libor tmuble of that Hlatu for ar. Allan l'lnkerton illr.1 In 1851. H left two um, Hubert ami Wllllani Uo!rl hat charge of the New Vor butlneaa, and "Hilly" of tint In th Wit. Tnu latter It well known among the ijurtlug fraternity. Ilia eclal favorite comnlon lu'Chlcago It Mlko McDonald. He ewm race). one and la an authority on lurf matttn. He, In conjunction Willi Corrlgan, the turf loin, laitiumnier, cloed all the fiool room In Chicago. Corrlgan wat jocotcly dul 1J, at the time, Mayor of Chicago, and '"Hilly" hit chief of illcc. At the groat (railroad itrlk In Chica go in IkSJ, "Hilly" employed W Uin, armcl lham with Wlncheater liltet, and1 luarchcit them to Ih ihxk yarda. They ihot Into the crowd andicat loreil the molt lu quick time. On man nautili Hcfjley wat klllnl, lait no 0110 waa ever punlhcl for lilt murder. From Hint lime to Iho riwnt, every uewr reaJcr la f imlltar with the mil played by rinkerton lu labor tlrlku. That Iho rinkerton lyitini It a bad one, no one ran deny, but It It excutctl on Hi ground Htat regu larly ronttlluteil authorllh are either corruit or Inelllcleiil. How uvir, aomo iloitu Btaln have al ready leglilalerl agalnit tho implny lueiit of l'lnkerton men, In anyiollce rauclly, within their border. The Centlltutloii prohlblti a Htata from keeping troop In tlmeof aace without the coiiaent of Coiigreat, but a private citizen It appcart call do what ablate can not. Tho New York J.fgllalure hat a bill now In 1 regret prohibiting Pinker tonhm within Ita llmlli. TlioHlateof IdaliohaiKcliuto In ltt Coiiitllutlon r latlng lo l'liikerlonlini and prohibit Ing II. Wyoming and Montana Imo tluillar clauiea. Ih-orgla alo hat a tpi-clal act of the tamo character, liven Illl nult hat a itatutuof thla kind, but "11111 liughaat It. In fact thcte miniuni are, In mauy cat, jiaated to curry favor wllh labor liadin. In Illluolt, for Initance, tho act wat patted rutlrtly for demagogue iur vm, ltw hen l'lnkerton It wauted, hla men are aworn lu aa deputy iher lir. ami the hw la defealcd In Hilt way. At pnient ttroug publlo to lie springing upcon demnalory of the tyitcm. lint Hi largo cori-oratlon itlll employ theie private ihtccllvet. They claim that If the Htale cannot jiruteat their prorrty, they them-eluamuit endiavor to do to, I'Jnkirton hat tho ableat hgal talent In the country at lilt command. Ho clalmt that hit work It legitimate ami cniuttitilloiia!, IiimiuikIi at he It emtio) at entirely In the protection of private property. TUB UIIIIKN HKMIIllUTS. Their .Mrcllng and Orginlutlou Mtur day Kienlng The following waa unavoidably crowded out of ettcrday' luiuct A large audience aueuibled III thu Grand Opera Home, Ogjon, on Hatur day etching, to organtrtherty and lllcn to ipeecht aud uiuilc. At 8 o'clock David l.vant apptared on the ttage, and waa greeted with applauvo. Heveral prominent Democrat from local polntt aud thliclly were In at tendance, aud without much ceremony Ogditillllti, l.., waa dueled chair man. Thlt gentleman wat lu full evening droit . awallow-tall coat, Immaculato ihlrt front and p. lent leather iHn-ert, looking more at If ho gottinup fur a tall or grand I anquet than 11 jiolltlcal aaaemblagi; liuwever, lilt apittrancu waa by 110 miautobtnitive. nor, In fact, waa any othir feature ul the gathering. On taking thu clnllr Mr, illlea re turned Hie customary thankt, ami madeauexcvlleQtitih lu which ho aet out DeuiocraUo prlnclph In a cleir, lucid and nicilni t manner, Ulng fre quoully applauded. It. W, Croat wat made lecretary of the meeting, and the committee 011 4rui!Uient organization and tveolutlou wire, 011 niuilon, aitailuted hy thu chair, the former Ulng Metara, II. H. Ilolaip, T, I). Dee, II. II. Ileudtnou, J. W. MoNutt and L. II. niioalm; and the latter conalited of Mettri. r.vam, Hulll van, Hmllh,ricocrort aud liar ton. The commltteo on pirmiticnt orga nlMlon rcportoil and recommended that the club have at olllcert a pretl dent, three vIce-imaildMilf,A tecretar , treatureraudon executtvo commltUo to conilat of Uiu prttldiiitaudtecrotary and Ave other geutlenion. Hie rtjit wnt alolid, Mr. Hmlth ttateil that In it looting a pntldetit a man ihoull tw chutvu who had much eirlince lu political tainialgiii. He named Judge II. 1', Helidertuu. The votu waa ut aud Hie gentleman elected. It. C Itlchanlt wat clcctixl Artt vice prill Jcnt; J, 1). Ilurd itisiud vh. pn-jlleut; I,. W. Hhlun third vice prtiMir)! H.H. Itolappwat eleclod tecrelary and J M. IancAtorf trenaurer. Oh motion or 71 r llarton tho chair named at a committee lo 'elect Hie ex Ktitlvu lommlltu, Mmar. J, II. liar ton, II. D. JonuauilH, Hilleuder ton. 1 he committee retired and the hand plajod a, Mining air, Tho u-.mii re jairted toconiariie the executive com mllteuworeatfollowit H. 1. Hender iou, Ugdeu llllet, II. II. llolapp, Johu U, Taylor, Thonm I. Dee, II. W Hmlth mid J. W. McNutt. I'lill Hanley wti added lo the com mlttw at reprttientlngthelaburuiilotii. Mr. II. W, Hmlth waa then Intro duieil na the flnl tieakir. He gave an al.lo txoillloii of Democratic I Un ci. In and wat warmly greeted throughout. lib wai followed by II. II. Itola) p, who, lu lilt uaual vlgorou ttylo. purtrayeil what bo conildeml the evlla of Itipuhllcaiilimandtbeblmliigi of Deinoi racy. Then (aitie JuJge Hendemm, who mt le quite a h-arne.1 and ableixech of review and coniitulnou, hit rvmarka being well najvel I'rof T. II. I wla gave a hltlork-al dlatertatlon Un Hie principle of the two partlei, their origin, eto., and made all excellent allowing for hi aide of the case. Mr. I.. It. Ilhoa h made a talk, which waa greeted with nil the differ enl token of apirovnl uaual nn inch occasion. Home iMttloiuof lilt iah wvro quit mlutei( and liumorom aud nwlved hearty demon, Irallom. allt wirnma.1 forH. A, Kenncr, and coining firward ho gave bit en dcrtemeiil tothcau.o In a tich of ntaiul twenty mlniit diintloti. He ex 1 retted lilmaelf vehemently 011 the iltuatlou, rea-eiitlng tome of the "ill llaulei" of lie) ublii-anltm and "vlr tuea" of Democracy. He wat frvquitit ly api lauded. Johu lloyle wai the but iaker, and the, aa well ai on of the It-it. Hegav a plain liulncMllkeexivil Hon of hla principle, giving hi" fully lu ivlltlci to Hi Ilemocrotlo iity. The national lliiiwareitrlctly drawn In Ogdon, aud 11 It undentooil that hereafter all iwlltlcat contciti will be fought accord! ngly. "Tlti: HAM) UP bllll.'' iatb or TitiiiTKi-t mucins WHO AlTMITIIIl ".lr tHI'l'lll ".NOT UNK HKC1IVII1 A CIllliatlA.N riiiA... Afciednxtago a man waa found dead luru In the guttir, wrlln the Itlrmliighain (Ala) curmpondcnl of the HL l.oul rWt-Prmomir. liven lu death thero waa a mute look of ttr ror In Hie bloodahot eye, ami thu bloated face ha 1 grown nle and lug gard at the coming of tho grim do itmyer. "Drlnkl" uld Iho coroner' Ium, but an old man who came aud looked for a long llnm on the ile,d(ad fico raid, with a ihudder, at lie turnol awajt "It wat the hind of Hod." Thlt man who hail died In thu gutter wat Iho but of n fated thirteen, nnd In the death of each and all f themtheChrla Han will read tho vengeance of an lu ultcd Deity, ' At the leading hotel In a mnthern city In the tuniiner of l&V, thirteen men, wiring the uniform of Conled. etate onicert, tat doan to a dlnuvr. Kvi ry man In the ntly Ulougial to a grand old toulliern family, and many of the name are llluilrlout In Ihe hli lory of the country, l.very man wat Acavalller. They were llowireof Iho oldiouth, repmeiitatlve of theclilv airy of Ihu ninny land, then ouvelod In the gloom of defeat and deeiKilr. llvirymau tlieru had been n gnllant toldler In the confederate army They had nlurncd from the Aeld cf de feat to Aud their home ilnlro)od, their davit free, their wealth gone and many of their lieanal and diarrat relative! and Irlendt dead. The meeting at lid holt I at a chance one, lilt talking over Jhe iltuatlou In which Ihey fuunJ thimnlvia Ihey re tolvvd to forget Iho horror of It aud for Awhile to drowulhelrtorrowilndrliik. Tin yard down to dlmiir, and round after round of drink waa ordered. H0011 the bloody acenea of war, Hie vlilotiaof rulneil hornet, were All for gotten, rirtlthey beoamu tutrry,tlien recklcM. "It 111 rail till the h-t nipi-or," tuddenly exclalmial one of the rty. Aud Hie nigireitloii met with luttaut Approval. They might nover mift again, 10 "the lait upier" would be a Atllng name for the feaat where reaaoti had Acd, More drlnkt wire ordered, every mail II IUd hla glau, Ihu HghU wire Uiriidl low and the thirteen men de clari-d Ihemaelvet Chilat and lilt tviilvn aiKietk-t. A oung man who liadcomiiiaiideilariguuo'it acted the rnlu of Chrltl And, fur the occatlon, each mail awumed thu namo of one of tho aj-oi.tli-1. riiere waa A wrangle at to who ihould Imi-Mtoukte Judaa, lait more drlnkt were oraercd. and then A young Ueuteiiaut ngrea-J lo act the charai ter of the lietra) er of hla Havlor. II wot midnight, Uit ealt or drunk en laughttrnwokethuiihoci lu every nook aud comer of the oil home. Agalu and again thu decanli ra wore patted around, aud thu blaij liemout mockery cf the latt tuiper wirilou. A ltlble wutoallod for, aud the young olllcir who wat lmiertouatlng Ihe Havlor turned to Hie New Tratametit and read aloud the olemu wordt of Clirlt- The reading wat !iiicrru ted now and then by torn coarto Jctt or ril-atd laughtor, while 1 xprettloiia llko "Judat, natt the bottle," would excite the mirth of tho drunken mm to a point that complete ly drowned the voho of the reader, At tho pror joint In the nailing, bread wat pimal around, anil the win wairepnietited by gbuatafllled to the brim with brandy. "He that drluktth from the liottle with rau aiiall Utraymr!"ixclalmed ChlUt lu a traglo manner, and placing a decanter to hi lip he wallowed a quantity of brandy, then patKcd It tn Jii.latacnntthe tat le. Thlt wat greeted with penltof laughter, aud again the other mock ni-oatlitj wiled! "Juda, tu Iho lttlc!'; All night long thla mockery went on, and when morning camo Hie thir teen mciiwere lu A drunken ttuiiir. It wat loveral daj t iKifow they all re covered from the ellectt of Hint ulght't debauchery. Then they teauuted. That tuj 1 er had Indeed bcou Ihtlr laat; they uovvr tuet again. I romthat night the vengeance of (led followed thoto thirteen men. l.verythlng they undeitook failed. Apple of gold turnol to lhad Hea fruit In their hatida, One by une they went to the doga, and eury man of them met a horrible aud uUgraceful death. llcriatcd failure lu butl. itett drove tome of Hum to detiwrallou and crime. One of them wat lynched In Texai for mur dtr. Tho young man who had lmr. minted (lirl.l waa druwunl In the llratoirlMrwlillellreliigfroin a vlg. Iiniecommltti-e on n ttolou hortu ami hit liody wat neer ncoiered. Another, while lu a druuken alujor, waa caught In a burning lailldlng aud rlihod In the Ilium. One wai ttalU-J tothohiart by a woman he had betrayed, and Hill another wot murdered Ilia lowbruthillua Wwtcru city. Ho far at can Ui harned, not one of tin m ever n celvnl Cbrlttlau burial, an I their giavca are unmtrked and unknown, rheinau who died lu the gutter and wat burled lu Ihe pottw't lltld waa thu lait of th IhlrKvu, .VMM 1 .1 MmilbLI. Another wreck It r polled on the ItlnUrand Wiitern. Ilclfwl, Ireland, hat A nmall jwitjl Utmlc. Mr. Dennett, of tho Illo (Iraude Wrttern, It down with la grippe. Leghorn hat "Da gtlrie" In a ld way. riiehuiplialaara crowded with "grlp"Uenta. Mr.Haimdireoflhe Utah Commit Ion It down with the grip. Dalttl rrtt tny he It Improving. Htreet irmlngt In thbiclly are Inn deplorable nondltloii Hurely the lty could aOord to clean the prlnclj! omt. Tlieiltyof llerllu la aluajt oil the Hpree, but the 1 mpcrur of Utrmany only got on a tpree once, that w aa lait week. United Htata crubrri are ordered to Chilian water. There are eight llh rrulHtt there already. Ileneral Hherman leave four dioigblcri, two martini, Mri. Thack eray and Mn. Flu h, and two unmar ried, lilttleaiid Hachel. Patk City hat pneumonia, lyhold fuver, bronchltli, Li grlpjie, intluonta, 1 pliootlc, and In fact all Hie Hit which belong to a city of metroiolltau rank. A new cure for consumption It an nounced by I'rof. Iilavtrlcliof Ilerlln. The I' till pbytlclniit renounce Ktch a failure. ljueen Victoria Axed hor Ant draw ing mom fur a WednenJay In Dent, and ltiimanlatr nnd high churchmen ate Innnicil, Tliey expttt her Mnjeity It turning l'rcthjtirlau. It It not amuilng tohearlworolonelt convening, tnch about hlnuclf. It I inucluuore no to laar two ladleacon venlnr, and both uniting on tome oUier lady. Two volume of the Kederallil" were old In Wathlngton rMTtitly for tlMI, Tiny were out the roperly of Ueorgo JVaihlugtou. Henator Hcartl of Callfurnla waa the purchaiir. Ingallt tall the iiocalogue would ncvr inter American ratltlct. Houth Dakota toudi the ltnv. Mr. Kyle, a Congregational mltilattr, lo the United HUteiHeiiate. Whatdoca Mr. Ingallt think of HT A large meteor pawed orcrMadlaou, Maine, -011 thu Sllh Imt. It wataa largo na a full moou. It bunt with a loud rtaut, mid icaltered plvciai lu all dlrccilotie. lIouiewtrihakiiatiriiy etlhiuak. Democrat! claim Hut the republican party In Idaho la falling tor Itvtt. II ItrerUlult iplltlnlo teveral facllcnn, but that will not rau-o Hi death. The Karmtr't Alliance Itgalulng a foothold and It exptcta to control Iuaho before many mouth. Iluwla'i exhibit at Hie World't Fair will outdu everything elte from foreign couulrut. (Ivtr Iho million dollara have t-ren rAliealby tubtcilptlon for thaexllltilt. VIILlge tiprtMlitlllg 1U dlrrcrentraci-t nnd trIUt of the Hut. ilau empire will be ihowu lu Chlcigo., N. V., In a;2,0Ui),0O) liooilleiiandal among lu polltlcjani. Tlie N. Y. 11 iWd hat exploded tile com t In-. Thecllvolllclali agrtdtoy t.',000,k)Ior$i;5,iHd worUi of pro 1 tty. Till 1 ropuity wot held by them elvca. The entire family of I'rauk l.u Count of llevere, iit-tr llonton, waa twlaoiiedun the Villi Imt. There li a theory that Hie cow which iuppllcd the family with milk bid eaten wild cirroli, and that Hie wlton of thete wat tranimltted to Ihe milk. TheCharliitou A'cu t nmf Ubuner, In arecint Ittuo, had a mutt tcurrllout and vindictive article auiallli g the character and memory of (ieneral HI1iTiu-.11. Very bid tatie till of the Cavallen. It l petty. trivial, and r tlctilarly imall mlndeil. 'Ihere are llourbout who tiuverleatn. llraill hat a irlmlualof note, ono Clement Villi.. He It a muDttu.nged i?. He hot lived for aoiue tluie on human lleati. lleglveaihe namet uf teveral iert0ua he killed an 1 iat He taji lujmttu llih tuilc awef t, that the lil.itt ialatable nirta are the brain, longue and marrow. Ho tail he alwajt ile t Well after eating, aud had 110 riinoiie. Mr.WIiltney,wlfoofllieex-.Secretary of the Navy, ajt that the reaiou why more glrli dou'l marry, It, Ucaute of tho higher education glieu to glrla at prcteot lly thlt thei are rendired more ludii-vndunt. and they gu into the learned profeailom aud 111 ou. Hue ayi Hint A itlguia 110 more lollow old tualdenhood. Jaregul, the noted doijierado who terrorized Jalltco, Mexltti, tor mote thin a jttir, wat killed on the 3rd In.t. by a company of Mexlcau tol dlen. He had a regularly organized land of outlnwM unuer Ida command. Murdeti, robberlei, abJuctlout aud othercrlmet weroiKratrated nightly uutll the whole Htate of Jalltco wot lu terror. Word waare(eledbytheolce that Jaregul would attack a rich ranch er' 1 lace on a certalntlme. A coiiqainy or lufiutry laid In watt for him. He wat kurreunded. Hit band were All hot to death, and he hlutRolf had four bullet hole lu hli breatt, hit two can rhot off, and nno of lilt arm thattered, whin hit dead body wna examined, 'earned, NUIlled mill laoable 1'lij. The oldett, mot reliable nnd iuccivm till PacinoCoaatiixYlallttii, Dr. I.leblg k Co., of llio I.leblg World Dlipenaary, Hutu City, Kaniat City and Han I ran' cltco, are Juttly nilebrattd for their many curia of Chronlo Dlmaica aud Doformlllet In Utah, will vlilt Ogden I'lbrunry Mill ami iilth, and haiuof Autat Ilroom Hotel, at Cllft Houte, Hilt Dako City, 1 ib.7tll and Ulh; at llolie City, March 3rd ami Hli, nnd at llnlley, Idaho, March Cth, Olh and 7lh. j d.V.luw All rnrtlc ludi Uul lo ut will 1 lenio note that we aie temporarily located wlthHpeiicer Clantflii .V Co, Broad way, Vromi t ut tth meutt are riiiueit id. Coi ruiuaiiLiivi Co. Iliill.llii aud lAitu Aaaorlnlloii memWriiluuld read Ihe American llulldlng Atioclatlou lwl. It ix. totci all mhmnnaged nnoclatlout. 1 11 ita ninth tnr. Due dollar tur 5inr. 153 Washington hL, Chicago. d7t The Tliniat. ".'roira' JlrvnMal yVuolct" act directly 011 the orgaui of thu voice. They ha, e an 1 xtraordlnary elicit In all dlmrdcrt ot the throat. Oem Htovea and llangea nre the brtt. Hi tn u ih w ai l.u Co , 17 aud 1U Wnt Houtb. Temiil HI. AMlSltMI.MS. SALT LAKE TiniiVTKE. Can. Tti no, U4kiona. WEDNESDAY, Pol. 25th, -TI1X- Thalia Dramatic Club, tTntlrrltitilireciioft et tht treat wnJijh ior, ALFRED NILSSON, 111 arpcir la ILt tleii pepnlir axcillati "TE1L1JM1!" Th04t who btvenuu dram troi ire ltto net Itpu u ogM rfoi tomVi th uVtUtli tin. Mr MlM.a UUt ihr prt fa M tlr kit M litr hurt ironrnnUBl lo Btnli olhff TUtr-ttH Tn llinrr th frnB4 t "lh AoUA.Mnltr,' an) thu thtnl tn th (reiiiflr nmitril Tprtr.tV fiylag n Uroki ultMl of ttu iflrlirHfJ ftrtkt IRI , Ihu Aimrlaanttwi'l flat tnarh Ajtyfti"! In 1ilnlntr It Ih AnfiMieli.f ,bft r.- lriilMtiaihtltlarii, mh u " c rmlitvii ilaniea'tlancnl t tii wholroniiany tl third trt.aftl lUHltirUnafn" M "rTW1U poiti., t1anrmiN tliUi,art lrthc Itilriir n Itroihttra. U ih m act th rlitfi1 mnUmltYitan it inax hj tbt wt diah mmn Th OTcrlufA la pen til r romiMMM hr ar wrll known modrUN NT l4 nriUfcN II in wTttlrn o iwn tmott lalvn rttn m ranik In lb draii ItUn titter roiniiMiiion nd laprohiiaiieM 6f miii.el.ini 19 Vn-iiltr 1 - t luhlad Tllhur nrrbtttra W1A U lrr1 rT IhattcrtaJionftiiitH.ilrtnlcr wicril nmflrn tlonaditflni Ihn . .!.,, larh iMmitfm' t,baral(tn lalloti, n)i ill th orlft! fBrrUi IVjutitunrrifrom OB o inch a p tri, AadnhfnwaannaiiBMthtl Vrttttnr Y K. MTJCIIIh la r uk rbuftt ft tlio Urthlr fr Ihtrrt ftr, ll t a anr uirtlrf tn i frjbo) that alo lata i t of th rf ramm Hill Im ah DOT llrkrti, I nl tric I to, ofllf 0 pa Tutadar, SUb, at l-j a. rita SALT LAKE TIIKATIU5 V, a. liiarov, Iliattcr Tbe Sp'clicnlar Event of the Season! 3 NIGHTS AND SATUROAY M.MIHEE Feb. 2627, 29. Iilrtcl from Villi t Utntta Tbtllre, Ntar 1 ort. KIllALFY'S Sanplnuu I airy 9rrclact( lATEiTlIEEl -irfR)itrxT Mttic Goriroua Cotuml dllUvrlnir Armor t Kaclntlnu DalUts I Grand March I Mnuniricont Scoiory I Calcium LIthtat Noval European Specialties I 40-Persons la itt Grand Prodncl.on.-40 I'ttril.lR I'HMKH. Ial of itila bvmm W e4ntidir, Tth. t. WONDEELATO SI HIMi SDimi, Nexl In I II in. 'i 1" "Ji"".:.,"": I '' ITerrietwt J . in tur.... .'. mm ArtrlM irtmJtnf Aa lit J.rnl Jain, and lit. I ar, h,lrlnallala Tlie(ineili,"llnr ll.nlJIiit llnnu." Ont ek Itua tt rhe IVeellv nbr.M Itaal tot llitat trt Matr uattt latrrt.llnr aa t hDTel laattraa iaturdar I f Mldrrn a liar All ehil(lrratJniilt,llrniiittm nlll j,m lorltrtiita. IrlJarla lA4ipa etuTrttr tur hm lit Wat liftrp., Ill nr Ihwra OMn I rrem 1141? alp m. l-rrrormtnte h nrlr I 35o. APMITS TO Alt. o. Witrotnvrenoatrr, li. It acuimrn, nuUtnl. JUL Ocallw. Jru6t (Somparjy, No. I and 3 Eaat Tampt CtrU EtfaMUhtd J313. jW tntorterntt $$$. nun triMi Wii rot d cmj put r r, rntt , drtJKdK q, I'aic-io. Her ftttt Junn r "viih, iJlURiUDl .OLJIJ, JiXlltlhK, Ufcondt trttotpt T O UKHfitt. C'lAirT, II 11 CUM Ot DOES A GEKERALJAMiKQ BUSINESS DMT" PAyt 6 Par Cant Intarett on Savlnta Daposlta. Oa ArPfOTed Mfarlll Tlatra KM.r I.AKH CITY, ITAll. Paid Up Capital 230,000 iurplu jm. $280,000 j mill iTOHti I Jont finer, rmifftif, ' Hon TiliKilta, lie ftuUnt. r. w. Unia. J. IL lliataa, J.T Hint, J.o.iTUtn. JiMtt Finer, ltkltl lllKWOOOKr, 1 It I'tiar, I 1, .'Itaiaoa. llrntua nonttr, J. II. mtlita, 1. NIIILU, (liithr. II a.Tin.x.1, JiiMlfr. Rtctlits Deposits Payable oa Demand. Tnii afj 411 CrrlttJ rm At Iwfl, VwarlMv,, CHnfo, it LmU riMaie, laJae tad 0tt tin fltadyl Clatflw Mltl rif-fl tv- aid IHpoall Iktlta.tUtluitlr btr tlar lad Alt kpt,r Iteull 14 la til vr rtr. UTAH" Commercial Savings Bank, 2 li S F. Flrat 8outh St., SAT1' l.AKU CITY. I triTlt. .waa ooa no Mart in, . tivito.oo I AllMITKOMI, I ml, V MiK. IH IVail, II. I LlUMIMlt, Culitr. Mill I lullHl r. Armiirttr. ' w Mtl'ea, ll.t rr llabtna, T W rtWbttk, IhtllT Jantlaia, Cltorat M. Uttaot, l.Ji..uaar.l. II. II Mud, It K.Caatiia. (Jerjcral Bai)rjlr?$ Bujirjejj ;t rtr Craf. lUrrtt lvH oa Sirtajl I)';..i,li, i ob ;m M I T.MJ a IVnr. rTHE STATE DANK OF UTAH, j OMilllt) -jou oo,ooo. , IIKIirilJ (lUr. 1'rvtltJri.t. Mat. II lUMinv tc I'ra.lltal. likUKitM wrixh, i.hicr nut io"Jt o i wt J tirph I Swiih. Ctiia A ilnritii. Uuull IU. Sn-hiW tlartoa. urtmlLlanaoa, rah1 TaUr. fBn rtJ'awn, I ttilor katnjnirtb, tlnJJoiru, llu harder tut, llaarrA nooiUf, Itttaltt a d. poult nayabl ti iraaa Iana Htunaji ou ai rtv-l auurt(j lirawi i iMiiar on all rim n al ilnU rartIrnMl.iinaiadf- aita ( itt-janrli imii llivrvon uaanarly. An I wau your LuIb i A88IGNEE:SflkEI ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1891, l n iu, cuMMkMr. tiik lAt it or 0r$55.OOO& -WOlt'l'lt Ol1- MY BOOBSaiul GENTS' FlfflllS rug Annum of what they cost 80 A 10 QUICKLY RCAIIZE MONEY ton Till! HIM UT ur 11 AN IMUHMK STOCK Of Ladles' Tea Gowns, Ladles' Ready-Made Dresses, And LADIES' and CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, CAPES AND JACKETS, WIIILIt 1 M III. KKI I, roil 1 1 IH TIHX FIFTY CENTS 01 W DOLLAR 01 Iho Original Wholtiala Coil. Trill ttocl I), wlthoul a queitlon, th Tlnetl r I th city, and It will pay you to buy Doodi now, vihrlhor you need them or I not. lor a Ilk opporlun ly lo buy lha CHOICEST ol Coodt, REQARD LESS ol WHOLESALE COST, may not preitnl Ititll lo you for a long tlmo lo com. I will olTor EXTRAORDINARY IN- I DUCEMENTS lo PURCHASERS ol LARQE LOTS ol I GOODS. Carl) early morning, to a to avoid 1 the Intvlttblo rmh ol alltrnoom. A LOUIS LEDEREH. Aaslgnce. 1 2 )o and 207 Main Street, - Wasatch Blach 1