Newspaper Page Text
K i )Ksi:nr,T r.v.nxixn yr.wst wKnynsmv, nntnttAitY 25, ism. V DESERET EVENING HEWS. Mi t .. , HI fautaM rft7 jir- ..on "" ' r " I I.WrtilW.r'k' laaaw IHKOl It Jtl ),IMnlh,UnUfrtk l"r" ""''"" Mil marniTrjiiutncir ff Hi' IhWUIkJ tntj Hk.1.7 t4 riUw lIP- Q Ika fiV. h aenan, If r. IW ' " fl I l.,UMIHH"!r"1l,",-""d, HJ, '""" fj, ' tii pmrrrrwetmY V n . kit. "' ''"" " rf "ml I ' lutot; ttkt, t. alr. It-"" r j I 6TnEM AND SOURCE. HP &)? tto Btrrama Ulrt n MK I OutottlMrruudMmlr, Hi I Hhrtt)MfliflMrlwfttm)ilflHtt H Aa4 WiIikI al aWma tlian alii W 1 Ttiri.uW.aalll rttrr aH I TUip(utraUlliUl"utu Ul U I Mill K. Jj Fel laera In amrt fomvr. H j EIl-1r ISailrwmlof rH M lf Dial flow trom lb tin 1 hi, V-i1! lhtu.jtrtli.ri.tlloarai.iiDo4 K Lfc Thai UetwUi arala m4 aaala, ft AP.Llllilbf-1unf4l&41lMll(r4 H TUrtvtlMaaellb.rher H Tbawilla ot Uolasrai-aar. Ikeaourcaw (", an r. f And In U tlie er rlr , -lUrrkH IKE"" Itlml.l! in UinliUolUi I A HANDSOMK II.0NJ)R Tli7 lioanleil In tli mw lion. Hlio wai a an.vLllng lirnnrtle, with a .Iainp. .baial? fltruro, webinl lips aud ilrep ml chceka. Her rum locaa Ml In pretty clmteranTrrlir nobis forehead, and vera iratlirred Into a inaaelr. mil. artUlkallr bral Inl, In lir n It. Il-r t! drcti, Rlorlona ejrea wern resplendent wllii a warm Unlit. n 1 In 1 In tlielr half 1 olijr t irrnlnn n chann wlilch '.wilnated S for ml or woe. Hh wai nvlrirurlnj In to enjoy her dlnn-r, but km nerruua ill an 1 reatlev. J) Itvraaallon.Kwitli a .yianllty nf i muilnchi) an 1 ffhlitof clio i tit. lln "j Mt at a tabic rpnritk th rliarmdu j! Iirnnrltr, ami, ilo what ti might, h 1 coiihl not avoH ruJus at hir. Krfrjr j two nilnntn thrlr rjrt nif I, nt whlrli 1 tm rrxnlatljr Mnthnl, WhpIM ant f rown.,anl hit Inwanllr IJfawl tha f COn.1 forlntia wldcll Iwl I'laml blm o- 1 IwnHo nurh a revelation of loTrlmeaa. ! They were, 1 1 lonj, Intrr-lnwl, lmt " tlielr aeqnatot'vnro ieenir.1 not to j n i per. Ooolhlnz anil another tvcnrnil to ; rrfiarata them. Bha ha I ntlier rrlemlf 1 atl oeetW him noti ho vraa ha anil , care.1 not for her. ; (loulpa will circultla In a Imanllni; hmuw myiterlooily, to ln rnre, but allll J It enra. Anil ona day rrhila tha wai In hi-r Iltlla rrcro hi room waa at the op ponJta en 1 of tha hall i'io, orcrlicard I two of tha cerrtnl llKann rorhiln ft rlwliRraplw. ShaUarneil they were In k Iiia roo.i, Bho nto leanml tlut tin T verapbotoraphaof hllea. J! "Can h have auotlmr c.tlr eho avltM I, hernelf, anil then qulclily anavrrriNl lit "Of conn ho haa. Dtlt ieria ho U l encneo.11 Think of ill Ij audi u thla Iwenlble j Ami, fnllr lmnrrl with the horror f of the thought, rha dans Iwr iloor opn, fA There waa no onotntbohallttht iloor " of hi room wai npn, for It waa the tlay tm i after Chrlltmaa anil bo waa nut of town W "i fimo to aea tint other, parhapj. Her H i mother waa oatnocliaitra for iletectlon Hfl rom that quarter. Khn rrmemhere! B lliat tho inTniiaula of tha flllier nxiln il I were alio away for ChrlatuiM no nno to 1 I diicover her there. Hutcly tbo cxwit 9 1 waa clear. I) Yea, thoaawlt, anil wltharapbl atep walkeil twMly Into hla room, h hoiv I aha tluiheil at her own pretty faon In lha mirror a dainty, lianil imlnted thuii; l dmibtlena tha lft if that tbr. Hill what other! Hie looked aroint 1 an 1 mw, not one fitnlnlne face m heex juxleil, Int mniiy. Hut there waa one which ei:n-d to have tho mot proml neuca. Thin ftood on the bnreau, And i ihelientoertoexaraineltiloaily Tho iij tRr drawer of tha bureau waa open a little way all el-a waa In (rood order. Bhe liml latn Hu lying the pliolu L Jtraph. prrliap a lulnntA, rapidly and 3 critically, when l waa liorrlilM by h hearing the front ilot r In tho hall below & open and ahut he.n1ly and a rapid atep come hnrryln; up the elalrft. $i Slie turned wle Mlth frlcht, for alia recognized hla quirk atep, And net er lud It aeeined ao dtHKeroojily quick never linil aha experienced aurh n aeniatlou of n rfect dUtnay. Not fluting lunger alio turned abruptly l haianl a rnn Into her own room, for he had illmhed hut one flight of atalra there rt aa yet lime. At her hoaom itie wore n dainty glove J huttouer of oilllmt ailver a ptvtly I , thing, tho gift of a dear frit nl h hid ' hccoineilliloilgeilfrom lu touting plaro I aa ahe a it re vljng In her own room, mid when the thought of thoaophotogrnplia i came to her the row ao and lenly tint aheatlllfnrtherooiienelll Whilehond. Ing over hla picture on the bureau It hung liyjtut thnallghtett thretd, and, V I ben iha tnme-1 fell . Into the partly open drawer, hhe heard i i thenolnoaa It fell, bntninldnot juuio i' to lln litataociUlraln moment I 'htn ahe cntere.1 tho room hla room j i alio eailly ilolgeil aroon 1 a chilr ' which waa placed a Utile awkwardly In , the icntcr of the room, lmt In her eager- : neaa to vacapn aha thought not of tint obttrnction, hut riulnvl Into It, oter I tnniod the (hair, which Ml with n ' cnuh, and, htimblnl mont plleouhly, aha prawlcd full length nMti the floor, a donn halrplna Hying In all illrrctloua. i AUfel for her lordly dignity. vliut at thla juncture he, a little weir I , W with tha climb, reached the upper i hall and awlftly approached hU luoni. , j i Itwoull 1 nttetly fuliotoaiythitlie I waa not rurprlnul, It wonl 1 1 iiully falao to aiy that he waa literally tliun. dentrnrk ' I ll paine.1 al -ijlly upon tha thnif hold ua If iflll.,mi.. Hla v,dw and , ( umbrella'XilltolhaBoor.anlhoanajea ! i Lock an 1 f orlli until ho waa forced to i a-p llracaaitui of the doorway leat ho, , ' luo, might fall. 'IhlawoakuMofronrw lutM lmt a i ' moment, and na In re illwd the litnitlon, 1 aa he raw the chair upon ita Uk, the 1 rou 1 girl motlimliin iqion the lliwr, her ', 1 all for hairdreuiin nattere.1 nboutln profualon, a faint tinlli lit hla fj-e - aurely thla waa parjonable I j r1' no1' momBiit, howei er, hlaeaprea I J ".'n cliangml, for kho rouialiio.1 ao quUt yt that he fi ornl alio mlglii,bo dangi romly ' b,"V 8u,lwut mrr hix. UfioUlu " : KtnMy to Jif r frot. oJ ionglil to Mr.r, hrr I hat no fa wvA f1on lUr hianU wr re trDl"l likevftw her tv, (imm nut tniny lrU of hr Im-ly. fur fthfl fell hMTlly lN !' ,,0"1 cAOifl miO wtnt a t.ul. n(l wr inlud vu ivrfntfr rlur H" "" " Abontlifn hw liindi " fllHTis tlw I liMil from hf r fncw4 l,tt!-inTuUliro crhM from tho cwikt of tlw clmir-lin ytr vr.M iKl.lnn, ju'lile iithI comfi rt lmt, iil It rrn tnl tttTMI'mate, v.r.rib, but itiU nh ivbb-d, her hrart neArljr linVcn. Helnwanlly thnkt n-lfpff...Uoi rrttlnnitr. Imiwjmn kin! brMt-nl niftii tter nlU ntnl im Im ftiprtnl 1ir Kltntlon ho ntl)r ilrcw hr tcnvanl th hall I!-i11tfv-go-ly mytwlf, 'io llitnfiif n?It m Ihj rrftclttil tha thrwhoM. 'Vr well," I' AMweml I lo yon art nt m rlaunty hurt." After whkli ho UInlw liU u port In It ft nil, ami lw wimll luvo tll rcclpitntely Hut hrn her whc.lo vrt Ixht ciii'n upon her nhock"! iiiuxIm tiny irfoel to jrire her tbeir nccu totneilnM.aiul elw ktHtiferM w hoi leily that he nt vnro caam to lr relief. A fewinrtnifnU late lwWaWti'cllnliis In it Utjpi i Iwlr In her own pretty room, ftixllM wanMam1ltii(iu tltrvtsjler if. Iit tscrxlerlnff how fho lutjprneU to bo vrliero 1 found her. It vroitll bo wrong to My tint h nr rtri il at t ho proper ltil Ion irf tlto nUm At once, fi r nltlniu! hit wlta wrrn f tlrly tvlnqi and tbo corrwt thuniiht ratna to lil-mlnl Mill howA4 not o cimeltvd MtoliehevoltAtflrKt. He collated tho hairpins nnl n dnlnly hct- trlimnwl hitndUerehtef, nod tairti tlwm iftfeftiUy In ono corner uf tin lntnwu drawer 1k)o mentlonM, Aa J ti Mi ntout to tnm nnay hit eyn fell tij-iu tho kIo a but totter, and uh kii lntard htuiU und ft rrnlliiHmUl X Inft at hl4 lirfirt h Razl nptly nt It. And then u lib lfth, whltih nwy Iwuo iiKYtnt very mnrh mI tlmutlnr Pimlltanl droplil into hla grtut chair to thlnV. Homl iy ram. An 1 h felt mro that rho wouM then fhow herwlf. lmt ho vun 1Um printed. HoiKUy trtmiiR nller chnreh M tm m nneli worrlnl ntid troublM th-ttb atitunioiMHl tho nenat. nrytvtmjci nntl luVeit her mother If 2iM tm KrkHuly 111. And thH m ia Iter nnTrri 'eii, o nro KreMly wmriM nlamt Iter rVi lriw not at all or mile (ti tltfnt n,ijrt, htio mt nliuoit twthln. Hhf h k l,l;h fVf r, and rmlly wv nr mneU nlarnl Tho ttnnjr-Ht i-art la that to cannot account fjf It hi wity way. Heirlnir tlili, it 1 ttot alrinro UiatVo fonud llttlo lep Hunday nlRht U aar thntlcr ptl1t and Unw xrero billing her. Ho lr"vr nut why, hut liU nwn h.Mrt wm filled with very icullar m Mtlonti, an 1 d.) 1m might li'i rould tint think coMeem-tely of anyllditir or auynnu hut Iter TI.U auto of Affairs nM. tinned nutil Xow Yenr' Binutiuni; nt ..boot tlSW i.VIoilf. HU, for (It flrtt lluif, left her littlu rttovi and ijalkkly entered tar litnthera. niidnrwanoifim liltlo way nnl ly cnuaht a. Klluipw of licr iln-a llw tamo lm had Horn atrttc a,rowhen ho aa fnrpriMoly fotind Iter Ilo wtuAt tlmt moment numlninK fur tho huudraUli timo her btloin ho hl c HTtlly pat ft-rar A lid na ho aitw her enter Iwr inotbrr'i room n tlmnjUt came 1 1 hint r nitlwr cotiras1 raiiw to liloi nflWetitlr to carry ottt tho lrtddlnof a thought ho la 1 rherltml fur timny dayi. Ilo ttoppod nnl to mrj.lJ jr for fear hla IxHirt nlfiht Krow futnt, btit iinkkly wrotoafewwi Mi mi hla rurdnul tlol tho hnlri'ln, u'loMt hntUmtr nnl hmid kerrhitf ith It Into n tirat ptekag. Then tremblingly h Huht tlw .Qother lwilrocm ilivr. lite honored laly ro fpflmle-t to hla Vnmk, and wlUi Atry fin h m1 f.icn h tvtamtnemli Parloa-llhink-Iahouldaaythl or tlo laflonj to onr daihLpr Af Ur which ho ntotle h ury ohitme fsce-1 rotrent, A few moment tlto wA woman atared In blank attiaaeiAaiit nt thoivieluigrlt4 Jn?ld, but aht h-d not limu to inrdlUto thtia. Ihodi'ishter, who wn reclining on n Mtln it mMt cxhauUod loniiner, anl dunly recelroil now atrcnth a hhe . heuril hla voltv, an t, flirlntfitirf to her fert, aha pulled her mother Into tit ronm, tre Ihn i.jiVax from her aud burnt It conlt lu almntt hroAthhia haUe. j Tin mother wt by thla time tlmr i onRhly amaxed and antik lutunrhair, not rrnlly knowlus what to expv. t Tho da itchier real tho fow won1i nivn tin crtnl at leatt doi"n Unit a linra came to her eye, her Inwim hArM with mlfiht) hoIm, and he burlod hi r faro lu tho i uh!on of tlio w fa, Altnncd at thW tho mother w.nt to her thill, nul wlton ho htxumo inoro ralnt eha ldd her lieuultfnl lnvtd upon r molhera hp ntnl toll her ever) thlntf Tlien aho elrM a leco of pip&r, aIm fuw wunlo, tM it with tho rvlh If they may lo eo t illM and imlui M ijier inuther to letnm tho end nr tho hall Tlila ibiui-, tho inuther entered tho diulitera room, And tho heart utrlrken youuit mnn nlin.t flew Into tho 1 irKcr room, hero ho aIu wet that iuut' ! v.ltrMiih'biunrllo. Atul now my talo ta dono. Itvrro iwt proi-er crfalr to tell whit word, wlmb klha, whut promla wiro ox changed Utat moniiiv. Hmlri Telo ftnrlft iiutriiiiini. A thinjr tho Kieral publio dori not luow U that then aro fow, t any, pat ents on nrtUaUntrumtut. Wheii n I uyttelan etti up aotuo now device to iiui t tho ncedt of tho irirtiulun of orKeryanltnedlclnohnuoca not et a patent on It, but Any one t fren toinako It, and thu I rofxloa Kti tLo Ik-ntiit of that fact, Cltidnnati Unijalrcr. )UttmtMtUl llrui. "Whnt'a theuinttcr herur' ruked n itrfiiiKirof ii ftiiill Iw), tut ho iiotliiil n larictu wed llun pirtv coiulnjr out of u ihurrliou lIfthnLimo. 'iiwlhlr.' but tho tlcil piln' nut," uu tha reply Toxaa folflln. A rp..l Jutlsmfiit. Mr lliitRo- Wlwt do oti thlnlcof 1hU im htlo ' '1 ho l Krk Mild It w aa tho uup lu tho Hturo. Mr lllngo. 'Hun thochrk mutt be n hi mid ujujl Clutlilvr und Xur uUher. 8rPiss; OHCHAKU AND GAKDM. T0PIC3 OF 1NTERE8T TO FnUIT crtowEns ano CAnotscns. A llea.rlf.llna nt tha MelhiKt rmr-la)ril In rrtinlnc an t Tmlnliitf th llnx tin., nt Hi" Clinnlnminn tleclxii, IU glnnlna will tl,n rirtl Irnr. Tho nnt jreir, on j lantiin, the top la ml back tothrevurfotirlmili. Noother iirnnlnjrUglvtntbM ear Theaecoiid )etr cut hack to live or alt hnda. ami wlien thu new srjwth la nliont a foot Nina; niniira all but the three alronjnt ah aita. Theee are to he irrov, ii for cane, fur frnlt Karlnu I've third car. The llilrd )ear tie tip two beat cane, only, eflclithrroorfonrfeit lonir. Tlilajcur In the time for putting up tho tre'lla, Eb irsfej JW viM'lWJV-.a-fWjv4.V VIXM TIlAttrO 01 TIR TA BTUtM. Um ponU and taken, eirli 7 feet louff. 1 lie end xmla tuid ataVea ato About 4 by 6 Incite In also. Tlioatakei nro al-ont n by limha. Tho rod pmta nm brucrd by a tiek J by 4 1 itche nnd 111 feet Ion? ' htaVrs ere art o1tnr thi ruw. out for ttety tlinv vine XntiWr nlno rlro tinoil Jho aharponed -tVm am driven 3 feet luto tho Krotind, lnvlu,r C fi-et above itnmud. Threo wlr are nunh TiA l vrvr wiro U fniteuifil 3 fvet fhin tliu ground, tho aocond win 3 feet, and tlie third win-at tLMop of tbo iutur ukr, ni Aliown tn tho til iteration. 1 ho fourth ytrfrotn pUtttltut pt np threo or fotir inao, oaih threo fret lonjf T1k fifth, nidewli enr threarter, att np II, o canoa of thrro fwft ench, or not to monhI forty flvo IauU Nmtly all vino junUi nra tmlnod on what U nailed tbo ' fun" astern, tlto vineo Muf pmnl out likoan opened vino. Tlto tmltlvn will bo itoniew hit n huwniu tlmrtiirraxioij fnoii Vlalta' Uluatrat-! UanAaltw. That jatiih n indkcaUM by tho letter S reproaenta tho p nuanoitt f tock with thrro brahchoa. nnd tboty irt markml Cthonnnuat Irearluj oan. Only ooo or two cane aretlM tothotippor win. tl remainder Mut tl! to tbo two lower wlma. Tha object U to Rwt on all tlioi-pMTMwoen th upper and lowor wlrto au otvii dtatributluu of tho new gmwtli and of tbo fruit. A I ! I ui Hot Tho plant Iw depleted la from lopti Ur tlanhotnK. It la iiywloof rmiffh ptim IikIi Utv.nla, i Im he wltK and with tlto t lea aihl tavlo flaring rHghtly, to mltitlt ' of readily rnmmunf tbt rarth nt any time The ttiaklo width of I hi Im.- .a tlie tojt an about 9 litchm, und " iui be Iom nt tiw bottom 1 bit Mt mi board waa about .mht-o u.n.iUf thin tho C'l-vrtli'if In enUr to admit of nnmll epaw al r.h md for -Hording atnpte drdnagis I IIHIK MADK IUHT bOX. Tlio tise Ixtstit mado ai ilen.rlb,I wer put to Uui tlut of m.-ftvtrif lirted pi it.I from tho U1 In S. ptcm.lmr. melt aa wero detiyiuit fur afoyk j4ittiu fur ITopaurat ln3puiFpnannltdMf p'luitvMnj; Krowj for t nt (I AVer. Y ratrattUra were tlml they nnawrrod for iiU without dan grr of breoknsv They wero Ivaa ex jhjimItp thm ti pUuta In them ro ipilroil loMcaroiu waUrlr lly their nae enraulmnao Jntt cunll Ixt ltftiil nml convvnieutlyilorM under aonto tempttntrv tructuro of wtah for weekaAfbvtbotlTnt fnaila, and tlien Iw nttioieil to tho ipr. nlmuM, thin frivlntf thnMi thnt wero iiiotihI dlroctly tulo tho tniitnroamplo aotictt notil tltoy bvcuuto oUptnl to tho '.nartem. An iflvantofto Ui tlio plants Intncli boxca our ftftttn thmu dlrittly Into l.U ia tliat tlto pnco can ru.tdllylie tvitiil to i hair jrowrb that !, whui pl,iiiu an (Uftt brought In the bun inny kland perhnitt ono otfniiifct tbo other, hut iu gr wth prucewU tltey cui L eprra 1 wtmewlut ThoGreatil REMEDY F0RPA1M Q500 ZluwarcIT Wt will ny th ihoro if war t for any rait ot In.. (oniiUi.i. Hr'Un.ii'. IU.UU.C, roro wil'h". " Ceilatila l"rr rilTJ whin ihw tfirfltonur Mr-ill rtnllJ rbr aw itartiy v-mume,aa4 ijftr HH i.t ?.,.!. ini io nil. watauttwut. ttrtni kno ImU'ti'Di I hi rvtonn num. frlur-JBlr l" Tit- JOlIX C WaT tU-I 1 NY, OMl UU, II Ia, at.! I hr Jouok, I axxt a Co , liaaiU, tUtJkt?ll, li iiHin-ti .,uVwioTvrVuMntai.f. sxmNXiv -w-iCaivjaxt. CALiiiriiiiitv. LAGER DCCR, ALC & POOTCI?, Uliuleinle.1 llelall, to rjT, rnur adit tTRcty QIH3APITbiIES im mi:xioo. pott ICBT PfalRAIlU. Ul), BOTH Axneullartl aal dranair, la Clrttlcru CI InualMia, uear Colgnj Hut. ri lull parncmai i, aprir t liitaarr Nrwa OCIM, or W litra; Johaiaa, Jr,&il4nr Ulaj, Vavu aaljtta, Clj)k5tl1n,U,jl0, ' i, ' iliiliUn. , : "Jv" wii v no " Voii" cough ? mh'fXSt'3m taVi A rreriawlhlnsr Aro yoit nwaro that Itiften" ftt tV''LS fajtoiHnn tholiuisinnl farfcmoftin niiwai - Nt jen, flvWlJa intiConeuinpllintnmleniUlnI)Mtli? iijloa i JM ctV- 'tjl-ngiij niiitringfromAatlinia.IlnmchliU.I'nouiinra a 1-7 v "5 VjRr "'"""' Consumption will nil till you that &WP "IT STARTED WITH A COLD," : , iejtJRy Oinj-oiiarfonltoneRlectltt Can yoiit rifle j, " & Ju?9itrtBii-.i wltliaDterUaiijimattiTl1 Aroyouawnrothatji :DR. ACKER'S ENGLISH REIVJEDY; fur Cmiclii. Cold l on 1 CnnnuniiUon U 1 Jim 1 n,tlil Ion tho urcotnt of all "Mmlornlteme.Hi 1 It will aun r. (Juiieh In on.. nbtlit Itwlllilkaa ( ol I In n ihr It will 1 roTent Oniiip. n lioi o Atthnm nift rum t Jmimi. . niton If taken In time, ifiraii,tniroriltnliwllluut It." A2- Ijittle. mar an yiat t ino in Unctor'a NlU-uujr ati ;ir life I Al nair jlnw. Kint f or It, nr w rila to V, H. MULT CO, 4) WBl tlitlf IT, M Jill, fur l.k 3 a.l uj II.IIIIIIIPIIIIIIII1IIOII K)r aalo hy '.. V. Jf. I. Diug Derarliueut. REMOmLE AT THE SALT LAKE EQUITABLE CO-OP., :j "W. Ilrwi, Sonlli Stroot. For tO DAYS ONLY. EVERYTHING at COST. --UII i olou HftJ Slictlln;. 81c. a jnnl. Ilounljlo I'leacli,- 1." " " 1.00 Idnreim I.I., lilyaplt fur I? I.UI1 1 All llet lllnta, 20 " - 1.0) 1 rult U 1ior.i, 12 " I.C0 Allutlrr ArlltlM slacjbtereil ntiarao REMOVING MARCH 2d, at Ho. 30, opposite. Larger Premises ECLIPSE GROCERY & FRUIT CO. Ari Mow Open foe tluilnei. at tlielr Mew Store, at 52 E. First South St., aml'mn stoieTstwi, f GREENSTflPIiE 1 flflD 1 FAHGY GROCERIES. iJStfra A.H.Woollg, FMWHlio S r o , o o o Worth of Winter nnd Suipluo Stock at almost lialf-prlco. Black:-: Silks! . Black:-: Silks ! ,Ut onalltl In t-UIn Ul1imo,, (iroa Oralnv, fatiev weite tunl rlectnl I.rne4lo-lIUo.t,TV , tMr., 9l.3&anl l f3, north &0 jvr critt mom tlmii IJItuttHt, Onlorelflrq0niltiaat Ote., 7SS. tnJ Vic IVlllo I'rtiirjlwt at tl.10, worth iOpercont tifirr Si pirn tjf nil Wool 9erce, ntvr vltadea, rejuUr prl &., imw 4Jc, wt yan! 39tlMuaalt Vd'ool Prw (IchiJi hi lalii, (amy wouvuaaM IlaUi. north A-otu !.t to per ynnl, imw T.v. U olffiiut uomlilnaUon Hallo, at n ro-Iuotloii of 2X4 p r cont, DOMESTIC :-: DEPARTMENT. 10U0 pitln. of CiirWiw nn 1 r'ortleriiT, alllillr aol'nl In linn U'iib, will 1 nflVreJ for ouo MMt:L frutu TSo t Jl3,Wntr (ulr, woitli iK jmr t-cnttnoro, now than ul'orril. TvA.K:K:J3'JPtS . tiaact . oxjir, s Ma rtiJm llmi of for .lit. l illt. at ao. eai h Ul full alw rtm-liet )iillli a. JI.10 eaelii J.0 full If. Trnrl el llullla, Marwlllea vilturn., al II V eimhl m coilillnii Mamlllet ijililu, full Ui. ul a. &n nh I, VIO UrNill ffilllla. oatra alie. Ifileo il.lina. Iltaiikeu al U110 per lialr Our raleOi ilml Wlill,ieaR,riila lllanVels full .l., at IT im p.r aln ulra 'llialll Wlilia Uallfnrula lllnnLrta, i jtra aire, worlli CI -.CO Himi-I it Altoutloii U illel to tlin CirtMi lUnrain In Ainlerauu luiiKjrti Sooicli iUlhjra,atJa, nwially at II at . ivwinauiifartutara a&ort I. njtli-a or Anderion luiiorlel Zephyra at JCJJo., wortli in. , nf. i anl. ai-oviv . no:ii3i?vPv1TN'rni2srT. To cIoki Iwlanoa of w lnUer aUvalf , truuietnloiia roiluiWn.. Id IU I' Uaiai, ' rollieal from tltM tn ( 7 to ' ' It.fi0 " M.H1 1. " r."i, ' ISUil " l.'Ki Illaekl liwlot Jackela, " liwi" sci 'i Aalrarb 111 l'aoavl " " M) " a 10 lln Ooau, " JM in .1 .. 3.M . 1 M 11 " tin " 1,73 Inllea rahmr. ami Flannel Tea down., lidow cott, l.adlw'lMllinYntn.irifav, OUR CIIILDBEII'S CL0T1UKC AND GEMS' FDHHISHIHO DEPiBTKEST ortra lliTk' Mill, at I l.J, l.T S.M, 2.33. 3 51) an 11 W, wonli M er wnl mnr. Ono lot u li of Hi'jn' ).n Tanta at itu., USi , Wo., 10c an 1 Wo. Uct uluo liara' OuIIiik Lloih Waltta at I'm., rmliieoil from aiu. lloia Outing Clulh aim al U.V., rialiuvil frou JOii, )U ya1 Oullnir rtnllt Wal.t at (Oil , raliliM.1 from Uie. Men.' Ullluuinlriiil Ul.lluhlilrt-.t:,o oauh. Ouo tot aui a of leua, Over.lilrU at nik IV., fAi. aud Ota, Merino half lioao rtiluoM to one.halr of regular prta to 12)0,. SOc anil c. lloj a' UlllMual. at a roJm tlun of M Jwr lout. oxjTit .wnco'.'jDiaa . 'X'iisiva'1 V;tll oouttuue tliu U5 per cent atnl 10 par tvut liUi-ount, SPRING NOVELTIES lSJSSS" lUt I order rfthn 1iiiiu nuU (itretiil llitiidon. Une l'rlee to ill. m m (iillihctl, itOI, I. AUE1B4CH & BEO. 60HN BtQS. On TCT3SST3A.Y, Febiua-y S-ifctli, WK WILL 1 vrilODUUE TUB -MSREflTESTfSHaE-- fillUSLIN UTOERWEAR EVER KNOWN IN THE CITY. THE DUX WILL COS JUT (J T it He., SOe., TSr. and $1.01) rrini-tllHlr. LOT i, u( urn will Includo a largo and wall-soloctod as3ortmont of limbroltlorod and Laco-Trlmmod Chomlso, Toathor Stltchod, Laco-Trlmmod,Tucl:odand Frlllod Drawers, Chlldron'a Waists, Children's Tuckod and Cmbroldorcd Drawars, Long and Short Cmbroldorod (Drosses, HIrIi ana Low Corsot Covers In all Biros. ffl LOT u, ni ti o., will Includo all tho stylos montlonod In Lot I, only mado of much flnor matorlalu. , LOT :t, nt "?n., will bo found to bo tho most romarka blo lino of Undorwoar wo'havo ovor offorod .for tho prlco. It will Includo all (tho latost designs In Ruffled, Tuckod and Cmbroldorod GooiU of ovary description. LOT -l, ut t41.oo, wo consldor tho most porfoct lot of rjoods In ovory way ovor put on salo horo, Tlioy woro) mado by tho boat known manufacturers nnd most carof ully soloctod, idr Ono spoclal foaturo wo wish to call your nttontlon to Is that nil of thoso garments aro mado of tho vary host makes of cambrla and Fruit of tho Loom Muslin. Vo cordially Invito your Inspection. RDwrmGo, J'CNRY DINWOODEY, HAVING INCOnPOrtATCD UNDER tho abovo namo, and completed his Largo SIX-STORY BUILDING, nnd having rocolvod a LARGCR ASSORTMENT THAN EVER UEFORE of inuHijiiiiiiyiiiByiDiiiDMtujjJiilM FXJgpTURE 1 1 Til lu i luiirfftn irn il miiHTfiOl CHRPETS iTHjItm i itLuj i iLriiiijj 1 1 iluiflTni! SPRING TR4DE! Ho Is bottor proparod to tako caro of his customors, and uollclts a contlnuanco of tholr patronago at his USUAL LIBkbKWHm'HT,' WI-IOTISA.TTi3 and RTA.IL. tST Ord.ri by MM wUI litociw iVonvpf no. ' H. DINWOODEY FURN. CO., 37 to 43 W. First South Stre, Salt Lake City. jr. jr. niXWOODV.Y, Jlantujtr. SI FKASEK Sc CHALEV1ERS, m- cHlonoo. I. 0. TUUIaT, , 1 bult Litlco City, UtnJi, I General Wcstira Manager, llolonii, Jlontitua. I IVlIKrNG MA.CIH3STrIiV, I LIDQERWOOD HOISTING BNQINBS, I ELECTRIC MOTORS-K i Bloctrlo I.iEJit Ploata, tXaiNCS, llOILKUM, UMSVATOltS, SAW JIII.T.H, I -J I.OCOflKWAVBK. rXi:,UI 3IOTiUS. ,. I iHHaiira