Newspaper Page Text
aW !, I i in. . - Iff pESERETEYEUHCJEWS. H ,' IvedeetJar, I rbei.ary at, l9l ' , m J. f'tfor AJ.ert.wtrliahleliweelrweedH.ll. . .ulnlheleu,tsMlen.btdljraWa melted ',', j BlMiMUMtMlalt.hll-liarialinaatA 'f' M r ir unn 5 r aw ," H i.iMvdAdmiUintfiireilnr-MiariAH.u a ' ,H ft I DCBta l edrertlttBwaU Wort U on Stilt fjK ; ! h;a:.t.s. jK ( A unite Motion of ll.n County Court JJHill waa lifl.l ycatarilny afternoon, lnt uu JK tuallimanriluiirlaurtvtMlniiuclKl., B I fn.C. II. Mwjini: wilt ilollror nlortiif JH ' tomorrow evening In tboTwentlclli Ward ! ,,' aiMtlng limit. huhJM "Wh 141.I Tra ," Tlieleerliiteeiiiii ifl" inrnroi nl ? JO o'clock. The public nie .Jffi t j lavltml. '?' ,:i ;' TimiH will IreAfnievtollpattrhrldltl p. ,S ,,, the hliili Wnnl iiiixilii."ni-ihleren. A ' i irr. el 7r!. In liflxir or iJdr luiM jtb M '! lulhnar ami Alma II. We-I. who am ,., 'I hi hvo nil a lulatlon tn Jlw .Hniltli &Si) ; j triiMsbn. rfcn.lsare.Millally Invited. Itiiiti If Tim lady employe 1 V. '. J. will KWW i j cite it MKial laity 1" !'" tiailfnth MMi -ii Wanl Ainaenibly Mail on IW.yiliir, fflj 4l March 0. Illsen'n full .pindilllo hami . ? '.I will fllrnlali Ilia limale. An enjoyable 't; . tlii.eliconr..loiiilviiii'-led. ' ' ' t JAitl-i .,: ' IheKlrieenllilVard. died siuldnly at Ills V' , liouulaat evening, r.ininer Harris wiw - '. luUllnl, tul alter Invrttlgitlnj th mat- If . terilat-MM not to hold an h..iiet, m II 'Mm ' weaat.dciitHinltonoi.J debility wni Hie fX luiuiidlatecwuw of hit sudden oemlnc. .(, i Tlio Kiinrrni. rps, , Thefuneralun..dcrltorgW.HIII 1 ' Tf ' it tlm veteran pioneer mid Indian In Ars "1 tcrprcler. will In held at llin Nine g , tcenlh Wnnl echoed houio at I p. m. to M morrow. Krleiidiof ltiedccwirf.1 ami H ut Ula faintly ru Invited to iillcml. m HuM lioy Uv'-'xtk. P! ' AtKlutfloo'elovkrnlinljranr K '! UOon, Wllllinl i:d'lllitail, vrlio kerpi Rfj ' a ttuie an Klnt WVal Ulattu Third KW ; KudFwiilliHouthiiliavtalcliliroif ,'ffl l Hilled Willi Ilia litldrlira, lirsril H 'Vjjfii J liol.a In lh itore. lie Mtiit. In and iJttfil f 'U,,J '"7 tl"r,' "' "''"' Ul" UfljPM .': vuunettcr vrhnt Ira wnnlnl mul !! Il nrUK . Ifrak.a for Htm Mr. KdJInRtmi HA- '' tnnwl loct llnmillcl-. nnd m did tgtt J '. ittn toy lolled nut lit tlm door. T.m IjSSSi I ' action liiilanlly aroniwl tlia rourLli. UK , I mit'iamnlcloiieaiid liv lookwl Inlu llio Inn. ' ' till. It waa emply. Mr. IM.IInjlon Bfin I -iraliaitiillinU(y, wliojolnul lira Wr f ironiaulomtlialliiullenoiilliawU'li a& ,,; iirarby.and tlmllirruidudwl lilipur- Hb"!;li. t anlU Vrum 1 1 to $7 M takni Irom V?' tlix till. . . - llowtlmLoycilnol liureat to lira : atore room ! ii"t unJwatooil, the C, , xiort, door cannot ! opened two Inclm Aj ' Ithoiit rlimlnit liell wlilcli would I St . plainly heard hy wrfin In tno ajwilt- i, ' inenliLthlndlhertorr. . fii K Amuifuinili. lI'N'Bl TheHnedMi Udlea' Concert lit the iffi-JBi Halt I,ko Thcilrn lait nlrfit, wa i?'illaift complete iipci-m. The urKnnlnilloii JffS It' coiiiuti of oliilit ti'H", ll i-apalln and .'' Hi' nccoiniilblieilriiiKeri. Mr. Day rleil l-S 'jV'i. the prograinruo by aoma choice reclla- '.X1; , tlitna. STOaB ' . TonUlil the Tlulla Ilramallc Club Sr.f. ' will prwntattlie HAlt Lake Thcnlro JsV' ' tlieHwnlNliilrnmiVvrml'DndlnRarne. :' , jl OnThunday, I'rldayand H.ilurJny , m iilshti and ai Hie Haturday matinee of . i m thU week llolowy Klralfy'a corneoiii MJL fairy eoUcl, Ilia 'Water tjueen," S H will 1m pneeiittd nt the Hilt Ike Ft Theatre. It laconcetleil by timpreia U H andiaihlloiinanlinouily, that It lithe S II urvllrnl Indoor apccUela of the age. HH ' ! wnsncin.AMi. HH "Wonderland" Ii fait laavrulux one I of Hilt I.ike'aniMt poil:Lr plvraof j ' entetlaltuiivnl. H Dratli tif JuJrl'imliaiv atUsJtn. HH i Judge Hitinii'l M. rrealinivofOjplon, HH y died ud-lenl7 aiidiinexactnlly athta HH i naldcnce juitenby afternoon, at t:?M BR! i o'clock, front heart failure aupeilndui- ?Vt J idly"laKrli'." i Judcu 1're.haw wai n nullro of Ohio Vi, i and aettle.1 In Ogdeu In 1WT. Il n f.Uj'' etinai;ei In the inidoru'kli!g huttnera SbTi ' 111 tlil ully- iwvrral yean mo, hut mnwIWuilllilm. wliere he Iru aluco llnd. Knl 1 . Two ycuri aito he waa electtd to the Iffiu 1 : ofllceof uldvriuan of Ogdeii City and HtF ' ilurluiclilatermof oniroactiilaapolhe "SSi I iiiaKUlrale. Mi 'J lie Irarra n wife mid marrlo-l IBT A ilaujildertthe former now In Haliutlllc, KGtt ' Texai, on a, and the hllrr nt Omaha. The aid Ihllnta were oft U'leitmphed to both. Jlealdea these BB9 relitlona he haa two hrothera In Hun I Merct-d, Callforuhi. uhoiii helnteudrd l to Jolnatnninrly ilatu. AuSSlg DMATUa. jtJVV KtilM.-la fall Ita ;ilr, reorair '. lAIl l-J,lll).m.ili.a?iii,.,. .laa,ilfa fl t Ihf Ula fltatirl Neon. ltia wa burl la MB I l-iilori, roiialx ar Hufl'i'a, kuaUnllJnaai'l B I J-'Oaiiaartdlroai chilaluHal a IVralejraii Alcta MhI 11 t. Iiirauia a mamWr or Ilia rbnieli of Hj I J'.o.t'bmiuilAlur itirhalali in 1UI, eme JRI li fiaud wllM trr liuttainj, llirca aooa and all BmI diaihlrri, laatlar tar Italia lawn la Jlnnirr, BJfJ 1M, ItrnlntloHill l.alotllr iaBiii(nnlrul EiH tha aaioe irar. la t-r.tac; ilia iaaa outlia TBm . aliii r;iWaafa far h'tw Oileam, iLa ihleai tBflr : aianaila.1. eha pvtut tuolij. lUa lunlaa or I Ms ' '" )" laui ramai, miii nrr ramiir la M$ loaacaaial rxauaor ilia HamtitOhiriaxrilla jvrl wbere aha learned of lite .laalh or her el tail I'jMl loakainuella WiSum.l.urj, X. ) tthlla r r'r I larnlns from a ailalou la ureal llrllalo. Ilna Ml waa a la rr lorrr tloia with ncr. 1,ia pancd I A5 Ibrauah trllla, pdvalloaa and Uraia'pa la ',y a..muiaa Willi oUi.ilailnur oaxa, ;'H ' Abe the mother or II children, arand iT I . voolhvr ol ai ana (real (raadmvllier of St. M ' , ,' aba ileiarlcl In iaie at Iba lira aiaotlt 'i'f I ; I liri,liuunU,.ii,Jloaja. 'H,"v- I J Tba funeral eirrkpa were ean.lurtad br -1l I i . Ooantelor Joirrli Y. Hlnuaunt. at lha ")?' Taantlelli Ward AaaaiaUr Hall. I'rajer W "' I ' WM re.l Iqr Plihoe T. J, Heirni, ol Kl Olten. A.MrtwAeaVHeredelnered lr llllto JWi Jiba Chare. Wr U. It. laivaga, aed llliliot T K''. . i J. ataraat. 'flia iKiaodlitlon wat ironnaniaii IE V b l Iw 0. V. lMiear. Tba loiaaine aad frM ' fine ware dedlnaltd brlildrr Jamei navllla. Mir' , 1 AII.,i.l AJ, and lewnlat J.lil,i -m.-y. ', Enrar.-Allha treltlaura or her dineliter fTri 1 '""' w"uk,'-'. Woirle) Ira a. roennd Kail Sft ! ' 'I, laBUkaCllr.alllialagMipaatU a. !f Jj ( a...ibraarr2llli, mil, Irom traeral diblhlr, t P ! I ' J1"' " Blr. rallel ol Ua lala i:idcr " y w llllam l:tn ey, llcreaavd waa buia uelr ... 1 ' rro-coli. Uaaidalloi ember lllb.lllo. aui waa '! . eon..,n,niUl bar ll.l year, Tba funeral -',' ' ""wtlliualheMonVrlday, rebrnary ttlh N I ' f"'h!I,r''lV,"HaJ''f",lr"len.rrlendi la IA4 : .SaaC THE MOSS CASE. ' Ttj Trill Jnry Complete! Ytsltrdij. TIIK IlLMTCTIVi: SlIIKS Nr.l1l'.ll. S;noil of Hie lellmoiiy Odrrnl at VeilmlajN Snlon. The oxarnlnatlon of Juror In the Moil cue wturroiDiiil at Iwoo'cl'X'k yeeterday afternoon. Jauuw Glcndaii nhiitwat ihnllrngnl hy the prunvu llon, on 'lie ground that ho waa on do feiidnnt'a houd. The challeinto waa allowed. .Mr. llurkc, lleher II. Wella and M. It. dimming! irero called to the box. Mr. Well waa aerepted, lait tho other two wcroexctiwloii jirtnip tory eunllciifrre. 1'rc.l Lllllo and Mr. Crane wtru next vallnl to fill Ihn two reiiiilnltiK rnciiuclea on the trial' panel. After examination both Mereexnmd. It. Mclntoeh uud W. C. Htalue were called to tho box. The fofiner waa ox-tiiM-d on account of lit health, and Mr. Crutchcr waa called. Jioth lie nud Mr. Hlalnen were exniiod, A nother Inlcli of uainea werb drawn from the box and a veulnilwiid, nd. lux tho return of which J. C. Johiieon wai arralffuvil on a charge of baring Iwen courerned with four other defend anla In ileallur; n barrel of wbleley from (lie IJ. V. He pleaded not guilty. A wait of half nil hour innied, when thejunira numiuoutd on tho venire lKintoilroiln. W. I., llnljw wj the flrat ono examined. Ho waano itpted, and waa the eleienth. W. J. Coltrell waa called hut claimed exemption from Jury M-rrlce on aiiouutof tieliir; r flretuau. Hewai t'xmicd. C. H. Htorcinoii camo lu nflern while, but waa exciieod becauae ho had exprrnaed an unqualified opinion. A fu-r another wait Kllaa A. Hmllli arrived, waa examined, and a.'rcuiot. orlly cliallenited by tho Uefeuae. It. K. riirjinii next mine In hut he wai eictiaod on account of ilckuoM. An other lonj wait waa ended by tlm up. laaranio of W. W. WUconih, who wru examined nud awom, ami the trial anel waa complete, Tho Indhtiiicut which charjea mur. der In the tint dourco, waa rend when Mr.riuyderoutllneil the cum for the pn lo.tiilou. He Uumi lijr aajInglUatthoproaccii. tlon did notexiocl a verdict of murder In the ilritdrgno, but It did expect to how the defendant ifiillty of murder In thaaxoiid define. The proaeciitlon iro.Bl tu a-ove Umt miuirrel txMnl belneeii l.innloii, Uio man who waa killed, and u man immial Thoinia Kenrma; that Miax waa un Inllinalo filend of KearnoA' nnd took I he lain r 'a fight on hi own ahoiilderai and that drfvndint, aonitt time prior to lira hootlnz, luil undo threata agaliut Idincton. 1'olLwluj la the venlnli of tho rhout. Ing in given li Mr. Huyderl Onlhe iivenlinsiifrieplemher 10, Hie deceaawl, thedefeiidant, a linn nameilCii'ilrea mid rlherlir Weler were all In lira (apltol niIooii drUiklnr;, the proprietor, Moaby, Mmtbelilud Ihutuir, ton i-MOio lu and aald to dvfvtidauli Vou'ro a llckipllile for Tom Kearnee." Diifeudantreplleil: "Ycu'ro allir; I'm a llrkepltlle for no ruin,"al thotametlmo drawing hla plabd and firing the fitil ahot. iusten'a dflug atateinent dtuiieft that be atruck do feiidant. It waa no rate of nelf. defviiie. Theaherlll waa preeent nnd defendant ha I n tight to call on lilm for protection. There had lcn bad blood un tho part of difeudant toward Langton for a lain; time, and the former wan the aggrcMur, Judge rowira Mill thudefeiidaiit ili alrv.1 to inako a btnteiiiriit now 1, anil he pron-oded tu do ao, Herald In Biibalani-et Defendant lr fifty yenraol uge, luduilrloiia and iui ,! "lr: had lived lu 1'ark City alnco ISSS, and had Wen nu I'liglmer at tho Ontario mliie. Ho la a email man phjalrally, hut 1 utugtou waa a poH-e rful man. A ipiarrel row brtween lianglon nnd Inomaj Kearnea. The former alindereil the latler,uudMoaa, who waiawnrni friend of Kearnei, hoanl of It, nnd a otialit t9 act aa a ja-aifmxker. Uiiaieilahioi'cAaloiiMoaaandKear nea went Into a reataurniit and ant at ntable, when langtoii camo In. Duly thore threii were preaent. Ijington poketnlvtarneA nlajut n litter. Moan rliowed I,.itigton a Idler and iiekid If lie wrote It. I.angtou nild "no." Moei then nald to Kcnrnet: "I told youthore limit he tiiuiu mlilakii alwut It." On n Utr ocitulon Mow a iw Kenr. ma nnd l.augton llghtlngoiilheitrtet, and Intoifriod toH'paratelheni. There H great bltluriiMW idler Ihle. on the part of l.inglon agiilmt .Mow, Kiarnoa, and Iald Keith. Inugton waa heard tolhreatun tho life of Moil, and carrlmt a platol with the nvowed purio-eof "guilugovcii"wltli him, ilwia on Iho afternoon of tho ahonU log, iult work uud dropiaU Into a Mlooii aud took ono drink. Juat U foin lupjir he dtopiwdlnto Moibv'a aaloon nnd took another, nnd engaged In voiiveiaatlon wllh ."lojhy and H'lulrca. Men atobl with hla right nrm on tho tar when l.nngton came lido Ihoaaloon, aud lavllcl un men pri-eentto drink. Mux tupid away from tho bar and .wan about to walk out when langtvii mild to him: "1 wantto aa'Aktuyou." loa eald, "What I It?" Langton a-ked,'Wiiero la that letter?" liienullig the one dle.'ii.iud In the rentaurant. Mod eald Kcaruca had II. I.ingtou aaid: "Vou ule n lick anUtle for Tom KnriHw." Mom replied: "Vou'ro n liar." ldugtou Iheii cillial Moeina of ii li , airuik liliu In tho mouth with hla Hit, and then undo a movement ni to draw n llatul. Mom ilaggereil, hut behoving ilmt Lnngton aa about to hnot,nnd that It waa maiely a qneallon cf which could thoot llr.l, drew nnd fired, After Ulng ahot l.anglon nlowly walUedntitof thuanlooii. Moe could have ahot him tcveral tlmca If ho had been ruinated hy unlive, but find only ono ahot, Tliouvo wltnrtaen pnaeut will nil leatlfy that Langton atruck Mom. Uu.Etoii dropiied hit platol Ju.t iva ho emerged from the Mbon door, iliowliiii that he had drawn It atthuluitaiitMui fired. IfMoMlmd not llnd tint. In all probability Lung, loll tmtend of Mcu would le on trial bore today, Tho Introduction of tiuillmony waa liegun by the railing of S. W. Moal.y, who lillled for Hie proaeciitlon. Iti. alio In Paik City; knew duenaed and defendant; kept tho Capitol uliu L JMlJ'gSe'lliaiT "" ' ' ilWlKrWfcr (there In Her temWrlaat) on the llijlit of September 10th, Mom and ntl.era nine Into the raioou, nnd he ami Hiulrwi talkeitntioulcuriiiKii her bo and Mom had Rlvia me; l.angton cam In an 1 Invited Conceri, Kilon rluri.1 and myrelf bi drink) we drank when JjAiigton turiinl to Mm ami aid: "Here, Mew, I wnnl to aak til you." 'IheV bilkeil eoine time nud Hmilrva nakrxl Hherltf Wiber for a ilolur bi treat tho crowd with. Welier gave II to lilm. While Ihey went ililnnlin; I lie,ir.l I ringtail toll Mm: "Vnu're n llrk-aplul for Tom Kearr.t-a." Moiee replied, when IjinStoti struck him, Men itaggered kirk iitiilertliehlowniiddiewniiii tired. Did not hear Maall kiiigtoiiallar. ltlllgtoll allllck Mueu with hla light hand. After helm; ahot, l.inilun walkeilontortheailooli. Atthetlme the nh'.t waa fired. Mom, Lai glon, Welier, ("iiulrea and luyaelf were all thermnaii that room, in tho rear laauollier run In which were Mivcrnl twreoiia. Tho riwii.e are connected hy an archway. Allhetimo t.angtiiii uilhil Mom a llckaplttle, I waiallrrlUK n toildy for Mom. Moaa and IjaliKtoli talked to- Sillier aome mlRiilea after Imigton ritamkr; Kington eneniaVI tu lei tie. HiAtidllijr n letter, and Mo-a nald he did lint bavii II, and that If Langtou would goto Kenrnea Hie litter wool I glvolt tohlm. To Mr Dlcknnn Moja drank only micol'efore lngtonnkeuildm. AI the lime Langtun ttrudi Moaa the fjrruor waa nenrer the door than I bo latter, and Ihey fc-dif,cli other. Altar Move waiatruili 1 an blood on elita whlekcra. Mr. Haydrr-lii teilllylng Ivfnro the coroner, did you not aay that ou heanl Mmn rail lniigtnn a liar? Mr. Dlclaon We'll admit that Moaa did call him Hilar. He'll leatlfy to It lilmielf. On account of the Hlii(MorJodr: he did not lake tho benih .thin morning, and n wall occurred while J udgeAbdernoll completed ajme hti-l ncnnliuliAmbera, lfore ninumlng Hie placo of tho abaent Jtidgu. a Hhortly beforeeleveii o'clci-k Judge Anderson apared nad took tho tench. Ho atatvd Hint there waa n l neat to n of the regularity of changing thupnaldiugjudgelna cae of thin kind, but that If the ilelenw would walvo any Irregularity, ntid Irt it ap pear on record Ih-il It would not Iw taken advar.taceof, the trial would go Mr. DlcUon Mkl that ho did u.t Ihluk It waa an Irregularity, hut the defeneo wot willing to let It aprrof rocotd that they dralrtd tho cliango tu be made, and the no lo Le proceeded wltii wltlioutttiiy delay. JuJgo Andernou remnikeiltliatwltli out tuili a atlpulatlon he abould olject to pliat-edlng, but Willi II ho would no on. Ho ordered thejury to bo brought In, end when they ware In the box lie ordered tho only wltneM examined ye.lenlny, H. IV. Moeliy, lo Uko tho wllnvM aland, aud the reporter to read Ida tc Fthuuiiy. Inauevrcrto the comt, the wllncaa anid la waa n correct report of hla Intl luony. Ilinnawcr to Mr. Hnyder, tho wit neaa nald only a eccond or two Inter vtmd btt een the blow atruik Mim by lixngton, and the thot flietl by Mom. r-hcilir John 1,. Welr wae placnl onthentatid hy the pruncvldloii. He laid: Had known ilefnudAut well for neveraryean; on the night of Hep. In, wai In Moabj' naloon; when 1 went In, IiAngtonnudMoiot wereitanillngat lira ejet end of thu bar, and Moeby nnd Hpiliea Mere near the billiard table; I a.ked for Holon Hurel and w ai told he had luit gone out; I aUrtcd out when Suliea naked mo for a dollar lo treat Iho crowd: 1 gave It to him and took a cigar; rVpilrea Invited Molt nnd Itaiigtontodrlnk;! (jaafcelarotiudMoif and Ijnigtou, bigitamalch; Ihey were landing rloot.i the tar and facing each other; 1 w aa nearer Iiington thnn Mow,llghllng tuy cigar, when 1 heanl l.ngton call Moil n llckaplttle for'l'cjni Kearna; Moi mllnl l.angton ii liar, aud atruck bhn lu Hie inoulh Willi lili right hand; MiaeaataggirHl Imck under Hie blow and drew and fired hla platol; at thu tlm the allot waa fired 1 waa nleut four feet from Kington; l.efuro the ahot 1 tried to get around Kaiigtuu but waa t"o late; altout twoeeconda t-laieeil U-tweell thu Mow and the ahot; Mora drew the platol quickly, thruat It forward and llrod without taking aim at all; after the ahot 1 ar rented Mora, and Iiaiigloii walknl out of Hie ailooii rapidly. When I entered tho ailooii 1 enw no one excejl lhoo 1 have mentioned Tho revolver with which Hie killing waa done wai hero Introduced lu evi dence, and Ideiillliodby tho witiiian. Ttiepriaoner took tlie wojioii and re moved the cartridge! from ll.ea neither Iho wllii'-ni not tlm preaecutlng attor nor underiitood Hi iiiechaniaui. lllcluird H'lUlna next tenlim-j Know IangtoiilwoeAtai)inuillyand Moan nine yi-ara, lullmately. He gavu an account of what took placo In thu aidoim lit tliu lime of the nhootliig, which corroborated Hie telmoiiy of Monby and Hlicrlir Weber, and Mo Krilntl the blow atruck by linugtou and the aliot. Mr. Ciltclilow nilml the wltneaa to HIiiKtinto thu rapidity ullli which tho aliot followed tho blow. "Who'll I practice on?" Innocently tuked HiowllneM, creating a buret of laughter from thu ipectatora. ThuwItiiiM Dually made Ituudcr atooil that only a eccond or two eloi-u'd bctwientlio blow uud Hie ahot, aud uImi allowed the nlillvo iioattlona of hhiuelf, Mora and Idiugloii at tho In bUnt the ahot wai llrod. They weru nlinoat wlUiln nrni'a length of each other. Thowltneea continued: After being lliot, l.migloil ntepl-eil out of Hie aIooii quickly, mid rJherlir Webiriiald to Moaa: "Alow, whut havn you dnne7" Mom repllwli "Do you no nhat he haa done to mc7" Thla wltuiM nald tho wound wai Hiren InchcaalioTo aud to the left of the naval. Jonn O'Xell wai next neorn ntul tcallfledi l.lvo nt I'atk City; know l.angton; remeiular hla lielng ahot; wai Willi lilm nil the time after he wax ahot till hu died; ho lielluved he wiu going to die. Mr, CrltMilow wa trying to aliow by thla wltiiiaa Hut Laugfon madoa dy. Ingatatiuientln i'iwlaltouof dying ooii, when Mr. Dickniii aald the do Kiiio would udmlt that I.nrjgtou made a dying aiatemont In exrieilatlon of an ImiuetilHio death. Mr. C'rllililoiv examined tho wllueea In regard to Hiv ititnnunt, which, tho latter ailj, wai wrltiennt IhoillcUlIoii ofLaugtouaiidaWoriitahy hliu. Tho atatement wti lutro'Juced In evldeniiiaud In folio tru TitmiTOiiv oe ft u, 1 Niinniid ri.nitii, J All A. I.1ltgt.lll iMtlprr dlllv nn'orn aa., Oil III.. tUiHl or .1 illy, IW I vviij "oe" w by Mom ,v liearual of wriliiig a I, Iter YlWl,',l!"J, n,".",'"."',"' '"" ,'l" ' did not writ.., sal,t li Itirbolngona written from liero cuimrulug au alleged murder l'iliajjgeajnilj III Nebraakn, and . o.iiftr-liei- Tli'imae K. un.-a "lib It. Iibnlrd ll. A fight followed. I p O.e ... t of II. K.-( iiighMXcp' li". poill int Moa. I i-kl Intel nljoul II, . Intler. Ibi "aid be did not It. I I..I.I hltil hn hn.t 1 .n irrv olllei.liia hi the maUar all I ih l I Venule.! iho loiter, that I had a nueplrlon ule. wrote 11. die jumped lm-fc, dre.i out lit plei-d end ti.'t in.'. 1 did not ral a hand Co irlko hit", .rv,(outt to at 1 1..' l.ltii. re.lgn.Ml) A. m. I.AMinix. Mubaerllnil nud awTii to Wfin. Im. Hi la llilidiyi.rnpiiii'r, lil. Wh.nos t. MivnKit, r-oinry Put.lte, -jiiininll County, Huh. Tho wltuiM (I'Nell. uhder iro-e examination hy Mr. Diekaou, aaid he wai one of thu men who1cktd l.ang ton up whero he fell, and Hint the lltler walked, after Mug ahot, about UK) yinle, luihumxtarictt. (hi.rgu Waunlug next teatlfled: I kept a rcataiiranl In Park City lait ailmmer, Moaa and Kiarrien cimeln and eat at n table for tupi-rr; kmi Iiaiiglcii i nino lu and ant ut another Inllr; Mom ehowid lnglon a Idler and naked If hewrutolt, liinibiimild, un; Kinruea eald. "Kiugbm you've ilenliilwiu many thing)." Other talk allowed whlrh i,.ii't niiiriulHT. Tn Mr. III. kain-Tho plltlea ueiil no angry nor:,; I did u.t him more than n pill of wlo.t liny aiUI: heanl Moea aiy that Koarncf w n tha only true fileudhe Jind, nnd lie w ul.l die tot him. Joarph Metlcotu t Iratlfleili Hialdo at I'aik ll.v; urn i i.'lbi'iiiiiu; knew l.angti.ii,Keaiuea d Voi.;iwa light In June Ulwoun l.iari.ciAtid lAiigton and arrteltil theiu, Mil- waa jment but took bo tail lu lh ll Mr. Kd.iI Iru next ' III led, 1,1 v. I . Halt Mki I vat In r rk uy lait mim mer, In June ". ll ;tl ltii.u Kentnea aud I if i :' .. Wilmaa i'v KtlUM the light, . 1 1 be arrrat of Hie rlhliiute. lUcciitlll lli.m. LAST BIGHT'S CITY COUNCIL Tba City Eoals S.IJ at a Dlscoant lo T. R. Jolts. tiik itiiir hOHAiii: ahaix. I'll Jllonirj .Merrill Siiji Hie City Ciuuot Sell II. Tho City Council met at tho regular hour lait night and an Inlerietiug aei aIjii wai held. Mayor Bcott pirillcd. The follow. Ing memoera rcai-ondeit to toll tall: raraoni, Andermin, Armelroug, Hall, Wolitcnholm, Ileiith, I'cinhroke, Kir tick, HjafTord, 1'lckurd, Noble and reudletou. 1'etltlou of Warburton, oak lux that Tenth Met rllrect eoutli be putliiajiuaahlii couditlou. Commit tee on itreoli. It. K. ThoniM aud twenty-eeveu ether mercliaiili nekvl that n atone creating In put dowu from tho north wtt corner of Commercial Htrett acrun l'lr.t Houth Utruet. Coinmltteo on atrcela. Hoy t Hhrrnuo, Jr., ct nl., diked that an electric light be pined at Iho inter section of Klret South and ThlrUciitli l-laat itretln. Committee on Impruvo luunti. The pawubrokeri of the city aiklng that tho ordinance pending tefohe the Council, relating .to pawnbroker! bo nmeudid by elrlklng out thewordn "any nu tuber of lira ollcn force of tho aid city of Hilt Mke."and lueertliigiu lieu thereof the wordi "iini the writ ten onler of the chief of police." Com lillttin on municipal lawa. j:. II. Kahler et al., of Iho Klue tcenth Ward, repreeccted thut for the lait two nioulha tluro hid 1-i-eu no water In the ditch from which It wai eualoiiiary to recclvu tlulr aupply. They rv.kcd for prompt relief, llelcrreil tu the wateruiaati r. J. 1". Updegrairaaknl lo l allowed topilelnilldlugmaterljl lu front of 41 aud li ..iilh Writ Temple Htritt for an dayi. (.'ranted underlhu uauil rettrlo Hon.. Harry 1'. Duke aikod for tho privi lege of piling iHilldliig material iufront otMtll, Plat II, tlranted. H. Pembroku apptltnl for i-?rmlaaloii tn pile building material on Commer cial Htieet. (Jrantcd, JnU'i lllrkculiead aikeil to Iki ap pointed dei-uty watermaatcr. Com niltlee on wati rworkx. A M.V IMUCKUAW. Mayor Hcott rerted Hint ho hod ap. iioluted Jena P. Jenaen ua -ullc(iriian lnatead of Mlcliiet Cantlou, romovod. Commltteo on i-ollce. it count KTimirr iniitxju vuu t'j.irrr.ii. City Knglnier Doremui rcxulinl that -lie bridge ai-ruu the cauial at thu Ir.lenectloiiuf TeuttiHouUi and I'lrnt l-.iet nlrwta waa completed, Ho ati-u recoiuiueudetl thai aucli gnidlng l-o itouoiu la nocrnrury to bilug HieitrtHit up to n level Willi tho bridge. AdoptuL tiiuir ami tisir VKNMIIS MUBT (III, Tho ronimltUu nu liieuao reiurled advenely ou the clalnu of tho right of llcemed Hill aud fruit veudora to aril their wares on tho atrieU. Adopted. vaiukty itiKAiin:'uuii i.n.'r..Nai: AUAt.V, , Tho committee on llceuan repnrtid favorably on the rMIou of I!, H. P'ord fur rt liquor llceneo at .11 Houtli, Frank Hu Avenue. Mr Hall I cannot ri how vo can coniUtoutly urai.t thla riquiat Ih the facu of all that haa occurred In rtUtlou to the milter. I move that It bo IntU uver for ouu week. If I unlcriLiml cor rectly, thla la only a ii tho old application to bell liquor at tho Varloty Theatre-, li It nni Counclhnau Karrlck Undor u new nntnu, yta. Mr. HeAlh tinder thu rulra the uutttcr muet lay oer by requiat of two meinbera. 1 aecoud Mr. lUll'a mo tion. Thu matter u laid over. PLY.N.N'H PI. AT Al'l-IIOVXP, The itninil.teu on ntreebi rerom nieiitleil that the plit of l'lyim'a Hub dlvlalott bo approved. Adoj anl, 'till; .iinti i ro)i.MiviKi;i HKi-uiiT. The cuiumltUo uu ntreiila recom niauded fullonai That the prlaon forcu 1m divided. half working in thoniinilug and tliu other In thu niler uoou.aoUiatallUuma would put lu, '1 full time, and leimiti the excnpea of Hie HiiaMa; that Hie report of the etreirt Miarvlaor for lira year ending Drrem U r 31 be pul.ll.liel lu full. Adopted. TIIK Ut.ll 1IIIT M.IUIIK. The 1011111111100 mi grotitnle lo whom waa referred (ho proollloiiof Jnniea II.JI.iiou to iii'i-liu." HieOld IVrteJ.pi a re riwrted ai followit "Vuiircotiimltlieoii public groini!', tu whom won u-ferrett the iitioii of James II. Ilan.ii, relatlvii lu Iho pur cliawfioui Ihecliy of Pioneer orHlxlli Ward Iqiiaro for me aum id ll.u.u.w, when .'00 lull. of rnlhoad nhall have lieu complete.1 weit from Ihoclly, ix lendlng Into the HM Of Nevada, tho lime for tho building Icing limit. d to two yearn, recotuuicmli'd Hint the peti tion b griiutcd, but that lira lltlelo and uf eald bhick ri'iiialu In und with tho city until the Sou iiillra of ruid are built and the ruid oj-emteil fjrllra entire dlatami.; that imexleii alonnof thollme within which work altall I cumiueuccd and crmplelcd be granti-.!; that I lie -rtltlcncr bind lilm ielf to hold tho city hirmln-n ngnlunt nil In cam' tho right ol Ihoiltylo couvi-ynaid prorfyiliou1dharuitUt e.1 in Hie ibiittn or otheruiM.. And wo recommend that In cam, thli njil liadoitod and Hie i-rUllon grnnted that Iho city attorney pre-riro Hie uec esary iAin-ra aud nuhtnlt them tn thin council at the next ngulArmeitlug." Mr. 1'lcl.nril 1 inovo that further action lu Hie matter ho deferred for ono week, Mr. Hnll(rninpHy) 1 ncolid thu motion. Mr. IVmbroki I am at n lorn lo under, land why the matter nhoulj bo delayed. It ri-eina to me, the greater ImpoilaicvnmtUcrli, thn longer Ilia di ley id by thla Council. (Ilcnrly appjiiwfromlhecbiloia) A wi-ek ngu tonight thll tndltlon won virtually graiiliil l-ut I wltiidrew my motion out of difereuro to Mr. t'l.k ,r,l. I In.l.t that the mitler bj given Imhieillalo otlenlloii. Mr. Hall I want llmu to couildcr thuiqurMtlon, an I do not heliuiulu loo hatty action, on audi an liui-orlant intlxr. Mr. lVniliruVo llr. 1'lckar.l nwna I rlveto prorrly near thu rquaro In qutatlon, and I uiileritniid mat that la Hie chief objection ho haa to tho block tolng uaotl for depot puri-onea. Huch n fact aloneought not tol-cnl lowed lo cluck n ubllc bouellt. Thu city li ruunluc nu rlik wlntevtr; thu riik U all on the otherlldo. I nm nurprlml that any number of tills Council thould act ai an uUtruclioli lit. Mr. Hill A few monllia ago thla namu lwlltlouer iUkcd lo leono Hie Old l'ort Hriuari, nt a nominal rental for nteruiof loArn, The committee who had the nutter In hand leited Hut thovitydld not havu aiwvr lo leoau It. If tha city hu :w authority to leuu Hie proivrty. It certainly cannot relllt. I have It fromuiiquntloued authority Hut tho nglbilors anl pro moter! of thla railway irltemo aro tho atlomptcd icrelratori of u nliarp trick, t want tbein to uuderatand thai I will not bo n tarty to the) r inlndoliiga. Thtaefcllowa uuitrrallnd lull well that tho city cannot convey thin riity lo them, or anyone eiao f,r thumatierof that; bin they hiivo tho audaclly lu nnk the Council to agree lu Jo no, and with then), lepreaenl to Hie lllulieyeel men of tliu Kail that they can get $3U3,0IM worth of iroi-crlylii thin city for 1 50,M. That would t-e obtaining money under falau prcteuaia. I ro-1-cil, I aliall riot la-coma n party to inch aiilnlamouitrananctiou. , Uentleuien, If you cannot rompre liend tho altuallon now, you will do eo when the vote aru takeu fiom the ballot box at tho next elecllou. lam called nu cUtructloiiM for Hie courro I take. I cam not for that. It liube-en urged Hilt the property li In h Ixillty whero 1-oor Auple live, aud therifore not bultablo for I'ArkJ'Urivotcr. That la a wrun;; prtnileo for argument. If there are poor people there nn nllrjid, Hicu It com without laying that n (rk ihould tie iitabllihid llieio In prefer eucu (o auy otlit r locality. Another urgumrut inx-d In favorof diialng of Hill prcin'rtyialhat It li douetobrldgouvor a lluiuclal orlila. Tint ll nhort llgliteil policy. If thla thing li ptrmltloJ, there will ho taonu who will want to bridge over n flcan clal cileta every month In the yenr.i lu larguittloa of thu l.aat, railroad ttir ioratloniliiivlo pny dearly for tailr right of way into muiilela1lllei, It ol the New Vurk Central JU.OhiMO tu get Into New York. Mr. Pembroke I do not think It la right for Mr. Hall or any other mini Ikt of thla Council to traduce thu charailerof nbuilneai man like Mr, llieou. Mr. Ilnronwai permlllo.1 lo take the llinrln hln own In-half, lleiald: It la tho flrat time that any man line had the hiazen-fiiced nudarlly to accune mo of bring guilty of n i rooked trick. What hu Inn tuildleunqu'ililledlyfiliM. (Mnoerlmily) Herlng that Mr. Hall Ins ii-ntiiNew York Mr. JUIi-Iobjict lo 1-elnglnaulle.l ly ii mill who liaa Ueu allowed to tpuik by lourleay of thla Council. Coiincllmin Plckanl (aarinlyj Mr. Ilicou 1m Innulted nud coiitlnuia tu Inaiiitmoand my frleudi, and I oljivt to lilm nnylng another wonl. City Attorney .Merrltt(lndlgnantly) Mr. Mayor, I iuk for Hieapiajlulment of a comtiiltteu to frame a rule tint w III trovent any laraon who la not a mem. cr of thu Council from nddnatlng thla body. The ipectaclo that hai bee-n priwnted hero tonight li without pre cedent lu tlm hl-tory uf any logliln tlvubody. To allow niclt'iuiportant and Inipecunloiii outalder to lnmlt nud iibuau un aa wo havu been vilified to night, li Indecent nnd Intolerable. Thin council in mat iilaoiiudintand that Ithai no more rigid to dliiiuioi.f Hint rk than I havu to barter awnytho privule prowrly of another UTon. Never In Iho liWory oflhli city hui any audi properly been deedel;nnay for any eucli pur let un In now prot-on-eil. lfwu can nil tho Old p'ort riqunru tudiy; tomurruw and Hie day after, wocin dUie of WiKlilngtim riquaru and l.llcrly Park, reiHvely. Further action In the matter won Iliwlly deferred for ono iriek. pi-Tmo.Mi ciiANiin. Tho comtnilliv on wateruxrlii ru nii ted favorably on tho itllllonof 11. I Craw it ul., for an extemlia of iratermalni on Third Koulh Htrtet from 1'lrit I'.nt to a polut between Hecend anil Thlnl llmt Htrceti, nlau on tlm petition of II, Woulmnuirn and A. II. ltulelgU and olhern for an .xteiulon of wateriinliii oft KIM West Htrett from l'lr.t to Kouttli North Htrcita. Adopto.1. oatiMiTTEU ON wati:iiwoiii:u. Tlio cummltteo on wotcrwoiki rituinmeiidedlhat thu report of tho nicrlntctidcnt of waterwnrka be printed! Hint the renervolr lit tho head M.f KIM Houlh Htreet liu ceminled; that n'jiuw reeervolr bu- located lu City Cnik cniiyoujwliu acapaclty of Ifim,. Hlfhcit of all In Iavc&iog Power. U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, E3 DafVkl Baking aaaaflLPP IB K HV 3k BV lM "iFB "-W -aval arjjajaB A&SCiJUTELY PURE OOHgallolia lo aurply the Capitol Hill ground" aud the Twentieth Wanl pipe, line'. The committee) retorted that Ihey were In furor rl allowing thu wiperlnleudent n rum of but ixce edlng $lial to le. exi-eiided during the ijmit!gM-aouludcvelo1ngtheiupp)y In f.'lly Creek. Thn cummltlio had iviialdcred n propnallloii forlhoiuir chare ol eighty arrea of land In City Crctkcanyon called .Manlloii Hprlagn ndulllon, and Ihey recommendeel that thn land ln inircliaaed nt n coat not to eir.idjr.VXI. Adopted. l.iiiu.Nort or iir-iF.HAl. BiiintiiAX. The following rcrolutlotu wero ndop toil by ti lining vote: WnrnrAs Tlio nuperb aoldler and Into rlllnn Wllllnni IVeuliueh rilierliian hu lnen lalteel from enrlh. now, therefore, we. Iho City Council e,f Hull l.iko t'llv, tllab, III 11,0 liama or the pecplo of thla ellvdnhcrol.v Heaohe.Thil In a kindred aplrlt lo Hut which prompted the anclrula for ex. ailed norrloca, to n.irneum..a nnolbmalru lliclr hrniew) wbh h mueoi the lii.dber eliurehfnr cxnllod aorvlee loeaniionlre bar prleli Hie Amerlnili hero not aldo III Ihelr bnnrin an nunii thing nnnetl- Hlieriiianaiaayiiilili.f all ilutla aidrii did In I'orolem and inllllary oinliia, alt that In nubllino and holy hi patilollam. llrfdvcd, That wo r.-1-nll extlttiiiglvlliD norvlceelif lb ero.t toldler who. ...idled, Hut lu Ihought we Iran, hla career In Iho Held. Hint In-ghinllig lu ulncurll.v ad llnend tinlllbo In-e-nmn tbaeoiuv nrnllelvillindnnii.S and culminated lu porf.-et gtoryt that wo remember bliu lovlngli Itilf.owilklof a..i ihe pet f"cl ekaiupleand htgbealtyiNii.f the initrlolle eJlliKii. Ibelrnl, ' Ihn doidh of General -Sherman la nihility loan to tbeltepiibll.', w ttmee) prtwtlKU nt. ho inueli n.lrutirv.1, 11 araoiul aorniw-to mllllolin of American hoti.ea. Ibmolveit, That we louder, loapeclfully, oiirdei'l-rataiuqiiindni lo Iho fnudlvor tba dra.1 ll, aiol leiittirotulimllid Ilea luauitfra that If thero 11 any eotnhirt lu r.-viluir the grlrr la ennild hy II... know Irilg,' Hull ll la universally ahnr chI. Hint tn-nrooiiifort abould l llieirn. Ilv-ohed, 'I lilt Ihf, bo npread upon the eounell reoor.lsnndn copy Ik triitumltlint tu the family or Hie de;lUil wdJler. UK Vi-II.I. NUTtlllN IT. Archllrct Klettlng rcnitri lo nlgn Hie rontrnct for tho nuporvltljii of lira irectlouof Hie Joint llulldlng and given Hie following romoui: Klr.t-llo ,1l.Jwt. In the bond Of hl.Km drmtinded, bulla vllllni; m give nlxjn.l In dotiblolhe uliloiliit wlitolihuexi-ncla lu in ik" on the coin rael M or ITOyi. Meioiidlle n'.vtli.nolabitlierutiaI.ter allou. HlantTerof(l.ia)Ofor levlalngniid eomphllllg Itio .luna wea aweptedl hu now 11 ante (MM II Hie bulldliig la rv.ieil, and fivjj In cue the projixt ahould fall Hi rough. Thlld-llo object! lo he enlla Hie i.pHjnlilon lo hliu lii Ibe I'lly Culled, Koiirlh Ilia alrongeat nbtrrllou la bi the eUiiw which reudal "And ll.n aald llrat imill-, lie., fllltl.or aie. 4 Uj lake chariroofand nuimrvlno llin ertvtloii of eald building! to tuio tho aatne eretu.! ulidlleUbad lu ncconl.nieo Willi tlio hull pinna nnd nNi'il)'atloil.! to allow oldv Urit-i-Llin mnlcrUl tn Im ii-hhI III Iho erei'lton nnd llid-lilng of be eainai tu tone the imI.I building eteeute.1 and tin. lalovl In a workmanlike matuior," etc. Plfili lie drttiniidilliatan nppnirln. llonuf ..'J,on. In uivlo. Tin i-oniinlt too le dolerinhUHl In llmu It tn .10O,O. hrith lloulj,-.lalo Hie llouo whlili aUti-a that be "thill a., l-rrferl Hie plana and aMielrl.Alloiia Hint e.iulra.-tora of or dlniry aklll and ex-rrlonen will by refer en.tolbeniineU nlilolo obtain nil Hie data necc.try lo make exact and iulelll gent hide." In other wurde, iho com iiillliiid.n.anot prono to l l.llier"d with l.llln for exlruei Ihey wmit lokunw lheoxnete.Mt Iwr.irellicy onlerttio eou atruclloii of tlio building. .deferred to tho Jolut committee. TIIH CITY ItOMI'll. To the Mayor nu I members of tho City Council of Halt Lake City, Ctnli; Tho undrralgned, Hie trnniuror of aald elty and H10 llliaiifo eoniliiltleneftho b'lly Council reapiHirullyroirliq'liat tho aald trenaurcr, lu purauiinon or Hie provialona of a revolution of wild l.'lty Coimrll puvod OrloWr 7, IKil, nulliorlrliig ll.n leano and aalo of a aerinn of live liuii.lre.l lu ') year A por nont Imndn for I lUKIench nnd lutor eat, duly ad verllanl three hundred of aald lioiida for mle U. the hlghott bidder, hi tbn lUBiiner nnd for Iho lengtli oflhno provldoil In aald roaolullon. nud that nt llin time npoclflod In Hie notice lor Ing blda nud inaklngMlni of auilit, llialin.lrralgnexliiietnn.l uu bid luring tieen made, by adjournments Uio olfer of aale and time furbld.llng wera keM 01 en and on the 2tat day of roliruary lt.01, lliu lltldernlglied Borede,l a bid of T. It. Jonca.orn.ilt Ijikol'lly, Utah, for Hire., hundred botide,aud Bold three hundred Uinda for Hie mini id s8,0iej, nul.Ject to thonpproial of tliu Council. ln;higi'JO for cat-li bond, with Iho nniiihanniinl hi. ten'tt coiiiMiu liuiturlng July I, Ibul, aud all Inter coupona uiiDOxed, Thla waa llin Idghoit ami lrat bid re celved for nut J ur auy of Ihrm, and wo rcapocifiilly aak Hint thoBnlolnjnp proved and conllrmod by reaolutlou of lbs Council. W. P. I.viex, Jauu AMIiKllAOV, K I). KAitmt'K, Ilnaneo Coifiinlttce. J. II. WAtniv. CltyTreaiurer. nitaoi.utiurr Armovixo sali:. Wherrna, the flnane-o committee of thla Council and the elty trcaaurcr hnve ro lamed a aalo of Mt elty, of iho li mio authorlxod hy tlio reaolullonnf Hie Council patted October 7th, Isw). 10 T. II. Joiim, for the biiiii nf i,o n, Imlng Jtiuii iwr bond, wlih all coiiKina ru lining from Jnilillry Ut, If'Jl anueiiyl, lliuolred, Ilmt Ihn aula of aald bonde, na rcrinrtwl to tlm Uouuell under dato uf r.'lininry.'Uli; 1131, loaud hereby la lu all ililnga approved ami coullruicd. Adopted. 11EI.ATIN0 TO BTIIKCT UIIAIIIS. Couilclluian I'nraom ofl'ered tliu fol lowing reaolutloiu Iletohcd, Thut any ticraoit or 1-0111-puny rooclvlng a f raneliUo or Iho right to lay any street or Meiiiu ndlway track, spur or awllch, iinn any bi rout or atrecln lif tldiellv, wlmii the grudn la not lytalk. llalied uinl tliu adopt brought hi grnilo. Bhnlt, lxloio gittdlug for or laying of any truck ujmii nuuii atrcet or ntriKdt, niihiull to tho City Council inum and pro. Idea allowing thu Duo nnd iqion .which Hiuy propoao to build. Tula to apply to all franeblaen alrrady ornnte.1 aud whero grading hai not leCeu done. Action wai diferred for ouu week. ltlll'KAI.KII. Councilman 1'araunn then Intro iluceit n resolution providing that thu ordliiiiiico levying an aiaciMnent 011 proiwrtyabiilllng uu both tides of Pint llaat Htrr-et, from Houlh Temple to , Kourth Houlh, lu rescinded nud ro. ! Irahil, and that thn rngluier bo ' directed tu report the colt uf curbing nnd giilterlug Iho street named. Adopted. AiTiiorrtrATio.xs. Tho following Bi.M,rlatloiia were made: Carlyta A nrnird, rebate en lletma.M.I Co on Kd. I.allr. reiuilnon l.eeoae.......... .. rati 1 in Innd .nrr hate in niy cere a reo 10 taon Holy Oroea lloepiul luu Adjourned for ouu week. Ej llMlTi wTfllillll Klliit. On Monday lattnu aged and well known member nf thu community, Klder William Knox, rnAinl away at Ills lionwi In tho Heventli Wanl. He was n native of and was In Ms 7jlli jt ur. Tin. gr.-ati relief His llmu slum "riiu Morn" lin hi Iwn employed on thu Temple. In the data when rtono w as hauled hy ox tcann for IhathiillJItig, Im utureil al n whtel Wright, rapilrlng tin. wagoua, etc. I-or many years hu was n member uf the home nilaalnii irycorirtotHila btaku uf ion, and hla jiiii.tlilra were ever wild Hie caiiao of truth. 'Itituiial, Mr-eiie-r lit M laiula. Common. Ing Sunday. Kobruary 111, imi. a through Pullman Palaco will I uruii from Hilt LakuClty nndtlgden loHt. l.otils vln Diiiverani Kanenn (,'llyovrr Ihn linlon 1'acHle and MlrtuuM I'arllh' lUllwaya. u:tw UIHLD1NG AND ROOFINO PAPER, CHEAP, AT U. DIN WOODEY FUR. GO'S. "Atn spncinl ineetlug or Ihv Lum ber Dealera AMMlatlon, held at thu onii-oof thellurtou-llirdncrComiaiiiy, Krl.hy evening, tho U)th innt., llietfu. lowing renohillon was reloptiHl, and ilgncd by inenibirs of the I.iih.iiige: "Wherein Iho preaent l.len Hw of fer! very Imperfect protection to luiu. U'riiealira. unless sold direct to Iho owner, and Whenxi, many contractors have 1 found It convenient to lake adtantagu of thealluatloubyllgurliigau low that no 0110 could liopa tu ctmpeto who undo calculation oil paying for roe. terlal, thereby working ahardihlp 011 contractors who exrect to iy their bill., therefore lull Itcvdvnl, That after tho lit. day of March, lbOl, all lumber dealers of thla city In telling material lu excess of J 1 00 shall du au only u,n tho w lilleu order of tho owner or agist, v Blgned, Taylor.Itomney, Armilrong Co., Hlertn Nevada Lumber Co,, Halt Like llulldlng A Mfg. Co., Cnrey.lAiulairil LuuiUrCu., J. W. liirdley, Maioiuk Co., Win. Alr A Co., (luo. Ileggi AC11., Aiigillllrothers, lUHi Ward Lumber nod llulldlua Ahnuclatlou, Morrison, Merrill .V Co., The Hurbin-t lardiier Co., Parker .li De4ie, W. T, Cannon, leaver, Conrad A Co., l'aclllo Lumber and llulldlng Cu. DED COMFORTS AT DIN WOODEY'S. lluy your drugs of "the loyi.x JoliiuoD, I'rnlt A Co., IS qlalii at. , I0 lo HPFNOUI, 11VWATEH A Co., 17 and 10 Writ Houlh TeraploHlreet, for Tin Itaiilng (lutierlng, Hiwutlng Htoves ai.d Tinware, etc. SLEDS AT DINWOODEY'S, CHEAP. I'Olt HfT. Guam, iiiiusi'.m:aii iiubiskm. iin.vr J lllftr m.iclli. I.n.iilla at oaec, NOTICE1 A HKI-.TINIl Or- TIIR ITOCKIIOLIUtM - ot lha WcrVlnjmta'a Oo.o.erallto Aito. rlalloswlllba bold 011 Ibutday. Slalcb till ll,at7iMl..m.,Bl atoiaol ul.l cori-urallon1 A lull attendance or lbs atoekholJcra te rs nu'elad. A. B. liniDli,eretary, Mil ICE TO CRCmOrTg. Katlte of Janet Cor.1, Ilecaated. faTOtlCB II HltllKIIV (IIVKII IIV TIIR Ay underilmed eirrulor ot urn attain or J.tell'oie d.r.t.el lo ,a ceedilotaor,aa. all.anonalie.naeltlmta(tinit lbs 111. .". Sl.tSi1" f..1,"'." '"""'I "'"' "' eaeeitarr TOurhert.wllblu ten laoullit alter IbaDrtt null. i llratinnot nnilea,li thotald axaculjrat ' Mt omen n and tl Kan rim Bnmb kircab Ball ' ielrilir"'" "" """' "' "" Uke' Ul" i tiled rcbruary vllb. let), ,. '"AU tl. WAnotlM, I l.xeetitor ol Ibn ettala ol Janet IA.I a. da. eei'ea. (btaw 11 w HUTIOE TpprtEDITORS. , , l:itatiol ITllllim Howard. Ileceaic.1. vyimrit is, HKiiKtiy uivki hit tiih .X. ""'.'eri'xi'e.l'aieiuior of lbs ettala e( W illltiu llotrard, deeea-e.l, 10 tha ered.inra or, ao.lalll.eitniit liaili,nr.lti-na Bfiatnil Ilia laid deeeated. loailiiutlibein. with ll.n nrteearr veneliert, wllliln tnur monllia alter the del eublleallon or Iblt nnllea.lnibn aaldaxaeuur l lilt om. e 11 II Kin ,'lr.l s.,,i, air.el, Bill Ule lily, la Iba coualy ol Kill Ulc.Ul .0 'lerrltO'V. ' l..ledel..ut,y.i. 1-01. nlau ir. WAnrivu, iriaeatar ot lbs ctullot William Howard, dteettrd. dliwntw NOTIClyl rpnrnn wn.t. in: a mkktinii nrTiir. I X . tiorkbotdirt ol Ibo L'l.l. bloea and Hard. I ware t)otuiauy, nl llaonnia.Ni, II anil tu Kail 1 l.rtl soutl. nlreel, Sail Uka rlty.IUIali.on 1 Tbundtr, Ibalulidnyoriiltrrh.A.II. l'l.l. ai 1 I Ikin.b.r ll.n irroia fit ainend.nx .Irltcto I Siteuol iboArliciea of Ineoreortlion, by In ft ra-eatlai!tli atonal etfleti ,.r ea.d rorboratioa C loUnariuudrad'HiniiiindlMlar,. ' ' " John 11. wj.ll.r.l:, did kecratarir, BxilfJiijWxllxlB