Newspaper Page Text
''l IM 4 T)r.ST:r,T nvisyiyo xkwsi immpav, rr,mnrATtv a7, ism. DESERET EVENIHG HEWS. jM rtmttaift twit etr8iTi iitmn M raman runtime at THE DE3ERET NEV3 CO j. ciuaixs w rgvaoir, u iTQit V. lriart Isbrwetj 3T latl. , ' A II tf Iril' (IIIFK (JU1 ltll. 4 Is It ft furl Hint the Diop (,'rr.k tall. j road prrjirt will full through. If IK I niftnlttilatora do not Gtilaln is-sat-sslou "if Mock if land UloliRlnic Ul (tin o- f ' rloorililnrlty'for IfM than half IU l value? If no, thsn Ihrrr la not much 1 tollil foiinilstlon lo tli enterprise. II will tale many million tf capital l 111 bull.l that rot i'. Ih.tlWH'i'lo.tirreel I for MitOlil rorlBquira la nim toarci- ly worth nit ntlonliiK In coniparla on If the DcrpCrrtk rallron I scheme will notrruti-rlallrestllhoutthat (lock, It -Might to day vr litre It l n r. Wis mention this brcntit the only aripinieul u have heard In favor of lurulnn orcr llili plot of aihllt prorly to pilvata wmliy, la tho henrflt which will accrue to tho city pattlciilulr to teal estate dealers, from tho UilMlnn of that roaJ, An J tho Inferrne.- It, Uiat without tin thick tho road still lot htt hull'. H the road Is hi Is-run-tructed whether tho I lock la olittlnrJ irintt, why all this fuss an I hail fl lot Ui auiw silillo itilrrt-ate anil hiU1c rlRhta are ilt fen Inl aa against tho lana of rlvate ciitaton? It It particularly nitlcraulo that tlm l-rrsonaand tiiajia that -tdvocale the transfer, ilo ao with g real rag against thosawhoutloii ll j ro rlety. What I Iho articular InJucvnisnt which 11m thorn to so much rtnl? Dnse It ndgltethe wliolo scheme tho color of aJoliT I).x-s It not bring lap a cloud if ui Iclon which ovrrsliado tra tho whole attain ( 11 these iiitrsllona ho answered! Will Iho Dsoji Creek; ntllron I project fall through. If Iho Old Fort Illockre. inaliislii pouttulon of the ptihllc? II no, how much bottom la there to tho acheme? If not, whit U tho use of rounding an argument favoring the Iraiutrr.oiilheUnrnuto bo derived I y tho city f ron lh Landing of tho road, and the 'mmi thai will rmua If tho road la not billtf Atil whore li tlieoriiwaiiljuitlco of abusing own who think tho block ought to lie lei I fur ibllo sirpoe, an I calling thrin "oblructlaiilt.s" and enemies to pro Tlio prevent Issue la vary different lo tho cat. of a rallroa 1 company I u duul t aa to wharo It will mika III tcruiluus orjunctlon, an 1 In or.lrr to scents Ita presence iwltsjtlnes the it-nflo of a gltcii locality are willing t j tsll (limp ly orglve It tin I for depot purpoens, Iftlllaroal la to be a mil y, It will atartfmmthlicily. It la not proposed ' to build It el all unlets It beglua or ends jjj hrrr. Without Halt lake City there IS It nothing to the project. II Tho gontleimn managing tho nf. m fair want to get a valual.lo A t.lock, In the Interior or tho I city. 1'allliig tn gel It for nothing they I I ollorlM,(MDforll. Who haa l.lami.l k 9 thtmT Nobotlylhatwolmvohianlof j ItlathiMowlioohjiictlalhoKiriaiid to , I tho aalo who aro beratitl. W hat for? , If lhoroalUtoboliillt,nyho,wliy m arethot'lJectoratobeblamnlaatlAUd I log In tho way o( publla IntermU? . , Ate they not really defending public ,' Interfile aa agnlnit prlrato apecula i j tlon; 1 I Tho City Attormy 4l-a the City I 1 Council that they have no right to 1 I gho auayor wll the Hock In iia- ' j Hon. In tho face of that mil legal j I nmnaol, what have the City cltlctaU lo liaok them In their doalre to convey B thoiiblluprui ly to a prlvatii com. IB ny? Tho wlihea of tho iltlaen.: i H Tliovotoof tho Uyinr The do. J"j manU of their coiulltutnU? Tho voice fif of thoconimuiilty; No, Indiod. Out L) elJu of koine leal i tills dealtni and "A ethera whoso vlewa aro (olorctl b; eiacted jwrioual a.vnntjkn, the Kroat body of llio prajilo are oppoavj to ihe turreuder of the block Inten led 9 oriiulllooouvcnlemwaulajornmeiit, without any benefit In return eioept ' money leaa llinu halt tho valuo of tin. Ian J. And Ihry are hoilllo to tho natal I llthment nf uuothtr rallrmlj deiol within the (populated llmlia of Iho city. Wo do not womlir at tlm autloty j ' and earimluina of Iho gontletueii whu !l want Iho bloik. That la very natural. I Hut what la Ihe matter Willi thoae I aglUlodnndaUitlvepiraona who are i iukliliigthUaclitmeainlareiiotcuu. . arlly lutereatul In It, uulrn It la a fio , thattheacheiuolalofallllirutighlf ho j block 1 not Hcureilf Ami If tlm j ruling of thlaploco of valuable public iroporty la weuntlal to tho prijicl, how much tertalnty la there that Iho i road will U. built at all? Now don't lly Into a rage, and put ter, and aplt, auit call nuima and run ellurouudtheso ijuitliuiK, but anaxor I thrniiK tarely, and give ita aoiuo reu ' onawhythltopllyof the enphof thlaclty It to I illvi tied to prlvat utea agalnat their wll', an 1 In fun f tho doubt aa to the lawful authority lo 1 make the wnvejance. We do not a) ' thtrn aro nine, but thiy havo uotjit I utluuunptraiu'oaiil lftheyhno any oxUtenm It la time they were brought to tho front. IT 11 Will Sill. & Tie apetlatle prtMiiteilhylheClty Council of Malt I .kit It auniclinl In dltlUMi tho gvnlua of ualaucholla 1 tliroughout Ihoiuunlclialcorioratlon Thlamouaco to thu mental health of I Jjaajaaw Ue wauutuully la ust oul) bwuuao of K .laB thoovldenceaof manlpnlatlvo JolUry at ahnoat every alep of Iho publlu lJ. new, hut on account of the undignified tallcaux iroenteil at tho mialoua of tlis alleged lathera of tho city. It la eutllclently aaldcnlug when mtmU ra and alleged inembera (tho alx liarnaclea who were never elected) aa aume a perpendicular attitude aud hurl large allcva of alang etltheta and ml eyed dtllance at tatli other, but when men whu have not a ihaclow of alanillng or memlieralilp on the Itoor are f niltloil to uln tn tho thetorlcnl melee, every limit of decency la over!ead. It may l tolerable for ncltlttn, by courttay, to be allowed lo present a re epKtful tlllon nnd the rraaonalie haa lo furntsli In mipport of It, but that ho hould be allowed, with or without peruiiaelou, to Join Inn debate In pro gftvaluA Jcgtilatlvo body, aud In tho courw of It lo bandy ejiltheta with niomUra la ao utterly foreign to good aeiiae and proprlet that no conalatelit araoti can endoraelt. II6wever, Ihe lateit eiwaltlon of tills ihararler la but following up tho lllvrty given loo at lorueya for the aipllcnnl fur a whltky llcenra. After Ihe Council had deiilnd the application lheo llmbaof theUw were rmllted toan pear before that body and mako ar KUineuhli favor of their client, not wllliaun ling that tho matter waa u ling In the courtt. Thin the t'oun ell apwra tn be liecoiulng "all Ihlngi" to aorne men. Atone lime llaavinu Iho rolo of a court of law, niluu the net eaaary acumen,aid at another take on the appearance, of a "free and taty" donating club whoe rule do not require. Iho lartlclpintato ronflno IhiiiiHlvea tolhunioat ordinary decorum. TIihm ijnnptoma, combined with tho evldencea of Jobs and llnconaclomblo oxiculltureof the jcople'a money on lioWo In tho grouuJ, are the almost constant fowl for rejection aupplled by the reaent city govtrument. Tnere la do nutriment In It, The publla Is llioroughlv nauseated with the alio patbla dosea with which It la being comtintly sup Med by the Council. One of the lamentable features of the Council squabbles and scurrility throwing i!aodce U the utter aud childlike heirlcMiiewi of the Mayor, who aeoms to have no more iwer tn preserve order than a kitten aullerlcg from a eevere attack of thegrlja. SCHOOL HUM". Muni sthoollioUHa are needed In this city) there-1 no doubt. Thu fire Hhool liw, with lis provisions In refer euce to compulsory education, hat osnsesl the ovtrrrowdlng ofourdla. trtel acliool tailldltigs, and other lacea have bevnutlllxeil for their accummo lstlnn. The Usiilng of lomls to tho amount of JKJ.uiu has Utii doler mlnntonbytholloard of lluratlou, and with Ihe amount thus raised It It lobe hoped rutnt needs at least will be suj plletl. Tho tat pa) era need not In alarmed In rticard to this matter. 1 hern la no arbitrary ;er vested In Iho Hoard lo Issue bonds for Khool purpotea Willi, out the content of these who aro chiefly Interested. An ilecllon must le hell, at hlt.u a luajorlly of tho voters decide In favor of the Issuing of tho laiuda Uforo lliey ran Iki Issued Due notice of audi eleitlon must lie given, livery adult male bupayir resident lu the city for thirty ilnjt and In tho Tirrltory tit months can vole on the iueatlon. The amount of the bondt must not exciinl two per rsnt of the taxable pro rty In tho t liy. Thus, If lhetaxiaycrado not want to have the bonds Issued they havo the (toner to SU prers them. We believe, however, that Iho ma jority vf the tax)rra will teu Ihe need ol morn acliool accommodatlout aud lai ready to aid In providing them. Also that tin y will tee that raising tho lUHidful funds ly will bo an easier mithod than )liig a large mclul tax. The Hoard of Fdiiratlon ran levy ain collect n tax of not to exctvd to per rent on tho taxable ) ropert) , and will no doubt be governed III this matter b) tho amount talnd through laiiidt. Kxtravnitanro should not iKieucour aged In aiy dlrmtlon. Hut wlie economy will suggest that goql, spacious aud suitable buildlngt for school urpuHv should bo provided that will bo likely toaerve necisaary pur Ktta fortoino llmu to rouio. And It should be thu desire of very aibllc. t Irlti 1 cltlien to promoto the rauso of education, aud make Ihe achoolhoutea of this city a credit to theeuploaiid ample for Ihe wanla of Ilia ethuol popu latlon. lllflll Ut'ATIIUi. HUJHN. AT no time In tho history of the C'liunh have an many of thovileraut, of lulli vie', of Ihe community rusVil away as during Iho last few months. Tho latest or ttils class, In Halt Ijike City, to depait to thu other life, Is Al niena 1 air, of the Heveiitcentli Ward, a widely kuown aud greatly respu-nd lu.. llsr death occurred at llllitu minutes ast two o'clock this morning, tho immediate cause being general di Ulll surliidiued byoldagv. Almena I atr was a daughter of Henry Mid Harah Itaudall, and was lairii In Ht. l.awrcuce County, lw York, ovember 53, 18H, nuioi-il, when about tweuty years uld, toNI. agara ( uuiit), where the embraced "Mornionlsm," bilng liotld ly l.ller Haiuuil Mullliier lu April, IS 13. Formerly thu lud Uhu h slnuuih Methodist III IBM the migrated to Nauoo, 111, where she Uiaumtho wlfo of Lldor Wluslow Farr, an I passed through all the trying and alf.sacrll!clng ordeals, under which IhoHoliibjof that tlmo suiriml. To fttthtr with the rest of the family iho left Nanvoofor Iho West lu June, 1111, tarrfiii at Winter utlert and Kanea. vlllo nearly four years, her husband In tlm meantime performing n mission lo the 1'as'rru rUMes. Alter her arrival In tlreat Halt Lake Valley, In 1W, sheoccupled a limn habitation near Iho mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon, where sho was often exi-osed togrent danger from marauding Indiana. Hub. sciurntty she tlvcil on a farm mi Dig Cottonwood, where her hutlxind (lied In August, 18'H. 1'revlous to Ida death she ha 1 removed to Halt Lake City. For over forty Jean aim followed the proferslsnof midwife, and Intlistca. paclty waited upon Ihoutauds of her elstrrt Her life has been an examplo of unfaltering faith aud unwaerlng Integrity. Thefunrral will l held tomorrow (Hsturdnj)nt I p.m., lathe Heventecth Ward meeting house. TIIIIII. IIIMILMIII TIIAMI'S. HuuKimiiali. statta that his tint ACMualntaiico with the late Ucorgu W. I till waa formed something over too years ago. Sir. Kimball waa at that lime Jailor and lity hall Janitor. Ono morning, bright and early, (leorge ap warrd at tho hall acroninlcd by Ihreei tough looking trani. Ho waa bare headed and In his shirt sirs res, and his' silvery locks, long, flowing, white benrd mil tall commanding figure travo him a striking asct. He Informed the Janitor that he had found the three Iraiujia stealing fitilt, had arrested und brought thetn to tho hall, an I now "I turn them over to Jou." When the vagrants were locked up one of them luuulrrd of the Jailor, Who In h Is that old man? "Ho lsacltlcn,"waathe tily. The trio then set up a tremendous howl, nnd loured out streams of nfanlly. They said they had no outlier ldta than that he was a leading olllcer of Ihe city, hit tone of authority and determined manner giving the Impression that to decline to submit to liei arrested by hlni was something entirely foreign to the transaction and not to bo thought ot fora moment. The Mtcran was un armed, the tranipa having evidently been simply overawed by hit appear, anco and will ower. IIII'OIITIMI IX "III 01 III TI3IIV It Ijixoov, 1'ugland, a look en tilled, "New uglier l(eiortlng In the OlJeu Time and Today," has n.t been printed. In this laiok the history of the reporter Is traced at far tack iu tho times of Clci ro ond Ciemr. And what strikes the iriodern reader moit forel My, Is the similarity between Ihe Itemt of the modern nowspaiwr and those of the ancient. There waa 'ntillslicd lu ancient Rome, a Journal entitled UiaActa IX vrnu. It was not printed of curse. It was written under tho direction of the magistrates and placed lu Urn Hall of Liberty. It took cog. nlxaoro of all the pitting uveuta, nnd' dllnotlgiioreverylrlllnK Hems. It shows that Ihe rrportcr of ancient Home waa not a long way removed from his brother of modern New York or Chicago. Here Is an Item translated from the "Acta Dlurna" of ancient Hornet "lttliun lered, an taa onk was struck with llghlnlng on that part ot tint Muunl lrt!at!no culled riumm Vslla, early In the afnrnuou. V fray happened In a lareniattlielowir out of the H.inkrra street, In whli li the keeper of the Hug In.Annour Tavern waa d-tngeruusly touundod. Tirthilut, the Achlu, llnod lhebukhsrforsllliig meat which hat not In n iu.j.t.t'ted by tho overseers of the maikcts, Thertimls lobeemplojM lnbtilldlugaehaeltolbo rsmpleof tbo goddess Ti Ilus " This la under date of the 4th of Iho Kalends of April. Here Is another aragraph, the sub jects of which would teem to demand more extended treatment: 'Tmilne, tho Consul, and Cn. Octavlus, tlio ra tor, set out this dsy for Msiv ibilda, lu their hahite of war, and tost nnmhera of )k ople niton ling them to the gates. Tho funeral or Mania waa per f irnieil with greater pnmpof linages than attendance if mourners. Tlio lVutlfex protlalmedlhoMegslivtluii plujalu honor ol tlwtybclo" The history of reportlui Is skillfully triuted lu this work, from tho dayiof ancient Home until the nj iearaneu of the newtpaper In Fuglnnl. There am extracts from English wrs of thu seventeenth rentury, which ihow that the reporter vies lu ipmtof tho marvellous and at itsatloua! thrtu huu. dred ears ago. The man fish and tho mi rmald were In those times Innted as realities, I It ro la an He m which shows that nicli ahuu i hero atte tided to bytho riigllth newsj aper man of three centuries ago M I true rvlntloiiof tho strange appear anco of a nun llsli about threo miles lie tsHiilhu rier fliamitt, having a iiiutket 1st Otis) bntul and a jNtutenln the other, oiedil Iv reported by six illur,whoUjfb sa aud talked with Ihe lu ilittir," Here la another relating to the mer maid. "A perfect inoriiui 1, ties, by the great m hid last night, driven n.horo near (ircimwkh, with a oomh lu one hain an I aluoklnggUtsln imothcr Mlic aeemed tobeofUie (oiiuUunuoe of a mutt Mr and t-sautiful evi man, with hsr arms erosMst, win plug nut lusiiy (icatly dmis ors.eltttmrtianitaltsrviaMs she, gently tinning herself upon hir hack, sguln, am awsy without Mat sn ooy nnio" Iho London Ual-Mt of 10JJ ooutaliu a report of the great tiro nf London. It reminds ono of Iho Chlnigt fire of l'Tl.niid tho excitement, nhrm nnd destruction ranted by It. Htie Is n rtport of the Iiondon fire "mi the 2d In-u al 1 1 Mhorlor-k In the morning, thorn hsptaiiiel to lire ik out a im.1 an I ih plorabl. fire In I'lljilliigtane, near Sow 1 lib street, which filling out at that bonr nfiho night, an 1 lu a mutter nftlitnnns.i ilowi built with wi-mlen Hit hel houses, spread Itself an far lieforo day, ami with so- h ilMraetlotitoIhe In habitants, ami nelghlnrs that ore was nut hiken for Ih timely revenllnglhe rurllicr errusloii of It by pulling ilmn lions, s as onalit t havo l-eeni so that tills lamentable lire In a short lime bei-ume loo big In Ui mattered by any engines or working near It, It fell out, most ini tial plly tort, thu a violent (sisterly wind fouionted It, an I ket It I urnlugall that lay and Iho night following, spreading Itself up (o llracn Church street and downwrds from Cannon street to the west si h, as far as the Three Cranes lu the A Inlrcy." It Is not generally known that Dr. HamuetJuhuson Is really the foiin li r ofour modern system of reporting. He was employed by C'avo the Iindon iblMier, lo write the parliamentary rewrte. The Dxtor was dining one e tculng at Himuel Fuole'e the actor. Tho roiiveraitlon turned on rt lotting. Footn ex I rnl hit admiration cf ono ot Ihe older Flit's speeches as It ap jsared In pint. Dr. Johnson laid bo wrote Ihe siktc'i, whereuioii Foole (iirinnl li't astonishment, saying that It was almost Impossible. The turlj Doctor repllid as follows 'sir. I wnih It In I teler Hired. I mm r waa In Hie gslhri if Ihollooseof I oiiiiii ins but meo In my lift Cave, lbs publisher ho duployeil Dr. John sou, liatl Inieresl with the doorkeepers. heandthoicrt4iiHeu!lofd mid rhlln g K a lniliun.'e. Ih, t htoughl away lbs subjects nf ills, u-luii, tho names of the epiwken, lliosllethsy took,anl the or ihr In wlikh lliey mms together with nolea of various arguments ml bleed In Iho course of lbs di liale. Tho w hole was afterwards cjntiuiunlralod lo mo and I eempmed Ihe speeches In ttio form they tint, have III the pirlhtnenUry debates." Dr. Johnson was employed aa re porter for tline )rara byCave. Ihe Doctor wat a Haunch. Tor and admits tliat In writing lurllamcutary refiorta took good rare tlio Whig doge should never havu the best of tho argument." Thoiiccliea as written by Joliuaon werusjtllshed, elisUtut aud forcllle. Tlio orators lo whom lliey wero credited weross much surprised at tho excellence of their lauguage ru were tho ubllc. Tho light between tlis Kngllsti parliament aud the real wat long and bitter, Atonetlme Cavu hat to Itiblltli lila parliamentary rtport under the title of, "An Appendix to Captain Imutl Uulllvei'a Account of thu Famoua Kmplre of Llllliait " The debates were headed, "Dubatca In the Hcnatu of tlreat Lllllput," but the polltlclaua unde rttuod thu whole mailer, while Cava could net l roKculed. In 1T7I, Miller, tin. editor of the I-ouduti Jiientng JVsf, was expcflc-J from tlie Housu of Cummona by the Hergeout-at-Armt. Allllcr gave the olllcer Into custody for ansault. There was a law suit. 1 he city of Iondou and tho tsibllo In general tided with Miller. Tho result was that tlio rest Irtunii bed ot,vr jarlUnient, and the debates are no longer a ni) tti ry. Anything that relate! to thu distant sutltluttristlngtotliowole of Ihe present- And all the devclopuieuui of lilttory, arclucology and modern rc aearili aud discovery goto show that "human natur Is humau natur" In every ago aud that the t-eople of an cleut periods wero vcrymuch alike the folks of today. llfLHIl Tltllli: IIMIMls DUN A (I) , for tho week ending February:!, 1901, report much uncer tainly atmut the future of trade. Though there la do longer any ex pectation of silver legislation, jtt tho (llecta of the uncertainty of the post threo months still remain. Jlattbound shipments from Chicago for two weeks of February show n falling olf of :i )nr cent. This la attributed to short croj. Foreign trade, both Imports and ex. Arts, It falling behind that of last yuar. Iron It dull, wool manufacture 'nourishing, nnd cotton prosperous. Thu ri rt aa) a. 'Iho dicllno of alher below II r oanro, atone lime lov7) cents, dltcour age those who aro looking fora sieeu!a tlioliooinln i rlcos. M limit Is one cent 1 iwer with sal of 1& million bushels, cotton a (pierler lower wllh sales of 077, two balls, an I till 3 it nit lower, torn an I oats hare adrauced half a c, nt each, an I hogs a slmdo. Tho exports of rotlon continue atmve last j ear's as well as tho reeel ts, but w heot and flour exsirts fall farbohlud, and tho moteuisntiu pro. slonsslionaliulolnereieso .'orthuprea. ent f irtlgn tra lo It slaeki nlng, though a ihange lu prices might soon entargo It. In Jauusrytheox(iortsof Lotion, tirisid stuns, rot IslonSfitiltiesnd oil were I'll,. IIJ.UtH In value agalnt pl,37t,7il la-t )esr,whhh l-ohtls lo a hear excis of extsirU titer Import for tliut month, but thu later alvnnca In Stirling ei. hango and tho mu lerulo outgo of go! I Inllmto that tlte merelilndl balance is out tiolghid at roMcnl by tl e rittiru of so CurlHea ur tho withdraw al of nllii r tsir its! proiloutlyluvisitl hore 'In this mum meiit rolutbl the laws imsse-d nr ieud tng lu soma Western Htates conlrlbule) thus, the Kansas house list paasitl n bill to tax all tmrtgagut, nolus nnd ls,n Is, making them not collei table unlis sLimpeil by atssors 'this and cthi r mi attires i auto much lulling of liiautand removal of cuplhd " Tho great colio strike still continue. Ylrgiulu nnd AlaUitui are oilerlug Iron nt rices whlth piraljro the tnark't, Tlie real nntket Is depressed, owing lo tint large oulrut this ' (ir. , Tm report uintlnilra as follows "llurlng Ihe etl week Ihe Tmtsury bat taken In alloztlhrr atsml f",'m mom ihsn It Iras pal I oul, ami there havo Iwn small nrdi ra i f got I fi r eirt, 1 at tho tain for money on cull has only ad vanced from 3 lo 2l l-sr cent, sterling exchange remaining slnady. The outgo ofriirrenry bt tho Interior appears lo bet liegun, however, notwithstanding the fact that at almost eviry nlher city the money market Is es.y, or growing eosler, nnd acarrety nno now reiotts tho market iloss. Iho stmk market haa been dspn ssml In ptrt by the f illuro an nounced, and tn -art by the reluctt.1 r-irnlngs n some roe Is, but nothing sp pcirs l Imllisite Hist negotiations le tsr n trunk line pmillcntt aro not pro gressing" Tho failures for the week mentioned nro for tho United Htates SI), nnd Canada 41. For Iho cornspondlng tteek lasl)enr tho United Htatet had .13IallurraaulCnnadt II. Tint "Tirl-Mtucy" llallid. To Hlgmi, In your Issueof this nvcli Ing (the Until Intl.), I lure hut to state that on Iho death nt tlie Hev. Mr. Hawker, tlio l)nrfn .Vein and .Vcr enrj, dally papers published nt Ply mouth, were deluged with letters ro. treictltig Hit di ceased minister. Not a tvvr of those writers rated Mr. Hawker as n i-act of "no mean ordtr," aa videlicet by the fact that ho was able to deceive Macnulay on tlio bnllad risjicctlng Irrlawmy. It waa also state l that the historian, win n lu formed that Ihe latllnd was thu com losltlon of Mr. Hawker went lo Aloreustow to see tlio Joet. 1 also distinctly remember, after readlngthat oorretjondetiro In Hie dally (siiiers. lo havu msdsj a marginal note to that eltVct In Macaulay'e History which I still have. I.mersoii ui)s "society lovet not lis unnixiUers." I, In company with many others mm h rrgiettisl lo ten that song relegated to the same list aa Hrace'a silder and Tell'a aiple. Uu fiirtiiuately an American l.illllon of Msrnulay's History lu the Masonic Library In this city makes no rtfrrence lu a foot note. 1., H. The 1 oollthnrss of 1'rldf. Jlttrjxr'i Jlatnn It Is astontshlnfe how many llilugs peolo flndtobullit their pride upon; nationality, aa the Jew; clllrensbls aa thn llcaionlan; a largu house; ant xtra servant, a wealthy or distinguished ri lallve; nn ol I name; a frtiiucntly printed one; a little pros. perlty. n blgadtrrslly; tho emty air Itself. "He It Iho proudest man in town," mid ono cltlxeii to another. "What It ho ao proud of? It ho wealthy!" "High born." "No." "Handsome?" "II by, no. Th ro Is nothing In par. tlcular, you rev. Ilo Is Just roud." In (hl.e.r.t In everything rise, "one touch nf nnturo mskes the wholo world klu." Mllonl, wra ped away In his gran Itus, has a devout If vntnlral Imitator In tho valet who Units after him with haughtiness tenfold greater thau his own. How mllnrly, rutting out, Willi exiUlalto tact, hcrsmilta and her condescension, would ihuldir to beheld tho parody on herself lu the first Itoor of Dial tall nitngro house near UoldenrViuare, where Mrs, Ken-wtgsltlutho-tlrllghtfu! net of rngsg. lug French lessons for her little family. '"And v. lien you go out In tlio strett or elsewhere, I desiro that oudon't Isiast of It to tho oilier dill lrcu, said Mrs. Kenwlg, 'and lhat If ) ou must aay auythlug about It, ) ou don't hay no moru thau, " IWvo got a i rlvato mas. ter comes to teach ut at home, but we ain't i roud, because ma sayt It's sin ful " Do)ou hear, Morlevna"1" l'erhe ucrontrlc.lira of 1 ride show themselves most lu the country. Tliero uvery man houso la emj liatliaily lilt castle, and liidrndriire reachealtt acme. Auyia-culiar advantage takea on for Its isavsesNor vast i roinrtlons. (HlbiH-ss of tongue, a little harniug, mako one mail an autocrat. A little money A very llttlemakea many an other an overweening aristocrat. Ttio iroudestfsuiliy we overknuw wat In a tiny country village. The grandfather ha 1 been a wll I, sweating blacksmith. Hut his son had been led with meana sulllclent to provide a retly little home lor wife aud daught ers. Through some oerult mental process-), tlnt-u latoplebulltthetnerliea up Initio belief that It was theirs to dnmluatu the plwe. And having great ruergyand lusoleiicu. thry ao compllslied their purimse. Woo l-rtl lo the biilutky wight who venture 1 to iiuestlou their aiirrmacy. We won der whether there Is net more than oue little village having a tale of woe to tell. "l'oor and prou I" Is an old, and oft rt -anted tale. To Ihu student id Wo It attaining to see with what absurd devices ineu fence themselves from their fcllowa. Hut Iho axtacle bo comes grim win ii out of lonellai as, out of bitter ueed.lbny still ry (a.rslstonll) , aa though their very lift, were In ft. "In tho name of all that is sacred, come not nigh me! I tell thee, 1 am better than thou!" lure't True One of thontvautsgesof light gym nattlcs, aa) s 7?ie -woes 7vme Journal Is that thu sick aud couvaltrent inn maku what appear to bo trilling i Moris, anl by tliem, in time, lu restored tn active htalth. If Kofeetle to be (radi cally able to niako but little exertion, try whaturu known aa deebre4thlng movrniiuts Lie Hat niton the tuuk, take at long and as deep I rcilhs as t-u-ia-Iblv, and while the mouth Is closet), slow ly throw tho arms up in frout and theu at the tides, ltttt for ton mln utet. Try again Iho name Inhalation an I e xlialatlou or air, thn latter being pure aud fresh. After awhile, alteni t Ihe same, sitting up Theso ciierclua can sift ly bo taken by the shk ono every day, several ilium, anl thu whole muscnltrsyttt ni will l.t Impro ved, lust nt If aome tevlvlfylng builo hid be en glu u. a far bitter ouo llmu any charged Willi nlooholor soma llku stimulant llullilliu Mttil lasu tsstteUllon nieniberi should read tho American liullding Association News, It ex. Itaea all mismanaged associations. 1 u ltau!utli)car. Una dollar (sir )ear. 163 Washington HI. Chicago. U7t " " I AlllkllFM's. SALT LAKE THEATRE C s. In suit Maaaeer. Tbs Specticolar dent ot the Season!' 3 NIGHTS ANDlATURDAY MATIXEE Pel. 26.27. 28. Direct from SMAo't UtrOea Tbelr-. "tew York KIltALFY'S WatbrpebU -srirltsnrtT witu Oorccous Costumes I Olltlerlng Armnrt Kasolnatlng Dallalal Orantl Maroheal Msanlflcent Soonery I Calcium Llglital Novel European Spetclnltlaa I 40-Persons la tbe Grand ProihclIon.-IO Mit'i i n I'iiii in. Mis el ltttt beams ITeileetiltr, rel S3. wWderlato SK1IMI sum II, rtt lot HI in. i "" " I l-rernrlort J K.,".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Mtsl a rtne niJnT tft IU Joirrfl "AS'I'A 1 rVA. !" Jolm nml I t Ihj, fwilrllilnHl Tlif Hir., nnr Minllmr IIomh.' Ob M rt ti linn ot " I h rntl) llnlty. nl lei ihtt art mBr mnrt UlrHnf an I noiM rnt.lnn-1 inurdf l t h I Irfn a Vij Alt rhildrfnaJra tt Ifrnro, lOa-tit ml A Wnm forlvrvalt. Irxtarl IsaiiW ihi rrittr fiajr !? ih tiruri, alt bw Iroor 0ii I hua I to lo M I- n. 1 rrrormanitt fawurly 25o. ADMITS TO All. -c. JOIIN 1. TANMJN, ATTOHNKY XTKIrtsUAIXSTItriT.. Ilooi-ra Kldrtlra Uock 4 AWN1I l. Aointio nn holm work aiti.tii llr,f ll.AutrltarIi.S2 I ut Thirls nth fiml an WWII W)U1V TWO !Yft t At II JX. vrtak An if at 11 K. tttiulb Tcmpli VVANTKI). A womw v iNtrn on iioim V rteannif.lT lhady A It Ift Mia. B, II Atrbia-htt KstMitt L-aath tltrrt di WHT. On TiirnhAV Arruton, A Jll th t hal Th flntftr w II U a jrrtatfaTor ly lca,iaj( l at tut JrU itrfrtvr nttitQ, dif 1KTrricc rntriANii iiailavii m.iv J Mtrt. a (lolul Itanl fa (nam en ararttli. laa at llarila llsootKi.'t t rt miir ruoiKttTrKMtitv Aitnr inu L alnna lunch, cutnt-ruinif lvi arrra in tatata-M onaty Aptlr toiU llaU-rtoa, . HriHH,mb.niT lii " MIT1CK. IT'OU KtK IN TKOMt CITT, WHIP A llau-hfrabiiain Arpir tn I otstrt 1 irklm. 4 a.Twt, Itoto City. d w Utt, NOTICEI AMrrnxo ok hir hockmoiihu or tl Wotilnrmtn a Co itratha 'Aim claihiawlilliabeUod Thanlar', Marrb cm lftl.ati itortot aaiti ron'oratloa full aittndtara of the iiorKti6lJiri li r (.neatfld. A. . Uinnr.S, SecrtUtr. ICQAL NOTICE, latbarrUtaromtia anl for Kail Uk Uunnir, Tcmtorjr of Utah In tht naitf r nf tliaVmia of lanlfl Uaro. IXrauedNuilcL. NiTicK I iiviifcm uitKv that Uitian A. r-n.lf an I (lira, al mlblatrattjra ot lb tiUtt of lianicl itara, dtrcasHxl, hava rrniltrel for Miltrtvi.t, an J a i ft in iait toon, iiiair Unal arrouni of ILeir adinlalalralion of aalt ttUli ao I Iftilina for final dlttribulion of tba teat cat of aal 1 citata Aatnntf tht i trini talltll lhri, at that faturdar. til mt dar f e-lairh, A li lu ocltwt a. m atllta(urt luiomnf aaMCunit. latha Con atr tourt ItQM.a. Halt jiha til an It ounty, Lull TrrrilMT haa ! duty apx Intc I by lh Jurft a of aai I Court Jar tnt tauitutr olnf iail aero tint anl barin tan latttios for diairil ution. al Hltirb lima and i 'ara any ari-in lultn kit in aiiltilaiamayapivaraixl ihAranir any thrrt W, wly aail ariwuni ah ml I not bo Ull and aiiravotl and final dlttrlbutlon inalaaiirayatllor Jiatad rcbruarr SO, 1WU iV ATtKV, iUw lltrkof tbalTobataConrl. N0TICC TO CnEDITORS. "" la Utt Probata Oart of Mi I Uka County. Territory of l uh. la tiia matter tthn Pataia of Join Itrown, dcraair 1. "MTOTICK ! HFRIalir GIEH n tur J.1 ootlfTl)rrie t, AdmtnutratrtT of the kaiata of Jol a I nwn.t1Tfiwi1t Ufa of htH Lak t-lty, tun, lotba rrrdiit ra of, and all iter aoua I annji eUuua ajtainatlba aaJl dacratcd, to aihil ll tbrm wllh the nfCMary vourl art! wtiliinTBH month attor lha flrat i a til, ratio a Ltb i1?Vrtl w.,!, 'iiiinliirairla, lat the outre of IJlurtsn t 1 far-on, aitornttr at law. lllti. Mii. kirret.Halt Uka (my.tbatUlnr Iho i lara fur Ilia Iran.irilnn of tl a Vua om o? aaidrlat, ANXA M lilidWN. Admlnlttratrli of lha Mute of John Jlruvro. Dsjooate Dated Janunry 9th. 1K9I, tat oitr tw NOTICE T0CREDIT0R3. J atata of Wtlllai i JlTward, DuttMed, VT(r"f- HFlimV UttV MY TIIK i un-lt-rilxnrd ctrrntor of lha rtate of ft Itila h Howard doreae., to tl e rrMnori of, aadaltioiaonaUtlnirrlatuianifltttni aai I qt e ieel, tuethil ll ihtm.wtlh the naiarr toufl.r., wiihiQ four tuumba f.rlPr ibc ili.t luhllraionof Ihla n lift) to ma aal t vinruior MhaoUif iand:iluat firti Hontli Mrcai, Sail Uit city, In tb a rnuaty of Sail Uke.l Uti Itrrltofy Hile4ftinirr3l. tSl . ... I" WaBPFlU Utru orof lba tmtati U ilium diitrurit OUviDiw EXCELSIOR BAKERY No 10, East Tomplo Bt. FRCSH DflCAD, DUNS, CAKCS, AND CnACKCRS. PURE CAKD1ES, GROCERIES, E1C. ButtercupCrackers a Specialty EDWARD CCRACE, Vseys-sKir- -ssB-jsBSJaasM-jteasJlijr-- ta lMlrostiWoonscir, li It arnatnta, IruUnJ Jul CsUrr, Zion' paviig Banl Jrust 3ompaoy, Not. t and a East Templo Street, ttlaUlAei J;. B Itwrtmlrt'llll. Illtl (Klllsi WlLroan Witot arrr, rrwr , (Uusaa g testes, Ihsirrir, Joitrn r mini. Aors M cass'iv, ItUaavna Tolse, jiait Jeca, nrea.ia ims-ditts, T o vrrvata, Oiairr, It li Ouso DDES A GEKERItLliRKIKG 8USIKESS BsaT paya B P.r Cent Inlerett cn I 8avlngeDepolte. I IWtOaMTTiTV TS3 ICaOJVIM I Ua AiirotsJ Ssesrllts .t t-y Tisua ol latsrs DeseretNatlOMlBaoIc 8AI1T liAKK rn, trrit. paid Ur capital 2BO,ooo Surplus S30O.O0O nun i-iniiai Jaav Amar, IftriJtnl, tlosas liurctiaa, Ik rrnlU!, W w nirta. J It masts, J T lints. J.OCttLtB, 1 JiMts riuar, Hisar InstrooDtr, l II I'trir I r Jssttsos, iinosnn iMattr, J. I.B.IIllLe. r-t.asrf.. II a,Talaa, JCilt. Rccelres Deposits Payable on D.rasDd. r ss. Stilt lll,KJIH.llS 11, s iVs-HlMu, Ctlrsff.,, Al a.-tl. It-taSe, sjs esj Ml lit vlitnjMil Otsllsrstst CWI. t Brut tsfs itsjiom vsaits, sltutsitir bsr .lsr sst Srs prost. Ussu, ft w IU fsr jstr UTAH' Oomsrcial SsSavings Bank, S3 A 3 1 E. Flrat South St , SAL.T laAKU Cl'L'Y. 1 triTAt. faaoannoo Mlll'llt., . all neu uu r aiwsTlioM., rt, I W HMI'IV, llv (Vtif, II I.IIMMIMI9, Cat'lir. IIIIIK rnKi r atniitotr, r xsJtas, ll..tltlrltk.n.. T W rilr-L., Tho. v Jtsslscs, (IsorssM Cssson Pr, Jss. a. Kiehtrlr, ail lltt., l, crammisfs. (Jerjeral BarjKiijt) Business Hl TVr tVa. I.lrrt.1 ytinf ea .VhKsjrl Jierils, (Vst'iiaNifttt 4 7is,ri a ) rwi. I THb STATE BANK OF UTAH, I SALT I AkKtlTV. 0llil. -g.IIOO.OQO. IICIIIIIJ IIRAXT, TrMMeat. li 1 Hunts .tm irtallral I II t UK KM fcLlJi, Lathlrr nxiiuoToitiai Jtifi h t Hmlltt, t haa H Hut too, ftm II !r. rl.tW I l.t ton, I Abramll t-annoa, rtanfc Y Taylor firniprllawaoa, i Mlol larainuilh kl aaWoriu, n ehard W looey, HtaryA Hooilay Itacelvia df.iU oayablo on dm tod lAaoamonay oaaiproiflrtraniy Irawi t hanaa oa all nnilpal utat I t ft pr rent, on anvtuK drp iu (JomiHtUQila iatcrittt.rvwa qaarurly And Mail your IrtitiaMe iioni:i:u PATlsHTROLLEEMILLCD, MILL Be North Temnlo St , Knat, OFrlCCiCIHoutllTompIaBt ,Woat. 33K,A.1TXJS: High Patent, Baker's Ho. 1, Superfine wiiolo Wlicat rtonr. K HIGHESTCASH PR1GEPAI0 FOR WHEAT. 1 iltll TtltllOM 311 Ojtc 7dV; Ssss J 1 JH I I.I IS JIOIIIIIS, I'renHrter DeseretlleuisGomfany II PIONEER I OF THE WEST. I ESTADLISIIED ISBO. ' Bookbinding and Paper Ruling la in. its i at scuta AiisritAcrs, cousrr wo in:, BLANK HOOKS, COUNTY BLANKS. rsicas icasunib os srrLidATiua DAVEY TAP DOAPD anil Deal1 Ore. In of Mateilala Usott to make out woik itnrable. ALL WORK dUAIiANTCED.