Newspaper Page Text
i ..',.. - giA OBSKRBT EVEN1HC NEWS, rtiMMifd mry daf tin tl eiertir it iMtrlUltk,l edu, 11.00 f,l ! 11 artnth, tl Willi Jf M I, ("rU W ,Uri"l Burn? em ivtr-.ur srwt ruWiihanrTiur J inar. aubip lb. IW, to I..IK, f ;. IJ.! 1 aU.I I tl, Um weall, II l; I(-JJ Mlml If , .""":'. v me Dotntr wrmtT. f, A1tiertU""a.,tatrhMrlanc' Urfla V itr.lttc; eultal. J. riQTPHES OF KOYALTY. j THE "GFIAND OLD MAN" AMONG EN- i y. OLISH PHOTOCRAPHCMS. 4 Vtarl forty Tsais IUNn lb Day ft I 1 Ana, ..ti-l. fwk" Ilia gtf fl XThtn Sit Unlltd-TIi liprM ' j .a.iiria'aHgll. ' ; f "Vou'lt set fn In 1.(0," "! I John Ilright ' Ptidrto klirffi-t!, entreat lo TynUir, fur thssall TyniMfr ha1 ttono wn tr.toic for th uU John Jlrlght which pttA him trryniiicb. 'J1it)ounicutn vm llllam ltownrj, plibtogra, bf r, Kr ry profeisloo hat lu grand old man. Mr, ' iKmnsy Is tba grand old inau of pbotogra ; pbj. If b4all'rctlr b Is profession ratty forty ago, and Uorlflrf tbU Iodic perlM bo bas phonograph rd craparora r and mprrv, king ml qartna, sultAns, 'A prlncta nf thn Wod, prrs if tbt rtalm, L rcitof lbrftlfnoldkrt andslatrt jj j inii, men of letters aeil nrmrn of lelttrs, !fl nutria of beauty, prlrn: btatitlrs aim 7 UaaUfcs of tba boards. , Jusl Dow, when. Ilka all tli ti nt tut, 1 Mr. Downty locls down tU If on irf-e I Uvof jar past, ) ran namtnoo Ut lb srulon of men, sllsnt thought snl of j trlumpbs which intistbft very gratlfjl NoonUr RlitUrson lb bomslyimi of i f ( fimouamtitttibnloffrapher, Ihtraar tvt v, . raiIeralwlnthyrMof photouriphj, no h 1-4 ' i drffrrra, no bono only bonorarln. but I M Mr. IowDy U writ jatlflwl In nt hU faut " f 1 1 on tha work ha has det.a In hi fnrty years , ofaolTa lifr, and ba Kill licrMtoKO hit ( eraftrVckoncd amonalbaproffiwlon. Tha L r. foltonluitata notcaof aronTtruitlon wbkb II k nirfwrnutlr )ad ittfittly with Mr, ' ! lowoy in 11 bntma In Natf rn aati M iimwy hbooic rnKr. C One of M grrat ant-caw waa tha amll' i tagph6Ucrph"fttthfinern. Mr Vnnntr r ji tbU It Lt cbt d'ocuTtr. for brr raaj rj Mtyoo niot txtutoiii wanmra rata 1, sed tvrn aoUmn lulto, as If lb If na wea a I dDrrout wrapoti if a harmtcM H1 arlcntlRa lnirumcnt,anl It U. thfrfforr, f i i tb it ra a a ltd aolsiun tnltn wild whkh vri al alwaja rndow (ha qnfn. Erry lnrtr of a ' ' dog will U plu?l to har that It was dot? i ,' hharp.llacollioon I ha chalr.Uiat rail-! .i tbst arollf Ut tli a qnin'a fa is frhnrp alto- M Kttbardn-llttf.ttoaltiUtl.btitJohnHmirn S IjM would stand no non-jf tw, and, drsplta tha , nji. jiroMtieaof hJ uiUtrraa, lit first h dog Afi cwil abakltiff. -Ho won't alt, Jlrown,- i 'PI MUtbf)Lrvn. "Ha wonl,yonr mtjratrf m JU tuiun obey y mid m cnmpUsnt, Ilka Yjf tbaiaattfua Ha inauo alt " .nd afifr tli aitolbvr abakltiff r(hAnsatand tbaqiivtu 'i f f lavvtmt to shi stub stKirt. and Mr. lVwuy ' 11 Bta-la a grfat bit, all lirraaMof Itrowu ac VV. hbsrp. "TbaQuacD,1 coDllnutd tha trt FH u tran,baa dona moro to promoto photon fm M rapbytbon nuy ona, for sbo baa alwsjs ' H Imo ft KFms oollrctor of photograph. m Hj n tboucb aba dom complain of tltalr f adlng." JM fv Ooa of Mr. iKin ney'a trrasnrrs Is a pbo W K tuirrapb f tba qaran and tha 1st Kmprm H fi Augwu of Cfrmany, taVt a when tb ctn (B n proas was tboffticst of Ibaqnrcn at 1'rtu rtl flt tttor. ilr, Do-anry bad ln anmiaouisl vita 'i to th court, am found tbo qnrcn at 'HG Lrcalfast, Tba rraprru, wbncf raurtf, t! '.J1 waaqurcoof l'ruaUtbcntdccUoiiat(1rt ' Hj F toauloilttotha oparatlon, but atlrnittti tL aba autvumbrd to lbs rrtiaahm of tha I T tl qutfu,and tha result Is tba only phottf ' jf srspb In oikltuca of bar ma)fly, our own i f queen wmHsk an oM f nshluacfl iuka hon tt Rat and a mantle, anl tha other qtiecn j wearing much tha aauis sort ot cottu me. , MiCQtheuipreof UermsnydlMuiaay 'i wen lb ilcmands for tbo vhntntirspb, but U sliebadlinistMthil no prints should h II Ud or L1en away fotna iocn mlbt b '1 tutarpratcd this airrcmrnt liberally, mt t i loj( tbclr cooacfftircj with tba qulbbla tbftt 1 , tb ainprot' stipulation was only mad for i 1 L f UfUm. Hut Mr. lhinney declined j t trery offer, though h had on order from J tt tfcreiany tot a million ptlnta, and amrfher I 1 from larl for many tbouaands. On day ft tba ICtnpcror IYaderick happeiml to twik ; j lutotbaWlndtorUudlowbenMr Iowney f-a Jf was al work thera. Mr, lVmncy abonM ' ' U Vim tba I botocrapb, ami ultimately al L &u lowad tba emprror Ui rarryawsy a copy f ;4I1 ttb pbobviinph of hi mother. "MA ml jouoouldn'twillnfusa tn grrothtaoa v I f liliotoKrnph of bis toother, cuuU louf'1 4 r Jt ftfeVsd Mr. Downey pclbeUrHlly. g I, ItUI 0 TKIUKOOK HAT. ' j SoinotnsuliaTatlui urea lest obWtlon to Larttu; their portraluukrn," sail Mr, llawney. MH Isaspaclcsof Tanlly," Mr, j DUnwll was ona of tbasa pornllar people, i( w-4 wo oa It to Lcr majesty that M, v;i iJownry wall kuowii rliotcersphaf tba M tunoaUttnuUluxliWut. One day n to Upinntil to Im In attcmlanco at luf- I j tf jnorai, and iiftr rmieb f-aranwiioo by tbo J M ajuaen, couaeutod to Ut tbo lens,wblrb W F, wraaontbaUan. Mr Duratll was always I '" Adan'fy.aud oo Uils occtuon bow or a i lmLt ount and a tutrof llbt Wns trousers, which wii imtthaaort of cnrtoin that a iautmuuwi alio a Id tuU bis bo to tbo t world In. lbs negitlTf wsr notaauo J ' DUiy oouMQbwt tn sit again next day. .: Tba rata u comloifdowu allttlonben DUay steppail out Into tba sronads near In. UviutUul t!ack vslrct cut. Ths i valu blni drmdfnlly, for la was In j meat Uir aboutih wclfura of this Uut '! Sa black TaWet coat, and InslsteJ upon an ttmbrclU Ma bcld of er blm. Tbo uui f' tralUwnahelduter Mm, and the awotid J aetotnrjfatheawerefallur. OnUiethIM i c Uy bo coiiMulrd to try aaln, but for lira ft utlnnteaonlf. In tboa Qva nUnut Mr, II Duwuey took four auccri.fut itegaitrra, t tt from which Innumerable hrlnta Mrr taken, e lYonitbeMliundrcdsottbouuindAiif prints E( liivo brn sold, and totbl day, 111 ' , W ourrtmrokoUiiytthodemandlastlllgrwiu , X Mr, Downaycititldcrsthialhomoftt fop tin Ur Ibotoicraph vt a eUbwtnan Ibatwaa t fi vcTUken, A few) want ago ha ha I an ay j K plloatlon from aji acailsinlclnii for it ihoto Hi ttn b from which to jMlut a kh trait, and W afurUitt Mr. Ituwnry Ullcres that Mr, J Israeli only aatouco for bla iboUgrapu. fj -I'uUMWKiAMtto. J ill rotalartlPff r.netln, fi ' n1 Tat wanted a tuition under tb Rotern. ' . i meat, and oubcluic told that boiunjt U ' !h Vpard to raaarhil wrtl.o fsatnloa ,;, K Uqo, applletl kliuaLlf faithfully to tbo ueo VI onsary preparation, bowo Uuio later bis n if ambition for public praferiusut. M-vueUto f( ly ItarodiMertatUiliu. U ' "Whal ta tbo mntlrr. lUtVatknt bU I I formcrciiiploicr. Couldn't )uu iuu tb I J t' usmlastlonr A i Ml "louuld that.1' no replied "laiwwered J; I H imy qutlou uu tbo -r. Hut," b J Tl kld.lUiisthswIlcoulntftotbsnacuc, M M "- Buess tby tbouuht 1 kuew Wkj tuuib to ' J wa-tlu iu tluo waablu' wlmlk." im . Uxy'a alK IBBBBBBBBBBBBB. AN AZTEC SACRIFICE. Cats nrr1b1a f Man In 4ftlco la Ida Hays ef tha Maalasumas. Hhytwo yetr coaVltiitl tba A tier tjelo, Tolbls cyclwo added awTnplo mentnf thirteen days, Intended to make lb solar and dell years ae,ree, Uwaal lievnt that tl.s world would coma to nn end onth laalnlnhtof a cycle, ami lhalih ipnIs, If merrirut, woult llabt tbclr llrr on tbo distant mounUla. If th world did nut com U an end lb Attec eonjmlu Utetl tbenia-lvr tbst It wool I surrlr an other cycle, and lb tfcirteen compliment arydaya wen pnwed with feasts, sacrlflt-e aiidbuxhanala. In lb templa of IlnlttlllpothtU ther ws lo b a filadlalorlal comlt, whttli waahothlnfclratlhanft sactince, ThosU rololsteMof th ceremony wen at bin L Toplltxln, the thief Among tbem, clsil In a crlinstm velmeiit, with a crown of varl dtlorol fpatbrrs. was performing th dntlesthatpttctdMaaarriQco totbogwl, inl tb others, with wblta nW Ijurdertd with LUcl, their raco lildeou with som her pigment nl moiilhs pointed white, wsUtl blm. A crowd filled Iho stono Ralls of tha tempi lo wltoeM Iho apotU tie, surgtujt with Impatience about tb tcroalcatl (or round, stono platform, right fret high) wbrro th oouibtt was to tak pUco. Tb Tlrtlm, a prlaonerof war. Is brought In. Armeil with only a short ixar n.l shtrl l,li 1 placeil upon tbetnAlcatl,tIel by on foot ami coufruutfl by an Acteo warrior fully armeil Tb flat nostrils ot Ihn Tlcllm aro Uisttndnl, bU I. lack, eje-i bum with iltpertlnnt bli coarw. Mack hair strsKglcd aboat Ms fate, anl bl Ihkk, pnrplo llp qtilrrras bo views tbo welt armct Mil Her beforn him. At a word thy fsll to the fray ThJ (ears rliwh and Ibyflgbt Ilk demons tb victim with th itrtrMI n nf ctrlflln death, th soldier to uphold his talor among his co tnrsd's. rtiiddenly, rrallilnjt bow unequal the contest, au-l that ).! fata Is sealnl what icr llraoutoomaof that Iwllle, tbo prlt i oner Ihruwa away bis shield and car and prw-euU bis lireatt lo tbo soldier's weapon. A pauk, a ltow, nnI tbo victim fall beavlty to tba ston. In trie- th priest, with frensIM sboiiUanlbalratttsmlux about tbrlrilo ruonlvwl fom at npon lb Umalcatl,anl bara Imrna tha dyinc iuau ton block of Sreen Jacr, uu wbost comex aurfsco they throw blm. This li tba utcrlUcM alone, and TopllUlu, who now take tbo nam oft h kM In whom ho sacrifices, opens tb breast of his victim, tears out hU heart and offers It, still I'alplutlntr, to lb Thrn (b Meedlcn trophy la plat d In tb Lollotr mouth of tb Idol HnllcllIpKlitll( and th lip ut th ststue daubed, with blooiL, 'Ihadealtuan 1 decapitated and his he 1 ilr w I led lu th 1 aompatlt, au i suary where Iho skulls u? Mcrlrttni prls oner ot wnr art actlntvtb waits. Tbo tobller clslms the Irtdyfor Mdi, and tears It sayfr th delettallcn tit him self and his antLntpot hslrat ciinradrs. TLnAttecaniialsthstcniiiedoMn to u aro fftuttrd Wilhnct&eo Ilk 111 -IHtiolt Ire rrtss. ttstliliff t-r Ilia ll .fate. If nature hantidgwedu slnser witlilh owcr of prodnelRit hUb noUra they will auntf enuUiifoitly Otbcrniwi they w III neither boagrrcnbl Li quality or tone. All alucetsar not alike. Their voice are pltchnl In different rtKl.Ur. rwtno aro pltcbcl lilgh, other low, and n great many medium. Jf sinner, nor, naturally en rfowed with a high reitlsier, Alttiupta to sine tTotil hit er her capacity by fordoi th voire ho or sb U lu danger ot Injuring tha voice. Any ono oeod ot a jruol vpleo may by study anl culture proluc hither itotea than they oihrwlM cuuM hoitrio,lii no proteavor of ntmdc, n mailer huw eulneni, ater created a vole when It did not preciously til-t, (IrrJit slngtrs ar lan, not rtiaU, Many slngrs hav Utnrarlly srralncl their voices bytryln to do too tn nth, Jf tb volea Is naturally high no nutter what tbt i Itch may l tl singing will I jdc ant nnd agreeabta to lb ear Jf, however, a singer tries lu do loo much lb effect will l similar lo a man wLo endeavor tn walk up two step at a Urn m ben b Is only abl tu tuak one It will prov ml not is. Va not ahaln ) our votre, or ) mi msy m It. hlyuurCampanlut lu Ies Horns Jcur nL llteltBg hy m1IUr, Tbeivsi4HIfalcTrftlnori-1JI 1 total and smell tb hand E tbvsnperior without rubbing It In tb Uambla h bsu tbo men tatutn tbewtftneu they prit tbo woman's hand nptn their bcmc and until twb at the bark of It In tbo Friendly l-tanda nnaeaar Jolnetl, adding the rrrvmony of taking lb hand of lb jron to whom clvtlitlea an tuUd and rubMng It with a il'grea of f rr upon the ulutrr's own nus and mouth, lit Marian IsUuder for marly s me lied at the hands of those to whom tbey wished to tcmler homsge. Capn IThy ulls of tha bsjitlwlch Manderst 1h lips ara drawn Inward 1 tnecn Iho teeth, tl nostril amdUtcnded and the lungs are widely Intlateil, lbe fare Is then pushed forward, tb nor brouvbt Into contact, and tbo ccremonr concludes with a nearly ruV-tUrrlck MsIUry In IVpuUr brlrncr Monthly. NatM aad C'aril. It Is more usual In sot tal nutes to put tb aMrtM iMhehrad of ymtr note,an't lbe rivte at tb coocluiion. It Is courteous for n rusn writing to a woman, whose hits bsnd ha docs nut know, to addrmttbelrt trr to the husband for" tha wife Iht tmt iw ll a form 'Mrs. tiinltb, rare Mr, Hmltb" A very convenient ant uw quit usual cusiom lstocomnincw yuur noto on tb fonrtta paje, and coittlmie to Ihn third, arcoud aud first, Tb woman leavco a card upon you only, while Iter hushoud' cards ate Inten led one for jnn and one for jour husband. On returning cards for yourxelf and jour huitmnd, it course you will follow tb enj rule. lUrpcr'a IUu., Vary Old Slang. A correapondenl wrlteai "VonstnU the case very mildly oa to the Kngllsh origin f tb so utlM lUng phrsj, 'tnoUifu,1 which perbaa Isn't asltng phrAwi at all Iho (net Kit IsKngllsb froQi'wayback,' lu rtmollett'a 'IVrrkrloalVkla1 thtboroln forms F mill that be Is Kolnj abroad. TbU brliigsltar toherere, but ! Myatbey aro lauacd by tbo hot Uji whkh she is l-ourlng UI-IcU eals (lis author to re mark Ir at tb excusa was 'tro thlu' to Im twaa on her Inter, The phrnaa la also found In Hhakeiwurr'a Iliry VUr.iu-t d,aeeu 3, with the suae meaning. 'New ctk Trlbuo . In Her MkUt, The filoryof Italy Is not In her eye, but In bvr skies. Pbe baa 9,niO beggar for every porsuu worth il.Ouu, mo en tec a crlml tisls for ctery 1,un population, a, profct siouvl Wlgaud for every church, nndtlre corrupt government tiltlrlals for utery buu at nwvii.-I)rtrult Tree 17cm. Of all Mg cillel Ucrlln protmbly gi tn tbi mustvrBttMblnfiomaduuiirw. JUrwiu Ur taullflovver come fn.mJUly and II d land, brr new i.iniofi from Malto, her w.1." f r.!u n'iU ''Alteriilckle from 1 lo I Mid, her ot ,ou fru j ltn-U, II uugry Mdrgypt. MUhiitJanm,tlia brilliant writer on aubjwta, U a brother of Ueory Jsmts, tbo uovvllt, mid both arv Ibasouaof IKur Jauw, (by aweilaobor nuajUL igpyL-i KslUguUhlag laelpleal Mr, It 1 tbo opinion of expert that tnnch ot Ibo money whkh Is spent by factorlas, mill and at arcs on th Introduction of Mpc and valre for fir extinction might be sated by tb adopt loo of a much simpler od more cfQcleht method, tloth sulphur and ammonia are well adapted for ex tlngnUhlojrftrf. Sulphur aUottnntjvn and forma sulpbnrio atM, Ibo fume of which nr much heavier than air, The quantity required would bo email, since seventy grammes ot aulphnr can mak 103 cubic metre of air Inimical lo combustion. An effecllr sulphur cxtlnpibhlng appa ratnamii U ma.hcf a Isrg Iron box of moderate, itcftli and open at lb top. It roiil I be hlngvnl at on end nr the side lo n protected celling, and kept clove thereto I y n or wire connected with a wire or 1 rap formed chli-fly of cadmium fusible at 111 degs. rabrenhtlt, InMd th lx Is plAcctl a considerable quantity ef cotton wadding, well saturat cd with powdeml sulphur. On the bent of an Incipient fire melting tt wire or strip lh bnt drop n shot t dUtanic; by a simple device the cotton waldlng Is lg tltffl At the amemomnt,amlft fining cloud ot snlpburun at II gas Is lnUntly evolved, which ettingnUbce the tire by reu dcrlnathealrunfltfor combustion New York Commercial Advert Iter. What ah MmhI, Th bnguag of the Irish "aerrant girl sometime require Interpretation befora It becomes Intelligible to theaters Us tener , Old words In mw unm Inr ann-ethlnsotthedlfllcullyof a dea.t Ian gu-tcv "Ubat arv me duties. It ye phut, ma'am K1 askal llrldgtt of her new mU treea, 'Votill U existed to do all th coik Inr, lb wahlns, some cf th sweeping, and other things wbloli 1 will tell ou they come up,' said lb ml tress 'And Thursday altcrnoniis, wbeu Mary Is out, jou will hav to answer tb UU and wait upon the labia at f1lnor " "An wilt yea stretch for yourssliea or will I stretch for yerr" atked Urldget doubtfully. "Mttt do joti meaur' Vcd ber mis trei, who, afur an cxplamttlon which look some inomenti, dicoverril that her new cook iiwaui ui ask whether she would be required to pais the various dUbea at dinner, or whither the family would w themselves Youth's Uomp-mlou. Old lUlliiMd lastneeis. Yoti will find many old lime tallro! en glrccra holding lb Ibrultl of the elrvalnl itliumlea, After KUing smaalml up two or three limes, experiencing balrbruidth eai !! having tWir net re worn to a Hoe elgo by the constant atraln and nnxl etjofguldli)gAlocgmotlre'U4hliigi'oiirM) tip hill and ilon n, around curvet nod over bridge, they find the seat In aneletau-d tab a coniiMrallvily comfortable berth, wnwthtiu like a pAMidnleas and quiet oid at, after n stormy ynath There tt little evclterosnl In IhU latur life of tba'rs, wid lbe short runs are cxtrrmily mouotcuus, lint Ibeyare almost wholly fre from iho imMlbihtv of broken necks or cruibsd limbs. -New York TnbJM A Ueni 111 lloat, lloatrs l.y means of bottle ppcrs are frcqueau A small tin raulalcr fiulnliig a frr on w hlch was written, "1 lie Kmr steamer I. rest Jlrluln foundered off th Wcatern bils&Js," wm found 1'oitli.c Lt lb inoutli of lb Merisy lu jAnuary, lii. Tbla JCBf lutturally cnliaed IiiIcomi nnxlely lo all Interested, at. I her i;nt phtiYirdcd the Mverponl walls with Ulls offering a reward of ! for th dUermry of th bue perpetrator ot the hoax. ClamlMr' Journals Many of lbe children brought up away from th cHIm In Ms&leo never e to ehool, and wver learn to rrad or wrhe. Onthegrrnt farms or "haciendas," thou. Mod ot children sit bom. grow oil and die will out rlnor knowing anylblngot tb great ouuble world, home of tboe farms are larger limn certain who! ruiin Ilea In the Untied Stales, anl tame of them bive hundreds ot laborers, all of whom, from UlbcrUi sou, ar burn, 11 v and dl oa lb BAtn farm. Tha Society of Friend ot th United Kius'lom say that tbeyhavs JV'mtm her, srd that their anausl death rat It In compAMbly low about lo 6-W tier J.Uii. or TU) death In thre yean el ieritiil. were upward of 00 jeer id nge. Only 15 ilewtbs of rbildniiundarS yeaniiATurntl during tb year 1. This may ! account' Hi for partially by tbfct that tb (juaker bar comparatively fw child re u. CJrolewiTte the larger part ot the "Hit toryoftintcV'UlMrcntbengtiof SInmI U,and 1 11 lam occupied benrly tbeaaru period of hi life with his "Introduction to lb Literature of huropo," The two work by which Thorans IIwhI kn survived tba grave, Tba Hrldfc of Highs' ami Tbo taugut the Hhlrl," vvcru command when he wa 46, and from aalck bed from vrblvb he never row. Celluloid lu solution Is now Mug cxlen slvelyuse-l as it lanincrfor all hind of line metal work, ami as a woM vamUOi ulthrcftuluthat arM lol aupcrior to lbe old methods. JJfieismatlsm IfJisliOill? $500 Reward! Wa w ill par th ahora romrJ for any cms el Mitr UiiLVlslat, Pr(ieiiia, Sick Ilasasohc, Is0i(ilku, Ctptiall4ia or IkitUMoett ft caiikot ear trull H n s sUbl Liur nils, mht lhdirrt-llosBarsinctivcointi(l witb. liter ar puruly seirlsU', and ntr rail in ilia MtWUctum. Hu(r t ott ijir Uott omiBiBM I'iiK.rSicil. Issrsiif ul tvua teifcils au'l Initutioni Tbi Esmilit unu pw;:dooH"i5v?.'i?iio,,,f " ,,t,r io,a m boll bj Joioioy, J 4iT A Co , DfulgiiU. lilt Lil till II. 11-11. 1, Tl . .WT.'m'.VVZ.WiZA"'' c,iiJi'oiIfiiity. LAGER DECn, ALE i POUTCR, li.lil,.V llrlntl. .so. lAir, hiist iovra r!jrr I B3gJj MM.1il lo fiat know lliat n IttUcMXiugh" , fMXJBbaMA Ci'roiMtblngy Aro joti awaro that lt often el H &K f - HC,a f;ul',, ! U' Jiuiffsnml far too of tin run D WNvlHkn intnCoruumiitlouDiulrndttnUcnthT IVopteri m W TiT fJLH nuircrin(crninAMliiun,ltroQchttli,I,ctiincrs1 ni v hI nal Oorvtvimiitlon. will nil tell jtiu that fl ,MWiP "IT STARTED WITH A COLD." i mtmi ihlft 1 1 Can J"1 ITor'l to nmlcct It? Can yn lrill j t&iJK7v5iiiBW3-A UliiiNrlainnuilurT Aroyounwiirotlintji :DR. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY; fur OourIk, OJ.Ii nnil Mmmiinptloil ll Irrnnil qiinllnn (tip gmtrt of .II K IMkniiUmallii? lt ilttuiin Coiirfi In ono nljtlit. ltwillrlirtkiifc 1V.M In n ilnr. lt will prrwnt Cnmp, rrllero Art luiu nn.l ruro Cmnumli- j, llonlf tdlcn In limp, "Yotirnn'lnironltolwwlllimitlt." AS3o,lltlc kmar ao tou i(W In D-lor' lilll-inar kitp your llfo I Ak ronr ilni. J Ut lot II, or wril. to f, H. HMUl i CJ, 1 J 01 Irilif ir. IIW Tilt, for l""W. S MJJJ.I.U.I - -M I - ' For Mlo by V.. (.'. M. I, Iltug Drpurtmrnt. REMOmLE XT THE SALT LAKE EQUITABLE CO-OP., :tn W. ITli'ni. Soulli tStrool. For 10 DAYS ONLY. EVERYTHING at COST. ItCII ! 4lim Una Mictllir, Sir. jnr.l. I JniJI Month, . i ' 1.00 Unrrnrr 1. 1., . Mjrd for $1.00 .tll lint 1'rIMi, '0 " 1.00 1 mil or Ijoin, . U ' " i.uo III llllitr Arllcln Maufhltrti l luao REMOVING MARCH li, al Ho. 30; opposite. Larger Premises IV. ZAXOXOX,2rcaltlent. T.jr. XOTX, ricc-i'rcsUlmt ECLIPSE GROCERY & FRUIT CO. Ar, Mow Opin lor Duilitett t Ihtlr'N.w Sloro, ,1 52 E. First South St., a'U'sari.&.W GREEHjSTAPIiE j AHD FflHGYjGgOGEgiES. FMRBJHRO $50,000 Worth of Wlntor and Surplus Slock ot'almoot lialf-prtco. Black:-: Silks ! . Black:-: Silks I Tnt niiallili In Kattn llbadame,aron O rains, fancT wonvc and Iigant IlitK,AUttto.V.fUa, JSc, tjc.( 1,10, i,53 nnd $1.43, worth 30 Hjr tent mure Uuu quctoil. C'otoretl(JroOralnatOOo.,7:,;r.anJ WUo. rull! Kroitcatso at $1.10, worth 40 ir cent more. S3 piece of all Wol Herce, new ahadiw, rejruUr rtc C0&, now -13a per jrJ. 2'J !!- all W'tot Prct Goods In lUIn, futvr woavs-aani nlslJj, worth froui $1.00 lo II..V) jwr ) aril, tmw 7&. ' ' CO elegant c unblnallon .Suit, nl a reduction of S3,' jnrr cent. DOMESTIC :-: DEPARTMENT. liK rlr of CurUiln. uvl I'orl lro, tW)y .ollml In liuiKllliig, will b oir. rl for on. week from 730. to 13.60 r pair, w ortli a 1 r ivui tuorv, now tbjn oifurcU. BIAKI-H3TS . tmxtl . QUIXTS At nilurtlon ol &21S prr cnt. iMIIIh .1 MVi.Mil!) too full .lid Croibet fjullu nt 11,10 ,rh aM full air. CrorliM (ulll., Mrlllr mllc rni, cu. lit M(J somilno .MirKll.o UullU. full IllmikniallVU) trMlr. OurroMmlnl WliltoOIirornl. lllnkil, full .1.9 t (7 Oil pr .In ixlra luiilllv Wlilio I'alifornU IllankMi, intra 'r, worth II? 00 him lal Attcollmi I. (iillcl to lli (Irrat lUrfalti lu AnJorwu luiiortnl Nultli (pli.M.. at iV ur)Hnl, u.nallraoMat ta: ' I iiiu manuraoturura abort loustli of Amlcrton lmtiortol .iibrri at IflHo. worth Wo., jwrnl. ' .! CLOAK V DliypAlTMESTT.. To cIomi lialattco of winter ttock, treiti,n.loii. toiltirtloin. l.Jka' I'luali I'alKH, riJuitil from fin CO to I 7.00 !'. !'. . !! "-w " M " Wrar, " i"iro jir,o HUrl. Vhc lot JncLcti., I ,&o " n.l " Aatrarlun raid " " mm " n.m Mla.0. Coat i, " 3 OJ ' 1 a ,'! ,'! iVi !U,, " ,M TAillrV Cailitnpr. anJ lTarn.l Tta donna, bclour cut. JjaJIci' L'.lh'o Wruoocra, at voo. OUR CHILDREK'S CLOTHWG AND GEMS' FORHKHIIIC DEPARIHEhT Oflora lloya' Hnlta lit Jl.11, l,7 2 0J,2.2S. S.M an.t 3.0O, worth M r,r Mot mnr. Ooolutouibof Uoja' hnro nt Jc., Wo., Sn., (Oo. aiiiHOc, lfc( uluo l'loya Outll.B Cloth Walala at IV., r, lure 1 from V.V. lltiya' Outlni: Clolb Walata at W., rciliiil trooi (Oo. lt.iya' rititlon Cloth WaUta ut boa, rHuro 1 from Soc. Mini' Unlaululrlnl N l.lto NhlrU at 1171,0. nub. Oil lot rarh of ManV Orprahlrta at 3Vj , (.V., fiOiv and (Wv out! tola-.- li:va'xEl3Ja, III wnlluuollio a per rent anil 10 jicr lent illioounla. SPRING NOVELTIES ''"."' ' ,r nun..rc. Dofattmenw ariibcjliinluirloBrrlro. nail orJ.r. r,r,lt. l'rnu,l n, Br,n A,ull0. ' F. AUEEBACH & BEO. Ktag On TUT3SDA.Y, JTolavuavy 24th, we wiu. itrnout'CK tiik .GEflTEST-J- Sflliii or MUSLIN UNDERWEAR EVER KNOWN IN THE CITY. THE "AUC 1V1LL OOM11T Of IotAi? Special Iot, , it S3c, SOc., iSc. anil $1.00 roll"lf LOT 1, nt URo,, will Includo n Inrgo nntl woll-solaclod assortmont of Emuroldorod nnd Lnco-Trlmniod Chomlso, Fotithor Stltchod, Laco-Trlmmod.Tuckodand Frlllod Drawors, Chlldron's Walata, Children's Tuckod nnd Cmbroldorod Drawors, Long nnd Short Cmbroldorod (Drosses, High and Low Corsot Covora In all slzos. J-iCVl.' , ut ti(iu will Includo all tho stylos montlonod In Lot I, only mado of much flnor matorlals. I-OX :i, nt tTitt., will bo found to bo tlio most romnrka blo lino of Undorwoar wo havo ovor offorod (for tho prlco. It will Includo nil (tho latast deslgnn In Ruffled, Tuckod and Cmbroldorod Goods of ovory description. LO'J.' !, ut HI.OO, wo consldor tho most porfect lot ot aoods In ovory wny ovor put on nolo horo, Thoy waro) mado by tho bost known manufacturers nntl most carofully soloctod, tnr Ono epoclnl faaluro wo vlsh to call your attontlon to Is that nil of thosu rrarmontu aro mado of tho very bost makos of cnmbrlo and Trult of tho Loom Muslin. Wo cordially Invito your Inspoctlon. GOflfTBROS. 7jT oO-cOi i.f3 oOo ntv uOo ubi, oo,,.,OuoOo.-; A8816NKE:-:8flLEi ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1891, I ttil.1. cnMUCvci tin: ati.i or -won'rir ov- DRY GOOBSanil GENTS' lfURNISHINGS REGARDLESS OF WHAT TJTEY COST I to as to QUICKLY REALIZE MONEY on TltK nr.Mrrir ur s. ivisjoijiVicifs ore.j3ixi''OKS. TimiUll AN IUMLMK SIOCK Of Ladies' Tea Gowns, Ladies' Ready-Made Dresses, And LADIES' anil CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, CAPES AND JACKETS, WHICH 1 WILL SELL roll I.K13 THAN FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Of th, Orlglnil Wiotaial, Colt. Thli ilock li, wllhoul a qudtlen, th. Flnntln ' th, city, and It will piy you to buy Coodi now, whether you noed them or not for a lik. opportunity lo buy th, CHOICEST of Qoodi, RE0ARD ' LESS ol WHOLE8ALE COST, may not preient lliell to you for 0 a long llmo to come,. I will offer EXTRAORDINARY IN I DUCEMENTS to PURUHASERS ot LAROE LOTS of ' A O00DS. Cell eayly mornlngi, to at to avoid M tha Inivllibt. ruih ol alternooni. M LOUIS LEDERER. Assignee. 205 and 207 Main Street, - Wamtoh Mock. K t'A iecrittrkTrr2"ifitj;oroeped IS'.Ovcr,:D5ot? ' 1 WellrJoru!jniIR0,vefiK6-eiibl I 'EWooprwervcajtRoriuitjjaW IheJIavsriialwioyaiawecbll" I sMtik IF YOU WAHT THE BEST, I ssy'ftfU- liUY TII,: 1 " 1mciia-oak" ' WflJlWv Wro Oattio 0cn Door,. OH SAXiXl BY . C. RL I., Solo AkoiUh hi Salt LnUo City "'Sl'FRASER CHAL!YiERS7-" CHISKOO. In O. THRNT, Hull Lnlto City, TJtnli, Ccnciul Western Manager, lloluim, Itloutnnii. A1I1VI1VO lVdTA.Cn IN3S1.Y, LIDQERVJOOD HOISTING) ENGINES, ELECTRIC lilOTGRSK Blootrlo X.ifjht Plaato, BKGI-Vr.S, IIOILT'.ItS, KIilJVATOUS, HAW BIIIiT,3, -Si LOCOJIOXAVliS. KCIJABI SIOTOItS. . mgmgtKfgtSmimmittaf 'sff!.' ' tfck ga.MSjgggssssssssssM