Newspaper Page Text
M g iEsrnrr rvryryo xkwsi tutday, mmrATtv 27, jsqi. W DESERET EVEN1NGJEWS, H I rids, tsbritaf 17, ll H f t'eal''A4tartsrotottMhsrssipMleltap HI t la lb. dim ee tha d;r la txsliad HI al.iUWhlildlalstl'alieiaaSlital H II u.titlhSBlp.lM. Hff f BaVCstt lit sJfirUswwtal mart so e sans ; I SA.T MKB STAKK C.i.r'Kl.KMK H'f The Beml annual Conference of tho S'jj Halt Lake Make ufZlon will convene fl 1 la tin Tabernacle, Halt IaV Clly jj onHunday inornln-, March lit, 1891, at 10 o'clock. J Thoillsho are repeated to rlo f lieHundey Bchoole and Wartlnieeti ill Idks on tint day, ' J A f eneral attendance li requested. !1 he puMIo ate Invite J. Aioia M. Canmoi, Joami II. Tayhiii, Ciiahim W. I'r-iiiues-, l'ntldency of Htake. ! GEXERAIi rillESTHOOD J1 MKKTIMI. t j ! Ttio regular monthly meeting t( the ;j Vrleathood of the Hall I.ale Ktikoof if. Zlun will I held In Ilia, W' Halt I-eko Clty.onHatiinlay, I'tUMth, f; at 10 a.m. The High Print1 Quorum J) have arranged to meet Willi ttio Ren rl ?j lMnlhood at that plact) and date. A Jji nil representation I ileelred. ' Amu M. C'Ai.sof, L ij, Joiirii 1!. TAlioiii y t, chaiii im v. rcnuiv - Jj l'resldeiiry of Htake. h HtAHUKNTS. if U'frrn Riatk MantuAi. rmwi J j rutuinnl from Waalilm.ionyealorday. If A aLAiaeaelimortaalanlhalbesnloat, 71; Una at ilia Juvenile InauiirUiromw, (p au 1 cunrer a favor on Mi owner 'it Tlixeabiof aailaf.r thaJiiolieoKas:- mrnt tirirlnaat lb Theatre Monday neat, ,( atlOo'rlotk, It Tllkna at iiimmim at tit YVeslern ' J Union Talwtapli Omo fur W. 1- Vll.n i .11.1 O. II. Mcllntli. Till funefal aorrli-es ore r Ilia remain o( NlaUr lllana W rlitht r III u lial I In the jroiiieentli Want Aaamtly ltonma on iluti Jay, Man ll lal, at II o'clock In. Tim Neonnl quorum of rserenllr will hold their rtiuur monthly mining to Inorniar (Saturday), r aliriMry Vftli, In tti vestry of Ilia 1- inaeiilli y arit lueetliur houae, at7iWhm. 1WTT VI KiiK AU rv laanoil marriage llrelits yesterday anarnoon lo Allasrt K tiM,ta.r anil Mlaa Mary J, iwla, of rliiuly. and J.ihn W.'l liomon an t Mian Alien lllllrt, of IliUolly. Tun aranil Jury rninmtlta urarnan xakl In tnTaatltfatltnr the romlltlon of III rllr an t rouoiy Jalla voaUnU) Tha mult of mdr labira will -annoutitfuil In a Haw daya. Il tile nolle oflha liiriration of ilio Woinnn'a oicratli Inaillullnii In laat Tcnttia'alaaiiaof tha Nrira, IhHimntliHr of ahairaailhacrlhcl liy Mra. Mlnnla II JautM almultl liava raad tan InairttiJ of i no. an 1 Mta, Clara It Jainra rlvuinatnvl TllRrartrMaa flantl la aeltn at work, 1 l nltfM altolhrr of the Ulifferoil4 l.Ioklroa waa plaial on ilia airrMtttr trai k at Uia IntenoaHlon of roiHnd M.oitti and hl Ttflllt lo hlrpota. ll waa ilia rtmrgcil l.y a iaialnic r, Tim mport frlilitancil imananirtra ant Ujtruiifl tadly, but In olio Maa hurt. 8 (IforRo W. II i I1m KiirtcrM. N 11 Tha fitnaral aofylcra nrer tha ra. jfl lilalna of llldor (Icnrxa V. mil vera , f haU lii tlm TirnityaroiiJ Ward ' A lucfllun-liouao under tho Ulrivtlou of I ' lllolllalioprlocf tliaNlnttrrnUiWard, II, Ml ikinoaatarilayClliiirailay). 1'rral. 8 drnt Ji. W, Hhiutmt, of tho Walx-r i I HUkv, i:ilrrlt.(l. Ilrlkiiap, ltlcliar.1 l V Jlallaul) r.. Joint I'lnruikinirlW.W. i M, Jliirtonoi Opltn.anj AnlilUnld I fill. I fW of Mat l.akr flty, ainaa of their c- . i & rjualnUuco and aiauclatloiia vrkh tli l A. uelairtnl vatc rail aluca tho flrat arttlw- , m uiculcf thla rrrrltory, C'onaollnirand 'jj lindruclliori'marka warn alanmadoby I fn I'rraMaiil WIlAinl WoodruU, Pfwtdont E , l Ooonta (. Cnniioii and Aotl A. Jl. I Cannon. Ill llxrlllns ItuutMnj. if Thara waaan ciclllni; runaway on' M tho HUlu ltoad, aoutll of the l lly, about W, l(ht u'cbrk thla inomlnj. A Kentl- B man whuruldra In the auhurlia iaa a .roacli!rit toirn In rt rait, at a rapid V rate, when lila horio Middenly took i j frl(ht at a ir urtlnl along the atrrrt by the wind. The animal U. i "aiitt.iinianai;trabloaiil daahod inithe 1 1 Itapld Trantlt atrritiar track at full i ed. 'rhetrhlilural:iMlttiaar i ii!o and waa completely wrnkrd. d Thodrlvereacd with tlluht Injurlra. Whtll l.i,t kcu he waa laadlnit I.I. j liorratumirda town. 'rhuriniuaiiU of ll the rait were Krt at the Mine of the ft, colllalon. !' V AiiinHrnirnti. S' Tlio"Wlir Jan" wai pn rented U laat ul(ht at Ilia Halt Lake Tllentro to a ' very good atnlltiire. Judttlni; l.y the W enthuilasul ln.iulfeata-1 It waa well re- D ovlvrd. I u, Thurher, tlia liorlronlAl nt iMjtfjrnw 2j r, oa encored aoeral llnica. Tho 8j I allot tit waa about ou a par n Ith the Nl aT.rar.0 of that kind of work, 'the ll tklrt danceia weie hllarloualy applaud. fi, -l. HomuDf tlieaiwiUltliajliitrtHluraal W i re very iron 1, It will In irt a, utol 1,1 caln toularht and tomorrow lilghUuid G at tlioinatliieeollHaturdaj. j El! Theraleof acata fur the l'.mma Jin h ; 1 W "rand Oira iiiROBoniont loiuniciuva I ' W Monday mornlnif, Martli .'nd, lit Ilio J I Theatre Int olllie. The llrat ierlbnu- I j uwwllllioKlvenMarilHth.Volma. J L Kayuveuliu;. ThoKiaion mil opt f' M' orfournlEhtpirforinauiwaatid a Hat. ? ' urday niMlnte, I he rtnutoUe la a j, , I most auierbotiu, , i) At'WonJarliina"rorrCleland 1 1 AihoappMuedwIunHhurltrof lluila. J; lo,rtaiUtheeyMofgiigddjtocraU. "NOT GUILTY." Is the Verdict Id (be Kosj Kill 1d0 Case. TIIK JLIMJfrf (lUIKir. It a lair and (apalilc I'rrargtatlon of Ida Ijiit and Dil.limc. On theconiplellonuf Mr, (,'rllclilow'a openlnir argumant, Mr, Dlckaon aJ ilmml thejury III liehalf of the ! fenae. Jleaiiokaat Kfoat lanstti, an I gave au able an J detailed revlowof theteatlmony. lie ravlewol the life of tha defen lant, holjlnif that It ha I been allow n to the Jury by utilmpcai li cd testimony that lie had alaraya been an honorable, respectable man, of imUinilahtd reajtalluu; and that now, In the hour of Ida trouble, when ho heeded the beueflU of a Jat flood character IheyahouUlmRlveii hint. Mr. Dlckaoii dwelt iiiontheclrcum atanccJ of Hie ahootlng, clalmlni? that Mom not only had a reiaon able fear that Inniftou waa about to ahool him, but that the far wai grounded Um actual fact. The finding of l,i)Kton' plitol a alioit Ulatancn from the aaloon, aliowa he had drawn and Uropid It. Jiitgel'oiverifolli)We. la an arpi rnenl ably aupf ItmentlnR the effect of hi colleague. 1 1 waa Hiiuuuncetl that the cloalng argument of the proaecutlun would t made thla luornlnc, and court ad journed. Mr.Hu)dar made the rloalng nrgu lilentfertliodefenae.tlilainornlug. lie taplalned that one rraaoD why tho proaeLiltlon had not lmached the ill trailer of tho defendant waa that the eyiiipAlliy of all who knew him, or knew or him, waa drawn out to ward htm on auoutil of hi ierll rather than towarda the dead man. Much waa the rula, mid It would be n hatd hrarled wrelch who would come forward voluntailly and hlackrii the character of a aiau In auih danger. Thla dinirulty had alwaya to lie rvu tended with by proaecutlng ofllifra, lie dmelt lijn the (Kraaloil ot th rUhtli'twcen ltigun and Kearnei, when Moaa Jumiavl oh" the porch, and, aa he aaya, i hanged hla latol to lit led hip pocket I etauae It Joatleil out of hli right. Mr. Hnydrr tried tu nuke U appear that Moaa look hla plalol In lib hand to promt hi friend Kearnea, alumld oocaalou mpilre. Ho alao auJoarored to ahow, from what oriiiTrnl In the rnUuranl, that Mora entertained eiuully towaida r,-)nglon. Ileemleavored to mike It apjoar that, at Hie lime of the about-lui-MnMatnod with hla hand on hla platol In hla front ant cket, and Ibat JaancViu did not attempt lo draw hli. At imto'cUk Mr. Hnydar cloael aiHiihe (iiuii dehvereil the I llowlu-f charge to the Juryi Ihol'eorleof the.Tenlloryot Utah va. Voodaon J, Moaa. feijfc-inen vf (lit Jinyl l-Tlielmtlctmantlutlilaraaeaccuaei the defendant, cai.lauu J. Moaa, ofttie crime of murder. It rhargea that on thoinitiduyurrirtcuilr A. ll.lMi, at the County of riummlt, In the Ttr rltory of Utah, and In thla Judlt lal Dlatrlct, th defendant feloiiloutly, unlawfully ami of hla malice afore thought, killed and murdered one Aleiander Ijaitgton. by ahootln-f him with a pbdol. i lo this Indictment the defendant haa pleaded that ho la not guilty, and thla plea pula In laaue every material averment of the Indictment, end before you ran convict iladefendant you muat find from the evidence, hej ond n rea sonable doiitt, that he li guilty aub tantlally aa charge- In tha Indict ment. ,11 he law prcautnev every peraon charged with a crime lolie Innocent nutiriie ahtll havo been prnvengullly, and the Uefelulaiit la entitled lo the benefit of the pretumiloii lu thla caae. A reatomhle doubt la, aa the word liuily, a doubt founded In remou and nut a mere caplloua or fancUul doubl one Uiat haa to bo aought after or con Jurrdiiiforltpiirpoaenf aiaulttlug a defrndatit. It muat be a real uh atanllal doult and col one that la merely lble or Imaginary. It aliouKl mine to the mind apnnlaneoualy and not have to ha aought after and ahould fairly, naturally ami reaaonatdy atlaeonnftill conitdrratlun and tare fill coinrlaon vf all the facta aul Iriuiiiataurri rhown by tho evidence. If upon audi rnnal.letallou and n relation lo any fact or aei uf fart, material to the i aae, thomluU heattatea aud la unable to i-oiuotoa tonchialou ontlnly aatlafao toryto ltaelf, thla would lareaaon able doubt and the defendant ahould have the benefit of It. If, however, auih facta aud clriiunataticea pmvtat are, In yon I Judgment, ao clear uud tatlefactory aa to exclude from jour lulnda all rvoaonal lo doubt they ahould ho taken aa true, aud If they go to the wholnriaeaiid are agalnat the di feud ant, It wuul 1 to your duty toconvht of audi oiruuae a may have Utn pmveda hereinafter were fully ex idalneilllltheatatiite. Munter laUufliio.1 to be tho unlaw ful killlntr of a human Mm; with motive aforethought. Much mutlvr nwyUi eipreaeca or Impllnl. It la exilic when thue la maiilfeatial u deliberate Intention linUwtully to take away tho life of a fellow creature. It la Implied when no conaldvrableiiroo catlou apivata, or wheu the cinnjut elauce attending the killing allow nu abandoned or malignant heart. 1-very murder iertutd by jiolaoii, IvtUatln ualt,or any nthirklinl of will ful, MellUratc, niallcloua mil pto iiiellutil killing; urniiiimlttod In the ie.rieirAtloii of,or atttuif t lu lwrilrato uuy nraou, rve, burglary, or robUrj, or pcrpetralnl from a piriildltateI ue almi, uuUwf.illy an I nutUlouily to elicit thu death of auy oilier human twlng, other than him who la killed, or la ria-tratetl by any act greatly danger on to the lit ii of othera, and evidenc ing ndipravrd mlii.l, rojaidloM of hu mauJIfe, leiiiurilirlullie llrat ihgru: and any other homicide commlttiil uudcr auih ilrLtinutaiicea a would hvuiOhtlluled murder at lomruoii law, la murder lu llio atund degree. Ilniier It Indictment lu thla rue, lliv defend iqt may, If the ovldenco v, arrant It, lie (.oiivfitrd of luunlrr In IU Out ueiiw, or murder lu lu aei-ond di grce, pr voluntary maiialaugiih r, ur Involuntary luaiitiiughter, or of but tery or of an atajult. Malialaughter la deflnnd by our atatutu to hatha unlawful killing of a human being without malice, and la of two kind, l'lrat, voluntarj, upon a aiildeti ipiarrel or neat of talon,ahd eecoud, Involuntary, In the coinmls alenot an unlawful act, not amount ing to a felony, or In thu commlaaloii a Iak fill act which might 1 reduce death, lu an unlawful manner, or without due caution and c!niimiicttloii. To reduce n feloneuua homicide from the grade of murder to that of manalaugh tc r,iia)n the ground of audden ipuurrl, or heat of lon, the i.rovnrntloti mint Ins of fttuh nrlivraderea would be naturally ctlculate.1 toixcltoatid arouaii the Aialoua, nnd It inuai npcir that the party ailed under the atuait of till auJdeii pAaflou aud reaeiittnent. I n auch n tian the law, amimlaeratlng the frailty of hum ii nalu re, wllhdrawa the ollenau from the high ilaa In which malice aud deliberation charai ttrlte the oct, and temper It Judg ment accordingly. If, However, the provocation I of a alight aud tuning clutrALter, of audi a nature aa would not bo calculated l ruuae the laualona, na If aufllclent lime haa elaieed, between thu ruvocatloli given and thu fatal blow, for the ia alonstoaubaldv aiKI lexaou to rcauiuo IU empire, the oitcuau will not bn mltl gated, hutlhealayer will he guilty of murder. In thla cue It la not claimed by tho proaecutlun that, unlcr the evldcncu adduceil before you, the homicide charged waa commuted under audi clrcumataiice aa conatltulu murder Inll.o flnt drgrre,but II la claimed that It la murder In thu aecotid degrte. Any unlawful killing of a human be ing, with malice aforethought, la mur der, but If nothing further character laea the oflenao, ll la murder In tlio aero lid ilrgree; lu onialllute tho higher ofleiiie of murder In Iheflratdigrec, Iheru muat lie auaraddl to tho gener al deflultloiiatiovo given, wllAilneM, dclllierlitloii aud reiueilltaUuii. lly wllfulnrw It moaut that It na of pur ! with the Intent, that, by the ghiu ait, funic committed Inll.o perialra tlon or attempt to iierpctrato araon, rape, rol.Nry, lairglary orinayhain or fnuii a premt-tllutid dealgn unliw fully nu.l uialicloualy to cllVct the ihatliof aerou oilier than him who wai killed, or a-ilratora by iny ait gretfly itangeroua to Uie llvm of other, and evldeniltig a deprived mind, regardhaa of human life, none of whlihiiriiimataniTaroi!almei to havo been ahown In Ihlataae), whllat lu murder In the aecond digm', the kl.llnglaiiotdclllnlrvrnniedltatia:l. It mint, however, have been unlawful and aijmaMiied w Ilia violence. In the hreaent rate It lanotileulid by the defendant II. at thederiaaed waa killed nt Iho tlmoaml place charged la the Indictment and that lie II r e-t tho rhot by which the decoaaod waa audit, Uit heclalrna thitll waa In neieaaary eolf-defeuae aud hi rejel a violent and ttaiigeioua attack whkh the deceaead waa then making or waa alaxit to make u m him. The il ;hl of eelfili fmee of a aity violently Iiwillr-I l.y another, to reilaurhnn Httaik aud fully ro trct hlmarlr. la a law of natiiie. It HiitedAtr all written iiiictmenta. and la fully recognltad lu Ihiilawaaud rrg lilatlona oTall clvllllnl Kiiple. The rlghf, la exprcealy recognltcd by our own alalutea, Aud th rondllloua undir whkh It may 1m araerledare tharly iloniieit,and auiong theae la that the laying waa neiitxArv In aavu hla life, or to prevent the luillcllnn 0.n him aelfufa sieit bodily Injury by tho arty alalu. U tojiiallfy the killing of another In leir-deleiiae. It inuil apaar that the dangi r wai aou rgent and i reaatng.that In older to aave hla own life, aa to pre vent hla receiving n great lajdlly In Jury, the killing of the other waa aim julely iiecraaaary. and It mint appear tint theloil kllledHaatheaaiAilant, or that the alajer had really and In goial fallh endeavored lo decline from Iheatruggle liefjrelhe mortal blow waa given or the fatal allot waa fired. A hare fear of the oomnibjdon of an oflenae, to prevent which a homlcldu may lawfully ho committed, la not luimilenltouatlfylt; Mil tl.oclmi.u atincca mint Iw aulllili nt to t xclto the feara of a rraaouable man, and the party killing mual have aitrd undir the Intluenco of auch feara alone. It I not iieceaaary. however, tojuatlfy auch killing, that Ita danger be actual. It la enough Ihat It tie an ai parent dau pir, aiiihanatpearanceaa would In dm e a reaaouauto ieraou In defendant's loatllim lo Ullave thai ha waa lu Im mediate dancer of death or grrat bodi ly Injury. Upon auch appiarAiicc, a lurty may ail with aafcty; nor will he f held occounuble, though It ihould aflcrwanle apiirar that llio ludhallona tiaiu whlih he ailed were wholly fallai loua, and that lie waa III no actual rll, In other worda a man la nut guilty In auch n caae, whom Iho an. learanceai rovml false, whin he would Iiavu tieeiiinuocent If they had protrd tnie, . The rule In autli caae l thla: What would a roaaoiiabla a.ron a jaraon of ordinary lautlon, Judsnuut and obiir vallon In Uie (amnion of tho ihrenl ant, aiding what heenw, and kuowlug wliat lie knew, hao aupiawed from thla situation aid theae aurroundlnca? If auih reasonable tiereuii so planal would Iiavu been Justified In liellovlug him self III Imminent danger, then thu de fendant would bejuttifled III la-llevlng himself lusuiii lierll. and acting Uuu audi npiaarauct. Thu defemiaiit la not IlKieaallly Juatllled, hecauao ha netually UIUive.1 that l.o waa lu Imminent datigur. When the danger la only n Haircut and not actual anit rial, the iuestlnu la. Would a reasonable man, undi r all the cln urn staucia, UJuatlrlod 111 audi UUrf,' If .i. the defendant will hoao Jiiatlltul. I f thla was defi ndant'a imltlou, It waa hla right to n -l the aggnaalou, and fully protect hhutelf from eudiaiiiar. outdangor. If he coull have with draw n from the danger, It was his duty to retreat- lletwioii hla dull lo Ilea and hlarlglit to kill, ho mutt ilj ; or, aa the 1 w writer et reaa It, muat retreat to the wall, llul by thlt la not meant tint a arty mutt alwut lly, or even uttempt lllglit. Thiw) ilelliilllona an I Interpri Ulloua of tlm law of eilf-defiiieo or ginirat rules that are to Iw i Mod by thu Jury to Ita tltuiitloiiH an 1 (aindiiit uf boUi the defeuduiit and tho dccMisiil, aa they sliull determine that iioaltlon and lou dint lo havebttii, from the uvldeiicu luthliiaute, and, aa apllnl tu llila case the court Inslriiria you that If you llnd from I lie ovldenio Ihat the de ceased and Iho ih-fi miaul engaged III n quarrel and while au engugid nnd wllhuut any uvert mt or menacing phyahal ilimonatratlou by tho do. i-a-aael, towards thoilurciidaiit, the de ft udaut shut uud killed dicciued, Iheu III that ioa lou should lu.t Cult the defeiidant. Tut jo.i should rrlurn h venlhl of gullly ur such ouVnae a undir the ivl.len. o and these lustruc lloua ou may find ll-odefeudanlioiu-milled, Or If jou Hud that the do leasoil atrmk the defendant with hla tltl while engaged In a quarrel with him, but did not draw, or attempt to draw a woapoD, and did nothing tu warrant the defendant aa a reasonable man In le Ilevlng that ha waa In great bodily danger, and the difeiolant then and Hiiro filed the fatal shot at the de teased and killed him, such killing tin Uer audi tlrt-umtlAiK-ea waa nut Justifi able, aud yOuihuu 11 return a verdlil arrnnllugry. 0.u Ihe other hand, Ifjaii find flom the ovldemo that Ihedecvased and tliodofitiibuit engage J lu a quar rel, that durlug tie quarrel Iho Ue teased struck Hie delclldalit lu the fice Willi hla fist, and Inimedl Atelyatteni,dedtodrawAdeadlywtaion or made such deluonatratloua a woul I tauae a reaaonable a-rson to believe he was about to draw such a weaism, and that the defendant had good reason (u lielleve, and did IicI!m. that the de ceased waa alajut to Indict lin Idol great boillly Irju-ry, then thadtfemlaiil wujuatlflrd luaillng llll these ap laarancesand belief; and If It reason ably npiaared ncitssary for hla own protection, and to I reveut great laidlly Injury to himself, ha final the fatal shot, he waajusllfleil In so doing, and your verdict should In one or anpi In every aibllo ofTinse, there mutt exist a unlnu, ur Joint onralloii of act and Intcut, or itlmlnal iieglignute, but when the act cnuinilltiii l.y thu accused la of Itaelf auuulawfiil att, Ita law In Ihu first Instance presume the criminal Intent and the arm or burden of proof falls upon the defend ant to show the atisciue of criminal In tent. Ill thla cose. If you find from the evidence that llio ihfilidalit fired Ihe fatal shot, (and thl fact la con ceded by the defendant), then the Isirdeii of roving the circumstance of inlllgttlon, or that Justify or excutu the humlcl le, devolvi iqwll Ihu defendant, unlrsa Us proof Un Ihejairt of tho prcsicutlnii lends to show that the trlmo committed only tarn-ill Ida lo luauslaiiehtt r, or that tho ilefindant uaajtntlllnble urixcusaMe, llvlaV mt, haa lies ti IntroJucvd tend lug lo show that the daivattd had Ihrtatenrd the lifts of tho ilefendvnt, or, lodo him gnait laallly harm. If you find that such Ihrcvt were made, nud Ihe fact that the) uoto aoiuvio wasi-ommuiilcnlr.1 to thu defendant, he might be Justlf-ed 111 acllug with morn prom) tmulc In Ida owuiltfeiief, and tiiam n Ice d lugeroiia ur violent demouttlattoll. when dealing with n la rron whom he knew ha I Ihrcatonrd hi life, than In the taw of n arly who had made no such threat. I.vldencu haa been Introduced aa lo Ihe former good chancier of thu de fendant as a laaccihle mm, aud It J irojier for you to consider thla eildenra and give It null weight aa you, at reasonable men, may Ihlnk It Justly enlltlul to. II Ik lug !cm irolirtble nnd let reason able that n man ot a femur quiet and icatiablo character, w oul I luvtlu a conlcst, or make an unprovoked and violent at tick Uon another, than that n ipiarretaume, violent and vicious )r eon would do so. Vu t am thu Holejudges of the t red! bllllyol tflo wltuirtia, the wilfht of tbu evidence and of the facta of thu case, aud lu determining Ihe credi bility ol auy wlinua you may lake In to consideration Ida Inteiral, If any, In the result of the trl tl, any prejudice or I laa he in ly have shown while tietl ty ing, the rrasou-ihleueta or uureaaoii nhleiirat of hla statement and tiny othtrfictorclniiniatancethat to your minds, as reasonable men, ahoul J oltaet lllty or hla tiatliuony. The deft nuaiit baa been examined as n wltneim iion Ida own tiehalf. He It conifiiteiit to tt-stlfy, nu I ynu should Slve his ttaitlmaiiy such weight na, lin er the clrcumat inrcjf. on may think It fairly entitled to, beating in mind Ills relation lo the case, and tho deep lu teicstheinuslficl In tho result or the trial. hhould our verllct lo one of con vlitlon, It should iteslgnatt, Iho grade of the ottenvt fount, and should the Jury enteitalti n reaauiiahle dout I aa to whlth of the grailea of rrlmu uameil the defendant uuy he guilty of, If any, you will glva Hits defendant the lain lit of such iltiubt and acquit him If tho higher olfeuae. It Is conceded by the proset ullou that you would not la-Jiia-lllletl, under the evldi lire, In llnulng the defendant guilty of murder lu the llrat degtre, and ou are Instructed that jou will not cotn.1. ler jour vmllct with rvfeteme to that grade of of ft net. If jou find Ihe defen Jaut guilty of murder lu the aecond degree, the form of j our verdict may be: "Ue the Jury llndthedefeiidant guilty of murder lu the second degrte,1 If you ahuuld Hud the defendant guilty of voluntary manslaughter thu lonn of jour verdict may lei "We, thu Jury, llnd th defendant gullly of vol untary manslaughter." If jou find the defendant gullly of Involuntary manslaughter tbu form of your verdict nay bet "We, tliejuty, llnd thu de fendant guilty of Involuntary man slaughter." Ifyourvcrdlit Iw one of acquittal thnforni of vour verdict may del "We, thejury, llnd Ihedefeudant not gullly." Mr. IJily, a Juror, ruled If the Jury could take with them the charge, auj they were rniHtid to do an. At 11:53 thejury retired In ihargaof aballlll. Thejury worn out of the court room ' ohlyefghtetniulniitcs, an I not all of that tlmu was int In deliberating. When thiy were seated lu the box, the ilerk naked If they had agreed upon verdict. The foreman replltu In the altlrmatlvo, and aim niuced that It waa, 't.SH gullly." Thla result w aa L,o nt rally xetttil. Voulliful Dcrentlauti, Thlt morning before Judge Ander son, Win. llyrne, apnreully agetl uboutll years, I) inlel Martin, probably agetl about 13 years, and Divll Arlliur, agod uhcutlti years, lm leaded with Hiury and l'atrkk Cougillu, weroarralgnmlun a tharge of lairg lary. All lived In l'ark City. In answer tu qu,tluus by the court, llyiuuaiidMartlii s.ild their lurenla wire diiul, and Arthur sal I hla mother wnsn widow. Nilthtr or the Ihno had any menus tu employ counsel. Anderson said he wai uut willing that defeudanta so joun- ahould enter a pica of gullly without ttuiisulllug with counsel, and lukial If any attorney i.reeenl would ttifend them. Mr lllcktoii, evidently tuuildeiliig tho matter of voluiilierlng, askttl Mr, tlrltihlowlfthcy would le Itkal thl ti nil, The Jailer replied ntllmtatli t-ly Mr. Dickson featiel he waa bsi irowdetl with work In take Iho ijito. At llila point U. V. Mojer, iit , una and staled that ho and Mr. W. t. Itellly would ikfend Ihu lj, and they wirepioliileduccorillngrj. Ihe tlereudatila are tlm provided with iai able t'oun-il. ' Arthur, while answering Judge An derwni's, sal I l.o whs not 1'iillty of the , rlmo nl nil. An order wus mado adiulltlng the boja to ball lu tuotuoiof f-5U.tach. t llrat liltlrlct Court, mm ii. Tha following ijutlnra wo dlesied of hy Judge lllaikburnatl'rovoyittcr day. In the case of tho Teople vs. Charlci Duhtils, ihargetl with assault, with In tuit lo do bodily liana, a verdict of assault wa found hy the Jury, The defendant was lined J.'OJ and costs. The catu of the United Hlates vs. V.. W, Joins, iharged with embeiilcment, waa called; a demurrer was filed by Judge JuiUI, repremnllng the defense, which waa overruled, Tha cue w aa set fur next Tuesday. The Vorgensen uulawlut cohabita tion case was taken up for trial and a Jury called. Tlieofleuiwlssalil to have ltu i-ommllted between October 10, 1973, and r!cptm!r It, 1943. King deteuded. ClitlitliioYorgenseti testified Jamcv VorgeuHii li my husliaud. We live lu roiintalnUrcuii. We have lived to gether up to the present time, 1'raticl Tilky t"sllflrd to having lived In Moroni, Htuiate County, Im tweeu 16M and lbsij tho hod a family of tilled ihlldrenl Ihu father la J, Vorgensen. Have nut livid with him since Jlanh, l3. He then went on a mlsshn. Wheu he rtturued lu l;o I Husuuioinr those whoinit him uu hU returu. lld nut kls hhu. Hu ntvi r camu to see me after that time, lam not known by tho namuof Vur giuicn. Hannah, another wire, goes hy the naniu of IStllaon. Maria, a plural wilt, llvts In KuiiiiUiIii Ureeii. Mho goes by the name of I'etl noil. W u ull thangtd our name when he went on hli inkslou. I vltllod hla legal wife' house, but never took n lucnl with Yorgvnssn. Mix ytara ngti our relitlnna ra uiaii nnd wife entirely leased. Cro-rfexauilnodliy King Hold my home and property Inmyowu iiiuie. Attlietlme ho wuut lu 1-urojuwu agrruiltu live apart. I'o Varlin I do not repudlnle him as my husband, but simply live Apart from hhu. I juualliina were roiiotiudcd hy the dltirktaltornty rrlallte lo marriage I' rttirnlt)-, whkh wcroobjertid lo by lilng. Oi Jeillona were ovtrruli d. '1 ho Wltiieaa Wu were mairled for Hint, and tterult), but act ail Jo our marriage. Mr. VatUn Do jou (Mnal.ler Vurg tuaen your huabaud In tho eyes uf dod? A. 1 don't know. Hannah Nelien testified to having niairi.! the ilifeiuliut seven jears ago nnd avt-arateil (rum hlnia few niouins after by mutual agreement In onler to nbey tiio law, Hlie hn I iiunchlld about six j t at ago. Him o the mqiaratlon aim had had no marital assoclitlou with lihn. Huiiportcdhtrseir Maria I'clrrroti Waa married to (ho defendant ten joint ago. Jlavu two ihllJreii. Tim youngtst I six ji-us old. Have llve.1 stiurate from my husband since IW. Idvwl Willi him up to that dale. When hu oainoUik Irtjmumlaaloii, I waant the reiTptlou, Havo nol spoevii hi him since, Hits Iart myjelr. Do nut rccognlx Vorgen. at u aa my htiaband. I am free to marrj' again If I with. 0. W. I very Know Vorgeiiaen nnd the ladles alleged to be Ills wlvts. Know of hla gulng on a million In ISf, and riturnliij lu WT, Have seen him, often sluru his rtlurn. Never saw him with either of tho plural wives. Miss Jorgunsen Am, n daughter of the defendant, lie Una at my mothir'e house. The other women named as his w Ives coma to our housu occasionally. Do not take meals there. They are not known as his wlvi now. T hi re was no uvldeuce of the defend ant having vlolattd the law, and the Jury waa Instructed lu rtturii a Verdict of out gul It j. Drpllt) County rt-fjlatrar make rirommen datloui to tho Commission. He re rts the fourth l'reclact iletlclout lu men of capailtyandailiautatoon!te. The following li selfixplanatorji Hon Alvln Maunders, Chairman L'lali ColllUlltslillit I hat a Iho huuor to nominal an 1 trans mit htrewltli. a Hat of Iho uamoa of Iho deptity ngtalrara for Halt lLn Ctiiltity, oxia plllig Ihe luurlh I'nalnct, I will ay llul 1 havo dotaicd forttanllng llila reiaul for aeveral daya on account of thl vacancy, It Uln.1 very illlUuulllo llnd a roaldcnt hi tlut priielntt who la fullv ooirpatcnt and ablo, ami whuwilluk llmiualtlou, I Mould ask for further lime In this one purt!cular,u lam auxloua to have my ediiilulairuUcn endorseil at Hie end of Hie caniaaantl wlshlu eonalilsr tho mattor fully. Jhoeliy ical.trars sro residents of llieprce lot la from whkh they ate ai jailnttal. I give, aa their reatdouce, tbclr oltlco or I la e of butliioss, they aroi A 11. 1'srsoss, rirtl lWlael. JohaUlsttaim, aeeeatl lYaeiaet, nwsat Itrilftotitlisusee. J II Tuuiowu. rtl w,.l I ir.l Simalh SlreoU Jane U May, laiM rieoisi.ciijr II. u. 0,L.iiSaabtrh, llrirs Ireruici, lC's4utb, Jaises Spillst, U Utttlnatrooit, t lueeatehurilia, Jr , llnaluiu t rasi apus, llnsawa Jeasi h McSula, Sli,u,lsr, llaaatl lsaaaratMil, IttaiSsta, Jtiwtt Mkllsaoa, 4U4y JsiaasYoils,.ea. ' lltrsm lltasar. I simsrs Wsr4, llsrull Kbpsaliu, tort llarriwae. Itiehsitl Hue loa, Wstalrli. Slslnu li Utsik.l.raaier rtls llltlirh, Alia II au U Uoscb, Maaauia lisU, MspLea llanaaa rturlba JnLa 11 llu p, Tarluravills, ?.,ftA.L!""r,, "sal Crlea llila 1 Mllvr, IntrHOB, elalsl. U. Jol,aiJ.Mi,,Uurirr Jtnssr Hnak.Arraala. J"1J 2 MMesee. Baiu llaata. II 1. Johatuu, sssJr, ItilllmJ Misa, Ualun Josepa Mills, Jr., w sl Jortlaa, I wish also lo recomtneutl to Ilia com mission tho llama or Arthur 11. Parsons sa del my rrglslrur fir llio lint product, aa a III nnd prnrior jieraon to hear objec tions after the eatitaa ia couiiilcteth I bategriateoulltlKiioo hi Urn ability uud luti gntv of Mr. Pursons, and know him wall. Ha la an old rcaldout here, a prop ertyawiiir,andalaxiajur. Hols sound and eoosortatlu', aul I Imlloio lhare would bo less objection to hhu, fruin eutise, than eoy other nun I know, Itesiiotiroily subinlucd. HI. HrAltTOV, Uoiiuiy Itaglstrar. All ths roeimmondatlons for diruty rtglstrars wtru ailed upon favoruUy by the Cuminlttlon. ' liui iiio.-t ooutrtr, The following del uty registrar were nl iwluttal for Irou Couuty (y the Utah Couimlsslnii tinltij i I'arssooasli, II. A. Uiaorf sua. I'srstasB. e 11 nuriuu. Sutilmll, Jolin While. I eaartitr. Jsmrs liurlelt. kaasrra, sauiutl J, 1 nkl, Highest of all In Leavening rower. U. S. Cov't Rcf ort, Aug. 17, 1SS9. DqtW I Baking ABSOUUTELY PURE IVobato Conrt. The fallowing order wer ttifcdo In Iho l'folnle Court yesterday ftfTcr iiuont Uito ntii) BiiarJIftnulilp of Frank C. Kvolo anil Altcu C. VwU; minor; ortlrr iMtunl fixing (h luiti dny of March to littr guthllan'ri anniml ac count. KtUtoof riylnster Illrkfl. In Kttlo ment of ft u uual r etc uut, nm bcinJ. Th 1 roof of illui not tern vru a provi-J, nn alito Hal.iOworu account of Joirph Nt lllckt anil dicno mad that Una aihl legal notlco han Iwon Rltcn to crulllotn. , Kjtiituof Alcxaiitler IlrunVrr; ohl?r lounl to litarflHlon fur ilMrhiutluii. Dito March ih. Alo at tht tamo time to hear ttltlou for th nptolni ment of cumuilMlonrr In (artltluii of ptniH-rly. lUtutl Dirwlu KlrharifMmanor iter m matte flxliu March 0, 1691, a thoiliN-to!ilJi. tot lellcra of ailmli)Utra(lot). 1 aatcif Morton K. Hturi-,llirS7tli t)f Manh was hy irJvr( HiuJ ti hrur llnalnfoiintaml iitlliuii fur Ul-trlUi-lion. l.itutsj of Daulel (Uru, JprtruJ; ManhL'l flxM an ilito to rrtrlvoHP rutiuU ninl hrar Lltlon for itlttrltu lion of ital. jtatiof CUtlultoCurtln, dinnM-U; truof of rtlliiR notlcri apruvt-U; Janifti A. italflh atiolntr( uihuln litrator on Illln boml In theauin of $7(. letto of Aiii K. l)im)on,JtttaiieJ; i-ttltlon toU nllownt to cirritt rror in nctlro to crtvlltort; oidrr niadt1 Krautlnji i rayrr of iwtltlon. vmn.iui mmii: iohav. Tho follow Ins onhrt wcr mado to day Ly Jiulfn Itartrhi JUi-ituofJuhii Holm, lutltion fur lrtt-itjofnilmlnltrutlon, tirtnl a r oontluuamoof l'tlruary4lh. It waa fumU thai nntrrorhatl Urn maJi In thu namo ot tl r UtntMJ In all iioUci-m Iwiictl. hy KuUtltutlUK tho naruo if John, tut IVttr, utltm ny tsLcn how InCthatJohu Holm Uallvu ami Tttir Huhu UilrctiafJ; JitrumiaJoitsiricU In? rrror; nolluu tu te Iviuuarv .mtrtij hy law, IMalo ft Jul! . (. ItalrUh, Ui Awl, jHtUlun for IcltLrsof avlminUtratlon, roof of (KHdntr hullm ap pruxtnl; Jntim . JUiVUIinpuiliiM nlmlnUtr4lorcu nilnic InnJIntheaum of .'XfJlJonJ uhprontl, , Ltov-Im haHLUci iiy, elnmri 1HL e( rtifonic tftlipit. itury ,oa llnmm I yun, Uubtr t.r Jtmtt in. I Jtu Uikum nl Uot lh UU Tk4m I jron. lh itm".tI ht1fti tlrk r-f Wl nt.un ytr nnd cunflnt1llifrlora (or HtUiljtut)tytinf tin eltAi lMiraln ki-ui uorJ, Viotun I, Ain H. lrM, bt inline 1 1 ihi Unial ia r t BmUinitrtslefi to VlU ! ICt,Jlii )tu4 In IIM Tv-rntlflbNTAr (r th Utlltiitlf jftT 8M1Nnfl i-bililitn int ilMttn 0rndiLil drvt If:ikcdli.tilaqiilrl, rctJrl liU.tBit iBkarloitf airliiaUai t&4 lollrtaiij b .myi ?i.Ultilo4 rlitcrtulntii vf dlMitOa a tKtr lirr tmirltum tjltb nt pilnro. hi (Ji 1 u iht hs.1 llit.ftiri.Utit diyikint, follbt iattjtrlt7 it lt.nuUl ot Iht Uo ici. I untril fnm TirtBtiftt.N'rt utMllaf bouM tajutotruw (Akturdiir) ifietnoo M 3 u rrk. nm -In Kilt lili citr, rcbrairy 94th, )V'l,lBHlitir. 1iblCr ot uiuvr I) and Annl Hcintl IUp Urit Uiirh !., WU fuerril rilcca will be MM IbUhMiU, nirdftiismUyruoMi on Inn lay, lUrch Iti, al 1 1V nu lTleadi of lb (tully trt lftiin-4 W attcrj Ujitto StJnttftu copy, II ill--At fluiar Ituaf Want, Itbruirr r, mii7 Jlsvm.,of iti rmi i, Jmiu Jiitl, J Uf liter cr Jolts Hill ami Apnct Mctt, t4ft4 waa Iwro ai tl1,11a. Car bo Cuusljr, LUb, Jaanarr Mlh, lsl. Mi waa narrll to tbrtin, Hill, Aujjaii an, iwoj tmbracfil tht Uotl la rblMbooil n4 waa taubfut and lru. 8I. wit tba ratlber of four toot ..nit lbr tlaaibUra, Ono twa aoJ oaa daaghier art ileal. t literal atrtkfi it rciMfae. 01Tland Arrauf , t rvna A14iUob, iir IIoum ar 1, oa Moneiir.MarrliL Krttnlt aro riiiciruh lyiaTlicd lofttlcml. Ia rootriarneo of tha fatal Tlntta ot tht da ruci), her hmbanj, Iirnttar Charlet W . Kill, waa bo ablo lo be peicni at tl. ruber) ot hla jailior, lietl In tho Taeni ncunil irarJ ytler day, I tb Setti, rAiutxKK.-Innrtkhaiu Vttr, rVbrnarr tl ml, Jau Taylor, dan i liter of William ao) JinaTaylorj w born at Honurihnm. Hunt In lion lb I re, f (.aland, ftbruary 9,1110 mar rU4t Kdward fftnUnrr NwrrntLrr II, lm. Ilt lit4 Into tho Lbarch of Jtiiua tbrttt ! cmbr Ct, 1M) thro unit mucti ritcullga ooTOd to Crol In lb fall of Is31) rmljcralfd U Utah on Iho JUmnuota, and croiiod lb I laiai In Colonel leovotand a company in JM llfdlaUrifbam City until her dtaih, which look tar.? 1 cU , acd II j-tm, I daya Her I aitiifulDf ia and Integrity wr r kaovrn U all. MUItHktal SUtr, plcwo tc y, OruTr-Al tarroaldenct at Parmlafibn, Davli County, Llak.l cbruary tt, iOI, uf pnoti. lunnia, barah 1 lliabotlt llovty Urlatu bo waaltio dauRbtrr of Jotq!, (I, Uoray aul larabliCnrrli born at alt Ulot'ityUe tolor If, H30. laaraa a hutban I and aercn tblldrcn,bcaldta a heal of frienda, wboa'n crraly cundolo with ibo btraavod family, jTuaaral at rraldooo, I'aiinlnjloo, Tuoadar, kbruary5l,ll. TitaTi-At triiar, "flail Uka County, biuirrl'',ltto(lui.treiiblf(Jejtn((Mri( Ttico(hIua TburtUpfion ot Jobo anil Aun UaryTbnrtUn) teorn at lUrn, HwitrrtUail, No,rnibrtUh,lrU He d 0J la full taitU vl tha(luitl. Jlrn 'pflrf,ljJtfojiy, ItlLUAUiu Ur.i Jardau, ialt I tU County, til mirjr , of mtiulrHDCoui rrauii, Uenr0Ui i of Jainca aud Hagilt UiUlaus4isdaUycark AVIBUUT-At Mail Jonlm, Mall MV Ootiaty.Vcbnitry SI, .f mrmbraarouicroor. Ihoniaa crrciu aoa ot 1 houiai and 1 1 abcth Wcrtlltiagodlwiiyaara .oiwai:moK-At(irmlilloa, fib Sl.lttl atlJm.,tdiocayaodIlrlithi'iduo-uc,Jtitib 8, l.cmrrM.oo, ate 1 11 ytara and T moatba ' Dcun4 litte a wita an 4 tbicocLiidroa. lis stss a fstllifiil taller dar Salaland ha fataltj hat tha rf stvslli ot maay frkaits. "Cutf. OltDiiitL. At Tsrsullion, Sarlsr Connlr, Ulsb. IttirnanrlS, el sssrlstiaa as' lilic canhsr, .tllas, sen et Aasls sstt Jsha K. Gltit hill, Jr. Sfsil I vest SBll I MODthS. CoLnr- ttsa, al the ssm lire, si lun j dls eats, lltarf tea or J&tia saa Abraham IVtl Iriaifillltlars. nt -At IHklts, 1 lal.o, rah. 19, 1191, ( lasnmnnia, ltase A, J, jroaaaatt aoa or tltntf o snl t nut Base. luce sicd wss born In Sail Use Cllr, Ulrch S'h, IITI aaasraBajvoM tisiroaas uaa. SHOnTHAND COLLnGE. llnonl for a few more rtu lenla at tlio erelilliK seaalon MunJaj-a, WeJme davsalnl IVIJavs. 1". II. Jlrtluuutx, rruirrm HulMlng. lite erallnn tlraatt Is the must Vtoiitletrul luutlntl Inven tion cf IbeaKt. It litis lliefull lower tttl switlnta"f toimof n ili Oraaii t Ire lis sl nml t-ntl. Tlie incmUTa ultliuTureiilltlli Want ltavo rttently tsirrliosetl a line Vucallon Ori(aii from IV Vital t A t'liainUrlalu, the totll. kntiwii I'lsiiiiniiil Orcan of city. Ills tu la. lmtl that lliatntul our Wsnltliureliia will stun emiilatit and follow- Ihe elami.le of the Ttven- tlilli Ward. il lluy jour ilruv of "tlie boys." Johnson, rrnlt.V-Co., IS Main It. DEO COMFOHTa AT A SAC niriCC AT DINWOODCY'S. DINWOODCY lit now prupnroil to wait upon cuntomora In hli Now Gtoroi Ito has n mnsnlflcont lino of Furniture Cnrpota and Wall Papor, Call and rjco him. All larllf Indtbttil to us wlllplrasn uotat mat ue am trruajrarllj- located Willi Hpeticir C'lawa.111 & t'u llroa.l. ay. I'rcuui'tticttlemenlaaru rttiurst- Celt C0-01-. l'tlttlTlllE (."ll. "At a sieelal meelliurul Hie l.uni ber Drains Association, held at tl.s ntllreirthelbitlou Hard iurC'oni an', KrUhij'titenlnftttio ;otliiut., ilieful lowlna rejlution vra aluiil, and signed I y niMiileta of the Kseluuifr: "Win reaa the present l.len law uf. feisvcrj liui-tri.ft .rotecllon loltiiu lierileulrrf, unless sol.1 itlrert to the uwm r, and V litre, niaoy ronlroetors liavo foiinit II eunvenii ut tu tale ndvaiiiaiie of the sltnstlnn I y fliiurlng; to low (list no one I'OiiM hope to tfiniiele vthu made ralculatlou on )aylbit for ma tellal, thereby worklLc a iiardthli on ouiitraotott vt hu ettt tj iy their bills, llierehire lav It IUohia. Ihataner Ihe 1st. day of March, USI, all lumber dealers of this i lly In sellim; material In siceaaof $loii shall do au only tiron the vrrltteu r or the owner or aet.l, KlsrltatJ, TayloMlomney, ArmstionK Cu . Hlrr Nevada l.umUr Co., Halt IashIIiiIIiIIiik A Mfe'. Co , Carry. I.ouil.iul Lumber Co., v J. V. r.anlley, Msiou A. Co., Win. AsartcCn Ceo. lUa-ua.VCii., Aniiillllrothtis, loth Ward Lumber and Ilutldluir Aaaoilatlnu, Morrison, Merrill Co., Ilia lluriiin.llardnerCo. l'arVer A. I)e ue, W. T. Caiitiuii, Inaver, Conrad i Co , i'urlllo Lumber and llulldlne . O" lo HlKNCHt, UVUAlhll 4 Co., 17 ant It) West Houlli lenn luHlreet, for Tin Jbsifliia; Cluttering, H pouting Htovcs and Tinware, etc All rath iuIsktIj lions for tha Mitten. iilnf AurehouM bu forwardeil tu Jamf-i Jack at tho Tresldenfa Office, Halt Lulu ClljTa d&s Co to , JOHN C. CUTLnn & DRO., I No. SO Main St. 1 for Olankots. H Yarns, tl Shawls, nd 8-4 Shootings, M Wool Hoalory. M ALL HOMC-MADCT 11 JOHN C. CUTLER A DRO J8R (Ihu Hloves and IUni;i nre Ihu mi lavsU Hi'PNcrii ll vt'Ai il Cu., I -I 17 and ID West rioutli Temi.le Ht. Ifl llllrlalssta arsileis Italfe. The lleatHalte luthu world fur Cub, Ilrulats, Hores, Ulcers, Hsll itheuin, KH?.'t H"""l '"""' 'll'll Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ull rtkln l'.rup lions, and positively curie files, or uo ay required. It Is iruarauteed to ilea irf t as tbfactlon, or money rt funded, r.lceMienb per bui. 1'or aalo by A. C. Bmlth A Co. ' Clieaiest plare In town fur Stove and liaunes. Tin and Irou Itoolluj, . , (liilterlnn, otc ' ' TllllHl'1'.NOnl Ilvw'ATKll Co , 17 ami 111 Wrst H mill Tenipln HI. FOH IlKNT. OuiTAnrs. inuit aii ivs noojia, ssi I s I twin,, tlosl; or ta sailo. . tl Vt sil eixth soutu eirvoi, T sinbstt bouil QliBAP IlOAIEfi IN MEXICO. pou rtiT iiuutAiiLK pi. nam Atrlfultural aud (IraiUK, la tfortbara, aiar Colony liaa tot taitntcniatt aiily taUrieRitTMira oat., or W Darby Joban, JrtOoloayjUlu (Aia Oftatana, Cbtbuabaa,UiiU.