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1 TJcSMmiB 1 une jJ . jLJLJkjJJAt;jL!J -J. $11 v JlJ1J.1J 1 m JLLj m Oo 1 "cAtNs. ; - . - -r . TKUTH ANrflflSKTY. ' " -- ( X0, ""' ' HAITIUIA, i'i:Hl-AHV '.IH, 81, MAI.T l.AICi; 1TV, TAIIri:r.l,.TOlT " VOuliXlvT ' ' THE SIIIW'INO BlliU llll (arrlnl lijr Ike llnnce After a f lengthy nnl Aalma'cd JJtlialr. THC NICARAGUA CANAL DILI ON THE CAUNDAD. Tlie'lnJhn .nrrirUtIon Illlli ?l,. j 000,1)01) tor tli9 titration of Mm llfOi. I . , Br Tdjntb io lis hkwm IX tuxijiirse.. t ha Hun Iteeumto (etiahleenllitll of id mm. pint mil WAnilfecirox, Feb.27. llio House substitute m nad by iaugra hi for amendment. Herbert (Ala.) oil", red nil nuiciul. metit withdrawing ilin sulialdy ttum Billing Vessels nilil confining It lo tlcaiiishl. IteJIctcd. ) oflere-il uu amendment lrovidlng Hint yment Hull not bo made for nioni than 14,000 miles railed mi either uulnard or luwar I voyagt. (The bill llmlu It In 7000 miles.) ljit. Hlrublo(Ia )o8"crt-d an vuendment provldlDg tint the mcasurenit ntof dia ls uca shall bo nuile In nccor lance wltli theahorlcst practicable route. Iiont. l(3i,i re (Ark.) ullrred an anitn linint I tovldlhg that ono half of the crew ol rwili enjoying tin. bum Ills of this act shall Iwiltliens or the United Htatetj 4 or.rsoui signifying intention to be romo tucli, wltliout regard to law, color or previous uonilltlou of servitude. Agreed to. An amendment iy Htmble, provid ing tliat tdo owne r and oflliers of any thin receiving a bounty shall liavo no lntcmt In any caro carried, m loat. An ainr-ndment by (Iroavenor. I ro Tiding that no sailing vessel or leas than one thousand lone Kriwa toriiiNR shall he tiilltlcl totho UnelHaorihe act, nan agreed lo. An amendment by Covert (N.Y.) wai a loptod, rovldlnit thai the rrconl of American shipping, by which tho classification and standing ot vessels to Lo Unrlllvd li determined, shall lw a proved I y Hie commission of narra tion an I a majority of Urn boards of underwriter of .Sow York, lloslon, Plilladoli lili, New Urlmiu an J Hau Fraticlicu. .At 6 o'eloc K the committee roie and rvl-jtu.d tha bill to tha I louio without amend ment. No rote having been taken In com mittee upon tho eulnlltuto, FreUhar rurmallyoUaredtlio llouto substitute for the Heuato bill. Hiirlngtr inula tho (vlnt of order that thla belnR Krlday Uie lloum wai In receae until H o'clock, but the itnt waa of trruleil by the iikcr on tha grouud ttlatnioi.IalorderaurMdl a Keutral rule. Then the Home became a icene of ronfutlon srowlui out of the irJla uentary tainrle. mhln(lli ) obtained xarmtnlon to cilU r a frru thlji auuntltnte, which waa loit yeaa IIS, nayi l;:. ThoJIoiiie tuUntulu waa then agtecU to 141 lor. Tho vole then recurrlue; on orderlue the Heuato bill., aa amended by the tubtlltute, to third reaJIni;, tha roll KM called arulil luteiuu etclltnient. Aa thucalliaimitoaclosftajid It uaa 4tnown the motion had beam defintml tin re wtru many iiunlfntatloiia of leature on the detuocratlo aide. At he laiit tuoiueut, hoHeTir,.lJln2)ey thani,odhU otato tho iicjcaUre und tha HijeaVer announcvd the vote to be', nayelU. ThoaniiDUncviueiitwaartitednlth wild i nliuw by the UtuuKrata ami then J)liiKle mood to reiunklJi r, a motion whUi -MoSllllnn promptly InovidtoUy on the bible, llile inu tlsn uaidttiated, 140 to H9, and tile re; ubllcana mro jubilant. Then camo a vote 011 tliu niotlou to nioiikldar. Thlawaaaftreva to Hi to 141 and the iuextlou at;ilii ricuml on urderlnK the bill lo it third rvajluir. The third reading waa unlerHl jeai 147, liil. Caunonlllb.) movi-d tint the bill be rocommuled to thu tuiiiiuUteu on merchant marine and flrjicrlf r, with luitruclloui tnthatcominitteeioieiiort Uck forthwith u bill dmllat to the tienatoblll oil thoaaiuetuljtrt, to pro- vide for ocian mall aenlca laitweeu the United Htatea and foreign ( rU. m lllmd(Mo;ialiteiI a jtolut ul order l agnlmt lite motion. (I The Speaker ruled Cannon'a r.iotlou km Inordtr, and Itwaacarrleil 14.1I014S. By lariihJr(.N. V.) Immi'dliilil ro.o M and retiortod Kick n bill lu aeiuribiuiu IV Willi linlruclloiiH. llio bill havlmt H been read, a furlllado of alnta of 0 rdrr In camo from thu ilemocratia eldi u In Crlijiralndlhoiiolnt that the J.II1 In mutt lie conilderod In coinmll tee of tho I lis whole, indlui( whhh the 1 ulnl wita Wit ralwl that the bill had lot IU prlvl li leged charecter and mtikt tnko tu I V ila( o at thu foot of tho taleud- tr ' The Hter overruled the tjnt of m ordt r and tho tjcuate. bill, u auiendi(f " w iukwiI yeaa 1 4 1, na) 1 In. Kuniuhar moved that a sonfermico bo ordered, and KnJIiic action tha JIoiihi at midulKht adjourn id, IX TUB HI.NATK. WAmilvuiot, Feb. ST. Hbernitn tatidllmt he waa authorized 6y the C'ommlttet'o on Foreign Jtelalloni Xa eay, In view of thoHato of (iibllo luitlnrM, the (.'mini bill V would not l prened nay further ul thla time, and might take, lu jilaru oil the calendar, C'outlderatlon of the I,c(lilathe .p rroprlatlonblllwai reauuiod, the rlrit QiitBtl )ii belni; on tliaoneudinent aa to the clerical fone of tho Civil Hurvice Coinmlulon. The amendment waa amended lo r V vide tint eal 1 ilelkl (lull bo ni olnte ll by liu l'rinldeut, under tho Olyll Hervlcurule, und, aa mm tided, taued, It I nor 11mm Ilia pay of the teirotary from JIIKM to tinixi, provldea for the clerkaof data 4, llvnof ilaa8, three of tlll, Ihriw at $1000 inch, to at SJ'M), ono meat tiger oud one laliorer, and chansea (he total aiuiroiirlatlou frunin.70i)toM-',:oO. The amendment appropriating $1000 for a Fourth AMUtunt 1'oatmaeter Ucu eral waa agreed to. The committee amendment appro irlatlug flow for thereAtix)rtlounitnt of UUli Territory waa. after mudi de lete, re-luced to lluoo and agreed 10. tm motion of Hhermati, a new m. Inn waa Imerted, changing the art of Mtj 188S, miatonultioilatheej!ir Inteuilentof the mint and thu a-vij 1 nice at Sew irk, with tlionpirnvil of tile riiKretiryof Iho rmuiur) (Inn not olherwlm), In rrcelvn gold mill from an) holder Ibereof liiamnerf not ln tlun Vi Wi, an I ilelmrlng In e. change llurrfor gill laira of -.ul va lue,WIUiarllrgaHiiaI lo therottof mauuOctiirlug the ban. rim bill waa then 4Mrfl, The air food llll wai taken up an I btcamo unflnU'it"! bualneie The Honatovtenllnto taeuullte Ma tlou, niter which litara nikoj unaiil moua coDaent to take up the I11UI111 approi rlillou bill aicu nljectiu, and Dawe-i then moved 10 take up the I nihil bill. The motion waa rutrre-1 lo, lliun dlfj lacing tho uro food bill, Pa J look rz mtlng the opinion tliit It waaagruanlnjuathv, At Hie fUggntloll of !, lllianh moua consent waa given to 1 ruceeil to cnnal Irratl in of the Home bllla on the calendar Morrill tried to bring up the Home ami u Jraent to the direct lax I III, but llrrruoij.rtedand liMentorer. Among the bllla patuM weru the fol lowing! Amen Inieut of vntloua acta relative lo tminlgrailon, etc , In ami 11 1 the act cf March l, ISM for the relief rf certain volunteer un I regular aol dlerrof thehtewarand Mialcau war, on alloitauco of certain ilal na tot norm on I tu nllc taken and mul ly thu IJnlteil Utatia nrnu , it reporte.1 by tho court of rialmaunturtbei rovltluut of the Ho, man tut. CocUrtll movrl nil addltloml amendiurtit lo Iho I III, lt.atr.lng an Ikmol IUI, IIJ, for the Choutaii claim, In tMunvcllin mIUi building an Iron aU aim r. riila waa agreed to, alter a long iIImu-bIoii, In the coune of which t'lumbaall If tha court of clilina were allowed to con tinue Ita irtaent nourao of (enduing Judgiueut agalnat the govarnmenl, the governmtut Mould haiutogo Into lankruplcy. The Heinle, at 0 o'clock, beau con alilerallou of the Iudlaii Apt mprlallon bill. The 1 rovialonfor (he purchaauof Irrigation machinery In ArlionaauJ Neva la lor (he uw of Julian reaerva (lona waa ameu let by the addition of the Hlatca of Idaho and Montana. Thoaiirolrhtlonfortbo aupiairt of Indian echoole waa Increartil from KVXto II.OOI.IHK). On motion of Daw ca the committee amen Imenti re ducing the rcalta rate for theaun rt of Indian tiplllroiniHI7 toSnO wa dlaagfeeil to. Dint explaining tliat the commllteo hat changed IU vlewa. riuuibcainaaeil a conviction that annverageuffloO a jtar firlndlan pti lie waa too much, and tliat no per manent advantage waa derived from theajatimof Indian training which now coat two inllllona a year aud woult before long coat ten mllllona, J le did not bellele it lial a Ivauced the In liana one Iota lit tho rath of d Ill ration. Kducalbn of the Indian meant nothing but reflnetl Joafcrlam. Tlis reading ot the committee auUtl tuta for curtain aecllona having refer ence to agreemenla with different trlliea for the ronton of reservation waa pmcettlcd with. In connection with the ,C'ueyenne and Arapahoe agmmeni 1'lumb ofTunnl an amend ment, declaring that all landa, In Oklahoma are agricultural lauda, and that j roof of nun-mineral cliaracter ahall not bo reiiulrud aa a con lltlou 1 rrcedent to final entry. A greed to. The ralu of lutcrcat lo bo ald tho HlaaeUin and N ahj-etoii bamia waa In-cnaM-.l from three lo live jierct nl. A ropoaltlon Ij Fettlgrew lo reduco the aettltftuent irlco of the Hlaaeton aud N ahpetou landa tofl.'Jlierncre, Inotrad nl 12 V), aa pnait.eil In theaub atltutt, ttaadlacuaaeilatleuglh. lual ly It waa arranged that the aubatllule elioullbongrcodto. The bill waa re iiorted to IheHtnatn an 1 thu whole matter went ovt r until tomorrow. The Heuato then look up tint bllla on thu raluular, but aa no quorum w aa pre cnt, toon adjourned. Iha llr-IM-p. 1'irhapa ou are run down, can't tat, can't deep, can't think, can't do anything tujeuraatlalactlun, and j oil woiidtr wliat alia you, Vou aliould heed the warning, Jouaru taking the flrat atep Into NerNoua l'rctrtlou. Von need n .Verve Toulo an I In Llectrlo Illttira )ou will find the exact rtinedy for rctorlng )our iivrvouaayattnitoila iiormnt. healthy condition, Bur) rltlng riaulta follow theuaeofthlaurfotiNfrvo Tonlo and Alterative, our api-rllte returna, poml dlgtatlou I rialorcd, und thu i.lver and Kldneya riMiiun licallliy atlloii. 'Iryabottle. 1'rlce 60c. at A. C. Hiultli A. Co ' Drug Hd n Oa The rr lllaemerj-, V011 havu heard your frienda and nelghlttre talking nlaHit It. Vou may yourM If be one of thu many who know from jirMinul experience Juat how good a thing It l. If Jon hne ucr trlt-il It, ou are one of llaataunch frienda, iM-iauiu tho wonderful thing about It li, thatwheiioncuglviiiatrlal, Dr King' -New Dlaoovery evir after hold a 1 lace lu thehuuae. If ou liaventeruaeil Haul ehoulj be nf lllelcd with a it ugh, coll or any Throat, J.ung or ('licet tronblc, aecura n bottlu ut once and ttl e It a fair trial, It la guaranteed awry lime, nr money rtfuudcl. Trial buttlea fri-tt at A. V. Hmllli 4. C'o.'a DrugHtore. 0 II la a tlUlahe To try to cure civmrru by ualng local niit Iloullor.a Catarrh la net a local but a cvnetltutloual dlacaae. It la not a tllaivtie nf the nian't note, but or the mau. Therefore, to etTect 11 cure, re iulrra a conittlutlonal remedy like Hood' Hariaparllla, which, acting through thu blood, reachta every art of the a aS m,ox-pllng the taint hlch cauaei tbJ dlKaao, and Imparting health. I 1. Vl,3fniUeii, l,lell, lluuilrit dt Jell n The coming attraction for nex t w tek at IheWettcru Hlion und Dry Cicada (Jo will conalat of the cloalng out of their entire atcck of (lenla' 1 urnlahlug (looda lielow coat, to make room for Hiving Milliner, Alao u llemnanl. Job iKita and llargaln Halo of iinuaual attracllvarieaa, Ihcy never mlartfn nut In advertlalug. There will lie a big run of bualnona done, awl ula BED COMPORTS AT A SAC niFICC AT DINWOODEY'S. TUB NEW LANK IIILh. It licpeala Ilia TimWr (nlluici .td ail Intmliicfa Imporlatit Mealinralt. ADoinoriAL AppAopaiATtoN ron CinTAIN INDIANS Tlie Slilpplig mil a, u.f J hr Hie IbiKC-Matlilnglon Itm, Vic nrlrlfrtlHmilia-iai a -am mmi 1111 1. II I lia, lite flrn.-al N-ralem r Ihe Ilal eniiieMI Waiiii iiov I-eb. JTe-Tlia con fireeaou Uie IJII fir a repeat of the timber cullum law nu I amen litory of the land lane i, nt r illy, have ( eitrtl tally reached an ngreeincni ou nil en tirely r.e I III, which will It. I naiahl forward nt Uie flrat oppntuiilty Ihe mljivt matter of Hie bill hna fir the patlttto ( ongnaeabeen In thai uie l taetu the Houie anieuatt.aud for a long lime the conferees durlug Ihla t'ongrcaa failed to come to an under ata tiding I he I III agreed ti)n wlllcliangu Die general lanlayileuiofthttloveriimeut. Iheblll lint recall the timber 1 ulluie 1 ai 1 with n rtatrra Ion In favor ot bmti till tlalma heretofore Initiate,!. In coiuaillng Ihu a rlod of lulllrallou on claluia nlrta ly nccrulng, It la t rovldtd that the time ahall run from the date of entry, riiore'paratluc,f laud and planting of tree ahall be comtnietl at actacf tulthatlou 1'craoni whohave roinplleil Willi the rovlaloui of the timLtr culture act fur four jeara may pMvnupthclr chlmaly pnjln-j $l.iA j er acre. IliadtaertUndact li 'amrndcel by requiring thellllngofamap, ahnwlug the 1 rojcd niethoila of reclamation, and no (araon ahall receive utenta foi lanluiidvrlheactutilrM bo has ex pended lu tho work of reclamation at leaat S3 Jar acre, ft tubeixtuded within each year. After four yenra, title may Im eccurcd by tho ymrnt of II pcracrr. Hetllon 22t$, llevlted Statute , la amrndeel ao that any bona tide relllcr may havu the right tu tramfer any Portion of hie claim for light if way for Irrigation well aa for church, cemetery, railroad or school purimaee. uie 1 rt-emitlou law Is alaorrivaled, ex;ej t as to claims herctoforu InUlatel, aud except na to 1 ru emi tloua by counties under a pee hi h , Hectlon 22sV Is amended en that pt r tonsalrtaJy holding loi) acres of laud, or who abandon their realdenceou their own Ian I, ahall not have the right lo makoalinmeitioetrntry. l'ntrieamay be auire.nlid for the correction nf clellcarerreira. The Ifnltetl Huele-a la ealoJ from the vacation of any jutleut on claims heretofore Initiated, tmlcM ault Is brought wltliln live years and 011 future claims wllhlu six ears. It la 1 rovlded tliat In Colorado, Mou taua, orthaud Houth Dakota, Wyo ming and lliugnl! aud silver regions of Nevada and Utah, II shall be. mm dent drfonae lu any roaecutlon fur trnnaaa to aliow tliat timber Is cut for agtlcultural, mining, manufacturing nr domestic purianes, and Is hut trans lotted outer IhuHlate: thla irovlalon, lioweter. la not 10 n ply to rallroada. l'rovlalou la made for lowualte 1 ntrlea lu Alail.ti, anil for the actulalllon there of liiids ncceaaary foriraJeor manufacturing airpoaea. Towna and clllea, It la declared, may make town alto entr Ira on mineral Unds, but this right shall not Inttrfere with the working of uulergruuud mineral Clalma. 1'ruvlalou la made fur grants of right of way for Irrigation imrposes, I ut ttitt rracnutr altia urunot to contain any laud mvcaaary for thecouatructloti an I malntenamo. 1 he maximum amount of land which any ;oii mar netulre la limited toi:iaiea The I'realdtnt Is given the right to act aurt and ru serveluauy territory foreeet lands as laibllo reservations, not siljcct to lie euleri-d 11 un. This will meet Ihe irliiclialaliiinf what Is known as the VtlloMktouolVrkblll. rrlinlluii Jlaeliliierjr rer Inillaii. WAHiinemiv, Feb. 17. -Ainoug the ajdltlou inadei by the Keliulu com mittee tu the Indian aj pie 1 rlalluu bill as It came (rum the 1 Inuae Is "I rrlgallou machlutry for ArlxjiTit ant reuvada. Indian reirrtationa, $3J,0cM." The committee alruck out tho 1 rovlalona of tho Houxe bill authorlxliig ihucoiumla aioner6f Indian utralra to ntvtrtleefor cunlrarls for aupj lies In the spring. The llanae ablti-ilux Hill. Wabiiivutdx, Ftb. 17 Tho ahlr I Itig bill, aa tc-J by the llouae, U radically diilerrul from the Henatt mcaaure. 11 merely authorises the t'oatuibater-lleiteral 10 enter lutosuth n contract, for not leaa tliau Ihe nor more than ten Jiara, Willi American Lltlrena for earryltig thu nulls on American atcaniiuljsbctwien Culled Htateee polls anil foreign iioiIb, Canada e xce teal, its will aub-erve and 1 roiuole thepoatal an I cumincreUI llitereatsof the United Htalea, the mull service to Im ceiually dtattlbuteij among thu At Unite-, Mexican (Julf nn I raclllocowt I)tt The veaaels contracleit with must bo of American build and cilice reel by American citizens. VI -..Illusion Villi,, Uasiiimituv, Feb. 57, It waste liorled here leeliy ihat the I'rialdenl had acee led the realgualloii cf United Htatea freaatirer llualon, and apolnt 11IJ.A. Lemlrke, ix-Hlate Tiraiurer of Indiana. Up U midnight coullrma tiou or denial coul I not be iccured from either Ihe I'realdtnt or lluatou. Hie leort, however, la geuerully belleveel, llll)ll fVH CHINA, Thu I'real lent todayecnt to the Han ale Iho 110 uluatloii or Henry W. lllalr of New Uamiishlre aa elluleter to China. CON1IAUATIONH. Henry W. Ilhlrof New lfamjathlre, 1 uvoy ) xtraordlnary and Mlulatrr rieulioltiillary to China; Martin A. Knapp, of .Now Vorli, ImtmlMo Com mercoCoruiulaaloiier, Truxton llealu, of California, Mlulitcr tu I'urala; W. I'. Itcnneily, iieeimattir, I'nlnuse, Wstli. Alton iinmbarul lonaula Tu Ml'AIII ISII A I lilt ATI I AMI Col UT. The nonfirreat on the Houae ntitl Henalu bllla tucatabll-.ll n giliale linel court iiachtel au agreemtut rite lloiiauc-otifrertea tgrcit lo arte(t the bill l.1t-.lty tin-Kvliati , with aevtltl nieHllne ullotia Tl e ni'iet tu)-ottatit of thefte luoilllleallrils li that the court ahall cona.atof one Chief Juitlce and felir Ae-aeKlSluJuallreS. Ittlatnr tiriltellireellj- Nm tm.i., I eh. :?.- rattus V. man I, is n et ived moru than lnoieillia from i.wnWra of (kmgriM who weru aakeiilflhty wiull tole for the Hilt retadulloii. Vliu)iisa)aamajnrll) of Uttli the Henale an I lloute will Use euro lu favur 'ifiinu-ttrlcleil recli rnclly t etMttu the United Htatisnudt'anida. HenLtor Hbermaii thinks in Ihe face of the Canadian rauitnlgu aoy action I i Cougtcta might be miaiindtntoul.,11,. Iti.ttnllitia UallelNtaletll. I.ltll B Hock. Feb. 17- Tho houae election bill piteed the aenale toiiny. H. ftl OS latMtble Ull ler the rttate Itm ailtuilou, II la Akin to the Australian ejstrtn. I, ,, !;.., I"i)Ti3ruw.x. P, Feb. .7. There wits an tXd-iou uf ae atlhelMla loevnlnui Comiviny's attel weilcii this aricriioou. Huvtral tons of hut melat waslhrti-eri In regular ihoaers ncr the men painfull) burnli g fifteen of them, llivrke ruwuller and Charles Jtuttervillleile. Tin- rl oT t'onicfatloii. Twe wliitcrs ngo a culllvated and entcrirlalng woman Icoked ubuut fur nuootluiiltyortxerclaloglirrrrlt tleiilt with 1 rofllaldu rrtalu. W lin nlmutl the Inatilmtloii of genius she I ouiiclud'-d to hoi 1 1 uvbc lu culivirta-l llou. On lint thought her friends , werukreatiy amused, and jet when her 1 xr lsnatluii waa made they tcgau scilunalyiu wonder how aocleiy had mot 1 d al tug aallaractoi lly w Ithout the aid of litaons lu cutiveiiallou, Tim woman's Idea was clever, indeed. "1'coi le," she said, are taught to read, write, walk, eat, dauce,play and slug, liut rarely Ihey are taught to uie their toiiguca In everdaysee-cli with atllllyaul dlnrectlon rilio there fore ) ropesed not only to lecture, hit nlw tu ghe racllcal leuona to tho shyly or slubliuriily silent woman, the woman awkward In cnutenallou, Ihe wouiau ambllloua of gaining nriualul ance wltli her fellow belnga,)il Ignor ant of theturuaof sreech, the woman anilttcel wltli a hareh olee,un Iraaunt accents, and unlunelul and unllmed laughter. Young women she hope d to gain as her pui (Is gills alaiut to en ter society, or tiioieaufll ring from r sonoldelecUof manners Inyouth, would not In alter jesis tncoiueoljecllon alio and Irremediable characterlttlcs. Caiefully thesluiiJeciirrtxilumforthe s;udy ot this pretty ace-oairllihiuent of conversation was trersvred Home friends, rtly from curiosity, ami partly front rareltaa generoilh, Join ing Ihe claas, shortly convened It Into n guulp tea, and the Utile coniervalory ol ronveraatlon loat Ita otjert and Its alaudlngand Mrynuhtly uled ofalAtr lack of life. tearalala eteaa merit Inaaallr, The hlgheat lutfcllcal authorities ot Kuropa and America have rxently dee 1 led that a large eroentsgo ot cases ofluaanlty Iscauieilb) thu exirucla ting jtalna of euralgla of Ilia brail and faev. If any member of your family auflera this tormt liter, Ineruca them to .try Ilsllard'a Huow Liniment. One application will alfciril Imtneellale relief andjm will soon be ml of a danger ous and tormenting dr-eve. Ihllard's Huow I.lulment la Ihe moat pi uetratlng l.lnlment known, ll lawltlvrly runs llheumallaiu, l.ame Hack, Cunirarlrel Muiclea, Did Horca, Corns, llunlona, etc. Uaiictrates and orma up the Ires, drawing all lsinoua tiutier lo the surface, rnlorlogaud irumotliiga natural rln ulallou of the blood UiioiikIi the dlicaseal parts. jaa Vtllll.iei.. AnaltalUn lletw rilla. lfvoii are Vellow. Illllous, cotiatl paUel with Headache, bad I reath, droway, u a4llle, foot, out jour l.lve r la out ot ordi r. One box of tlieie Fills will iMk all Die tnmolo away an 1 make a new bell g of j ou. Price M cents Ion Co-op Mer. Inst. Diug D-lt, Agent. UAl There Is no of a eol I result. fuglupneiimoiiliHlienChiiuberhla's Cough llemcdy la uaeel aa directed "fir a severe loll" It cllectually counteracts aud arrrats any tendency of a cold to result In ueuuionla, I Ida fart waa lully ruvtii In thnua-iuda uf l-atea iliillngtliaeilteiulonf Influents last winter. Forallebv '...). M.I, Drug P. it. : d&a HeveraljcaraagoCI aubcrlaln A Co , of Des Moines, Iowa, cominenccd tho iiianufaclure of a cough syrup, lellev Ir g It tu be thu moat ruiiij t and relia ble 1 roj arallon yt 1 1 ruduceel for coughs, eolile uud cruu , thai the 1 ulillo si re. clato true merit, and lu time ll waa cvrtalu-la become -ai'iular. Their me at snuguliiu hocs have been more tbau realised, (her three liundrtel thou Mud bottle e of tliaoiberlalu's Cough lteruedy are tow eol I en h year, and It la recoglllted as tho Itcat made, where eer knoan It will cure a severe cold In leaa time than any other fnalment. For sale by ',. V. M.I, Drug Dei t. deVa Ilia llirctat. "limit n't J.nmclM 7WicAei" net directly 011 the orgaua 11 the olce. rheylisteaiiexlraunlluary elite t In all dlturdtis ot the llimat. 1'lijRlclain Coitsi'iir. tra raaitllaa tl lltnaa, lalatlonarr rar lit rttiitiieaatts.Tior, v 1.1,7. -1 ,., m. toe g a4 to aita im tail ueajr I , lha srralealua el tr liana htaaa ;a ratotlee, ctaila ai l-.Joul, ,s li tita o.rmtatillt cuiediiiaol ' Klilnrrlroullea, I alar-hot ISa niaetdtr. alas at toattlnatlaa I eoal I alala laa I u4 Ur, glutei!- a I star Ma lUiaaawitb Ilia lull caatiater in i tif- lie DitII leenutit raronta rameSr la a msie iu It.. J Mot Nattoutattt, luaaeia lltai KnlatraaaUtatl.ciuiilalal,aail a I Ua Ilia aiular lueimta ll deltat ia iau4 Iroiu Iba tilao I aaet ratiaraa lha t atlaal it lla l.loiia ot liaallfa Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, Utlt tt K.tNIHM T. .T, Htflfort, ler an IJL.V.U I. Dr. U.;uta.til. EMI'UKSS FIIEHEH1CK tirllrs In liiglaml iinil la I nllmthtl- loall) lieirltcili lltr l!o;al Jlolher I nragrel. CMPCROH VIILUM s ANSWCR TO rnaNec Ina (eloraelo lllur villi llltlngi lunia Tlircitrni.t MllIiTnlol Drtlnirlloii. 1v Ttttirtiih to tbs Xbws. Till 1 .l illMtl.ati. "he la I iillinaU.Tielltr lleeeln.l lit liialae.l., Feb. i.7. The royal )acht, having on lanrd l.mrea frederlck an 1 suite, arrive! Ibis afternoon. 'I ho I.njreaa waa cnthu.liusllcnlly received. eiiATiiit at vweivnic loMiov, rib, 7. I niri-vi Fied erhk and suite were met here by tint (lernuu nilnl.ler and rvet Ived an ova tlouat Wlulaor. A liaiejuct will be given tomorrow by the IJwe-e.ii. vmuiiiA LMUUItl. ulleaseuaatloii was created lit a ttirl of a quarrel hetaeeii Iheijiieeie and tho Priueeot Waleaatl'oruuioulli. iaterday,lt ire ma, the rime heard Ihrmigh Ihu foreign ofllco ahrmlug ac counts cf the poalllon uf u-l.inirtM lit k In Paris He ilecldnl lo get and bring lit r naay and wired ills slatt r to leave Immediately If alio could not wall fir him. Henleuttlegraihed to thu Jiiet-ri. Win 11 he joined thee (lurciiai Poilamuuili her Majraty waa greatly 1 idled an I was heard to asy 10 Mm: "What do yeui sav?" Turn my daughter out or I'arlt'" The Prince In a low tone, but the Uueen waa vlalbly eurageil, aud icated that It waa lniioNtible that any Insult coul I Wnllrrtel htr daug'i term I aria. HI10 I lamed Iho Prince for Ids Injudicious course and thrrat ined to counterman 1 Ids telegram He Moleticd earnestly, and finally, the etuceu giving lu, sent another cipher telegram lo ex-Lmj ret 1 reelerlck, erucatlycxircMliiglils own and the (tuteu'ewltliia. Herman lleli.ll. II. 11. llnr.tiN, Fib 27. The Uovcrn mei t'a ord.'r of today against the re laxing of Asort ngulallona lu Alaitco-lxirraliiu, Is rigarded as Km. t-eror Ullllam's mistier to the French Incident, the announce inent cauteel adepriaaloti of the Jleillu, I'arla and Vicuna liuuraee. It Is stated that Herbetle, 1 tench Ambassador hvre, la likely to In rccilled.niid that Va. elenee may auccccM Mun.ter In Paris. tiii. nijirnic rieiei 01 11 ma. I lerj llitallte.. Ilaitae ftttapl Inle Hie lalueadet lllter. VfjiA, Arh., I-ch 27. The river Is still tiling. Ihu peole haeo abaii duned all houses and gone tu the hills. I'.very IhiiIiichi bouse In town, He. Joecili Convent, -ubllc Inlla, school liouaea,eX reaa aud j.totllit, railroad bull lings an I many reallencea were swejt lulo the Colorado liver. The remaining properly In the town Is living waicheil over by special iwlleii. The water at 111un Is falling tonight, lait ujajiu if further rlalug are re relveel ftnm uboM.. If eerlOed, there, ault will tie the total destruction of tho ton 11. lu laaorer aaeller'a lltnnrence. IMiov, Felt. 27. The coroner, lu summing up In the Vliltechail In. auest tuHlsy, saku strongly In favor of adler's Innocence. Ills chsrgo ulll go a long way toward freeing lie I rlaouer. Alii ler Ilia I IimmI auirnera. Han Diuio, ful , Feb. 27. A rou. rler from 'lluJuaun tu-nlghl, sating for aid fur the Hood Hill, rere, aj a the re areaeeenly people herded together In naehool houteaud one or twu othtr I ulldliig. that remain standing, and that they aru actually ruffirliig from wantiiffueil. Aid will bo sent. The t.uielalloii. Cixcinkati, I eb. 27. Tim Amer ican Itaaeliall Asaoelatlon held n meet ing today. The committee on rules eirroKceunauluuiuaiplnlon that Iho original roiilrarta of tho American as sociation are valid, and an Injiiiu lion will stand against thu plajer who trite to break the contract. lliellllten'. Inilii.ltl.l Altl.iite.. br. In:m, leb, 27. The Clllitn's Iliduatilal Alliance, which waaurgau Iced 111 Kuuuui Jntt before the hit ranitalgntouork na an auxllllarylo Ihe Farmtra' Alliance , haa an ai,eni lu the city organising local lodgca. lie said today that the alliance has organ Ircrsout fortlie lurpoau of a rexullng theinemUrahlp and influence of the crgaolnitlou nuiong the woiktiigmtn lu Ihe largo clllea. The alliance, he tu), (.urpitsc-i to lakeauurtlvu hand In the cnuiiialgu of 1-. Tiiey will act with the limners' Alliance, hit tllcm limit Ut no fusion with either of tint older 1 attire. Since the organisation hit .NoMinUr tho order lias spread to nlnttriiiHtatrs, rbe all,uial I'tiul Teariiameiil HuiAU'M, N. Y Fell. 27. The fifth day's (lay In Ihe national ool tournament was witnessed by oer IIP) ivraona. 1 Ir.t series! Koti, l.VJ, IjiiJdlugton.OI. Hecoudserles Htruv we, ISO, enrich, 78. Third series Ke-ough, ISO; Habondy, 13d. CliniAdu, Feb. 27 The llrunswlck. Ilalke-Colleudcii International short slopbllllanl touruameiitcloaed binlgbl. Carter of ( tillage wins Ihe champion ship nn I ttrat money, fnio, Ives sec ond, :r0, Cotton Ihlril, JloO, JiP. Uughllu, llatley and Msggloll lied for f inrtli place and divided tho stake, ('arter'aneeragelnlhe cloalng game, ,JI loin, has been Ik ate 11 In the four tee u-lncli balke-llno but throe tlinea, A Tte r lees' Trual. CiiiOACiei, rib. 27. A local paiier sojs the lyie founders of the country, after a lung negotiation havu about lUueiedaconaolldstlouof their Inter Mis. Thnrailtalllivolveel Is reirled to I S ),iaai,iej. Thu i-.tnhl.huieiit of uniform ( rlcatt and the rolectlon of Ihe 1 rlnler are said to lai tin chief rc-esona forlliiie-onsolllallouurUin thirty odl fiiundrlrs Whulerale 1 lilting of the lhtiolt)liaaUellthe rule or late, and owing let this Ihu plants of the I r Inters have lccudec renting In value, enabling new firms lo jut lu entirely new plants nl hair Ihu rust of those laid lu Ufom the tltniorallutlou. Among the firms In the sjtiJU-atoh Pnlmeranel Hey otHau Frnuclaev llepulilleati laaee I ontetillsu. Nim yiiiii-, Feb. 27 President Thurston o( the lb publican l.iairue ot the If lilted Htatei will laaiie 11 call for the fourth auiiuitt rmieetiLiou tol held at Clin luiiall A prll 2Ht. Trlehlitosla. MlnltKAIIILia, Fell. J7. The 7l4 line's Ida Urove, Iowa, aechl. This locality Is greatly excllett over several eases of tile hlnosta, Ihroeof w hlch have proved ratal, an I some ten inoin far sous enilitrd re not eictel to re cover. The ell-ease Aral a)earei In tho family of Chris Ucruil-rrg, an Industrious (Jeruiau farmer. The family ha I lateh butcheml and madu a large anion nl of lioulogiiasauange,and rrlcndaanel nelghhora who have ntr taken are f.-alfulof living taken down. The llaeellan ' J. Hav FltAM-taoe), Oil., Felt, 27. The llagahlpUiiirrafoi, which arrlve.1 thla afternoon from Honolulu, brings woM Ihat the Hawaiian uilnlitry haa refuted to resign, mil (jccu l.ln. uokallnl has apia-ule.1 hi tliat euttcme coii tl to oust them. Allaire otherwise nreirogynlng ipiletlj. The funeial ot Klug Kalakaua took pLicu on the loth Instant. The scribe, were ac cording to Ihe ritual of the LiIk-okiI Chuich. Trial lor linpearlilneitl. Tut 1 1. A, Kaua , I eb 2, The com mlt'co Sllntiil to lliveetlgsle the ihargea against JuJeu llvdklns submit ted Its rcaiit to the home of rr reaenta lives this morning, accompanied with a resolution that a coiiiuiiitco lie ap Jiollited to lllfonil the emMo that n trial for lni,aarhinent Is onltre.1. The rtjiortnud naiolutlou wire unanimous. 1) adoted. Asklnc far Jii.llelal e.p.t.llou. 1)M)N, 1 eu. 27. I.ady, wlfenr Kierl ltuasell, maleallcatkui III the divorce ulvisloli lo the high court of Ju.llre. 1 raying for a writ of Judicial Kparalion Irom her hutlaiiiel. the Farl denies the allegalious msde byhlswlfo In hor aj plication and will centers! thegraullngot thesriatrstlun. They have la en wedded but n short lime, their marrhiin having taken I lace on the Clli of r cbruary hut. Miff At) Nolr. U Itti the Man li number the Vtrtint lirganlts sixth fear and lla eleventh volume. The demand for l.iund vol umes Is so Isrgu as loviarrantn re(iub Jloatlon of all tint back itumltura lo dale. The oruti, then fore, has glvt 11 Its suliscrlbers nu v ta.rluully to reeure iaim(Ictefllia or l-ounel vtilumea(frur half volumes, or twu volunus hi the ytar) without Increase 61 j rice for Ihe iiumbeta that were out of print It Is lutaall le, therefore., now, for a com! leto lllonf Iheiiriiol to be secured a utr tlcularly fortunstu tlrccimstnncu for subscribers, becausei Iheortmi Is j role all) Ihu only high grata teilodlcal that has 1st 11 long rstal lltlicsl ol tt hlch isimplfle acts ot lack numlMrs can be lirocuri-cl, ir at all, at lea than a pro hibitory 1 rice. A iasKeatiiiTliteiivel j 141.. I tool, n severe cold and sutlered pain tlirougli the back and kldncja. seut tor n phjslclau, who tironoemcel my tasetlravel A frleiiel rrcomuicuiled Dr, David Ke nueil) 'a J '.Ivor lie Ileiue dy, cf lion lent, N. V , and after tak. Ing two buttlea I coualdered m)self l. rfeclly cured. Jr hli Due les, ltoe lies tcr, New 1 ork. Yt hat mote could be asked. dAs SHORTHAND COLLEGE. Itrwtm for a few rnnru siiuleuts at thu levelling iiulou Momlaje, Wcejuea claisuud Frldn)s. F. K. MctluitniN, Prognata llulldlng. The Voe.llo.i llr.n Is the moat woinlerfel musical Inven tion of the age, Ithui Ihe full loiter auilBWtetut-ssof tone of a pl-u (Irgnii twice Its sUeund coat. The meiuUrs nl IhuTuentleth Ward recently lairchascitarliio Vocnllon Organ from 'inggsrt . ( haniberlalu, the well, known Piano sud Organ dealers ot this city. Ith tolaihojed that the rest ol our Ward churchc will soon emulate and rollon the ixamiie ot the rwen tlt-tli Ward. el Iluy jour druge ot "the l-oyi." Johnson, Pratt A Co , 1 Main a' All traltlea InJcbUal to US will lease note tliat we are temporarily located with Hpenctr Clawsou A. Co , llroa ! way, Vrotnr t scttlenn nla are re-eiuest-ed. Cool'. J lli.MlLiit i'o. Leek Hill fue Thai t'a In lit leurllseU, It threutina your khlueja. Ul It go on a little while aud yon will sutler much more kee nly throughout the 1 n llroBiatuu. Ifcktt at once Dr. Da vid Kiiuhi-Iy's 1 avorlte Itemeily, of Itolidoul, N. V., which Is thulnottef fecllve medicine knuw 11 fur the treat ment if all illte-n.ea of the Kldiiejs and I.lver, ami for Matstla as well us the purltlrallou of the I loud. dAs Ilereliounil Strap liie Vtbioiluu; tuiista There la no remedy In the world which will give such rompt relief lu Whoot Ing Cough na Italian! a Jlore iMundSyrun It wllluiUir'veuiu It If you will try It jour children will not keen you awake all night cough. Ing. llauarit'a Horehound Hyrupla the meat cooling and aoolhlug remedy for Conaumi tlou, (Highs, ColJa, llr u thills and Allium, In iho world. It la free from opium. It bulldaupnew tlaiiiu, atrengtlieuv the I.uuga, rani Is au Incomparable re inedy, iinwi r Ihe beat aud (ureit materials. If 1 mr Lungs are rcak and ou have a llek llnglu jourlhroat, jouueodlt. ' V M. I. Axcuta. .' WORLD'S NEWS-. k Dfarorrry of an I lrA a?J0,oo( jj . That Can U I ted for 1 Sahrlrt. ,S t MggTiNa or the vomin'S surr- j nQC association. j ' I Hill In laior or sairrin for J . I lie Women of Nr. I '1 I'r Ttltar.os nibs Nai.t I llll milium lAllt. I risna er llullillni. Aeeeple.1 aii.l lila ' r asUelta Neetteett I - CiilCAiio, F.b. 27,-Tho hoard of W control cf the National World'a Fair IL ( ouiniMoneraliaaacrejted Ihe ilans jf' or bulkllnga sulimllleel by the loard of ()& arehiucla. The c-oiiinillonera have Hf illaexvrriil thallhei$2u,viM set al le fol it, thororeli-n atlslrs eoiimiltti-e inn 1.1 if? UMxirorlheiayrnenlorsalailta. riih "f, I", Khi-sthenintoUlof JJI.ilntolm uk) it, I J theremtlmler orthe llaeal year, auel SJr IM Iho local dlrectoiy hascleellnl lorvt I lesi V.'".'-' "'." "''"'y of Vice-Chairman SJ, vieKeuilit and wlbly some other if. Mr, olllcers. K Ml , A company has been organised by 1 ff 1-. r.JellYey.fiirmi tly general mana. '! '( Iter ol the lllliioh eVntral, l.enttal I ' fj Manager Thomaa 1 rtlie lit It Line aud sl J filial I iiglueertjotlllelinflheWorM's it hair fur the cniialruellon of lrackaandtl t -J lerinlual facllltlea at Jackson Park, 'A at M cnunM ling the varl ma roads with the , it World's falrsltt Itwlllhavotharge PlA of all lraiianrUllon Into theairk,ix. 'HP cetcf Ihe Illinois Central, which haa V ail lndea.lideut line. The lima ualng ft the In.rka will he able to Iraiiaiant )M jj lli)0,laisengersu hour, while Ihe 'ff M ( eutral tn accommodate ll tsj,' tii.issi. The fare rroni the city will he if tj filed at .lienti. ' ji TUT I llllljt IIIWIMIIIV, c9 i A (lis lee an ltsle foe Hie lleeelllar u j lB WAMIINdlTi't, Felt, 27. The sese. m Mj sloiisofihecouventlotioftheoniecs jlh HutlrageAawchtlon were returned tills ;l i-s morning Tie flnt neldren wss ly ftp I lieu II. Deltilck or Miitaearbuicttt. V, - I IIeraulIectwas"CcntrriaslonalDebals i', BM ou the AUniUlonof Ujnmlng." Hill If H iuotiil at It ngtli tho remuikaof a hum ; i H lierofiuemUrsof Congiess usu the in H I III for the admission cf Wyoming Into J t H the Uul 111 ru 11 Hlate. Hhemlnteil out t H what she held to be ralsatalviueiils aud J . H Illogical conduilona lu each. The ad. f H dress waa llatcnedlo with close alien- 2 . MU Attbci veiilogaesalonHenalorCarey ! f H ol Wyoming spoke In lavor or woman 'MMt iiillrsge. 1 lluletli Cady Htantuu wss i k H elecled 1 ruldeiil, Husau It. Autheiir I f H vlrvprfel lent anl Her. Anna 11, on' assssai Hhaw national lecturer. i, H Mlirraie (er Ihe ebta.ka ll.mtll t V: ! l.iNceIN, Neb, leb. 27. Henatnr ! fliH Collins Ihla mornlug lntro.lurc.1 a llll ' Isssssssl conterrlrg ui-on women the right tu IH vote lor President and Vlce-Pmldeut ' tH of the Unite J bUtes. j I MH Laejee Ml CnifAiirj, Feb. 27 Ueorge C. Ing- ' 'vjrtVsxsi ham, oue ol the U-st known criminal f JLp lawyers of fhlcaga, died suddenly of ff beaitdltrasu Iset nlglit. He waa among ; Ml I & the ivunsel for Ihu Htate lu the au- - 0 III A arihletaudl-uodleraats, 'filjfKssI A Trea.eeer Areealeel EJafS' Litti k Ilne-h, Ark., Ftb. 27. Fx- i Hlale rreaturerWoodruirwaaarreateJ llAe. loda 011 a charge of embvuleineot. jsuV He (.aielioilds. 'luHsa Wasiiivutus, Feb.27.-Atl -VI this 'H,H morning Henalor llcar.1 waarri-urte.1 UlJIH reatlug comfortably. He Haa aeloep HTflaaB and tiU 1 tijalclaii, liivt retired fur the Kn itexcsax I'sair'a I siiailllluit le llreeuUiiil. '!InBR WAriliuivv, 1 ib. 27. There Is to ilasssssi la another urctlo exinllllon. It will 4Jj) VH bo lent by an cflln r ot the navy, a. jl SV though noMnder thu imtrutiage uf the 3 .V fuierumeiiT. Civil l.uglneer 11. 1.. 19 'cary will iinleilikethetaak of going v as far north as saw.ble. He liaaseleo V ted a tew men who are to accotut any VX him on the expedition, hut their namea 1 have nut yet la en disclosed. Then- v iienaesor thujourney will hodefrajeil -t, by c.eogta hlcal and sclcnllllc socletltr .. wliti liliavaUi 11 Intenstisl In J liglli I 1 rtr Peary's scheme. That cDlier lias I J tuked lliunavj tlefArtinent fur a Imve J uf niaraud ahalf,and lu his letter M of aj iillcatlou sets foith at length M his 1 lati tor the expedition, lie M does not co so far as to asaeit hla ability to Itarh the inttll iole, but Ullelea lie MM ran nuch a rtlnl further north than j ,assBBs thai alUlncl by laxkwood, of the jj Tssssssi Untly 1 iimilllou. latcknood Jour- 1 riMm neied ly the (Irtenlaiid coaat,and 1 '1 wenlrvifHr liortliaentdig.r.' i ,H fore turning back. Mr. Peary, who Is I JH au culhuilaat on this sutject, proposes I MMMt to go tlirougli (Inviilaiid, Theirty I H wlulcave here next may, going to 1 Whale sound on the we stem coast of 1 (IrMiilaud, For this purpose a whaler ,1 will lie uscl. c rom W halo lound the H jrty 111 strike nut lu 11 nortliwratrily H direction acroaa Urcenlaud, utillilog H ahlgea lu travel and (rahaportatlou. H Mr. Peary h-lloiea that ingress ly H this menus will I ) tactically unmol- H rated. The exilorcr Intends to re srh lu fJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ that way the extreme northern limit ot H (Irrenland roasl, If the sea la froien JH hoiilllconlluun hla Journey toMartta H theiole. Hla theory Is that the sea fJfJH Wlllberouudaulllllrutly Irolell as to 1 lermlt travel as through clrcenland. H Sir. Pear exwcts to return hi Whale esTaTaVH Huun I by tho end of the whaling sea- f ZM sou of IbJ.', In time to meet a whaler I.sbbbbbbbbbW mi which the parly can return tu Ihe lasssssssssDt United Htales. assssssssVl Mr. 11 ar) has had some experience JMMT ' lu (bat country. Heliasniadeobaeri- i A aliens a short dlabuice from the cvait swaass-srV line aud 011 them he I aees his scheme sssif 1 lurlhertHntriiedlllon, lie will go 'JJs7.i niullped with a.trohomteal Instru- l, ineiilsandartarritualur sclrntlllo oh- S&ti scrvstloiis and his rt will 1st com- fl . posed of men rcccmmendeel fur the , a I task by Ihtlr hardihood aud mental tit- 1 &" ' Maaa