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B11.DESERET Emm jews. gm 'i - . ----. TUllTIt AND LH.I.KTY. " i KO' 8K TUI.SDAV, -MA..CJ1 J), 181)1, HALTgliAlvi: C1TV, UTAH TJ.l.l.lTOl.vT VoirxxlvT I ' (JONHUKSSIONAL Sroator Mamlrriou ller-int l' Pro Tempore t Siicc-ed Ingilll. unit r.Mtii. BOTH HOUSED IN SCtSION Tilt. Arrcn mioniqht. Dill 1'i.ncil for Hi. I'rrrlUn of A Xeir -lot llaltillng In l'MUJ-lnlils, for .'.OOII.OWI. Ir Tllt'ltph to mi Mm wouii or iniuim-i. Dollar.. Tfaat.rtetl Yetlrrilar bf 111 T Mum.,.. WASiiiNaTov, Jilaroli 2. Sherman ottered n resnlutlou, eliding Henator Manderson (Neb )a president tiro fcrii, to liolj unics duilng His rlwi iru or the Henate, anil (Jormau oflcred rcto lutioil, underllig the thanks of the Hcitale to Infill., fur ths eminently courteous, (, able iinil Ati-white ) lin-arthl manner lit which he hail t rest Jed uvcr It deliberation anil -r formed tlin duties of i realdi tit ;ro fan. Jjore, llolh resolutions wcreo-grced to mitl the oatlt of utllce administered to Maiiderson. Tim House hill, relating totlia trolly of recl roclly with the, Hawaiian Iilauds, wat iimcd. Alio the Monro Joint natilulluti, Aproprl.llng$l,iWi,. MM for Improvements of tlm M iiltlppl .liver, to bo Intiuudlttely available. 1'llKli watapjulnlcd on tbo commit Ice tu Attend Henator Huanl'a funeral, luplait-dof I'luciiuinl, hu iwttofticn appropriation bill wat lliiulakeiiup ami rrye, In lilacs of tli fameu.lriif nt which hu liail ollercd Halurday ulght, odercd ono nipro.rlat. Ing$l,ttj0,ouiifur thu transportation of fon iiT'i mall. Morgan moved to amend Fryo'a amendment by ln-trllng a prurlio that ths iwttnuuler general may employ any ihl owned exclusivity by cllluiia of ths Hulled Biatc. The conference reortou tlisblll aj toclalnuforlnillan depredations wan Im-tented atnl agreed to. Carlisle moved to ataeud h'tyvi no tlotiby retiming tlitt amount for trans urtatloii offoreiitn nulla to $1,230,01) AUil It was agreed tu. Thu iUition bilug on Morgan's aintitidnieut, nllfiwlin; roulracta to lis niaduwltn Yew It owned exclusively lu thu United Htates, i'Jumb moved to add to It the words, "aud coiuitruitod In the United Hltlet." Morgan then withdrew lilt Amend ment, remarking that the volu Jutt taken had annulled tho Hirtoo lis Had In view. .'rye's Amendment, at amended, wai agreed to, and the bill waa patM-J. A resolution waa otTcred continuing thu select vouimlttev on the 1'acMo llillroad debts during tbo rcc-ia of the Henate, with uwer to alt At Washing ton. Agreed to. The Henate then, at 2 p.m , proceed eel to conuder the agrlcJltural appro prlatluii bill. Carlisle inadoA point of orderngalntt the louimltlee amendment allot Inz sorghum auirar manufacturera the tiae of UlalllleJ apirlbt freu of In. Ths lnt wit Mitimltlril to ths Hcnito and thu Amendment ruled tobelu order yeaa IV, naia it. Ths amendment waa ttiott AKrii'U to. rjU'Wart onVrud An Ainendmmit ap 1 roiTlatimc for the mid inlillcatloii of Information aa to thu Int mi thodi of cultivating tho aoll lt IrrlirntUiu, mid exleiidlui; tho limit ol tlniufrout Junol, 1S.1, to January 1, ISW. Acniilto. I'addock moved to amen 1 by litaert lug tho'Turef-od bill." llxciududou u.iliitof oulir. Iliu bill ra paiaed and the Siiiato jiroreuded to conilderatloii of tint geu vral ileflrkiiry bill. Commutation vi ai ttuii'iratlly aujiiicndeiA and n no IuIIjii nuthorlilnic Urn committee ou riilee to i; durliii; the recieut waa reiuit eil and agreed to, with an amendment, offered by Iloir, lmtnicUni; the cum inltteo to ron-lder and reiort what ilmtiKeaflfanyJouKht to lis made lit otftervamuof tint hV'iivte lu rti-ardto (nylni; honor to lu dt cead tm lubtri. A nueaitge from thu I'imldcllt, ru turning without approval the Henato bill coiif.rrlui; JiirlHdktlon on the Court ofUlalmq to Inquire Into and i determine how much tlin bulla of tho United Htalea doublevudera "Aga waiu'iaiiit (tlolltollo,, coat tliuran. tractor, Wenrge V. Jtawreme, abovu ths contract price, nml to allow for extra work, and to enter JuJgtneiit for Hie amount lu favor of the adn-iib tr.t. nl Lawrence. Thu ground of the I'mldenfavtui la that It would atvbll-h n danurom precedent for the U.Ternmeuttodiularu that It would liukuuiitolhu Loulractor thu Ina. he had atihtalui.l by reaiioii of thu lowncaa of hi bid and the ubxiueiit unox terled advancu In tho ir!co of ma tetlal. The Sonata looVt a recita until 8 p.m. Till: tVIM.U ECsSleV. The vols by whl-h the Honatu lait Week paaied the llouao bill to luy tho Jjilgiuenta of the court ot claim fur antiipllM under the lkmimii uct aa reeoiiildi ruil, on motion of llanla. Tits Heiiate aiiiuudmonta vtiru Uli agreed lu aud thu bill uaiml without aiueudmeiit. Thortawnau Ignut waa that thty could nut Uiniteil uu I a thu IIoiim, mid If retaluotl the bill would fall. Cuii.Moratlon of the d.flrlency bill Waa proci e-Jtd with. Hut Iteiui to liiythu widow of Chief Juntlcu NValtu aud Juitlcs Miller one year' aalary waeoppoM-ilby llerry tu ah iinauthor land line of the iuople tnoue,Alid aj. vooatnl by lllAikburuoa Kaettlid prac tice of Congtiaa. Klnally a volu waa f-ken and Hie Ittluaagiiwllo, jtaitJ, imj.lll. Thu ntRAilw votitiweri: llnte, llerry, Car llile, Cockrell, Coku Oiomu, June (Ark,)l.uuib, Ittajaiiaud Wit. Thotuxtauljict Hint provoked dl. lUK.Ii.n win the proailtlou to ulvu a month extra pay In the ollktr and employi ortlie lloilae. l'liualiaMka of lbs uncoua-loiiaiilo extrataganni uf HlnllullHlAUilpalil, whllo the I'ty l the Henatora anion tiled lu tdHUOOu year, lheyortliiu who waited ou them auiouulrtl to IllXI UIKI. The lloutu Item waa atruck out of tho bill, leai Ul. liuj-Bi'l. I'adtlock Intnviucml lutnths dliOJc lonauew aulikn-t, thu Conger Laid .bill, but It wav awn wound up by tho declaration on the part (f Vancu tbtt the t'ocge r l.iM bl II w ai dead. All Amend-naiita havlnz lee it dla edoftho bill waa rtxitteil to the, Hun Ate, but lloal action va Uilayctl until tomoirow niorr.lm. Thecnnferiinierfnnrtoiitln Ije-jla. liUre bill waa arrwid to an I n futther cniifiriuco otderetl. TiiscoiiferincurertonllieHiindry Civil bill went nter without ncllon. The rVinatoJolut rnulutlon ruvltllni fur the first rnettlugi of the iniul Circuit Courts of the ITulted HMta under the n act on the third Tue4iy In June, 1811, waa paired. Tho 1 Imimi arntn liuent to the Hci.ntu bill for the lnctlou of cattle, etc., iraa euncureil In. A further lonrereme wainrdt red ou tbo I n llvn Ajiproprlatloii bill. A lu-vi(i) froui the limits In rela Hull to tna death of ItepreerllUtlve I'hilan (Tenn ) wai laid Ufoni tho Henate, and, after tuloglitlo remaiku, tu a futther mark of reiin-cl, tho Hen Ale, At I.V, a. m. nJjourned until morning in Tin: Subiequcnlly the r-r-wvker ilated an error wai made In referring I lie bill to the committee of Hie whole. Itrhould have been rent tu the tullltvry alfalta committee. auI would li referred. Ou motion of fatter (Mont.) ths Hen Ate bill waa pntiud granting thu Ml iuKL Noitliern italltoail (Vniiiy Arlghtcfwi.y through thu I'latlieaJ Indian mervatlnn in Montana. After thu iiiags of a tiumtier of un lmttvnt blilt the rule were mi nd inland the Honats I III paweil for the erection of a new mint building In riillaililphla. nt a coit of S2,UU0,uud, aa wot nl) the Hi natu bill fur tho en ctlon efauew cuiloiu Iioumi In tho city of New York. The rJrrnker laid before the lloiieu a communication from ths family of Ad inlral Porlir, itliunlug lu ilucere tin nkl for Hie niolutlmt adoitod ly that Iwdy relative to the diieftaeil. lloutil!o(.Mu.)taldliu wai Hire the jIoumi would anno with bl in that tlili waa a filling lime to iauia a moment to do an act ofjuttlcsto the venerable woman who waa mourning the loea of ahuiband who had rtuderi-J llluitroui aervlce to lilt country. He oiked un anlmout content for thu Immediate pruaagnoflho Honalu I III granting a petition of $:00Qk) ear to the widow of Admiral 1'orter. Duuii(.N.C.)oMecleil. HutfUriitly Iluiin withdrew hi objetllonto the petition And His bill a.ed venule!, iitjiM. The Henate bill wai uutl granting a inuilon of Jim) a mouth to thu widow of .Major (leueral Klllpatrlc. Hhuoudt (Conn.) tuiimltlol the con ference riurt on the Copyright bill. He explained that the couferencu had agrcodoiiAlliulnta except tho Hber tnauameiidmtnt. Thsteiort waa ad oiitelaudA further conference agoed to. Tho IVitoMco Appropriation bill waa tent to couferencu. Tbo Houto thentookartceaa, TUB ITKMINll IIUV, Hatch moved tu utpeiid the rulea aulpata with auHndnieuuth-rrieuato bill to I rovlds for thu Imprclluii of tattle, hog aud catcaiaea and pro ducta tlureof, wlilcli aro the tuljcct of Intirttatu commerce. A motlou to lutpeud the rulet and pnta thu bill aant to, yuaa 11:1, naya 70. (Jii motlou of Kunttou the confer ence reiott wat adoi ted 911 thu bill ro Tiding for )iubllahltig coplut of the rl)l. on diHut 01 the liorm. It aiiroprlateaf;3,(XJfor prlntlug lUd,U0d cuplee. I'erklnt called up thu coufrrenra reort ou the Indian apt ruprlatlon bill, dltugreelug with the Henate un tho appropriation uf ;j,nOil,id to Imj paid thu Choctaw and Chlckataw Ittdiant for title and Inur-at liirtrtalii landa now occupied by thu Che) euuua and Arrapahoee. Caiiuoiioireretlareaolullon.liiitriict Ing ths conft reea not to agiu tu tho ami ndmeut. The reeolutlon wot de feated, aud tho rejort agreed to. Theconreriiuo retort waa agreed to on tho bill authorizing the Hecntary of thu Trtamiry to impend for uuo yi ur the provlnloiia of thu act requiring ttevmera on lake and Itiland watira to enrry llf line rcjecllle. The Jlt.ins thou, at 1 o'clock, took a recina until tomorrow. llm lliroat. "I'murn't Jlrunelilci JrwiAct"actillri'ctly 011 the organ n thu volet. They have au extraordinary effect In all dlAonkract the throat. There It 110 danger of a cold remit log lupneuiiioula when Chamberlain' Coutfll Itenivdy 1 uted at dllecleil 'for a tevtru cold." It eQuclunlly counti ricU and nrrnl any tendeimy of a 1 old In rctult In uauinonla. Thlt fact wat fully proven In thoutanda of lint during Hie epldcmlo of IntiueuM InatwInUr. Korailubv Z. C. M. 1. l.rugDilU UA.1 I It uauil n otk lotJhe Ileallli. The nuly remedy for htood Ultordera Hone that will exi'l tho germa of illt-e-uie, nml make the bloo.1 iire and rich. That la heat ellmled by Dr.DavId Ken nmly'a I'avorllu lleniply, of Itondout, .V.V., a mi-llclno of gnat valuu In thu tnatmeut of all blunl dltnnlcrt and llaetMiacf thuKldne)a. It tone thu rytU m und help to do good work. 1! .U A llotil l.-Mkla lee Wollkotu aeti. Vit i:r)lnlaaillllg. urea HiefiAturea and tlioulttatula at daiigeroua ua It l rtpuMve. It It called'"t. Allthony'tp'lre." and ofuu in It In auddeu death. H. ll. Carpenter, Uran Ivllle, N. V had It lu both ligt and wo cured by Dr. David Kelineil) ' l'avorltu Itemedy, of Jton uuut, .V. V. Thlt imdlcluu txrel all othen for the blood dit I'll! Hit lllllS Clllllfllt. lift Kmi-illii. O llinti, nUilettrr for 111 N Y,M -I in atlr I m X til tu id I inelttllinoay It Hit gr-tlvtitit et r I1 ktttnai rtvarlle lltttifr, ud. l l Join, .V V ll ait 1 trmiitbllr coit4 aitet KlilnrrTroublri, rttirrli of Hi rUdlrr itto o( Coaitlpttlna 1 wcwl I tint mil I iul Dr. K-ntnilT't I tror. lit lltmldy elta Ibe tilll diHtttv( WJ ptr lie imll Ketbtitf liTtrtl Ittmtiir It a itvurifu rt.tlrlr NiiToutrii, Icbtteit. tun, hi lir ltd Liter LoiQbltini. ml til iht 111 lei bill towunitt II drlttl tfal 0Uob troiii in bliCHl ltd rtiiorti lb rttittl 10 IL tlooia ur bttllb. Dr, Kennedy's Fanorite Remedy, U1alMoiuLT..V.r. II j for (i, fur ! bjr A V U.U Dttu Pwsuttaut. THU t'OIJS IN LONDON, lltcoitnt Mllinrr In tlie'(!omiurn2Pro potrt tu Hare Tlirm l.unilucd Vl-nlllkallf. THE AUSTRIAtl PnrMIIH CHANQCS HIS POLICY. I'ratpctt of a Simijt re-lllfnient of H10 Arcrnllac llIf,lrnllli.-01Lcr IlriiK, ur Tcttrrmait iht Ntwt it Tin: mil m. tie uimiiiVK. The I 'tntluii I at null llie llrlllwti viv nl lli,tla,ei ti,eHiel. IiiitlKiv, Marth S Iiundon'a foi-t were the tuliject of iIIih union lu llm Cnmliiiina thlt evening. Vlioouut Wllmirwanteiiacfiuinilt-loiiapiiolnti-it tu rejmrt on tcientlllo niethutlt for mill gallug Ihem, adding that tiny v. ire curlalllng thu working liouii. Kmllh, goveriiinetit Iz-ulcr, replied thatiiivinuiiltliiior lordi lutlnlieady inailuniiexhauttlvu Itiulry and rec ommended, among other thlujf, thu uiuof notidiltiimltioui cool. 1 11 thu diliatu 011 thu navy ittlmatea Colomb moveil that henceforth the naval binlgtt mutt ttatu H10 total num. tier of wArthl Incommlwilou.nftervit and building; the ni'gngato (onnngv 1 f thu invrcAiitllo marlue und thu value of 1'iu 'inboard commerce of l.ugtaiiil comiared Willi thu fonlgn imwirt, and elmuir return from thu luionle. Karctiurt eal 1 thlt waa almllvr to His notes of alarm which tmval ixperte Ittue to Induce the nation to t-elieve the naval and mllllary txpeudlturet, ouoruioutAb theyaru, would butuadi Hiille. 1 11 the vi nl of a war, he aald, not a tingle ton of lnimrt oreiiorlt would llhreitcneil. ily thudeclarv thu of 1'arlt, the trade of a belligerent waa alitolutely tafe. Hamilton, lint lord of the admiralty, dimmed front Hilt vluw, Thu I.ngll-ll hlKiwnraliould be uuwltu tu trutt iiiuclt to the declaration uf I'atlt. They mutt maintain tho navy to rut 10 hold tbu lighting atinremacy lu every part of ths world. Tho government would grant the Information ntkn! for. Colomb thcreuiton modified the form of hit motion, but It waa negallvi-d without dlvliloii. I-HLMII II TAA1I. He I aertt llhuttir In llrtlere III rente la AiKlrU. Viksma, March 2. The clectlona for iiumber of thu lower houtu of the lUlchtrath oominenied ttilay. (Iriat lutereat It taken 111 the tetult, owing tothealrungiirorta of l'rimier Taafe to reitore lilt WAnlng lower, llo hoa In a large meature changid hit iiollcy, Ihlabilug lieiettltaU-tl hy Ihoatreligtti ot the Credit clement. Throughout llehemla the young Ciech aru vic torious nint It aeemt certain that Taafu will get 11 working majority. The ru turtia wilt not bu fully known until SInrcli lilti. ' Opeulna erib Npanltti lerlet. MAlinili, March I!. The ripanMi Carti-aoi-anudtoJay. 'The U'icen He gent, In lit r aia-eili, nniioiiuceil that commercial treatlia with forilgn na Hon would not bu renewed ami that It had bent found neecuary toi-alah Hill cuttoma nlatlnnt In lev oral new cans wllh foreign Hlaltt. The Argeulln Tettttlile About Is Its htlllril. Iluitai AllllJ, Marili a The Italeuf blegs which wat diHlared aoiue tlmeago cuiulnuea here, Uit It I not likely that thirs will be any Inimtxll. atu trouble. It It generally bellevoil that thu luterveullotiof (liincral.Mllro, ex-pretldentoftlie renulillc, w 111 luii dlftliniltlia. A Vlettejr Maine. IiONnot. Mtrch 2. A atatue eroded to John YVealcy, fiiunder of Method- litu, wat unveiled hers tuJtiy In thu I reuume ofahrgo concourMi of puoplu. AI liiulqne. IqviQUH, I Chill, vti Oahftlon, March 2. QuIit relgut hire. Tho luiikthavo reu3Ued ami butiutiat la being returned. The IIkIIkii ll-llfll. ltovir, March 2 In tho Deputies to day, 1-uizatl, mlnttti r of tho truaiury, pit-eutel a now budgttaiceptlng thu eellmatiaof ex Mlnltier (, by which n rctieiichmeut of U uu 1,'rW llro m aa nlluctetl. luivlnit nditltlt rtKiglily placud At ill.COH.IWU lire. Hu ptopuMil varlout additional ritn iichtiK uu lu the army aud tiavyuttlmateit, reduction of ailarloi of government imptovea, iti. He liopetl that the terUIll aud tiro Jei led tcnnomiia would amoutto 7J, (.OVWIli". ANrtieutelolltrrattil linnet! Neuter. WAaiifUTo-r, Mtrchi rhoHecri Ury uf thu Interlur had reietvud In formation that tiattlia In Oulhrlu mid Atkantat City luii large iiunntllh of aihlUn' declaratory itatementi, await ing an opiiortuully to tile them on land to lie ii-ued to at ttleltlMlt III that liKiillty. It It tilted that thete pattlet have vltlted thu boldltrv' hoiuu lu dliliriiit latttuf thit.cuuiitry and ou tlined front Iirge Humbert of veterant itiwur of attorney to localu for Hunt landi In OklahoiVA. Ko mcrnnfiil It It it-tied, lia till chems been that thouaaiiii of Acre have Imin eiitertal nblentlbly by old aoldlere, when In fait It w nan h homo tu defraud the houeit bottler. Win 11 nny of tbu latter tilth d men A I lei tt of lilllil, the alleged 'Attorne)" would wiitt until the tt tiler lilllta houteur fenciel thu laud, thou goto hllll and deinaud a itiuttderabhi turn to nllu'iuMi Iliu "aoMltr title." I hu I ntrrlur In itiilmeiit will tnntltute irlinliiul 1 roievtllngt fur perjury aitalmt any and all 1 rtont who nave lllediliolaratory tutimeiitii. und who 1 an bubli'iwiibiliavu Jiadulnctorlu dlriitliitenttlhirelii. rhe AarleiitlilnilAtiriprl-illnn mil. W'ABill.Nmov, Manli 2. Thu change iiiadu by thu Henate lomiulttitt onaprorlatlona In thu agricultural npproprlatloit bill were fowlu numWr, the tnobtlmpnllant being thuuddltluu uf a prflYlilon Allow lug thu inuiiutiiu turera of aorghum tugar to reinovo from bond dliUUni tplrlta, Ml loastuau (ID r cunt ttreiijrtuT rreu of lax when uieJ In Ihu nivniifacture of Kitghum auirar, and to recover tbetpitlit by re dl'tllllng, uudir aulUbto Iwndi ami reiiiilatloiit. 1 Oilier new lleuit are: To enable Hie HVctetary of Agrlculluro to loiitlnue lliuluvetllgatliiimni'ernlngHie ftttl blllly of tx.omllng thu lemuult of furelgu markit fr thu lueul agricul tural rudurU, f :.M); In enable the Hecntary to culleot'ouil ill nil into Inforuinlloii tcitartlliii ellk 1 ulture. to liiirrluueaiid Ultlrllailei girt and mul lrr treit, and tviiluct experlmenti ImiIU ti-iliiirln HiHjDIi'.rl tof (i.. uiui It, S.J iki), pun hate hml dlttrlbu. tl 111 1 f n edt hi drouth auhVrt ra neit of the MlM-ourl rlvir, 1M,UI rim tvnuiulttee lnen-ed from $ 11, mi lof7"7 1) the tpiiroprlttloii fur ai-rktiltiirat exprrlmentnl tlttlont and from li'i no tu J,i) 1HO1 the apt ro rlu Hon rorexarlmeutaIJjtugar mauufac turlug. Jjt Krfiirm In lite tltll lervlre. WAaiiuTov, March 2 The pirn raltteeou ritorui In Hit rivll tvrvlce, In tiihmlltliig to Hie llou-e today thu bill given lullieitidltMibt-t Httunlay forreorgAiiliitloii of tlm civil HTvke. tt) lu t-nrti One ubeelloi to the pretcnt hw It that llio-orwu apitilut nl to a iIIIon, After havluT piued the civil rtrrlce examination, maybu dlecliargtilbvhltbiiiarliir, oven with out 1 aims Till It nvt tlio Intuit and tplrltof the liw and tho committee concluded that a rcmoleIlng ttattle Mrnble, In urdir that Ih4 dutlea of the comtnliiton nnd of tbu npimliillug cfflccrsbuiliatly tlateduud dcilned. TlinMlt-r eetiatt. Waiiiimiion, Mardii' ThoTnaa ury DeiartnieiH totlay ma lu thu lint purchate of illvvr for, the cuniul month Thu amount uilercd wat 7,4Su,0Mtiuucrr, autUie Ainouut nr cliubetl mas IU,W ounce, nl ln( cenlt, T Tf,e lcnlfinlre AiirearlIUn mil. U-ASlllmi)S Marill .. The e proprlallon of SI.MO.WO luaduly Ihu Henate today In tho ttolllce appro irlallou bill for thu traurtatloii of foreign mall, by the adotlon ufthe h't)u Amendment, lum-tiie the a 1 ro( rlatlou made I n the I HI At It pacd the lloutu by J-VnyuM, Ibe lucre ic btlugduntotlis lintagit nfthe lttl tutbddy law and the amount llxetl In the bill aa It cams from the lloutu U Ing necettary uiidirlho exlttlng law to jwy for tho Irnntportatlim of tho fonlgn null of Hie Umlcd Hatin. "Hnli-llonaritieAulMaillrrr Art WAaiii.NOTot, March 2 Thu ruun tel for Ihu laibllihera of Hie New Or leant Xlatci mid Motile lUcUcr, who were convicted of vlolttiuu of the anil tottery ait, to.l-y inovi.l lit the United dialf-i Hupreme Court lor leave. to fllo intltlon for will of iiioeut air.ut ami cerlorarf uu the tail of the pul lltbert, In order that the con tltutlunallly of the anil lottery law might l tetled. Tin Mile till. Jiiiikt, lilt, March 2 A contract lajuttexecutinj bel-titii bovrtl Jollet I roierty ownerr and Lewlt llrobia I ullitaof I'ltltburgaud WalemKngland, b- which Houlh Jollet will tucurea VW,tH)llu i.lato mill. Until on linemen. AmcAMun I'm, Kant., March 2. A detachment of troui left Camp Mi r rltt thlt uiuriilug to eject all Imomera and tettltrb 011 Ihu Cherukeo Hlrlp. Arm ami ammunition will iMconflt call.! And houteaand ilatlonary tuiita burned. Ileiilenanl.lalniiel lerbln Ilttleteil Clliuatio, Manli 2. (Jentral Mc Keuvir loilay relieved l.leiitelialit Colonel Corblit at ruilitnut Adjutant ginirat. ulvltloit ufthe Mlibottil Cur bin will now report for duty at Jo Atigolet. Ilrtiotetl rroiti lite MtnUtry Aui.-miu.-i, l-a., SIvrrli 2. Tho ltowiuau Jangellcal Coufrreiice thlt morning depnteil from the inluiilry and ex lied from the church Jtev, D. A. llarr of AiiAuittown, for grot blander ami dtfamatlon of charaitir. Itev. H. 1'. tJlrong bmught thu charges 011 the alrenglhof iiUltartla wrlttiii ly llarr to Klroug, In which 'Hour Ibeau wordt; "Von are fait gaining tho reputation of lulng the ihamploii liar of Aimrlcu. Ifyuu have Atiierlor 11 mint Ui JMier, Horn, llowmuii nml Veakel." Thu aiill.llswmaii confer eiicutrantacteil routine ttttlneibt. HeveralyeunugoChaiulierlaln A Co , of Det Molnut, Iowa, commenced Hi iimnuftctiltoof a cough tyrup, Ullev lrg It tu lie Die niott rom t and rella bio iire arallou j et ruduci-1 for coughs, colda mid crou ; Hmt the publlo apt re 1 late truu merit, and In time It was tertalii to become iopular. Their mott taogulnu Hope have Uen more than rtullud. Over three hundred thou) find bottles of Chamberlain's Cough llemedy are low told each liar, aud It It rei'Odnllld At "tlm beat tnAde," where ewr known, It will euro a eiivtre cold In lets '.1ms tbsn any other treatment. Tor bale by Z. U..M. I. Drug Dept. dAi Dbllartl- llureliautitl jrili. No tliigledliiabuhatj layed such tad havoo wllh thu human racu aa Cuu lumptlon. NuolherdUeats approAcht aobiralthlly. lu early tymptoint are Jgnortiilbeiauie It It thought only a Cold or hacking Cough, whlth Iturg leitett until ihli grim monitor hat tuoii a hi)! 1 that nothing liut drAth lati re lievo It. Mallard' llorthound Hyrup hat rumoved Hie grip of thlt grim moiittt r from mauy 11 Ihrott. If ttkun lutimeltwlll give itirprltlng relief. Try lu aoothliia and healing virtue. Danotlutlt air until too lulu. V. C. M. I., Agent. s JlbUJn la.r tteutitii ettlter I itlbld Tttrltire I ruul turk.Aetlb. If thu only knew how tatlly thu coul I gtt relief by uilng llalltrd' Hun I.lulmcnt the Mould bli-M ths duyiliu no I tin-no few lliiea. It l n uraiid for lleadaohe mid all NiuruUlo 1'Iiip Sopalii can with Hand Ittnibglclullubniti. It remote lhura from a burn of ald lu one niliiule. I will luru liillammatury theuinulliui an I Hclatlca, applletl tu the Thronl anUCheitlll Croup It will glvu luimeillate relief uni intku breathing muili ilrr. .No fainllj omi lie without It If once tbey know II value. Try It. I'rlie 6 J couta. HoiabyZ.iXM. 1. a" 1 0mmfmmwmmmmmnm SIHKTKI) ITS COUUSB. The (Ilia Itlirr, Arl-oiu, list S.ujlit a tv (Inanil at Hie llorrtiro I riming. THC POPC'S nlBTHOAY CCLtOBAT ID! HIS SPEECH. t'nratliieiv Said to l'rrrall In l'aropo tut Account uf trilllam't Utcit LTIrranrct. iy Ttlttriva 1 ibi iwi 1 Tin: 1 ilium 11 idiritu'r. The mil. lil.J7tl.-t khltietl lit Tl-c-M-i, Arli , March 2.-Hclalt to the luouu (X't.-eii from Hie Hooded illtttlcU thruugiiuut tho country Hull cite that the watir It rapidly tubtld lug. Tbu Ulllt river at ths rorum-u cnwilngof thu riiuiilx A Maticnin railway hat thllled Ita cuuno nearly a mile, tturlug thu brldgu lil.-li ami ury. Thu management of thu I'luenlx . Mailco.v, and Arluin A New Mexico rallruadttUlethatll will l fully two iiunthi beforo the roadt will bo In op irAlloll. Itlteetlmaletl thel the dam age lu the Huulheru 1'ucirlo III the Ter ritory It t Jlo.iHX). I'll. 1 nix It mill cut oil frum tetegraphlo tiimmii ideation, but an ArrlVAl raya nun lamllles aru boineletb, thuugh not ttarvlug. At lma, wbero the Hood wl d the ton 11 completely oiilofexliteiue. thu water hat nci-uetl to Its natural levil. Irrigation dllche lu thu (Ilia valley are badly ilamvgiej. No coioiuunlca Hon I oxuiti-J lietm-eit luru und CallfornU for a nrtk )it. Till, l-eii-l. He Olebrnle Hie Annliertaej' of III llllillrllt litrlhdni Ituur, March 2. The 1'oi-a today Is lecelvhig uoiigratulatlona ujioii the occaiton of thu iightleth anniversary of hltllrthday. CaMlu-tl lJi VttU 1 naeutod au ad driM from thu Hacrel Cullige. Thu t'o4 In thu tituniu uf lit reajtmie, aald hi had patted auntber ear of anxiety ami vexation, due to thu at tackt uu Hie chun ll. 1 1 1 (otilllon w aa ilmllarto that IttlhoUregory (wntlll cale, when tho ihurch cujibalttd the Uimlurds. Though the liarbarlans tried his iiatleiicet. (Jngory'a gruttett trial were wllh his Iniernal enemlis, whowerulei firoiloua, tut more evil than thu butliartaui. Now tho iimilrt of tha iliurih'e euimlea wat tubtlit, but tin lr inarm would not revafl. temtttllteetn Alletttl Heart!' I nitrrnl. WAnniNaTOS, Manli 2. Hpeaker Iteeil ha HpiNtlliteiJ Ihu foil iwlug ce 11 mltleetu attend the funeral of Heualor Hear-1: Clunle, .Molvlnley, lllount, deary. Tucker, McCnin, Carruthert, 0'Nill(Muu)audMcAUoo. lite ! i.titrtKIt Mrlitrlbin. DiA Moims, March 2. Municipal eleitloniweru held IhMughout Iowa toihy. Ho far ft heard f rum, the dem ocrat carried llurlluluu, Cedar lltl,l, lua City, Council llliirjt, Oltuiiiuaand Chutur, while the re-iublk-ant weru auivewtfiil In several tmaller cltlca, lu Watuloo, Mayor llo)t, wltutvasilevateilfrjiu the iol bier's In licit twu yt ir ago by Hie votes of theKnlghtaof I.altir, was iet!irt l'oitTI VNH, Me., March 2. Munlcl inlileillons itirulielt throughout the statu. Tiny wuruof no jiartlcular tig nltlrainat. Watervllle auI Lenlitoll ihitdemocratlu maort. lnthltelly auother lullot will bo neee-tary bu cauMj of thu clobetictt of the cuulctt. Atltelilllte or I lilteiliitu. IIUIIAIJJ, N. V., Mtrcli 2. Ortat excltemeLt wot criatt-i thlt eleiilug by the niilioiiucemeut that a large ar t of Hthermeii had been carried out lulothulakeon uu lie lloe, anl tilgt wtruharllly sentuiit. Within half uu hour thu iMicrmeu weru all rescued, budly K'.vit-J, but unhurt. Tltejr tnnt u lleaenittttrt Omioauo, March 2. Ths Chicago Tntbylt ry totlay reculvetl thu reiort of tbu i-jinmltteu which hat been cun tillering the question of deaconettes. The committee.' reoi t rets forth that a careful eeanh of the Jllble and nf Mcred and profane blthiry failed to show that any olllm hidlK-eu reFognltl by tlin early chimin, and recummeuded that the l'rothylery re- Itly to the general Awembly III opjbibl. Ion to Ihutreatlouof such ouice. The 1'risb tcry a3 votnJ. evi ivr iv iinui-r. latirltlllne nl Aiiree of the Ideal r lite Halter. ltosuos, March 2. The l.xcliange Telegraph Comiany't llerllu corre poinieui telegraphs that hu hat Infor nittlon from thu htgltett sources to thu clleitlliatafoollngof general iluuasl tiees iruiall 111 regard to Ktuperor WHIIam'aiitteraiieet. Iliu mine t or reethdent add that Chancellor Von C'Aprlvl has algnllteil tu the Kmjiuror hltdetlre to retire limmtdlate ly ujmn tho termination of the autumn 111 in einert. Tho chancellor. It launder ttiiotl, does not approve of the Imperial Meat. Itr-ilorattle fcltle t Amtlr Altlona Ht. IttiUIti, March 2. Asjieclal from Okliihahoum bays: "A tleplorablu ttatet of aflklrs 1 xlitt among Ihu uegruea who Ittely emigrated lu thlt 'Urrltory. Thny have cimiu to the numtior of tuv eral thoueaud, wilh the understanding from tinieruiutuut nui'iit that thu governuunt woul I feed Ihetn aud give Ihem a pine of laud, aud nre lion at starvation' dour, without a friend within a Ihouiand milts." Tin: 1'iiirAi. NMiHiiir 11111. 1 1 innlt I he I'rr-lilrel I neMaitalitre. WAaiilMiTu-r, March n. Tho 1'ot lal Hubtluy bill lint riietvenl llual au Hon In Congrws and now goia to thu l'retldeut tor hlMblgutturo. Thu pro vIMonb of the bill are In tubttancu at follonr: Thu I'oitniaiUMJeneral Ituiilliorll nl tuivintrsct, after duundvertlsonient with low nt rttpvublblu bidders for iiiiiiiniaiisimiminriiii isaniasii term of not Itt thaiillveorinrirelliau ten yiirt with Amrtlcaii tltlsen for ctrrylug Ihu mallt 011 American tteamihlia betwi-111 ltt In Ihu Unlletl Htatea an I audi foreign ortt (Including Can ult as In hi Judgtiienl will It-tlprotnntetho tmilal aud com iiier(lalluterttiorthe Unltt-I HUU, Uiu mall servlculo litittrlbuteiiiuli. ably nmoi g the Atlanlli', Mexican Uulfand I'ticltlotiorti, Hie vet-elt to bo Attierican-bullt ahlpe. owned and orilccrud by Amerliau cllltent In the following proiorltoiisi During tho lint tviti contract years, unu louitli, uett three, uniflhlnl, ami the rc mnttidiruf the tlnieat leattune hall. Thovettels nru to lis iviuitnicted alter the Ittett and mo-l aptovnl tyieit, dlvldeil Into four clarnet, at fol lows: ririt 1 law, Iron or s'erl, Ml not vestels, of hut lets than bid? tons. The Amerlean I.uglltti mallt aro to 1 car rleitbylhliila-aeiiilrily, Heivml ill", Iron or itcel, 10 knot vttfl, of not leit than Souu ton. Third 1 Ian, Iron or Heel, 14 knot Venelt, net leas than 1.V") loin. Tourlh tlaer, Iron, tli-tlor wood, 12 knot vcraela, not lit t It-art l. 1 torn rhovianltof thu ilrtt, secouJ and third lawa will be con-truck! with Itirtlcular n fen lice tu promi t and mi. nomtcal cuiivortlon Into auilllvrv naval crulterann 1 lam approved by the Secretary ol thu Navy, tirong enough ' to carry (finch rlllit. J Coiiiutatlon Is to l il I for matt I nrvlcu At full-iw a rirtl ilaat, J I er 1 mile; i-iwiinl clam, i tarmllu by the ahurtert practlmbln routu fir eacn out ward voyni-r; third cla, tl ar mile, foil rlli cli, twitthlrdt if a dollar er tulle for the number uf tulle rttiilri by the -jtli.nicu tlriartment to I travileit 011 eaihuul ward voyaire. I'riivhlou It insile for nMiiiilou 011 1 Accuuntof omlltud voyagrtur del), for the ltnnivrtatloii of a mall nut. setiger on each vesul, for the catr lug 1 of opj reutlct-s or cvllta of American bltth (one for eaih tbouistid loin), fur tho Iihi of tha vin.fl by llm United Htaleaaa Irantporta nr cruisers, iini a)inrnt to thu uwmrt of theauuit value at the time of takltg, and br alignment to duly 011 the e., nu de r furlough pay, of nnval clllcera who may voluntier for the service. Inlilull-niiUltiniiittieluitirUouiiteitt. I.I1TLI. Itotif, Ark., March .'. v. bill radically ehanglng the irluilntl itle as regard 1 spltal Kiiilihnieitt wai onhI by the Huute lodav, Itmaket iniinltrlu llio Ilrtt dcgriu liulnal In by di ath or ImprlMiimetit In the rtil teutlary liaeeu tu lweutytlvo Jean, orllonal with tho Jury. llrettutil. Itiniuuin, March 2 Atiiecltl to the lUittA tun that Iiia terrible cale which ipl the lower Jame Ulvi r Thursday night but, twenty-four nye'trincn, motily coloml men, welo drowned at a)lm Jutt alnvusi.d Jn-t Im'ot the ntouHi cf the Warwltk Klvir. A IIIIII.ranilFiitMit ur littlebiettuftt. WAaiiisuvd-., Manh 2,-rieiiatur Kryv, ihalrmaii of His Henate Cum mlttee on railllallillruuds, today re rteil to Hie Hunat-i nml had tecum inltleilnlilllfor reltlomint or ths In tlibtedneM tulhu (lovernnient of the Union aul Central 1'aclflo llillroad Coniianle. The pruvltlon of the bill, lu brief, are: III the tate uf Hie Duloit rating Cuniiauy, Hit re It an exteiitlon uf thu elebt of that com (any tu tovtr a term of 111 yean, lobtiar InliTiitlot the Ilrtt leu years at 21 Trent, and for the reiutlnder ofthuierlod with 1 (ertt nt lu addi tion Die company It to y an annual bunt, ranging from lOlofl ir tent to 1 per cent of Ha total lulubted nits. The niiulruiuuntt lu the case of the CiutMl I'ailflo Are that Hi dtbt shall ln extelide-l to covtr 1LKI Jeait, Uarlni llittn.t fur thu Ilrtt till veart at I itrtentaiij with a irivltlou for AilJIlloitil payiiu nit, at lu Ihu cate of thu Union railtla. The I etltrnllea I tuiirll In Aet.lon. HriiNEV, Mtrcli 2. The Auttriillan retlemtlou Cuuurll oinuctl a thtcu week t' sitoiloii today. .No AM fee Ibe I rirnli. Illliuv, March 2. Tho (lerman govtriiuittiithat warnel thu aliltowu urauf the emplru not to sen I any war material to the Chilian Iniurgcutt. William.- II. rb ritlt. lfj011 are Vellow, Illllous, conttl jiateU Willi Headache, bad bnalh, Urowty, no appetite, fooir, out your I.lver It out of onler. One box of Ibc-e I'lllt will it-tie all ths trouble away and make anew 1-alng of you. Trice A conts. Zlon Co-op Mcr. Itut Drug Dejtk, Agsat. dia Ctttarth t 1 11 the head la a ctnttltutlonal Dlteate, and reaulnti A coiittltutlonal rumetly Like Howl' Hinuparllla, Which imrllUs the blood, Makia the w e&k itrou j, Ib-.torit littllli. Try It now. I nerll nln.. We elntlrs to aay to our tltlitnt, that for years wo lmo lieua selling Dr King's New Dlwdvery for CotiMiiup Hon, Dr. King' Nsw I.lfe I'lll. lluck leu's Arnlia Halve And Klectrlo Hit ters, and Have never handle d reiuetllvt that loll at well, or lliul have given suih universal tatitfaitlon. u du tot hvtlttte to guarantiti them twrj tluio, aud we aland ready In refund the purchase rice if satItfae.iory ro mil do not follow their ute. Thete remedies have won their great iwJ. larlty teirely on Uiolr maritt. A. C. Uiullti A Co , Druggltti. 1 A hmtm luvrtliutlit It one which ll guaranteed to bring you tatlifoilory rwulta, or In case of ulhireh return of liurrhuo price On thl safe plan you can buy from our alvertl'tfl Iiruggltt n bottle ufDr Klnj'aNcwDlecovery for Coutuuip Hon. ItlKUranUiei to bring relief lu ure ry caii, when used for AtTrilluii of Throat, l-iirgs or Chest, tuih at ConMimplfoti, Inltaminatlon of l.uugi, Ilrouihlilt, Atthms, Whooplugt ougn, 1 roup, etc , etc. tt 1 pleasant an I lAgietablototatt". rleetly safe, aud tail always bu ilejieiidett llliOll. Trial bottle freuut A, C. tJmlth A. Co'i. Drux sturui. la FAKMKKS COMBIXIXO. ! ; The; (onlriiiitale Hie I urination or ,F a Huge liratn and Ills ' Slock Trml. ' IV. MUNTINOTON'B VIEWS ON A RAIL. fi ROAD QUC8TI0H. '? An lltllin tin Trial for His .Mnnlrr of if 1 1 llriuwitr .Mattt A l'arllal Cuu Jw . feetton. Mtf ?tf nr Ttl-nirw u un M.i. ', mivailivmi iitinirvr. l V limit llr.ln en I llie M,i-U Irml h tnnltniittiiieil. 'v Tm u; v, Manh ,a m w Alliance 1, mnvrnnut roiilnnnlatm the lormtllou J1 of a huh grain and liee stuck tru, '5 R Including Nebraika. ICaiiui, Missouri : nndloaa. Mitntb, pmliltnt 1 II ftnei'Amiert'Alllau(,aayaUiiru ; If Jirtlaiiiieuriiiiire-ailUuf the fvllum I, 1 wllieAlllinni UgliLtlum totuttttr . IM taliilillt Initiation, lie iti. t Ro ; H stow furlhenihlevement of Alliance . oljeilt. MiUrat-.i.)flltrlit Alllam 'L ct-taiuUlngforiueilliieiiry Curigrt J" W, tloiialdltulit, and provliloui male fur , Wl t iillitliigrold storage and grain tiet-oL. I fg rneitttltllt AlllllHV. will Utne.e 1111 'I, Itf, nlsiib-Alllaiitee. Ill thlt way 11 con . Pi ttuoti'Miimutilcalluii from the ludlvll ' l-J nil mrliiWlt will In had. ( 11 "No In llvllual muni. r will sell hit l)J gram too (Ion men or bvnkert," stld '1 Lfl Millrtlli, -but win 11 be It ob.lid to ' M sell, the grain will lu taken by the AI 1 I;. llllue. The bime thing will follow 1 with lallle. We will have ngenls III T KaiiMjt City, Chicago ud rit. Ixmli, ' IP who will atepiii.trict Alilincot .tetl 1 1 m 1 at Ut the inaraet, and u-jii thlt Infir I I tJJ I intllon the ilemsii I will ba supplied 1 1? ami mi in ne. N , optl in wheat will )f 71 . buoii the mirkel,Aiit then- mill be no : '? tieculatloii lu grain before harvett, fur ! tlteHUtea III this liutt will isctleally I '-S control the win at and cattle tuiikei I ll of the United HlAte. The lid-t I J" I tlillU weli.e to deal with 1. fixing I 'Ifj itherlce. Uvmraii to Anertalu Hie ilk iexaitivt.1 of ILu ptuduct and adj a 1 'I" leawlialtle profit tu It. I'll new Hm scheriiu It luoJele I III detail after the I ' ! whltly Irii.l, of courts. Vim will tty If WE our trim Ipiet will nut admit uf It, but 1 Ei wit have decldt d that we iitmt rlrtil 1! the devil with lite." K H A limit ru 1 11 mi it its. B H Wahiii-kjtoN, Match 2. C. 1'. If H ltuiitlngton print a letter tu Cougn. m IH toilay, reviewing bit conii.elion wllh (8 :H the Central 1'actile an I p.iiilliig legl. IP M latloiioiitlierailfloruaiit. lluutiuu X lM ton says the tlmu It fast appruwhlng ( lM when the linndtadauieitb- the guv- ---lf IxH ernni-ntHlll Uviiuedui-.aiiJ In esse tt') eB they are not It It m.,il.lo for Ihu ft 1HB gur rumeiit to ttkn Mttjon of Ihu if jjaj roads. Hethliiktlt would nut lat jru u aV dent or tlltli for the government 111 IC 'am ttku Ihlt tlep, is the road could I built W H fur lis than the guvernnient Hen, He at. IH ia that the irntM.I llllulllbrlng K M bfktu the govtitimenl all the ad- M vance made tu the Taclflo rundt aul H -It-iH give the government u larger luttrut IHoaH on the tniiiey than the government Et'bHI woul I hive to pay If It lit Into the IT, . matkit toUirrow. The raclllc roal ml gel an exteiitlon uf time to forty-four yean, which It nbtilutely neteatary. H ' ffj 1 lu 1 romlte Hie Central I'aclllo would i li atilde by the agnetni lit, pa) lug lull r. I Jm est and principal semi auiiuvlly until M $M csilliii:ulaltt-l. aul thu guvirnmeiit m Sg would be aill I' I aid. U Till. Ill VMill AMliatlVH R'tafc ill Italian ell TrUI Cerate n NiM.-t W . M Ntw O1111.ANH, March I. Ths I 1 Italian who created a teiitallon In the It , llenuiMylrltl riiliinlay night by de 1 rjarliurttiat hedcilred to mate a ttato jh M merit, ll It uiideitlcud. hat made a i-ir I & ' Hal coiift-nlon. Hu claims that hu wa k BM not present at tho shuotlng but knuw uf thucoiitplracy. Thumeii whomiir. ,1 I u? deml the thlif of pollcuwue only i laV tools, the real lea lirs iiulapi-ratliizon JM Hielevne. Hu did nut give Hie tiamea Ijsr oftliultmleta, but Itbvlitto haveliu- Hv , 1 lltatedieimeof thtiaciuted amlnoiue IJIV of the Italian nutyet arrtsti-J. 1 1 Jauiea I'tiule, colored, tnlllled thlt J! Ol afieriioeii that he saw Msrcehtland J Henttoll, (uu if tho iirluners, firing at if V Chliflleunewy; liutlldnot kuuw the II nu 11 by name, but pliki-l tlirnioutlii "to the court room! Hit uvlidnce craaled f another sentatlon. 1 Allark t.ouAtiloelurrlll,er Its. j ,, WAatllMiTU", Manh2. Durlngtho 11 deUlu on Ihu sorghum sugar paragraili I . nf the arlcullural ap roprlatlou bill I J today, I'lumh made u i-auttlu attat k y ! 'I 111-011 Houalor Morrill, of Vermont, and I .' "Tw alto 11 i-aii Henator lMuiuudi, for tbilr ) Am liiblttvni tiioii a l-ounty UlugAld to t ' thu mslesugarproiIuiiraat a nt of thuMcKluley tarlirblll. Hoilnliinvl ! that fur a time (he whole bill revolved M around (hu i-aimeut of twoccntt a iJH itriind to thu maple sugar men. This H butiiity was mt on as a matter of air MM soital favur ti Henator Motrin, the UM tiiimlera of Hie nnnucu coiumllteo M stating that It woul I aid Morrill In hi B re tltt lion. On pi-tonal solicitations M lie(lTumb) votnlfur the bounty, ou f-H the dltlluit understanding dial It 1 fH would bu ree ttd lu cuufercnie, but MM ..dmundi hsil then wrlttru a letter, B which was now hi Cullom's tcket, saying If Ibe maple sugar bounty waa iiotntatneil Im (Vdniuiuli) would be paired against the UrlU I 111. iBJ -lan.lou llitinttl. M l'l Kill iit, III., March 2 The man- CH blouof ex.llovetuorOglesby, at tlule I'mu hull, woe burned today. Lot l2o,(uii. 11 I Allthegoinnor's aud Mrs. Ogkb' ! uirlus and nllis of tho war were d litni-ttl. Mn. Ogletby wat imlnfully but not daiigiromlyburiii'd. c.. bl.ll.. t.r Urut-titl Hhrriiiaii, f v"J I Nkm icuii., Mircli 2 A meeting ( 1 of luiliirtu men waa held today tu jj I taku sit I louklng lu Hie trm lion of an ?" eiiuiitrlaa sutue utile latu Itinera! 1 I hiiiriiiiiii A cummittee, Including Ihauriiey l)rw, t. N. llliu, Toiler and lleultt, weru aipoluted to tuke MMm 1 ibarkl. IH