nrsi.ur.T rnrvivfi m,m 'i i mnAY, VAunt :i, isnt. n ,
- : . -i
It was in tht Ronl old days, not m long
MlWliQ&eaUtllby Jftl .Hit AffM r
movel from lbs present by the pmper-tlTe
cf caUclystnal change the good old days
when plantation Ufa In iL low to tilrr
m In it bk 6f sol I Uornl&tttrublno n
ln2 out full anl rosy and the UwliUDj(
leavy on a hedaeeot jepon mi ILlirfekee
rate ssttaetoloslrol Andre Duval awoke
an 1 uiu nrd a slUloa posture
lie rublwd li eyes vis to uly for a mo
merit, with (1 uttconMlu urate vt a
y xingantn at looked atodt to collect bit
fiet Him then, letting fill hi small, to
turnt 1 so 1 t- i ItU knms iu lied forlorn);
Oretbtal tt.e leave of tie msifnolla
w re UiUki It I edgo beblad I 1st stood up
tangled tlorar full of flowers tie air
stirring Renlly Uiro Me smell vt Harsh
pU t an 1 tb t rairanco u( orange bloom.,
a not unpleaslm; mixture. 1 vrrywl ere
tben ocklnu bird were slnt;ln; lie gross
treks wl Utltua tl starlluics (lutlt jr
At Ire Iluvat leaked bin nlf our bnl(
route ntuo uly 1 a.tqri.ulrally Lit Kry
rM linger) d with every ntch on Ms ront
audtnurr,atidroice trslltigtleniwlre4
At lotto i a soaiewbat rusty ureal toe j ro
tndlntffro ta Badly worn ihn Ilrsid
Llm lu a frayed rcen ewe by Ms tilur
All nlebt he 11 slept there trry sweetly
a 1 how be felt rested If not rcfretl od;
h inzry too, at only yo mjr tiron fit
low mn 1 after rolouged fMt.
lately te lad been In NewOrlean Mr
1d be scarcely knew ho v tfettlngon fairly
well In low way while bU clot! r 1 d ro
mil on I leeent I at tie tl no con fur I Im
to try t) t country m 1 ff tl at failed blm
wrll wbalf Jleuaanotof a lea pert nent
that reekons accurately The f tlrr
i ttbnl I Im i o partlculir flaM for rcult
tlom tb jxit bftt no LiUtbtliftull
wn. ll I a 1 en i o from tl wjutl vrn 1 HI
ro i itry of I ri no to IjAuUlio wit) ton
h rt of Imam In 1 U bralu 1 ail Ua M
without mo cy, enl of rt irw I art to ml
uotlluithRthlalixprctriltoDnJ. Tb
al wo tl r vi rw of I U I lal
TboiBWerotho iyiwlrn NcwOrlmni
ami tit iIanttloi) of lower IxulUtii
wrr at tin inltli of pnwpcrlty Men
acarctly ki o 1 1 ow rich lLr wen nor II 1
thfy Ht i to caro t ow they aint tl elr
uonrj-j tl)l Rnulfor naui;H haU4ly
ilrral wlthnothlnit b it a eultar no la
ftwaonR to rrconrufnl Lint t labt,lfa
trifl rcMTred aid la a way proud aurr
rtrn tl te
tor a Mnotftlt An ire til tran fd
tli rough tlo wintry taking no noi of
tllrtctlortt turnlnjt thl way to tvado a
iwiuip that way to find a laco when a
trtamcoaldbownilfd aid now i 1 actio
llnKrriaRfora liyortwoata (lartail n
Hoi etlinMh4ftOtfoodattlonnfrorablnt,
o etl nra at tlo inauiloiu but uiually
1 1 LxnIwm ruotbtr earth with oi ly a trro
forlrltr Iiekily lb wratber was Ada,
After a fnaMon Atulra Lad eioj"J bit
Idtunly plltfrtiux, fiedallr when L
vraa not luncry Narrr bad bodrramnl
oft rhluxurlaocoof trwe BbruLa,fcraM
weeds, flowrrt nor luul hU lmnvlnatlon
rr auSftd auch fruit fulnfw a tb
llthtatlona.thftOMbRntrovnifnl the gr
dcnanrvMOtl to Lliryca, ultlentbo
rt a tluiwt TIom Lrrnt ran lllnf vine
rowred treeal a led LlkryclrcUil lrurt
i rvalnpreMell ImaiitoabojMcf jrlncca
ta txllo. ! Mrtlr't ronrrrnlDK them
nl eonitru-ted runnncca In which tbo
ine. literal aplrlt wai rtvlted with all iu
ancient k tod r
Oi til partUular loornlnr aoroiy ao
dewy avfracrant Andro awokowltl iur
I rU thit be ha 1 alef t i latct lourh u oro
wna bmririeil torlnl tbatbowaaootho
ron3nea of a pU&tatk a anil i tr tb
ii ran lent mutalon that b 1 t jet two.
Ton git b rift In tho h ilito L foul t lo
arry Jut l-eydtut lb Uttlo Held a itreat
roof a bravy atack of thlmneyi Lro.vl
rrautA4 a d amall turned win Iowa all
! alf bid len In foliar an 1 bos mow with
krt gray trwtx lea thofflnff through ant
knarlel Iranthi rrubloa acruu. htlll
lx-youd all thl a bayou nlcame-1 Ilka illvtr
at Idrjwlth Ui ondathhrrtxetla)-itl
orcr it lit ruhbrd J U ryea ajfaln at 1 tot
t on 1 ta Luvn thUttr to t" at tLs
lira Hlful plclupr A arrant 1 ml autl urd
llailrrpilurlott th light jtut cone and
ItaapellLadnotTct ilepartdl f Mm Li I n
a lI nation, 8umtr yonlerLoiM wa tlo
Ioum of wtlch U bal trea Ml by
)ra tltro waa tl KtiC i,to mIOi tho
I onttruoi poia to i phold It and litre.
WMtha boatbouwLy tbt bayou AficJn
t ruhltd bl rye.
twins tlua occupied AnJro I iral wa
III prtirl for tht slock that Jutt then
can iipou 1 Im In tho form of a I o an
In al that mat pdosfaloit htci from Iwhlu 1
trltlinlo 1 howowwo v wowl Over I a
t mhlrd andwaabcUdownlytlowtUht
ct tlU t,rmt, black abo.gy auAllant.
'Wow tow bowl
b Lro ia and raouth were burled in
tlo soft Krounl to that bo could warrtJy
Inathv, much len cry out anlawuKla
with alrocluua tctth wai inurohlius at tl a
Uck of bU I eck wbllo I tivy v prvaked
bard upon hit outatrctihetl arm.
bil bat liavt yo t the rt AcLUIo ol I
follow? II Id yoiwolfl CuiwiofT la-ijl
toul Jladouel'
AfiOrt ltart lbee rxclamatlona ulrcn
In a aoft I n ncU olro a very aoft I nnch
olco-butaflrni a I ma&Iyiut Mwrll
TlaMctectl that 1 ad hwa ttulytoilnk
Into 1 U neck wcru removetl lu an It itaot
I tbo cb tht aulmal Lrpt luplact on bbi
ba k
UfTwIthyoul Here yoqraicat
A mounding kick folio red by a wbln
iTwcltAidw relief Ha ao,ulrmnl oer
nud eat uprjkht ruhhlnic th earth from
LU fact and ffcllog of bla luct y Cud out
bnndMmo younj; man with a (pin on
)! alouldtr itood lwfJ blm aid no
rnorm i dog wo lUa-ioc olong bctldo
tbt I rdgo.
"Wboupon firth tro yonf Mataro
jou on to here? Inquired tbt ) oun man
aa I o wt bl fret far aprvrt as If to arcure a
w I lo bM f r hi aatonlihment , and ,u !
bunt at Vudrt Hi eye aoftei 1 1 ua bt
( ... i
J uwokt a moment ago aal 1 u Ire
"and wa I reparlnK to i akt wy toilet
when your do lotcrforwb ft n to i
tbattlUUapruttyrudt way of entertOL
A th uannd pardon rejon 11 tl o
other Moiial rwuatartthatlt waa tbt
Jaerrat anldcut
lit kU cd our Antrta dltapltated
Jbal lllrur uaud at tl o uultarcBo I nl by
31 vi Inatrrl h kheil dunned II frail
turnt of a I at a d a row Unco (rntlo
Ihokftl lulte I a ly i 1 1 andrt ue tlei lto
Uaratfi HI trown lalrwa curly a d
bright with redJUh UGhU al ot tl rough
It nidonhUfavoAJOiiiiKnesltctnl heart
Krtwtnwft rli iledcoofoKlou IltilrkM
uplUsuiurandalung Ita atrnp verhU
Moulder. At Ud tamo Uu a ban lilt if a
Jour rudtktaft , ,
A-,! i tbo yo ng man with tbt gun
looked him otr fr m hul to foot,
"3JouIf tr bai not brekfatit )t I pre
sume I i rtacDtly aalJ wit j a Wbt
jtraceful grti ru.
"So I uiually breolfait tomorrow
rr-h.M An Ire returning the Bct ro
with an iucr n ent of I mow sul
"If monaltif will kindly Ion r no I
h illURlaltolirltt blu to brraMaat
witt t eatmyfntbralfUMy lr
01 witl deep Uauret l"1 k 0lJ
tnnt leur
Cou o iben
MouarovrryU d monnleur
They itruda 1 la by Ue alo g tl 8 hedgfl
till they can to an oinl l tl en tl oy
rroaathl tbo Uttlt field ta tbwgrtut oaUu
Tit nwwnowwellnplntlteaitanl
a Inlngplorioiuly Ironitl a Iwyou rume
tht leaning I rM lo worry tbt lonit rmta
on tht eprea Hag bn it a an 1 to tnak tht
vt clash and ruittt 1 kt tit tlr of
AtiJt looked up tl e avenue an t saw a
indtrclrUtaudlng on tbeMepof a ver.
od 1 1 tho dutky iha Iowa ot tho trrca.
Hhtwaa Ireued in white an I looked not
t tillbt a Utl pir flower IrnUMlyanatt
of aha o catno over hi m It itoj i jnt
Como on roonalrnr rait LI com
pan Ion
"U tio hn exrlalrcrl Irannot. I
aniri-t - Ht ghuwd down oTr htj
clotl ft,
"1)4 not IhlnC ol that urrdllw other
In sort trUMlon u nakoa ih differ
tnra it rnonnleur It a trill trivet worn.
That U nobody I t n y Uttlt Muter
Ht RTMped Andrea arm at I led. hlra
Hstt along wlU bowaa aiwakll.t Tlo
lo yot ag menwera like i in In Mt
therathIeilehouldTaanl ntllhetlead
log aln Mtperfntly
Wo call our rdaeo tit Chateau lAr
mand ald tbo young tnn In iwlrt a rnr
a tier atproacled tho veranda. My
uimo Matton d Vtmind wlat mat
bavt your
AnlroDural '
Monilenr I) tval Uttlt filler my tUr
Ma leinolMlb d Arma 1 1 sal I tl o youmr
man wltl graecfut llghtncu ami yet with
lh girl nmtW sweaty brjt thero wa a
rraerveorworxltrin lereynsi nlolnvo!
uitarlly aweit tlrmo r Vi trea I rm
It r brother managed to d ako i try
algnt lo ber which aha Interf tt.t reaillly
and from tl em ht caight tbt ajlrlt of
Matton a hot'ltallty IflehMaill Tho
r MIow 1 starving aht c tiU not
have Iwn irer of I U treanlng
Ilreakfoiit ia walling I believe ho
sal) lUprlni lckwarlto lrtthem pi
I tothtlalU ) I yoi founl i o ua no
thlt mornlat; brother tnlntr nhtadded to
IIU log captured tie Vaden n4iwlIeH
aallAndre with a ahruganl a renjlnl
tei t atnlle.
At tl I moment a magnificent parrot
cried out from Ii lurch on au at tier 1 aog I
Ing r ear
eic tell enea I dl In maroi fll
llol Ilol llol (Comthcret Vngtuiut
TbtblM llacrlmlnatea with Accuracy
IreryUny lauBhedj it wa 1mpotlblt
not to do It
Matton laid 1 1 gun on a buck! orn rack
an 1 to k. A hdr batte rel brt and bui g It
IwallohUown then aM It
t nt thlt way tleafm.
They bnwd to Maden olsello Arraan 1
ant ndrofoIloweitl U yomg bmtlnl ia
roomwlertbewa Wt to Utbelfari
ao t n ako ready for brrukfa! a ailent
I la k buy standing by to aervt 1 1 t nt
A few ml utes Uler Mtton camntoln
1 Iro If bt wa ramly an I tl ey went to
gttl er to the I re akfaat room
Va they wert croaalng tbt bill tbo (utrrot
acre aiaMl ont
"llegone yo t ntganiuflln Uguoe quick!
Hoi llol r
ndre Oural foint Ilmwtf in aln so
worth stnlyliRt it u plam to charm
tltc)ooflhoartUt tlopoe tttdreamrr
Hire In rrd wa n provluclal palir 4
ruktlo catl wtoaa) 4 yvan chateau
It wa a woolen tin ct ini t .nut It din en
elou built after tl o cr ideat ilralgn a 1 1
fluliledlnarudtway but yet It rt fleeted
aterrryturnaanlld Lte nnd thtt mine
mn t which t ir of n Ions bt t of n flood
nncrntcr. Tlo rougl lyrarvnl nab cell
lng tho maMi wall anels tbo gtent
dark Main in tl t I oil tht uuchn t t let
t reattho tapvttrlca Iho ponderous ruahog.
any furniture all tloo wcml to bt
aleept-d la tlo atmoepirro of renturle.
Ht rrntn berrd bavl . seen audi thing
during 1 1 childhood In Frnnco
ndrt followed hlay ung b t(nto tho
large airy breakft n u where low
irrMuUittu Malamtaid M naleurd Vr
1 ml Ihemaslcrof thtplmowaaoiliort
sturdy dark tnai gtntltand wlunlnc in
1 1 manners, wl lit iuu.ame IUwfp wa
tall stat ti rracrvod t'tongh I ytoniean
bukfugln affability M&Jem Uello Hor
trute,ilo dajgbter aatoppcwlto Auuro at
tl t table,
8 mehowonrvagaltonlforgi tl batittore 1
c let be au 1 aunbro vti faro In tho mlJt
of tl tfeomot clatter that followed
Moreover bo did not nU orr heartily fur
onowl ttalfiiatol so long True bedll
anplo Jutlctto thtentkon tbefl lit
g the I ot roll ai 1 rt gonlly 1 umU r ot
otLt r tuothaomt con a til 1 1 but bt n au
aitl not to a. pear ravn out.
4 fur break ft thd pi&tteme 1 1 lut cl
gar nndtten Anlrt was a! totlig
Otcourw htcoull totrefUM th ugh Ll
I eurt atmual fa hid 1 In at thought of lng
Iuq In 1) eprrw.net of MjJ mol lit llu
ter)d ArratnL lie eo id scuruoiy truit
I I mwlf to look at ) er for 1 r swcit
brght faro sent all sort ot will thrill
through II leart loollili felowl lie
tloighttoh naclttbat tosnentnnolo r
1 1 such com pat y wa a nplt reward tot alt
lltprlratl n I 1 ul audurcd slncolaud
l en o&ro 1 0 lgin to slog the trcpl la
tlon if tt blm I ueklly perbai bt ul it
son toll IrtnchaongM. At lout tit if
fret wa all that 1 1 could 1 avt w Ul od for
lilt fo r alitor sinned tears in tlelr
r)v before be was done ar dwbcul qaroao
to rosu 0 IU tramp ant wo thanking
tlcuforUelrgct rouaidh icbtngkl 1
ivw.lt wa MAdenoH-Ue Horttuse wlo
euix-kted that awl oto day of rettwould
bo good for Moqileur J) ival All the ret
of (ho bouiehold JolnM at out lu HI
tl ought acd yt tdro still not for con
day only buV for u any diy. He 11N
for writ! t,itatrriibi ant srrawled a lung
epUtlt which bt btgkc(l Matton to pott
for blm It wai addnaued to liuUnl
more Duo d Moutiantler Ijri. IhU
caused Matton to opt 1 1 1 )eaau 1 wgi
der wl y tl 1 stroll lug 11 liutml should bo
writing to M great an an tot the Hue lo
Montpenale He slowed the supcrscrlp
tlo 1 to hUjamouaodtobUiliUr Cvr
tal lyltwaamytery
Next 1 ornlngasenant came Into An
lire a room with a great arn ful ot clothe
au 1 n bin) o 1 which w a wrltte it
llrao accept thrtt to tentou until
yo 1 cau hear f ro 1 borne
Ht coutd not rcf ut hi Ines coming in
thl wan to biro do a so wo il t 1 are
wounlrtt some oue )erlap all of LU
Lenrro entertainer Hat nr tnnrr vr
I are taken a MIT tmthrtlo delta) 1 1 1 going
biwustair lrocl fron lealt ifootllke
a get tie iat t anl wl at aclango It t odt
in I U sj pnrat cet Mottemnlwllt Hortei m
whet sit met lint In tie I all looketal
tint flth at rottr Uttlt start a lluled
rrt 1 lit wai tot lscnf iMiltlaii
she n I so ttoysttoJa I 0 entlnawk
ward siteice lw Ltni, nt tact otlrra 1
n tllrg a bashfully a two MOaut would
haw Ion
lie weather continued fine Jut warm
enouph toi akt tbt tnocklig llrd slog
1 ortlnj e enlngnndat I terra! all tit
ulRlt long Antrt 111 IU I art of tin
si ghg too. 01 roall lave Ward IU
k liar an I Lit rich barllun role wl c 1
Ihnbrecjt waa right ctearacrmitioliaya 1
lie mist Uatriucoorat leant n count
tn lUguUe re arkil Monle r Armani
to I U wire
Ho coruloly I a a lUtt g Ulel otr '
alt Madame Vrunl
Hulaa rpatat.rvat Inli LU hnguagt
llviryrrlttwl alMMattni
Mai oUalloHort 1 soaxl 1 nothing 1 nt
I or faro waa II ilsd nt 1 lir heart inolu
tit Hood slug lilerulu lu the qui t
AiU buUUSA U LhtlSiii 4 AXluand. Andro
I) v ilallrd srtanmsl,rofHe Tbt
ell B(owa4fted ictlvtoit affectlngdeep
lya Istrang lyerer inemtxrof IbehoQe
buld An Vndre spirit roe I j reaty
wt tnd largtriLuottlmlgeof the wort lea
t led him to dl ply 1 tn If with ainsntor
and faitlnatltg I (lluincy Sudlenty a
wear ntural hofo 1 it Mn oelftn love with
Hortetv and lc a voLa to tlo terrible
reality ot hU coi dltlon Vt ntltavaa
lnrt 'aril g to eont wt I U J oj - wltl
iVhawJ He Iookel lu 1 pon bit life and
1 eartlly dcpliI t lutelf Th po m of hU
tetnerrt ent were reverMnl ttesintljtbt
tt c I Hut t Irtr Mt the d ky ot I manl n
11 1 w Wi o worl 1 1 &1 ahrlvtled Into a bate
f Uwvlnffale.
Oit tnornlig lit rtnuitholl awoke to
lUctirer n Uttlt liter Hat Intro Hital
lto 1 ltft Intlng tho nlgl t It wat a great
t trprtt,nsoro llta potntment t twtnt
0 It bo loner Tl lookdl at onoanott er I
In hopvltM s rretder to tho tile feat 1
lonelloestot their renoio Ant i m tfil
t t rt It mam Ce (WleroUtlerag
amuninT) acrvethwl the parrot On est
lemur iuV lit bo loo-o
Male ioIel!e H rtento sUtpM away to
her roo 1 an 1 cried
lftiaudtntrpecls gloom tley
waaoTerblowuwl h low (.ray cto lis thnt
I resently brgn to let fall a floe stra ly
rain wl Ich iaMedwltu scarcely an inter
inMlon for t v wnks
Wlsttottato MlmUoft Uleni 1 Ar
man I seemed pee llarly to iel I g wa tl o
fact that At Ire Dival I wl It taking hU
tuyiUrH rifmrtiro left hrblud 1 lm tlo
iwpeefalleilotheatlatladU'en given to
I I n nn 1 1 I gon away In-wwt In tt raki
of lis agabotklitcK Doubt let tlo tit
parrot I ad sn I Im go, for it kept ct niter
ing aU t tl o mnrouflt and scut ting be
ent whew ulltotcomtbark Anlrolal
wontltwtnbtd tint nrrr toblui but It
prrMM It lu first 1 1 predion that to
0 mtit tn tnf ralleil a ragatn ifln
Wewt 1 live In t wo anl rltlea nrln
tllckly u tiled rrgl n kuow 1 othlug f
that uertolatlou in which tht dweller
inllx great lowlan I planUlh nt Vatd
tieirllvea. True they lad tht Ir viator
low ant again and they went once or
t rlconyrar to so 10 tloco t re writ 1ut
I tl elr I nmo life luxurious nn t plct iretq it
I aaltwn stotsl a tie n entire cf lo ell
neat. TblnLofltl Tlerowatn tanotl er
mansion within lei tl an fifteen mile of
Lhateiu d rmanb Tito bwyo 1 wa tLo
llclway The o ly ia-"rly uro tt c-t
In tht Ik at.
1 igarttrtlemloitrtla letirturo tlere
ri it tleltenuIdrenMrdlo MAnlroDural
Mconte ltNtudreull cart of M Mat Urn
d rn an 1
He toi I me once to on any Irtter II nt
tnlgl t eomo when fat waa gone said Mat
t 1
Ho bo In ho tlesealanlfomttle fol
lowing letter accompanied Ira letter of
credit ton Nee Urlean bank for a largo
Mr!MnSrrt tw-lt It eharmlag new to
raelbslrooatwleartlty athanteilof yftor llff
wl h me and tt at von are anikrat 1 return to
your own runnirr 'ne good t rn drtervea
snilr Ivrmlt me, at ynur gusMUo ta
iwillfr )oq that your aunt I d iltnl I bat
oreUIataltt)nU llakep rolna-l
vaarlngrouSU.1 Itraoe. It you bate really
naliLvd t w r tr -K rum b,k aa t Ina rnl
bis uun,aal I wilt Ui cU4 ever to rro u
joriltutl uncle I ktraatiiR.
MAltonreol tt Ueplttto alo d stanllng
IntleiulUt of He am nblrdl outel 11
Hey all lUtened li 1 rrathttM silence
Hotter o at twlo as a gbott
Itwasetulysun merit 1 lie hall stood
opfu tin wl t iKiirlng tl ro gh It a
strong roi 1c irrcnt
MVoirI1 oklt Umarouflel Ihl Hot
Hov ihr1
They all tnrnM atut a tie pam t
srrerchral a id tliero ou tl e thrtt boM
ragged I atkrd fori rn si ndro I) 1
vab 1 1 old guitar si ing at I U si te a 1 alf
jaunty smIU ln Ing thro tgh bU emb.11
rimeitanll tmlllty
HoHensocrMn taut aUrtcd a it to
runt ihIoitlHitshscheckelUrMlf turned
nil letremllli ganl sat down lu a chair
lin naodhwIpUft.
Matton went to mrit blm with U e letter
In I Uland
Utlrout Moisletr tie Mcmnptct we
are right glad t sew you ba k ho ex
claimed rlj t cordially
Andre started guard 1 ard at Matton
anl a gray do d gilbert I In II face a
clou 1 tl at waa mixed ot surprise J ope
Ileal evrr)tblng that tear a nat eleart
In a n omeut w Len a breath 1 toy mean Uft
or death
I I ire a clorlout tetter for you 1 m
sorry I opei edit bit yoi were
nlrolnterr iitedLlruby tl rabllng for
want a 1 fa) Hug fall length nlbciUr
Tlo poor MIok co It t t Unr up under
thlss iMen prewnreof extltcn eit,
Tl ey liore him lM d resorted to
my uuan attbtlr torn mart lo bring
blm ro ind to cot sdo ine, A long lit
nettfoltoutd tbroughwhkhl ewasnursett
with ten lerrtt care and then wl en it wat
all over when I a wa well enough to rome
o t of 1 1 room and begin to say Iroll
tl Ing and tutu the oil tune wrll It I
tl good oil story Hawa n tcoutenled
foratnomril If Hortenst wa it of M
sliLt and Uf robe lepartMfrot 1 Chateau
tlArma t there wa a Utrgthsl and be
left I la ol 1 guitar sa a t sgo
Tl t w -ddlug loos: 1 Ure at Arlr tt fol
lowing winter tl e wb It rni 1 family
migrating thllbvr for ILo occasion
In n ccrtal 1 plcturesquo old mldencr la
New Urban I wo shown the portrait
in I iet on rat el ot tolln wood of tho
lct uptede a ilreullaadlU lovely wife,
who though q Ita ol! are living today
Maurice Ibon son In 2twork Xder
Itlt Is Udltcu la M orthaud
Tl er are many curious copies of the
HI) lo In tletailouacollectlobaot I urope
aid America but It Is doubtful If Here 1
a liinllcatocf tie oneUlonglogto Dr It.
T Mltlan of Ixtndou Tbltollcopyof
the Holy rlt 1 Iu sbortl u ! cl arartera
at Jltcompl to throughout bUJuUJto
Tho ii ah of Tinla tbo sultan of Tar
ley nnl It 1 Igh iniglith cm tl 0 rultan
of atiiiUnrhiiMJ Jolnoi with tho govern
tunttf 1 uroio In inviting tho LTnltM
btut w to 1 dp a p nt tho Africa 1
l.i vi flreart 1 an 1 liquor tnnle Tl Is It
an onurtinlty not t Ihjlost. It 1 aa
aUvaibocn tliruwit Into tlo tooth of
till country that U pnrsuel an utterly
Bclllsli policy Loet Ins to lUclf anl cet
ting rich 1 ut cariiitf wht-tl cr oil er ko
jlea Iht cr 1ih1 Woo git t join
with otl er 1 ationa In tl 0 coiivcr tl n to
aiinmu t 9 trulo In llnirim, liquor
and slive in tl 0 I) irk cor Hi ent fly
this tuoit a an 11 y otliora wo tt all get
at Icust tlonamoof liavlig an interest
In Afrit i. It may Im l)o incumof our
tl timing it real tntcrost Hero Thiro
U e iltU untol 1 ia thU now world only
wilting for tbo tralur an I dcrelojr to
comottnl plckituji. Oar 1 oujo UrrI
lory I gru vtng w nailer and stu illvr
anl soon weKlutl JwJnrialnwodof 1 ow
commorrLil worl Id to conjaffr hy
loulluoioj gain and (mtonrtlaro
oftUiluni to lo rrilhTo-l 1 1 fnca?
l(ol eteryu tlswell awan tatrnnl
I ull I tllr nv-t with such puictuslltj
tl at it t oouudonra of tht HcottUh gnnle
r in craw caring 1 aelbln for act u
jturlUment wa f illy Jutlfl t ly tbt
nam er In which thsyilUngnrd tbtsUle
of tl other nomgterauil the alteration of
tio stylo."
"The wrU Itctin aw tus it.
Au 1 1 f s Inir U kt It what wb r t M
ThU was tbo fcTit tiient rf an t Id 1 r to
berrrsnlrh I Mat I. An-I rrftfiy a h
ttaa 1 n I It lo le true, and ib f m ink n
care 1 1 her I ea h. bhe km f on 1 ini a
supptr of lr tn-n) ilitmol merit
tHH and so It n t troubled hlt t i
wttung d twsr wraknwef, rser n
down "tMlloti eitvl functions) l-ng
Jdrttlr that eo niny woiun emlurt-,
x tho only toedhin" fnrw n s II tie
dn ire na, unor a pot(Ie guam ten
fn n Hk mtnutart rers, ihul wl l ai
as 1 factum in errrr rn nr trftivy w l
In ntunoxl This tuirso Iji titi
I tint I on thftbotlle.wn.prr u 1 tt th
u r mrrMxt out f r many I a
-ant t I nrrtplkmrt la a e ttmsto
iiiwUm tt t tt tnrtrayt O t n r
rnhnl lo irytvuit i tx tyro I i r to
oVrantw n zt tu A icuIMr its lui re
tnniul rr a in t nt wo,
A a l wtttul, Ifie gr-rtt hg V It I n
par rtn-mjlh to tho wlioH arstem. rtr
f r U It to luownnn tA tt smx-n hm,
I if f -1 1- w wen r-noralty I'r lietrv
lsvin eITrsirl?tion Ulhtnt tteank.
ly I" n Uinr u ii taM a an spin U ng
rtrlM snd mtonufra t ttite 4 r Ptrenxlh
A lto(k f Il psiee. on M Woman an.1
IIf I Ita tliflr Aat fABfxJ I low ,
oire fwnn ?! t. I. In 1 1 or trvktq
Oinriil t mi imta.hsfam,
UlnV, an I lartaar Um rti,
tiociAtuir vtt Ma n lU IY Calo, N V
lati tr rrl atht l ,rernl a'tnsuoof
In tbt mailer of tba state of ll t Y t a ta
VTorirr t tirKrnr ttrx that
J. Jw h 1 sm 1 Kdm s lurof the
etate t Uo tt em H 0rea el I a ire
drM fvr aril emesl au I 0 H liU mrt,
tl itnsl a . unt or LU aim a rt Mn of au I
U e as I pet uon for dnsl d Ir a wa ef too
re lu ot is 1 eiai smoss: hiMnont en
t ed therein sndthst Ter4r U lthOir
of rrt A 1 tw st It o-elwrk s ta at th
1 uurt llnem ir o I Oui in Ihs (0 r
fgrllloue Mil Lake t y an Hfeuair I h
Temuirr baa tcen dslv app" ed br to
Ju Ue of a 1 Oouti for II t M-lt c nsibr d
areou t sn I hesr unl e las tor 1 m
I alto si whir h Un sol I Ure asr Ifrt t
Islcretlns 1 e tile may t f t.f.lrw
ea e U sarthrrh wl V ssilsrnsl ihoulj
sol te e it el ssd siprotel sad usai it lr La
tins niBiM l n;J tor
1 aied I ebrusry II t t
C Attls
nrrkottltlTi.it el vu L
f Uric K. I esrwiU A Homer I r Admin irs
tee ' dtw
lethtlTvUtsCoo tin sd far Sill Late
Uetrnly lerrtorybriub
In tht matter ef thtTTtla ef 1 ;n el llsrt
Nirritr it 111 nritv ttr that
UmnA Kntfn saAiu,rltlars si
s ttlatrs vra of Ihe eU of 1Mb el tlatn.
urrratvtl htf t rrsdr I (or itt I t l so 1
I in a J (Vrt rt II rlr tint rmnt 1 1
tt r ad a a tralwn of aa t e ta SB I
e tlon tor Real d tr Lotion tf its rrn
eaille.! thvreio set tfahl saiurdat 1 1 tilt
day of Marts A I 1 SI Is elxk a. W
atthatart twm f eald t ntt sibstsi
fcoil Jluu t lUktlll sstfoaalr t tali
farr lory ts eadolysviulnuMbr tl Jartk
tr as d Ucn,f r Ih ewstof uM svewUt.1
sd1 hearts 1 pet to for ti r Im ka. si
wl wh I w so 1 1 sr snr perann la t elm
at ilta a emayaii-earas ho4 ir asr
IBrre lit war a I stronal alou I M U
seied sal at nn ted aal nasi dumtBlloa
I tledscUuary 91 ml
111 1 IKS
rt1w i tleik f thlrolaiaCQB I
U (At Dhtriet Cbwrf in aaf or iU 7 A nl
Jmlitlil Dttrict 0 I uA 7arih"y.
(XNNfy Vinile
latarximt-s I AiiLcjtiat Plaint tt W
Ul t lRtTT Wld W. 1R1ICIA I TLB, f
tUtX. I lUIT lAi Sll IlLkTssllS
Asal. latvr lrs of ike l U'3
oUou ITstt ileoesMNi 1 rfeudasti
The Itotl of Us Terrtory of ttsb scad
tlreol s
To Iau t rrsti sU fnu U H t ;rr 1 II a
r ITtl 1- s ILllast BB-1 A01 L. J rat
lersot m isle Adt 10s lrd ut
fcidaii a
TOtl Attl nn r-UrittOIlUKHTO Al
a. rorisan stu rvustitses aly ely
lb au vurnellitj ISInibel itr 1 1 a 1
ol th TB rd JudK s I n I ef t e Urr lor
et I isb as I 10 sstwrr trs roiLtsla( tWU
Ihrtenw 1 uleaoar( It W tba day
w lb nines !lt)ioli a w this toriroar
r)adusl Ly drfsull m i e lake 1 g sat
700 accord lo il ryrri( sa d roaiiis a
1 ssi t actios. It bn utnt to I ate a trrrrm
ot H aeottrtst)ut ssts tut thedrteBlan a
I err n 10 a tf ih lt es u 3 ot ttisreUu
In Ihs 1 te ir r her Ina a Sldese lbs I snd
la erin sins; such rls ui or r alma al
lnl Ibst Ibe 4 It 1 or ea h u(
cr el ber of lhc a Urns Do Ut or
prvie ty so I ifast lb I tl of Ulot tf iu isb e
otl swhu atsrruwf u X ud su I vsl t.r
ru ly r&jo b si defrajasu ssd tut ut
ru t o a aer lug snr ad as li 1 ere 1 in
as 1 land, aa 1 1 rr, d wi sat rss d tUail
aorl ullarssl larthrr relief to e iu rU
lust i) said l rein a sra Oc tlbMl as lolfoo
U t tk umrsr sir St a 1 corner uf Ut1
U eh BT 1 ui t Ha t Ufca 11 y survey tun
one is eeWralsrod tl eXbtia lotuoa
Ihrtie r"at a todi isn su h 10 r n i
parfif be nnm a as 1 fetHljUk C it
NbdUbtin y liahltrnu r
Ae I you ar 1 era y nl Del that If yt u fill
lo SUesr snl snisrr I rf eon U ilu
4 vm nntu rt I IN nu 1 1 as if w II an ly u
lis Uoprl for lbs re ef dcuatUidlbr u
Wltsen 11 Hon ( t s le Zaie Juljre ssa
It Kesl of s I uM t Curl ot ha 1 h rd
Jm r4al I H'Llu furibsler urr
ill Ub tbatnbday ft Uiu ylni ettsr
ofour trd n iboBfasd v ft! riuslxed
and ulusly on
lyUr 1 l4x ill
dint Ueiulr Clerk
la Its 1 Utrrt I ourl Basl for tn Th rd
Jud c al I l lei or LubTerr lory
Uhi tyot esltUt
Will sin lloelty rUalll
Mary Asa Uool tf IkfesdanL
Tb 1 soil of ibtTcrr urr ot Utah sea!
ToMtry Ann Wx t r, t efendan
rotT Al 1 list r it 1 1 Ul oci 10
,L sj 1 esr lu sn scimjo If $ 1 scs sal you
1 7 It sbov nsmea m H a lit I r cl
lJuu t of tts 1 h r I Jud ll 1 tirict cf lbs 1 er
r ury ef t ItU sn 1 to saiwer iLe ro ubbust
tl d there n w tbfa leu Jr ((du ve of
I a dr of senile) st tr t aen i oa you
of I asuaniu-fervdw bBthaeoas n
orifsertelOHl ot lb icons y but la t t lu
tl rt w b n tnlr lini ulbir wintt
forty laya-or JuJi a 1 IV default w I he
lakea eza ttai you scoord sjto e rarer of
a In wplalsi
Tbas d sol unit Irouchttobtr aderrea of
lb a iurld leultlnr lb bo nit t f ins nitniir
brtweet 1L pla p itf and daresdanl era t ntt
fit m B Rfhwral r f f , 1 tared nn I rrottud
(bats riNgi us fat day or I eo, la U lbs
Otfcnlaiitw fu ytindw nt es aderd
tnd s sndoned ll a ta IT sad I aa erer
a retowl wl y and w ta ui rants drMrtwt
si I ul ahdo II l ssd I 1 ae trs sud
aisrtlroint u w h ul tufll u tosuaenr
ret os, su l sk ntt h w It sud w thbut h
Ab I you srt I ore) 7 net Bed that If you fa I
I a esr sn I saawvr t s a d sn u Is t sa
B rt e re 11 rU I ta d b a ul II w ( m y U
I a Co It r Us rr etUea sndr tthire
W nets 1 e Hon Iht ft . mm Judf
and Its teal f Its t tlr rf (au I kf 1
Th rd Ju mat I stri t Is sn I fur th 1 err!
tury f t ub lb Wn dtr of Jasuary n
lis tear or nor Im I out tbvutas I e aht
h eurd sod n nelireno,
IiKALl Ut.SllVu stoUlLUVN Clerk
UlLlOftl Wo liyr 1 II tAHRTlLtft,
rrtndfht Ant CiikUr
Zion'avi Bank;
Jrust Sompai)y,
ffos t antl a Catt T.tnpta 8tr.t
Cil'U iWJ 1)13 H Incerfrmlhl 1113
niKK roitM
niLroRDToob.crr trnt
ilk ikic t) lu IKTrl,
junru r m 1 1
.AaolaU Ll" x
1U.IUKII. 1lll
JlMM Jill
Dr luift lltfituil 4(
T U WKB.Klt, twkUT
DOT- Pays S Par C.nt Int.r.lt on
Oavlns. Deposit.
jvrojMXj-v to ixiovaM
o. AiroM ,'nr I f t l luifl
Paid Up canttal $3SO ooo
urplu. 20O ooo
mil innrHi
Multl TlllTCUX. Ikl rrtiUml
t V. t.H.
J T Unt.
J I till in,
Jt. (uar
HiiiKr 1 nn raoBr(
l II lur
I ir jiiaian,
nnl ir
J n. niius.
1. n. II lu OuUtr
II a.rouia JH4. Ci$U
Rtccltts Deposits Payable on Demand
C'ti vl e,u -il.axra i )l kt
rnitut ekiff tt iit vm ImU
mtdmtl fit rrlntifl fiNa(Nffl Vw4
SJA far. lHu I aaitlli ttalulclr bur
kar aa. fl rrwof I lata Uto 11) affair
aa&24E Flr.1 South St ,
I iriTAi HM.O.'VO
litlll I IN .il OCUUI
I X tlLN IK Vnl,
U.lllSIUIMH 1.4W
nun 1 1 hum
r Armllioaj I Ma.lna
Ual tar llxrii t Uurstc:
Thoa r Jaaa all Maori. M taaaon,
Ut Jaa 1. Uclardi I) II 11114;
U K,Clttiaial
(Jeijeral Bai?Kiij Business
li Vr (Vnl. Uitmt InJ m Rmngi
DfpotiU, CbVijHumlttl I ftmr altar
oi lltv - tioo ooo
liririt J llAHr lrideBt
Wli 1 lllfcST IS k iieiMest
HtllKltW Wl.UJ Csaiatr
nzniaa it oun
Juephl Sulk, (bat.it Csris
Us II ttowe SepbiW (laewa
Ah am II ( Bsncjfl IrsskT Tajlor
SihrreiaM fh orr worth
List Morn U eha 4 W lOBDy
lleorr A Wool sy
tlee rea drM ta psyshls on drmaod.
U tbi mosay oa Bt nitet eorur ty
I rawteacbs&rtnut i(rtur pal po sll
IsytsptreesLunat sfedrp is,
(lumiMtusd is etett ibe roa qaar erlf
ABd msvU jeor Lutlsrtt
MILLi BS North Tomnlo St Cut
OKnCCiSISouttlTamilaSt Wott
Hijli Pa lent, Biker 5 Ho 1,
Sopcrlino Whole. Wbcat Flour
iS.I 7.irl" 311 I ft ralraoaa Ul
HHSMDItl 1, Ir irldor
No 10, Cast Tomplo St.
ButtcrcupCrackcrs a Specialty
coward scnAcn,
I reprlalop,
Harrison Conveyor Irrigating Pump,
Wharsw arltntatdrnm a Mimorw t e
ruw nnlaasi-'ran ton ml rrtn .Hnu
mara.iilawm n I lllllllianiiliaimimmjimuMini.
191 fl MXTII WIST flTlirrT I
Repairing and Spoatlnj t Specialty.
mnpjxi-v wrvacucsan
11LT tl. OUT
miolfa.l Kal.ll
to rjr rirtr xovtii trttt'
IHioumitl.m, Ncnrnlclii, Corns, I
Taa Oallfarall raatUaa aaa afattti
jnarrrc counn rinr
Tlioy ouro Hoidnclio Dll
llousnoss LlvorComplalnt
nnd Indigestion No n rip
Inn or nuusoa Thaso
Tono up tho sys'om and
roatoro hoiltlitothoio BUf
forlriK from nonor.il dobll
Itynndnorvouonoss Sold
by all druggists. 25c por
Best for Women.
Cures nil form of 1 tmalo
complaliils, wl line a, mr
votiiUHai itml genital dtbllitj
cold li ii I dni(,f,Ists
7 I. M I Ilru; 11 .t Uholrulo Ajt
tQnong ChoDg Wing, (.
Ortuiiiicnfrit (l ' j j
C7 JiincydootU
'itt -trc.iTin arrar want. Ji
VZ7i, f"nH mi AH hi, I. t W ,
Vfi " w ilaaiK.mli m. I jj
w r o r.mni I 1
aroepfi e. won, i
Pioneer Undertaker ol TJtah s
ii!iilll f
Jlh f rr J Vi 1 Al K JWI L 9 j r
IK iri Mil CM CVrere-l j
toil INS AM) OASKIVrS. jf j
lull IJut t 4e.nin IttrnUttHi f ft, i
kept eanalitNllynn hand W
etbtiOBf ATtltrrtlii rJrnIrenplly si 4 m, J M
Bstfxl trttftrtt it flrtr Aswrsf CeWuies, M i ?
trfiJUvf trt tktVft, A j
OPMR TJAV ! tViailT. W jQ
Fftttori ttdarenoin$ iStiA. v K
Ua 1141 Hill Vlocia Eiil ot TlliU.. 9m j If
TiLirnoc m j Jl
Jos. William Taylor, j
'&& I
' I Tarry Iht Urrett ad Mott Cotse et Stork el H
And Undtrtaktrt Goodt In Ulih I
I KMfMi A la I at .! Mn rrl n H
IJayr llaa ara rrrr rra4 (a luh M
lots asd craves r.F.":r.,r.i ::.."!,- m
All Ordtit I IM t ty er rbt ie tbt bbert ' H
rat I'd t Us 1 n t jH
-orrica svu wasksouhs sttaa ctmtn- iU,
I tf Hoi XI IrleolMS IM flL .
I Aj ritallml Uaa tt ! A rail Ua. nt Ua till I ' I
c.....i,.r , Pi nifiiimtuiirt, j itf.fl
Clnohimi tmbroldtrlel, . C.tl ind u.convlnceillliitw. , 1 .
tie , Et .tlo A n"1 ln ,,0:k nrt d,lic"' I ' A.
I . ! I required to I B A
Dress Goods at 5 cents i yard. XX im tte most bullions (utt K i
A Caoka Ana loral oil I A rail Uaa , B V
Uuitin Hutu Il J i , Jlca'a 1 li f Itood, I .
CiiiLratvi niui Urn a M wa,
j lloj lloota, Uoji'Shofi, I
Oeiit. FurnliUng Goodi JJ f SHOES od SLIPPERS I
Lumber Yard IriLi 1
Mouldings on Hand H
758 E. rocrtn South. Bnlldors' Hardware H
..rr ' sl
I j aS
Teiepnoao tio 502 CiUdlngs Eroctod ' Jk
i T.1 nirrm Coslrtcts dlron Stean
r I Tl 1 TR CP tvh ! mn Work a SpocIilIty