OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, March 03, 1891, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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,; 1
, Dr.iuirr t;v..v.m. nbm'si 'rrK.m.Avt -Mitcit :, ism. s
J Jjttturt Mlitrtdty llitr Anilrtw
Ucntutt ifbre tl. Student? Sootclj,
In foe AIjcvjI llnll, Null aVlle U'y,
JVfcfuy eienln, Jivuury lit, IStil,
( will tako fur my text the following
wordtof Ilia l'rt-ilii!t Maw tpoVeii U
the cliltJrvii of lerael while they were
Journeying In Iho wlljiirnitt of Ara
Ml. "The proplirt wlei ahalt proiuiiie to
tiel n word lu my nam whlrli hate
nut aommnQdod lilln toieNk '
iui Hint prophet tlitll ilia. And If thou
ny III tliln liontll How ahall w know
lli word which tin Ia.pl luu.1 not aikin7
When a prophet apeakolh In Iho uantonf
tli laird. l( tin. Ihhig follow hoi, nor
oino to la, that It III" thing which tho
laird ba'h not ipoloiii but llm prophet
hath kcti It proatimpluoualyi thou
ehult not w afrnl J ut him." Iieul. xvlH'
Tim vwago which I have rml may
to tal.cn u a kc y tj which lo dlttln.
gubdinlmo prophet from a falto one.
Tlio flrt dolliiltlou vt Hie wunl
projilut, according to thoUh.Ird dlc
tlonarlc It, "one who propheclct; cue
w lo forilelli futu ru evehtt; n prcdlclcr;
foreteller, a int." In thl lljhl wo
lull procoej to tot tlm cltlnit of
Jooepli Kinltli, whom the Latter-day
H.1I11U claim to In tlm nru.it Prophet
uf thn .Nineteenth Century. Woclalm
for him Hut ho un tMloi lijr holy U
luge. whoreatoml b hhn Hie fulne
uf the gotpcl of Jcru Chrlit, with
authority to mltnliilalcr In all the ordi
nance of llm name; thnt he received
from Ihu angel Morunl certain guld
plain that had la-en hladcii In tlm
tartli for fourteen hundred yrara, and
that ho traualatcd tlm .iizravlux ujii
thfuo plate Into tho Kngileh lauguage
ly (hv;tftuiJ tamer of Cud, tho re
ault of which waa the llouk of
Murmon. Wo futthcr t'lalm that
ho organUeil tho Church of
Chrlit unco mom riau tho earth,
anil that ho received by direct rtvel
atlon a code of lav, and command
ineul by which lo govern the affairs
of that Church, uncording to tho
original rttlrn given ly Jctuiaud
lilt Aiialle eighteen hundred yean
mo. H'u lurthi'r claim that It ! of tho
mmoatlmrt-itirefitr all avple who
dclre elerual aalvatlon to knotty
wlipthcr thrto thlntEi aiu trio or not.
If Jox-pli rtmllli I what h profiwcO
tobri trim 1'rophit of tlol, im um
can rrjKt hit titllmooy without Uluc
romloniurtl, whlloonthv olhrr liana,
If hoaaiau liniwiMtor, orn filno proph
rt. wu can njret hlut without fear of
lWlnopniiUlininttauvl tho ixiiiilrni
nation will rtiltitoiilheiiuu who n.
tuinwi to tia-ak III tho nunio of the
IirJ pri-uniituouly. In till Iwturo
I ahall coiitlne myatlf tohU prophetic
tun lnplrtl utu-rantTa hy proving
their fulfllliuviit anil truthfuluoM
mwtly from a hNtorlc tbnUiulnt.
JIMKfll'a IIK.1T VI9I0M.
Ono of tlio lint ilichuatlout ma la hy
Jowph rSruliti, whru howaaooly ahoy
ltwivii fourtrQ ami llfti'tiii tri of
auc. wan, that tho wholo Clulitlati
wotM lu 1 irono atray. 011J that tint
trtio Church of Chrlit wa not to Lo
fount! upou Ilia i-arth. What a ttart
IlnK tlrclaralloiil Conlil anjthlni; tc
tnoie pntutui41oui on tho port of a
commou iinctlucati'd fariurt'a toy than
audi an njcrtlon? rrrm-hcra of tho
hooil whvro Uiu lioy rralJcil bvtawo
iauB)arat(il unil nt onro UonouturU
lilniainiilniiuUirorafrauii. A hoy
whuhailart'ii iicthloK of tho wtilj,
MTothotraitof country In Vermont,
whcrohoWMboru. ami tho wntvm
w IMa of tho Hlato of Now York, wherv
hu now rr.l'liil with hla parent, A
buy who hail "tha never Uen oven
Introduce! to nuy uf tho promlnout
Ulvliietofllmilay, who Imil Lover cro
11J tho thir.hulj of any Initwrtaiit
lulltutloii of Koriiluic, who hail iwvir
tlioroiiKhly examlnoil tho creetl of any
onctleuriuilnatlon, much Iim harluira
know.'odKO of thoui all, who hail
never cru"0 tho o?ean to acitualiit
hhmelf with tho Krtat Irarnlnii of
llurope, with IU thouMiiitaor imich
en ami It uulvtrnltle and lii.lllu.
tlonioflearnlui;. WhatdM ho know
aliout the creioU ami ori;anlntlnn ex.
htluc aoiou tho mltlloiiiof Chrlntlao
In Kurmm ami Ainurlca, Ihu lo ilo
nouncu tliem all without further cere
mony. Why, oven Luther, tho great
refurmerof the tlxteenth century, with
hi profiaiud learnlmr and thorouitti
klliwleilite of 111" t.'athollO creed, did
not deiioiineo the Itoman Catholic
Church In uch n manner that. Mo
did not nay It win reject! a wholo
and that It wa not the Church of
IChrlnl; he (Imply contended that It hail
luoiriorattd Into It yulcmdoitrlur,
aarraiucntaand urdluauce m hlch were
not ttuo and not wurranled In tho
mile. lAithir Imply dulril lo re
form tho Church, to irfo II and
remove from It errouooii Uortrlne
and wicked prv-tloo. Hut Jowph
Hiulth without any more Lnuwledgo of
tho rcHnlon of the world than what
opportuultle hi attemUuro' of the
liumoroua revival nrntliiR held, lu hi
Immediate nolitliuorlioud had itlveu
him, ileuounceil them all a f!ic.
Whence, tlien, hi authority for Die
awueiiliuc declaration ho mad a lo tie
condition of the annulled Chrlitlan
churcheii. IIUtory Uuilmple, Plain
11J unlmliellUhod one. He tell la
hi own ttraUhtforward manner how.
after altrndliiir. tho dlltcrout revival
uoetlDR without hduifablo to con
clude which of the denomination w&
the rhrht one for him to Join, went
Into the wood to pray to the Iwrd for
that wladoai which the Ajiotlo Jaiur
promlvc ftl'aU he Klveu the hom-al
licllever. The ntult was an attack of
tho iHiweroftltrkueMWhlfh threatened
liliu wltli tl(truct!ou, then a tight far
atiove him In tlio tky, then an evelop
inunt In that Unlit which dwrendul
iiiuiihliu, thennvUlon of Iwn slurl
ouapenonaxnittaiiilliig aUivehlui lu
the air, oueof whom tuikluit lo lilrn,
while )ltitlng to thvother, nld: " rhl
hi my tielovod ooii, hoar him.'1 Here,
then, wa Jcmii t'hrltt l'ln In
troduced hy til l'alher to Joacph
Hmlth, tho pryl"IC toy. wlie next wa
Informvil hy thotlreat Itulremerlllm
elf, that all the reel of the dy were
wrouir, timt all their creiil were an
alwmlnatlou lu 111 lht, that tho
modern profeiwru aud tuai'lien Imijlit
fur doctrine the coininaniluieiita of
men, liavlns a formofgodllneM, hut
denying tlm mwer thercvf: "that ho
(luaupti) ilinuM Jli) none of II11011
churchr, hut that tho true church
houldtu revealed to him at tome fu
ture llhie, Hit then wa Jrnepli' au
thority. Jrtuu ChrUI hlmeelf, the I to.
deenirr of the world, the ou of UimI,
lie that win ciucIMikI and )ut to death
(mi liuuut Calvary, hut who ano trl-
Uniphant from Ih irravo, tho founder,
tho organlror, the head, the rrraldent
of the Chrlitlan Church, explained to
Jwpli Hniltl, tl, BinJIHon of the
world. There I no higher authority
than He. If anyone In heaven or
earthhuarliiht to any what ) true
t hrhtljully, and what I not
Chrlit h!iielf, the founder or tlM
thureh.h'ulliat rliiht, With that au
thority ti htck him, Jwonli ejmllli
Inel 110 fear that iU declaration
would ti met with aurreairul
toiitiadlclloii. Them l only one
lunllon that ran preeut lUelf to our
mind In Hat connection, and tint li:
Did the hoy tell the truth? Did he
really convert" with Jixu C'hint, or
waft aiilmizlnitlDtiof a lu'wlldirwl
ndexcllinlinliKl? Wehalleeaiwe
proceed. I will flnl Introdute Hie
rrophet'e own ledtlmony concernltiie
II1I4 hi tlr.t vl.lon. Ho tiy In hi
11 ha ertvii rAU1! me rloti rclloc.
lion, Imth llin ami ulnrr.. hon very
MratiKC It aAlht an otwiitetKn.fir
llulouier f.iur'rai r,.u, of ni-., an,i i,is
too, who wi ilounmt lo tlio nei-e-nltv of
ohuliiliiir aik-flulr ni-ilnteitaiiee hy'hl
dllvUti.ir, lionldlHtthoot;htaehnref1er
of mimolriil llllirtalloloa'trarf tlm nt
lenUon of the groat ()IIPV 0f tia ,ll(.
IniMiUr wa of lin iliy. no at lo einn'o In
liruiaolrKcr llm t, tli.r trwiiuon
and rtvlllnj,. II 11 ttrmutn or mil, mi II
w, and w often eniiM of nrml orro
Inliiraclf. Ilimein.rltw,ti,-terllielr,
a Tail, thill t hi 1 hd n vUKill. I
hava llimixht ltiee, that 1 felt much
hk Tan! wbn he mad lilihfni
lieforc Khitf Aurlrpt, and reUleil tlio ar.
euulilorttm vl-Jonlieba.1 when hnw a
Hunt ami hmnl a voirwi tmt -tilt ibore
wi'rnltiit few who tllved hlmt n.iii
Mid ho wilMiMiel, ollinn kalil ll- w4
mail, ttiid hn ridiculed nd retlleili
luit nil tlil ill. I not in. iroy Hi.' rmllu of
hli U on. 1 In bmt .u a vll'iu, he kimw
ho had, and all tin- penwcutlm 1111 Wt
heiLiteoi'litU'ilnitkelt i.tliiirwii and
luooith lhy aliould m raej-utn hlni linli
dentil, yet ho knew, and we.lM know 11 11.
lohlllel lirealh, that he had both .111
alluhl and hennl avolconekliiiziohliii.
tel all the world could not mako him
think or IwllovK othera Imi.
"Mo ll win lih met I had actually neeti
a llxht, and In the mliUt of llnillalii I
naw tmi Nrtomiie, and ltiiydld hi
nlltyMk unlit mi, oronn nftliem
dldf and tlioush I wa lialeit und x.r
cnted for 1U3 Iiik that Mind acetl n vltlou,
et It w Iruei and w hllo they were lNr
neenlhiir me, reviling me slid peaking
jriilnt ine, rlcly, for no Miliia, I m
lisltoaac In my lienit. Why iiereaiito
ror t.llinir Ih IniltiT t hao atlnally
eenml.loii, and who am I that I can
wltli.unJllo.lr Or why doe the world
think lomaknm deny what I have a
tnally .-nT Mir I iiavenecuatUhMi. I
knew It nndlkmiw that tl.rt know It,
and I could not deny It, lullher dare 1 do
It, at Im.l I knew that hy an dolnif 1
would nnVndltitl and eunie iludar Con
di tnuatloii,'
Klnce tho time Joaepti had ttili vl
lou the Kldi ra of the Church of Jinn
Chrbt of lttor-ilay Hjlnta havu
traversed the glob. Ihey hove vUlti.l
all the eo-calM Clirlitlan nation of
tho earth; they have examined the
creed and orirauUAtlona of tho Chrl
llau aect of every land aud every
illnio, and have learned In-youd doubt
that the true Church of Chrl-t waa
uul upon the lartliatthe time Joeeph
luailo hit aweepln ileclarntlon, and
that It ilota not otUt oultldu of the
Church nritaulzal under the direction
aud authority of tho ltedeemcr illm
eelfhyJoKplirlnilth. ntr, WuittM uf Tin: aMi:u
tin the nJ uf rU'ptrmlier, 1S33,
Joncpli rlmlth, after tieudlnz the pre
vluu liluht under the lutonhlp of the
ancl Moroni, wa agilu vltltint hy
that holy imuce on the hill Cu
rnorali Initio witeiiiittof (ImKlalo
of New Vork, und waa thown the
platen, which were Hellvercd to him
four yean liter and from which he
traiitlaUAl the Hook of Mormon. While
tUmllUK 011 till hlatorla hill, with the
nntrel at hi tide, ho airalu reeelvid
Klorlou lontructlon and warnltiRaud
iiinotiK other thlnct win told that when
he ahould hrlun forth tho Hook of Mor
mon, the worker of Iniquity would
tcck hit overthrow. Hay Ihu ant;ol:
M11iey will rlroulalo faUi luaala tn dos
lroyourrentutlou, and atn will acek
to take your llfel tiut rcmtul'r HiU, If
rnu ar.fAlll.nit. und hhall heriMfter eon-'
tliiuntokiep Ilia commandment- of Ilia
laird, you ah.II l preaorve.1 in l.rlnir
Itie-o thlnxa fortht for lu duo time he w 111
tlveynu a cinntiiandnient to eom mid
ike them. When they ore Interpreted,
the la.rd will clvo Hi Iwly rrloalhood lo
iHiuie, aud tluythall Ih-kIii loproelaltn
Ibl JoaM'l and laiiitlro by wuPt, otid
afti rthatthey aliall hto lmwer lo elvo
Then will IMiracclltlnu i;o nere aud
more; for the loUtiltl.a of men ahall Ui
rtvenliHt, and tlinti who aro not hull!
Uimn lb lork will iitek to overthruw lb
Cliurebi but It u 111 I11cru.no llm more 1111.
oe.l, and iipriiad further and further.
Theaugcl further told hhn:
'Your nauio ahall Imi known ainonir
tho national rnr tho work which tliola.rd
will perform hy your lunda ball ran.
tho rutliMn lo rejoice ami llm wkked to
rm.i'i with lb one 11 nhall ho ha.lhi
honor and e.lth the other In reproach."
Jltntoiirvt Ilmnlr i;o tlili,
Tlnto prophetlo aaylug have had o
literal a fulllllmnit that no further ex
planation I necewniry. If tho predic
tion here made were Joacph' im 11 1 ro
durlloui, aud no nnirrl uf (lud Imi a
imrt In It, It it not ilranfu that every
worl of It alioulJ pruvu true?
In lS31thoKalnUwero commanded
to itather to Jackaou County, Mo.,
whldiwiudralxnatoitaialaiiif of In-lu-rllanco
for the Kalnt In the latt
day, and alto at tlio hleutlcal iiot
where tliry ihould build that ureal
city, tlio New JcrtMulem, about w hlcli
tho ancient Prophet aud rUInU hnd
tunic, prayiil and rejoiced aomuch.
JuaediHiuilh had Jiut arrive.! In that
Goodly land, together witli a tiuiiihur
uf hi brethren, wheu a revelation,
containing Nome vrry tniii:u anylng
waj Klveu on tlio lit of Augtut, Ibnl,
The Jord eald:
Hearken, O JKldorof aiy amrch,
and ell 0 ear hi my word, and lotru of me
what 1 111 cnnia'rnlujr ) oil, and alto con
cflri.linr IhW land unto which I Imvo acnl
you. IVjr verily 1 y untu you, bloat.!
It he thai kcelHth uiy inuiuiau.lii.wiu,
uuMherliilllnnrln .lunlbi and ho Mot
Itallktill in InMitUoH, tho rairnrd of
llmaillie la grctur III the kliiL-lom or
hiavru. e enntiol Iwhold e.ilh your
natural e)iai. for tbo pnweul time, the do
atirtl of ynorllod coucrnlnff llioae Itilnit
MliU h tliall roiuo heruatter, aud llioclory
which atialleUeieii!" wiira lrltmlat,i.
Hir uner murh tiibulatlou eouicth the
hloatlnii. Wherefore Ih" day Douieth
that u tliall In. crnmid V.I1I1 mu.h
Kloryi ti"' hour I lint j ut, but U i,lli at
r.t.ul. IbiliHlilU'rlbla, nhlih 1 tall you
la fore, Hut you lilty lay it 11 hnarl, and
iwvhi that nulcli tlull follow,"-. Doc,
amlOiV., hlllll-3.
llerelt an omiortunlty for Bound
roaioultiic. ' Jwieph H111III1 waa nu
ItuuMlor, aud If ho wa trying hi carry
outa KhemuwIUi u view to lament
hlruelf llnandally, or if he waaum
hltlou audrreklni; lor vain glory or
the honor of men, could auylhluii lie
more aiurd limn, to predict troiiuh
aud Ullllriiltlet, when uouo luch were
luiuiedlately apiareut,
If acheme,r wa doing that which
Joteph on that occAtlou wat dclmr,
namely, planting a colony of hi fol
lower lu one of the mitt delrble ihm
lloiwof nmntry within tho border of
Iho United HUOni, would ho not Imvo
uUrgod upon Iho protjicclt alien J and
predicted eucot'tt out nrotpcilly In
ttea.1 of UiltlculUrn aiel trllitilatlona?
Mott atNiredly lie would. Hut
Jotefli tnke at he wa dlrculed
by Hie lord, ami hi oon detlrr or
ambition, If any inch lie Dowctacd, cut
no llgure lu the matter. Auliuw,
how aliout thn fiiltlhnent of tlm
prophecy or revelation? No 0110 whn
iaaciiualutoil wlthUiM hlttory of the
Chilli" will Imaltite to tettlfy that
tlnce that time the Halnla have indeed
tanaeil iIimiiiIi much trllailatlon. In
let than tiirw year alter Iho revela
tion wa glv.n Hiey were driven from
llielr hcniei. lu Jacxton County. Three
ycir artcr Hut they were forced to
leave thalr teniiirary eailout In
Clay Counly, Mo., mid tllll two 1 ear;
later, under Ih exu'rmluttlng order of
Ooveruor I.llborn W. Ilo, they
were driven fnmi tho rttatoof Mlt mil.
Meveu yetn after their eipultl.iu from
that Mate, wicked mob arte
flr.l killing tho 1'roi.hat and
Patriarch lu cold bljial III
Catlhairo Jill, drove the H1I11I
Irom NaaviHi Into the wlldvruera,
o lilili wat full of mv.uo I uillaus and
eveuafur rumliiR tu tli.w niciililAlnt
We have been aul.Jcct to tricked pnitc
cutloio. and recutlout. Ifallthlt
don't uitau "much tribulation," what
doc It mean?
In a rcreLill.nl given through Jotci!i
Hiulth lu KlrlUiel, Ohio, ricpl II, 1-I,
the following occur:
"Kor heboid, I aay lllilo yell that 'Jell
ahall U,.urlh. 1111.I tlio glory of llm laird
thall blilioiiher. Autttbo thill be all
I'lulgnuhlotho laHMile, and thero tliall
euute to her out of every ntilon under
henlen." (IhK-. and liv. Oil II, II.)
Tim many dlllctent iiatloiialllloi
reprmeiiteil in thlt Territory today It
cuiirltiilvu proof uf thn fuilllnient of
thl romarkablu prophecy, which wat
uttered at a tluiu when the Church
cotudttc.1 of only 11 few twrM-culed peo
ple, and tho l.lden li.nl only com
iimncl preaching lu a few of U10
UlnKI.VlltlX UK WAIt.
tin the ",'iih of lleccraber, 1M2,
Joaeidi Hmlth recelvud a renrukublit
rcvrlntlou lu regard to war. I will
rend aiiixlracl:
"Vellly, Ihiuaallh Iho taml concern
ing tlm war, thai v. Ill ahortly i-oine 10
pat, bt ginmiig l Dm rebellion uf NoutU
t'arolln. widen will etenlimlly leiiuln
ute hi thn il.tuh nud mltery uf man.,
autlla. 'llimUy will eoin.i when war will
It' anlr.-l nut Ilium alt nation, beionntlig
at Hint pliico. I'.ir lalmld tho houlhelll
MUltt -hall lai dtt ldc.1 llgalllal Ih Nlltltl-
em Htatet, and the Hoiittirru r-ute will
cull on nllinr nuloiia, i,m tho nation uf
Until llrluiln, ut 11 It imII.-I, and they
h ill alao mil iiiiu other nation t. luontr
to defttid 111111111-1 iglmt ullier lit
Hunt, and Hint war Hill bo poured out
iimn all nalloua." (Hoc. A. Cov., Hw,
III aiMinmunlcatloii which wnt'ivnl
toil a few day later hi N. C. HealoU,
editor of a pajair tibllahed ill ltochc
ter, N. V., tho rrujdirt wrote;
"t iii prepared to my by the authority
or Jetu tMirltl lut not many 5 ear hall
Itiatatiay Iwroruth t'iilte.1 Mtte eliatl
pn-ftelit ueh a eceno uf hloodtflod a h
imi a parallel In ih hlttory uruurn
Hon," JlittvrKtil A'eco'il.tou.
We will refer lo another prediction
on Iho aam auhject, which wa made
by Jomili Hmltli III Carthage, III., tell
ilaya Ivforu he wn niariyretl. A Hum
Iwr of tlio ulllcera of the triwio, llicii
tatlone-I In Carthage, and other t-r-oiiNcutlouatoue
Jimeph, vlaltud film
In hi ro.nu. Joaepli aatteil Until If
there wa anything In hit niitt-arauce
which llidlrated that he wax the tlcipir
alo character hUeiicmlca rcpriaculcil
him lot. The auawer wuv
"No, 1r your apjiearaiiee would ludl
entntho very iHilitrarv, tlenerat Nlnllh,
bill woraiiiiotaco wh It In smir- herl,
nvlthercnn welill what uro your luteu
lloiifc" Joteph replied:
"Very Irne, gi-iillcmen, you camut too
what la lu my hvarl.aud you ar tlierof.ini
liuahlolo Judsn inoCr my hitcntnintt hut
I i-aii aco what It in 3mrherta, Arul will
loll you what 1 ace. 1 cull too you thlrtt
for blood, and nothing hut my blood will
katitfy you. It It not for crlinoof any
dotrrlptlon that I aii.1 tuy brethren Arn
thut eontlmialiy ik rmt-ut.. nd haratxal
by our eneuitoti but thero aro other mo
tive, and aollio of Uleln 1 have exprcd,
o farat rclalot In myti Ifi and Inaauiiieh
at ynu aiyl thn laioj.td thlrat for t.lool,
1 propheay, hi tho nam ur Ihu lainl, Uial
you ahall wllueat tci-u, a of hlmalatnl aor
row lo your i ultra tntl-fa.iUon. Your
aoillt thalt lai iK-rfivlly aatlale.1 with
blood, audmiuyofjoii wlm are now
pretcnt thall hat e un opportunity lo race
tho cannoti'a mouth from tour. you
ll.liik noioltand thoto rwipln that delro
thla ureal etll iiikiii mil and my hrelhrtii
thai) bo lllhal llli rexrel and aorrow Ui
cniltn uf tho ter lie of deanlatloti nd ilia.
treat Hi it at. all tliem. Tlier tlmll aeek
for peace aiul alull uu lai able to llml It.
iietitleinin, you will Hud whaiitiave
old run lo lie Iruo." (Ilia. Itn-ord,
Oil tho nth of ItaMulwr, ISOO.neaily
2t jcanuflertheabove revelation on
war waa given, it) fulfilment com
menced, for on that day n niuvenlloii
aaemhll lu Charh-aton, H, C, which,
alter three day' Uellbcralloti, ia4d a
reoolulloil to Hie elicit thai lliouiilnii
hitherto exltlltig Utuccn Houth
Carollnu and the other Htatit, under
the name or tho United Htatet of
America, waa dltaolved. Thl wo the
beginning ortliBrubolllon. Hy the lit
or I'ehrunry, 18'il, alx oilier Hutc had
folloMial Hie example uf Houlli Caro
llnaaiid wlllidmwu from tlio Union,
aud a new government wo formed
under the nam uf The Confederate
Hlato of America. Not oiily u at Houth
Carolina tho hrttritato to commence
Hie rebellion, but hero alto, a If tu
mute a double fulfilment of Joteph
prophcay, nu April 1-', 1611, the lint
gnu wa llrcd from a i;oiife.lerale bat
tery agalimt Fort Humtrr ttandlng nt
the entrance) to Charlutlon linrlior.
Theruluou war that followed I a
matter of hlttory. The Union loaaca
alone, according lo the rert of Ihu
1'rovotttloiirral, nmounliHl to Sn,3;
men, who were either klll.il outright
lu hultlo or who died ube.iucntly
of wounJ or iliai-ati-a, not cutint
lug the lliotiaaud who were
crippled and uitlmed for life. The
Ion oil Iho tide of Ihu Coll
federate wa about tho name. Truly,
ut Jon-ph predicted, the (lulled Hiatus
never wltuctted Hich n acvou of LlooiJ.
thcil laifore. Thn lowcji la thnrovolu.
Houary war, in the war nt IBIS, and in
the war with Mexico In IS In
were only email nihil ra com.
pared nlth thl lait and ter
rible war of thu rebellion, wn accurately
jiredlclinlhy thvl'rophilJoM-iiii.Huillli.
Thl prediction alone and It literal
fulfilment aliould iHitulllclent to con
vince every reasonable man nnd woman
who will bike pnlli to luveillgate the
ulject thoroughly that Jotei, In
deed, wutu proplut of the J.lvliif Hod.
(ro U Omtinut.)
(loirnimrnl Troopt Kill Their Ofltcrrn
and Join the lirrolutloii-
oischaroc or taoicn ron lack
or tviocncc.
tr. O'.shra. Ktpeellng a Large lor-
timet The It 111 not to ho
Ur Ttieirteb to it. M-wn
isi cm i.i,
TI.e tlnreremenl 1r,,i. alioal llm
lllllree ou.l ll.t.li.
UixtwX, Match B.-A dltivilchfrom
Chill by the way of lbeuot Ayim
ttHteallullhreehalalllout uf Infantry
nud the t-utlru fourth regiment of the
Chilian government (root tutkitied
luthe tielirhlwrhoml of I'.aigiia have
tlml Hie olitcer and diclatiil In favor
of the revolutionist.
IIIM'II tltUI'.lt.
Tlie tlleaedJitek II.- Ill..rr Conl.l n"l
t)KiK.i, March i- Fireman Sadhr,
atrrtle.1 for the runnier of "'Carroty
Nell.' ha been lllMharge.1. at lhei
llceroul.l not ooll.it tuniclcnt evl
denoo tu uuivlct hi in with the crime.
I'eill.l eel Ureal. Ill tllll,
la-ixiaiT. March :i Theni .licallnit
orthobrolher of Mr. Wood hi I rent
her will, bequcAthlng n large forluue
tu Mr. OMhra, waa today rrfuMnl hy
thecuurt. A aibllc ullutlon to Par
nelP having a taiwlbl.' Inlerett In thlt
fiirluno liidiuoltliv brolher to bring
thlt action.
iitiati -mini: mi.r."
I l.u. klleka ni.it I htlrt tiring leerlj
I ...I.
Hki.iaht, March . Hunry Karri
mil, a memU'r of Parliament, vl J'.cd
Hie oflliv; of Ihu lrlltl branch or Ilia
National lioaguo yc-tenlay and ached
all tho money nud documei.ti he could
lay hand on. It la claimed that tho
central brunch of the league had au
thoring thu M-liure, owing to the dle
orgatilted and dleloj al attlhidu of the
Jlelfatt branch towan't Pnrnelt, liar
ilton and frh-iija Ihon det'lantl tho
branch dlimolvi'l. A free fluhl fol
lowed Uttleeu Jfarrlton' friend aud
their opltinentt of the Helfatt la-ague,
flat, etick and chalrt In-lng frei ly
lite.1. Filially the laillce cleared tho
Attlaniutat aliu, .1 Co.
PliibAHKI.i'iiiA. March , Ooul.1 .".
Cu., ouo of tho ohleat furiiiluru dealrn
In thocoiinlry, hat male n-tlgnmcnt.
l.labllltleA, lJ,um)i the a.ett uto
t'llerly 1'alle.l In Axeee.
PiTTJlirilll, March L'-The wage
committee uf the Qnllitl Ml tic Work
er met n ni'durlly ()f the coko nerat
or at Hcottdalo thlt aflernoou, lait
after a long conforuuvo utterly failed to
coiuutu any term rigaidlug thu dl.
aa'.rout ioku ttiikn now on. The
Italney work lire running full lime,
with heavy guard of 11 cllce.
fall n era.
Kamu Citv, Marili 1 Tlio
Chtlatle J.athrup Comuilttloil Com-
tauy, uuo uf the large! cunn-rua of Ita
Ind wett cf Chicago, wltll hram helu
thurlnclnlcltlelii Knnaat, Ht. Joe
nnd Lincoln, Jlentrke and Onialm,
Nek, uttlgtioil tsday. l.labllllln ?),
(il:i.l, about the mc.
Nnw YoiiK, March I'. Jullut Pul
mr Cumiuny, liuportera uf China,
etc., aatlgned today, wllh prelrrence
of tliknuo.
MuPiinumy, Kana., March 1!. The
Rewind National Hank of thlt place
closed lioora nt II o'clock today, iioat
Inganotlcu that Inability tn coilut
force.1 thorn to temporurllyautiasnd.
Nottatoniuutltyet given, Juatbefore
UieUitik cloned, Pretldeut C, J. Ilcg
geJmid thot and fatally wounded hhn
Hlf, w hethvr hy accident or not I un
known. Mat llnthitbllit lllarliaraeit.
New Vokic, March 2. Mx llothi
child, arrcaUl Imru for the alh-ge.1
twlndllnguf dry goml luorrhaiibi, wa
illtcharge.1 UHlay In court fur lick uf
evIdelu-H. Thu only complalnta Hie
police rraild get aglllltt 111 til w ore by
Morrl A Cuuiptell uf liul llhill', t'.il.,
and they rrfuual to come and up
imurngaluithlni. Tlie "lllllil aialeni.
Pllll.AliKl.rlllA, Marrli 2. Tho
JSxmi tomorrow will aay: Charlea II.
Wnlght ha Hirrhaet from (Jeorgo W.
Hunt, of Walla Walla, Wellington, u
niimUir of rallroal. knuwii a 'the
lluntiytleni." which iwiulralul the
great wheat field of cAtterit WuNhlng
tou uud Oregon outh of the (;ulumhla.
river. Thu lint payment un thlt train
action, which liivulvta$.Mi,vu, W;u
made today.
.Noii.lltalilenl Alirnt M.all tl.,1.1 .o
Tii'i:i(A,March 2 The houio wued
tho aeiiutu Allen Land Ownerthip bill.
It iirovldo tliat nun-ritlu'ent nlleua
hall not hu allowed U ncitulre or hold
land. I.andauot illttuMHl uf within
even ear will niett to Ihu Htatu,
The coufureiico rc)it on the Uraln
Hn-il bill, pruvldlog a Htato loan of
(IM.IKHI worth of ml to tho dutlttite
farmen, wat adopted.
The Alrnl.ll arlirui.
('iiiuaiio, Munli 2. It wa an
mm lira il today at ll meelliig uf the
Mount Cariuel AcronatiUn Nuvlgatl.iu
Ooniuiuy, which coulrola thu lVo-ulngtoiialr-ahlp
Invenllou, that n til
er vent aaaeument of the U,uotl,(HN)
hailbcoii rnlaed, It hat not been do
elded wlulher to erect hrreur at Mount
The neutral llrUrlrerr Aniro,ila
ii. mil,
WAmii.Tiini.T, March 2. Tho mol
luirtant change made by the Henatu
Coinmlitie In Hie lloneral Deficiency
Appropriation bill retiortod today wn
thniiddltlotiuftho French llatlou
clalmt, carrying an npiiroprialloii of
l,noi,uoia wlthaprovlto that In the
raan of huiikmtiy of the original
nuircren the auard ahall tie made on
Uhalf uf thu next uf kin, Inttead uf the
aaalguue. The committee nli at
tache 1 tn the bill Plumb' amendment,
providing for Iho trantfer without ex
amination to the cUttlfled detriment
ter'vlce Hie clerical force of Ihu Ccntu '
olllcv. I
Oilier change wvro made by the
ooiuinlltnc, im follow! clvllUatloitnti!
upinjitof the tilvux Itidlaut, $IVj,ujo; I
I wMotiaofthelate JuMlce Walle ami
Ju-tltw Miller, fiu.oui) and Slu.oo)
The commltU-e attiched a provitloti
illrecllng the Hecretary of the I'n-vu ry
lo txauilne the pay rlilma that are
already rrrted to CoiigrM. for cr
vice pcrformeil fur the (lovernment hy
IhateverAl t'arlllc rallroadt, nud In
cre.ve.1 from oil to O) a-r ceol of the
rate paid by prlvatoiartlo, llm amount
to In paid to lid the TacHIc. rallroaJ
firwrvlcet rfirni.l for tho Irani
rtatlon uf troop and Mipplle.
Inlrrrtt llrntlux llrLI.
W-akihkiiton, Match ;. Aggn-gnle
of Intereit-la-arlug debt, i-xclntlvii nf
tllltrd Hlateo leut.lt, tuue.1 to thu I'ai I
tlo rallrunlt, Hl.l,WI,t; idebt uu
which Inleritt iH-Ated tlmti niatuilty,
(1,(171,810. aggrignta debt liearlng no
interval, Including National bank fund
ihtlliil lu Hie rreattiry under Hie uct
of July II, la'i, liM,HI2,IV)i aggre
cnlnul ceriinmlea, fliraet by rath 111
rrcatury, tt&i.Ui.W, aggngatu of
debt, Including certlflcalee, February
Si, 18)1, $l.oin.lin.,RV.; ifecreate of
bonded debt during lilllilli, ll.Vir.D'.;
total (tuli In Treaiury, W1,iVJu,0ll2',
ihtt, leaaiath In rrrnviry Feliruiry
2, ISU1, Ssaul.TllV debt, ht eath lu
Trentury J.i. nrr Altai, $ I t,M W;
net liifrcuo uf debt ilurlng mouth,
tniirrriilut llm Tllle r hrlllrta In
.orlh llaketit.
WAiiiN.ir.,., March 2. Carey'
riaolutloii, ivlonleil lu thu Heuate oil
Hiturday, having for Ita ulject thu per-ru.in.-iit
uitileinenl uf title or tulller
lu the iiurtheatti-rn trt nf Norlli Ut
kuta. la uuo ul gntit lniuihinrt. The
Ht. Vincent exlemion ot the Manltuta
rlulniniihotliaimiif Ha coutliucled
riavlUtwren Ht. Cljud and HI. Vin
cent. Thl extetltlon, hoaever, mn
until from IVrgu Fall, olteli at a dlf
taucu uf ten thati ten mile allowed hy
the grant from Iho ltd Hirer of the
Nurl'i. Novel ihclc, thu raniny
clalma thn full tell tilllea, notWlthtUtiil
lug It would luil ude Itrgn tract ncn
the river III Ninth Dakota. Thl wa
dlaallowctl hy Iho Interior Deiarlmuut
on the gniund that thu ruadwa within
lhalhnllauf Mluni-aoU. TliuHupreiim
Court, however, lu a Milmtpirul dc
tltloii dlaregarditl the iiouiidiry
lluilUnf thu Hlah., and the ruling In
th&t cuMiwIll gotein In Ihu prcraut
cae, no grant up to the tlmouf Hint
decltlou having Ixen ri-cogultl In
North Dakota. The goverumrut ha
dtioied uf and laleuttt large trad of
theaxi land", which, u uder thlt decltlou,
muitbe htld lu have laa-n granted to
the railroad nuniiauy. Thtae lault, It
I ald, Include trt of Fargo, tlroud
Fork nud uther luiortnnt townt.
Tho decltlou remit red today In the
Hu renie C'ourt lu the matter of over
lapping grant laud hit prarthally
reudeled It lulwibie to wholly Mtltly
Ihu graut In Hie Manltoln Cmupaiiy
within Ita lliiill. If a Mllemout It
inmalble. then fore, ll will lai lu the
line uf IWv' retailullon, directing the
Hecretary uf Iho Interior to negotiate
Willi the rallruadiMmuy with avltw
totectirllig llaconaeut tn tnaku velec
tlona of other public laud In lliuuf
thote lu North Dakula.
Tbri,lr. l-repaalllon rr llrillalrlrl
lug I Uli.
Waihilsotox, March 2. The ron
ferei on Iho l.egltlatlvu kill hate
agrccil nu all but twuorturco )iluti.
The Civil Hcrvlco Cumuilttlou ton
onwllhotitany ihance. Tin. Heuate
proimtiiiou for redlttrlctlrig Utah li
The conferee un tho luJIuu Appro
prl illiiu hill have fulled to tigreu.
Theroufereeaon the Huudry Civil
tlll reache.1 ua agreement. The tiarn
graph relating to tho Woild'a Fair It
atnendi-d to appropriate .Vi.imk), at pro
luted by the ilouie, Inttead of tl,VM),
profited hy Ihu Heuate for the ex
iviiiea of Hie Uorernmout ethll.lt, aud
forth World' Columbian Coiuml
alou JW.W) I appruprlte.l. of which
f JU.mw it for the Hoard ut Inly Man
ager. T Tetl llm McKfuler TarlrT latw.
WAaJIIMiluN, March 2. Four mo
tion wore made In tho United .Statu
Hurrcmn Court to ulvauce tlioouut
Intended to Irat the validity nnd con
tlllutlunallty uf thu cii.toiui tuhnlnl..
trail vu and tlm McKinlcy larhriawr.
Attorucy-tlunenil Miller ttatud that
tho government wat willing lohave
the cam advanced, hut It detlred tu
havethe caaomaJeii. no at tof-ilrly
prenent the Statu lnrolvit, which ui.u
of lite rate at leatt did not do, lu , hi
opinion. At hi luggettlou the matter
wrntuver for a week, lu urler that
the government might exuulue the
, Noioliiallai...
WAMiiNmuK, March 2. Ifiury C.
lde, Vermont, laud commUtloner In
Hamoii, vice Athertou, declined; W,
D. TlllotiHiii uf Wathlngton, cuutul
general at Kanaguwa.
IJcutenant-Ccloiiel Morrow, Hlx
teuutli Cavalry, to Imi uolouel uf cav
alry. J.luutenaut Colonel Conrud,
Twcnty-tecuiid Infantry, to he colonel
The llannllau mule l're.itlllou.
WAStiiNciTUN, March 2.-The cou.
ferewauii thedidouutlo and i-oniular
nnproprlallou bill havu agriod. Thu
Huwallnu cable iruijtltloii I amendnl
to provliln for iwymeiit lo the cable
comiutiy uf not moru than JloiMtk) itr
uiiuumlor flfUeii yean by Hie gov
ernment, with thu r.-iulrvuwnt thut the
Jliiarallau government tlmll liny nltu a
Bum iUl tooue-thlrdfof thut laid by
tho rjulhal Htate. ' '
A trrillrl lu 1'al.ir ur II." Unlur :
WAmtniilToXjMarcli 2. Thu United
HlaluaHuprcuiu-Court today announce.1
n docltlou III u oontluiutloil ut the uld
Myraflalnea litigation ngaluat thoclty
ot NcwOrlcntw. The verdict lain fuviir
of lliotl iltiio uetiitu oti nil Ihoiioluiaat
The Court reuderuil thu uYrltfan of
the Uulted Htute circuit cuut t fr Mln
lieaclnliithucaMjiiflhuHI. PaulAi I'u
clllu Itallroad ugalnat the Northetu Pa
ilflcln a ault Involving tills whole the
Indoiuntty grant overlap,!. The
mae Invulvuit thoiiwuerthtp of many
Ihoiiiuud lure of liud lu Ihu uclghtair
liuoduftllludiini, MIuu., which, under
thu declilon rumaliu wllh the Northern
axe roax irqcat,
t fort. UtrcJiJ, trnoa,
nar atlver....... i lorkOntral ti
Money 1t. Mtittliiia ,.''' ii'
jeui"i m I kenblAuarnan? l.
!" ' Item Uu in "
. l ik laltia.,.. . X,
Lu ral farulo. 1 tuUula.ll in Vf
iruiliuawa...... . au l-aui 4 1. mhi' .
"orlkern A't'.a'n , ' UaKJiiSBS :." it
llelnwl 71 rairoKiTVtJ,' i
korUiwttlar. . Wttltra Uaw ! at I
abirt nilrktllatour H Ault tut ttarnBar Hl I
1 IL.l.umciul cuai.tt irvu oiitiuj. ""!, '
R.ltTiHOflSa i
r I ,,
, 2J, JO, 31 B. !,'
First Sonth St. ! hi
l! 'I !l ;
LLUJLLLLI Linill lllllil m. DJ PI 1 1 Ti IT i
senrcoly a liouao In Amorloa can show tho collection of !"
ouporb things wo nro pro.jiirtiti to offor this Sprlnsr, Thoy aro 'jj
Btrunft nlonp; from Now York to Salt Lako, nntl SOMCTHINO
NEW IS ARIHVINO DAILY. Tlio purcltasos of six past soa- jV
sons woultl not riqurtl tho eotootlons of thlo soason'a line, anil .'
Lncllos cannot form tlio falntost Idea o Itow nlennlly nnd '
taoloftilly thoy can drees, oxcopt by colling and oxamlnlnu ! t f
our cholco btock of Fronch Hovoltlos imU tlio olhur artistic Jji' i
offoct In our Drois Goodii Departmont. !B.
Wo shall show a Una of Fronoh Chatllos, tho pnttorns and ', ' '
colorlnua of which aro pronouncad works of art. ,
Our Combination Plaltl Hobos nro tho most tastoful, at a
modorato prlco, ovor producudf nnd about two hundred, pat- ' i
torus of Europoin Novoltloa, of which no two dross patterns j j
nro nllko, aro somothlnu; to bn proud of. ! ' J
Tho Wool Pla'ds ombraca coloro navorbofora attomptod, j ?
nnd, togothor with tho pnttorns, aro simply Immonto, and In j
n'.yloa sultnblo to nil affss.
Our Olack Uoods stock Is vory comploto.ln which wo aro
showing many novoltlos "tlmt nro olforcd at tha vary low i
prlcos wo placa on Hu.nrlottas, Sorttus, Cordv, Dlauonals and
nro handsomo, protty, sweat. Thess thruo styles of JPJ,
ooauty nro nil ombracod In tho cholcast lino ovor offorod In .'
any ono iiouso. Tho crrinm of all Importors nnd manufactur- K C
ora nro colluctod In this ono grand display. ti'M
Wo lond with thn (troat Europoan Novelty, Korah Molro, In b?I
prlntod Kooda, a now woavo mado from Egyptian Cotton nnd ll
Combed Yurno, comb'nod with tho Molro offoct. produdnK a j I
rlchnoos only to bo found In tha lilghojt class silks. Every fi
houso navortlsos Scotch Clnithams and Zophyrs, and show '.':
moro ugly than protty pattorns, but with us Itlsdlfforont; wo A
havo nn Immonso assortment, and ovnry pattern Is a bonuty, h
tho colors raro and rich, producing offocta nevor boforo wit- : ' f
nossod tn this class of uoods, nnd aro porfoctly fast. . -
Wo aro ttloo ehowlns stylish pattorns In American Qlng- 1'
horns. f '
Tho old stand-by, Prlntod Satoons, Is larnoly roprosontod " ,
In nil qunlltlos, and tha naw Canton Cloth, mado by Simpson
&. Sons, dosorvo spoclat mention for Its richnnss of duslgn. j .
Tho pattorns In Prints this season aro so vory protty wo J
must spoak of thorn. :
tho sum you want to boo them: thoy aro In Embrol- I
dorod Flouncing", India Linens, Nainsook Chocks, Lnco i
Effects, Cords and Strlpas. Ladlos of moro advancod yoara j
can havo all tho comfort thoro Is In woarlng a whlto muslin i
. dross and yot bo drossod In black. You should buy thorn early, f '.
tho novolty bolnu so croat, thoro nro doubts of thoro bolnu
oiiourIi to supply tho domnnd. I l
Wo havo a moro oxtonslvo lino than ovor In Whlto Em- 1 -j
broldorod Flounclntts In forty-flvti-lnch cooiIh for Lntllcs, and i I
twonty-sovon Inchos for chlldron. You will, of courso, soo U
Floiinclnfja In other storos, but If you want stylo combinod U
with choapnoss, you will buy thorn of us. fl
jij i jj Linij n i i.i.n 1 1 1 ru n r lit! i iTTTTT 1
28, , 30, 3J eTI q yy- r-p 26, H, 80, 32 E. M
First South St. II' ' First SonSt. i g
m juiLiii jj 1.0. i.i. i riiiKiTHmnmi: jf

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