Newspaper Page Text
m DEsnni?r 3:v.ronyq raws, ;ATrnnAV, Aran, i, iboi. -- - nFBCAL MTA , tsoBtb, ttu r" "" ""'" IMinlW"""11"'" raw-!-1; JtZZ, ii tii is. Bata l'-' nbf. . this matt waitr low,. rKonrnh" cl """ poultry FAnMisa. ..Ilir Esl 11.4 ' " i i.n niiHi. la ullrrfaml''e" '".J11"'.!1??: Ing lUnal kcm" " ,!T .. ,' coSLuntllM of a baJnw. I-!. ' naarly -Assam. IN. II U ami Mr rstarns on cm. csiiltsl IM" drtauu of lwvlBK Ibmsa-vrl ks anj ftllwrio l ' tboussnl P "ScwJawh nowr ' '2''?"r srrr In insUr. stsrt Is . Kfflcult -I lion lo answrr, for Mir loM J" luixlt an I In soin dhlrhoo.ll IJ xorlli two hmtni In oth-r M ,w lJtwk which bfuilh UnUM of In clnoln, wtlnic Wb ' si" Sn the Urnfclo li"ti iUiewrm romni.Mll InevluUjrwM com sum. ikr, an I chftrr hop. wUtb rowinl alio 1 am all to la) connltsl In ai capital, iMnnlnjr. without cai-ltsr l an ft jirtwtJoii ortrn heart, bat .Wrralir la no lurh thin, for It on. drr nds at tint on other work, and spr&ls onlr fin inonrren eoltrr. hit lirlivt jipMU all th tlni. should Ja.tljr l rockoncil at lurrstnl capital. WolnowMilililio MM that alia had lfPn jwultrr farmlnir on an Inrratmret of HI, tot th" truth wm that altliOTU hanlonlrthat inojnt smn on a trio of tin. rtlrlms, loraa common hrna an I a rough llttla Iioum, Lit raalntrnarnij In lb fsinllr honsa un til bur flock hl lncreal to hrs'ro rsirtloni, aul tho rrtit of lb. farm orrr which ! chickens had frw range, cor rwronJcJ to a capital of 1X0. And that li ona of tho boat po'nta ahont ralilrj chicken, no. can 1 tiraklng ground for a jiroItabL crop of theru whlli tandnu a llrln In aoma other wny,CTltlatlntrtrawliiTrlM or choica Trgt taW. Th f inncrt thrift dangh tr r, or tho achoolmUtrraa who wanta out loor work, mar buy a fewerc and a ' brjodj" bii to corcr lhi-n and thrca j-can aftcrwarl Mil lion lmli of dollara' worth of thoronghbrnl ttock, but ba llroolJ rrmmubcr that lirr ojiwrtunllf wal capltAl to her. When ono nut, In tha bciinnlnr. bin or bur land and bulll all klnda of honvf, ha ihould look at I lie matter In a liiuJiievllke. war, anil cunt on getting almplr a irawnaMo jrcrnt. on hlalil Tntuient "How manjr hem muit I keep In order to lupport a f ainlly of fix nonr wa n ipigetion aikfj rcctntlr bra reailrr.aalf It wen a KtUrd'act that a ben coul 1 mnrt dren nunitvr of nonaor fractlona thereof, haven thonunj henlnlht probiMr would bankrupt a fanner, while with two bun Ireilba could mrn hl llrlng. Ona dol lar a yrar It an pnl to Ix the t tcrr Lrofit from an anrairabcn. If the hen i rounit, imart anl pnre bml aha iliouM bring her owner mere uone than that. Aa a general arrrage there aro one third aa ruanr CKga each day aathere are bena If In uVka of over twenty. Of toune there are fewer egg. In early win ter and inoro In early j ring Ilenikept In groupa of alx or term Uy far better, tin nuoy daya every len fursbihlog ber ttuon for bring. Ho that If one bad CM In m In Audi of fifty one probably would have 1(0 cgra a day. Ifkettla Cocke of fifteen there woull often be W). Aanr&lethit tncreaw renayatmu for the coat of extra bulldlnga. Twenty Cve "hlddlei make a good, manageable family. Dcfore one raneeo rliatlyhow much money he will md he miut decide n un the alh he U going to follow whether he will ra!e Irani itork or market pool Icy, or turn hU attbution to "new laid mi" Probably he will branch off In knoo way he did not tipect, but a well tonidervd )lan will kec li him from wan Bering about bewildered whetlwr to aell all eggi at fifty centa a doaon or keep them to hatch Into chlckent worth fifty cent! a pound. American AgrtculturUt. IThy XAwy.i. At. Ilr.vf. 'I have itotlce-i, aald a young ao Vcltor, "that inrutbere ut the legal ' ro feaion an ahuo4 always brava men. It U seldom tliat ono shows rowardlco, I wonder why tlmt Is lot" "Will," responded nn elderly lady, Tvo read somewbero tliat 'comclenco makes cowards of us a!L And as law ersiuoiitly have rio conscience, vhy, of course, they hjveu't anything to mske tbem cowards. San rrauilsco Argvuaut. Urn, Tl'ton Wioh the ginlleman who lias Uxu so attentlva to joulhli erenUit Mlsa Tiptop He belongs to one of the nldrot famUIca In this lountry, and li descendod from the English nobility Mrs. Tiptop Avoid hlnu llolsrrob ably r-Jor.-cw York Wuklj. a. .1 riiv When we gather the eggs we at once write on tluin with a lead ncil the lieud aud ditej for luitance, "1. It , lW, wcanlnj llyuionth rtk, Oct, 1. In Uls May we bate no trouble In know. Ingtbeageof the eggs, onl aswemark thm In the in whllo we aro gstbtriu 4 them tberelsnoio.slUllty of nllng oattbewrongfggt. Dating the eggi 1.1 the manmr wo have shown Is the only . safe uy,and will csuh coiuri lerable nU.fsi.tlou botli to buyer and stller, el opting In case the fancier wlslcs to psjm oir a. kt of stale eggs. Last winter we bought up a Urge lot ft eggs, and after they were In the lacu bstorsMverol uses wo litrrml that.! most tv-o-thlrd. ct tboinw!. stile. .N. man wlihe. to hny stale test, oxd If a send out tunae not ocr n v..k or 10 oil to.eui,tomerwlllbemucbbettopl4, -JieiUtn.l'iirmtrimdlaji THOUOHT HC-D T'KE A OAV OFF. jl -l.rlSe"! Tf It rMet. tlfalf l C.iemllle. Cltereh rU, A trading railroad mvi of Cincinnati nt4 n dinner party. Aroniul thehmnt were i end ow lorkerswhn, tnwanl tlie end of tho f't, told stories out of their rclUlous eiltricncM. ' Cn In Ijiw reiiet) county," said n ctlm looking rly, arluly of liatr, MUaMff Jaw and delllKrnlc, as If al-drf-lng n Jury Micro was onco a worthyildrrof tlincliurcll nnliiut Joe rorker Jiai was 11 1 '(.I fi nrllig loan, n go,.' hn-band ami fatlur, uprlglit In hi. bu-HH" 01 n nTucr and a incot ro ,(1.1,' ruin 11 cv, ry way One day In Ml, lied his, lenlll, lundml It Willi pr,lieo ami went to Potsdam. Nlglit (ill lmt Joe di 1 not coiiie. Ills family wrre crrally alaruicl Ills eon Ktl villi all Inula to l'oUdam, only lulenni IhatliK falliersold bis Ixans and w taloci and startel uS liomrourj a llttla lafiredutk. ' Sratrli pnxfrl unaralliug, lmt tin licit all, moon up dnil 0 Joc' liorwi tn the gale, broken winded nnd allot a lathir His matter slowly dent lulnl to tlie ground, n k rry sicctacl- his tlutbes torn, liU face lnully bmlml, lrtof bis front scalp mlwlng. With uioteady steps Joe lounl lils room. cit day tbo minister and tlie other ciders of the church colled upon him. " llnitlterlVirkir,' aald tlixninu of 01, 'we hit you to liavo Mime etpla natkiii of the rllraordlnnry events which liaie overtaken you this week.' "'How long her I bin a member o( the church, boy awl manl " Tody sir j ears, my brother.' " 'Aln 1 1 walked In the ways of the kord pool pcrj" ndlckler tloorln' that timer "'Ves my brother; few lime been privllegeil to vno tho Ird so woll " Sli and forty jiar Is a Jiooly gooil while, nln't It r "'lcs, mybrolher1 "'Wall, I tliouitlitso, too, ami no I Un ler tliouglit I d take a da off Tlieslory teller wasTliomnsO .Shear man, the whilom siiierlntriuleiit of l'lymouth Hunday sehooL 'cw York &111U li j Mi. lr.l. 11. Some of the intxt rtlmulitlng hymns lure been "songs of the night." Thei wlibivml slanders of iroaslns liegot tho hymn, "I Iive toSteal Vwhlle Awn," which hoalieen I ho consider of thou sands of tried men and women. TlislM llroan, Us author, n wife nml mother living hi liberty, iisnl lo stroll away nt duk tn u iietghborliif grove, where she coul 1 luedltato ruid pray, Tlie IIlago -tj..I-a put their own coarso coiiptnietlim lliou Iheso vf ntlitf aatks Ononf Iheni, n wouiau whoe hou-ti a IJoIneJ Ihrt grove, sidd to her, with a tone and mantier iimro Irritat ing tluu the wonls "Mm Ilmwn, why do yoticoinonp at evening so riiMr uur Iioum, and then go back without coming luT That evening Jin. Itmwn, grlered In spirit, sat In tho klu hi 11, rocking her babo and weeping. Tlieu .ho laid tho liifont In Its cradle, and gao cipirn slou to lier feelings In nine stanzas of rrrsc, which she entitled, "My Apul ia for Mr Tulllght Ilumhlcs, Addreea cil to a 11 " Seternl ) car afterward sho prcared It aa n hymn, supprcvlng four stnuuia and idtcrlng a few t spruolons, Youtli'a Companion. I'll llli Mont. Ileliled lllm. AVIirn llsron nli Beldlett Ilpo, llrxwer IUirct's sou In law, arrived ut tho HoboLeu ph r of the Xurth Hcnnan IJoyd Steauiililp coiujiany leccutl lies was met by Capu llajuclman, fonuerly of the steaimr Werra, and now hi charge of thecomiiaiiy e piers. "What Is your naiuer asked tho captain of tho uobln stronger, prrrnrhig to enter the reply In Ids reconl Tho baron bt gan to cnuini rate his various titles ami Clirhtlau names, but Ivid only got half through when the, captain Interrupted him wlthi 'Oh, hang It, you lift nil thre In rirrmany, i ou're Its America now, Wliats jour Ust naiiiet" The baron, who was exceedingly taken aback, gave the dcidrcd Information and hastily passed 011 to meet lib) friinds. San IVancLsco Argonaut. lls.r. ll.n I j,.. Tfot longsIiieoaNewlIamiishlrecom pilttremuu was examining nn Infant Khoid elats. "Can any littlo nlrt or boy glte the ileflnltlim of tho word 'uterugef1' hentked Tor some thno iiuonenplleil, but finally n little girl hesitatingly n plied, "It Is 11 thing a hen lays on egg on, sir " ".No, that's not right "ies, sir, my book says soi1 and she trotted up to her questioner and jiolnted to this sentence hi hcl n adlog book, "A hen I lys 1111 1 gg ev cry day on on awrage." livery OlherHat. urdur, (.ssfuet Atiy.-. Tunnrr Alkiu, of ciiongo county,' l'a., ngnl W, startwl to 1'ltt.hurg on his first railroad rile. The rattlo ol the train terrorised Mm, and ho got oil at the IIM nop and took to tho mud roads. Ho hired n convejanco and went to Pittsburg overland at nne IH'iiw i'h h wuiild have xcilrcd him n l-slani rar all to Mum If Home jieoplo do not care for ciisuiscs when torn fort U bivohed lUclungo. Uiii't negtect to tisve our name plainly palole.1 ou all Jugs or bottles that are sent 10 tlie store tor vinegar, motasse., etc, Tluu you will be sure to get your own Uii. sj.ii!o j?lBHmatisn OlUaLC ThibiB COMPANY s,,, fr leir 7ss l-ssa il!ii " fsewas, Moaeel 4tw!sllr'ai,,al '!"! wl.a Slfc.1 lstl"l see fit.. I. IS. .iiw-s ST IB tBel cbersitt. EXtBACTOFBEEF lakaaitki,.jLSwotasiie hs aiM. iWrVlSa is -usrtj.1 K'i,,,st us r 11 1 .s ; Hsstt7J!riMis ipa RI01I.IKDS & JIOYIiK, '5nrjv.Y:i'A,si7.tii'. OrriciTIn Constitution tlullillng, nut tins MiKr. "ALT t,-N. OITV 'sFjIIIC. . 'ASt. Arroitrr t mvi ihiovj ram, pilots riser .isaslilallea Uull.1 s ifi Miruu. pon ia 11 rwrtu ctTt, a .oorj JJ a., h,ri tun. Arr'r i i'rf.ti a weaasi. ST MintK. rPiiTiviAt' iiiinrTiieTOCk. 1 a.H ; "J !.s.Ui4iut-nsrs.v"flIrv- 0t '" ..Mt ?' Vl " uie tur. e.r. M.r 'll. sil is B-Ir IS. r.nxi. el sits-Hss llruntsnlorU"s'"esr.nlfsr a. In.,?t tars otatr I a Btr t esptrlt s, m Sslet tl . tsstli.f . l ' tlAtlut.lMelelsrf. WJiMMi T( iiimuinv. iO onfi nni t trim at OmsMOI!!!! st cent, gilt set. nSS steYnir, XI... i-.Il I- litlrs.ia aimi..,) sH" Jtl I OK MAI.K. JlPtXcsi or " I LAI". Alt or O'i tJilsU s.Jerrsllit.Uu.. I..C.I..I astKtSsursa.ll.tfrs o. lbs time, 10 lira. r. Af tl IS ultcc I" LOST.STItA. FI) Olt M-OM.X. ' lnit.1el.t..v.srs tM, brsa,l.l -SCre.s4.as4l.. ill lksli u'Sr . 1 lott.r .Ies.! t ilaals.jse. aattsrMI la Wis) Asrasraaros Isltrtaslsiti last ttlll leal W...,...Al,,, 'etf Dot II, sill Us Ulr yAi)iiii.Tiiriiims. Miawnsuisis "out I MSII sbegM sl;5 i. M! lot ebiUrta U 1 0T. A utiioa't.nvi.ttviwoiii.TiiiitK sb-Tol " "bTan'le'llee. OlralKrl, Hr aBsri.ioar.db.raiad. das 17 wAvri.i. Mil to IIH. Usl nr CtllAliat l at, essis .. I !! 1-alJ A I Ira.. siu)surrsiiaBsicirtrcDihisr,su ta1 "STstaET IN DARKEST AFRICA ll TWtlUMnrr.r HU.U-A ! tUtlUHf fttlwM - M U.S1 OWtlsaMt bf U tp-Wlal SatisWM WUt-tr f-M "M ' i-Vta If hlMwir tfitUHnt HI iihi-it A(V Ii t.s.1 U tl-Hl bf r ft -syJM 1Ksiir'iwll"'MMi'r(tM tMajstt,4 iferatlvf T ps) mm ( lbv tH fclSMWsf.lMkMU4 l'Vi .. ,. , mniiiT tnl rs-MMlV-w UlsVsMatsWU'Nk tAUMUN ltsllU l-k Uavt UW Ub rrU'r CHARLES SCniDNGR'S SONS Attsl tut lU MfsMklnf Mrml tnf ttwU tem AH. BANCROFT &C0! 132 POST STREET, IN FAtNSISCO. Esstril Ageats for Ihe Pscldo Cool. ERNCST S. PENROSE, Afjont, fi KM.T I.I(K tlTV, UTAIt. J i'ioni:i:ii ruin cd. MIUl Sa North Temple St., rait, OFrCCl2l South Tcmpla St., Wast. Hltjk Patent, Baker's No. 1, aperflati Wholo Wheat Flour. mcaksTCASH pricepaio fqh wheat. jra rs-sisM an. of,, 7t.,f ist n. ?J I LIAS MOIHIIS Proprietor Closing Out Sale acilltKSK AMI JAfAMSiK on ami goodsl QUONQ CHONG WING, 10 Wsit First South Street III Will I MflS.d.U.Sel lMt. VJVZTi i.sj4)IIrlltaM IMiJiM as.'' '.",'.,". zmx& ..;?.'.'." QIlEAP'llOrEg I in iunxiao. po vrur iiksikaiuk land ntrrii jlirltslmral sds llrsnei. la Xorllsia Cblkosbit, stir Cul.ny Dia yet It'l tattltnlsu, tprlj IS Pllsasr Nsw 0. r VT l)t,b; J.b.tts, Jr , Dtilasy lllsli Csii( Cent, (,tiLuitiut,Sl,ike, ISBBIISBIIIIIIIII.IIII1111!1.11111 "-"J fPVHY DO YOU COUGH?: s) nfS .IsvrssCM Jhtyrst kuowlhat n hil'ecauh ladin-a vtMaUaln getousllilnc? Art. jwi aware that 11 fflcnii -mf V CHi nMetiat.n the limgtnnl fnrloot fltn riinsi a Tt - ,s-. iVJraaM nlnCnnsimiliteinmlendilnll'nllir 1it,1cii O'fcvT1 llBH suftt ring f rim Wluna.llroi tliliu llitiiinie Trw"' 12Kt iilsndCiiiunirtIoiiwlllnlllillyoilllint 1 S K, J9L "IT STARTEO WITH A COLD," : T (Cnn you aitorl to iii-gleet It t Omymitriilit. H 4xjPfEitKKl. wltlmoBetKiusamalterl' AroyouaworetliaH IDR. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY: IV.1 1 In n .Ivy n will jirevent l"r.i, nlleve Aathm i nn.1 . urn Iaiiisui m. J "lloulf tnkeiilntlme ' Vial ran itnlf ,M to Isi wlllio-it I ASVlI; le, nnrsavn ro f 8HXlln Dot tors I il may sure yieir lire I Askymirilriig-, ."iyf'r flfSr write. lo i. 1. (01UI 10.1. TfBI llttif IT. Itw Wi. J '' ror lalo ly . '. at, I, Drug Iiipartiiient, The Biggest Sale of CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNISHINGS and HATS On Record. In Order to ESTABLISH TRADE wo arc Giving tho Above Induco'monts. OCTI. -I-MflOlCS WE GUARANTEE THE LOWEST! For THIS WEEK ONLY 150 lien's Strong Working Suits, S3.55. Count mill Sft IT. DESKY BROTHERS, 74 W. Second South Street. SIGX OF THH IICMIOIlSI-:silOK OVElt POOH OPPORTUNITY :-: EXTRAORDIHARY to nuv Dry Gcods anil Genls' Furnishings at a Great Sacrifice ASSIGNEE: 8M or ntu KELLNEK STOCK. Tho ifiii.Roo worth of GOODS thnt wns kopt In roaorvo In tho basomont I liavo now placod on tho mnln floor along with tho ro3t of tho stock, and I will on Monday Morning, March 23rd, 1891, commonco tho Salo or tho ENTIRE STOCK until dlsposoU of at about 65 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR of tho Orlulnal Wholosalo Cost. This Stock comprlaos somo of tho vory Flnost Goods ovo brought to Utah, Merchants and othor largo buyorn wishing to buy n $100.00 worth and upwards, I will Blvo a spoclal discount to. Duy Goods now nnd lay thorn byo until you nood thorn, for, MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. I havo onRagod nlno additional clorks so as to glvo all a chnnco to thoroughly Invostl gato tho goods and prlcos and avoid confusion. LOUIS LEDERER, Assignee, 205 and 207 Main Street, Wasatch Block. P. S-Sod hand blllK for quotations. OIRCCTOns. I Os. Ilomntj.llssutt, a II Taylor, l,.s lltimnar, j lo, II Tsjlor, A'timst Httr, r ara-suoajM J. Kouasf, I 0M j n,B.trtttej,i4irsssisr. Lumber Yard&Steam Planing Mill TAYLOR, mMHEY eARMSTRONG co.t One Block East of tho U. P. R. R. Depot. Headquarters Tor Conference Visitors! PEOPLE'SEQUITABLE CO-OP. ASS'fl 7 nnd 0 Main Street, Next to Zlon's Satlnj Bank, WIU, L01IUEM.ll ninn GRAND ANNUAL BARGAIN SALE . oy VT012V13H13.W VinJTJ 1. 11. Our Prlcos will bo no followsi .imi Allsim, your rliolfa fjr .'.(0, wotlli from JV") to 17 U Kil jnnlslloniaMale White ltiiwyr.1 S2(ll woltli f-c. . .. , tarucra Jsrst-yOrsrU (as mlvsitlusl ly ollitrs as talon wollli Jl ") our inlrti 41V. ilr. V) yartls 1 uiklsli Towel, at 10c: wottli K,c. '., 't ' I5c. " Ste. vi tt it " i:xlra LargaauU inary, S3C.J wottli 40c. 12 HoliolllvaclirtirnrSlno. 14 " I'rlilB UiiiiJrylllfaclivlforI.Oii. n Child's Hallor Hulla at S1.U0, worth SI HI 4.1 lllu. Maunt-lHsllor Hulls ntSI.M; si otlli Jll. liomr'jta.lti1 Alf Vf'ooi Hocks' 171c' ilr, or 0 lrs fur ll.W; regular Itlco IV. lo Mat. ilr. Adsuiantliio Pin, 12 I'apsrs for 'Jic; worth iic. Ji doi. Mt-n'a l.i Ira llrary Ht amhs Hocks, at 10c. Tio ' I'aucy Urcisliltls, Mc; woitli7H. tl flats Laundry Hoap fjril.on. Iiuui'riua i'.lno o( Men. Women's aud Children's Khoti at I rices neter Uforo sold. l)ont Mlsa Them 1 liomombor that tho Pooplo'a Is tho Original and Only Pooplos Equltablo Co-op. Ass'n In tho City. Noxt to Zlon's Savings Dank. Tho Only Proflt-ShnrlnB Institution In tho City. The above are bit a Ten of the Many Bargains ne have to oiler, and vie cordially Imlte our friends to enmlne the Goods and Prices. PEOPLE'S EQUITABLE CO-OP. ASS'N Next to Zlon's Savings Dank. HERBERT J. FOULOER, Supt. f-XlSTT'TEIKEiiailEiO 1 J5 tfE.KE50C00J. E Djllffi.E'ATJ i"ANDWEN B8ICt0StENliSiStE8Q 'VMssBBiar Poa jsiisj5St:o ebj V VI5H,.RINHR0Z-5AWD'.6i).Qni LOAVES TUEOitsfissr wmntmBmvzz OVEisi DO0R5 SpOjo their GHMBiilOT0V X& TTOXT Vsr-A.-fcTI' TISB BEST Buy tho CHARTER OAK, "Wltl! Uio 'W J .LtTS O'V.'17'ZrS Ovon rSosrs. J?OE SALB BY Z. C. M. I., Solo AffuntH In Salt Lnko City wit. Loiauosc. j ivnioirs. WM. LONGMORE & CO., WDRKIMGMEH'S CLOTHING STORE. GREAT REDUCTION ON WINTER GOODS! FOR A SHOET TIME ONLY J ""WAWIAttRVr 50 Mon's nnd Youths' Good Hoavy Wlntor Suits, at $5.00 $7.00 co tt tt it tt it c.75 8.00 COChllUron's - -50 CO Pairs Mon'a Good Joans Pants, - - "Co. l.oo CO " Chlldron's Pants, - SCa. AOo. Mon'a Good Woolon Untlorwoar, por Suit, - OOo. 120 Ovorshlrts, - - GOc. 1.00 " " All Wool Homo-Mado Socks, por pair, 2Bc. 3Gc. uni: in Ataii. aiii nritui. otn aorrtii iiumstt. nrnniraxr A liaillikl-i. aMII'JllltllllUXM. Yforllnjmen's w. lonomore & CO., ClOthlni Store. 53 W. First South Street. r. Bi'ru( rtnllel I) tlial the mtptt OrwrtV '"" Jh'"1 "''' pnnu carry the urnls'tV"'' '" ' "'" " "Jm' mijuli fn the clly, nnd that, ioufll ittlh the niurteoui treatment ami MUjlny wuumt otlhrlr ulf$mm, mule it vne aj the mot attracllu plant of lutlntti in low. Il' (mitt our frleiiai ami the )uUh aeneralhj tt call ami tee far thmtehct. t 7alMtit:i I 1 s EMERY jas. SAViLut,! . ttt. . ,. WO0LLtY, JA3, H. DAHLOW, ,U r ' - fl' "' WOUL-t'' NOTICE OF SAIEJT REAL ESTATE' Notick l 1 1 k n K u r I K . J 1 1 .T I r. 1. 11 fir unci Of MA PlT ft 1 10 rrtiUdl lnrtf vSVnMt Vf KUt lAlQ.T.-U-lrTOf iiuin.ratMiii Ckj of rtb-jMfT. lirllh itit n )erif ' iiUiiia.irintoMi.Mi :..:.: ,i,mu at pnnu tl. hiihfti I klrlar. tr-T Mh,ottl W ronflrmlUoi, 1j ir ; ivrraroa'.., rllMfnttUB .l-tlM,lill1Ml iBWrtil IulrUlf Ihoi-! Hrlnf1rfMH.Mli .mM bii tlnth iv. -n tn rtsjni.n If m ot I iw or ofirr!, firy I. oiiiff !b r U 'tdtlnnfA thai ftl Ht id 'l,,n;i'"f;jrV! V IM IMt ot feu rttlili. tn t n " IM MTUl! i If. of r' or ,n't '!"' J J" I Hn(f tn tnt rlir nnJ wT t Ml' 1 J Tr at w.l w MW." hnnl-wliiw (9 J rtihi". ml north o wJ iiwithm jwr itrtxlifa (lttict.lsM,,froiT. hoHtnwr ror htr-si tk.frtT.fii.tqwwcrc.1 rMrbon twen l iifn (It 1 Tuwrli.l M(n 'ouli, 4 r'Ur IT t C 4trm Mil li(W) rnla ( if-lia'tit. lhcnr miflh rlrlilf tn Il ttt ?hl"l. CM t to 1h, 1 1 ,ri of tsfrvnirr iiiiir in rnS,tT iiKh !!. wt. ntUowithr.ut M.1.U-0M lllllliM-tlfllM'lllt Iti.t II.JH 'VfrliVi "roft'lilloi. ! Mln -" lf Tr iu(-niaf ii"bi.rr 'mia loUo tu rltifi nnl dl.erriJ t aail a-tonoittratru Ufsi ...aiworcfMi. Asl CAUtllT A4mlalairilf1of ! "" Untflmf " SUMMONS. In tl.f huirki nrl In and for ifan Th.M Jmiieial iHHrkinl I irt Tciriiorj, Conniy t aU Iai. IfcaTftcrtt BftTttn ltank, Cetroiilini, llamtillit (.M.ff T-1on, HtniMM ) if 'l-.". ttwitt .llanih. jam" Uoidor,tMpar Anlcr avH T l Irt J. TrtDHlllv tkfaJtnii, Tlit I'MTlt c( Hit TerriUrrr o tub ! ir4Hx To tlfortj K, 1 tlot HrnrictU J loTJ.Slf w dtracu ait-1 IOarJ J. Irtmtl.h, lirfrat wvv auk fiiiicnt mgLiiiriiTn r 1 ar in arttuat i nf ut ataUkil ra if Iht thai namul Ulall in Ibt Uwitiei Couil if ll itilr I Judicial Imtrlrt of lh t ttrtfntj .1 tUL. at-xl tonnawir lhrmiHil It) ibirfin within tan iljaiilnlfi itihtrfay of rnlrr) ncr tl.t nine OB ?nii of tbit tmv'ina-lf MtTfd ilhtnttila roimtr tr tf frntl put of thuorooir, lMtlnitiltitii t, wilb.n l-arbtv UT. WlnmW wubm I rtt lava nr JiKlimf nt IjT Ifftnil will bt Uka ti yon, ftrrotdltC lo Ut inajirol tall "ih I wl0 I Irronthl 1I f T lb atiraM i;w with ttwl Iks-wit i tir tut irr annum lrt.Jul I. irvo, an t tl mi, ,( SijSM'TwCawl '" ptr rent tf-K mnuitfunal lat MdUorfrT nnjI'iHU f ibiaultnilfiiranen ottivr or funhrr rtv lirt iBii,pftmia wlht roiiri taay am nclahlrU t-.Ha Ami lutthfr dtenrn nf It) l rcitlioriht Irtrrt'wui- '' of iPri dflolftlBllorb ISplal "A. Mt lAbt C tr gtffT.rominvMClaifainpninl 1U rmla I nU from iht h tviititr f ! I lot, rttnalajt ibrnro ! T roil itirnrt muu rwitj thfitr ttttt I radii llivart north H to tii llarv ol Umnninjf.nnrtar moitj-ait man rmutiTfab-l drhvrrail I T tl aai lil'trndtntt lo tlit Mil t-laintiil frftvniUr HI. . lot nr ram rrafot lor IM'4 tirb anil rtrn dai atil It on )fr t1Ut ckltn Hb inltrtfriutuu until fallilba m I ait of t- tbr of aald romitnrr n'" lKt-?irrillntirton t Ural out down l Jalr 15,lVaDdlltltrirtton thtaarondont down lo Jutt , ItvOt hwh tail mirlcvt rntMfl lor nn nitorrrr nirrail. "thailbataitldcffitOiiittaniJ alloth rti-Ttnat rlaiulP I prrmiRva auUtqurnt io aald 1 laintip a mvrlf a mar tt oairtd and turt rlvarduniltr anl ttlf. ami that lb t rtvwJa ui a&lit loU apt litl m tht viTWfltil of tba niinldutllilainUa1 alter tiayit r a cou aailrt tntraani attornry'a tt-ot aa-i ihiltia I Ulat It way hatt Jaftimfat far air Ivtrrwaty ahirmnayrfniainafirraillTiaK all "i fto rrrdaof aaidaaltwaiau thn aald d'fradaaU titontK. )ra4onaBdlltnrirtlfalon. Atid you ara Itartby nrinst thai If lovl fall laaifrar an1 aaawrr Iht tail tomplalat u alsottrvquirttl.llitaalllUintlal UI p 1 li tut roail for tba rHf larnaa la I lhram Ulinrat tba linn, i harlra i-, Zana. Judat aad thtaaalof lhalMsUVl lotirl ol llstlbrl jodH-lal Iiutru-t. In and for lb Trt nlnr bt Llah, Ihla IIUi day of Itimarr. iht ytar t ur lrd ont thouanl utbt naa drtd an 4 D'ntlr on IIKMU U.JICMIIIJV. Ol.rk. liruto. li uhiiiu Iitiuir Cltii. SUMMONS. fit llit Tlltlritt tlntr! o,t or ls Wr. JuJifiul Ihtfnct o t7oA Trmt.rr'i Owaly 0S.lll jMlt. Lscacsnsss Diattjinr, llslstiff, 1 4 IUintt l', iV.w. Vaisciia Ima. 3 !LIK1 lfc4TT,lAiall IlLSr.ul 1 Ass I. rasrr.l.sirs 01 is. i.i. aa I tlltoa llallt art4, ' I Tks loil.l Its TsrrHsrr ' It" "si T IsratuVrall. IJ.w.rtatla a. Ilj.r, Vllts a I ml, Issia n llaal aaa Asa U 1111, I .it of la. 11. AaJitoa I rll, Se.l, dtftsilasn! Yoo am. innmiriiniuinitiToar. I tat ia .9 atU ia I Mill asalatl sou M th. .hit. nsrstJ IslsllS I. ISa II tulcl IMutl 1,1 IbaTbltilJudKlsJ lllatnctof ISa Itmturf if lliaa.iaai la atr IS. roasplalal lsl til'MISIC.) .IUt lit. tstt le. tia yva ot IS s aomm.s-il lanH l Ma His .r. attvtt oul.f ikta la 11. Jlslttrt, ,'lhin Isttnlr . oiastwlas irltlilp lour . -lu ks 'aslssll .111 1 . Islta .saiatl ton accotaias W lh. I t;rol ua tornj .lau lhaaaiaftfll. la ttaushl n liata. ssttss ot lilt wan sSa(is aatb ol Ihs! bstsls tosttfwilb IS. nal.t. of Ib.itcuiai "lb. pmstrtr b.ttlBtll.rlWt.ctls.1. ..J ludslsalbsl tba dsftbiHni or .eb ( ir tlibtr ( is bt. oo ! ' l.lrl sthltr its aat I iitsj'ttr. a Uil lb HU of Ija alls I. t J sal?a.ll,r i.tusilr .ajoislas! i:li l lb.." fim s.s.iuss ssit sJT.iss I aa'llMtlSoaristalttl.sall trasliri llbll a.tbolbtr a.! lanbsi rslW as aiiiir lo laostt ia stii '. Ss-ttlbsa a '0'1,V teOTWii'p'"' ttfcil'l , IsrlMsTsilsl tfiMaUsrs. lv.'i.,ilv.Mcn,.:ci.;.,li.1sJ ',",7,1.1 lilti'ii l,ia ." i fr in. IsnuoiT If Utah. Iblslllb i'l'l r.Uotr Js lb. Jtst aSulAt ... Sllbl bssJttJ i..;M' '"'1' "us-inr o. lis!- tltrk, lirtiro D. iaovii, "" ii.mirri.rt ICOAL NOTICE. r. Hi rretiau Ooutl. la asd for salt US '" losatr.lmlwrimt Ulsli. la lbs Wslltrol inl'iuts airman UM" 1,1 OJtU I tlsrsasssl. NoTtrr. i Hr-iiiiir nmf that j"ln . lulsuusltr of,l" ..,.,. ,,f Sim,. U lliro U.rllsls; ilor.sts I saa oaiataso 1 1 allllan li r aa.l ,1 a'lil ullos of iba faWA'.'i.i.'i'.JSi..'.. '" Hi'vw lioa, si bich Utu sn4 1 1st. bar V? ; r""i If .K.'Ib.V.' l'.' wm ss'lS"b.U " M ,V".V.U .1 l'r".ti4 sl4 II..I slhlnba. " 'w.'nitVS of iT.ii... e....... llyU.r-.itrAr.IO,, lltnulr. " iiuiisi: movi:iwani haiskhs. liyiV!.i.uV."!S,l..,',yi.SR ,.... laroasf sail mofSil far Jjaas "J ' trrVii iiuiisi. uuM'i; ""'y' ! J