Newspaper Page Text
TO nrfflcun'r TsYkxtvo xkm'si sATirmuv, Arim. i. iso.. deseretIveningjews. pU U li. CtWll I" "I 'JIzT.l Kl taw-cu kf . " ""' sua "" STAKR lOXFtUESCES. Ipp.ldrafDl. f.r (jltrlr 0f,r races Colli Oclobrr, 1W' 'usbSlake-Hslurday anilrUinJsy, A)tlt lStlt nod lUi; nudrUturJsy "J Sunday, July 1Mb ami mb. . . Weber and Cassia Htakus-bindsy and Mod,!., Afril I Mi and JW1 , and Sunday nod Nonday, "! m" andSOlh. . ... Jlox Ktdrr, Tooele and t)e,J Blakce-Sunday nJ Monday, April ICthand!7lli,arid Hunday mid Mon day, July Mil) aud 57th. Wasatch Ktake turly nJ I"1" day, May !nd nJ SnlJ and Baturdey end Bunday, August lit and Sni. Cache Btaks-Hundsy and Monday, May 3rd ml 4tb; Mil Monday "J Monday, Augtiit:nland.1hl. Humiult Btako-Haturday and Hun day, May 0th and loth; and Saturday and Bunday, Auustlh and "th. Hear Uke, ttnery ni UmU? m.i. u I..,,,l Mnmlar.May I Oil) and lllh; and Bunday aud Monday, August oih an I loth. Hants to Btaks-Hslurday and Bun day, Mi; ICth and 17lh; and BHurday .nil Bunday, Aujuit 1Mb and lh. Ban Luis, Morgan, n.l Itiunock Stakes-Sunday andMonday.May '""' and lSlhJ nnd Bunday and Monday, ' August loth and nth. Ban Juan Sla'to-Haluniay nJ Bun day, May nl and S4th; and Hatunlay and Sunday, August Knd and 3rd. Millard aud Barter btakrs-Huuday nnd Monday, May Sllh and Mlb; and Bunday and Monday, August rd andHslh, Utah, ranKUltch and Hnowllake Btakrt-Buudsy and Monday, Ma) Stat and Juno In; and Bunday and Mon day, August MUi and list. Davis Slake-Baturday and Bunday, June Oth and th; and Saturday and Bunday, Beplcmbrroth aud Mil. Kanab and St. John Btakca-8 inday and Monday, Juno 7th and Hth; and Bunday aud Monday, September Cth and 7lh. Bl. (leorge, Malnd and fit. Joseph Slakes-Bundsy aud Monday, Juno Xth and loth; and Bunday aud Mon day, BeplemberlStli and Kill. I'arowan, J leaver aud Maricopa Bbikee-Bunday and Monday, Juno :it and 25nd; and Bunday and Mon day, September Mill and SIsL Joan i( V. Burnt, i I). IliciiAitw. FKAGJIEMS. TnonocnitnaED Jersey heifer rslf for ailo. Seeadvi, A aowion of the Couaty Court w as beld ttita afternoon, cniuuiencing at 2 o'rlmk. Tut Iron County Xrwi, after a bard ttrutrc'a for ctUtenw, lu iloilly aui Jlwlelimtllcllon. IiikKiH tjiko Aidcniy aludrnta will tiottly Ktvo an iinUrtalnintnt on behalf or tbt fund of tbetr rvaillni: rwuu Tuu arml-annual confirmee rf tbe TWurat bunday hebool Unltin will t lirl t tomorrow eianlnir at 7iW, lu tbe STabfrnarla, V. J. ALl u, ( Urjol Willi hallot-boa tufflni:attbeabool elorUun, will bavo bli trial In tin TMM DWrkt Court noil 3bmuiy. tlKOKiic O. Ttlriu prtM-aernt of tbe ' LlltlTyunH wbli b bold lb board at tha Tboatro on llio ITtb and liib of tlm re-4 ut uiontb, U In town. Joui H. I.liiwiSr, tlm well known aouiri an t bN ttireo ilaiiBbtan bare re lumed bumo from Uio Aortb, w bare tbey bai a bora U) Iuk to good nouaoi. I. HaanixriTnx, John Ward, Y. C. Inner, Jolin M'ii, llolwrl lllll aud llllatn Joiiua, wbo bare flcun! h, ivn apleur utly In tbe Ilillea Court of lute, on tbt charge of (rumbling, htro boon ilia rliarccd. Jr li undentoml tbnt no further atepa will be taken In regard nt Dm threatened kilmu cor u 'nH-e'tlnira In the oao of the younger of the "MeLainber1' ilaterv, eadatiowlllaomi at4ar a one ot the tttraaloua at "WonderUud." Til Rill are Ull Iftllmed me-Migefl at tha Western Union Telegraph omm for MMU JVI.1.. M. II.'ra, W. II.MrCoy and llobert II M IMiml I, J, , Dunionl. meat mirketi I). II. liatli, Ju Id Cruader lodlUxrorwimulth. Tinnit will lie a eperbil meeting of the atake iimeldenbi nf llio V I- I I. A. or thflr reprewoUtlTea on humlar, Anrll fttb, liniiiiHllatcly after the rloin of the TaUmiebi Mnrfn,al lb. rMiteneacf Mb. M. Y. Dougall, N I -, Wert Tern fie Utrett. lly order of the (leueral aarlntendeii.y. Tun third term oflh. L. ii.H.Hmln. aiyof the 1 luhtcen h Wart clnw iel. Itdr. A new term lieglm on llv April llth Afvw vataneloiwlllorpurli! the rei-ratory an 1 Intermediate ilemn. menu Kurtber Inf irnmtlnn mar be ettained of Ibe prluilpal, u. V, Muni. TumirwaiIolenteill.lnnl(t,, two eiprraa kmuw tl.l. aftornonn nu Bjoond houlh Wivet.wMt. The rlrtier ffoneofthe nhlelea n.rrowh epl belngninoior Th.w.,oflb. ,Xr a. Iiily danigil When lu,t , iy weroeongmtiiutinge,,!, , ln ! maltera were no wurie. A iraiti' raran, lean looking old nun with Eold-rluimM .iw-u.le,, wi, ,'iL j"rrod at tho Timilclon an I Cmiuoit Ilouo mrnria buiy with a ,,,?. webln wbkhbe J eaiturTnS'Kia; Maai Hi .other wonl., be1 laVSaom 5 Uwlwtla known u the 'IiikJ" bimeii alwrer Jlo on tho loukonli ih Hn- will b. Ilth.y ZX?r iTi'J! ,-.'f . Sml"1 I'rlnllng Cbmnanr I'fnl'oo'bOTWS J. Smith I. n,., ni j v k " ' ,T,I"M lc"" """re Moy e. S reury Kit i0 im !h .' ""k'u'erwlu 1 fj Jed Lull fotut tbe board of dluitora. TIIIIF.K AT OXIK. Till I' (be fnmbrr of Iniane l'roplc Taken lo Ogdrn Iburtday. We learn from tbe Vummcniat that on the aime (rain whlcli lruuli( TboroiM Warrrti from llio taat, were Iwoothtr dimentnl paa-eiuera. One oftbem Imagined lie lmillel to ea for lil life and nindoaomenl. limpH to Jnuip from lliu train while II wan lu motion. Iking thtenrtwl lu tbli he became romlntatWfly 'inlet IllitllOgilellwaa rreihed where, when he allgbtnl upon Ibe platform, he threw lilt lugsagnibiwii and alarted lu arunui Twenty null Blrwt, with an oltlier lu iirult. lto rludnl arrr.t and It a pmra that aflir waudrtlnic for ( time around tho town lie got on a p-iiulne drunk. Then be fjutid Ida way lrk to tbeilet and wai taken care of tiytlm railroad an Iborltlen. Aa aoon a he got eouerrd iiiibeonreraoreatattnl nut for time to lilmwif, and afler k lllii un a Mo on I drunk waa 1 laced under arrint by thepolle and aent up. llogare the name of Itoacb. The Iblrd cane of men nil dl-onler waa of a niaubmind fertile wnl whu r-hould bare left en IlieSoutberu I'aclno laat evening. When tbe train atoped lie auildenly ruibetl out on the platform and lumped oir.eaiUlmlng that there wMBptM'ticroii the eante train whii would kill him Tlietnllnad ollklala, who meet many cia of,ra whoN'romo almilarlynrtecled by tbe rarltycf Ibe atmoe In rr, took lilniln haud,anl he wai aflerwarda atarted oft on aiiolbet Iraln to hli dtiUnallon. Ilic T.ibftnarle Ibolr Conceit. l'rofrerK.Htelienigilnod another nrlldeaetTcd trluuih III llio great ueceeeof tbe muilcal enteilalniuent IntbeTabarnacle lat nljlit llrery numlier on the progranimo nun mav Urplece of muilcal roniiltlon, and Ihereudillouwaa, aa a general rule, technically correct, u well aa animat ed with Ibe lilt of true genlui. That Ibe at audience a predated llio en. tcrtalumrnt wai evidenced by tho Tlgorom apjlauee that gretted tho tlngera, "Vuitbful Ilcartt," one of Mr. Blepbeui' retly ctmaltlonf, waa ung by Julia Bllierwood aud Viol Pratt an I wna enllimlaiitkally re ctlrrl. lleberrt.(lo1dardlial loglro llieauloiromll.rmut,fviicnrii. It. C. Jutou rendered ttie Bcotch ballad 'Aunle lAurlo"lnhla uunlrxcvllent tlyle and reitnnded to the n plnueo by "riien You'll llememlTr Me." "Ilur Uomteiit" warning by Maggie Hull, and I'Conrolallou" by Agura Olmm Tbomaiaud Mule Thoimu lMwnrd. IlieM' laJlii are ino-l ncellint alngtra, an I It waa only tbe lalenrei ol the hour that prevented tbe audience frcm reiiueellug nil encore. i be Ceclili Club, ivinitlng of fifteen young ladle, and tbe Harmony tllen Club, ten joung meu, reuduriil their reevcllvo Item admirably, Ibe liar, mouy of their volcca being1 all but per. feet. . rrofeeior Wtlbu hi Id Ibu audience lelllKiud by the wondeiful lonea of till violin which bo handled with eg. iiulilt aklll and uiite, aud I'rufviMir Dayiicf haudleil (be great organ lu a waythalwoull hare ronretl tho ad miration of any muilcal audlenco lu the clvlllud world. The ( bolr, fatrtli nlarly In the doe Jug mottelte, '(lod of Wrael," another of i'rofMior Blepbena' grand coniuil tlom, guru vrldeuce both uf the wialth of muilcal talent which till community oeiiei, aud alio uf the faithful work and the aucceu of tho liiitrucior. Hie concert lut night would hate been comtdereil an event In any place where eotig and uiu-lo are appreciated. A .Soldi l'uSIIM. A cumplruoui figure on tho alrrct Juit noiviiUeurge l.e Illanche, torn moiily Lillpl "The Marine,'' the famoua ugllUt. He beara lut fow markaof IbebuilueMlj whlcli ho la engage!, li a lery tdeaaant-aiaiken riou, eeema to be educated, and al though k frenchman, etaakl Lngllkh wlUiullt a flaw. He la live feet all luchea In height and welgbe untrained alaiut Hl louinli. Heliaa fought a Knod many tlmea, the nioit aevere of li contnU la lug tho.. with Jack leniey, the flrat at Idrchrnont, N, V w hi n l. Illanche waa di feated, Ibe laat at Han Fraucluoieveralniouttui ago, when l)emey went down. hunJjy Srliool lulon CofercDrp. The atmlnnual cuufirence of the Uewtit BuuJay Bihool Union will coueue at 7 "J) p. m. on Hunday, Airll r,th,lS9l, InthoTaUnmcle. It liarthularly dealred that cacb Blake uf Zkm be rrpreeeuteil at thU meeting, nud that the Blake euperlu tenuenilei, ollUera and Icachera at tending tbe Ueueral Conference of tbe Church be prceent. Huirluteiidenta, liachen, ofllcera and cbtlr leaden of rjuudayHchoole arearlhularly riiiurted to meet lu tho AwMiibly Hall for a ehort time, Immeillatel) aftir tliu Bunday mornlhi; wilting. A cordial Invitation U rxlinded to tbegeucral tutllc. (IniiuiK I), (,'an.sov, ll)it(in (JoiiiMitii, Juiin jMoiujan. Bfater Woolen lllll. It li rumored that thu "Pan tory" iiiauagement will aliortly .r mlt tlie Hi aver woolen nillli to be run a brief mhiii to woik up a little raw uulerlal that wai lift over from laat year I cur. are eiprewrd that tho Immune tMk of teiillu fabrlia now In hxk Intheivitiipaiiy'awarelioutHWlll rajllly detirlorloto from tlm invagi-a of inotha ib'.( uultai lmaiuria itre likeu looking to freipient turning over of tbe gooda, i'tonuitt, In l'.iiiiililrt I'm hi, Tbeutcecdlngly Interiitlnir and In itruclhe lecture which n ftw wctlia flnce wai delivered by llldtr Aulirew Jeuwu before tbe Btudcnta' Society In tbli (Itynn Juieph Bmlthna u 1'rophet, aud which win miUiiuenlly publlihed 'lithe Nni, hai now lein tuuid lu Nnipliletformniilcnu be had at thla eniiuat ll'ieriUirriupy, Itlajurt Ibe thing for Jiomu rcadlug or sending abroad tu frleudi. TefceMd. ., A IIobuj J,j, iwlile and n 1 Ifo Jill rrtl(l,,liellei""i Ahobol. Afeiry.uiuji.ago a lnlddlo-ogcd "Oman s,iiy clad and heavily vi I'wl called at B,(l'lty Hall and cimulrd ' " Calrfof Police. On being In 'ufrnedn, lb dlgultarj- waa not I'feaenl mm lily addniwl licrwlf lo rgtaniiMiiovin. In iwletance abe M,dt ! nar callol umn a lnful and dellcat. duty. My huiband, until n ' moatni ipi WM K"""'0""! anil agreeable rommulon. J'" year, , lived hepnlly togilher "d no .loud of trouble or eorrow lrkenadihi tranquility uf our Uvea ittuffl iMtwlXli I. IncldenUI to iyoaa. Iiel tlm" '""" changed. My huabaikl u no a ilave In tho wlue P odibli earning! aro apt lit In drink, cm ut be hai becomn cruel, ""'"geroui and abuilve ami home ' "waionpr Ibe aacrt-l and ("OafulTelnle that It nllio vvaa. 'ronlghttIrlnk (for that la my hu band'antio,) came home reeling un der thalmiueoreoribat ileidly dnig hat bai Livted my life and cnullnuri 'o tormegi roe. llliapewli wai Inco. nrent,iiiraieiaollen aud Ida eyii hnoatttarlliigfromthilraockita. Ho demandM Ul I give him the little nwn'y tatt I hal hidden away In a remote tart of the home. I lemon. 'rated1,,,!. Mm by aiylnir that It waaitenlcd for bnad, ilolhlng nd fiHl. My argument wai "elei aiJ lie lcam lolent lo warda rot I refused, however, to dli cloaethxierealxmtioftbo money I bad ilmKled m banl toaave. I waa annrdluiv elected from Uhj houw aud rtraalDfd In Iheilri-ebi for an hour. On my mum I dlicoverel that my Inuland bid overturned everything In the honk wltli a view to finding tbe money.-j filling In tbli, my walch nd my woihet'1 wc-ldlug ring, given to me oo her death bed, were taken by him. if ai tlil Juncture of the rnltnl of her ury the unfoiliinate woman ""rat Ji,io team, lit on rtcuv "lug i brnelf ibe coiitlnur.1): I hli liilenllou waa to lake Ike artlchi to a bruki r'a and pawn hem and ind the roceodi for rum, Kow, nt 1 want, li that anofllcer la detailed to recovtr toy ling, that golden baiidttuttinlleanietotliK memory of ny diptrted mother. If the ofllcer la auccnafoi the watch ahall U-come lila." t Tbe'lrJr, who aeema to lw an eariiMl and Intelligent woman, waa In formed thai Ihe rVcnvery of llio artlclea woukl cut her nothing and he left lliebulkllDglonturn to her desolate home.'' Ad officer waa rent In tearcli of tlm pronigituinJcnirl lill.Uud, but up to tha preterit be baa not been found. jh'UOBATK 10UUT. lnwirlla Ike llnnrord Mill Conlrit nirJ la tbe l'robale Court. ! lUUdtofHylvauui Hlcki; ordir ol aaleofitalntale. 1 JUte of Julia U. ltalelgh; order a polutlng lime and place to hear a plication la ll eraonal rcrty and dltectloznilhelobe glvin. IJUteclChirlnC. Mllw; bond of Fraoclall. Orlceai admlulitrator aji p roved. Katato of Mercy Hboebrldge; lnd of JameatVillarrliaa admlniitrator a proved. Katale of Kamuel llenulon; order ap pointing time lo hear petition fur aH inlntmeBtof coumlMioncra to nwke petition. Ketata of Adam Ilerrlnger; order appointing lime toTiear pellliou of Ut ters of nilmlnhtratlon. Uilate and guardtaiibhln of (Irace lHgleafnt;itltlonfor letters of ad mlulilrtllon. THE PCSIOIII) Mill. CASE. In tbi matter of theeatateof (leorge DunforJ, the following aniwrr to the oolites! ai filed lu theprobite ootirt Jeatenliyi ' Cornea now Kllu Dun. ord, Venice Uuuford, Btrlli Dun ford, liorcnzo Duufiird, ltunrt Dim furUaaJUra Duuford aud anawerlng thucoiitettoftbewlllor Ucorge Dun ford, dViranedteliow to thla cuurti 1 Thai at the time of signing of the wild Will tbe Hid lleorgn Duuford waa of Bound and dlipoilug uilud, and waa oompstrnt to make hli Iat will and tMlameiiL : rint the aald (Jeorge Duuford Old ilgu hli lat will now be fore tbli court, and that at the time of signing the same he waa not uudtr any duren, meuace, uuluu Influence, or fraud whatoior. 1 That the will now la Ut this court to lo admitted to Iirobate wai esecuted by the aald Jeorge Ilunford lu the inauiitr and with Ihi formality required by Jaw 4 Tbnt Ihe aald will waaattcalcd by three wltaeMes, lubscrlbln their nami tbrrrto at the reuiicKt and lu tbe prewnce of the aald (leorge Dun ford, SuJ lu Ibe prewuce of lach other, and toil tbe execution ofthe snmeli InallrerjMtaln conformity with the laws In mill ones ma Je an I provided, andkiiirorrattesUU!on ahuwii ou thnfsiethircof." Kjtulasn 1 guardianship of Clarence I. JsmilDgi et al , lulnnrv; order ma le allowlog accounts of Harold r. Jen nlnmnl Harvey li. Jtiinlngi; hand wrltl'g of Clarimu 1.. Jennings ue clartd (enulne, j'jtiti of Humus HaimuiMn de ceased; loud of Hilda llaimuken lu the sum of 14 M approval. In' Hie nutter of thn wlopllon of Mabel Jullettu, a minor, order made fixing Monday, April SI, aa time to hiar Utlon for adoption. Kitate of Joliu Bcoll, decoused; order made lo publhti notice to credit ors. ' lJlite of James Casey, dtcrand; firnoftflvitliignollcea approitnl; set lenient of final accounts aud distribu tion ofjroptrty made. Hoimiii n li tho lost of tho letter to I o forwsrdtd to 1'reil lent llarrlwn I in Itlng blmbulill Suit Ukewhllo on hli Weil erntilpi rhe peoplo of Salt Uiko City, lrroiictlvo of any or creeil, delcaato us toaflrdyougreillng.and to exjirens the i irno-tboiw that Iho Chief Maglimito un hli nrupiaMl HolMII tour will Dud It janilUi lo honur uur i lly with a vMluud aHX PI IK cordial boinltidlllei. We have Iheuuwr to li Miurobeillontiiertaiili, It lnkli,loili, Jnlm 11 Duuly, Houry W. I.nrenre, Samuel A. Jlerrltl, . I Ooodln,J.g lim.,,,, Claw, son.i Thomas Marshall, Isinei I lllikitt. UH, lllll. James Miarn. J. T. Iltlli, lletior M. Willi, Jo .M.MOlltt, lroJ elm. li t. C'.Oolllii, Jauieidlen. dinning, U. 1:. Mm.MIu), W, (!. Hall, II. U. Uil, 1, I Jomn, M. K 1'ai.on., Ooori.A. how., Johu J. Ilalv, , WsJVlr,.V. A. Ijnpey, lb H, IImUu. Al'I'tlOATIONS FOR liNlllAUfiB I mm lbs IVnllenllirr Uran'cl ami lirnltd. llenjsinln lleimelt, who wna ion. vlcted and sentenced lu the I'int DIs Irlct Court, by Judge Jllackburu, on March 3rd, to pay a fine of JUKI and lints, In default of which he wna sent lo Ibe ixultentlary, today made ap II cation for discharge from Imprisonment by eubsciiblug lu the or convict's" oath. The application waa denied on tbo grounds that bo had more property ou tils ierson at Ihe time lie was mulenced than would Ixi rnpilred to ay Ids fine, and that audi proticrly la still In till povcesloii. AI'I'I.IOATION lllli.NTI II. !i. It. Miller, who waa sentenced by Judgu Illaikburn In October lat to six monlba' Imprlwnmenl on Ibe i barge of unlawful cohabitation, alun made application for dlsi barge. Irom linprli oiiinent, on the ground that he tin I Utn Imprlwned for thirty die solely for tho nou t-ayment of $50 fine an I coats, lu addition to the sentence for !m rlionmenl, aud thst ho was unable lot ay the sumo. Tbo j tltlon was grnnted and the prisoner ordered discharged. Third lllilritt loillt. A short and unlmsirUnt session of the Thlnl District Court was held to day, Judge .alio presiding. th tub hi ituiir huiiooi. Henry J. VVIIwii, a llfteeu-year old )lit larcenlit, was orderudlsent to Iho Ileform Hchool. LAW AMI MOTION CA I J SUA II. Kollcewas gliru thst Judgo 7.ius would, roinmenclug TAirislny, April ,7th, make a ptremptory call for thn law an 1 motion calcudar and hear cases of that claw until the nnsseni log ol tho Ti rrlbirlalBuprerae Court. civil. Jiiitv I'Aarjb It was almi announceit that ou Mori day, A rll nib, Judge Anderson wnul I make a call of i Irll jury cases for trlsl during llio week. I rTIT J I ItOII KtCl'SKtl. M. B. Aselhelm, a tltjurur,was ex cuted from further service during the resent Unit of court. , AtlMmUll TU UlTIll NSItll'.'' Ueorge Blmmom, (leorge IBtm tiions and Frtderlrk W. rilminons. rcsldenbi nf llox l.ldor County and natives of J. uglaud, were almlilcdtu clllieiiihlp. A Wife llMter SculcnccJ. Jacob Oyter, a Union l'aclllo ma clilnlit, wltoso cuilout for months past has lccu to enter upou n protracted spree on tbo ad vent of emy pay doy, wasarmted by HheilfT llutt last oven, lug on the double ihargn of umuriiiug me ancu aim i wiuuk, his wl'e. Jlclng unable to pro euro bonds he snt Ihe night In Jail. This morning he was taken la fore Commlisloner Ureenmau, when he plead guilty. Ho ex lalricd to tbe court that Mrs.Oyhr was his wife and If ociailun rcrmlred that he shoul I uie lisnh tnea-ures to "subdue her," that that waa his business and tbo law uf the land had no Jurisdiction over him. "We shall see," quietly but vim hatlo ally said the Court, The defendant was sentenced to twenty days' Im prlsoumeut In the county Jill. ilrTritlon lo llroilirr Ulclnrils. llrothtr Franklin 1). lllchards found a ery agreeable sur rise awaltlug him whvu lie returned to his homo lu Og. dm from tills city on Friday evening. Tbt StomUrd says he found the par Ion of his spacious resldenco crowded with friends aud rtlallves who had aisem bledtognet his comktlou of three acorti and ten. Though surprlxnl nud deeply moved, ho was able to ex tend those kindly ixnlons which are eminently charai terlitlo to him and which madesoi lability and ha,. neea thn rule. Home houra wvro uis.iil In tho pleasiiresuf conversation, music, speeches and the table; and when the company dlipereed ll-was with n lm that another year ami still utbersnfiir might find the ranks still unbroken and In the enjojiueut uf life, heallh and jirusjvrous peace. Amnsfnienln. "A Misiunger from Jorvli Becllon" nas presented at the Bait Uike Thea Ire, list nlghl, by tho Homo Draaiallo Company. Nutwlthstatidlug thu cnu cert at tlie rabernaclu, thoro Waa a Tcry gootl liouso at the Theatre. What thero waa lacking In numbers, was madn up In eiilhuslasm nml hilarity. Mr. Young, as UiicIj Danhl, was better than many of the average pro fesslonals. Mr. Bncer, ru "dkln uy" Bmllh, was ricilvctl with liud and intbusla-llo plaudits. Mr. Taylorae the villain, Mr. 1'iorce as Hlmon llrlggs, the rum ally genllimau, and Mr. lans as thu Utrman mil tlclan and snloouVeea r, were all good, lllrdlu Cunimlllgs, IkjIIIu Clarldire. Maliel Young and Mrs. Gilbert nil reudered their n-sjieLtlve parts very irodltably. On the wliolu the performanco was a success. The average Ida) goer woul 1 nuver discern tlie fact lliat he was Us. telling to au nmsteur coinAtiy, It will be rcealtd again loulgkt, and ou Monday night alio. "TIIK I ITTI K TtUUHf," Mr. WIllardHiicmer's famous I.lttlu Tycoon Opera t'omisiiiy, cmbrailng flltylx svple, trai ling In llitlr own sivclal traits and carrying eery leto of scmery and tro)ierty imed In the presentation of " 1 ho lilttlu Ta iooii,'Ms billed lo uptivar al tho Halt l.nko riiealre ou the eviiiluga of the 171h and lSth. Mr. Ilwirgo 0. fyhr, tliu advante agent fnr Mr. Hiisur, Is nt tireKiitln llieclty Isiklugout for Iho intereitsof thlsorgaiiUallon. , The ntiracllon at "Woulerlsnd" Is Ibe umlllul woman. The cruwds u "WomUrlaiid" nro liiiriuiluj; dally and Urn visitors to tlie illy nre iltetully lucking the plate bi overflowing. Today is i hli Iron's day and nil thll iron will bo admitted fur leu conla to all parts. 1 1 IKa7BkC IITAII V. .. A. The Seiiil.liiniMl Ivmirnlloii of Ihe) Boclelj. On A ill trd, hi, nt 2 p. in., lu tho Assembly Hall, the L'tsli Woman's BulTrage Assotlslloii nut lu nTrrrl lorlal convention. Caroline Djuhav log Uen npiolnted chaplain, opened Willi rayer. President Kimball was In the chair. The minutes of therunviullon held In October, 1V), were real and ac ieite.1. In, D. II. oung, Jane H. lllchards, lljth.heba W.Hmllh, M. I Home, Hmmellue II. Wills, i:imlra H. Taylor an J Maria Y llj.ig.ill me made honorary vlce-preildeiits. President H. M, Kimball spoke on the reception Ibe deli gales received at Washlugtuu and how Ibe IVK) iaiu from Utah Ti rrltory iveil tho w ay for the cordial rccrilloii. I'inllyH. Ithiiardinl-n spoku ou her vlilt In Washington nud ou the nrt woitiiu are going lotskeal the W orld'a i'alr. J .lien Jaktmun, nsldent of Ibe rbiujte Comity orgaiilistlon, midu someremsrks nu the plan of work car ried nu lu the aswclatloiis In that county. l.ucj A. Clark, president of the Da vis County orgaiilistlon, spoke on the licnailly of studying tho laws l f tbo country, also uf the Interest taken by tho men In DavlsCuunty In tliouso (lutleu. Jibs Viola l'ratt sing a very appro prlata song. nil leni jvimuiii imroiiuctHj Jion. 1". M liimauby relating In a happy manner htr eirlcm lu making her flrit sutrhige ech at Tooele, wl.ill ho Invltislher to addnssn largo co ug ro gation nu that subjict. lr. I.ymau male an edo'juetit and Iminaslvu tuirh; he slluoed tu tho opfiosltloil Women themselves made, Which he comidered the llilif barrier ngnlmt uhtalnlng woman eultrnge. Ho had liennl the strungeitotjccllonafronia highly cul llvaUnl lady artist with whom lie run versed when on the way up from Mex loo. Jlu considered the granting of tho franchise as great u Missing to womeunsto men; tha ballot Is every thing, thu hoi Hug of ofllra nliltle thing; lu comparison only a few men hold ofilce au 1 II Is o tlonsl w Ills lliem whether Ihey ncct 1 1 those sislllons or nut and would lie the same with wo men. Women being diprhnl of the frsuchlse lends to make lliem mora erivailoate: but women neid to bo cou vere to the Iminrlsnce of thu Ullot Intliilrliaudsai wellai tntn to tbilr receiving lb He Misled In equal wages for men and women fur ttie same work. (Applause.) Wyoming haa taken an a Ivnuca step In coining Into Hie Union with woman suffrage in her constitution. When Henry Ward lleecher waa asked If lulnlflers should partk l(site I u jolitlce, his rejly was thst the reason of thu rorrutloiiof inilllcawai dun to tho fact that inlnl.lirs and women were excluded. The sicker ixpreucd his lielleflhat Ifwomeu wire allowed to exirclsu thn tlettlvo franchise the saloons w ould lai clustfd. Tho next speaker was Dr. Heyrnour 11. Young, who nail a poem lu honor of Wyoming and cavo Ida vlowsof Ibe woruan question, lun ycty lucid aud coiii rehemlve manner. The Convention adjourned for six months. Ada C'iwvai 1., Hcc rotary. AlConrcrrnrn ThU Aflfinoou. At tills afternoon's scaslou of the Coufirence Apostla K. M. I.ymau wns the opiulng speaker. Hlssulject was tliu m-ctsiity for all being poisensed of theliulratlonofthe IIolyHplrlt. He alwj dwrlt upon thu practical duties of tho Balnls, with spit lal rofereum to the malntcnanco ot union amongst Hum, by removing all cati.ia ul fee). Hugs of bitterness. He waa followed by 1'rcildcut liorenio Hnow. Tlie litter ofened by stating that a ritrnaptitlve view of Ibu history of tbo Church must lni rr nil coiiuecteil with It with til" fut thst Uod had constantly led and prtscrved Ills jvoile. The tlTeit of inn recognition or uivuio goutiness shoul tcniiiuoacli heart to oierllow with gratitude, rhosptaktr'coiillntied nt m me length ujsin the wonderful deliver luces nf the Hllllll from ro tation aud ulllli tlous of various kinds. Kii( liMrlrt Court. Tlie following com.0 wire Ulifsised of In the Ogden Division of thu I'lrst DIs. Irlct Court, Ufuru Judge Mlnir, )ia terday: J. U HoUlervs. W.II. Ihiiler, by stl illation of attorneys for lalntlll and defiudant, inw continued for the term. I'. V. Oormau vs. T. Xltiman; on mo tion of Geo. J, Marsh, order continuing for llii term. lllll Hamilton vs. H. (I. Taylor: on motion of i: vim A Itogirs an IT, J. Hiidsnu i oust ntlng thireto, order con tinuing fortlielerm. H. II. lieu I vs. John Hnltent erger; trlsl continued; vcrdkt for plalntltr, $S2fn. . W (I. Cragtiu vi. J. A. JIaj coi k 1 1 al.; order for a ihirv; default of ileen dantelltel. (leorfn IViketal. vs. Jai. Iverson; trial pen Hug. ('nnl or Tli.'iukn. To those who contrllHitei! so et ,1(.r. ourly bylbelr presonco nml ollierwlMi lo romfirtaud console us attho fuueriil ofoiiranuoii I'rlday, woihslre to tin diroursliiceru llinuka. riielr kind nesa will never ! forgolleu I y i s. I'. Km MIAMI) Wit k. MsriiAMiliiMiiMiT,afrsll feinile, ib pnslto.1 Win Ihe l'nlh-e Court todsy ou the i bargu of prostitution. H. T. ltiri,tbo genlut caterer tnf'ou ferimn and olher people bus I llehed a inilnilifotb but on tlm Cuunilt irniiss nirnsr, whero entablei aro s, rel to a linuery an I heurtvpublln. The nurds, "tfnlieriil l'ro Idor." In loud colors, at Irui t tho guzo of the psnerhy. Till iiirrintliiiiiiberoflbef'iA Drmi ernf, nut lodiiy, iiutalni u go.Nl ph lure of )r.J M Ihiuillil I.iarni 1. otrNo was taken in low hv lbs pull lolsyfor llnlslln the or din moo prohll iilng blei ile rl Hug on ihe llisln tboroiighfarvs of the elti. Tin mlhli shoul I iintborcsperterMiif ,ienn,UM An alleged Cllv Oouneltnuu bos fro riimutly vIoIsiimI tins ordinance. Itut that mskis a dltlrenie. Tlie "Jlrictrt ilioflilct." The first nuinlar of n musical pub lication with thn foregoing tltln has Juit Iss-ni liwueil from the rm of lllll nfllie. It Is eillleil and much uf the miiilo also couqo'td by llio wp ular ivuisM,ir and ihulr leader, I'rof. Hvau Hli phcus. 1 1 conlaliiitw elvo large iages of licaullflilly rlntisl music nud twind In a very artlitlo cover, the title nge of which was designed and en gravel by llrother B. Hi Harrow, the fonmau of the Nma cotniHsdtig roum, who Is an artist of lie mean abil ity. If thn publication Inei Is with the sale which Its uisrlls and thu extreme ly low prim at which It Is ollercd ii cts. ivr py warrant, other iiimilers will follow lhapa as ofn as once a month; nud thus thnlnf In tho commiinlly be supplied with original anthems, glris mid ebonies adapted tu their own setlnl wnnls and expressive of seutl nients III harmony with the Uos. l Choir hiders who are lu the tlty attending cotiferencs should ob tain a supply of tbo "Cboristir" to take homo with them, and lovers of music generally should not fall bi a'-curo copies for home use Thnwurk will Is be; ton sale liy miiilc dealers generally, or run lie sircbased from the publishers at tbe DrsRitiT otlliT. LATEST TEliEURAMS. Tilt; irajitx 'II isrluv. The Sllele llepsrlmenl liaie NollilDK ew leAmiellnee. WAaiiiMimv, April 4 Ills again Btinoiiiiitt that tbe Blalo Drtartnietit have nothing to niako ublio today re iltctlng the Italian curreivndeuri. The cxcltimeiit lu tbeilertmeiitnl (Inh stiver Hsroii Favn'a recnll hsi aubsldud, and the Incident will, It Is lielloved, take Ha lape on tbo or dlnnry calendar uf open illplomatto mailers, the disposition ul which Is usually characterised by dellb. eralbn nud (silent liiVMllgatlon. UOUI II AMI MAVAIIAKI Ik JayOoiilJaud his sin (leorga had u long conference with I'ostmasti r llriieralWantinakcrat Ihe I'o.tolllce Department Inlay. The quesll m of a I'ncinamiillsteaiiislilri Hue, of which (horge (loull woulJ Im , risl.knl. In connection with the new olat sub sidy net, was discussed. Uoul I stated thst he was willing to guarantee that whatever moneye mlglil le granted tlie steamship company under that ait would lie expended lu creating new Hues. Thu question uf rates on tho (tovern meut lelegrnpli btulmis from July I, 1301, was also dlsuiMed. ai was tho question of lucreised mall service ou the Union I'aclric. Nlrainer sill I Ire. (Juir.NsroM.v, April I Tho Ilrltlih sti utuer A'tgrtti i, Iiom (hlveslou, nr rived with a cargo of cotton ou fire. The damage Is y et uukiiowu. AUiTnALIA'3 PLACK TRAILERS. reentlae rnirsr Tlisl On Tribe Ills for Traelng IViiele liy Scent, "Bono of IhoAuslralliiii natlini nro most uinarknblo iM-ople," said Henry C. Dana. Thero Is n tritio Lnown as tho HlackTmllem. It li rightly named, too, for tiotldng ever gets nivny (rum It. No iirUoner riir iiHaisi silnn the lllack Trailers nro pluccil in his track. Whin I win lu Albany n young KuglMi woman and n little child were lost lu that wild nflon They wen' iilss?nt twndnys wlun tin) lllack Trailers nt IVrtli, i(K) miles away, wcru wnt for. Tho Trnlhrs nrrheil mid were told win ro the missing ones vtn la-t Ken. There were lite of them. 'They uiarchcil around In n clrclo until they found tlie trail mid thin ttartnl Tiny wmt up hill nndilawii hill, nensis plain anj over stnvun, crossing tho trail tiuii'iinil ngalu, hut rieirr onco lust It, Tlioy oonl I nm tell whira tho missing ones lind sat down to nil, where, to my eye, there was no Indication of nri) thing of the bind. It was learned nftirwnnl Unit Ihey wero correct In ovcry ditnil Tor llirve days llio Illacl.! rollers continued IheseanI, and finally cauio loan Im mi mo hill uf granite. "Hire thow with Iho sonrchen tbniigbt tlm iiathcs anuld Ihi thrown off the scent, hut tiny fnllowisl the tnlaslug ones thoro as n adllyns thruugli n forest In ono biibinco thn lllu-k Trailers said, There Is wbero tho little onn I il 1 down, nml tin ro the big one.' They polntM out n plnco onn largo, smooth pleco nt gnuilte, and nu l.m gllsli ollleir, wllh tho nssl-taneo uf n jiaHerful magnifying gloss, was unable to detect nn thing unusual, but It win true, as that was whom tho )oung wo luau nml girl had spent ono afternoon. I'lnnlly Iho i lilll was found. Tho Irttlo ono was uiieoiiioloiis, but wna re stored lo Its mother. Tho ihlld subso quinlly rccuvircil It was ten liouri later lieforo tho Trailers caught up to tha young woman, and when found she wai Insane, bho nttiiupled toiwn from hir ininmers, but was ruptured nftcr n short clinsc. hho did not n con r Iter reason for llio mouths. "Tho lllack Tralli n lm.o svnllai llinlia, Ihey linvo no cuius or sluowi III llif le 1, iL Tin v eraii rtiti lib.. itAe liuwsier, nud tun stand more fatigue than a horse." Chicago Tilbuno. ribsaenltnsrr Clrnnlli. Tho following i jtraunllnary Instance of tho rapid growth III tho lilllll'ill ski i les has Uu noted lu l'miico by a iiiembor of thn French Aciidiiuy ol Bileiin and rtnnrttl by him lu the. anurds ut that liistltiilluu. "The sub Jiit lienlnniiiitluiiej wnsuladot but 7inrs of ngewheu I llrst saw him; hut Mi teiulir )curs notwithstanding, he uieasunil 1 M t, B Iticlis-is nml 1 llmw hlgli. Ills ople hud obvntil Ills liiimiloiiigrowtli mIu n ho wnsr'iilyS )Mimof ngu. At 4 huwiutnhlo tu lift nud curry n bushel of win' it and lo throw tlm bundlisiif liny (bd ihiiiiiiIsj lo lh four hor iu li ulglitt nnd nt ti he could lift as much ns u sturdy U How ol VJ. lint iiltlmugli he thus Imnastd In Issllly slnugtli, his un liTstundliig wai no greater th in U usual wllh ililldrrii ollilsngei playthings wirunlui his fn lorlloaiiiusi.iuenU." UL Louis lb. pub 11a. MHHHgS That Peculiar Lightness and Flavor Noticed in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake, etc., is due to the .ibsolutc purity and the accurate combination of the ingre dients of tjic Koval, Baking Powder. The best things in cookery arc always made and can be made only with the Royal Making Powder. Hence its use is universal in the most celebrated res taurants, in the homes- of the people, wherever delicious, wholesome food is appreciatedand its sale is the largest of any leavening agent in the world. The Royal Baking Powduk has stood all tests for a quarter of a century. atAiiiirr audhiiiiuis. mw ynaa srocai. Klw fork. April I, boss. Ilir Rllier fst Totk Cisif slH.. Iirt', llossr. Ia7 J I Nsnssuos 79 leoojKiss., fj I Nons.lro.rH'SB, II'( rseilfss u I r.vii,i iri si, Alrlilsoa is, liwt lil,l. ... l'i llistril I'miss ; SllASLIsin Sr lurlinirloi SIO I SLI'salAlnssi Zl His llrss ls.... II i 1 Tsisilsclfle..,.. 13 Knrlh.rB I sufle rl I I biob I'seiBd. ,. I)Z IViferrei Ilu ! rirsXstrsss ,. IS Neruislits..KlQ3V i W.urBLaioa self oaioioo stisarr. Csirsss, April 4 Close. H hrsi-SusJrieisb, ins i Mij, Iras .Jon, ism.sirs1r rssb, Hij, CT'si Jalv,ll is lisls-rsijr rssli,Btii ti., ST, s i l'etk-li.w,es.k,llsl, Msjf Jim. sr.l-l.s.r rs.h.seniiiBr.tW. ll.rlrr-iJuul.rJOW. To ncconunoilnte nil thore who ile slruto nttind the Tabenucle Coucirt and I'llettbisiil Meeting nu the veil Inta of April 3rd and -Hli, tho Wisl Hide lts bl I raiislt Cu .will run si rial isrs.arrlvliu In ll.o ilty at 7.l aud leaving at 1 1 pin. 1. (I. Jaciiiui, Hi m ral Mntiigi r. NiiouriiMi I'tNr null I lest rlasi IjiiiIiii.hmTi. Irelrle I UIHs, teorleeus aeil Npleu till s,.rrr. If )nu aro going east, taku thu C'lil cairn, Milwaukee .V rth l'nul Hallway, the Chicago Bhort l.lue,alid njoyall tbu liiiprnvi menu) and convenient of a flrsi.clrisj railway such as eh i trie lighted nud steam hmteil, solid visit biiie trslns, wl'h Wiitlngliousenlrslg. nnls aud t Is llmwt dlntiig curs in tlie world, rrcereilinlugihalrxars. riils road runs no emigrant tralna or tars. Hecond.c!aihitieugers are iar rlil on riKiilaresi less trains In i linn, light coacnes, with cushioned seats ntel lucks, and are as good as Ihe cuai he furnished by many roads tu flrst-thus luengers. Tbu electrlo tierth nadlng lamp fea ture lu the l'ulhnausbe lug curs run un this Hue Is patented anil i mi not In UMilly any oilier railway company. It Is (tie great lm nivementof theagi. Try Itaiidbacouvlnied. Travel by thla road and Is. assured of courteous treatment by Its emi luy es. Tor fiitther tnrtleulars cill at 101 .Malu Htrut. Alii, Mitciiiii, t'ommenlal Agent. T. F. I'uslll, Contracllng Agent. A "Muterelan" Thai I wsli line Iluttar. Dr. David's I'avorilo llemcily, ofllondout, N. V., Is known lolsuniettain cure fur Xtrvousiicss, Debility, nnd the Ills (iHullar to women. Tills aoverelEii rrmedv- slim. ulntee tlie Htomach,KI tneys and Liver lo a healthy nillun. 1'ur all troubles of thu blood nud urinary organs II has nu equal, and a Utile, costs only ouo dollar, should be lu every house. I sperlenre era I adj Sllsilenary , Miss KmellneC llaniia. mtsilnnary for I'lrst llapllst Church, T roy, .. V., sajri: "I am glad to stale that Dr. David Keiinidy's Favorite rtemeily, of Itoudout, .N. Y., rureil me of Catarrh of tlie llladdir, Kidney trouble aud Constitution. I would add that I alwa)a Usui tlie I'avorlte ltemidy with tlie consult of my i hysliian. . Kss; a Poor Wbiii.ii sniffers lulela Torlnees rrum Uaeh.aebe. If she only Lnuw how railly she could gtt relief liy ullug ilailanl's Hnow l.Inlmeut ihe would bless thn day sbo read thiae few Hues. It Is a irratid rriuedy for Headache and all Neuralglo Pains. No palu ran with, stand lumaglo Influence. It remotes the Are from a burn or scald lu one minute. It will oure Inflammatory rhsumatlam and Hclattca; BMllwl to the Throat and Chest In Croup It will give Immediate relief and make breathing much easier. No family oau bn without It If once they kuow Its value. Try It. l'rloe 41 oents. HoldbyZ.C.M. I. slight cold, If neglected, uflen al. taikstbebiiigs. JlnuwH'a lliuiii'itui, TnocilKrfglve illln and Imiuedlste re. lief. Sulil onty bi t"irc: l'rlie a leuts. (,'lirnpest place lii town for Hbivrs and Itangea, Tin and Iron Itooflof, (luttrrlng, etc.. i n II) WATt ll Co., IT and lu West Houtli TenileBb All cash sutwrlj tlons for tlie M'ltn. tiitit .Vfurrliould be forwarded to jAiin Jaiv at Ihe l'resldi tit's 01 lice, Hilt take City. .lis Hoaiiik, rainilyI)rugglst:ili:.lstH. , HCAIIkr, I'l l'.sst, 1st Houtli, Drup. DCD COMFOnTS AT A SAC niriCE AT DINWOODCY'S Cnrpots nnd Laco Curtains Chonpost, at S. II. Marks & Co. I ns.ln.lme... Tor leu days, iviumeiw lug March 2S, we will Rlie tu every purchaser of over I in Dollars, n pn lly Hiring Dnsi I'sttirn. WlTl un HlluK A-li Dm- (iooiu Lo , nl nud M H.Mai II HtlcsU Iluy fyuur dnigs of "tho Iwyi." Jol.iiM'ii, l'ratt .V Co., IS Malu it, Hi'Aiti r, '.il ).. 1st Houth, l'rescrl Horn. (Inn Hums and ltotiMS nre tin beet. Hi nc it lit It ATI li Co, IT and It) West Houtli KmplehU f alnrrli lis luloraslo. I uied I'.li's Cream Ilaim for dry iitarrh. Ilpruvula cure. 11. V. M. Wicks, Ihuwr. I.lj'a Cream Halm lirspirlally adap, ted as a rimedy fur ratarrh which li nggraMihsl by alknlim. dust ami dry winds. W. A. Ilovir. Druggist, IKn ir, I tan recommend Kly's Cream Halm to nil sun. reis frinii dry intsrrh, from sroiial isarlenrc Mhbaei llerr, rharmaclst, Denver. l'.ly's Criiini Halm haa cured uiiisy irievaofiatarrh. It Is In constant de mand. (Im, W. Hoit, rharmaclst, Chejenne.Wy. Ileelrle lllllers. Thll remeily Is becoming so well known and so popular us to need no special nientlou. All who have used r.lectrlc Hitters sing the same song ol praise, A purer medicine dot nut ulst and It Is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. lHcrlrlo Hitlers will curs all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove rimilcs. 1 tolls. Halt Itlteuru and oilier altecttons caused by impure uivu.- inn uiud is..ns Iroui the system and prevent as well as lure all Malarial fevers Fur cure of Headache, Constipation aud Indlgrs. Hon try l.iectrlo lllllers. hnUre satis faction guaranteed or money refuudeil. I'rlcu SO cts. and tl lr Iwttle st A. (J. Hmltli aud Cos Drug more, os Hoaiiip, ill Ilast, IstH.l'rcscrlptlous. KICJIAltl) Vv7Y0Ui(i; ATTORN CY-ATlW. Tslrd I7evr, Os,i,rrlus iftlthny, ejisi'l l r. i it I. o tv jT . k isr'joniuy ii'iihhtioy, rilltlt IIKIlUljtlt Mll.TIVU ()' Tiir I will I4jrll st His ei,uiB l.,ilonwon. llsrl llousi, on l, sitsr, Al nl vih.lssl.slllaii. All whowisbOiuiskssBr ehiniss or Irsssfs r el shirei for Ibis .... son iniiilreiMitt irt tti. srer.lsry on or l,rnre uHd7u i ' Ml NIlV M, llllOiW.,sere'Mjr. soslli OottsnwiHHl, Al rll lib, ISJI. im KOIt HAI.K. i.itir Tiionoii.iiniiriiji uskt itrirri: II n r silsi nearly leur utvoths o!4. i, i irJ J "i "i". us . WANT II. Al.llUII KITI III"' Ulllli H'ASTRI) TO Uo liUla eoulloa. Also a nurs. llil ,. ...a wishi fariiibiuilsat sel)i. Asi'lr si t ' r llrUSs'i Sin". "V DRPRICE'S Baking Powder Used lit Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard. A Puro Crc-im of Tartar l'owder. Superior to uviry other known. Delicious Cake nnd Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No otlicr baling powder docs such work.