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iiiiiiiBMiiiBlWrWWWiiiiiMiBBWBMMWi 1 nrc' xkav-si 'inrii'-DAV, in, isoi. s i SECHKTAJ.Y BLAISE'S Hfplj In Itujlnl t'au.t-, snii IIIm-i H polulmrul in I'ullllial (Irrlri 7 U llmiif. J RUDINI CXPIAINS THE MATTCR TO THC PARLIAMCNT. ' Colled Male, Mlnl.lcr I'urtrr In llalr 1 llefi 11 1 I lip ( iuri of Our (tourimirnt. J - J Hf TilmMi 14 the Nawa.1 III MM 1 III I'll. ETIill.lnlUnl II In llnnae-l-an Nome, A til 10 III 1'illllcal circle. tlit-r In aouie ilta.Miolutineiit ix reaml wllh lllalno'a Mly to .Maluli ill IluUlnl. It l fliaraclerlieil a, vague aiu "Ine-oiirlualei" aiiI a lnalaiiui merely 0 a-Viftf.'tM AN AI11.1 1 Al ru. Iiniuv, A rll 10 Tin. Me nnl SUJanlt Utrrttc jailillali cuiuiuelila Uu Maine rr Ir. Hulli mare anna In Hid o I11I011 (hat llm rjecritary' Holt It an aUo Hutu tarier. III HI Ml X Mill. He annul tilnill llm lrrrM"n.llllllr ..f nor llearr ml IIomit, A rll 10. Macula dl ItuJInl In UinciiaiuUrof ilriiuti- toila) no (Jin Attuned hi reir.anl In lllalne'a an eaer to llm Ivt eoniiiiuul.-atlui re ceived from Hie Italian rentier un tin aul Ji rt of the .V w Orli ana h iiclilhi.. Tliu Maruul. In the rouraeofnl. rei ly, Haul II at Italy 101IJ not n Imlt llm lrre, " Ulty of tl" Ulilleil Stain In ripnnl In the ait 1 f tin- .IiikIo Hlatr or tlin Union. Ihl win n iiuiallon, hualJeil, Mliltll liitentteil every llrll. Ited ko eminent Aa Hell ua Italy, In cuutlualoti tliu Maruul. miJ, In IM not finr an) k1UIuiI dim nillln lilwiin Italy nml tliu United Htaltf, but It wa. a mutter ef riaret that n highly rlrllKul a cnuutri an tlio Uultiil ritAti.linul I hot fulfil llm dutloa nf Jiidlru auil morality. Fill, onuelulliuf rrmatk of the .M-iuli ill Itudlnl won ;m tol wllli .Uui, I., l.r I Itr. 1.VAMTWIM., I111I , April 10 1-aily Mil. liiorulnirtue .lock of tin) w hole pain liuii.eof 1-ilcliA.t'o aa iliftroyiil Ly llri'. canting a Ion ol9),ni, In.ur Auen f.ya., DIxou. Mar-Vey Vo , wliolcailo lioota ulul pli tea, vaeru damaged hy Ha ter totliuijtculof)lVM' In ll.n, Muundril Knee. llAllli ( IT, H II, April ID -A "vela! to tliu Miiy lirj uAicim from Pine III lire rtaite that Iom 1'ariuer Htiioot arilvnl ut tin KKincj from Me-llcliw Hoot jcaterdai, 1 rlhitliiic tlin Intelligence! that a Irani if ( he riumlttrrrlliillaiiaaliiiiiw nilillliin Wou11l.1l Km- mar lll lot lattl.i KmuuJ AiiinN Itov, tiillonar.&ul Mr.. Killh.Mlioo! tiarhrr, U.tli half IntiJ., win nto4il ty thu Intllan., Lnt filially alio nl U irrx-i-ml. Tim authorlllrarienni the octnirriiicu a. an act of aomu rnuy sotinir buck u .tIbI lmortnnco la altaclinl to It, an I Ihv Ki-tirral 11111I011 at tlia atrnr I. that tlurvwlll bo ro rvuovral of tlio trouhlothla.prltiif. Al iiirum. aiiiii m. Ilallan r..r. ninl.lrr I'orl.ra lllplNntnry. Km Yoiu;, A rll In. The Italian iiara which rraihril w ork yea icriiayiolitnln, amoiiK iiiiuy lutiliwt. lug ci tnuirutf uf tliu 1 rva upon tlin ilviarturnof Itaron I Avi from ah lugtou, tlin olllclal virilonofan lutvr vrnr which took 1 luto at llm Ilallan f refidloltUt'. Intwrvn Ullltnl btatt MluUlir I'oilir anil Count il'I xarro, wlio, ilurluctlmnlwiiciiof ill lluJIul, lia.1 cliarun o( thu forelitn olllio. rim Intarvhiw Jaatctl Ut two hour., nin. thu oMclal Italian vtnlou. aiul waa luoatltltrrctlnK. Mlulntirl'ortcr ilifonlMl at icnirtli tliu ramlucl of thu Uultiil Htatva 1 cl vraKloTiriimcntatiJaouitht to ai-curo a ilelay, Mnally Couut U'l.xarro turned anil put to thu Annrlin mlu Utar the fol'owlnj; (Uo.tloii In 1 reai loir tcriuat 'riuijM,'f aalt Itr, "a douu Amcrlcaia oceutiil of trcoaon anl amttMlnatnl In ooina Italian tltj; ujnouourKuvernniut ahotill claim ttiatltwai unable to roinil aicaiiit the irullt) partlca, not havlna owcr to luterfrrawltli local Ju llclal authorillia In llm Ulicharno of llm ilutlra which am incumbent upon them, what woul I you do? What would the federal icor. eminent of the United Htatia do?" Atthlademand Mlnl.trr Porter let itboclearl) areu that In audi 11 laio he would be 1 reiiared to overthrow half the world "What would the cjilllinl world what would the United HUlea of I America, think ofthla action, or rather or audi inaitlon?" Mlnlater l'orur, evidently, waa Kreatly rmharraueil and Hniirht to 1 lain how the Constitution uf tlio UnlteilHtateadllUred iwutlath from the Italian ronfoilrratlnn, and liow It MaaalnitlyliniioMllileror tho I rderal Kverunuut to lulerfire In Iheloial utfalriof l.ouWaiia, lut Count l'l arcorilledulckly, 'We have nothliiir tudo with jour Couailtutlon, Itaahort ixunliihu or merit.. We do not know that a ci munition li worthy or a clt. llred eoile, which doea not aioure a full and Juit Tiial rode which la the tint li a of chlllied eoclety ' "MlnliUr I'urtrr deniondnl Hut Italy ahoul 1 1I1 lay nuy furllicr ati j In (he matter until u dttliilUi rei ly to her rt rtaititatlona nml to her iliuinnda roiil I lemadoly thu i edernl guvi rn Till UIHrANIITIII xntirii. all,lll lul.Ullnu. IlLNVin, Al rll III Tlio Tmii. MUhouiI I'aimeiiRrr Aimotl itlon h. flxid on 0110 nti 1 (inoMftli rate for itr loin di .lrlnir to attend tlio Truti. !!. l'lllC'oiii;ri'elwhUhiuitt4her"Ma Kill, Wlilloilelicateanrurutrlcted to tcr rltory lyluK nnl of the MiuMl Jttver, lutlcraain Ulnir nitlveil from 1 rolnlnent men llvlnnfn the 1 ait At. "iitlq Hlntin. The 111 ivi limit for iloo relalldna I etwit 11 the Wnt n n I riouth Iim .udlinly iluxel ihn1 wunderful 3 l.u!iirllj. l'lil impciM-d unloiindlii. f wealth 1 rwliHlinr iittloiia ofthi UnlUd Htatea 1 rouil.ia to mark a revolution In wir .National legl.litlou I'rlmr 11 ulri.ii " lltmnln. 1'ahih, Ai rll M The ixix-utor. of lh will 01 the, laUi I'riucu .Vnixileon have formll iukiid (he 1'rencli gov irnmiiii'i iKrmlulon to inter hi. re walna at AJaco 0, thocaltul or Cor lea, w here If apolvon w aa Urn. lUrrUnii m ItrrriHInii nl lalirlnn. (lA! 11.11111, TlX , Airll ln-riio arrauKniiiht are coaipletol for the ricti Hon uf I'n.lilciitliarrltinon hi 1 arrlvnl H.Uur lay vvenliif He will be mtilveil tiy a romniltiM or clly oflklaN coiiimercUl, ililo nnd mili tary bodle. mil I'O taken In view tlin Jritlin riclnwl rhlllreii will rwi In review l(oio hi III, uud out bou JC1 at lil fott. Tn KnipriHl ll'ilj rreal. TAKta, Ai rll 10 Tho ."' aiyit Tho iroverument will rolnl l t cum IM to aik the lUlllaiuent, Ik ton. AiiRint, tu au.peul the dullr. oil 11 real., an I that Urrniauy U ix peeled hortly to take u aiiull ir action. irrreae )n II illliin. IiOMwi, A rll in Die bullion In the Mauk Of l.niUlid lift. diireawit 010,ouo iKiunde u 11 1 1 mt the pa.l wcik. ( llrlnrrn Inn ilrnnirr. IJ1D0X, Aplll Id. rim Dltih ttiAtutr I Ciidifl from New t urk ror imwrdam, Ivlll.lrl In a foK In tlin (hanml lit tilnlit, with tho IlrilMi iti attirr (Intmrff 1.1. ba lly daiaiiii 1 waaauii flileil nnleank. niurriuwire all plckml Ui. Cri'fiiMiriheil 111 1)- vrr with her Uw IibJIj .uii. 8lie waanlwidan ol lilow Hi. line. Ilrllglen. Ill ,1 In In III. ('AlxiriTl, A 1 ill li V dl'iAtdi rrom llritart ntinoniHiri thaleerloil rill,loiia dl.ordera uru Itkimr laie, owing to the flit that local authorlllra have couliui in e,l Ihediiuilltloiiol the tiuile, whlililm.lxiun laco ur II Krllnlito vl.llul l thu III11.I0.1. all I liuddlilita Irmii allpjrt. uf luJla,to rol leaaltefurw-itcrMurK.. n l,.a,r..ll rl.K IIIuJlMllU), A rll Iil-riie r6m tuttuii f hiiu.r., niirrititcd ly thu K ivi rutin nt to ixatulite Into the lliitinclal feltunllon, uiiortatlint then I. no lituuer of 11 voiuuiirilal or llnatirl il crlala. Ilrrrlirr 1 ilnlr.t lUmiijiu, A rtl Ki iiM-nr W. Wolf .u njjlnted rerehir fr thu limber llrtu lho.. MatlhewaiV Mom, un I gave lioud for tluM mi I rim net I in wo. uikeuounblll of iiuiti lilnt llli-d Ij T. Murrla llrown, uduilul.trnlor f rjiir , Itroait, diceoMnl, n former nirmlar or llm llrni, airi'uit Joili aullliiir ('.Matthew, (o acciireuc cvuiitliiK, An Itijuucti )ll woa alio Ktantiil rt-Ktralnlme thu .urvlvltiK purlin m Irom Ijitirfcrlnt; with the LiHlneMi firm 1l,lnol. Imml, l Vuiik, A rll tUfho funeral of Ctniril Hi Inula loik 1 lacu thl. luorulm; rrom the Chun h or luituaiil late (ouceitlou A liiritriailonal delekatlou from Wa.liliii.tuii, (J A II nnd Ittindreda o( jiollilclau. weru In attendant t. lllllliia Mnnlpiitli. Uismt, April 10 A dl itch from ItatiKoon (tan a 1'iat (u lulu I'ri itt a lurt and defeated n fircn of tuna huudntl MiiiI.iiiI, kllhui; 11 lly of ttirni. The 1'rr.i Irnl on III. Journey. AlUMi, A rll ID Thu IWIJoii. tlal urty kit lure till. niornliiK tor lllrnilugliaiu, Ala., 011 the (Jrorxla 1'aclllo loat A Kfeit croud were a. eeml Irtl at the alatloll, an I 111 rerlioii.e to the lou I lallafrr n .porch, thu rreal dent Lrliilj thuukeil tlio olu ror their cordial reception or I1I111. hecrelary Manamaktrat.opokofor a few lillliuU-.. Aa llm train left the city I ho Atlanta artillery llrvd a aalute. Hale nfllUrennl Ailianrnl. UiNDOt, April M The II ink of rnnlaiid ha.alvancod the rate of UU count from 3 to 1). Mlllrr llrl-arlrl llrllrr. Wakiiimiiiis, A rll 10 Attornct. (leiteral Miller la retried aotuuwliat Uttir toda, though he la itlll very weak. The d!iutchea teila) make lulorcnt lug rtadiuir. The corre.undeuru be tween lllalnoand ItuJInl li aiblliued. riirrel. a roll account of the ecroud ilay'aet-aloiiorthu Commercial Con Knaaat KaluuaCIt). rherel.alao full account of 1'ru.Uriit llarriaon'a trluiui hal match In the Houlli. On till. da),Aril 10, 1811 . tho American frigate J'rttlileiit, command eil by Coinmodoro ltoner., hailed tho llrltuli .loop of war lMIt Jltlt, com inanded ly Caitaln llltiiflmui. nut a battle followed. Illmjham hal eleven killed and t inly-one wouuded. Thu Amrrlcaua at till time had only twelvu veaaelt of war, wlillo l.ttulanl had over Dud, jet the United MtaUu held her own. A m rUti for Iriliralltiif IrlJ U11J1, Tlio following .utm-itlon. at iiear in 11 reieut number ot the Punier .r "l'rofiror Jiiinn 11 .Mam. .ulimliaii new artlMclal hu 1 r lrrli,atlng aril laud. lluataU-athat hla iiuh achimu la thu n.ult 1 f luncr atujy uiuu the .canity of water for Irrigating, nud thu uat amount of money tlmtliu. beeu vnt In till. Ntatunloiie, whlih haa u far ilotio but llttlo guoit to the Htate and the fiirim r. w ho nud that thu water cannot bur-irrlel by dllclie. ao far iu It I. nteded, auJ which line cuumh! bad reeling among them by ono trying to get muro or the water than hi. nelghbur. 11) thl. new 1 Ian l'rof. Maliea.ayaKiicIl turiinir iliall have III. uwn uattr worka and u.o the water when liu 1 lca.r. -1 he Ian aru aim. luaud nut,' hu add. 'A mil I. bored Iu (hu ciutru of each firm and a a nail water work laicU Ihtrt fhu wnttr 1. piinipid uplutn nil ilevatul tank by ttiutn, and fori 11I by hydrauho 1 riMiiro through Iron )lpee that nro UIJ nudirnroun I to thu mo.t comcnlettt mrt uf each itiarttr of Ihufurni, und 11 water hy. drauttUlloiiud. Aho.elv inn be attached, nnd thu HAUr lorcud up In thu air near tho irt of the inud to be Irrigated, und It fullaiu nrtlllclal rnlu mi a tmrt of laid Icatt oucu each day in thu aoii.oii, nu I after ull inrta haiu bu WHlinJ, whlih will uot Ukulong, lliuu thu iuu inn attend to other dutlc, nnl do away wllheiittlug dlli hi,, through Ihu mule I land, and trniii Ing down uud wn.hliig uwat thu .red, h hen uuter I. Ilr.l turned Into Ihe raid dltche. ull tint work l.diiie nuny wltli.anl thn laud geta the water Ju.t where it taiirediilou (heauifaie. 1111 1 noiiu or the w itef I. anted I In croj.. 11111 bo by thl. .y.ti in, an I a. .li am and tleitrh Ity and li) iluullo pnuuire 1411 Ui lue 1 111 thl. new ex. 1 erlminlul farming theru la a chaucu to Introduce aomo linel ln ruvtiucnta til it 111 ly Ini or I if thu lap. ilall.l.or 011 rely will atudy thl. mil lor orur, they may ten I of 11c rnof our wn.toluudcatibu reclaimed aud madu luto iiuu fatuu." l'liuroiiiiirniMi iv (iiiuus Tin: ittisr 1 xt EitDiriT madh m (In J0111 iititinii The wollJ of ail Jia. la-en atnrtted laid) li the new which ha. readied 11. irom I'arl. that l'rof. I.liuan, irorvHHircf lh). lea nl llm Hjrlvuiie, ho. niitiouiiccAl to the Aealeuiy of Hclcncea at their lat inciting that he ha. dlwimred A uuw I rocc.. In tho tograhytiy which color. Ihrnighcul the whole range ot the ectrillll can la re rrnluoeil un n reueltivn I latu mort net uratcly, Colora nru but uuinU r. 1 1 light wnvi-a aa outline ur aha Iowa are fixed ly the ren nt photograhlu nigaliee and print, fhn prjfi-ut' llrat nlletilt to take I'oliml I hole graihahave not gono U)ond tiiorx jirimentat.tage. A long time will, 1 fiar, elao li fin thl. I much if tho art Uhrutitht to the -crftrllotiuf tho other. Altir n fiW Wiilkattelllta tlin rofeuir ha. auccou-led In phitgr hlu 11 .Willed wlnl iw in color, a. brilliant n thu origin il. c-urillng 11 tlio mtagro ni-coiiut KlieliUitlmiilll ,11 reem. tint the 1 Ii1'-.ntrt ri-ml agilnat Ihe uiulng if atroiiili if mercury which rirmo. n nilrnr In i-nitiit With thu ) late Tin rata ol light p through the fen. altlvi til 11 luliitheoll irocira, butuii ren hlng Ihe other atdu ol thu (late, lri.tii 1 nt I Inr atnortwl t 1 dark ba kgroiulthny in Mint luck by nil uiiuairfa ir the miroiry. In thl. nilrnir thu while tee ret lie, fir nrt rrutn It thu pnc-uM lithuaiinu oa In onlli ir) holngm;hi. Iagiirrrurinueutu .all that when h ha I been iijlng uny ri I hrlck ur lalnti-d bultllti the notgrtili a n tint of lint dura l.r, and he 1 ihored ivual hrably f ir thu allalunirnt f color.. H-i ell I III. r II agin, Mfpuc, uiiktithuaimeelid, Mlthhl. hltutiim-cmted tablrl., nn I tin n iHtrl ajn-Hl all bier l.urou (hat liuhaj aciualh nu le the grrnt dlicovery. Hlr John Her. nil, thuemlumiln. trniumir mil ihlloaophor, uetuilty .uce-eiiled 111 I rociirlng UH)I ier liungnnli.l with the colored Julcu of lion 1 r. a ralnt eulorej luiaguorthu aflar.j.-ctniiii. I lo nli atatrd that he lia t irclini n. ol pi r long ke t which garun m ith la-Hi r ret repetitatlou to the .ictrum Iu Ita natural color, than he ha I beforu rlhillied. Tlirru I liu doill I that HerMhil wo. the flr.1 luillacover the mithi.t of troduclui liatirnl color., about I IT) or 1 8 1 1. It mint not In for goItillthatbiht.uxierlinenta u own the Introduction of hy r.ulj lillo of hxla a. a flxlug age ut, and hn alio tint .ug jea lest gla.. 1 1 itc. rr hellogra hlo u.e. Hlr Itobert Hunt earlmeiitM vcrj mm h, and oltalueil Iu niaiiy Initanci . colored 1 Icturea ol the apuctral ra)., dark tin n I right ground, ltla elMrintheV,io,.oii,ioili MlttHnol t April, IUII, vii "ltirl inenta mil Ulieereallon. 011 Light Which Ua. i.rmcated CobriHl Miilla,"anl In It hn lieecrlUd aomu curlou. rc.ult on eome of hi. huto grahtriariil with hydrollo ull., exiioMillo liimlnoii Iniluenci, with cnlirid lluld. euHrlmued. Thu vlilit, lliii,gri-iu nn t red ra ro ihiced not thilr natural, but cvm lemenlar cold!. riotnn I leci-a of p.vr ulili h he I rtiatol with I IchM mnlu of iotaih and n ery weak eolu tlonof nitrate or aoda weru utidtr cidoleit glOM for fell da a Iu A wlliduw having a eouthoru uipect, an 1 gavu a tinting or blue, gree 11 and red. M. Ldtuoild lleciUrrelelrlt!lcuUi In HUM, and.JicvcJcdlu projucliu oil metalllo I lite, thu color, or thu ectruui, and coj hnl aumn colored trill!.. 111. iroce-aa ua. ni follow, lntaalarormurlatloaclddllulrilwlth rrom one tn two arta wati r, he laud a.llveri late, having rolourly cim neelwl It with a oilthe ulu of a g.l vaulo t-nttery, tho nikallve ofll liruil iiatnl by a drip or Utluum. Thu kllviraut ilatluuni weru ketaliout one Incli airt until tho fermcr beiame coatul with the uaacent ihlorlnu to a violet hue. It u Hun rimed nnl dried an I cxium ! to the colored ray. After an exioure of frutu onu to two day. a colored Image w a. formed. 1 1 e rarely oblaluwl more than one or two mloriit once, riny mm not bril liant und aluajaevaniHi-nl. InlUl aneihewof Diktierre'. imrl tier, M .N li pre de HI. Victor,) ubli.ho.1 to thu worl I that he uai thedl.mirrr of heliochromy, an I IhathucnulJ, by hi. 1 roccM, co y color from nature 011 .liver 1 lut. I run 11 it n aru of hi. formula, hut hn exhll lte.1 tome 1 1c lure, at thu CrjiUI l'alace In ls5.', and though they were In a dark lace tiny had nearly faded out whuu I iw them. In 16J'l I 1 nl I a to lir. Dlamonl of Murrey, 1 ngland. liu wa. then ex 1 rliiienilng ir.evcrliigly with various formula, tending lo color 1 holography. Ho allowed mo tho only i,ood 1 Irturo I, hale ever won mi In wllh a camera and lent Iu color. It waa a view ol an old fathloneil, Iwo-ttory trauie rlaibunrjod Iioumi, wlthiiiobiaud llchui in many (lace, over tho doora and window The liturowaarllycoljrel. II10 lichen honing thtlrjellow and gray mark ing., and thu houiu of n d.rk briwn iMlor. It wa lery pritt), lut tlm doctor paid II nn taken while ho waa exH.rhnrntlng an I ha could not ao. count for It II waa ri ally h run 1 Ic lure In colora, and thu only ginulne onu I ivir ., at htut annh la my oj lulon. AboutthuaamellmoMr. I, I, Hill, n traveling ilagucrrcolylit,anuouucii that liu had at l.iit ulncovered thu graul nw-ret or iiilloihronij , an I coul I take Iandcniea and rtralt Iu Ihrlr natiiriil color. Thla hums created gn al exclti nirnt all ovi r thu .clctillllo worll, nniei rally ammg thneu who were rulid dnguerreclyi M.. In lonverwitloiiwlih I'ror. H. lIMiraoon lhuailurt. hnnwire.1 ino that liu hat llllJnlllilt to Will Kill, the real, ilomonf Mr. I till, mil had aeen thu I 1 to bn lakin by lilmonh Ulrcovired irocc... According to hi. account Ihey were wouderful irodmllou. if culoiedUa guerreotj u. orilvlng .uljecbi, u. well u.uxact coha if colon il pihillut. Although the 1 rohaaor did uot ate tlio Iclhnnl themto le genuine Many ilUllugulahid men vl.itcl Mr. Hill, whoKwa. Iilw.i. ready loahow 111. ilctun., hut I d uot know of onu practlul man who eeiraiw him mnkuone Iinvuiiilarthutainojiar n com luiltinorthuViw VprkHutu Diguir rlmrti ktyi iid Mr. lllll a hu nriiio.l nen to thow Hum hi. Ill tutu or 1,'lvii them any ratiatactlan Inngirlli hlaamnl, whlcJi wu de 1 nn led m n right On thn return of tho cumiiilttiu to New Vork a rtiairl t iu 1 ul IUI11.J, aluunl I y the member. I illng that Mr I Ull ha I "not only do u In hlmiel , I ut tho whole lil.iory of lilaUlnnitery wuann iiumltlguled ile. liiahn " I'lu oonimltUe, hoivuwr,.or i.c'.oulr? )0'"y. charge I Mr Hill wllh making I roll! of hla alleged crtenc8-a charge whltli It li plain woultralhrr militate ngalmt the nd inlr.lon of hi. deltlll ill. rin y a vi mil, Iu fad, that rrom the "lie of hi. book. anJ tuition of iill. nttracteil I y the fame or hi. dlxuvery he realized a haiidwimu Income, and lh waa tho real otjou of Mr, lllll'. announcement. Later In company with two ottn r irentli 1111 n, I made a to Hot Kill to Mr lllll. Wu in nnd nl mlml hi. 1 Icturea, but he woul 1 glvi u no .athfactloll A. to how they were male, although we ottered tol-ny hlin hatulMinely for In. I rout le, e w ere obliged Ui ilepall wllliout Infirmall ill of any kind, In f.ot, he punitive ly ri- fuMnllndi nnythliig nn re than .how hi. 1 kin tin. Wi ilirled tiiudi chmnlni-d, after triellng li 11 mllie for iiolliliig. We Inil rtriug turml.i. that tin rn wa. really 11 unng Iu hu I mitm, ntel lliira I rovnl we were tor ml lull-, 1 he ptibllilinl n book giving t.utl) hi. lire hblory an I a ten h mi ula. nu I many ling Idler, rxt Illng liluion hi. great ilLcuMry, HI. form ut.. uruvrri curl u. tin lcinn Heated I ut Hi e who hav, iiielthuii uiver ui ceiile I In taking a lcture, uven 11 1th thu greatet 1 are .r. I n -curacy Wlieuivirnfillureoiiirmlhualtiaya nirlullli ixcuto that the cheinlral. wiru lniairu ur your miululatl u wiu not innful en lah Hoiiral friend, nu I uiiadf Ulul hi. rormiiln. kii lug to tho very idler tail 1 ruluc Ing lay lilt g riim It will Im wen that phctagmrha 111 culor. Il ivu bn 11 tin de-alder nta, nu I linvu uccll hit llm mlu 1 tif every .lucere worker morn or le. Vet It ha. 1 verecliud (arfivt reallle. thu, imii ly mill iiuu a. Sir John 111 rdii I, the tlr.t to 1 liotogrn ' .l.'C tral col r, nu I lit. .urciiMur, Hlr llila-rt Hunt lhat llcniibe diuu I. 1 Mih nt from Dr. Dlamuul'a nnl lent nl colir 1 Irturc, lait a. yet (ho roll Hint h..cluded lhugrainr the 111 el 1 alleiit luvi.tlgat r, I do not diiiltwi'urn on the eve r.omeree l.ltloil n.taillugil.l'epedally n. much morn atudy Ii.hIn-cii laldy given to the trolertleaorilghl, A ml Jut an va.t, it Mill hen III Hu iu nru .urllliig dlKuv I rh a every jial l'rof Llpinun ha male a .ten Iu Alvaucu In I n. f.r n. hu hm made kuoiru lil. formula II I. mom luira Hi 111 any cftUo.eor hi. 1 n-dcc-cMor. Il win tin r nuy irogro. can In made ao a. to 111 1 ly It to thu nrla nn I n leun -. Mhoull ho aucci-cii Iu (irfictliig thl. I ranch It woul 1 leoiioif tho grentct dlioverle. of tlieaki . There woul I lie "million. In It," for It wool I mm In tl mlu 1 hotngra hy.-Jcici Mo .loirrl-can Bolomon Ol.llkiy an I I rami. Kill OUIlkiy, Inth I'ollih Ji., urm hur ried nl AtihlMiu, Kmiuc-, Kiitiday nlglitnrter the cennittiy acullar to thclrrnce. riieolllclallng laiwuwa. MonliHill, Ihewomiti'. Irother, who tint n lain lln ofatlck t gillur, which tin nlr, Hauling 01 inch other, took In tin Ir hand mil I roko with their uultiil Mreiigth They thin drank wliu from tho rime e up, ami Kir irouutlliiid them liu.Uui mid wife, rim nurrlage 1. Iliigal, aa no llciu.o wa obtained aud Heir waa neither 1 net, rat bl nor uiaglitrite. Die rtlci will lwcomliiltu have the ceremony t-crfurmel legilly or they wllllaiarrciled. ol-llkey nndtbu woman haeu Ueu twlcu marrliit I fun, aud oaofteu dirorinl UiiMeMiiU taking 1 lacu In I Vim I Ol.llkiy, who haa been living Iu Kaiuuta City for aomo yiar, nnl for the woman to rviiionul ina-r) him again, and rho anhedHaturday, A to tlu matiuer In which Uuclu Ham la-came the iwllilctl name fir Ihu United Hlale them am many ver a'on.or the atory relating toll Onu lerklonriiinn.folliw. Hurlnglhi war of Ibl.' 1 Ibelt Amleruu or .New Votk w a. n contractor engaged Iu tuidylig irovlilon to thu truotx He bought a-cf, irk, eta, at Troy win re the I Hal Impector wrre l.beneiir an I Ham W lon, the latter In iwu famlll itly n. 'UiicleHnm Tin lu.-ctormarked tho liarnl. "II. A.U. A,", "1.. A Hm ling for l.II. it Anderiwu ainl''U. H" for United rllatia. rhotowngoa. lp, howoer, luliri relid "If, H to niuau "Uncle Ham," tho rinderlng be-camu 1 rover! UI and ' Uncle Ham" look I y clegreea hi prcM-nt .liain an I clotlilng. A tiiuili later date I. anme thnia Liven fir tho uvolutloii of thu Uuclu Ham" I Ira. .Slllilenti'.Sorlfl). Tlin regular aeaslon of H10HI11 lonU' Hoclely of thu Latter-lay Halm.' Col lego will conve uu tomorrow uvi nlnu In thuHoclal Hall, at 7 II. An InterVnt. lug prograuimu ho been arranged a. I Mrliir. "Tb. anl.ll.aet III. Nil. Ur. it."., '"'""fa'e I a "l or Alnea uj clierl. 01 tl. Ilia 3. BtfBl'-'H.llaie.l -.Ylu"" LUIerf M l.te.clut, lyl lru",r"" ,0',' ',nl ronaa-tu, M , " ti. tumirali Aiunii, I "lavoe.llna It II .. . Lot e. lluU. Alldi-.lrou.or .pen ling n plea.ant ejeiilng uro cordially aollcltud to at attend. J.J. Waitui, Chairman. Out of rutin. Mr. t'harle. I III. I Hun Taylor. vllle. Mi nday evridng, At rll 1.1J1I1J In Wi.t Jordan, Widncaday ninliig, Ar li.5, Iu I, i) ion, I rluay uvenlng, Ar LI, Huc,ar ilouae, Monday, Airll ITih, mil Iu I arnilnglmi, ui i nil g, Ai rll 23. Hul lei t-' "Utah I rom IT lo .u " All hiltnl. QUICK "IW". liiker.l. 4 and the l i33njr?fssj- ADEAD WpppjSHASTER. flJTyWS All'llnjril'.'n. Ilrrll Win.. Wnelnalrntuat) tuuur rltlona. tlint for year, we into lien M ,, Klug'a.Nrw l)l.,oieryror ( oi,m, Ion. Dr King'. New I.lf. I'm, ,hl leu' Arnica Hilvu and I.h-ctrlo lilt ti r, and have 111 ver handli d n me-tlra Hint 11 II ai well, or lhat hiivn iilieu meli utilnraal .atl.rictlc.11 .,, 1 ot hitltalo to guaranteu them eviry Iiuu, and .Ul. I rea ly tu r,f,M1' the 1 urchaau rliu If aatlafactory re. eulu do not follow their u.o. ibum remedies havo wun their greet 1.1111 larlty in rely on ll.elr tnurlu. A 'c. H'ullh s. Co , Uruggl.ta 1 1 .pellrnre uf n Iji Ir IU.I,iuary Mlul millnof Ilanna uih.loiuiri iorHrtllatlt( lnircli, Iroy, N. . S",.1' "i R'l to .tali, that Dr liivll Kenned)' liivorlloltemidy.or Itoiilout N ii.reil m. or Cntarrh 1; llm lllulder, leldnij Irouklu ami Con.tlinlli n I w uul I add that I alvt a a lled thu 1 avurltu llemedy ullh thu coutuut or my tihytlclaiu DINWOODCY , Is now proparod to wnlt upon cuatomors tn Ills Now Store) ho has a mngnlflcont lino of rurnlturo, Carpots and Wall Papor. Call and boo him. H4l Irencli tandln.t Allaigatl'a HctHirTanilbTlniggMair.latH. Iluylyour dniga of 'the l.iy-" Johtiwn, I'ralt ft I -o.. Main at, K11K I. ard an I I .fglng, go (u Jua rteiM-n, I'lhrolnl, Utah. I, run nnnalle dl Dnhv Cnrrlanoi, half prloo at S. It. Mjrkui JOO tu chooao from. HtAHit, .11 1 a7, lilr-Duiii, Hungu. tlueklrii. IrulearMI.e Thu UeatHalin liilhe world fir Cuts Iltuliie. Hon, Ulcer. Kill Ithnirn, 1 cm r. (tore., Tetter, ( rue-.jt Hands 1 hllbUln. t'nrm, and nil Hkln llrni lion, nu 1 po!(lrly nirra 1 lie, or no t-.y ri-.iilivl lll.guarauti'ud loglvn H rh e l aitl.rae tlou, or money re rutited, 1'rleiO. icnUpeftijx. tor e-i'u by A. C.HniUh.ii Co. H A 11 li' .111 )t Houlli, 1 reacrl Iloua 1) no N I', (hi tniuiidauii, .No. SI Thirteenth I art Htmt, Malt 1-aV.i ( Ity.nndirdir your flrat cla. Iloik., I noting lluMile, Hi. I lies Ing llo. rriiiAii root. dtr HcuiH.LM 1 at, lalH l'rccrl llona Hoaiiu,m Let, i.i Houih, Drui... BED COMrolvTST A SAC IliriCE AT DINWOODCY'S an ouo Choice l-nill an I Hhale rreea, l.vrr gn 1 ii. aii I Urnami 11UI Hhrul liery fur ale, thini I l,i, in, Numrjiiiiu, blj l.a-t Third Houth Hlnvt. cllw do lo HlKM.HI. lllMAllll CVi IT and It) ,,t Koulli riiiiluMriit, for Tin Hoofing (lull ring, Hpoutlng Ktnri and Tinware, etc. DINWOODr.Y'S WALL PA PH.. SUPCRDLINC. LATEST DESIGNS, LOWEST PHICES. S. ft. MARKS & CO , Carpots anil Lnco Curtains, now stylos, lowost prlcoa. Ham you Itleil Artgat'a ('nam He nut , Jul .aiT.t HmtiiT 1' 1 rrumm Onre a imtouii r, alu ay a a cuatomer. SilliTLlKliTlllifflili! tlllirclnaro. ll.a..r E'lSli' II1! J-3 TN LLSLER JUtnt lg toirn toutfumg ftpiel Mil. ritAXIC WINI'ON, lllll.nije. WEDNESDAY EYENINO, APRIL 15th, GOVERNESS! A Ihmtltte tmlf .Vtfr,., THURSDAY EYEH1NC, APRIL 16, MISS MANNING ! or iilt WxintTuM h , rll lib. !nrfi(IVc ,rVV, ;3M1I0), SAl7rLAlv THEATKE. Cm a licaiuv, . yianota. FRIDAY md SATURDAY, APRIL 17 4 18. A erlal nallure Nalunlar. CNCActMCNT txTnon Dl NAHr 1 1 I igf 3 Jg wiiLna r.ii-iicn ar ma WIIUED mm CM!! OFEP.A tfl, "i iai:iji:. r,Q "Tla nine er Till llITIr- Ttcnov I. all iol ru.iu- .rt aiiuj le llir. w! iil. u air, iln , nilifru. - uu 1 II cm . u I.I ua. I. . iwea aei I .. af c unf , DaVAurr . lhlala" Ilia Aullulr. Ilea L.o.0,,a".".'ri.a'r".,;.o'.v.'7l'rr,..,.,;" oT'l."';""""""""1"""' "'" WONDERLAND Y V kiiuMihimrii, A' ti 11 1 its 111,1 ri . ' A"- TH'S WCCK rJ I l"" roiillauoua Uuil Irr Ui O ' W lota W Pin tTl ' Ir lrrWtorr.qrW, pa 1 illietrul. I he ll, 1 1, r l-J Tn nurhera I ho l-nulumliur c I nu I Ihe Irmulrra Vlan urn the r al 1 1 , ntu. . I.nli.i i .1 . '.J 'ooa out r r llm eouicbir lav I iiur, ileum "' l-MllirilON Of 1'MtlM (. rpilK null IlKltrTiiroitl 1X1,1 imi i in iou ,"! i " ""' '" "' i""""'" I utl.e. Iu ill rilr an I i uotr of hill liV l.mloej ol I ul hiaunav Jl.Mli.ii;i:! ualroo-gin Mrllarllai luliloileraaii .,,u lutcl lirlll-m l m M8,J.,,,,,,!,,rtt,,' SILT lililMRSKitVr I I WaMMK,, ii I ret Mluraub Ir aliile.iu,! "Tram ai'lall welll,e'.1 """""'" " 'lalf laiVifeiSel0" """ 'if "nu. ea ai -MIVUIIllTOllll!UtN, MllIIJIIRIJiriILLTITTlllllllllfmF H 26, 28, 30, 32 E. 7-p j, rp 26, 2), 30, 32 E. I ' JL I First Sonth St. P"' - A ) First Sooth St. ! j M I un ucni i f nun, mm iTJiriJiLiini H DRESS GOODS. fl gVCRY DRY GOODS HOUSC KCEP3 DnCSS COOD0, DUT M acarcoly a houso In Amorlca can show thu collootlon of 'iF suporb thlnejs wo aro proparotl to otfor this Spring. Thoy ara W strung nlonii from Now York to Salt Lnko, and SOMCTHINQ j NEW IS A mil VINO DAILY. Tlio purchasos of six past sov ' Bono would not oqunl tho sotootloni of this noason'd lino, and $' Lacllaa cannot form tlin fnlntost Idoi of hov ulcgantly nnd ' tastnfully thoy onn dross, oxcopt by calllnrt and oxamlnlnu . J! our cholco stock of Tronch Novoltlts nntl,tlio olhor nrtlstlo f olfocts In our Dross Goods Doparlmnnt. 1 Wo oltall show n lino of Fronch Challlos, tho pattorns and ' il colorlnus of which aro pronouncotl works of art. I Our Combination Plaid Hobos aro tho most tastoful, at a ,1 motlornto prlco, ovor producod; and about two hundrod pat- '(! torns of Curopoan Novoltlus, of which no two dross pattorns Jtl aro allko, aro somollilnit to bo proud of. ) Tho Wool Plaids umbraco colors novorboforo attomptod. j.d nnd, toitolhur with tho patterns, aro simply Immonso, and In 5vj stylos sultablo to all ngoo. fjK Our Dlack Goods stock Is vory complolo, In which wo aro i jw showlnu many novoltlos that tnro offurcd nt tho vory low jjj prlcoa wo placo on llonrlattas, Sorgos, Cords, Diagonals and Hi Tl.lll9, J WASH DRESS GOODS, -THC TERMS APPLICABLE TO OUR WA3H DRESS GOODS K aro hnndsomo, protty, swaot Thoso throo stylos of bSS boauty aro all ombracad In tho choicest lino ovor offarod In BbILbI any ono houso. Tho croam of all Importors and manufacture ors aro colloctod In this ono itrand dloptny. H Wo load with thn groat Europoan Novolty, Kornh Molro, In prlntod goods, a now woavo mado from Egyptian Cotton and ,H Combod Yarns, comblnod with tho Molro offoct, prociuclntj a H rlchnoss only to bo found In tho hlghost class silks. Evory fV houso advortlsos Scotch Glnghama and Zophyrs, and show i 'f mora ugly than protty pattorns, but with us It Isi.lfforont; wo I havo an Immonso assortmont, nnd ovory pattern Is a boauty, j tho colors raro and rich, producing offocts novor boforo wit- nossod In this class of goods, and aro porfoctly fast. Wo aro also showing stylish pattorns In Amorlcan Ging hams. it" Tho old stand-by, Prlntod Satoons, Is largoly ropro'aontoc. f,1.1- In all qunlltloa, and tho now Canton Cloth, mado by Simpson ! I' lai & Sons, dosorvo spaclal mention for Its rlchnoss of doslgn. I (itivjjv Tho pattorns In Prints this soanon aro so vury protty wo , i iJ must spoak of thorn. f IE WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES. n JJHTC DLACIC GOODS IS THE ONE NEW THING UNDErt ii JH tho sun; you wtnt to sou thorn; thoy aro In Embrol- il t dorod Flounclnets, India Unons Nainsook Chocks, Laco M Effucts, Cords and Strlpo3. Ladlos of moro advancod oars 'I H can havo all tho comfort thoro Is In woarlng a whlto muslin lH dross and yot bo droisod In black. You should buy thorn oarly, 'taaal tho novolty bolng bo groat, thoro aru doubts or thoro bolng H onough to supply tho domnnd, Wa havo a moro oxtonslvo lino than ovor In Whlto Em- H broldorod Flounclngs In forty-flvo-lnch goods for Ladlos, nnd twonty-sovon Inches for children. You will, of courso, soo H riounclngs In othur storos, but If you want stylo comblnod with choapnoss, you will buy thorn or us. litim 1 1 1 1 n ii ijxli in in tci i-Tu nTTTT H 26, 28, 30, 32 E. r-j , ,-p J6, 28, 30, 32 E. , , j first South St. j P. iX. 1 . j First South St. ' iinnimimgiTriTiiTS 4 H.K;.THopfls. I ' M