Newspaper Page Text
B i)j:sj;iu:'t' js vis ma a -S-invP- TiimsnAY. may 7, ism, i S H i HE QMOKXU IN A STREET CAR. 1 Ua Wat nir nrl l.m ih. tun. f Can tartar lllm. I M Tlio man Intldo the liorw car u Vm very large nn J red. Tli" coiulurtor of H tli riu mull nn.l pate. Tlio lirj? I Jfl ml pdMcnpr ni InfrlriKlriit tlio rules of tlio nUIrtiaJ coinpaur lijr liRlitlnij 11 '!H cigar llio rainll conJuctor liail M tratcliwl till audacltr, ami wlie-n lio (fBJ u sntlstlftl tliat ilia rlgar irRlit!ntr B process was not nn llluilnn lio remarkc), fl villi coiHdomMe stcrnnrss u( velco (or H diminutive limn i H "You'll Invo tn put that clfir nut." B Tlie lirjro reel mnn took mi notice ot H tlio oWrwitlon, hut imllVil liujo vol- m titiKa nf smoke H "you'll hat e to put that cigar out, ! H blllltlinhnninnpuITnliiriTnrlron. H "1 117 5011 II liavo to put lliit cigar H out." H Tlio lArge man turned liU nuall Iiltf H f yp s lltcmM nntl sal 1 1 H "Have jer voler, young feller, savo H jcr volet.' H Tlio con lnctor tooltCHl Ihn large man H over. Ilonbtencel that he wan nlmut M thenlieofMr Hnlllvnn, the pugiliit, H runt he tvonelrrrnl ttlirtlicr hit salary el H conductor was larjro enough to Intluce H him to rlilc hit life In n phvilcnl en H counter llh the hurlr mlllan. There H U n prrtonal prMo In nearly nil men, H nnil that conductor forgot tlie corpora' H tlon ho was scrvluir, anil lis mice, nuil fB dele nuliicil 'tliat he, as an Individual, H would nut Ixi cnxhnl H "You II luno to put that cigar out," jB he n inlnl. Illi nilmonltlon was lilii- H full tincliosgeahlo In diction mil H toiHS nnd It m beginning to anno H tho large rr-1 man H "Ha, oiing feller," remarked the H latter, "rlwr the tall nn 1 let jcncll m H The conductor Talked forvrnnl to JM the driver's platfonn and satlnfow B qtilitnonUtohUroadlutor, Then he H returned to lilt own plitform, nnd for H n moment or so. ni the enr went nn, B lio was silent llnall ho dlrectiil liU H attention ngaln to the suinti r. H "You'll htvo to put tliat cigar out," H he sat L H The large rel mnn roue (o hit feet, H nnd at ho did no Ilia conductor pulUd IH theUII forthocartosto'i. Thortnoler B itrudo out to tho platform mid, glower- tM lug down on the llltle ronduclor, In Id B the lighted cigar under hli iiom, m H Ingi V "That cigar ain't golu ter bo put out. M Heel" B The enr waa now nt n eLind!!!!, and PH thiidrhcr wai looking biek nt the tun BHf nun on the rear plitforni. llemivthe H little conductor let 11 hU flt at the BB 1 trge nil man. nnd hnmcdtntcly he lot BB goof hli brako nnd gnio cneli of hit jBJ liorvee a harp cut with the whip. Ihe BBJ leaped forward nnd galloficil AMawItli BB the now empty car. When the driver BB lookeil nroulul agtlit ho miw tho llguro BB of Ilia largo man landing ruvfull hi BB tlio middle of the car track, a block BH ,Niiind. BflL A tuiall boy went out Into Ihentrert Fw to ftue what the man fell otf the eir for. I Tlie determined tutuktr wan duntlng hluiH'lf Them woe no clg ir nmr Mm He looked about In A dozed way, nnd then Mlldt "What wat that conductor'! mmi liert' The nuMI 1ki did tiotlinnwj Millie, coiuwly will netcr hao A tragic K'i'Uil.' ow York Hun. T TnMctilpC tMfmMf, Tlie grand old Pouglnt motlo, "Ten der nnd True," won onco touching! II hiktraliil by tho rcprcnenlatlte of nn l.llnr Hcoteh family Tlio Duke of Athoto lied n iIUcoro which wat certain to end fatally When ho wua aMured that ho would toon bo taken nwuy he called on nil hit tenants and bide tucli one farewell with a chccrfubiwt that tcstlflol to hit penco of mind During hit latt dat there occurrrd n touelilug hieldint, Qun-n Victoria tUIIM lllalr Alholj to bid ndleu to the dying duke. Hhe hail returned to the tuition, whem a crowd of iK-nont had colli eted, but hi ryinpathy with the loleumlty of the no cation they maintained perfect tllenoe, Ttio train waa aliout to Hurt whrn thero in a thout of ' Blopl Btopl" nnd a brougham wat wen driving rap idly from the cattle. Out ot It, wnip d In flannelt, rtag jcrwl tho duke. 1 le w nt to the door of the rojal car, knell, klwied the pieen'e luiud, waved hit cap nnd called tint, "Tliree ehecrt for the qtnvnl" Tin n re-cnlcrlng hit carriage ho ih-nvo luck to the cattle, nnd Hour left It uguln alive. lllackwood'i Magazine, iAfllne Trarklnc. Tracking liAtcUueei aomn have a natural ijiilekiieM and aplllude for It, olhertnroof no lite nt all nt II. The keen way, for liutanct', In which Tnnig Ala can follow up a natho track It wonderful; Uin illghttvt Ign It notlce.1 by him, Tho only other art that rc einblci tracking It ' tlndlng jour way alKiut In the buili." A clour buili natl near hit own home, nellng lit jour guide, nn matter how much jou may hate tnltfol ami turned or gong up hill and down date, when ntkod where ramp It, will Inilantly ay, "1 here," on I point nut the dlnctlon lie knout win re lilt homo Is, Jint "t the wllj bee doet ho lint mentally nnd liKtlnolltely liem carrying on n Irav crte," ran fully holloing tlm angleaof deflection and tho dlntanco tratcleil oviri (lilt he hut plotteil In hit mind, and uhui oaked n here he It he read t the map ho hat mode on hit brulu, ami lett you know the rcmilt. It li'fntal to In rrupt n tracker by unneci linr) tienk. hig If doubtt are ciut At uj the tklll :' of tho leidlngman, nnd ho ferltthnt he It not trnttiil, nintt prolmbly eon ' f union will follou. Mnclctnth f.nt H ury, Bj tmitr einr-iriAii. "Homelyly baa jilckej my rocket," cried tho Tat Wuuiaii. ..l'.110"1 Uo faa apctl" otked the BJ "Hut Sneaking Armliw J 'niu a conn-lout UiokoubU face, i M xUetelttblu'-l-ucK. Hew TomlHtnlt Hat lit Mania. "Jlr. Wnrnir, of Tombstone, 1 be liever light jou Arc," enld n man with n big mu'laclie nnd n broad brimmed liai In the offleo of the llranwlck "Yen, 1 11 tell jou howTomb-tonn pot lit name. InllnciNdrija, whin the Jpachti were prclly lol nround mir part of the country, n pnwpcctor cntno tdoncbthonaineof VA Bchlflin. Ho hail been protpecilng for a pl while without finding mueli of Anything, and when ha announced hit Intention of trying lilt lurk nround our camp (which wai then totally without whlto popula. tlon) ho w warned that ho would not get liaek, nnd lilt frWidt would hrtte tn go p and build a tombntouo on hit grate. "Ho went, though, nnd tho flnt day ho found a rich piece of llont which AMAycd f.'.TSO. The man U now worth (2,090,000, and tho placo lint had the name of Toiulwtono ot er tlnce. In ap pearance ho It n common miner ytt, wean n red flatind thlrt, top IkkjU And a broad hat, and doeni't care n llg for hit penonal appiarance." Hock Mountain Ncwa. Tliltlitliellal'anvlctrof the powen of the govt niuient of tlio Untteil States coder lte coottltutloni 'Wo have noth ing to do with our conttttntlon If It It found wanting on mint mend It. Yon know that It It no conttltutlon worthy of a free, dvllltcil country It It doce not lnrare j anUhuient for crlmo aa 1 protection for tho weak." Do on think tuch fame at Lawrence, Tlarrett hail would be a t cry great thing? Henrhotran Intdllgrnt I'.irll nt wpoer tlieakt of hlini "Itnrenco Ilarrett, a well known American actrett, died j ettenlay In Ko York. Mine. Uarrctt nat fitly tlireo can old, bnt many of her admlr en, finding her at all timet an tprlghtly, to pretty, to jonthful In aaarance, thought alio had only J nit turncl thlrt, M. Ilamtt, her hntband.M'rtvil In the warof aecrtiilonAtacnptaln of Infantry." Tlili, O unbltlout youlli, It famcl Ifaomeof thelnvmllont thatarego Ing to revolutionize thingt tv oal 1 only revolntel There, for inttance, It that kercei no an 1 vaior f urnice, which It to do away with tho dirt and tronblo of coal ant make life wotlh living In win ter. Itt Inventor clalnu that a all gal lon can of keroacne ran be died Into the wall and allow oil to How through It luto a cylinder In the range or atove. A jet of water thtt It aomehovr juggled Into team mingle with the oil and tnuket the llaino from the latter like tho fiery In which tho threo holy children wire thrtiat "three llnn-t hotter than It could lie htt." Anything from a Iioumi jnralu.r fnrnaco to a burner which will irf ike a lone woman n cup of tea can be heated in thlt way. Hat why do not the pulilio cttr get tight of mine of thcto Ano detlcea? Why mutt tto ttlll con tinue en with the ol 1 coal, amoko, aoot and mho? . Our Colored opulallon. I Flriifn-tlitcentlit of nil the roloreil people In the Union are found In the District of Columbia and the teventeen states of Alahauit, Arkanaat, Delaware, I'loriU, Georgia, ICanut, Kentucky, I Loultlaia, Maryland, Mlultalpiil, llli- I sonrl, North Cirollna, Kmtli Carolina, Tezat, Tennertoe, Virginia, West Vir ginia. Tho whole colored population In thertatrsanddUtrict nimeil ajgrrgito C.000.1C4. Tlie white population In the same states and dtatrlct nuinU r 10.809, S03. lliia It In the proportion of a little luoro thsufour colorcl jiertont to ttn white ones In the locality named, whUli lutludes the most iKipulout colored dlt- ' tricti In the country. Wo havo there fora at prexnt ot er 7,000,000 uegro In habitants. In three state, Mlulnlpul, honltlana, and Bouth Carolina, the colored apula lion oatnnmbcrt the white. Uut Inonly one of theso states, Mluiulppl, hat the negro topnlatlon gilned on the white since IMI, and that It Accounted for by I the large Immigration from other statet during tho dccido. Negroes have flocked Into Mlulwlppl from the pattern ttatet of the south. Black hat nlao gained slightly on white In Arkansas, Mouth Carolina aud West Virginia. In all the others the whlto pnrplo hat o made a de cided proportional Incrcato ovir the LI K' lit. The fear, therefore, tliat the white man Is tolwdriteu out of a por tion of the south by negruei through sheer force of tujieiior Incrtaw of popu lation Is proved by the eleventh ceutus tobugrounJIeA. Giro Hint Another Clianco. A new criminal law that has jatt gone Into effect In Trance will U watched carefully by nil who nro Interested In prlton reform. Tho law hat Iks framed on tlio principle, of reforming the crim inal rather than puulthlng him. It Is A qnwtlon, In leu, whether man ought et er to tako tho butlnetii of punlthlu t crim inals into hit o ii hands. Wo ma try to refonu them, wo must keep them from doing harm to the community, bat neither of theso two wajs of looking at the duty of thestalo toward the crim inal Includes the Idea of pnnbkuig him. Tlie French law hereafli r, In ci rtaln rlavtco of offenses not murder or the moat itrlout crimes agalmt rrson nnd iroiwrty will tutpmid during good lac hnvlor the legil sentence. That it to say, if ujoutli la guilty of stealing or dltordrly conduct, and It tried mid found guilty, tho judgj aeutencts him duly, but In cose of a first offriua sua- nd elocution of tho penalty. He tells' the first offender he cau go free, and If In five years ho Is not again found guilty rf law breaking he will bo released alto gether from serving cut the acntento. BhoiilJliobegnllty of auotlur uironso, honuwr, before tho five jeurs aronp both sentences will stand against hlui, mid he mutt serve out lulh. Tholl.tof Brat offenders will bo care fully kert, nnd few ran csuiihi French polieeiurtelllaiice. The new rUnfoV lows a humane and enlightened policy In dividing Brit olfendersfrom hardened tinners. Ztooic Cold, X took Stoic tTOOK S00TTC EiULSSQN UH.TI I tnlto My Honls, I tnlto My Rest. Atnl AtttlOOSOtS TO TAKE ASvritllll I CAN tAV I4V IIAIM OV ftrliliiB Hit to". f? .Scoll'i Etnulvlon or Pure Cod, Liver Oil anclllyiiopliosphllcjoILImonnd Soda "Wr iiLv t. srn mv lnri lint C'oiitiiiiiplloii MIT hilt vr, a ii ii ow mi tlio FLCSH ON MY DONEO at tiik Atc cr A roinn a liar. I TAKE IT JUsr At KAtlLV At I ll MIIX men TMrmosv Ii Mrriiivo haw, icon's MIIIMIOI It tim womsies lntiv, TAKk t.o ciriizs. HOUSi: JtOVKltS AND IIAIItMlS. Inxcit ir,riiAimi!At aid ntyy li abtshrmainovrrt in I tth nulttlasi nuM, liratJ aaa aiJ tar eitUace III Kiltlaia ba.ttl. .ale ajl "'''' " O.aa la aaj prt at la. 1 rtur u; "c '""taii iniiat isutliu conrANV. CU"' taVtV.';' '. ".'.Yt,.... SALT LKEJ11RSERY. nettvii nioriuc aoLr ri-nriiirtart et Its all I tie Sanrrr. t am aow ra. aarae la famuli Srull.HHal anil lima raanfal Irvrannll Alirilta,ot tiail quallly aae at lowrn prus. ar.arr aaa aula lotah alellr limits, ea atilalloa MArtrs tHuniofUttllKV. Overland Excursion IDAHO WIS IDAHO, r4r Mo ..ill no .. I r Tha Ulilf rntl JtJ tMrrrr(tiinlwaitpnst failoz llnr Valnrarlti... 0 SO m , May 1 9 NnII ',i-A i tao p. miliar U It nil, Mmiim.,, 100 .l,Uaj 13 All Iralttl arrltlDc at IfUlm Fall oatl tB((iif of Miylt Tlraati ttum, awl InTr tnttsj fur Uo lUra From IVIt Lab and lldlto UfttAj ROUND TRIP RATES. rram lltntrr nj f hmiw 11 ntUa - .- ,, Ill Otl i m !taitu"7;; ::;;;: '''t c as Ikaeria M UoIiUlaail ttim lortJ Culoa l'a. i Mtta at aJl lnirnT.1ii ataUmta, at U ia fit no anil udo ..! eU t irlla. Tha lIuW Hlar f alWr. la kiVl, JiU Fall it rtattranr iiarat!, 1st Uia nual fatfal nloQ vt th laUrrfkefMittalA. nuantrr, ll I m m.U.rt t f or ( rlnh fartnln laarli, an abvilvia f tf, ata fofMi nf i Isa tlmUr talaaSl mtit r. HUiu,tral f ttldi id I knai,airIM .nat. AMrolluiajo. Utvlso I.IU Uoo a w lHiilrwttl'Xtt() wa , it la tnwdfJuKl miimfaMurlnf rMitr ami ll . ana f-isa atr .rolirtwl that wnhla ivn iMratlsimr WllllMfMk- - Of 11,14) lsli. riDliXi,. I.YJiM.Vrf Kbi1iUoo of ecmbir li.un. RtAL ESTATE SALC9 DnrliittliSa ?lalt of lit tranlnd'ij, a.?! Hatnt? nt rat W bnlaeM tml iWaWsa Ua 'n U- eofnlott nMrwprtlU vtllhi tmM 4 aaiUtKi vlisVml rMswtra, arllaar ait aa tnr-ntVtkUr V Pcir pn-ptFtlf at li Mr otro isflre 1"hU aala 11I U sv.Wu.1 br Hr . KIUJJ.1I A 1U( 1 )IKlJ4t.,laior t-a rn-, aiU. tMr,Krxl will iMnWiibi latrttBUts4fswUr. B1R3CCUE m J0UIFI.UI (MtUrftr at aala RiraaJ bartvM rtraj; H ( rita M It trUibmtf,t of UipvUttort bj tit n.s.or.rt tt Ihm aiMtalttn. Tha pro. (rnreiaa trill iBitlaUUttaU nwrtM. ntmuo, out. foil itarilralara tf tl incUm. tleya idfoiat allr in I U o 1 ai aa I tha flnUi Hitar ti.) r raa I oljULaetn fro rltcnUra, or wf Till htirtr Uiiiii mttiWit Comsuf Uowir U-3 IU-.U Ulsxk.ltKNTlT tJ( U, NOTICC TO CREDITORS. 1 aia of JoiLaa I'iracr. WroirfJ, V01!Lk IS HUlMlY fir:v IIT TIIK JLV oiKlertifBfl Atlmriiuutlor of lb Ka at of Joanna, t'arta , itoraatvrt., u it trtd I oriof.amlRll itarMtna httinr clt m tialnt Ilia atlii ftrrcaJ, to atb Lit than, wilo Iba bn-caiur fmlirf itbin 1i, rrjontl a after lh Ural tut Homi muf " noiire.t J. V Cainifirthbya, at hh k tl y, al lit )lra vt l-iiiiavfti. So el lLlrtlUe.l feirrrU.mUerouitirnt ktltls. JJlt.Ja(Itl WIU. KJ1, j. u, Bistirn nt Admlnlitritorol Jiubu IMkr, OrraacJ, Harlow I tt foten ami JU H. Canann.AU lorukja forctuig. a lb LCGALNUTICtT. Ib tli rro.ja.o Conrt la tot for Sail LaM touQijr.itrriutrvt lull. lnlhnnltrtf Ibt Cilata of TUnu lllcbardioo, dcrttMJ. OrJer la thaw Caoia why Order ot 81 a f Leal jCiUla iboulil not bt nadc JOHN II. WALKKU. TtlR ADMlVITUA lor of thotflaU of Tuonaa UlottaiMiao., btiiatt Died hi paiiUoa aaraiB, dulr irridtO,rayiBf for anordtrtf tal uf all tha .arMiiaj an I raal rtUia tt patj daeadanl nlaort. far I La porpoiM ibtrala ! f orin, it u ibartfara ordrl If in JuJxa of aud ijurt laal all paraona iBterai4 in tko caiata rf tatidcraaaar apptar tiafurcib it 14 1 rottatj tourr o KatuttJar ilia ilra day of Sla7, laf I, at 10 o'clock in tn fur Bona at t aid day. at IhaCoort Iluflni ufiaid rtla Cosrt a.lh i,1," ou.".Il'i,, ' lL Ciir Couaif of Kalt Lata, LUbTarritury. loatsovcanaa why a ardar aluvaid oot t f raaUd to tL laid ad msuitirator loialau luucftor all Ut ruoa t'toi'triraadiaalfiUla of Ida aa.4 Jtcaaattl atrl.alaaai,aaitiall La ftcMarr,aadlaai copyof iblaordaririi atllibad at laaatfnur acraMiva waaka la Uo Ut.iktT KIlJilKl ??!. BW,P,' priotad aad futiiuacdia aid City aodlJotiBiy ' Paled Ainiilith.uvt o. W.liAltTCI!.rrlai jQ4(t. Traarrftar or Uth,j uou&tyor DaJlUtvt (" I, O. I . Atlf a, Clark of tka rrobatt Court In aadfaribaCaualy or flatt iht Tarn lory of ttraty earuty ittaiit.a fora KiuflaafuH.traa an I coricrt caiy of order ImwrauM why order of aataof iei ettaut ihould not ka mad, 0 ad Aptii tub, a. Ii, lm. M af para of loronl latvy tavt. lu wltaaaa wbaraof, I bart l.arnnto art nr hand abd filial tha tatl of aald tourt. (tilt Still day of April, A, i. 1WI " w ItlL. U E ALIKV, B,O.K.mNTO"kMrutlt'i;urt Uri uir Oirk. 4 tEOAL NQTICC. lalbtl'raLauCourlin aad for Halt Laka Count, 1rn lory (sfLiatt. la tlie maittr ol'ihai ttta of Tbomaa Adilua, l.a, Itcaaed. "MOTICK 1IHIIC1IV tilVf-S THAT J. U. It CaTiro, ailtbinlitratur or Hit. alat of lb mil Arlk In am iilrraiatl, hl ran arc I fur letilamcnf, and tU d in in id torn l ii Onilarrouol tif I U aJuUniilrit on nf alr. lata mid pililloo for Dual Uiairibntioei if l tcaltlua of i4ii emtio amort te lifraont fttlltlftj Ihrrato an 1 that Vnlncidav, ilia zliti at iht I'oori (Unm r f tal I uourt. m Ida ( onntr tourl llouia vail UhtCil ault oitBty.Uuli .vrJ,'j..iu7iV.wr,'.i;ri,Mt.vr, tM.iV."" "I" l"1"" '" Oi' whir h tlnia aul p tea anr I Tioa leilcrra ril m utado ,M "" ua flail lilrifciiiW4 Uatad iu'y t, ir'l. I U Clttlot thai rwiVUi CsjiW. NOTICE OF SALEJT REAL ESTATE. NOTILK ! IIBKl.nVfllUV.TIlATM iBiinitira of an oflar of th liobai toottof ihatvtiniyof fall IaU, IwHory t Luh.onlhalltidirtor Irbrmrr. WBltfr6ftbrUtoinaMflnLrrnrttrai !, iht andrriicnrd. adwinUiraint of lb iM ruato.wlll ittral prvalaaal to tha hifhut I ntder.foi rairi,anl)cllo to(irlrrolla by at I Irobato .oart.on iht Slrti tyof ay. I)l, Atllnr!ockm.,al lh lawBlfoof Krl.M. AMorlailalholonMltullaBl'Vildlfl. Nn.MB kiam atrtf t, It theeiiy al muDirof nn I ikt, Jiniuryof UMh alllhoriiil till anllbiar ritandcitaianf ihaU llMry li.firrtn,at tho tinool bla tltatb, and a l l ha nubt, IIUo aal liltrril Ibat U aald riuto tu, ly optratMa of la or olhtrvUcaniQirad, other than or la addition to thiiat it,t aaid Ilonry lmttfitnat thfllmo of hla death In and lo all tbat f rriato 'plfro or parr tl of land atiaatr, Iflnc ami tiRitln ibarodnlr of Mil Ijika 1mvtrrt tub, aati boandad aadda t(nb4aa follow i lUKiatlav tt n ptnt oa lhaaait aid of road attralj l4 baa drrdiha (OTt) rkalna and north ona and nlariy Irrbandrfdlliri1l)ctitlna from Ibt aonlh wlrurnrof thtaorthfatlqaaMrrof Variron TwMiy aatlrt ()in TwnhpOanfl iwvutb, of ltaittf)aa tl) fMU AaU UiaMrndian. Ihrnie 6uib flMr loo itt) tirirara, and tea la) miaaiM, rait aijbi () tbalaa. har Sotth fltf (ft) chalna, ttirntt Noitti tlfkly Uo () da yrraa and ttn (IB) rnioitU Wait alhl(a) rbaiaa, ibfnra Aaulh lira (Sl'-hiin, to tha tara ff Lccnirtinr, loKlhcf wltb ibt aroodiry waiornfbtuithtaama) aadaini wilharabl ofaTliraa irniaiiaa oitrh ami tha land of itdrtuta uihtt nboTt datKribtl land, at aurhniltroLawlll Upracll at and Ika laaat Inlnrkiai It tha rUta of atid itfnd rnna and road ttoaa or ) rath t tea ptr ffot of parfhaiamvaay to La paid to lbo ad iniauiiainion tha day of aala, balance on roodirfiBilon of aala by Md court IHd at tnroriirrbafttr. Hid la bo la nntla and del rd to aald ad mloli trains balora aaMha.,.,..,.. ixNA omfBT AdatlaUlraliltaf lha aiUta of Urary lac Mil UlaTi'J, Aril- Ut 11 diir NOTICE TOCRE0ITOR3. la Ui iTobata Court. In and for Ball Uta touaty, Ttnltory of tub. ta Ut mat if r of tha ruata of Jaaa , fmub.dteaaacd. NoTicr. is iiriirm f.irv tiit IfrnrrJ "mllh antMtilford Mnnh, aitcnioraoi tba aiuta vt Jana s. kulth ! re a ltd, baTo rt ndrrM for attUrratat, and flit I inaaid murtilbtlr final arroaai ottbtirad tnlniatrauoti nt aa d taiaia aad litionfor 8na iilalrltuitun of tha rrMiia or aaid rttaia amour lit fwaooa antitlrd Uirrrto anr thai hat irday, tba dr I day of llav. A. !' lrkl. al I o c.m k a m atlhndxirt ltxin nf aaid rourt. in tba t anntTlonrt llfTn."alll.lal.iy androaaiy, I lah f arntnry haa Irtrn dniy apt olntrd by tha Jnria a aaid court, for tha atulrmf at ol aald account hd hrarirff aald tllllon fur diairtbil tlon, at birb lima and lara any nnn Inlrr ttod In tall ritata may aior and ahow ram. If an ibaraU.why aaid arroualahoall not b arlikd aad ai t rottd aad Aaal dutriwa laitd StfJSfiwu' . M c r Aitts. Ctrrk nf O a lrol aia CVurt, l!T a E. ITAMON, lippttlT. i IW ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. V"ocn is iipiuiiv cm ix tiht iv JL puriuaitro of nn ordar ol tha I robatt U.artof lharonBly of al U.a.Luh irrrl lury.iaadoon iba itlh day of Jlay, A I 1, In tha naittr of tba tauta of (irrjatnla f. Ilowttla, :. d, tha aadmUaal will a I aiiaivraa4Lr.brataljbUa la rltin( lo tbablrbral bidjtr fur rab (o'd torn of lha laite) putr, anl aaljtrt l (tadrniaion by nil lroiaia Court, do ilia Hit, tay or Mr' It3l, tha lawofliraof llitfa! ardaAaloylt toiiiuutitn Ilnltdinf, Nu it a. Maia rirtt ruy and eonnty of hall t ait, 1 r ariltfrycf liab, nil tna rlibt.tnia, inlrrr.t on I of lha Ml 1 Jljii In llonclli, da raattd, at iba lltat of bia da.lh. or la whirl, bit tiwtc baa aruirtl any tatrrm alar bia daaih allbrr ty oprritbtn of law or othtrotaa, and all thorltral utiaandin t-vl Lta balra inorto that tuowmy trariof Urni, to nit An ualividaloianlb'h (1 ) in'erm In all that ntr BbJrtMatrolMUf Ut.latriior? ot I lab anifartlrunrly drarr b.l aa folio , o n Uu aanrc at n lnl tan (10 rodt north of tko Mialbwsj.irnraer of Itloeis t rtr aina. Mil l, Bait Liial.ty narrry, ibrnVn tatlraili rrd Iheacaaorth vlahly (fttf) frrt lhaa;aw.tian(loro-la,lbtro ajiita tlthty (Nlfarl lo lha lar uf bada.trc Uiithar "! rltlH nt nay otar lbi lolionir da cntctliud to win ISonirjaaicinf ito Mj rod oaitantlortj.ataflt'la ttnl lha nonb waatrmr tf Ul foar(l), lllrk ivrty ulna jftiafvtaaaid.anl rantilni th.oi. njrid t4 (14) ttal, thrnro w Hie (1) rod, tlanra out1! lan (it) fa t.tttnet at Ilia (ft) ri. wltharoaunatlionof aaxl mhtif wayaoii b lnltalaMl'toribtaUa, Trrmi aad on dlUonaof rala-caih, to I rota ot II r I aiU-l ilnmlrt'al'iPr &laliar!I"e0af" W . A.,'..'If.l,te"1 Wfl'1B IJaaltfrIirrJ tnaldkdinlaliliftUr oa i r lfiroth) kour ot a.U. 7lluSJtr JIUMI , Hated thia Olh day of April, ml djw NOTICE CF SALEI- nEAL ESTATE. vroTici iiiuhi. cnrs-Tiuns Pitiuanra rf an orVr f tho I'roUU I ourl.f loncounirof Cait Uko.larnu ry of Huh, mad oa tlitCTnd day of lirrrmbrr I i, Ii turn matirr ff Ida a.ttla of H fin try dari-aatl. lha un fyad aluuaaia tvof tba aald t.talt.w .U Bltmawa, c. in i ho fitaiitit I ids ar fur li, aubAf t to c n flrniaiion y aid l n bl Oouri at It n'rltwk in, on lha 'li day of liy, lwi, at tin law idro of lirUrc, A Uola luniniutloa Hutltlfrr. o. 31 o tli illn Mrrrl. in tbviity nndrouhiy of pit Uaa.Trirmror t lah. all the riH, t it ib rre.l and u-o of aad Ublb) ilairyatlbat ioof hu dralU an I all lha ril.t, ttla am InUrMl that tha aald f itatii I aa I y o-aiatiun i f l.w or oil er wito, arqulirti.itifr(lan rlnad lul into thai oflla aaid lafhl ".llayty al tba lima of bia death, la and U all thai rerala t irra rrtarrai tf land, aiioalt. lyipii am Ulnjr in ilia ronniy of nalt I !. Itfiiiftry of rian. anl partiratarly od folUwa, i tl iba a.t lin.t H) if tin ! halt tin or iba nnrlhwo at iiiurtcr ( .) of ffrtkon 1 lnriy.four ir4),laloofthlli1brro(S)nuatta,utiria tl) Wot hall Lata kit riulan, ma anting of ...itrif arrtfaoflatd kiatlfatrwitb tna'ly. I In re (fl)aharta 1 1 lbo tapltal ilcck or I tahandrtatiUiatiauallti. Ttnta and rvn. diiiopaol aalti t aiti, in rr r tut, of ti a i nr. rhaia tnontrto, oia'douibouay if eaie'baU anraunronslriuationof aala ly aaid trut.aU Court l'acdat tiprmtif i nrrl aicr AIJI1 J 11M1KY, AdntlnlitratrUof tha fitalo ol LaAl n. Tin ball Uka tut. April , IM d A&SESSMETIT NOTICE. Ballarnt.ldibtt, UlbloCompiar, ait Iaka (Jlly, ttuhTarriury. Lucauonof rrtiw pal tltueot buiinriai Wall laka ility. Cub TtrriMry. Irauoa of Uiaaai kiln aril HiJMia n(fjutnrt,ftiitt Idalio. NUT1CK II HKKKtir GIE, THAT AT a nit t tip r of lha Hoard of btrtKWra of aaldOonipaay, batd oa tba llib day of Airit, 11, aa aiitimat of ttltty (30i ctnta irr iharawai Urkd on lta Lantal a look of laa Uorporai loo, ayabla to Jniian lurnati, 1 riaa hitr, at hia omra la tba Haaklng vae-m of lift. Loralea to,, nlt I aia Uilr, i ub rarrtlory, on or trior IhatMh day of May, lmi Aay block upon wMch th a aurtaant aball rauum tiataldootka2iihds.ynf Slay, liti, will bade lloqnoal and for rait at public aue tiou.and unlaaaparnttai la mida ba oro, wnl ta aold on riday, lha V tk day of Juaa. tl. al -f Ua Houpaiy in Ha I l-ata tuy, Utah Itrrltory, al J p tn w nay tba dtliaQLcal BMaiuaantTtoitthcr'itb tha roata of adrrr llia and ripmia, llyordtr nf iba lioard ol Dlraricia T, o. iiuiin, laltUko Ciir. nab. pnl n'.'Afli!" "7d NOTICE TO CREDITOR Id lbo Y ilala of Jamra Clear, UeceJtied. Vr0TICE HRRKin UlVCVlir TIIRUN -aJI. drrtlifiial Admiai.lrator of tba a tila of Jainaa r,uiary,divtaad,to ihaciailtora of, and air crtoni batmaolmwa aaalnit ba aUdtK-taatd.ttiaihlbiltliein with tka aoooi aarr Tourbera wutna tm inont) a after lha Qrit tuhllratiun of ttlia aoiiro, Ui ttaaald Admlnta trator, at tba la (lira t lllrharda and kloil. t cnilltuilon lluil ltn, M ,kalrt (t.bajt Laki CMr Intha t ountyi f ball lAka. Hated April Ut.lwl Admlniairator of Ut LiUlt of Jamaa Y, tltary, iletraied, doaw 0TICE TO CREDITORS. XiUtaof AlpitDnUrr, , "VTOTICK IH llrUKIir OtVKK nr TUB I XN undtnunrd, rurutor tt tha Ian , Mill anil tea a m ni of tttatha Tarr, dnrauad, tn Uia troMtii of, and ail poia aa haflntf rlalini avamai lha taia Arraaitd, tctahibitiiiaia with tba nn ury vnhora Hill in lau ntontha attar tblrl tullirauoa of tbli to llr, l lbo .ail J, In A tlr oabrk at ln ,,fl'pt I It hi I a A H'jrlli, (u)i.tumloM tlUMiiitf..Ni. MmuiF' MalnVtirrt HaliUkt l.riHf'nl'f tuinrt.1 MtlilAb llaltd H U.t titv April Jt. it.i JUIlS' A.(H.UrlllLK, Kxarotor t f lha Ian will aud la I am cat ot At uvni irarr, ilacraiad. AMERICA HiilhreaEreatlocU-liryaat,UBrUawaB4 Tot) anl Urea treat lllilorUai -IVf loolt, Moltty aal tlanorofti and Ibrct rtal Ca BkjIata-lrTiajr, Frafnou aad Ifolmti) anl thrta i-rtal naildaUr'hltltn, Uoeola aad Uraaltanl thrta ureal l4fa laiaraaflt Cotapaai! -THE MANHATTAN kd Iwo otlnn. wm'.WM roi(atttr airt anaataktr,ax lrc1Jea fllTHanf, tjrnt W, rial I and Corntliui anUrblit. baaldtl many rial aal goal man in tuh and a I parta of lha Ortil aad tllotlout W cit.bata plaeal Ihtir trail la 1W iVANHAf f AN If joaaratiotlnioraHnlt, rail at Q Mllfl 5lrtal.a4"curaal'ollfy. I M.M'It X 11UW, (2rn. AirriiN. CL.JlLM:rT.S)Uiit.vrAffriiclp. IHSHf),iriONOK' PAHTNKIcrilll fllllr riltil IIKl.KTirt)Kr KXITIU JL nadir lha nam a and nrlt of tiiaiin liiraam A i'ihriiv, onodarllnr a nuratrT lu.laaftalathoriiy and rnoalr of fill Lafcf, Trrrllory of I tah, ta thla Hay alaanlt ed by nn laal ronarat, Mr Martin i hrtalopbtracn hanajr lurrhBMlha rn'irtiatrrcit of llajtb JLan hon in tha ronnnn Jialtd April icth 191 HAi.Tiv riMinoniEitstv, dtf III till J, CANMTf, REDTBRICit rplli: tINIKR1l.Kl Ufa,)!, lOCAtT. J. allrntlnn lo lha inihlln Iht ha la prut arr 1 lafurtalfthRral elaat baad made Km llrick at "VllWllW IIAYP. Ifoprlalr, Ir antral tirlrk and Tilo Uannfacturar, Kaat Ikmatilal. liatUCauniy. tub. 01w Utah Gr acter Factory7 iianrrACtcaiaiurina Silver Brand of Snowflake Sodas sst - PacImI In I anJ 2 I'onoJ Heirs for I'ic-.Mc rsrlln,Traiflrri tuJ lanilllcs. SOLD CY ALL DCALHnO. Hair dressIng'Tarlc-ro UA.MOS OUT. nun imiiin imimmiiii. U Shsmpoolng Dene In the tslttt anJ Most spprovsd Msnner. Children's Hair Uulllng snel Drafting a Specially. ar itoomDMAiatUoataaiiua liuliaitr. raflrarr. Sin 1,111 I lllll i IOM Samuel C. Bookman, TIN AND COPPERSMITH, in n mrcr ii vtmr ntiii rr, al a lUtk AVIS a It. O ir. il R00FINQ and QUTTEHINa . Specially. Jll AlaVt (ralnae itaaa. MbM National Folding Bed, aitfacrACTintu ht tiic MUM 1 lllKUMKHtr 1 UltMltltt: (0, - lilt AtlO- A UkU) TlttlkTT FUR BALK AT S. R. MARKS & CO'S. lille TMilile. rafafitfl t A Tt'Air l i M4teh i et u wiiiiri""'"'""'""1 "-- -a adUUU?Ag3sa? U . , Oh. , V"t . ul - 1aZVtTt'.. i"7Si.i nt ru'vjioiris.'a "iV Utah Central Bailwar 'HXJ&El TABIJ3. In i:it-t .Vpi'll 1m, ir-ttsl. I'sttrnKtr Traliu will Hun ll.llv, l.c-turi-n halt Mke and I'ark Clljr, at Kolluntl . , , , SALT LAKE CITY. Trtla 1 laaica r-tt buuiti Uaia SL at S no a m Itrrlvaa' .lojwa'ia " 4 " ' " " t)i.ia , TARK CITY. True 1 trrlm ti 1 ark C117 UN ara " S Itsvet scalar, " " " " l-eweem SUDURBAN PASSENGER TRAINS Jinn ll.ilr Iclaaiu sail Lala Clll ana Milt tallow 1 UateaallUa, SIS OsaJS Sesausadt SO SBtl s III ii in. IILTUUMVO. . '.'". .".'I1 tr"k " sa auk, sal I csanjb 41 i lu. Clllloe ted Dipol coiatr till Soma sad llala llivee. JOS.U.YOUMl T.J.UACKIVTOSII. litsUSael. u, I, A V A. BIO CRANDEJVESTERN M. CL'HUIXT TIUE TAII Ut, Al lilt, C, lm. , . . . . No I Zail BmJ JYal u, Atliaele AUaaue ail. riprtat '. W.1-: na.ia. lU.oi .' !!!!! ii.tes.ra. hmCoj Lv. falll J0a.. XeeKS Ar. lrovo. ..,,. II ua.ia. lIxuiTia !-' '''.; ....'.... II It a. li; S Ar. llraaa lUvtr , cr. urata lUTar kAonn. SUa.ia Ar' ttlnian.Mp Ivt't.'.'" IHli.n' lip!n Ar. Iadrllie. a.0aai. 7ooh.ia Ar. 1-o.Ho I1.P.B.' In 2 Ar, CLRrii Seeiun. tlJam Ar Utortr.Lol.lIll tlj. m. 7wa2 ITiil Bt4 Jralaa. 1 aciso I'aclae I;- a7;.v.v".v.v.v.v. iiaTs: .S'tH (: i2a.Tfliv.v.v::v..: '."S.5- 'iM'- It tslaawcisdiifiuifa,,,. ltanu JiJialt'iS i;- Kirte'r.'::::::: .Sts: k.j 1. Cjira, iciai asoS: i?ZS Ar. l-rovo I Won. Uila.m ti SlftTaV: ! "" t" eutLati lnvn" i,,fc" an uaaaa...:;;."::. eitlp'ui: istg LOCAL Til tINt, SltT LtKL ASK uuuaM. Lssva Fait l.ale ile a-ai, aal w jv a. m ... UtrXBSVi.'" "",Um " vi iitmriUH, '".Hli'.1.' ,,o,,t'g" "'' rrlr. H;'JaV"-svv;u,' ,,'"'" " ll.O. UaililK. J, ir, SlMtm "To ba well tlremcd cohIb but Utile pH "JIo tcw ta well plcneeil ta well jmlil." H BOLDSlflBO'S I Mammoth Clothing House I Havo linportod n Loro and Hantlaomo H Stock of bH SCOTCH CHEVIOTS f HOMESPUNS I In nil tho Now Colorings which thoy havo mndo up In tho H Popular Lounpo, Cutaway and Hoofor Suit. Posltlvoty tho jH oamo goods, both In stylo, cut and workmanship, cannot bo BH purchased from any othor rosponslblo house. ITIioy aro vory H sultablu for stylish and rough and roady woar. In prosontlner B Our FASHIONS for the SEASON For Inspection, wo bog rospoctfully to ntato that unusual caro has boon tnkon that tho oolootlon of mntorlnl should comprlso nono but tho productions of tho bost known manufacturers Our MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' SUITS Aro mado In our own workshops and undor our OWN supervi sion. Wo claim ,our Karmonts aro batter cut and bot'ol IrlmmoU than tho avarago custom tailors, whoso chargos arei MORE THAN DOUDLE. GOLDSMITH A CO'S S.ilosmon nro composod of nontlo mon thoroughly convursant with ovory doUII of tho floady mado Trado, whoroby PATRONS can fool assuracl of tho bost advlcu aa to tho stylo bost bocomlntr to tho woarar. No Man, Youth or Doy shall loavo our houso without bolnir PERFECT LY FITTED. GOLDSMITH et CO. oxtond a hoarty wolcomo to all to visit their storo and Inspoct tholr clock, whotlior desiring to purchase or not, 01, 03 and 05 MAIN STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. And at OODEK, BUTTE, SPOKANE FALLS and BAITIHORE. iV. ll.I.ook ut our Jleuutlfiil Mapltiy in our Whitlow. TEflSDEliS GRAND CASH CLEARING SALE I OV All. Spring and Summer CLOTHING, I KSTRAW HATS,o oDUSTERS,o t BOOTS and SHOES, I FOR TWO WEEKS lj TEflSjOELi'S. I fljrrcE Annie Roomie I D0NITAUEHERF0R ' H ALooN.En? n loLD'HEWEETHEARTj II CHARTER OAK STOVE H WITH. A WIRE H ... OAUZED00R. rjsr BETyXEOAcy before m Wewed-orwe must part. H FOR SALE DY M Z. C. M. I. Solo Agents in Salt Lake City. H