Newspaper Page Text
H nr.snn.nT nvnyixo ynw.s tiiittday, aiAv 7. ism. a H 1 MARSHAL SPENCER la Cnlf i Off lit a t Milan 1ril: llp II pcartici of "Hantrt nl l Minnie" ' THC nUBSUN QOVCnNMCNT AND H THC ROTHSCHILDS. IH ! Colllilm bMirnn Irsnch Tri(J IB lluat and Irnlter, lint no 1 Ijmorllfr. H Uf Talltra, a 10 IBS IiitM H IIIIINH 4H1II "ITAI.A." H Mia LneapM anil arlan HIT a I'. .' B Mnrshnl B HAN 1)1 rou, Mar 7. About 6 30 last H erenluK, tlm Chilian sttamtr Ytafir B llttitl tier auclior awl qulrtly sleameil H mil Into lha ocmn, cwrylDK villi her M Daputy United Bute Jlarshsl Hnnn- H cir, wlm, Mhriu li known, Isstlll on B huartl. Tlteuerautureeftlie .(iifa was not tiuexiweUtl, though It was not sun- iosi.tIshewouM Irave so suon lu site tllil. Marshal Clanl was not aware that tlio captain ntJIala hail any lulantkin of dlarra-ardlnK hla authority, fur lio loft for rulntlxima In a launch Juat una hour ahead of tlia tUawrr, ami had pawttil the 1'olnt an J jiroceetletl I aome dlalauw out to see, before he could have ln aware that tlia JtaUl was following lilm. Tim raarahal'a irrandonhlaaerauil trip waa In cap- turatliaachoontr HutxH ami anrwhrre ahe might bs founil lu Ilia open aea, outside of Mexican Jurlsulo- B tloa, as a piratical craft. I Just after midnight thls(TliursJsy) I raornlur, Marshal GarJ aud parly re- turuttl from outside aud reported that thusrhoouer hubtrt ami .vititis had rontplelely tllaappiareil. Tlia deputy marahal wlio vri plated on a ill nil toat at (bo cnlraunt of tlio harbor to watch for develoi nienta reported lliat B .when Itata started out, l'llot Dill wai eaiidwloued betwetn two annul Cull- ; lans, while four caunona guarded tlia K tow and alirn of tha strainer. K Jle nporla that at least eighty Chilians warn drawn up In Una on tlia dsclts, showing that tho vessel, while In Krt, had bran plrntl- fully auipllod with man, arma and amuiunlllon. Tlio (Jrjity rriort, whan tha atramtr left tlia harbor, aha HB ataamrd nortli toward Han Lleuianta. H Ualil rnailaia. B Dl'OOJi K HO, May 7. OoM clotad B today at S04 r cant, praiuluru. H Tka lliltUa ftlrntala Hal (nlliiu.. VAtVAHAiKU,MayT. 1'naldrntHal- K niacrda haa rfjrclnl the Urmanda of t the dr IfRalM from tliu Coiittrvaaional or Inauricant parly who ham bran try. W lap; to coma to aoinaunilarataudlns; wfth lha t rrnldent, by which tha il'll war mUht bu brought toalannlnatlon. Tlirrforaf a compMa tuptur vilata In tha iraca nfgotiatlona and It anpuara tha atruimla ruur-t ha rrnawad and fought out until uno aide or lha othtr haa bavn utterly emthed. ltalmarada HK haaglran notice of the withdrawal of tha Unk nctra, tha wlthdraaal tu take B place at Ibe rata of tan ir reut. n H month, lie alao derdandrtl that all K Import dutlca ahall bo aid In allrar. jKT Tha nnUn lliiaaree. B Ht. 1'rmuiUKd, May 7. Tha R Voivja Irtmjcj, lu au article on tho flnauclal aituatlon brought about by ft lha withdrawal of the oOVr of the ltothachllil'a ajnillnita to ilam tho naw HuaiUii loan, urgte (he ltiiiklau iruwrntni'iit to withdraw n inajorltof Ita Ut imlia hold lu rlva(o tanka nut MBJ aide of the Ilut Ian ami 'rc HH lltavr lea on IUe Irlth (oal, (Iuli-njtou N, May 7. Tho White Htar atraiiiar Ccrrnrjrilo from New York arrived oirthla port thla morning, but owing tu a heavy fogdecldnl not to land ellher litr paiaangera or malla here, but to lrocecil direct to I.Wcl- pool. JM llbllaeille ttUlennafemala. H C'HY n- Mixico, via Ualvoalon, Mar 7, Havaral well known Hilva, dorlarii aunt that (he pro la of Halva. dor do not hale the (Juatemalaua, but HH they havo tK'en Impoaed upou and co rrcvil ao often that for their own nitty they have Ihhu obllgLd to arrange treatlca with other Central Amerluin governmeuta to laolate Ouatemala ao aha will be unable to make war. MB Tha laaniile llrlllna. B i'Aitia, May ,7. the municipal council haa oondemued the govtrn nimt'a May day method, appropriated IJ300 to the iourmlea aullcnra, auJ demanded it ienalon for tha faralllei and that the btate (.are for the vjctlmt' JM children. HK lleelarnl Inaaua, BV Iximmn, May 7. Lord Douglaa hu faf Uenoniclally declared Intanewhenhe aulcldvd. HM A Xalleeal lUuk lleiierl, RB WAaillxuiuv, May 7. The romp. IfBf trotter of currenoy luued a call luK for a report or the condition of the lia. IH) tlonal Unk at the cloaa of tbahuiloeaa I IK Monday, May itb, m ANruaafleuat Mela. kl Mrrz, May l.A aenaatlon wai M cauaed In the garrlaou here by tho dla. I'VE cavery that Col. i'rager had ln ' murdered. The body of the oflUor 81 waa found thla morning at hU real. k deuce. From Inveatlgatlon mado Into I the caaa by military and police authori ty! tlea It haa been roticlu ted that robbery 111 waatthouotlvo of thuirlrae. 'Ibere )l$ lanochw to themurdirer, iSl ' y AlrtaiebTortieilnllOMlNlMlia. 1 I'AKIi, May 7. A diaratch from Iv I Cheilourg annoiincn that a 1'mupli torpetlo Imat aunk i ir thtmt In col- "Tja "'I00 ,vl"' crulter. Ihrrowaauo y loaaofllfe. ft If Laiakar Mllla liralrerl by rirr. f Winiiia, Minn , Hy7. Karlythla ,-!' mornlogthe flmwlfleji deatmyed tha , lumber mllla of Hchrath and Ahrru Mill roiuimu). with wanhtuae and three blooka of lunilwr, waa gotten un. drruintrol, butlaatlll hurnluK llerce Jr. Tho lo will approximate SKU.OdU, lhe luaurame la ntiuut $')!), OCU. Jtew York aieek 9rnrket. New Vobk, May 7. Whl lo open l"B thla morning Kouerally at amall fractlona bettir than lot nlght'a flgurea, the market developed a re aitlonary tenleucy Immediate!, which auon brought tho prluta below tnerliialflgureaof laa. evening. The activity waa veryamnll lu the neutral Wat, hut tit. 1'aul and Atchlaoo were areilally iromlnent In llio ileallnga while Ifnloii I'ariricNoitliern I'ai ric, preferrnl, llurllnirian and t ordage ahownln niotlcrato ilegrin nf nulmj Hon. Dutlniii intrknl tho !ale trad ing, however, whin the rIcm camn aim at to a aund stilt. Norlhetn 1 act flo, I referred, and Sugar, tacli rttlrl oni.rccal. Irom la.t nljht'a Hc and the renatlon hf acllvlfy waa at. compnletll) reacllcn- Te TMneale llallana. lloTO-, May 7.-AII tho Itallana of Hoatou are Invltetl to alleiid a man meeting at Tanuell Hall tomormw night, which la aniwnncnt r he IKiriwae ofMmlega a-tlely for the iteration of the poor and Ignorant claaacf Itallam, wnoui,lllaproi-d, ti teach rcpect for and obedience te the lane of thla country. iimnr inj'""'r '' HT. IOina, May 7. I)laitc lire from many lKiliila of thla Sulo ludlcale that lha fruit and ganlena havo been badly Injured tyfroat. Ijinrenee lurrell'a Ttlll. Ilomox, May 7. In Naifold county nroliale court at Dctlham, tho will of Lawrence llnrrett, the acU.r, waa al lead. hla prorly a a truatrunl, the Income, renla and ro nuofwhlch will buuaed lor the bene fit of hla wife and Ibrco daughtera. Ilrrlpreelljr Artanaenieata Willi Prtn Ciiioauo, May 7. A Wellington alal aajrai l'eru wanla reciprocity with the United Htatea. The new mlulatir Mr. Solar, la now In New York, but he will come to Waahlngtou to irerciit hla cretlentlala aoon after rrerldeht llarrlaou returoa. Though he cuinea aa ngulatly accredited inlu later, It la unJeratood that Holar la on a apeclal minion to negotiate a reci procity arrangement with the United Htatea. t'loaer trade relatlona with the United Htatra are luioiuiit to Peru. It la the only Houth American country bealdra llraill whltli iruduciaaugarln large mianlltlea, ao It la Important to l'eru that It Iniurta a laatlug trie market for thla In the UnltcU nlatca. IthM alnoagrowlng nort trade In hldra. Tlitfe protlucta will form the baala of coiictulona to be made tu the United Htalca. The reciprocity ar rangement between l'eru aud the United Htalca will l likely to give aome prlvlhgea tu nllcltluua of Iho Unltuti Htttea who are developing the mlulog and other luduatrlte of that country. Adiaaee f Hate ef lllaeetial. lisuov, May 7 The llank of Eng land liaaadvanccvllta rato of dlacount fronts) to 4 perieut. US1 A M'lMIILL. lnJonhna to.two atreeta, ami their collective length wcnld reach over 3.',IKI0 mlh a. Tho comhlnad armlea and navlea of France, (leruiauy and Ituaala number 10,V1,10I men, and coat tU1,7UI,'.MU. There are 4111 apeclricf treta found within the llmlta of the Unlleil Hutea an I Terrltorlta, 10 of whltb, when ier ftctly aeaaoncd, will alnk lu water. Inthenatloual tinting cfllcr. Ht. 1'itcraUirg. ducumentacuii le prlultd In every known lauguatt. It la the motlioiupleteotllceutltaklud lu tho world. The wctttntllace In Hie Weill la ChrrraiooiiJ w, about U'l uillta north a-tnf Calcutta, Jutt outalde the torrll rout: there the rainfall la u aanlofalx hundred Inchia eviry Jtar. It la a cutloiia fact that the lionet .bee waa never known In the Uiilttd Htatea till brought from l.ngltnd; Hud,lhough now found In Ml I aria of the country, It illtl not rtocli California until ISSO.nud Houth AmtrlcA until 1S43. UhearmyoflhuUnltetl Huitea con- lata of 2107 commlaaloned ofilcera and a little over 20,000 rami rlvate aoldlera, exclualve of thoao performing civilian dutlea;thu one-tenth of tho military force coualata of lla olllcera. The chief rellglona of the world may lm claulDeAl aa followa: Chrlallanlty, 41 OU,000; Confutlanlini. SUO.COO.Out); Hluduolani, 100,000,00.1, Mohammed anlam,; FatUhlim, ItW.OOii,. ooi); lluiidhlara, Hplrlt Worship. nlOM,000l Shlntolam, K,. 000,000, Jawa, S.SiKl.tliW, l'aratea, l.OoO,. (KX total, 449,000,000. Lon Ion haa an an larger than Now York, l'arla and llerlln all Mit tfigether. Uerlln haa an area ol twenty-nine tquare mile,; Put I a la only a trill larger; New York haa an area of forty, tun Kpiaie miles, Loudon of 121, and Chicago of 124 siiuare mllca. Thla maki Chicago the largest illy of the world In area. Arthur Talbot and llerllo I)avla,two Amerlrau htda crnated the Atlantic lu the cattle ship Uilar. They are now destitute lu lindou. They tilaiiu that they ere"abanghled" aboard the all I p at llrooklyn, and treated barbar ously on the voyage. Doth the lada ad mit being runaways front home. An luveatlgailou la In progress, The Btate Supreme Court of Idaho declared the Alts bill uncon stitutional on the titli luit, Tho towns of Ilellvue and ItradforJ are pleased aud are celebrating the event with bonDrra. Thla bill was pmed by the last liglaUlure. It waa championed by the people of Hhoahone, but they acce; t thelate declalou. News from Clsrklelgh. Maultoha. re lates n thrilling experience which a iiiumarator had luit acttlement thirty-five mllea from that place, lie gotmlxedupand wandered about for tlnya, until hla hoiae could to no fur ther, when he turned li loom and be gan himself lo dig roota to apptaao his hunger. He managed t aubalat on roota for three or four days, but his horse was getting so weak hn ihouirht It would bo better to kill It, which he ill J, and fed himself on horttfle-h He finally succeeded lu reochlnir Lake Manitoba, turns uillta north of Luudy Ylllepoatonlcc, llenorts from Chicago speak of an alarming luirtato In tho number of cerebrospinal meulugltls rut, aa a setiusl to Iho grippe. Dr. Tomllnson, of the health de artnitiit of Ihatcllt, saj s that there la also an Inert awj in tatta of bronchltla, pntuiuouht and couaumptluu, cur the week entlliiK A rll Will there were 119 tloatha from pneumonia, SI from bronchltla, aud 4) Irom conauniptlou. The doctor save the traublii with grippe patients la cwelMianeaa. They don't ohairve prorerpricautlors agsluat taking cold .and as their condition renders them Itulbirly liable to pneumonia, bron chitis, eto,, an Increased mortality Hat Is the mult. A disgraceful tci.n occurred In Chicago ou the Mil luit. Father D. D. lllitien. a prle.t, was admlulaUrlng at the brtlsldo of a alikwonuiu named Mrs. Wllklns. A prU-flghter nainrtl 1 trgueon entarctl the rot m, strut k lira irlest a How which knotted hint down. Mrs. Cooper, the mother of tho sick woman was resent. Hhogavo the nlnim. Fergu-oii mil away. A vigilance, committee wasorKanlieJ at mu, and search was made for I erguaon. lie was hunted all night but not found. Iffouuilh" would bo lynched. Tho nut mornlnir he was siin ciiterlng a saloou, and was ar rested by the police. Work on the Columbian Kxpualtlon at Chicago Is prpRreMtlnK rapidly. An alhuhenf the elikf aichltt ct'a oftlco aid un the Mil limit "Within sixty tlsys we ahall have at least fifteen thousand men on the buildings ami a month laltr the foicowlll bo almost doubled. Weiaretiow riedy wllhtlans for three or four of the unnt landings, and as soon ns the doutracta for Hum ate glvtnwowlll irearu others for the htilldt rs. I li nJtlltloll lo tho o;m tlons In llitv, hull llug tleiAttmenf, we will bt lu work ou Ibe railroads and on thelsnlacipoftatures of the park, llytbntlmo that ta fairly stalled we will iiteilanglmentoiithelagoonaniid halfasmanytoput In the breakwater and lers, ru that, all told, no less than 13,000 men will t-o woikltia; ou the grounds early lu July." flio telephone companies of Detroit areliitrotlucliur Innotatlons vtry Ul" lalefultiemilu)M Theglrls lu the Central Tel, hone I'.iclisnge are In a framo of mind over the new rules of tho company, which prohibits the .hewing ol gum during work hours. Interdicts flirtatious cotivimtlon oter the wires, and nqulrca litem to ray "numler" Insttad tf "hello." The day girls, who get till rinonlli, are willing to strike tomorrow, I ut ihty are nut organised, ami fear thin ihancts of aucceas would I very small. Tho night glrla. whogelJ.'U nr mouth, hae mtrru time to them m Ives, but owing to the natureof their work, cannot take up tho matter of alrlklng during working hours, and neither Ht will truat tlio other to or-t-aiilteaunlon. Kvrrybtjily la awaro that a tfog'a nose la alwayacold, hut rer fiw l-ople Know why. 1 he cartilage com jioaing the outir surface of a dug's nuae la almost duslltute of hlotst vi Mela, lul llsutlfully sun lied with glands whlcu txude a watery secretion that, by Its evaluation, kt-e-s the nose be low the norms I omcrature. The dog's setiso of smell la localed In the uervse wllhlu the nustrlls, and Ills iroballe thatthesearu kertln l-etter condition by the low leui,trature uf the carti laginous tin of the uose. The state of Ihedog'a health la at once Indicated by his nose, for no tloj; with a hot, dry nueo can be healthy, and one of the first algna of rabies la ilryneea and heat of tho nose, for tluse syro; turns Indicate fctir, and faver Is the Uglu ultigof hjdrojiholla, 10U.NTY COURT JIATTKI1S. The rtentlne nntlnrni before Judge Ilarlcli iMtfrilay Aflfriioon. In the County Court jiattrday af ternoon hondafor lifjuor llcenats were a roved lu the cases of (J. T. Nelson, at the raco track; William Itoath, Half Way htuae, Parley's Canyon; Tuiker A Wallace, Alia; Henry Wag ner, l'mtgratlou Canyon. T. W. Russell, Juitlco of the pi are of Mill Creek, eald hu had a lot of old liorsea that he had taken up, as pound maattr;nooue claimed them anil lie dared not kllltlum without authority of law. lkfirnd to County Attorney Murih). John It. lloadeii's ptlltlonlor a county road was hoard and dtulnd, J. II. Toronto oaked for an lucreaae of aalary I rom the ireaent flgurofrum ll.oot) up. Idld un the table. A rtimuiunlcaUon was uielved from John W. Taylor, stating that he had opentda four-rod strut through his farm and leading to ChI Jet's l-ark,aud hoatkiilthat the county accept the same, lliftrrttl to Howeaml Oahoon to Investigate and reioit to tbo court. On rccommendatluiiof the commit tee, J, (J, Jensen waa allowed i-) 00 ex. tra comi-ciuuttloii fjr luapa furnlthetl the county as-eNtur The cemmltteooii Harrison repotted " regress " rhelmudoflhoHalt Lako Abstract, Title, Ousrsnty and '1 mat company was approved and the said eoiuatiy licensed to do busluts under tho stat Uleaof Utah, The Utah and halt Lake Canal com. 1 any aaketl the privilege of changing certain bridges un county roada; It waa recommended that Iho petition lw granted under certain restrictions. The clerk w as ordered to advertise for 700 bridge timbers WW feet of red line i lank, and Sou ftt-t of bridge atrlngirs. Mr. KlIHIilKflJstlllr. NextHunday atoning, at 7.S0, Mr, Charles 1'llla will ktturo In Kays vllle. ' Tho Story of ",tnnlt Laurie." The famuus song that Is sung by all slngt roof tho prcsout uy, I am In formed saye a writer In the Chicago 7craltt, Is a mystery as to the author. I was raised on the next farm to Jaims Laurie, Annie Laurie's father, ami waa tenor-ally acquainted with her and her father, and aim with the author uf the song. Knowing these fuels I hate U-iu requested ly my frloudstoglve thepubllo tho Unent of my kuow ledge, which I havo ran. scntedlodo. Annie Ijturlo was liorn In 1S.7, and was about 17 ytars old whin tho luoldmt oiiured whlih liavu rlsu lo the song Uariiig her linmi. Jsmes, Annie Laurlt'a father waa n farmer, who lived and owned m large farm called Tragliabwn, lu Utiiii. fre.hlre,Hiutland. llu hired a git.i tltsl of hih, and amoiu; those that i'r'Vvi '- nJ'y tho name of Walllce to act aa foreman, and while In hi; employ Ml. Wallhi fell u love wl'h Annie Laurie, which act herfathirauonlearuel ami forlhwllh discharged him. Hewent to his home, wilchwas in MaxHt-lton, and was Uken ilcli ; that very uhjit he reaihed there, an I tho next morning, wheu Amilo Laurie heart of It, aha cam, tu hla bedaldc and waltetl on him until he tiled, uml ou his dealh lied hut-on,, icattl Ihe song antllled, "Annlo Laurie," txt iJf"1!r,,"'.IJ," "" "rlcipua charac terl hat do ou waul7 th.UeiUffermi,fled7T,-t Wnd" " 1',,.T,-, I1--"-! "J-Don't vou see It's a bald eaglst DABHrTS IM Still UK. esw rosx stoCss. New fork. May 7, boss Har Miter 1 ) terkf ealial.. ' Uo-iry l-( s aalten trs tf-iapon-u to ' Nona American. IT riuroaiT....... l I a 4aa aiL.... V AlcSMon ........ Sl' Hues lIMt.... . .8 , Uantral I acids. SI SLliul, 1 1 in Ir. Itnrlirston ss. tttul ACtnaas SJ tfiv tlrabtla.... I i Taiailaci'c..,. II. NArlhern laellM V I aws t'aeiflo. , tr t-referrtl "W rttaokairsaa . II Noriswentera. H V Ht-lara talon. SI'J ItfKkl dull, BBlnlirflUfla- tlonlhly Meteorological Sammary Statlon-SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. alosthef rsiL. Irst ''tn'ri' - SUMMAItr id j,a j j nl Slpsnllarimater.nS'llllch 3 2 H 1:atM Itaromi-irr, SJ9 date 11, i'z a a ; a ha " "-S Mean teeieratnre tstiblrh J.i J i eat ;j data srth ionet, 11 l'll!MJ el. ,i i dtilr Mure IIJ II va! Jiidate.t tb.lcatt. dally rane, all 14 at eitfKtallth fair? it! ikii uiairralnrs ror thlt tai is at Iroinii m n't, i.i t-j, ici 5"!' '", ..''" " ssslss HI, TIh sv si .ttiH-s sis i,w, iii. sail siti at' ii s ih! a a tills o, 111 ln, 171 isjimi l r .Mil ls, U.I) Itw, A4l, II WBJ ml IK "' IS 13 If a i II TeUlttrfrlcnfy In Irme. dnr li'MI Irsmnalb 9a inhiltiflanryln II IT. St li ltlrra0 anrsJanltS) I; as Hmtrciion ot moa k. rnud latlM li n,,aniral it elnd.sni tiMiea. It it Mi II r t ttmtto T, I miit el win I, dl 14 a, M IV rertioa and dale, mllei a,, on 1 1 si H J Sin ajflfjjj TeUltinei llitma.lllle. lit! H !'. e ol dajien blb .at la T5SI U. ii P'lw'S rrrii Irll s 'fT'lP. "I TiUltraflllilHBlla Isebea tl is 7V oj Uni husdredtl ill rlnlieonlhi J!!.'iJ ",""' ' '".IH las, Its. 5JS..H ll", tanTttil ITS. H I !!' !? "J ,IHI I'" lJ, sal )'.,?5:V!'J lxi. Ill I"- l"f l't, 0.11) t',l", l"S IW MIX I SI 111 ' I ' Toul drnieitry In rtcle. llarou, l.r la .donnl tnonu, o.f ttnredloiea Ti ul etren ftlae Jinuarr lital 1,1 1T ' 1 ' Udlrateil Nstnlwr ef tlntidlfal dlra t ret-li lutioi, parllr d aly, It, elvnrly, II. (.au. N. Stun tar. Uvimrer. QUICIm IsUIK-Ki islersla f Aura -TUf 1. '"tnre'latin Bra flow or I AND Ttlt I iikaII. IfntnlBflr DEAD WOOD'S PIASTER. SrVJ llleeMinlea.lle. yw'WVV AII liSI".!!. NOTICE TO CHlDIIUIta. Ijlsteot liana felcriaa, lairiueil. VT"'!"- H HKlitTlT tlttKV IIT TIIF pLl Bn4trsi-ssd. admlalMrator ot tsa Si Inle ol liana ltraoa, dareaatd, tu tha rradl Inraor, and all f'lsona Bat me elmnia nfajnil the laid daeewed. to athibll thata. aruh lha ntreaatry rnnrhtri, wlthia fogr rnoalna sner tin fint patllentlon ot thla nodco I., lha aald ndoilautralor. al bia rantleara In Mil! I rrtk, In tse rounty nl Salt MBe, Tcmtorr ot Ulali, listed Al ru Tin. 1ml Tllllll,IIUsarLI. Admlnlitralorot tfas cauls of llsn ilalar aoo. dicasied. olsw lu fe'CAIitt, 0 Ijwt 1st Houth, Boat tlrHHil H,eelal Null At Halt Iako lultnCle Co-uti. In May. lowest prices. 1'artlcularswlll ollow. tl SALT LAKE THKATRB. Lot i. e. liiin, MtssaiB '! ATTnaCTION IXTRAOnDINARYl )M, FllflV, SITMDIV, 11(1 T, a, MATINCK . '. SATUntJAV. AtlNUAb TOUIt GtJAu.FROMi'u or nr tome, W AID' Wl! !" Anll.ur f rii Mil-, "I hi- lliMrllr IUII, "trl t liMiiilry, ViS"u"ir? 2SO NIGHTS. THE COMPLCTCiOniQINAL CA3T. MOUT 1 lr-J, 8t,tinrt,t0rt iiillV. lUTIHtK IflirM II CO ;H, V)t3.ftOl ZM. lof afAta ncdnctiUMaxtv. HIST. ArrnTrnniTiiv tiibtitiiiu iahim, tlniwn Itkid atchvl, rnUlolu two jurc twi amall firrelt ktOHtIK.0OU moncj" an t ainavli arrouril look with inmain lla tm a to thu otilc aud tut revrarttt t. dl WONDERLAND y J hie (iMihoiTTii, Ajfo tILlJ JtOThL. Set (he GLASS DLOWCnS Sue th9 WAX rLOWtn MAKERS. See tho PARISIAN HAT SPINNCRS. See (he CONTORTIONISTS. See Ihe BLACK ART. See (he SMALLEST DEINQ ALIVE We ra.t tTt the rtil.t in rtftue ImUilon to atToae. Mr UJi muenlr tlaj lat taflar la tliHdrau a rtar I kwira ti ra from 1 to J3W. ro ioc. ADMISSION. 100. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Kalftte tjt Jama TbltctitftJ, dccttual XTOTicr t tiriiKiir gikm nr the .Ol nntlrra cttd, atita nuiratnr of Ifaa .uie bf Jamea 1st If lit al, sjajfaat toUartlltora ot aat all sngaa kana elaima ssiainl Uit aald lMtiusii( u eilubii iliam with tha Bo rsat7 Tnnctitra utiitUft laurwoatna altar tba II ret tiublirat on ot thta botlr?, to lha aaltl Jama wi" lUhfatl, at Cprlniivill. I tab tounir. i UH Tarrttorr ' iato4lyi;, 1WI tj i JAMM WIIITrilKAlt. Admlnttriloro(aeUtt el Jamra Wfc1t teatl,il(tcaitti. Ulawtiu SPECIAL.! ANOTHER GENEROUS OFFER Hill be nutla l.jr lit fer llio M T WrFK OM.T, COMMENCING MAY 4th, Minn e Ttlll loco on our ttiunlrrs die follonlnf lines at 20 PerCent Discount ON CASH PURCHASES I ovn i:xTim: stock am: ai.t, yaw, or.vAX GOODS, ami uro without a iloubt tlio Mont Attrtir tlre General Stock of )rir Gnoils In thin cltti. A visit to our Spacious Stove will ho proof sufficient. .MfiTiiNolloil OUH .lOHNKON, ?Iiiini(ri-. All our Silks nntl Volvots - - 20 PER CENT OFF Novolty Spring Suitings nntl Fnnoy Dross Goods 20 per CENT OFF Novolty Dross Trlmmlnus and Fancy Dross Buttons - - - - 20 PEn CENT C-rF Fronch rinnnols and Silk Warp Tamils riannols - - - 20 PEn CENT OFF Puro Sicilian Cloths and Drllllnntlnos - 20 PEn CENT OFr Scotch and French Zophyr Cloths, vory flno assortmont - - - 20 PER CENT OFF Sataans In tho Nowost Doslgns, vory hand- somo 20 PEn CENT OFF Ladlos'Toa Gowns, Wrappors and Walking Suits, In groat assortmont - - 20 PER CENT OFF Ladlos', MIibos', Chlldron's and Baby Cloaks, Jackota, Capos, otc, Including an ologant link of Spring and Summor Shawls and 8klrts - - 20 PEn CENT OI"F MILLINRYKL BsSSii ITllUlJlliull 1 B olal riowera, loillier. snd Rib bons, 20 PER CENT 01" F lll, ale, 20 PCK CENT OFF. SHOES iron's Slioes nnd Slippers at Cost. lluja' 1UM1 In l'rrtali, Tnnila and All Wool tunnel, SO Oil', nl "liln- I T,,", XTKIIUIHMIH lllstlltlT ttlll tsj"' VJ3 INlCVlQlt 3IIHItlltH12IN'L -Vhj AGENTS "WANTED. tm Sums mihi tleoTtt (ion ntivrit. CCIIINII OUB I.O01H OV TIlllllMHIITS. IVM WANT COUNT INI, ,!,., a I - t n H 23, 23, 30, 82 E, lly-y r 23- 2S 33 E- H First South St. I P- " A jl (JirsSoQtfiSt. I Hh 5 r E( EH Q I KT I " I' r fl b B I' T gBi I l- l g I Ei S I "XClesgcif- I Ir- e li co I I S .sd 3 P I Mi-' I 8" -1- B h 3 I 00 Ind IV CN g g ry " S fe I -H r kSo 1 1 ' -J fe g I vbv r"i,AMii"l gg TTuTr -H " I m 8 I 26, 28, 30, 32 E. s-plf"' 28- SO.TT I FirstSoatliStajU-- jj First South St. I