Newspaper Page Text
H prsrmyr rrrooyc. yrnvs. 'rnmsnAY, uat t, isoi. ,t -JL H H "first DISTRICT COURT. I Th) Baslness Transacted Befors Jade II Miner, it Ogden. THE JUItr IIINORB M nut CASHS. Tier Alto .leonrl Hto Inillctmrntl Coder tolteil HUt Lam. Malio Koiwanllnir; company va. Klre men'e 1'nu t Inauronce coniinj -notion for a new trial denied. Joint lMJetitiian : JloUrt 1U1 In aonetal.; niollou to art adds default and JuJgnieht argued, Bulmlllecl and taken under ad-letmti.t. Thontat Caltou y. Hrtt National Hank or Cheyenne, Wjo; motion lor jiemilitloti to I'nut execution. McCcrJ anJ Nate; Merninllla com UT Ta. Union Mercantile .oiuiibd; on motion of Malonejr A. l'erklnt, and liy content of O. II. l'ath, order for uJgmentonthnr.ledluit In accord knew with alraltiluui of aoiwrr. Unltod HUitM rt. Moroni llrownj arraigned on Indictment of adultery; iteale I not guilty) can lit for trial May 19. United Btatee ri. Iltnjamln Heyroan; arraignment, plea not Rulltr to Indict, meut for unlawful cohabitation, cata net for trial May 18, IBM. United Btatee va. Uuoiira I.. Kartell, arraignment, ilee not guilt) on Indict meut for unlawful cohabitation, trial el ror Marie, 1SSI. , , , United HtaUiTi. Charlti Jolinaouj arraignment; plea not guilty on Indlol iniiot for unlawful tnbllatlou: ewe aet for trial 01 Hut ltilli In.t , 0. II. l'eali cntorvd till iuca for do. Uullod Mtalea ri. William Ulnclalr; arraignment; plea of not n.ulltj to In dictment for adultery. United rJlali e. William Hlnclalr; plead not guilty loan Indictment for unlawful toTiatillatlon and caw aet fur trial May II. UultedHlatee yb. William H. l'opple lon; arraignment; lea of not guilty to I he Indictment for unlawful coltainta lion; taut aet for trial the lMli Inaf. Ho alto plead not guilty to Indictment for adultery. ... I.ucleu llaer tt al. tb. Ogden l'alut, Cll and Ulane Uompany; on motion of A. It. Hey wood and liy content, order Krantlng plaintiff thirty daya further tune to preparo atatement oa luollou for a new trial. I), llamcr Tt. rhllllpa et al; on motion or J. It. Ilarton, order mauling rmlNlon to Ilia referee1, report. 1). Hauler .rhlllli at al ; 6u mo lionet J. II. Ilarton, order irranllug jilalntllTJudgmeol lu aKrdau.e with report ot retereee. Uulted Hutu vi C'harlea Johut, ar lalgnuieuton lulktment for unlawful cobabltatlou; lei not guilty; cata mt for trial ou the I'Otli lint. Defendant llead not guilty to Indictment for unlawful cohabitation. United Mate. a. Cltarlca Hall; ar. ralgnmeut; plea not guilty to Indict lueutfor unlawful cohabitation; cata aet for the Win Intl. United Hiatal va. Joaeph Jolmaon; I arraignment; pita not gully to litdlei. tuenl for unUwful cotuUtallon; taie art fur the SOitt luat. United HlaUe va. Jamea Hatlaiu; ar raignment, Indictment for unlawful cohabitation; plea of guilty; tenleuce att for May 19, 1601. United Htati-e va. Ueorga (I. lUln.; Iudlctmeiitfortlygauiy did not ap. pear for arraignment, ten dayt1 fur ther time given bonJimeii John f. Hall and Wllllim 1. Hall to roduou defendant In tha court or bond will bo forfeited. UiiltalHlalM vi. Alliert llrumtou; Indlctmeut fur fornication; iltfenlaul did not a rar and thu boudtmen, is. W. Urooatton an I Hubert Muniock, given ten data to produce defendant or their bonda will be declared for felled. Untied Blatw va. William l.vane, lndlctmonlbr ptrur)t defeulaut did notapHur and tho boud-ajteu, John Hooworiill and William Driver, given tan daa to produco defendant lu court of bond declared forfeited. Unltad Hlalea vi. JobullendrlcVaon; Indictment, for uulanfut toliabltatluit; defendant dl 1 uot appear uud hie boudinieu, Isolla C. rlygaro and (leorge H. Ureuuwell, are glveu Uh daya in whit h to procure defendant or loud declared forlelted. Jauiua l'ralt va, Jarvlt Conklln Mortgage Trutt oompany; order vetting atldv former orderdedyintf motion to tlltmlivi and entering an order dltmlt. tlugoti tho ground that tho aurvtlia did notjuttlfy within two daya after sccliou to turetlca waa terved; delendant, by Ithodea i Hudton. oi. cept aud delendaut granted ttva dajt ttayoftlma lu acudlug down nuilt. tltur. Iogan City vi. McKlmnion Wheat, ley) order lenlaiiclug ilefeudant, rrvloiitlja found guilty, lu pay a flue ufSJ5ilnJ l,e cotla of thla court, ttiKiat$:'.a, Inroadmltilonof John P. dray to ! practice) law) report of ooimullteu lavorabtet order adiullllng B pllciut. Tho grand jury came Into court and by their foreman reported flva Indict lueuta aiialntl defondanta undtr Unit, d Htalta law, cumbered 100, 107, 1(W, lui, HUandaevan ludlctmeutt uuder Territorial lawa, numbering 171, 171, 173, 17o, ITT, ITU and 170, all of which were tiled by the clerk lu tho pretence of the Jury, The grand Jury renorte I tho follow. Ingcax Ignored: Uulted Htatea vi. Jamea Hanteu, Hamuel Carter, (J. 11, llergttrvm and I'eter Madlwn; Thu Territory vi, John Monlrcm and ).d ward Flther. On motion of Uavl I lana lliacaaea Ignored who ordered dltmlitnl, the defendants releatenl and bonda eaouer ale I. United HlaU va John Thomat; or ralguiiieut; loa of guilty to Indictment for adultery; tenteuco iwatpoacd till May 18. t' United Htatea i a. C'harlea L. White; arraignment; i Ka ol guilty to Indict ment for auultrry, aentaneo four loouthi In tho tieultoutlary and tha cotla of aull. I VTtial ll Cotla Mmt be carefully comldered by tho m grtat majority of iople, In buying even uwtlllrt of life. Hood'a Hartap arllla oommeudi Ittdf with ioclal force to the gnat mlddlo olattet, bo came It coinhlnet porltlva economy with great medicinal power. It la the only medicine of which can truly be tald lot jjotea Una Dollar," and a bottle taken according to direction! will average to Jut a month. t) OA-UfOltNIA. -or- piJrlES A .rr flltittl UMM'Ji . '."J MJ lawtt't MulSVwMeau .1 wtlrtaewa i. I iVkly VStewiaal valil t., ptl r- la Itre. " CRKAM IIBtlfS, Mtklic a eif ttlntkll pttcirlllta attt AKti raiLOklv, AHtielKtltl IckkI ttl IWltltUtf Ul Htia. tell anilBowtll It ratmottt weattiov cntCBtouikll avi wttr. IT IS A WOKDERFDL REMEDY rot uitlrtio, aoea itomcri CotrcLtioti, Iak or kciap, woaai, maauatail, ato rntci: m oksth. For Salo by All DruBfllsts. IlltUinB miidicini: CO., Uia rriieiico, Oauroaau TJTA.TI sook-stationbhygo. auretttara le iwlilllfaHnLHaVEB'w P-wjBmiIITI gyp jalaMaiy ixmrjix-jr WAOKiBn ncr tiiaciir, minNiyiii'iv, LAGER DCER, ALE A. PORTCn, Vhelrtale Retell to. hit, rirsr south itxiit CALIFORNIA pcuncs Catarrh Bheuwatlnm.NiMiralfU.Corni. HIOAOHf(r.fJU.rlf,. ' couon ounn ccics colci, cio or, cosiuMrnoi THI3 OKY OF MU.I.IONH foil. IY iiacic: fcTOP IT NOW. boos it will nr. too iTr. I ban iMtn traUl mur Tri wttb C vi lha t1rtf unt) hi 1ri4 mkT liTt t-mtjJi- b bat toil i hi ai4 tnm liSirl thrMnlan. wtllotil rahrf Am tht tith ol Arnl 1 M t.ffr'riDC friin ft tttf VioUit allafk thai ftliuuat broatitl ma la iifk I tnpr ihai I waa Wat otrr W h 1 aal Jwh ll w4 ai mual imiMMulla (r fit W ! tip aloat ttt u iiiil urn mt rloihva, wkan bad iTTTlflfarti It !lar, IH. s lur baiat t iiniatiiaUi-r iu Lj nMd oiIb tha i li bad an aira4i niirarulatx srl antlotbt ""ft fttlutlibmriitufaUiUa jfii.iUftlUi F Ql botui, .oa itw dir 1 am ti 1 1 r v y rtcauiuitBd thf ta m kit afBiotfOj 1 I aa I 1it baa. 1 L-J a. x Tun tn, 1 l - ITorri'tor (WlJril Ilotil, 1 JjaM 0BU ItOit, til. tar no Mom: iiaoicaohi: B-t- IiiM VTkolt.t.'i tad lltuu If Matte, ItiliaOe. I1TAILISU1D, 111 Honoor Underuksr ol Utah. rVJ""r ! tx't I Jn im Mint lit!, Wood and Clu Cvtm4 COri'INS AND OASKKTH. lull l.l.e ml CiBIn raraUklais kepi eaattoall fciail. Altpkott ft rtteirtphurdcri IvotapUr llltl Bnfl.1 i-rfjfrrff4 M Ihftr Artftrel Ctttfmtfi. fcVliml ulnt f Jta ft, ors3xv: xhktt moik-r. Fictory and Wartrooms iTr''Jie'rie Hat lata Hill lilotlt rtil el Ttttui TtLirnox .v.. ro a Jos. William Taylor, niUI LkalHNO UHDERTAKEK AND EHB1LHER, jliitat1MA I Ctrry Ika Uri.l it' Mul Coeialtti atok al COPFmSFCASKETvS And UncTartikerV Ooodi In UUh, ITIliW f J .Itil mt naiMlir biwrad iYlrtt antfrnaamninreftreiM (rte LOTS AHD GRAVES r.'S.W.air.Vt.r All Orden riHttf liar er Mvht la tht kfcerl til I ytiittt Innt -orrica amo wjribooui etwa ototao- ai AND 3) WEST TIMPLI STKEET, r.O Baatu TllttkeBt Hi. Witroao Woooaoir, B ll.aoeantaa, iMM " c.i. a -AHD' Jrust Qompaijyi Not. I and 3 Caat Temple Street. lilMukt IIU tl IafTf "" vritroao vroooacrr, ivi Utitaoa Q Otetoe, Met iYMf Juitru r. rami, Awoct H Oao, Iftclataoa Yoete, J. hii Jtca, uioaaa ItimoLi'i, T (I Wiaaaa, Cattbr. II B. Cuwioa does agekeralbXhkingbosihess (atar pays S Per Cent Intereat on Saving Dopoelta. kai i-r v 111 i'ii r nox t n I it ll itrtT. QeseietllioMlBaiia BALT iJkltK CITV, UTAH. Paid Uii Capital, - BBOO OOO oo Surplue, - - saooooo oo, miiinonai Joaa Baiar, rnfiirwi Moial Tnelcaaa, Itai fr-Unt, w, w ruraa, J, n neaeat, J T lirrea, J. a tl ilea, J. ma r-nttr, llttar luawoooar, It II I mm, t W JKvtmol, itioaiia Utiaiar, J. II. tviaoRa, 1. a. llau, r.i.l.-'. II a.Ton-0. yi. cilm Recefres Deposits Pajible on DtmiBd. Vitjn arvj tttt Xm$$ n Aet Tth, S4 Krwmitt, Cbkafa It U.t, VmaK, Imdm imI mil tht rri-vVl CVftHxtafal (VM. WW f aft LXpoalt aulti, allot jUlf t.r ctarat.4 if proof. lit att, fito tu ftrytir I THE STATE BARK OF UT1U, , BILT LAKH CITT. 0ltl. BOO,OOQ, Utntn J (iiuxr, r-rtnotti. I Klililv Vltt l-rlililltl ptaklilt tmu, cutur muiiOTOiiai I 'Jtttihr amitk, Lkt. a etrtoa, , Win II Kew.. X.pti W, llatlol, I Akrtull ttatoa, tr.ttr ll)Ur, tm"t Clt-iita, l-fcllor C... torlb ri it Uorrn, cl,irt vr, room, , lltarr A. Woelli. 'RtithtidrpAtitietriblaeailtiiittd Ijitttl mot7 on t pruti 1 ttnurtlr lirtwt ti'binrtoe til prlnrtptl p.,lili I trt p.r etel ea tttlnit a. pn.tu. Uorcpnnr. It Itttitil Ihtrtea uutrltrlrj Atd wttu oor bu.ltf ! UTAH Commercial Savings Bank, 22 ti 24 E. Flrat South St , SALT LAKE CITY. I 4l-lTkr. gteoaeeoo hllll'MN, . i.i.oco.oo r. AtiMitiiiiNU, rii , 1- M.MAUaEX, II t fWil, U.L.IIUMINUS, C..i.r. IIIIILLIORNl r AmnriBr, r. w, kittita, llshttr Rakltll, T W klltlktrk, Ikot VT Jtatltrt, Gtoraill. Ctttea, nr.Joi a.utckiM, o it Hud", U K.Oamtat Cerjeral Baijiijcj Busirjcss fin ir Oil. Inlirtsl ilil ett Sivl'll )rpvlitl, Ibitipoundnl 4 fteirj a ) far, I'lONiuait FfflTBDMlLLOD. MILLl OS North Temple St., Matt. OPFICElSII South Temple St .Waat, BRAKDS: Blrjh Patent, Baker's No. I, Saperline Whale Wheat Flour. hichestga'Sii prigepaid forwheat. Arm rrpkm jn, rt r..-iw. r, IJ.UH MOKItIS, I'roprlrlor OOLD MEDALPArtJH, 107a Breakfast Cocoa flhyyoj. frera kltk lint tttt. el oil JPj'JJav' It I .ire nml KfTm. yoCicm train Sri I 1111 tiiliiititrp.r.ui it fir I 'I 111 '", Urn limit in Mil ' k Hll ,frt"'f ' letot InlitJ wllk Ifilk 1 ll Hurch, Arroviool ur Huiar, lul 1 1 ) ktondl.M"tr '. IAa ttt lea-.1. (I PJJr.trai.liliiln.t.,u.M.. ptaw Ublra, iirtniitMnipi, ttttn MotflTID, ttj tl nlrally fSm toj lul lovtllUt at .U ta br ptiwiuln kulib KuU kf Unrtri tirnkart, W. B AKEn & CO ,DorchMtr, Moil. feWA8HBURN- fjSVjVjj GadoU n s & Zllhiri "wYwB 4HH.Yrr cHicAorj; It.llell.llA.le.btVe'aoVwlltSa'XUn.a BflTOGQ o aillicre tlrlclljr In our well nliUMieil rrpnlallon, ilr.i GOOD QUALITY of GOODS, HONESTLY REPRESENTED llo turn oml el jour iriiigllier IJlrtl Spcrlalllca In IllafV TliciTol .l .1' IIAUTON A tO'S Snllart tlUKfON X C O'S M hj par mrk prlrrt lo Tallora for 1 he Ion? ami allni, tlmrl and ktottl, tour Snll, nltrn IMIITON A nd nlra Iip-I men ran get (IJ.wlll glre at good a .pialllr KiwlHllliigiillitllAUTOv.Aro"t . anil lit for half Ito price I jIlcUul,h( rthfP n ,d ToTc... grt aw Ml. V.I.U al jHlfK"" "t"T0X '""' Illltr0 J. tll'S fbr !.. ir ll, ctlcliralcd Slrleon 1IU, gti ' - In HlltTON i. 10'S line ,llk 11nr.rt Milrlt, rram - .,' 4;MoJW.t,UU,,1 An line of lloincl Hannrl Xtnrt "nl ,,. MltT anT Irll hhlrh, froai S"c. up., al ,,,i all ho lalr.1 tljlcal lltltlOt AtU-S. lUIIIOtJL HIM lur gcntilnr Irenrh lUllirlniran Kprr tlttlgnt In rrlwrnr al l'ii.l.rwrar,pilolUIIIOX A tO'i llaUIUf (U . Z77. ', TTitii ". 7, ., , 'iKpHlallt low prlrea In Trraaml 1,".,'!,.i", 1',!. ' ,, I.,..,a-.,ITIM,.IIIIKTOXAIO,S lint IikiV llie (liibl Mnlal at llin L. . rarUKkpixltloii.tolit al 'Nrrlllct from lOr.up at lltltTOXi 10'S IIAUTIIN TON i,rTlrtiia"li'i.teb' Ileal elate, Taller, epeelal alleallan belaa alien la rtln.l.ljl. aail eaii,.rr latarablj wilt, the hlllixl areita ef laereltaat lalUtlna ttl. - . rjar- iTan'l Ihal ualiitnetTaee.i"litaiellteriiulll.e "III "- 23 WEST FIRST SOUTH, "? "' '""" BflRTOfTgGO BY:. ORDER . OF 7T1IB .-. CREDITORS I Hovo Re-Marked tho Entire Stook of DRY GOODS and GENTS' FURNISHINGS, Go as to bring on tho avornijo about Zj5 CENTS 01 DOLLAR Of tho ORK3INAL WHOLESALE COST, and I will com monce tho N SALE on MONDAY, April 20, 1891, So as to FORCE tho DISPOSITION or tho Goods at an o&rly dato, and I will also horo stato tlmt I will ontortaln DONA FIDE OFFCnS for PART or tho WHOLE STOCK. Do not for a momont bolod to bollovo that this stock Is not ns good or as now as aro tho goods In othor storos horo, for on tho con trary your othor storos rmvo trooda that havo boon on tholr sholvos for many yoars, whoroas this stock has boon bought within tho last two sonsons, with a vlsw of catorlnp; to tho vory bost trado, nnd Is thoraroro tho most daslrablo ntock lr tho city. For tho bonoflt of THIS SALE I havo addod tho EN TIRE RESERVE STOCK from tho Waro Room, which will IN VOICE botwoon, $50,000 and $00,000, and would thorofor0 state that It Is 16 your tntorost not to dolay tho purohasos of your SPRINO and 8UMMER OOODS, and It Kill ovon'moro than pay you to buy onough Stnplo Goods to last you for tho noxt two jMjttrs to 001110. In mnklnp; purohasos of SCO nnd upwards I will rIvo you an oxtra discount of 0 por oont. cash from tho prosont VERY LOW QUOTATIONS! and If you aro n Morchant wlahlnrr to buy a, laruo amount of goods, I wll1 MAKE YOU SPECIAL PRICES. IvtrylMng that J atlnttln uill U found In ifocX ai rrjirricnfcif. 77fialict!foonlluai noio atliertiuit unlit th fltmt dlipoiUltn U maJt and ict attnouiccil thrvujb f7ie eM'y jtajrt, LOUIS LEDERER, Assigneo. 205 nnd 207 Main Stroot, - Waautch Block. XSLfPPERS EVERYDODY SHOULD KNOW THAT Wi Hill miniifielure a Full Line of S NEATDUHABLEFQOTWEAR i q Custom Work and Ropatrlntj. All Work Warrantod. ( T We eirry alio a Qraat Variety of ""1 CO FINE IMPORTED SHOES CO VOI Many Qualities and Style. vt LOWEST PRICESI BEST 000D8I FAIR DEALINOI Drlng your ramlllet anil tt convtnoad. J o30LOMOW BR08 IBHHa.YUItUTUi:n3.CI VintiiBk,Tork. rrtcoWrU-HCiSLrSJ oFor BlNDERSlPRiNTERs7 rpilK KMIIK EWSTIU PAIIl.t.! IN(1 COMfOIITlUN, TIIK KINKST article In Hie notM for inaklnl tbe tlrottgett, molt elaittr, dtiratila ami liaailiome I luillne tor 11 til llrailt, Hlatetiituti, llatlruail lllauki, etc. At Iratt one-liall clteapir ttiau the 0I1I metltoil ot rovtrln-j tha cilera vrltlt roloreit paper. Hat no orrmtlie or unhealthy odor, auil 011a potuil eilll Ou mora tbah twupouitilt ol anyol thaltipjltl prep arullunt, at inucli leu coil. I'ttt up la tivo-pouuil liom ami audi at Slanufacturen prlcei, 45Ceuta per pouud at the KDESERET . NEWS . OFFICE.)o IBABY CARRIAGES THO C.Ul LOADS .fVST JtJlCJWlilit M i) lii 111111M Mint. I'Aiitmt i in , iiein-i r. m iii ami CLitrAii, H I OW Pllltl-Mluoll OOlint CalXAMlEXAMINR kt H (3 I Cs piw S ft? 3'm H NOItSlJO-HIllV OArtXiQTJIBT. M The Oli Pioneer Music Store W OF THE CITY: M TTT-rrnTTTTTTTTTn-l tt 1 1 1 M 111 111 J , "l I I CALDEKS I TmiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiimilT 1 (Solo Airont iox- tSpX,J3IlVAVA.Y, B Tho Lsadlng PIANO of tho World. H 8ol6Afl6ntforrA.HO!N 113X11111, Tho Loading OROAN of tho World, , V6 nln cirry a Qonenl Lint ol FIAN03 fron S250 osvrarfc, UM BndORQAK3 .ron S70 upward., aad oTOrrtMa e!si Hoslctl U9 found.!, a Plrtt-clius Mnilo Btoro. OarPlAMOS ud 0R0AH8 UPi b&Tfi boon tried and taitsi la this Tenllorj for lio list IHmtT ' l YBAHB, and tholr rooord U lh test H ; Como and purchaso n Rollabls Instrument and at an Honaat Prloo, ON EASY TIME PAYMENTS. 45 and 47 West, First South St. I J Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters H I DxAiiunn xrr m4 umbvit Maitriiit, Pumjn, Pipe and nitin;t, Steam HH Jltaltnj Supplict, Tin end Jroix, Gahvn- S G Ued Iron Cornkt, QuUering, Ate. H GARDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS H S No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. H Tin gmeml renltct it that the IMtpm (Iroctry and J-Yutt Com- yLmi pany carry the very brtt gomh in thttr lint to bt found aiiyiehert In IH m the city, anil that , txnipUJ utth, the courteous treatment anil oUlilmj jfl. of rncinnrri ijfthrlr tattimen, mall U one of the inoif tittrattlce plaert of IBrjK liutntti In toien. II 'o fnrffa our frienis and the jiultlo generally tt JHj JW call and tee for themttlrei. ' HM JA3.AVILLE, I ', ..'. I D. 3. EMERY, li JA8.M.DAnL0W, rww fcHtWOOUCT. W -- V DlnkCTORB. I Ota. nutaty, attaltr, tmM ' "m"i?i"i i'i'j.uS."; "-" I,"M J""'"t Miawr, gy W.r.ArBULreBi' I Oio K ItODUty.atcy.aalTtitiarar. uaflx Lumber Yard&Steam Planing Mill W TAYLOR, ROMHEY mi ARMSTRONG CO., Ono Block East of the U. P. R. R. Depot. JM Hotel Templeton, I nova open, Lm Oornor Mntn nnd South Tomplo Stroot.- H Thu Only Flrat Class House in tho City. fUMerafnpvcmciiisSa I Steam Heating. Rapid Elt.ator, Sever and 4 Systems otjlre Escapes, V nuor.zo YoUreO.rnaQar. ' directors. HTl DO.IVOUNQ, Preat., D Central Hotel Go,, SS" wl'