Newspaper Page Text
j D ' DrSCTKT EVEKIKCr XEWSi riUPAY, 3fAY 18, 1193. the sroitr OF MEXICO. fm now A youjo man nura to the ffl UUOBV OF A JIATAUOll-ABV flf rnoriTAMt! iiiofwisios. if c. K. Oooulw, meinUr of on of W th. mat rn.mln.nt tamll let of Mleo W and ouo of th ell J oui'dl ""-J '" hue, I. now luthU cltjr, 1'J'"S0i,I; ft tatlou twlerdajr coucmiiIh. bull-llgtil. II Inn Inlila natlv count' IJ ' .. ,, m "It I. .1111 St 'l,"'rt' Ji"ViAlIl M uralualtr djlog out. In aomorsiaiw B & m &d fort IdJen .Hogelh.r. 1 will go on lea .rtUnllT biY t M llleanio.1 wliltli Hi .MmIcmIov loo" lilo U permitted to HI o " Krtri to icIto n Idea of. bull notm .11 IU d.t.11., Mr. Oon. "fcvOT. ." ' !I"C1! Council wlierath exhibition U tot glren fHnU wtnit t or " tnanilt Ih. llicut to Willi. A" ruuttllrit go alteration) lure limr. I etore h I allowed to go afur the in. II h refute lie I tentlac to lb ln. Uiuallyhegonnafurllieni fl wi Ihnni.end It lire, him., ml lor U benefit of th footmen. Of th Uer .uvea handeilllo, but ono may catt 111 dart. If l I roachee clou to th Mill wlili leuJ.rllla in iKli lurid. Thete ll aendt Into Ilia old ol J' nlnu). A(t.r four pair ar. In, th tnliIor r.mMi to kill. HI otJct I to kill the bull with M fw alrokra ae portlLJo. II atlcuiit to aetid lilt lUd direct) Into the heart, piercing It Mini IL thouldcr. Tula I a certain tub, the bull lopnlln right oter. Th more graci fully It I lion th H greater glory to the matador. .. , "Th ilot rmownevl pi Jleilcan H matadorel l'onclano Mat. II li if M itrong, actle man about SO yrera old. K A ehorltim tinea h went to Irdo, lu Durango, and had . moat fortunate H teaaon. IIBKIIUDIWENTV.TWU H out of twenty tli bulla, rich with on H .tab. II,of courte, had brae bull A lull who will ch.ric ttralght H on the matador I tattett to kill" "In cane of th dt ith of the matador, ban letlllo or Iran, wb.t it donet" 'Ifllielioree ra killed other. ra M lninirdltlyaunllnl,lfnyofllieaieo EJ are killed the exhibition It brought to H n ml. 1 iw Solcry, th mot re. M nowiiwllnnlrrlllaol hit tlnir, klllxl W tthlltyo( l'urbl. In .ddltloil In their clo.V, tboy m.y una le M , about right foot In Uugtli. At Ihu lull ruihr .t lhm thry tuddrnly il.ntona nd In th i-artn .udtpilog cnmnUtolyorir Ilia inml- ilaneU.nlnitl'tWk. Holary h.dtl. jm tamptad two or thrra tlmrt to .ult j uvar . bull, and iuicIi tlrua Ilia animal, H of continuing bit toil), tlu d IB thoit . raw fnt from lilm. riuilljrlha n bullDghtol nuda 111 Init Ittji. Tha llll fS lialtaj and w.ltwl for him. Holory IB w.t twirled by W IhaTlclouibruta fortuity flvamlnutrt IV tialore hit body could bo rocoTtred. It m wm lilt banallt. loo, ixxir fellow, and n thara wtra 5,0iM iwople who wltuoued era bit awful Uralli.1' M "llow.rethflglitaiii.uaged;" m "Well, thmuulor au j Ilea all hit H own aatUUnta, mya tli llcauaure j qulml by tha City Council aud n. H gagaa th lu. lha utual chargo lor 1U admlatlou la from (0 to II.Sv. A jB rlavtr matblorutu.lly ru.kra a profit ;M ollrcu Vi totl,wurorcli aihlbl. m tlon The taafin It about nine month 'Jjj In tha Tor. In April, May and June iifl tba bull are loo oor," tJR "Tba publlo demand good built, and Ki If they are not tuiltal they tuow H tbelt Ulapleatur nary openly by tear. Q lng Dp tba liauclita .ud ch.lrt B anit flllglng Uitm InU the lit. ,fl I bavaMviitbauirirolbo pLcalntbe ' City of Mellto, tho DIM pollcameu B called out being unable to pretarv the fl aca. Thaoourta alto liujiotua fine J of 1&09 on the matador. All money nj rocalTed tromliull Ilghtlug la UeToU-il J to tbo tupjiort of 1 ubilg Khoob1' HI "What la required lor a young num I to Ucorae a matadotf " J "Ha mutt nrtt allaih Llmtelf to a B troui of bull DgliU rt and B IAU IIIRTH TIIU 1IUIU. B.' lie will je taught how tofamlllarlta Rn blmtelf with the bull and lit way t and Bh will betuaden banderllloor lootaian H Willi the tloak. They liecomo very H I rollclent lu dodging and hum to n. I R an lufmlatnl anlmara lutentlon by hit DS eye. When Uiey are thrown Into the Q dutt tbey lia at If dead. Convluced B llfalttiilluct llialnll liiaybatitnited R away. One ruovtiuenl by tho nuui NO would I rlog the bull upon lilm Ilka n US flatli and lie would I gornl to del ih " Qf "I bull righting I roHUble?" Bi "Itcartalnlyiuuit hoao. There are thrra tplamlld Jx'in In lha city of MM Mealoo alone. The Plata do l lia na forma eott tuO,OOD, the 1'lau da la IVaeo, llo.imo, and the Plata d Ilu. K, corell, $ I0.OW. The latt plaea la owned g by I'onclono Dial, the matador. He g, mutt U tuirly worth ,IOO,"W. The Rl raott celebrale-J matador In Uiu world, B, Mazantlul of Hpalu It aim very nl wealthy. Ha flailed Sleilcu In leiu, bilnglugtliU'an bulla, talued alllil,. H OUO big. aplenrlld fellowt. ljrli i!f H bit ixhlbllloni mutt have yltlded from H 111,000 to 113.0011. Una day lis wat m caught agaliut tha w .11 by a maddened 1 bull and tllpeU Uiwihiu tba wide 1 borna, the crated animal boring Into K Iheboarda Wheu Ilio bull birkej for El a friah ruah Mnuntlul leaped gmce Kj fully over lilt lual, tmlling to tha two nji 1 1 -& K tlramiirr. Ml A Itomantlo brat Unuwl by Mr. In. 8$ nil'. Mi .1" tha rautie f Banator Inrjall'a me tli rty.flfa acre truck farm, miiii, f SHS thl city, turniunile.1 by tree, uu.l cof Ml '"A '!' bluagnua, la a gmva wlilth WM evidently reotlted njntlderabla altu. M tlou for many yean. It la ui iomI to JJJ Lontaln tha rerualnt of an luUlau girl an I bit pale facatl l0er. MS Aw ay Uck In lha early Ml of thl 111 "nlury, heu what la now known at f tK lniTVl",1? Pl,!j,,tu .""" '"-rrltory of I Ski lultina,lUer lved lu u lonely hut M oulbolankol tho Ml.anurl tint ai H j',ll"J.ulhl2dauihter,wlinhl M iV0","!4 w' '"". in Hoiitliiri, IW iV.K' i."V "V11"''" hunlir .tut i.l H ftthiul,hafliuilnlotlulbwlUi II 5'"f1n,ai,ll,,1f1.andwMuur.i.Hllytt1 i 1 '""""B'E.lfJriaveralwe.k.iinllUVc- M "Wi" Tlilr Wldiirauiy iJvu , m Willi her Client. Tba roan wianl vm Kill. Hb wu craud by hit love. Ill LTr?."l foJ,l,' n,h ir th. day MM ' (ot llf d.parlur thecni ttobf, mm wuoli nd ihot an arrow through hi H?,l Mh". tm"i th pau- diail. and lli n Wl burled togelliir """' nU "", ffllKR r . wre Dn Mr. InEaUai trud. EW ff.ra ,u 'Wwl to conUln all that 1. 'iaatjtaTaTaaW IIbBbW V BBBBBBBBBBMMMgfV it IF WE COULO KNOW lllbet dn wir fncl.lrra Ien4r l t an I me yrarn to fenuw, Aa llfa'a .haOow. longer area'. And lhTrtilna Lour. Uubi, Abd Uf Jr oa Ilea tha rbtl V hen la Aniir .hall open wMe, A nl behind uaaoftlf ilnne, l bal to our eiiieelAnt erra Mill lha fulur Uf id lwuet .kail H. wa a ronrnlflix I reak, I kit and fraaraat aM aereer, rvemlag Ilk it bte.eil ilreaia nrnrannrorrolteii.7 Halt wa walk In aladnM en, IJader amlllbf aklea of blo. Throtlrb anvverileppenlDBilawB, fitldl, fra.U and saw, 3!eFtlb4 lliOM, Lo ratn tiefot. Kanalnc tack familiar look. And earn, well remembered lone, Tbooxli ao inanr r'ar I a t Roan fllaea rarh otbera haoda wa Iimik, Prlhff farewtlla o'er and o art ' fliall w. ulk or earll.lT dara, foraklna low, aftb baud breath, UlUiaawraltniaterj Of our human life, and rteathf fhall w. wondt r to reralt 1 low our hearta wer eroua to fear, How wa acarcelr dared to hope, lnanrheaeen.aofalr an near? Abl U w could onlr know, A tba abadow deep, r crow, n,ltbroqrawlfl (ooUlepa tend, Aathrraurelr bear tba rndl OtatbarlM H taKa In llnaton Courier, PHOTOGRAPHIC VOUCHERS. rrf Kblih tiler Adrerllwra Ileaalr Tk.l tonlreela At lalOlled. 'rloino of the big lurmuitllo flniit that rely largely uiam liberal ndtcrtla lng for their patronnge," mI 1 n lilr 1,111 poaler, "jro to great piiKnei tonttnut attrntlnn Tho coat uf lulrcrlMngwltli them It not limited to tho inero Io tut lit ultbn liaiapcnt nlntrrt, bill lamtert and othcrt who uridertAko to dUplay thidr aiiuounceiucnUi, but there are a number of iiecoeaAryespina.ii In cllental to tlieto wlilch ore by no meant imnll Jtimt In Uio total ci en Kliiro. "Jinny employ 'men lo originate tlrlklug forma of ailvirtKiumta, liiul tho deiliaml for luen of apeelal uerUill In Hint ilirpctlou I Migrrnttliat ery largo anlnrle art) nlTcred them Some of them. Onus ewclally thou ho deal In juitint miillcliiet, employ n man linen tola duty It It lo atn Hint the contraela lor tllaptaylng before tli tl Ho tin Ir lulrertlacincnta aro cnrrlerl out at ngrreil Thlt man liat to do a great deal of tmvellng 1 Ono of the forma of ndtcrlUIng, 'whlili It cjteruhely ludulireil In by theen linn, lathe pnlrillnjr of tjna oil the fniec ami mekt nlong th linet ol tho wltlcli eutir thlt toa.ii In nuklngA contract with a bill potter, who uiually Uot thlt work, tha llnu tixielllei tho atyle ami alio of tha algnt It wonlt uiiil tho pinna In which It wnntttlum dliilaycil. Tha bill poalcr then aeuilt out lilt men prcaiimiibly to fiilllll tho tcrmt of tha contrail, but the iniu trairl omr liuiilnlt of lullii uf territory, nod the queitlon arlva, I low i aii tha linn bo ex rt nln t hat lu pntrMoiit hao l?cn properly car ried out I It I liuueelblii for the mem Urtof llmflrm tufpeud tlmo In going over all tho inllea penou-tlly, and, u a reault, they hare to employ a man who can ilo It tor them. Thl man caii dlllll,MKi. "If Ilio linn woulit rcat content with Jila aaauranci-a llt 1 ibor would bo com lairatltely light, but una of tho tint prlucli i of rtUglnereantlla llnu iieeiiu to m that, an fur a rHl' tho awor tlont of nn ernflojo ahoutd Imi au Irle.l by lu vtcrlal proot It would, of courw, U ironalklo for th uinu who undartakct tlilt work to defraud th linn by conaplrlng with tho bill poatir, An 1, to prow lit thl pnwlhlu collualon, nitoMl form of proof that tho work hot len proM rly ilou lint lieen do. 1mL TIio llnu'a agent follow In thofoottteptof tho bill potter' work men 1 Ilo I prwIdeO with n camera ami li photograph ovcry ono of tho linn tl,ru. At ioiIi ihotograph take In not only the fclgn Imt Ilio aurruiiiidlug an uery, tha llnu I of nourao com inc. h! that tho number of algnt contracteil for halo le.ji duly ma le, mid alao tlult they nro In Ilia place ilcalgiiubnl by It Thewj photugrapha am kept until the linn, of tlin TOiitract liate etplnil, and frciiieutly ono llnu will Iiaia a collection of tliouaaiul of jihotogriii hi ot a iwnloular algn, In the background of wldch will bo ilinmut liluda of acenery." Now York Mmu Abe..,bl.( 11(1,1. Ill nnartlclo on "IVeilou Htonet" a mint ticnutlful oHrliniit lu 11 10 no aorptlon of light by diamond which wot carried out lu l'arli during tho ei. ponltlon wat n f.irred to, On thl oe canlou a collection of ISO dlauiondt wot I laced In n dark room. In n tblo of t ho room w at luacrtcd n Irna, outalda of whlili au oro lamp wut hung llw lent, which wat cmploud tuconcin. trnto tlio IIf,Iit, waaiuMrcd with lolet colonil gloaa, ao that cidy ultra vluh t rajt fill on thu nnn, ot wldch hut Uireo of tho entire uumUr pro od to bo phlioricent. All thu otlurt a. tumM a luuutlful violet tint, 'Ilio two alone vhoui uWliunenoe wot moat marked win, inrfuclly trnmimr- Cllt WhltO bUilllt, ou luting A hlllMl tlugii. Tho plioejilionBieiiiu eihlblted bytheaattoneabiilekcribcdaaoxlrumcly laaullful, and rvinulnoil vklblo, with gradually tllmltil.hlng lntenlty, for lit Icon iiilnuti a nil. r u luitullli: tap a put our tho lout Station Ia lie Jn.l.,ll.r TheliCkll Iran III nil clliniw and ngua huuuui nntuni U eemitially tho wiiiim, )et the coudl tlont und.r whleli llfu ilouloin In urluutiiaUoninItiii mako tho liabltt utdlffiriiit riue t cm wry ttraugo to focelguun. The prevailing Ide i uf u nn lion nuy bo kuonii by th dolrra of It ehlldnn borne WTlter uncu rriuarknl thatKt a l'riiu'li child Niiim hi Idud and It would 1 tit hu might grow Into ii dimwit gi uoral, thu aoldl.r tumiuuJnl villi ull bb military tlory Iwlng Uio hilght of hi ambition Viittlioanuinqueilloii to an Amerl can I oy, and w Ith a toe ot Id head he will liifonii you that h lutuida to bo a l.roiuan or n .treat i ar i-on luctor whim ho'gniwauptolio a man Hut tho Clilimu Imy K, dlrfinntly tralnl thatltwoull Iwu moat dlllloult tnak tu fathom bit wbUot and ambition. Trealment f.r rela.ialng, Tli principal narcotto ioiann$ ara laudanum, inoriliIiio and opluin. Of lauJinnm Hi filial diem I nt Irn.-l two drama. Twit gnilnt and a halt of tho citmct am aal I by Tanner to bo equal to four gralm ut nido opium, w lillo Do Quincy coul 1 tako hteu ounce ot tho tlnrtur of opium dally. Infant have lieen kllle.1 byn rlngln drop of Ian lanuili, wlilch b eipial tu nbiMit tha twelfth of n (,raln of oiuuin. No ono thould iimj lau lamim, upluin or mor phlno without tho cipren order and dally watchful care of a tilirtlrlMi, for allthnmdriighaieaiiutlrelyilllareiit action lu lualllianl tlcknow, When nn cxiea.Ir iU! of anyot till-no linrcotlct I ll.iected, a phyrleUll tliould bo Immediately callcl, an I, a ndlug hla arrival, oiery effort ahoutd bo mado to keep tho path nt awake Tho tymptom of eixilaoidug aro gradu ally Increattn gpldlnt, drownlnca, atiqior, alow, heavy breathing, Wctth puK', juillor And llnal coma. Thero may bo iiaueea And ricn connl.Inn. Th flnt reiunllal uitlonl tofn-otho rtoiiiacli bylho lueana of emitlct or tha.tomach pump, thin roiino tha (lent by.laiplnj thoihett and neck with n wet lowrl, dualling col 1 wub r alanit tho head and Imp, walking up and down out of door II Hint I nee v iry-glvIiiK elrctrlo thoek and even artificial reilmllou when other mean fall to rout from tha ttupor which prv cede diuillt. rllrong cofleo may bo uno fill at nn adjunct, Tho caw thould bo In tli hand of a pouijHtetit hy.lclan In n wonl, keep tho patient awaka until Uio doctor arrive, loown the clothing and keep tho lioad cooL llartier llaiar. Vlth nvnnl lo th phone nt Hi moon' motion., M llrlvo found that In four eiih, 1S.S0 to 16JH, tho numb, r of rartliquake near new and full uioon exceeded the nu'tnln r nt the qiiorti r very nearly In tho projiortlon of tl to four, In a numb, r ot xcced Ingly claborato calculation Jf llrivo hat cndiaroml tu thow that, liowowr tho llgureawem handlial, they idwayt pnwiit tho tamo giiiernl ronclualont, but tin ro am not at yet tufllclent factt to Juttlfy inoro than n pu!ng alltltloii to thl curlou .peculation. It d hj, liowevi r, nj war to bo an In evltnble deduction from the ivldcnco, not only that earthquake occur inoro frequently at the crlod of now and full moon, but that their frequency lu creaec at tho tlmo when tho moon U uoareet thotnrth and whin It U mtat dULnt, and, tuori'oiir, tliat oiinhquakoahiak are more frequent when tho moon b near tho meridian than when alio bnliietydcgrccafromlt. If. l'erroy, Uio Trent li tclcntlit, trleil to figure out eoiuo eonnevlloii Iwtwein lii(Hn itlioaet and earthquake, a long agiia 1S4I -tit. IKll, llepublls. fMinrloH fjr In lb. Artnr, fUlJ a iriwlnrnt army ofllcir In tha Bouthern lioU I to a group ut olllci r And clilllaim ' fitnleo In tho nnuy for thepriiatoeokllerbadrllght to what It uwd to 1 Ufore tho war, 'I hero I mita)t aearerlytii tho country not aecewlblo by railroad and which luu not a dally mail. Tim quartt rt or Uuc ruck to which ha b now avlgiieil are .Imply paUUuL At Fort ltlkiy, fur In tlanee, tho nun' barracktare.ptendld ly urrangeil and haudaomcly furnbhe.1. Uich company' quarter It funiUhcd with a libniry, billiard room, gruuuv tlum, itiarbla tublathroonui ilwua.l roouia or donultorlii nro nicely fur nbhed with Iron Imbtenlt, and the wall aro hung with iltturet alwut army life on tho march or lu battle. Hi lure lull at l'urt IUley MiaU 1.1M0 men nt t neh meal Tlio ihef do cublno b a civilian talirlral at 4110 n mouth. Alimi hallolAllkonaiuulty I to be bnllt at Port Liwvcnwnrth, nnj , poe ta, l'ort Bherl Ian, at Clilenga, and Tort tagim, near I)fiicr, are being built with etery coniiultuco tit. I.uub (llobo-I)cmorrat. Job. l-roof tjiglUhaiee. Wiyblt that KnfcH.h tqlo can't inidcntnnd Jokett Tliey nro nut ahviiyt ttu4d, aud they aro fond ot tuJo)iug theuwlvee, but where an Auitrlean eea a capital Joke and goe Into HU uf laughter tho 1- ngllnhuiuu alta gravo At A preaehi r. "Hcro'tanaccountol a elngular nctl dint," aald uu Alncriiari at tho club, rending hi prqier to an KnglUh uu quahitaucri, "A man ut on a butt taw nil Mentally mid wa killed. They burled both of Mm In tha aamo graic, I .UpJKlMt." "Ahl lioth ot hlmt Ilow't tliatr told the other eoltmnly, i oil can't put head and brain Into A bnuei door knoli, at Sir. V 'a aunt plrt urtwimly cxpntwd it In "Uttlo Dor rlt," on 1 you can't mako tho ordinary IjiglUhuian graip tuch ah oitrtmtly Ami rlcan joko a tha una jiut gliciL Wiuhbibton rltar. llra.luf Ilia Mir.. Jink Why do youofftr inch nlirg rowonl for tho return uf that coiituupt lbfeiugdogl Wluka I'o pl.-um my wife. JlnU-llut melt a rewanl will bo tiiro to brluj lilui back. ".No, It won't, llo't dead " Sw VorkWiikly. IU. luu I ,.r Nollc.,1 f Quttr thing about the threo cent piece. uu nlwujt take it for a dime wllh yourthango, but jou can noter Induce any ouu clto to do to luck. A tradhit 1 eiL "I ill golnj to glio jou an Important wrt lu my in it plo," tall the m-ui agcr tu tho tupo with largo handr, 1 Sof aid 1 tho Ainbltlout nubtant. "AleadliUJpurtf" "1 xuctly I want you to lit out In thuuudunca and ttnit tho auul luto." Wrr in... "Idiom urunot uidvimully Afnllo uble " "Whkli, forlimtAiiir "Well, a faruu r iuui go to aeed mid a cow to grow an I not Iw any tho wuno fcr It." Hartar' llazar. Wow Is the Time To lurlfx youf IVxkJ md (ortlfy your iptera sSAlait lh OubilJu ln( effeett tt irrlnf wcaUmt At iio older iuon ll lTt Mttor U)lo la lht nnuih rnnr jTttn.lnnt, th hteU A f 4 OffCIHtTO, U9 6t9VtJ OlllIlKMI Vinlf "frp'lvwr.t.orl.nttitroni'iUriHl Ululi 'f"n w I ttWlatU IIouJKar. iaptiriu It Jil lha nwdJctao to purity iho bItxMl,nireikkliyiJatho,tUlJu. i.tii ftnj oTcteomt) 1UI IftoJ tvt-Uij "1 hatj Ihmu iroujIoJ ft sreal ttsal wlUl hfftAwh, ItaJ ho ptUtt), too (trtntU,, aitU uTiav-woHeailaGhB fUruiniUla t tiitt ttf l.a-1 Urn liemUbc, my foM liki rclUhoj, odU icctned lo Oo too sri ftd I tit found myicll tropins itronecr eifnrdiy" M A, HIeixmak, 10 Jmi Atftiikr., (Irw4 UulJ. Midi. My IMerves Are All Right AM I M.T6 cJnel 10 pound In 0 tnnntm. a tho rtiult o! ULlni Homl a tMmp-ulllv iy Mr. n. II 1-rtie cf the Crra i ( Lost Q KJJr, Itixheiter, K Y " I hs.l lvlm.t Chronic Dyspepsia Kf dlMtli. I ?liif triy 11, &nl I trM trokfn dotro Irom ottntork o UiUI rouM not Itrrp uljtliU. Ilut my kiouuch li nowln rrf et t eortdUlon, tnJ for fttl (h aUito brne toy latitude H ilu Hoot rartptrllli,' "Wotor-nrnoh Anl djiprriU UoubtM m for 10 jrari, wnl r f ur lr)1ns mrloui ihlnjt I imwla 1 to laXo I(xU KinsparlllJa Tlio vlfui I Mar ! M I flit to to itnuMt cntlrlr rarisL" J It JonftO1. 427 lot!, Rtnrt, TvltMlo, OLIo, ir you miter from Indigestion Or tlppf pttfl trouble! try Hood a fttnatArlt1x II Rpntlf (oties juid illmutate, tlio stunucli, MhU lle.Uo.i toil crtatrs nn Bfpf UM Hood's Sarcnparilla M4trudrff.ti fiiiir9tfa.inprt)ikir fcftl.1 lltlIl4t4AMhtraTlM,UtU,Ma. IOO Dosoo Ono Dollar S t9TE Down With HlffSPncei. W T" SEWING MACUlhE CSSP?iopJ3j-sr fix? rC jUvl Tll'tatMn'fWMttM t BUeatsfu lHrmMfwlMiMiLn ii Rf X a -,k v-tr ul VI CKJuS7lC4U Col cW. Ticsa Thomson Sb Taylor Spies Co., Ivportf ri (."! MftatfaUtarfrt At tho FINEST SPICES FiiHVoRiNc extrrcts KNOWN TO Tit U T1UVM trtfrUtart tM iaMa Pran4 f ni: OJtOSS LYE, Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Lako oniCAOQ, ISMorsoMs Polish oil or Dluod. Hit btift told by Z. a II. I. for U yin Ttity r tht llr .Nalli tl4e. Olif fUHTlBUld 10 KIT! tbtbtll Of itn(CU0D Will Lo4 ft ftlioo lii(lbiD iifoiMr f UNION HOrKaIL CO., I OhicnKo, 111. roa ana in c 11 in aea.iu truaca Harrison Conveyor Irrigating Pump. Whf viurU f b. It4 from trt un Off wvtl llilt pwn.jarieirtr4 n i twitn tlrr ntrt Wrt St?ii..V?.",,if.i.-!t txULU to GUNPOWDER. MM kit now ikMj . nerer .kef tcerf, UaJAmwa.alrayaakM now ike 1A Mr. llAXAIIIl n "Haalockf 1.101 llAzailll H "Trap SbooUax," 1IA1AUI1 N "Hack tkoollaa IIAZAUU elllalai anj lua.Uif " UAZAUU a) kiaoUi. It uwal lauatil la tba market, anacracictali ar IBE HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, Hnzardvlllei Conn. Bym.nMi. Palno&Ly fl B, PllHASB HHMBMBBR ThU wt UH Cil ry k Ootrplito Ut ol Disstous Celebrated Saws, CooiUlm(U rrtof Ot CV(.)ra. Oio J-M1 UjtrtgXt, Ati. Hand Jltp,JtntU JPno, lruhtnfft Conixu, liuteher CVoA, h ryhote, Vu , oho Clrcalir.ltotlt Solid & Cbtsel Point Tcotb And "TniUMPH," For rUlar Tr with, and are felling at lowcr miens tiuxiimki Alao a fall Block of their Rtnowntd RASP9 a FILES ': on tutu as. o. m. a. DICKINSON "BROS. & KING, Impjittci of lb Deit D'l titrmta PORTLAND - CEMENTS, tilr.Vn I lork. 1M to 210 Urkt St SI to 81 Mute StrotiU New Orlua'nj, SftporondoKlifit. IPs rtfer, 1$ jn-rrnUdm. to thn paper, ataTTrMtUo on Cninti tntlUtl t jafttp)riiiOH H '.C!"lw,iwniBBiS HOGAN, EVANS & CO., Litnitefl, arf'or. to I van A !. juioricrcftKi r Annealed CLIMAX Chimneys Half .inUii(l?prVltJiri, BiltrMlIteflefUrfi, Icnar Kofftttxl D'l iMcoralcdl tlTttB7 TvutU, Tavniir UlotM HkI Utcornloft or XcnnsMiKlr Ctt I Vlu CtiU ain. tt?i! ul ; i mi i (trim lX'ri'llllUUO XTA.. A H T1BMKT J B. bLKCAK GEO. DUNCAN A SONS Hm.feiurr of rino Cryotal and Colorod Qliu TAbU Wnro, liar Good., Lam do, Etc. 10th Slrrtt.",S.. I'lTIMlL'UO, I'A. I or il by 2. C. M. I J''r gtotrkll ezm J EVai a i3? 3 - CL.!2I!i WOLFE BROS. & CO., UannfaelBicr aad Importer ot Breibci SOI WooJ HI., 1'1TTIIUIIU PI. THE FISCHER-LEAF COMFY kuxurkcTcaaat or Ma.hetlaed Iran, Klala Weed Hnntol8,Grntc8, Stovca rfJaHkW HOLLOW WARE, AIR ORATES, Sash Weights, Etc. Ag.nti lor American & English TU miT,..'!5,..5?;.Loul8villo,Ky. AOkftll IK IALT tm Cm. CtU Marrli, WImh llru., lth lvo ait 4 Hardmir Vo, ISO. XiOUXS, UtMiufkctuitrtof stS White Lead rnilRaOUTIIIIUVWIIITKLrADII MAaO. A. faotarail aauralr trau u U4 rclln4 rif Lala,aa Is around la lurLJnMd (Ml, aad at lha Conipta aanalaetnra oalr STlllUTI T 1 Ulir, r-artlaa ba;la( Tf Mia 1 ..4 brand.i Moaltaara Compaaj are abaolatelr anra ol 0JU1.I. A I E!OTGTI.r I'VUB AIIIICU. For Sila by all Dealers Is Qblta Lead. DeseMflewsGompany PIONEER OF THE WEST. ESTABLISHED 1050, Bookbinding and Paper Ruling IN ILL 1TI HtUKlUEa. ABSTRACTS, COUNTY WORK, BLANK ROOKS, - aaa arLcuLTiu COUNTY BLANKS. itictt rommuao ox irruo.Ttoa DAVCV TAO DOAHD anil Coat Qrado or Material. Uaod to make our work durable. ALU WORK GUARANTEED. JOHNSON, PRAM & CO. Cnrry Evorythlntr in tho DUUQ Ltno, tiom a MtioLi to a Taaimuo Micann." oiuoxTaut roa Iocs tut BirrLica FINE .'.WINES. LIQUORS,' AND.CIQAR8. -IMAINl- ' Vlll thkat rotf mcrin M8THr.T.l- j We ailhrro atrldlr ta oar nrll eittblUboJ rtpuUtloa, tU.t MOD QUALITY of GOODS, HONESTLTREPIlESEyTED II tarr- anil ect jour KprlturOlfr- Latrtt Spec Itlllot la Illark theilot cootal 1IAKT0N k CON Sail at 1 IIaBTON CM iTaf par inrlt print to Taltort for Tlir- Ion j tnd illm, iliort (nil alfrut, jour Sulla, nhrn ItlltTOY A ami extra .lied, turn ran j, CO. will Kir a jooila ciotUI gmallflllliiit tiilta at 1UT1T0V tt rO'i ami lit Tor halt thu price t ' ,, . , .. . Mlrklntoalirt, Ilnkbtr Coall 0n1 ion can got par Mlk blilrlt at hllcaen at II tltTOI k CO l'AI'TON S. ttl'S for ',. I or tlio celebrated Sltlton Half, ro .... ,, , ' ' to lUltTOt X CO'J TIoo !lla, Ilaonrl Milrli, from .. ti.W) lo 11.01), at liAHION k CON 11X 'l'f for thllJren la Cloth aud Irll llatt at lUUTOS tt (O'S An fitenalf. llM.r Hornet Il.nurl Men., ,a ,,. s,n; j ,flT" Wilrt., from SOe. ,,. at tU ,',, ,, ,, IUKT0X k Cu S llAltTOX tOT rr cnmltia lrmeh IlalbrUiraii rrr ilt.lrni In Nrckwr.r at Uudrrrar, o to IltltlOV k CON IJAUfUV k fQ'a Tl.eIloj.Und Chlldren't Clothing Speclallr low prliTt In Irrl and that look II.. Cold Medal .1 Ih. 4-la-h.ud Tlet. at 11 Ut W A W l'arltr.lpolltlon.aold ot rrktlct from lOe. up at ' HAUTQIAi CON IIAIITOX Ctr OuVciolh'la'a; in aafwle fcjrVr.1 etMaTallara, apeelal atleMTlaM eelat; aliea lHtaud.lle.aa4eaniiArea laaaraalr aillla the blakeal aratala af aaareaaal lallarlna tvarat. SaV IN.n'1 fargel llial until ear alereeie Maleiailr. I. rebulll, ). all ..a u. .1 23 WEST FIRST SOUTH " '"Av," ""' "'"' tuk BSt61Tco SLIPERS J- EVERYDODY SHOULD KNOW THAT J, Wt ttlll mtnulidur a Full Una ol A S3 NEAT DUfiABLE FOOTWEAH q Custom Work and rtopalrlng. All Work Warrantor!. Q "J" W otrry alio a Great Variety of " eo FINE IMPORTED SHOES P Vol Many Quilllllt and Slyltt. N LOWEST PRICESI DEST COODSI FAIR DEALINOI Bring jour Famllloe and bt eonvlnced. J SOLOMON BR0SJ AGENTS WANTED. OI'll Alll T HAtir 1100 TO 1100 A HtlYTII. Sirxixn nun uoom ov TimaTiri itk. wk want iihmi ami nifKBit aat a.o will l.k. .ark all .! u.ioM il a iminlr A.l rail. Co rlV.r llw aaJ ci Vm.a .rier a Iblrlf dajr1. Inal.or a DanerU Ateal leaa Lai Ittu IVe Mill aeno laraallluiuatat J .IIVTihpvVckvA AU K'n- "' UUlllUUl ICllU. Frames, Doom, Sash ssd ' ,t Konldings on Hand. M 7S3 E. Focrth Sontfc. v BaUders' Hardware, RU Tfiiepttons No. 502. Bnlldlnas E r e o t o d. Dlnva4MM DJTJ11 Contracts alien. Btoam . ICijXlll 1UJJJ., BatlsIaeUon anaranleed.j