Newspaper Page Text
I aaV rasnwr asvuyiKo xnvrst moxtuv, mav is, isih. tf ' MUITUM IN PARVO. ftai Daarrlba lb llnnaa f Whlrii I'lana An liar Olrn. A Uttlt "quart box of a hou U th moat 9cDTtoltDtonln which to tloliouaework. The moat dtfflenlt thing to do with aiuh a box U to kffp It looklca like th rtat ami eta, Ttiti bu been undertakta la thU plan. I( the lines wtrt contlnnnt la Bill' net wajr It would b aquir pUn. JW It It, then I a circular room la on comer. Thli forma th Itall And rmrtton room. A we jwua lato ll frnnt door th v Is an ornament, acrrvn. which Mrvei m bit ruck And prorldn a llttl corntr for jui intnIUttiiL ThU kwp out of tb hall rnOXT ELIVATtOt. th art Idea which pro rent 1U u m room. TlinawahijrvfttMnla room to Hit other ftocommodntlona of tblahoujw, Thta la don by providing a atmpla veatlbule, IUr.ngth.-w two room toother In tMa wya largo, distinct 11 Tin a room Is but liertMary. I lack of tb hall l ji pantry, aod tp rating It fromtha ball an two doors, bo twrea which or formed tb closet and pas MB. Tb putjxjM of tit pwuigfl Is to pmrld communication to lb front door wlibout passing through th dining or alt' ting room. In this pantry la a cblna clout, with kIou doors In Its upper jwrt and txiu elcil doors fatluir. At tbo other end of th jantryta room for a dough Ixutnl.n ! f rlgtrator and a pantry cupboard, In which lsafiourblu. TbpAaaictromtbkllcli n to tb dining room Is through tb pan try. In tba corner of tlta kitchen Is tbo dUh waahttig arriURvmcnt. It conalata of a sink, with hot and cold water, and UiMo And drain boards on wen aid of It. Tb rango la situation tb other aid of Uio flue, ctf th table, with tb mo try In clow proximity thereto. This kitchen and I U accessories an quit as convenient ai mar b Arranged. Tb dining room U lib tralalicd (llxU), aodopas toapvrchon oiisida. L: Ti tout itort, Porches sneh m the one used In connec tion with UiU plan aro desirable for south ern homes particularly, and the an coin ing to ba mora popular In the north. A porch Is something mora than a room ont elde e( th hotuo In tha summer time, a'rom tho bait aoil hear tha door which eumniuolcatce with tbo rear part of tha house la a etalrwsr going to tba Muoml flour. It may ba objected to bysomo that It la ncceaaary for tba Servant to pass tbrongh tho front part of tho bonao to go to the second floor. This la Uu. How ever, tbli U not a drcattul matter. It wilt nothnrtthe servant It aha la careful, or any ona else unlets they ara unduljr aal tire. llowsver, thflMwhoaretiarticularlr disturbed by au arrangement o( thla kind abould gut mora money together and build a larger house with two stairways, Not harlag tbo money w. should accept tLf dictate, of fate. Not long tinea I mad. plane for a booee in a northern city In which tba aerranu' quarters wtro provllrd for In a very lib eral way on tho third floor. Howerer.on tbelr being flnlahed, tha boyt of tho family noticed their liberal character and laid claim to tbem. After thla It en noatiary to build a auialt houee of 'In o roorae In tba rear end of tho Jot for tha aerrauta. To thle family Itwaa a very aallafactory ar rangement, U ti-Tj. S "mTImji 11 H IftsR I an,' , I ccqsd otohV. Thle houao la plnnl to ba built In brtek. Tba trlmraluge are of rough atone. However, It could aa well be built In wood, thouiih In thle cao tha room which le now circular would either baro to Irt made no tagonat In form, or If left circular would have to bo covered with ehluale. In either areut It would pneeot n very attractive appearance. White It la troe that weather boarding can be worked out to go on a cir cular wall, Ha preparation therefore la attended with eome cotialderablo expeiite. It may bo well to remark tbnt tble plan 1 arrani,eil for a locality wh )ru crllaia are tiotuaud. In cam ono were dutlrwl, and ettra epaca for a cellar etalrwny wat thought to U out of thoriueltlon, wecould Mart the aUIre from tbo front able of the ball, run u Nirt!llon acmae to tho pantry wall and cieu n door from the imntry Into a fctatrttay whth would leiul down under lie front etelrway. In the otllar could ba ProvhU-d a laundry, fuel room, etc ThlabouMwou!lntnbont (3,300 built In brick, and K,tm well built In noul. 1xni 11. Uiiuot, Qrallttrd III! Curleilly, Cniplcloua character hat time It Itf Traveller (produilng a pUtolJ-Tiue to y 3 our prayert Kitb. The Dnhe ul rife'e IV.t.lroli. Tito Dulto of IIfo haa nbout a dozen ulta In omutant uw, nwl lio noer venrt tho eninjolothce twlto tlionaum -", IUi tuhen nro on ahclvri liuirko.1 Monday, Tii,lny, uml to on tullio end of tho nith, anil thoy nro enn fully prmeJ by lilt lulet Iwforo Ijelng put on, tu im to get rljol tho crtiatoa. Loudon Tlt-Ulta, LA0VRINTH9 OF DEEDS. Ueeer Ullage tIroabl ta LI t til la -aMlnatlan r old rapere. UnltcJ Btatca Dlilrlct Attornoy Allen hoi completed an examination of tins lltlo to the real eatntoln tha tono( Wlntlirop, wlJch liaa been purcluucd by tha United Btatea government fora uiortar battery. Tho amount of labor nucetaary to perforin thle work properly bat been Imtneuw, and the nmilt b an abttmct eomprialng over 200 clotely printed type written pages. Mr. Allen haa paid out to tho Suffolk .eonnty probate office over 6123 for cer tllkatei where the title thowed lliattlie 'proprrtjr deaeended by will, and luw Keured from dlRcrent penona about 150 deeds and rolcases. The oiatntnatlon showed many curi ous and Interesting tilings. A part of the premises bclongod to Governor Wlnthrop, and tho town records of Doeton contained minutes of the grant of Wlnthrop farm, In wlilch theru occurs tbo followlngl Thero Is grantoil to tho governor, John Wlnthrop, the twoo hills licit to Tullco pointy wttli eomo barren ruarxli adjoynlng thereunto, provided It be no blndnuieo to tho towne's setting tip a warn In nailer's croek or fbhliiff for baas there.' This land was conveyed by Oovenior Wlnthrop to his eon, Deano Whilhrop, who In 1701 devised tho same by will to his gmndchlldrsn. It also npnars that Goternor UowdoUi was on owner of tho farm at ono time, and at his death left It to his chlldnn, one of whom was nilzabelh. wife of EIr Jolm Templo. In this will Ollvor Wimlcll and JN'athanlet Appleton weru npixilnteil truitcvt, a codicil subsequently mak ing Oliver Wuiidcll sole trustee. Tho estate of Governor Ilowdoln was afterward divided, ami Ijidy Templo was apportioned 20.1 nrres nt 'Tullhig llolot,',iipartof wlilch tho goVLnuuent K-is now ptircliased from tho Wlnthrop Shorn Iand couiimny. In tho will of 7-ody Temple, which becomes a part of tho chain of title. Is n chtuso providing that at her deoeato all her domestics shnll bo suitably elad In mourning. The Inventory of Lady Timple'a cs tato In 1810 shows something of tho riao of land values In Iloeton, tho storo 43 Stito street nnd land under Uie tamo being oluod at f7,t00 tho storo In tho rear of a at (3,CO0 n store In Mer chants' row, with land, 83,000: the farm at "Pudding Point," (4,000; land at 17 rranklln place, $12,000, and at lSattlS.000. Another lot started wltli tho tltlo In JainceliUI In 1CS7, and was seirched tlirough a labyrin'lh of deeds, wilts and othor documents until it was traced to Uio liands of tho parties from whom tbo United Btatcs purchased. Another small tract of marsh land started with James Hill, and was traced down to about lbTO, when all trace of ownership was lost, and nil efforts to discover tho missing link hntofalleiL Tho tract (s not of any particular value, and probably no further attempts will bo roado to deal with It A singular foaturo of tho titles Is that In tho com of tho Wuitlirop form It posted down from ono to another of Uie members of the JS'ow England fami lies colobratod for tho ozuru tlngoot their blood, remaining with tills class of persons to the very last, wlillo In tho cases of tho lots side by sido with It tho owners wero hi no cum pooplo of promi nence, and in many Instances being Il literate persons, who, In signing tho deed, niado their marks, something which does not ocuur at all In tin tltlo of tho Wlnthrop farm. Tho government pays nbont 150,003 for tho whole tract purchased, llos tou Globo, Inelliicl Blroager Than Will. There li a story about Darwin and tho snakes, lio used to go into the Zoological gardens In London and, standing by the glass caso containing tho cobra dl enpello, put his forehead against tho glass whllo tho cobra struck out at lilm. Tho glass was botween thorn Darwin's mind was perfectly convinced as to tho Inability of tho tnako to harm hhn, yet lio would al ways dodgv. Time after llmo ho tried It, his will and nason keeping him there, his instinct unking hint dodge. The Instinct was stronger than both will and reason. Superstition and a belief in tho supernatural is llko In stinct It makes us dodgo what wo know can't hurt us. Now York alien ing Sun. A Harvard ItuileDt at a Super. Tou talk of taking n green hand on as n super nnd you run risks, Theygct rattled and fool you. I remember send ing on a Harvard guy ooco to carry a crown on a cushion. It was a royal procession or somitblng. Well, of oourto ho ought to go alouwith sorao stylo, and carry the cushion before hhn with both hands and the crown resting' on It nice, see. Hut, noi Mr. Student gota the Ilfo scared out of him and goes tumbling on with tho crown In ono luuid and cushion in tho other swing ing along by his side as If he was tak ing tliein to tho pawnbroker's. Oh, It was awful 1 Interview lu KunsssClty Star. Qneee Wert tat Water to Run. Theru Is a curious freak of nature to bo scon ahi'1,1 tho road leading from Atglon to Coclirantllli), this county. Two good surd streams of ntir meut at right niuloa on nlluont level ground, ouch bin Ing a heavy fill In touching tho point. Tho utr of both streams meet, but neither Is Impeded in Its ammo. They cross liko t o road and continue In their retliectlvo bod. West che&tef News. Wl I'.ra la Their tVayt. Now Minister Hereafter It will bo mccKsary to keep tho windows tightly cloNid during service. I was grtutly annoyed this morning by tho noise of rouio neighboring factory blowing off steniii. Sotton-Thnt wasn't a factory, sir. That was the foils snoring. Oood Kews. AHMED BUT NOT PROTECTED. Ket reervtMMtr ttlio Carries a riatol It Able to tea It In an I mers'aer. "Carry gunf 2iot tlrl" ho rpoke vehemently. "Onco was enough foi lue. I carried nipMot once, and that satisfied mo for all time. "I know it's the ambition of (he ar rrngo young man to 'carry ft gun,1 Ho feels safer when ho Is running around nights. Ho put lils linnil on his hip pin ket an 1 feels that lio It secure. Hut, my lioy, iktcti to a mill who lias been there. When tho proper ttmo comes lio won't bain it at all. Klio'sln real tougli corojiany lie won't thoot nt quick M tho next man, and If ho 1'ii't In tough company ho le apt to fly off his basonnd shoot when there is lio occa sion fur It, Then ho'll hang or gu to tho Iienltenllary for life. He'll luivethot somo ono who was unarmed, and never thought of harming him. "Dut Unit lii't my story, my boy, That's only what my Mpcricneo hut taught mo. Now listen to my tale of woo: "IstrnckJadrlileunarmed. Ineter had carried a revolter, but somehow I felt It was ft neeenlty there. Ho I bought oue. Then I w im nil right. I loaded It carefully, put it In my hip pocket and Wt that I could walk tho streets In taMy, 1 was nrmed. "Well, about 8 p. in, that day tho snmo day that I had liongiit tlutt gun, mind yon at I wus jinmlng an alley I filt something cold ngalnitthosldoof my head. Pull my pin I No, sir! I throw up my hind in I as ordered to. I wasn't thinking of my gun ntalli I was thinking nt tlin ono was pressed agidmt my head nnd wonder ing If It would gn olT. It didn't, but ono limn laid It there whllo iinothrr went through me. Ha took my wntcli, luy money and riy now gun. "I rcmemlier when ho found tho lat ter ho suggested that it was of no uw to tne, and I heartily agreed with him. It waen't of tho slightest uso tu inc. utid I won willing that ho should havo It, but I did object to long my watih and luy money. "1 should say, my liny, tliat it took mo lltteen or tuenljr minutes tn gt t tho jmllor out of inyfaeo and to git over trembling. Then I found that I had somo change left nnd I went in n saloon. There were two men there, nnd they kept looking nt mo nnd laugh ing, nnd I nm still convinced that ouo of tin in had my gun In his pocket. "That's tho only time 1 ever enrried ftguii and tho only time 1 wasevir 'held uii' Henoo my remark thatn gun It of no usoto tho average man. Itliogetstimo to use it It's ten to one that ho'a In company wlicro It Imi't necessary. If bo's hi coniiaiiy uhcru It Is, It's ten to ono bo won't liavo time to utu It, nnd an attimpt to do so may givo murder tho color of self defente. Tho other man will foci JustlHed in liking hta 1 got tnlno simply for Klf protection, and It didn't protect wortli n cent It rtarteil on a career of crlmo lnildoof five hours." Chicago Tribune. Mr. flUJiluue'e rormiHitlenee. Mr. Glodslone, who at one timo when In oSleo received thirty tliousnnd let ter, a year, lias always born remarka ble for iiersonally attending to his cor nvjiondeiice, and his auto-rapli is, I'rhaiis, more familiar than tlutt of any otlur linglMi statesman. In ttry dcpartuil lit of statu with which lio hat had anything to do ho has left behind him n tradition for order nnd regu larity, and It Is said that ho perfected. tliOKleneoof getting n iiuislmuui of work out of prlinto secretaries. When In ollli'o ho kept tit sets of pigeon holes constantly going, and ho would hno all his own letters copied, ccn tiioso ho wrote from tho house of commons tu tho houwut lonla Ho also, of course. In comiuoii villi most other men In his position, got hit secre taries to go through the daily iiapprt and extract such Itims as It wat neeui sary ho should ice. London Tit Bits. rrlvacy of Tho inajorlly of Hie ery rich men lito In coiMwrulho simplicity. I wot clinttiiig with ono tho other day a man whoso estate, to use tho collo qulallnn of the Iiank, would probably "cut up" not less than f 3,000,000, nnd ho asserted that almost all of tho busy men who liad accumulated enormous fortunes were so eshausted by tho ef fort which was required to get ins Fcsulon of so great an amount that lu thilr private ILfo they courted nothing but repose. Tho strain of social entertainment on a largo aenlo Is very great, and there nro fow men who are equal to It unions they give up cnlinly their business re lations. It is a marvel to many busi ness men how Cornelius Vnndcrbllt, for Inttanco, can at I end ns steadily nnd faithfully as he does to the butlncsj of tho Now York Central railway systom, and to the very great demands niado 'upon him to secure n satltfactory riln- esttnent of hit Income, and ct devoto so much time as ho doot to social inter talnment. Tho only cipianatlonvvhleli occurs to busy men Is that Mr, Vonderbllt Is still young, nnd that he finds somo recrea tion In giving claborato dinners and In dancing until the small hours of tho morning. Ho will not contlnuo thh, lionuver, vory long. As the yenrs welgli upon Mm and I ho e.iroof his enormous citato Increases ho will bo compelled cither to abandon nctlio dally liu'lnesa or to give up his social recreation. New York Cor, l'hiladel l'tiln Prisa. l-.llio.llnj Htnuurlpt. To citlmato tho numU r of words in a iiinnuterlpt count half a doten Hues on tho fourtli or lifth wge, and mulll ply tho average number of wonls In a lino by tho a erago number of lines on a page, nnd liat product agidn by tho number of tho inge In tho lunnuierlpt. Ordinary tyjicwrlter copy on letti r site piper will mirage tweho worda to a line. Jldltoridonotcaro so imirli to know tlio exact number of words In a luniiiiicrlpt on howmueli spacoltwlll occupy Accordingly half line at the mdof iwragniplit are counted as full Unis. Cor. Writer. ASSC8SMCNT "NOTICE. ntlUne.ldih", MlelesCenpttr, Sail tats cute, Uuh Temlevr. Ixwaiiea nt Pntei. pel rtsmot batlafttl StltUka Cltr.ttth lermorj. lirsiioe or Ulneei ulserll Hnl Mia B!iiriet,steletl laabo. TWTUTIO IS lUlir.DV lltrsji, THAT XT i. a ntrtier n( ue datril el liirrrton nt llOeairier, eela Ofi tie Inn my or Afrit, 1A.I, as SMemmest ef Uilrlr llei ceale pit ehirewte letled oa tea (aeiist slnet et lee Uon-oraltoa, r-aviMO lo Jntieh lurneti, Trett vter, si bit offlra la tee llieklos inure ol lo uorBlcco,!Mli Mse Cite, tub rernlorr, nil er tefere Ihetntfe dtr of May, ltll. Aef Sloes aeon which tins seimest ehtll reeiila aersldoalSeMhrttriir Hlf. 111, will Wile llS'iseet eel adeeellieil fer tale el naUio see. Una, tad anlrie ptrnctt It meile fa ere. mil be toM oa t ridtf, lee nth Oif pt Jeae, Ml, et Ihe Dlllre nt ihe Cnmpteyla 6t I Uie lily, t ub 1 etritnrr, at t p.m w pty Ihe aelieqaent tetettoiehlitotclber with the emu i,f atrrr lines aad etetate ol Itle. llrorlerof Ibe heeidol Inreitere. f (). IIOIIX. Arliea sccrturr. sltUteCtr.luh,Arrini,ie)i, aid NOTICE TO CREDITORS, la the Trobkld Couil. la and for salt Lskt Couaty, lerrUoryor L'ltb, la the tastier of the ilate ot Jass S. rBillh, defeated. Nortel! j nriiitnr oivrv timt lleerri. "milh sail Wllfom I. emnh, tirrutertuf the eitstn e( Jane a. rested, hste reader- tr ee ttlement, aod Bled in end courl.tntlr flntl BrroaBI of Ihelrtd mlaitlrauon nr tsuleeiets see irtUnnn tar Seel dtilrtlotlnn ot the retldne ef tsid etute amnes ire p-itnei eamled thereto tad that sat inter the swd day ot site, A. !. Il. al le o'clock a te. al ton Coon ftnnia nr (ttd eonrt, la ihe (muely four! llooie rail take Lllr SBd rouDir, liun femlonr hat leadtly aeinletd by Ihe lease nt eald rourt, tot ten telllemeal nt aald aeceunl end heatlea tt!4 elilinn fur dlltriby nee, et waieh time aed pla e enj iiertou Inter etled la laid ettata tnar arpfsr end abow riute,lf an there be.wby eald aetvuntahoeld hot be settled end si t roted and flnal diatribe tien made eanrared ler. .....dArntA--.. ar,Attr.v. Olttk of tJ Jtobit (iourk I1T C. r. itArftot. lfpulT. d 8w " NOTICE TCTCREDITORS. riuuot Rtuwt Riiumitp, luc-mti. Notiob m HKimTr iiirxf nr tub Dnrlrrtlrixd .dmlti'iuint of th Ira ftw of lUtiiu lltUmaifD, CtMMOtl, lo it r red Hot nt nl all ptrtvmi htfinc cltim ttlDIl ih atl4 rtr-MivJetn ttbllt ttTtHtll Wlttl tbo iitrtfwatrt Tnnf,rf. within tuuh nootbi 4tMrihlrl tQll.rlio ot tin t.otlre,ti tht lt nJmiotniitrli, t th offlt rf linn l1ritf.Altrni)r,nahtt II E'l tint Rooih Blrtrct. trtti l-k Viljtiu U. tountr ot Mil iiiiiprnib, wu mini nA&Mtfirv, Admlnlilrtlrltot tLcUtil (Utmn Klf pmB,lrtn.ej. tJUntio SHtRlfF'8 SALE. rarittftnt to our ot for?- ln.rt in'InnUr Ot ! la a ilirvtndby ltt1hir4 Jvltltrltl liiamrtcntmoHl. I rrrilnrf fi( I uh, tu ft" tcilgn wltarrin .N . liotthsfty waa t'llnllt J (, 1bt.itOriaitlt I ailfiO Itannill wrr drfanjihia 1 hll laal ubllvil it 1h front door l flhs- Cniotf Couil Houaa In tbrifrti1rnuDtyo("it Ui, L'lati irrri Inrreiinltiflt'Uhdarol Uay -i, ot tl o'rlock kt , H iha rljbi, mJ uittl ol J U.TbwiniaonntiILItitait. IMtinFllt.r In aa4 IflfiKinl Uira-in lliactlf dJ rtmRi of Alt rr.L.ta.loilol" '(( Alt it thf tank Mlf of IM rHt () .lfrkaafHml7flitir Malt Ika CUT auttT cuutnteiai-iac at Ilia nutthtaitcoiacr ( lot aa I running ittnc etatillsltn lIi,lha( Wtrat ten rorta, Ilia or mirth ttnrola, tlitiva railrntuUto j latoof an muftt Uarvof aa mr Im nrrta aarr tn ar al I dT'attt. vllh inivrtal tbara onantlrutta, lofriatr with ail aoj alafular tencmrata. rmutanau and a) I'lmanaurf tbrrauniuUiloiJitinjtor laftoy wn artain l'o1fliol(lailtrrperlyoref O Tbnmrann atidf harlttll. Jlaatitlt at lb lull of .S.U, lenufbtrriy. Ttrnaef a,rah, AMH.KsV J. ItUlIT, f lit hall Ltha Coutr. 11 ah. llf John B, Curairttjck. ixpotj. iJot;w m SUMMONS. la tba Milnrt Coart ta asd for lb Tblf J Judicial Ditirici of tuisltrrtwrTa Couotyof Baliljaa, Marf Aon lIoM of, lHlntllT, attiiatrtth Iocmlro,f.ori U, I'nftn r. Jtmai l 1'urnilr, tlultlkt M. Itleti, KlaardU lltKtelre.Naacy K, t'ormln, aulut in fial it. lfitutro, Utuif ruioira, Itifh l'uin n, J4uaihaa IL tMmira Union H I'uiittir anl Jar It PuiAiro, ialauri aaij Staff K. 1'uimlra.jruardtaa itf aaid iacfnil( lurtra. LiiUy I'Dcmlr,..!'.. ruftftalie, JtDt.lhaa It. l'ottuira. Jauaa IU I'uimiro aa4tAnJoalL furnirr, ntioorat Maria .rdiialr,aaftitilt, Urac I. I'Bf inn aad Cam I m r; taiaon, tail ManaH, liimirt,ruardiaof aaiil ilra- r. l'naialro aivl Larri I'm mire, tulnnrai jury N. 1'utmir. H ni . I-itr. Kllon S. hutck. Uotnaa , rnwii. Anoa H ruitaif, aduluj liatbl .-. I'tiyaiir aa1 Sura . I'tumir. minora i Carvha lt rnirr. a.a ad-iit ia1 iruaMUa of aaii lid X I'urtntraaatl oia . romirf, minora llUr4 I'ttcmirf, l!ihi'l b Pufimr anf Morunl ruftnir. laiaart Mary rurmtrr, au adult aad cuarJiaa ot aald 1 1 ale r h fiifDQira.Ittchard thl'afiuira aal Moraai )'au;ire( tulavrj , aad farah nitty, Jaaruti II. lofinlra, Kttaakrtti Taylor (forMtny llanaab Itara.; l.V.r. M. I'acnirt Jatuf M I'uKMir and rdar J it. l'urutr. aa ad in lu iterator f lb aat of Jwaaihaii roimira, JttBlor, daraaaedi SaaiaIJ, tikb aaiCitranlU ruimlra, aa a lialnltratota of lb lata of tii.raal . Iliftciro, d. faatad, llcary liiiwoorJor. aa tie a.., it lDiratAawr or th laat Will and Tia. iiiaot of Jonathan lUioiu. talor. d eta-ad, adult, Dei tu ii4 itii Th iwio ot latTcnllerT of Uuh teal Uraouofi Tu rilialMlli rofialrt, tltorn It rurialre. JaniHM.ruautiro.a.iiiatMtU M It rb, KUr.J cant tt. lciilte, J-aKor I'mraira, luctij 1'uc Miir,Jnatuao IU fuKmUa, Madoo II. Vj ""rt,,t? J,,n, Hel!. wworai MIJ Nan cy r I'uinir, vaartliaq uf aald Vit.ont U, tuiialrt.Ultoy ruimii-o.Mltfh i-mnnlra.Jon. than H. Iu nostra Jawaa It. fufinira aad Undoa 11. 'aiauro, mi dot., WanaN. Amnt in aaalii t,rae L. l-.ijmlr.aa4 tarTia'l'Bjtiilr, tumoral aald Maria N inixnlr. uaraiaa al aid Urara K. iantm aud Can" l'ainlr' mlaorat llaary N. f aiiaua, . s Ium intra JBrmli-f,adailt IutU K lgmir aal Nira N llumira, ulavni Carolina larmlr an adult aad ruanliaa of aald larM . tmf -oira aad XnraUlt.l'ufaitro, minora lUbor n A mlr,Ukliard i icailraaad Ifarual I'vioma, dun ul and ilalitir S. fufiiira, IticbaM .VbiV" iatr and Moroni .'mania, minora t and Vara.. Illlay, Jovb II ii.tBir. kluatsaih Tarlor (fMriajrly l.liatbaib Jwi, aad JUntuh Ho ran, f.JtKastia.L. Iltirai, itaorfO M. 1' JamtM, rufialr an1 a-dwarl if, I'lmnirt aa almmUlratora olib aiuta ot Job at ban I'lifiBira, JunKir. dacracd oanuel J. jci. a. am! I-J ward U l'u(mlra, aa dnlaiairatorao lhaaauta af lacat U. Tuaaiir, Ja"a.ed Henry a tbarminMa4urof lb Uit M Hi and TeiUtntnt of Joi a hao l-nsr tniro, Ban i or, YOU AUK HleltKlli mCQUIUKn TO aiParin aa action brou.thi attainu you by tba aivt naairdrtaintts la tba iiuirin Ubnrtofth ihlmJadulil butwlei ! lnii rltory of Uuh.acd w aaawar tl Mia.bla!Ii fliad'lbcrala wiiaTa tn day (mb !f lb dar of aortic) after th1 Mrrte oa K5-,v.u,-,"!rla.", w,ini "" wiihin fotty 4ay-orjrinibv'dfaiiUtt2i ?id " yiln" Jro,lCMr,1", W7r it Tbaaald aeuonli brottihttobaT idacraanf prni trlr heroiaifier deirrtoad. and deltruiii lasalliurlisdterie rtalroal adjuds ,na and da rr..ia lhal aald dtftniUou hat. aV eitata or letereal w btteeer la or to a tl t land or nietn Itee.eraey part tblreaf, tod ibn il. till, nr i.l.lnua tu.relol. ool ssd v.lldl.ifeVree Illume deleedmit an I eaeji of then Iroat asrehlia wfaterer la or te atS land a. I preiaitea sdierte u M ivwiii'onvi.j.'ws " u,i "t'Ai"' And you arabareby notified that If yon f4i tn appear ant aaanvr II nit Minolaiot". tbu.o riu rvd.tri tall iiiaiatiif win auiiir il Ua tluurt forth rclH-ldaannlii haml Wltaaaa. (ho linn. Lbarla n. 4 jid-a and th al of th iHatrlft Oouit II iV' ThirdJgtitjal U atrKt, lo anl ir t . Tarn lory of liun, thtautb day of JaiM'Vo ll.nld'anVa'.ty'oS: M ,hU,",,i & lUUj UKMtYU MaMHLAV.Ucrk. Anirt;T motiii uk Mat. IHIMiH'f 0VOTIIIXU blULV lluuild aiwava ba ud for rblldraa tatll uii, li M.lUaa Ibti hlld .crura lb vhidb. allari all Jialn.rurraMlud rulir.aodM tb beat r.mejy Ut aiaribua, Ihtaty fir caaU a Uuttlo ' NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL E3TATE. Nonas i ncRitnr unrv tiut ik pfitantnro nf an oHft nt th llobai (njiriol lhf)ni.iyfr nattlM. Twitoiyul tllah,onthe1t?idari0l' Mbmary, 1WI, In tbo matieroflieaeaialaolllfarrlnilrMeijlereaB lelhaoadtrntned, a.lmtnlairatrnof the tali (aiat..,willaelfat imaioaalato lb hlfbeat ldlr,frfaibaHbjfittOrtl.rmatlnabyaBld 1-robai (.ovrt.on lb imi nayol Uay.lwl, at I J o'elorkm.. nl tba law nfflr of Ittrbarda A Moftoja ihloriBiUutlB hoildiajr, .No. II n. Maia atrt tl. In ihrtty and coonir( !' Uk Territory of Liab alltbo Mtbi.lilti iNlnir et and f Mat of tbo lal I Henry 1orrVen,al lb time nf hia daatb, ami ft'i lh nirtit, nut aad irstrretl that lb eald tttaie haa. br oi-eratwn ot law or olberwla,arialrrd. other than or In addition tu lhat jf tbo aaid llrnrylNfbraacaat ibo'tlmo of bi death. la and l ail thai certain ;, loco or artel of land eitnaie. lylaar ond l-in In lb roantr. of all !.. lermoryM Ulab.nad bngadadtnd d arnbedaa follow a lianaolat t ft poml on inoratt aid of rnad aat eaenty.lwo ban a-rtdiha(Mf, ebataa and Prthenandtilaoiy twohuodtedlharitl-haln,tron lh aonlh wcatrurserof tha nonbeaatinarterf ftctinn Twanty aereafJIJIn Twnb.rOn ( ftoiitb, of Uirt)n tl) r-". " UVmian, Ihenee iViuih e1yriftn ("JJ drirra( and tea JO) miaolce, Flat eibi At) rbalna. Ibaai Mith fli ( CUla tbeor Not til eifkiy two (M) da pttt and ten (IB) m.n'iUi. WeaiUM(') rbalna, lba? f outb Or (lrbaina to tb lae r-t beaianipf, toceiher with the aMundary water nituw tba aamaj and aln wnharbt of ataylor anlrnratlo ditch arrtee the land of Bisdeauiatotbn aWi deanbod land, at tort, attacetewlll t rartll and tho leul Inluriona to Ilia ratal of ) 1 deroaaed. 'lermeatedrond tmaaotaal Catbitfnrer reauuf rnibainiony to bo paid to I ha ad HiintHralrUon tb day ot aal. balance on roaarmativn of eaU by eatl rnitri Herd at etptraaotiurcbaer. Unit lo bo in writia aad deliftiad to aabl adiolnutratris 1-efot aald boar of -'. AXMA II. CtLVritT, Adnltslttrttiii of lb iUt of llnry Isf breivn, deaacd. Hall Ult (-nr, Aptil Cllb, lni, daw LEGAL NOTICE. In lb 1'nitm Cnnrt In and for Ball Lai Ug only, Territory vt tub. lnlhtnatlerof ibo fatal of Tbomia Kic bard eon, deetaaod. Order lo ahnwCaua why Order of Salt of Heal taiUla abvuld not bo made, JOII.V If, tVALKCIt. Tlin ADMIVIMTRA4 tor of thoaelat f lornaa luobardon. nrffaaed, b t Died bia rr li lion harem, duly fni!d,irayintf f,r an order ut aal of ail lb reranaat an I real eatat of aald daeedeai, tninora, far lha parpoiaa thtre in eat form it i thoreforvordarrd by tao Judito of eailUuurt Ibal all pereone lnieretei in tho reiat tf aalddeaatad appear befcrf th aald I'rohata lttrt on aatordar, tl tSn day or Mar. irl, II loei'rlnck ta lh tortowtn of f aid day, al lb Court it'toM ffeatl 1 robaia Ooarl.altbo Oounty Cuur llooie, in lb Ci'y ad County of iUHeULt, LtlblOftltory, WlbowCaviae why an order ehvaid out LarranWd to Ui eaiil ad. n Iniairator, to aej an tnttch nf all Irta perainat JtuHrrly and real eatat t tbo ud daeeaaed Ipntaioavle, aaahait b neceirr. aad that ft copy of Ibla order b ubtlh4 al fatal loaf ancreaaiv weak in II llCianKT fVKUlfd Nawa.n nowtpair printed and lablleLdlo laidtuy aadiiounty IfaUJApdHltti, tl. U .f.juiircu.rrobalt Jad. Tetftirrnir ' IJtii,i.. tQoiyof halilAkt.i 1.0 r.Alifo.CIetkof thorrobit Cnarlla aodfortbeOanlyof BallLate.ln lh Tern mryof I lab. do hereby certify lhat lb fur cnine; la fall, tree and correct ryf order ti Imiw rauao wby order of alof real ratal ebooid not bo made. Hied Am tub, a, 1. un, a appre of torord tn ny uffire. In wllueaa whereof, I bar bereooto el tay band and a filled tbo eeal ot aaldL'uurl, Ibu jitn day tf Abril, A. U. Inl itKftL. OT. AL! rv, , Clett ot I robot CvotI EjC.E.aTAKTO. Deputy tlirl. d LEOAL NOTICE. InatlVebauOonrtlB and for Pall Ukt County. Territory ot Utah. la lb natter ol lb I Hat of Tbomaa Aoklni. o, iHceaied. TkJOTirB M HHlf.llV UHYS THAT JIN O. IU "avar , adwibtatrator t Ibo eiiato aVb'.p... Adklna. a.n,, baa r-r.. rtcred for let t lament, and Bled in eald toon bia float acruuaiolbla admlaiatrabon ot eat lea let and petition fur final duiribnliofl of tbo realdna ot aald aetalo amoni lb perana eatiUed thereto, an J that W cdneidtr. lb trrio day of klay, A. H. in), al 10 o'clock a. m, at .be tJonrl lloom ot aal 1 Uourt la tbo funni ourl Jlouae. halt Lah City and (!ogaty, tut. Tmttory baa been duly a pointed by lha Jadiro of aaidt.ourt,for tboaeiuameniofaald account and hcarlnr aaid petition tut diainbutioo. al wl.Kh lime and piaco any prrtoninlereateJia aaid aatato may aiear aad ibowrye,lf any tbrre be, wby laid atronot abould not bo ettlcd and at proved kad Coal diatriballOB toad ae prayed lor. imeJ il.y 6, int. i.n.ATlXV, d 14 ark o lb I'jvlel OOBftt LEOAL NOTICE. lotbtrrebalo Court to aad fnr Fait Lak County, Ternloiy of I tab. la lb nailer ot tb Litato ot CUra U. You of. Iecaad. vfoTicn i liriinnr uivEf that XN m tlraad Yuun aod B enrtr Clanaon, admiBiatraloia of ibe catate ot LUra l. ) oua, Jeceaaad bato rendered for wetllemenl, aad aiMltnaaldCoBrt.lbeir floal account of tbtir admlniatration uC aaid eatau aad volition for final ilia tmut Ion of ibo reatdn at aaid eatat atnona lb jereone entitled tkereto. an1 that 1 oeaJaT, th Zftl day tf June, A H. 11, at lo clock a. aiMii tba Court Jtoom of tail COBTteia tht county four l lloue. Mil l-ak Citr and Coiin If, I ult Territory, haa been doly appelated by Ibo Jodie if aaid Court t-r tha Mitlenrulof aald account and baiint aaid teiiiio tor iliatribnlioe, at wbich time and piartanyperaonintoreated tn aitdettaie nMy l pear and abow ranae, if any then be, why aid account ahoull not to aetiled and ap trottdaad CbbI dlatrtbutloa mad prajed li'atctl klay f, mi, OLAUrV, t. n. ClfkitfutrmlBi Court. Ily O. E lunton, daputy, d 14 NOTICE TO CHLDHUHS" I atkt ot Jlan I'eteraao, Ueceaied. vjoTicK is HBitKnr givks nr T1IK Ji ondfriiMe.1, Blmlnlalraior of lh a. Ul of IUoeIetcraou,dcaadlbitbrrll lri of. and all ixraona bavin cJaima araioal th eaid eihtblt lb era. wlib lb rereiaary Tout-here, witbiafour noBtha altar tho Prat publication of thia notice-TV. tn aald B'luiinlatrfttor, at bio rr.Urni m Mill Creek, lo tborountyof tiali Ukt, territory tit Llab. luted April 7th, lnl. Almlnletratorot tk cilAI ot II an tl'cUr oo, dtctaatd. alaw lu RRBADY EFEipCEp. Tlio Hoooutl IJilltlon. Enlarged end Improved, ol this moil ascellent work, hit lately been published and It now For Sale at Ihe DESERET NEWS OFFICE. It la Almoit ludupeaaatii to Erary Ilonie and Foreign Missionary, Ainl Is a ilatlraMu acqnliltton alee te every HluJent of llieolot-y and jitUer Miaori nlie valuea Ibe nuaris of advo oalliif and 'ilifimdlnic rkrlplurally anil lllsUirlmllr the l'rlniliua of the Uiil. Mia ulthat of the compilers, that the work be ptibliahoil wlllmut jiroflt an aa lo be wiihlti the roach of ever ersoii de siring il, luive Umu studied la this at well us the first edition, anil tuorofure hq discount exottjit fur oott of iiostae li sl lowtl t dealors. Tho Iwolc Is bound In four different styles an 1 emit poa'jald to any address aWhufalloivlnir PRICES S canto, ecoonlo, flUUDi)i ao conta. anil SI.IO. F.AUERBACH&BRO'S I we mm m sale I BEGINS TODAY, aad will Conllnno until Erery Article Is Sold. 5; rcifotxfpt r;-rr: xxx. ;pcxgpzg H T 1 HTTP I Whyst"ch, SlllorijStltcli.siniJ crook yourbeokovtrlhoSewIna liAIIIrN' M"nlne, when you can buy nicety made and wtll-ilttlng H JjillUJJIJi UNDERWEAn AT LESS THAN COST OF MATERIAU? B WIS OKFi:il l.i Ilea' NIrIiI Oowne, Cheml.ct, Drswers, Hklrte, Corset C'oV em, Mln' Drawirs, Clilldmn's Bll, Children's l)rai, Hklrta, fir., etc., H at the tinirorm titlrti nfne.. Wc, a5cU0i-., 7.c, $l.uo, 1.8J, $1.50, H ll.TS, ;.0il, $J.:3, J2.W, j:,75, ll.WI and Uiwanlt. Tills sale will B couuiil-o llnrr lluee of (looils tlinn were errr before rut Into ft H ale.riuil will Im tulilrrt to our usual and unalterablo nilo BftM tint only niitr.i: (iaiimiinm ok i:ach kind and I'liion wii.ii in; hulu to H ONi: CUHT(hli;il. l'li-ai reraemlwr tills IH and ilo iiot blame our Balesladka and Hiles JM men for olieylng our Positive ltulo 1 1 BBBJ PfOft Our Bargain Sale! 9 Tho (Jrrnte.t Kacrlllco of Cliolro and Desirable 1 DltlXrt UOOIM ever known In Hslt I.ku City ) will Im continued lii nil our DnrartmiMitn. u i.rJer mM to i:i.(iHi: our Ai.ti ot)i)-t and i:nd.s at "a lH niii:ATi:iiHA(;niFi(ii:Ti(AN iii:iti:Toroiii:. ouuooodh H aim: ai.1i yy.w and waiiuantkd ah iiki'H1i:ntj:d. H 1 CM( N,"'W AN' P V CAT Q " incliidud In tills tale. Save fU lf)UU-CHOI(Ji:-l illlAOUljO money mid buy your rarasol now. jH Our SHOE Department H Hal mado Cuts In rrlcmto nstonlsli you. It will iiy you to lay In a stock. H One Tliouenn t end One itartfaln will isiy you to umlure the crowd H lid cruali In our olli rwlio cool nud wcll-veutllatttl store. H Our CLOAK Departnient I Is Cloilne Out iAillea' CaH, Ijidlm'nuJ Children's lllaure mid lUefers, IjH IjiJIis' and Misses' Jnckils, Iddlts' Jlleuautly-l'lUIni; lieiidj-mado Dnviii, lvtily Ten Uowns, Comforubiu Wraivrs, Clilldrou's H Uluithsm Dn-asee, Coiiitiioncenicnt Drcsaeii, Hurah H Waltta, lllouma, itc.itc all ktylUliaud ln-au IH tlful at a cri'at savluK to you who nvall B yuiKwlrisol this opportunity. iai COME ONE, COME AIL I For we cannot continue forever telling Ntw Goods it 11 (Lcn thin Uottl A word to the wise It tulllcltnt." H F.AUERBAGH&BRO. I TEllSDEIi'S I GRAND CASH CLEARING SALE I I 25'?'Off I OS .ILL iH Spring and Summer n CLOTHING, XSTRAW . HATS,o I oDUSTER8,o I BOOTS and SHOES, I FOR TWO WJEEKS H TEflSDEIl'S. I VM&V&ffamt latest fad: V'J1 Vipf ISH0TARICHDAD. Wt$$rW m&$ SIT WAS.IN DAYS0F Y0RE;. C)1 M iKyA BUT.A MAIDEN' FAIR, ISA' fe5- ( H ' "- t".m t . TREASURE RARE JK'! I'ssV.SVNONECANHERCHARrlS M ll M liW.VTrSk a outshine --ii M .'-l-'.VlfetAS SHE COOKS WITH SKILL erfoVl I &)&'LO 'W,TH lTS WIRE GAUZE DOOR SO FINE. FOR sale; dy II Z. C. M. I. Solo Agents in Salt Lake City. H