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PAYING FARM ANI1LUA TYPES OF TWO LCADINO BhEED3 OF HEAVY HORSES. Moth IiMndnU f tli Orl Urmn lUr Thil ! TIinlrln( Uto 111 IU Ctm.n Knlf M In Attugr typon HI lUtk-A To. of IImm. W present crar reaJen thli week II liutrKttoot of tU lm tnott fjutiom brwaU of draught an I farm, hones known In Great Britain. TLo two lct hits Kprm.-nt In form wij tlxo nltnoat irfect t)jM-6r thf bhlro and Clydtft dala brcodi. How much tbtjr differ In tluij n 1 cctiformMluu tb breeder will rtcotrnlM at a ghnco, mi in it iiotuie, Both tti two trftxli-the Shlro ami CI y Jo-ft ro well known In tho Unllcl Btntot, ul It U the! two, in connocllon Oththii rcrclicron, that Are cradiM.! Incirulnff tho ilu cf tho drought un 1 farm lioreo tock in America, larucrt hato tholr preference m to w hlch la Ut ter, tho rerclir-ron or Cljnlo, Hut tho hoavy drought bona, tho ono to Int.. crtat tugar, boor (inj tobacco ho, hids In city work, U tho Bhlro horao, lho ono In our firit plctnra. Tho Bhlro i the Ltterpoo. dock aniujhl animal, tho itrongcst, hwiTiot bono in tho norhl. At tho tut IlrltUh Slilro bono allow at Islington. London then wm ouo bono that wolhoJ 9,400 pound. Tho meat &i pro. cd httght of tho Bhlro ia 10.9 to 10 4. Tho ipuctmen In tho Illus tration weigh ton. Ho li a very dark bay, There li cnonffh of lmlarttr In tho two iptcltacn to show that tho wtro dcriviil txxvt&DAir Txrn, orisinallyfrom the mho Murcp.nnl that if nndoultodljr tho fact, tho original mii castor Ulmr tho hno Norman beast which tho cM knights tn annor nscd to rllo ngalnst an antagonist. Tho mm who bad tho heavlut horso and tho surest seat sent bis enemy rolling In tho dust. Tlio liorso which Walttr Scott hcrot rode into tho tonrnamtnt were undoubtedly of tho typo of oar beautiful modem Clyde. Neither tho modem trot tir nor racer wm known In thosodaya, Krerythlng was ponderouv and slow. Tho typical Clydesdnlo italliou wefghs from 1,600 to 1,600 pounds. S at Mot ton. Vr Galen Wilson, tho well known authority on all matters pertaining to flu-en, kIu good reason why mutton should bo inoro largely utod for food. It Is trao Out farmers would not only kvrvo their own wulfaro, bat tho julJio intorrat a well, by pitying greater atten tion to lho produatlon of first class mut ton for lho table. Tlio doctor snj tho Utah of tho she pollen greater lm luunlly from diseasu and filth than any other animal. They do not tbrlro in tho mini nor v allow In tho trr tigli they twl from. They consnmo neither garbago, Terrain, decaying meats nor rotteu mj ttabUik Tlielr llosh has tivTrr beta known to Impart scrofula or trichina to thoo who eat it The sheep la a dainty fecdor, and cleanly In all it habit. It cannot sub sist on fillb, nor can It long survive wjthln filthy environments. Bhoep are, of course, subject to dlseaao, but nnllku cattle, hogs and fowls, they gh o occular cridencoof their ailment, and that thoy arouuflt to slaughter for human fool almtwt aa soon as attacked. Jtutton Is wholtfwmo, nutritious and oaaily digest ed, aud those who partuko or it may havo reasonable anuranco that tt Is clean an freo from the germs of dlwase. Moro mutton and I est pork on our tabic would bo bvst for both tho producer an 1 consumer. Wo nro malting some prog ress in this dlrcctiou, but there U)t room for more, Dakota t'annor. Tli nb CMck.n. in this climate, whero tho Vr Inter are aometimos very cold, lho poultryinen must guard ngatnit frorcn combs, an 1 for this reason no Hud tho light Ilrahinn Tery popular, It has only a email comb, and also correspondingly small wattles. Wo will not venture to claim that tho Brahma is the best brwd of fowls, for it woul 1 errata a rebellion on tho part of IIjomj who havo other breeds, nor Is tlio IiraLma superior in all points, but for this climate Its small pva comb Is nn ad vantage in its favor that l,1vh It A prom inence not eanlly bi .-IIL Its hcavj feathering, gwneral h trdiiiess, largn site. adiitabUlty to cuullueuirtit mil oxctl lencoasn winter later commmid It to KewDigliud bnHlers, for we venture to say that moro light Urahmasof the U-st stialusaru ralid In NewKnghiul than In any other portion of the United State. Mirror and Farmer A rarstUs. Probably ti ry reader basquntat ih prot rb '"liieroUnn exception tueViry rulo"ocrnl btindnHt tluiusuml tluu durlugbUcrberlifsniidnewrtlmuglit & that tho pruvirli tontrallctM Itclf. Tor, clmrly, If thtro is an t icvptlon to eiery rulo tlieru Is nn exci j Uon to this proerb 'Jlitrtfuro tluru Is n rulo wlttiout nn exception, ow ork Trlb-uao.1 DR. LESLIE'S QPECIAL W U P.lESCRIPTiOl1! IS THt ONLY KNOWN nEMWY IN THE WORLO THAT WILL ABSOLUTELY Ml HEADACHE 1 1 TriTIHH'IIAI" T1! IBArOHIi CJUmU.rduli KIM l Hull Iff llltt no,Cl,J.a IHli.lnl (,.I.Yr. of lb. Hlh imhll I HI b. ilM w Ktlt I on in pronotleftb. ( nr LtilMI irfrlil rr.rtlp.n Uod nut of hil I tm fceu-ti. ! ro i"'; " dirhr, I fbo I ,rillf;. Hio.M jo. tno to oiuor Dr Uarfcll or W io, ', ." Y"',u,'"'(r,u,ioUu Prlr. 9ft l. BOLD hV AI.Lj DIlUaOIHTS. " SllT IIUUUBSEH. nata mofiMK or.r iFormrton of Ihfl Htvli I No Mr. I sin nor rr. pt4 ( fnrnuh I ! irnn in it t l lrvfnftl Miri.t, c( bin qiUlf B4st lawMtprlrti hantrr os eiils sovlb ( eitf Until, ea BUltltOid. otf kautix uiiusroi'jmr.v. utr tsa cut, ciLinsiniiim. LAacn BEnn. AtE & PORTEn, Mli.lrMl.4 Kolall. to. Mir, ririT mouth irxit I II. a .tf VraTmluS HZCr CAkSFOKWA ToiiTWfjXjiiiPiffP VMJs catarrh VheumatUm, onraIcli, Corns. MtaDAOHC. n4 IL PAIN Tk Okltfatftls Naltlf it Hiettlf FiFOTJiw aouan ovnn ecus colds, exoup, ooasDMrtiox TH13 CUY Or MlfililONS foil, MY HACK I aToi it Nowr. BOOX IT TILLitB TOO LATE. I bST btB trouhUd nanrrisrt with diiaait nf tits H4nf ! ul bsvf uiU ibbt (liStrc&i remedi a hiiT soiisttt kid from dtflrrtDl thviflcUnt without ttiitt About id IMS ol Arl 1 auaerlof rrom k Tfry viokut Mwl thtl lot protrftU4 no tn tact, a t&tftttr b I wm tuol over. Uhft I kt flowa tt wii alrao! niokilito for tnt to t p or to pot no kit clotbt. wain hiid ItvilUnMiinl Ir llfSUr. with fcN tht UkUiUN KIDNkT TKA. I fVs Wf hoiol 1 liamditlf eonn LJ tnrnoHl uttoff tht 11 It h1 sa f ImcMi miraculou Bef I, kfld to lh " itoaiibtutml fall tno ivuli st US f fll isl, in s f w dtjr. 1 ftu tippy t-l C i3T ut. Ukt I wm ft itiw b. I w,LV Ca rscomtuttd th tss to aU aa ettt. J t a a. Turrrn, I Tf rroprif lor Orrldsoisl Itoiil, JJI NO MOUaBAOKAOHK BBsr-toI4VVaoltsi.Bd IUUU bf JfluiQB, iriUACo. JitfepS E. OJBJIoif, Pioneer Underuker of Utah. ItwMfattqrtT m4 pftrr tn At Xlnil ft ltfl. Ik, )Tco4 tmd 0xk i,rr4 COIT1XS ANI OASKKTS. full Hue of offln I uriiUt.luKft kti coat luittl; ou bautl Alsi bobs A Telegrspttordtn Promptly fluid l0tf.ri tnttrttil n Hir Aaurl Cmditton, mthvul utm tkarg, oxoxure' uat zvxcazrr. Factory and Warworn irr:,aiJrru Obi soda Hilt Nous Cut of Tnistis TXLKMOSK . TO Jos. William Taylor, iuii S i.riiMa ORDERTAKEK AND EMBALMER. I Carry the Lsrgeit sad Uoit Consaltts Blori ol COFFINS.CASKETS AnJ UmtmlaLtri' Goocii In Ulih, irHioal f lttla ml ) lUuil MlH lAtutf fa hfrf trtr vjtrl m Utah LOTS AHD CRAYES",'.,';',.;;.' all Ordcta rtlfld tUf ft jsirM ia tbt Sbort fit InaiiUfs Time -orrfca amp wia moons vtTtn oloiio- 21 AND 23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. r u Hastes lutaafti4. Utah CrackerFaclory, mrorcic!utft Silier Brand of Snovflake Sodas riNK OAIC12H PVa In 1 iirf 1 l'onml iToJti for ricNIc WrllMfTratflcn anil lamllloi. SOLD BY ALL DEAL(il?a rioNin:it MILLl BB North T.mplo St., Ct. OFFICE! 21 South T.mpls St ,W..t. High Patent, Dskor'a Ho. I, Snpcrlino Wbolo Wheat riour. HIGHESTCASH PRIciTPAID FQRWHEAT. tlU Ttl'hM ill. Of,t !" t't. lIlW.MOIir.l', l-rpprlilcr Hair dressIhTwrloro UAKoa atrr A HXlIt (LIIUK M MViril. U Shimp.olnoD.n.lnlh.l.liilindMoit Manner. ChlMrtn'. Hilr Culling anil Uniting a Sr.ol.ttj-. J. Uo-m 0MA(37i t.olUmtMO ll lid T TtUlln-l-r. l. IH. llililul rilHMOI.irriON Ol' PAItT.M lltllll' rillll MUM lltRKTOIOM Vl TIMI 1 nnl.rlbo tianio nn-l .lr of (JllblT rtirM.Kl X (..kkuM. roi-mnto. nur.trr ao-t ntr l"l, '"' loal ron.oi. tr llartln 1 hn.lopher.on t avinf jurrh.rl thM wiiirotnltrtit 01 lluxb J.Lon 'ASJ'"S,lR,iiini.irtPilii.H, dit mini J. uavnox. 1IOUSK MUVKII9 AMI IIAI1ICI1S. 37XCI I HK rAOTIUt. AMI ItrirOV i t bio b.u. H)c?a la LUb llolMinfl r.i.ed. lorocl an1 innTa1 anr dulaae. oil luilaloraboohl.wiaaRl lora down Worb Hoao m anr .rt o( ll.a lnnurr '""-! aadblbnu I ao.rbaeh botlalaf 1 o llnalM LTA1I ItllLtl. UUtlMlTOWIANr, Cua. r-Till ua. tl Ma mar baaer o. aod Tiaaa. m'Zm National Folding Bed, JaUiurACtrnsD itrtiia hied a inrusiioitr i mtMi utr. co s uaaa vsaitTT roa sitr at S. R. MARKS &. CO'S, lli olf Trtitplf M Central Railway in i:nMit Apt 11 iMt.iwoi. rassenjerr Trains Tl Hun IMlj. bf lurt-n Halt IJtUo and lark Clin as Follows! SALT LAKE CITY, Trsia I Itarti ia tna A stua st. t to a m isirtTei " lojoltn M 4 m m m S.WII parkTity. Trsia 1 arrlTciftUukUity 11M lid " " op.m " t llSTSS " SaOftU H " " 4W,ia 8U0URDAN PASSENGER TRAINS Inn litiir Utweia Mil lAksCUrsad Mill Irrola.M rillowit UitMII Uksste IS sod I 3) a,ia sad 4 30 SBdfl 10 1' w. lint'ltMNU. !, Uilt Crck m 7 laa4 fNin. ind lSndS Uinu. Oaf SLd lwimt corntr tth ttouth sad Msla ftnet, touvo T.J.ktACKivmn. UtaloffupU U. 1. A 1' A. RIO GRANDEJWESTERN RY. LUllllKAT TtitK TAHU5, A I lilt. 0, 1M Mot. No. 4. A aif Bound Trothi, Atliaua AUaaUe tv. Orilia SJ'ift.m. fttluu r. SivltlU.i WMft.iii, fv.m tf. KftltUk lUOfttn. iJOSivn. r. ITuto llWft.m. lljwp.u It. lTOTo,, .Il4ft,m, lia.iija Ar. Mrtia IttTor iUtn, SlCivra It. Urssii luvtr (Uupm. LU.n At, urnd Jnnrtion .. aii.m. Ar llnwM4ipiinii ... lluim, lUjpm Ar. loftdTllls S-WB-m. Tbbpu Ar lnllo JllB.m Ar. Col Pp ,. &,wii.u. tllin Ar IxuVrrr.Uo) Mid 6.U.. u. 7u0a.m So.1 No. I H'ut fleuntl Troltu 1 wifia I'xwlCo M1 Ttpttu It, ItcnTrr feroa.ia. ijpm It. ColPpKi HllSft.m. tA3p.m Lv. luoiio 1.33i m. lloa t. UtJUIl tnnlCn It t.lBwofdYpMDfiM.. lift.m 1 A4a,m Lt Ursod Junulioo ' m. ftflptn tr. ita lUTer.... iJUtvut, s,iiidi Ar Itoto fWiiu. linft.m lr. frovo a.) p m. un.ft.Bi It. Bait Ukt i. ,m. 2 00 m Ax. Ogdsa -Ulr ""P01 SMa.a UMJALTIlMNS. I1LT Lift a SHU OtlDBIf Lists fan lAk tw .m. tunj . i s m.,l.t) Cm. lu.turBtoa,ftrr.t HftiLjlks via 4.10, la ('in ,tJ6ttu. BiftrtikM. ",'.,::jt4i.'Srf,1..K:?tA'-u",:.;;i1'' Leaf, aalt Ul. uu ..qi,. riurDia w. Ilia tall Uk. I 35 in. "'".." J), a UOIMIK. J. It. BKWIItTT. i.aaial alaiaic u.a.lai.Att rLYONHEALYA tp o n n n " &" j"" ."sssl-sis Oil U U U;i?r:1S"v:r2'cf'" $500 Reward T W. will vat IVa alora toward lor aar rata ol UtrrlVnipl loi, lrinrpila, eick lliaitaibr, Iftuoallou, oomliu.tlou or (hMliVfotaa wa I aii.ol cul. will; H .l a tialaM. Ui.r I ilia, wbao llm d rrrifjot ato alraUr wojollad WIIU fhr ata puroljr iraaialia.aad ni.r call u rlraaitur. lho, Ko.irLoalod Urrobotaa eoowl U.lJUJt.n onl.. Ufwatt oC coon IC lla aul lull ill ui. 1n kcphIb. iii.nj raclurad noljr or Tl JOHN U. Y8T Lull PANY.OIIIUAOO, II U VW" iall'Laka'ciu"""" m" CO,c.,au DlNWOODEY'S 1,000 BABY CARRIAGES! Wo must Soil Choap to Roduco our Immoneo Stock, Our prlcos nro posltlvoly Wall Paper! Tho rush In this opartmsnt In unprocodonted. Now Doslana ARniVINQ DAILY, nml all who soo thorn nro tlolluhtod with tholr boauty and iiGtQzvji-irwrtgiEsrgsn H. DINWOODEY FURN. CO. WHAT IS A GUARANTEE? Hany mtrdnnta u J Ntlram.ii ro Inllioliatlt of Imlltctlmtnattl? "EU.rmiitrlni" tktlr watca with no thought of Ulnu c.lloU upon to toako tho "nuannUii" gowl. III.. trnlUoui noil foollah cuatom mora ruaiaxtMlla tho trmch than lu the oUtn ftneo. A guaratiUe, to havo an) raluu, ahouM U lunJo with kuowltilgo of tli mtanlug of tb. wont an 1 a ait i urw tu curry out thu U-rma of Hi. Ruarantw. On fiuo toola tho maker, lualiuctua to iruiit,nuj w. ro. t.Ui-.anjr tool founil liuifrct lu uao. We har. um! out licat JuJitni.ut, anjulroj by a conilJrralilo ripa. rlcDCf, In arlectlng the following ltmia for our atock auJ aall thein to our ruatonim with an utwluto Ktiarantra that If they do not jirCTit to Us ail that wuri'i'rritmt thuja, o wlllrtluuJ tli. I urclixw niouiv lu full. "Jew.l" Ble.1 lUnge. A flnlihod atllclo, rrrcUy iiroiwctlouwl, maJo of tlio beat material. Dsn't fall to ate It, It will -y you. ' Qulik Mral" No Oon.rator, lajiorutlUK. Light It aa cu do your gaaturner. Noamoll. No dan go r. No computation, i:ory otJ tlou to the uaa of a Uaaollne Utove dona away with. 1 hlok of the ilia, comfort niliiuJ In Summer by .roMlog the heat of a big Kitchen Rani. ' Huptrlor" (.'ooka aud rUngon. Rutrlor na Ukrri. Hurwrtor In roonomy of fuel. Hujwrlor In dralgu. Hujwtlor In conalructlon. Buperlor lu evirythlng that goo. to link, n pirfoct cooking o'ruUia. The "I'ooto ItofrlEcratora." An Ice rarer. A llcallh prumotr. Crllular atonolluul. Whatlithat,? Inuallgato It. Itwlllniorethan V la jay jou. Our ttock of Dulld.ra' Hardware, Hon hi I'urnlahlnga, Uarden Uom, Lawn Bpllnlilen, 1a n How r,eto., I. compltte lu o try detail. r. a. oovvin uaiidwaui: ao., " , I'rbartu Building, THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT W t" f Ono oan havo la u 1.1 g GOOD GOODS AHD W PRICES!! S "l B Ca" I" "n't how It work., at a " IS" BARNES, LEWIS & CO., 16 MAIN STREET, SC &3 u Th.yaro H -- H nEADQUARTERS FOR FAMILY SUPPLIES, g J g J NEVEH UHD33ESOLD ! B pp fV r Quality Conaldarod. rj tj ' g r trujut exuLiii Bacmn rtfifrrurrr.rnv lr DAVID JAMES & CO. ;" Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters TNI ' OUAliMHM XXV wf riumli'nj JlaUrlal, J'ampi, 1'ipe and Fittingi, Steam Jlcalinj Sui'pliti, Tin and Iron Hoofing, Qalian- "C iud Iron Cornice, Guttering, Etc. . OAnDCN HOSE AND LAWN 8PniNKLEn3 S No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. ..I - .-- ' i ' i otntCTona. as.nosfr,Msntft n n TtTlor ( rotnssf. )t TsjUr. Amitsnt Ussier, W r. Arnnironr, I Oso. E. Itomatj, Icy o4Trsstusf. Lumber Yard ASteam Planing Mill TAYLOR, R0MNEY, ARMSTRONG CO., 6no Block East of tho U. P. R. R. Depot. Hotel Templeton, ) NOLU OPEN, w -Oornor Rraln nnd South Tomplo Streot.- Tho Only First Class House In tho City. All Modern Improvements S Stem Heating. Rapid Elmtor, Sewer and 4 Sjsltns ot Fire Escapes! nuorizo YOUNG, fnaijajsr. DiRccjons. 5 Dc.trouNo., f( 1 1 TT i 1 n 00.M. CANNON, Vl.ff MIL, Central Mel Co,.:AL:co:Yorr;s,e,'T, . ' CEO. HARDY, (PUOraiBXOIW.)- . ALONZOYOUNO. wno caii loads .tunc jwaiurxn m.imoon miii. i-tiuoit xiina.a mrita. ntux ai iuhtaix i ow i men, t,(jou uoow, oiu, A,n kxamink at HOnENBEN OAnXaQUlBT, Tie OMlw Music Store OF THE CITY niiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.iiiiiiiniiifrnTf CALDEKS llllllllllllllltlllllillllllllTTTnT Solo -cVpent for te'FJnTlSWJSJY. Tho Loadlnu PIANO of tlio World. Solo Agent for IMCA-HOIS A II-AJVXLITV, Tho Loading ORQAN of tho World, 7e iko carry a General Line ol PIA1I0B from $250 upwards, i and ORGANS Iron 870 upward., and OYorylaln elia Unslcal found In a First-class Mu.lo Store. Onr PIANOS and OROANS hiTo been trlod and teited In tain Territory for tno lut TH1RTT TEARS, and tholr reoord U tho beet. Come and purchaao a Rellablo Instrumont and at an Honest Prloo, ON EASY TIME PAYMENT8. 45 and 47 West, First South St. WmixsMm ECLIPSE! I Tlw gtntral venIM U thai the JSetljue Qroctry ami )vtt Com- lamj enrrt tht t try lut gauli lit On lr line to be bumf (Uijh here li t,t city, and tlmt , vtuplal ultl, the amrtcuiu treatment and olAlglng H maniirri of their nU mien, mU tt o? c f lie most attmctlee placet of tnsliietttn total. Il'a furfa our frteniiand the publlo generally It M call and tee lor themtelcee, H JA3. 3AVILLC, rTEFEl B.EMERY, ' I JA3, M. BARLOW, J , yootLEV,